J J i -.1 1 - i . The Wcvs and Advocate. as icwi:il SBaJt't.J .v. it. rno:ivos. MUTOK. VANCIYVII .1.1"- N.C. JH-V l. 1? AW? a - ii:jiocit.t tic .xojum:i:s' Elect Tuesday, Kc 6 h. if 58. r- rai i: CROVI'.K CM.VKINP. r Ntw hit r ' .rswri. Al.LKN G. TIRKMAN. c r 0s :'"- t ALLIANCE NOTES. Here axe rj Al uaccs it this State. The secretary cf the Xauotu! Farm er's, AILiTiCc mjj there are nine lSoj nJ s:i h-nLc! ar.! twenry-nl.-.e i-b-A".ar.ccs orgir.:c i in fj":r m Sutes. There arc th'rr-lwo r.I-A!.'iar.crs ir. Icn !cr count). Tic NatknaJ A'.ccc ; II meet in .'!cr; hia 51 us. The Vr.r J;; Firmer says the jrcj-is.u n to oUL!:h a Uuiirvcss Agci.fr, ha been rc5rwlc J tojrorrij ly arvl htcral.V thr jr-hut the State. Ic;u:y Oranlcr, W. J. liutlcr, cr far.lffj i j Alliancct in C!evt!anj fount) during the rvoaih cf June, with ji6 mcmlcrs. Ntw Ifo;c AIIur.cc has 13 ferjje rnerultrs. All the Al'tancct in the count have fern lie members, we Ix ?ve, ctccj t Varices vi!!e. I UK t.LIXrrK-STrr r huct. 1 1 tt m. wa: t. c4f Ne IIf.-jtf. 1 ir tat k v ttt mifi.'-f" ';'. .safr 77. .f An Aliittnrr ltHrcfiounr. A cor: c?; or. lent from Koxloro, N. C. write t3 the Vrfj$tc Farmer x fiII j: "I war.t to say a worJ i!-tt tnc 4iltriuvrr,i.'n Ifn't there some:!.:.-.' wrong some where? They keep a crfs cfager.ts traveling through the ffU.-.try to !rutn" as to the ware hvj.se. ani l ray thcrn almost as much for r.c lij'uh's service as c can af ford to jay a farm hand for twelve mo.-.ths. How can they a:TorJ it? Thty arJ i: ly charir.- uz outrage ou f.iiccs fjr selling ou: tobacco. I think any nun who has sense enough to rr.ake to!.cco ought t be able to f.u'I a itui'm-I without the a:J cf these agents. K I x? let us !rrj the ilrum- rr.er anl the arnt Ly ha in an Alii ar.ee warehouse, whith will protect us aa.r.s: exorbitant charges. (Jitrmtivtim am! A twicer J. T. B 1 a fvn tittle tonveonber - j i.ip imJie Krmr" Atlij&.e w!io u a Cner If ) :.j are in fio cf rtrcrc hmcr.t ! 1 loc jnt, cirplcy niL-ijcnti . ha no untl rekjem. jcu car.no: tc f r any ! f'm- cJ a towo cf toa ir.hati- haniki. c;. hjwi.i:, cl Wik.. t tiftriavf fitii v !, THOMAS M llol.T, f Al3lt.it. i a a.itiwi ih 1 tr fci: Ccu JAMI T. MORIJH1MI, fa iu'i' : JOijKI'H IHHiSOS. ef Srry. In the Presidential election of 1S7 there were eig! Sutes which voted the I km jcratic ti.et ; in tjO there w ere crenteen Democratic Sutes; ;n 1SS0 there were nineteen Democratic States, anl in 1 S3 4 there were twenty. In iS;a there were thirty States voting the Republican ticket, or rejected cr sto!en; in 1S76 there were twenty one thus cateoried; in iS&d there were nineteen, and in iS3a eighteen. This is the march of destiny. The pcoj le have been gradually, tut as steadily as the hand of Fate, regain in,; their gra-p upon the Government and striking o.T the shackles to the par ty cf rings and monopolies, and con spiracies cf all imigihable kindaiinst the race. diznity and welfare of the Nation. WhatwiUbe the profcrt:on in iSSS? Courier-fcurru. "Emmensite" is the name of a new explosive discovered. A shell weigh ing C0 pounds was thrown by a half ounce of emmensite twice as high into the air as by the same quantity of dyna mite or one and one-haif ounces of gun powder. Various other experiments were made, all showing the superior power of the new explosive. It is thought by many that the Mills bill will be put through the House in a few days. That is right. Let the Democrats in the House show the peo ple that they man what they say and if they do no more let them pass the tobacco tax repeal and when it goes to the Senate and it refuses to concur then the responsibility will be shiited tj the Republicans. SAVERS & SGOVILL xJLJL GEO, Oe Yanceyville. HIGH GRADE, LOW PRICES. WE MANUFACTURE. HEARSES, CARRIAGES. PHAETONS AND BUGGIES. Pxieec and C&talognef sent on application. SPECIAL ladaceneets to large Bayers. 8AYERS & SCOVILL, CINCINNATI. OHIO. WILSON & CO 9 IUb BEST PIAIIOS and ORGANS IN THE WORLD Wc hare jaft oend. a stock of STAPLE GOODS. AND GKO CERIES at the above well-known stand, and would be. pleased to have our friends call on us when they come to Yanceyville. We shall at all times have a full and feesii stock and will make onr prices as Low ;!.cr than Oeve'ar.J ar. 1 Th-trnua. Kq abbcans 1 el use cheap clothes 13 the xuked, but they wast free whis key tcr the sec The ciiircsj cf Duxhaca will invite Judge Thunnan to tit Durham upon the occasion cf the grand Exposition. What has the American wcrkingman to sctl? His labor, and labor comes n without paying a ux cf any kind. What does the American wcrkingman tuy? TaieJ clothing, taxed tools, tlxrl umixx for his house, taxed stocs f ' h kitchen. t.. i the way the t-trvf prcteets labor. IV l Ingenoll in his speech belorc tie Chicago convenuoa could not use Imguage strong enough to express his rcnterr.it for agricultural labor. The kevr-cte cf his atUbess was the declara tuan : "The labor that raises raw mate rials it ignorant labcr." That means the farmers who raise tobacco and cotton. We are in favor, under all circum sur.crs, and at all times, the nearest practical approach t ab-vlute and uni versal free trade. That principle un derlies ju5t c-mr.crcet and woutd se- ir liber s fuHot natural rtht cf scll- "rg its products at t!.- h:glc.t rates and j'i'f r.rc;-.ii irpj'ct at l. e lowest I kcs which ti e woe :: natural maxk it, af.i;dk The prctcttac ro!ky in x y 1 lusc, ar.J under every r ood;ticn- i r.n- in pic and u ijuit in re--!t--it is the tap root of o cry form Hf monopoly. The svrr; ithy cf the KepuLhcan I ty h laic iv hcmn by the action "i its cenventior;, and the utterances of t craters Tl.r Kep-I ' a: 'u:.-riu refuses to j- llir.y p.:t.. i tf the Ui cn wool .rj w -cens. ir n ar. c the hcusc r.:!rcecssit:et.lu: tccase cfiu S)m ;; w.ih ccn tr.ccmfr.f lr the c!r- x: on the-hcrr.c it pjpeses to re i...nr the tax frcr.i whiley. The nomination cf Harri. n wa es pct'ullycl noxious to American lal r- j i:x Fourteen tines he -MeA a-iintil a t"II to rctrict Chlncce inuiiigratiic llarnjon an ! free wh:krr; Harriica and free Cheese i t n. Un'? Aaier lie it rot el-lle. I a leiiLcr wlo ituUi aUic schools is l&ccoaalry. ao4 bo other than public school. rtultt io a tow a of 2 inhabitants, eligible? Aaiwcr Yes, if he hat no occapitioa la the towa. It the aarwer ialatt iuae of the Troejeta- irt t traer appltcabl to a mechanic living ia a town of soo inhabitants? Acjwtr A town is a town it matt tpply to alt. What is the conm to pursue when an in- c.itl person is already a member, and whit wo!l bt the continence if an incli r;iLIe member were retained ia the Lodge? Answer Give aa ieclisible member a wi:hbrawal card, stating the reasons of his iacUiMtity. A sab-AHUcce retaining aa iachgiblt member violates our Constilatioa. What is the doty of the standing commit tee. and what is the committee called that hate toloekaiier the secretary and treasurers Antwer Tor etecative committee, see Art. a. See. aj. ot the Consutaion. F01 committee on good ot the order, tee Art. 7. A. J. S. Where a prominent farmer has merchants Ikcnse and is trading with the general pablic. and speaks favorable of the Alliance, are his children between the age of 16 and at chgible to membership ia the Al liance? Answer No. r. F. 7.. Does tV.e eaecstite committee ia its circular of Jor.e a"h, aik for the con. tr.bution of five dollars from each member far the establishment r f a 1 u!:nti agency, at a voluntary contttl uticn, or .n asiess. twent. Antwer A v vla-tary crr.tiilat.i,n. Will t!ci who ?? hereafter to iaitia. ted t- it-, st 1 to j ?y a Me an.cunr? Ar.ttx Not if a iuiLier.! sum it rai.cd. 1 If it it rt la'.cry uje a'.l to ccnml u' Sve d-4!art, wLat it to b dwr.c when a rr.crr. !er is too (-oor la do k ? J. S. DOAK, M. D., YANCEWILLE, N.C. m Offers his professional services to the cttl ensof Yanceyville and surrounding country OfHce over Florance, 1 larrclaon & Co's store A. E. ilENDEKSOX, .tlomcy-al-Xaw , YANCEYVILLE, N. C. P. B. JOHNSTOM, Wentworth, N.C TfLirS pOHNSTON, , . Yanceyville, N. C. JOHNSTON & JOHNSTON, Attorneys at Law, YANCEYVILLE. N. C. Trompt attention given to business en trusted to them. CS.PAtKEt. J. C. riNMX, jr. Graham, N. C. YanceyrUle. N. C, TARKER & TINNIX, Attorneys at Law, YANCEYVILLE, N. C. Trompt and personal attentioa given to all business entrusted to tnem Office over Florance. Ilarrtlson & Co's store. DrJllrflle Ientist. ANDERSON'S STORE, N. C. Will practice in Caswell county, N. C. and adjoining counties Calls by mail and oux crwise promptly attended to. J. C. Corbett & Bro., Watchmakers Jewelers, CORDETTS, N.C. vVATCHES. CLOCKS, SPECTA CLES. JEWELRY, GUNS, PIS TOLS AND SEWING MA CHINES Carefully repaired and warranted. Dr. H. A. Joyner, Surgeon Dentist, Hlackwci.lv. N. C. RepectfulJr oflrrs hit service to the ctti- j ens of Casvtc'.l ar.d ad;oinii g counties, in ocry 'lepartmcnt uf Der.tutry. pive , f trpt attention t calli ty mail. Charges n Hterf.r. Aif It i rot evrapul.y cn s-y t It a maa hott wealthy, hat an ir.,. r:c EXHAUSTED VITALITY tftf-'.cieat t. sapp'y all hit w ir.tt, ail dct t iuk :. sex or LIi E. tb swn fellow any tattnes's. eliclle t m-iuHtr- tr- i Wk ,4 ttm s!-;p ia car o Jet Antwer-No o ui cr 10 ca rr r r 1 f,'5rf-- tCti .1. jr -rr X GEO. O. WILSON & CO. I & ML JTWA9MINOTON. WARREN C wM3 loor-nos TBia ram. I harpolUTrcin4f r rlbe above dlse;blu a thomaiut ea( tUm worn kind and or long usjtnr b t-racard. lnui.Mniiii icTiaiin la la(ffa-T.t!it I wl I id TWO UoTTLld PH1I, k.-rtCrr w'.ik Val.CABI.l TB ATIeS u tLl dlMiM 6.T. a-aUU.UtrarlSt..Tork. Would not enable vou to get Goods here, much cheaper than Vaughn is now selling them , Doa't Believe anj'thing you may hear to the contrary but COME RIGHT ON and I see for yourself. He is now recieving his FALL STOCK which con sists of STA1 LE UOOJJb such as i v Domestics, Plaids-, Manuel Pant Gccdss Calicos and Notions, CURIS WH8 ALL UM i AJLS. Ul Beet Coogh 8rup. Tasteagood. rjae K I in Um. foll lrclni-tnw. CI I believe Piso's Cure for Conaumptlon Raved mr life. A. II. Dowkll, Editor Enquirer, Eden ton, N. C, April 23, 1887. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, TINWARE, and he would not have you forget that his house is still Headqiiartcrs for firo iMM Gooc PISO The best Couph Medi cine is Piso's Ctxrk for Cokscmptiox. Children take it without objection. By all druggists. 25c EVERYTHING in the Grocery line and a! full stock of 3 z CURES WHERE ALL ELSE f AILS. liCtt (Jou(rH Hyrup. Ttstt good. 10 llmo. H01.1 pyarogglntA. UM LI 1 always on hand, also CIGARS, TOBACCO AND SNUFF of the best brands. J5-'Come to see me and it will not take-3'ou long to find out J that you can save money by trading with jine. - J. W. VAUGHN. CO.- 1 v has revolutionized the world daring the last half century. Not least among the wonders of inventive progress ts a method and sys tem ot work that can be performed all over 1 the country without separating the worker I froai their homes. Fay liberal; any one can do the work; either sex, young or old; no special at ility required. Capital not needed you are started free. Cut this out and re turn to us and we will send you free, some- hing of great value and irrjortanc- to V'jir that will start you in business, which will bring you in more money right aw.iy tlian anything else in the world. Grand outfit free. Address TaVE & Co. Augusta, Maine. THE OEST THINC OUT FRUIT AND VEGETABLE.1 Mannfactnre THE1 Vehicle ibr the " FARC3EB8' & AHS 0ISL1. The most Stylish. Best finished and Most dnrftblo priced VEHICLES ever offered in America. ' ' ena lor luu illustrated Catalogue, 57s 59 and 01 Elm Street. c CINCINNATI," Ohio; j I tyj ski l liair. tmaure ( !;:-. f .T'r- S'outft. au J C, A. 1;. Ilai a-y SuSoi 1 na.? A'lun-, u. r--n. ? us the rt t pfe:n: a v...t;;j ! ry.!.cr in stanj. l.on v ttifton aa s;;-"ica:. v.' Arian - r.-iu Lit tj u -:. S!. M a fctx". cr U hel I in t ; who tanie tie C S saai ' Aatwr Ifhecwmes w;l..r. S:c. I. At:. IV vt 1 cc:i:utJo. tk, tii t'lU hi T-I.:a-u-.Jl axmpi- tr to all jntJn ' at t tr : ! w t a rj. . C- ;l t-r. Ttu O..W aaU I J.UM y!alarJ! l Ui aatbi bj Uk 5- ' u t.aj -u; .r.. aawrvM P. o. boa 1 sc, 1. o -.. Krt..f il raRzzs. tj. J batrf UrrJ JicXiHW jr. r' prmrtlca ti rvu..t. 1 r..T t- . -.It.-! ooajatlall7. 77trm.Moft icrclaiut. Here a what Cc C:J Kw;ia;has . say cf the hea l of hj ticket : .Vow, ray trier.d, when I jrciV cf K. It !. At the Ut met!is2 &f oui Coaety Alta xe the fcmt nem! r c I cut tabrd.aate A!itcts er net a!Ir! rerft rmtatidn. that u we were rn!y a.Ird ere delegate foe eery ten nsa!e a.crr. was Answer Male aed feoale mes:Lrs are ccaateJ. ta ballclcg f.ir new rflsrer !: (."carry' AU.aace. row t at -:e fr. a. Sabctw.-1 ca'e AlLawc cie Mfe! "to re. At , At al! lk nrir'n tvf V. f.. i ' f.rtncr Ccvcord I d cct rrii of tFaiag itsitaad aU ; -i :rir ?r ta rr.c. i:r::i ju:rr ne was ina-j-m's! Pf . I r.nrr saw him !rrt cf the Vtlzrxl Satn. I hare ctn I Iri rr.ir.r tx:o s'-.cr. u'ked wi h htm tiudw cctuulicd with him much. And, .iltlict-vh 1 lue ret $:ca him for n -r.thi ra:t. I kr.ow that man I th , I I th;r.i I know hira wtH; nJ if .here it a Irate, heno tr -hi, txcra- ;- rt CrsTerCIet eland is such 1 V tn. exia. ccs si: tees raiiiicv 10 m o;t on any ana a.. jsei!ions CJttir-i ap Wfare Coa:y A!lun;e. Arr See Art. t. 3 In-legates. iao!j; a&! prvial cao--a..:ters c;fr-e the Coe:y Alhaa; aad each Lie a rht to vote. Ocer act dclega'.et! cannot vct ia a Coaaty Atliance. Are NevrtaTe of s aV V!!ar.;es c diwi Jer c4 aacwiln of. asxi allowed o v o'e ia cca Cf AHace meetirv' Liver Complaint Is Ci-rr urf',f sn l j-d!'.y cun-d by tiie uc .! Ar' Sirj arilla, than by any tL:r r.iij"l. I a crest u-reT r-ta lirr tr-j'.., aal Dover fuui any th.o; tl.at rate &c penaaost rcU.f uatH I t-.;in tai Ayer4 Samsaxilla, aiK,ut 't j esr a - . A JVw 1-tLos f this cc-.!-i ir.o 1 p-Ijc. J a ra.I i.aJ cure. Wra. K. Talr. lii W. r.rookuac ft.. Doton, Masa, A Remarkable Cure. Aycr'a Mrsaparilia hi rarol m of as tJ a rac if A cf t Uvt r as any Luroaxi Uioc cui t-o afn toj wi:h an J llc. I ii ci ufned t tlitf bu. f.-r two years, aad. for tte Ut ttre months of thai time, was unl to leave ray bl. I'our jh;ticiajii trratcl m wtiLxit (tiv rv..r. an 1, la fft. uoiblnc LIpU ry, ua:.l 1 trtrvl Ayr'a 5ari vnlLa, Af-.r u: a quarter of a bou; cf li iavli. e:n- I baa to lcl N.tr, and every I .'TrrlPt yr. tj t ru-m to etfc-r as-l ru:i fr--!t t. 1 t-cta!a, tnl Karxtt rardefitrra to Ujrxr X prcC&cta to nurtet. AO A BERRY CRATE Itlamrt-letn trsfaa to kol4 twiy-fotir"aj:4 thtrtr-iT ;crt birta rtettvrl, with Llc.-wl rovt-e aod rack tc livp f ?va fjaahrta arvted. and bca' orea tlow I roc clrciuatioa or Lr, x Iruit la t ilU to Jaey. f c-f ht tcarlaJ, ara Kibt. dcraM.-, a&4 nrts,r to baakru, or aay uor crate vxaCi. SEKO FCR CinCULARANO PRICE LIST. L.P.ROGERS, WARREN. PA. i Yon ivaiit to Knv .z om uLi uru uui, Jiour Mill. Watrr WhrrJ WE CAN SAVK YOU MQj;y " Kind; to, Now :s the time to buy. Let us bear from you A. A. DeLOACII ,V BRO., GRANITE 1 1 ROW WARE. IF YOU WflHT TO KNOW jr a&rt ti ar..ta trl ad rt enrtoc. am.-, a. f ' .-m- 't u t-rft tJt jct itvw wjwC ! JiJC ItVunMajrrinda bes.U aaJ trrcrta. 1 uk 1 iLrt botLc. uJata Dvw a-J-.c u atux. I to tav t-uixK-s. I wait to town cb tail tl.ur.t and return, vrnhout dlirutv. Ayer $ara. ar..la L arcccpLf all tlla for cie. W. S. allficr, Caxwa CUy, iLkh. , Oyer's Sarsaparilla, i-jTf. )r'',v-tr-T".iri if US) a mmw vaal . r a a Bend rax crsTa (r a iB:iarif vita4viV. K Pae. Laur ! Un rlia 1 ' Brwy iiraaira44 at. 6 leal , - fWtat"a3a Iecirir. EZ nnnoiLurc iiaki.-vg. Va l HOILIXC, PHESEUVl.-fU, LIGHT; IIAtaoaxc, IO WHOLISOJJE. IitaiBLC. The nest TVare ilado for tlio Kitchen. Manufactured only by th St.LouisStampingCo.StLouis F or Sale by all Stove, Hardware and Iiouae Furnishing Iealer. JS mSJl7 a SaeJ-r aaocab- t. car. t ' "VT" spor a4 mitwu: JfT Ttr tu uoca cru. . Ktrray mil fma. m L nu Su, 3. 1, Cook Book end Prica Uat Fra. o ApptlcaUow. & ftur to Harmon IMi p... uo" - w oDVCRTlSEnS - t:-.- l' RV- JONES .4 irn ! -I::..-.'.." . 5.. Florance. n & Co' 0 Good Style? -'aT ; ! rex a3 . Harrefsd Goods 1 Aatcr.Srcretanes J sab-AlLaaes are mat amkn of C4ty AH.aace S. B. ALUAVfu, rm"l N. C. raxmcn' Allaece. e M CC." rrf it oa f m 4-lord STiiqnis. 4i Uala Lai e avaxo tta Ctioca. 7W (