J. . .... .. I . . f 1 "a" WW V a W T "W - m v . . aa. .". "W "a a mm -w -a -a w -. . . m-m-m -w YANCEY VI LLE, X. C, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12. 18S8. NO. 11. lu u (iff! iff? r Vol.. I . f.ltiir. , -( Is- -e tiw fr n . l-.tiar i . ki -t if hii f "... '-. f r. . .1 ir. f f er. ; f? . ! '. , -1 t ... t.-n- - ray tt i . (?'.r .- f- I ! ffJ ; - t V it r nmrM. j ;. f tn tf J t: t - Ti lf If day A SOLITARY PASSENGER TVt, lr trm WLite Ptik tUV: f ltfmfjr ft!;!.!. Il t.t r Ut ei". c f k I - t tf j t t-it lo. i;Ll it i t ( n : ut lcLia4 il u'iI fin j t ; ; t - jh r j r I - r !! rerlj .." E" m I t!if !". f f fi -fin "! a r ." 1 . e t I'.t wr 1 "T.ckft ! i t. vlf rifrt '! I'.w. t Ml is.rtllic 1'f j for taiwrr to hi qrjtia.-t. 'Ther art e peUtt kerc Tbr bo holtl setrti tba tb I'.3 l!rr fonr tail awj Th ,vat I (Jt t .ia i at Lom tj tick bc. as 1 I am th) tslrh cpratcr.. "C.a jm U',1 ta p!all tha to!i Urj fktiatrt -IraI caa get aiLl' IcJjia aa 1 ometbia- toestt :J crleJ. "Tba EaUbaaa b wt aia oat her Luat tufflo a a.' J Vlow up tba Use of tbs Via tirttt Hut jcu Lara a!i-btal tt tba nron ttioa;jeu abcuM bar; ttcprel at CIiILnREXS COLllHX. Sf f kto Y r1t. A littl Loj. with crtloi banJ, 1 JWB And m-rrily b Uajbed. 'tb! oh! Kre-" . I'r mcT4 tt wocUitb tor small blow V -Ibeani tba coaJuctor btw! out I n . ,,,(1um,n oaetbla-about r.Iaa of oa sort or And ln ihf ii.xim k-ngthnmS ran. Btbr," stiJ lb jouax Ilritoa. Il U ix Lourt ac i lr ft tb iupfr I w at dcaJ as'eep. aad ditla't atop to titioi. mid I am jut rccoreria from attof milarial frer. Sox! tbr Bait U ioci oaa aroual bsr wbi cou'.J act aataj guU. Tbie i bo oa bero bat mt" an J MmV IUrlow, ioc Via; tbtcaib draw aed JUcrimiaat- aa 1 I acramMed H. S I're mado a mittakr, bari If Dit all ib aim, it's awlullj ocd of you to Her to conduct m to a place of Cbritt aa bt!t.r.M "AnJIbaro mado a tnutako too," Ktrik at tb rool worll blows cf might. And rooT it over toward tbe riRht. Youth' Baonr. pref arii to ttliauitb tbt at rtfltctor I tail Kjsico with agatrv 'ia.t bofor all with 1 a li-lrtr 1 ac &t3 1 r :'f h- c!i.-b:cannt j i i . I'a : ror tl-raf w . ! - tt bin a tl.it. ! u d iriI ef ir t-t ! K'i t; r" . a-j k ' f t!e t t!t l.ta t-l ! t !"; "v '"' -Ml :.! t if. ?:t is-t." It a mierr tbt j3 -f. . . ibrtjt Ua br. i d 1 , h r pr-trl tba l - r, c?sptir it tbt t. I. .1 ;ri b ! it tb t. '.jit .tb t s. (ifil ftctit r y .'i a i r. 't t .wi" if t !. i ! iiwrl tmrraii! to I tst .-;!.' t "I. ;!!.- ft ' V t i ia n il I of frot tt; H Iitfrf ai.ibt v rl I k "1 b pcd I I u aid j bm. I ;bt Ire i bt, and lt!. ot bea br 1. X t t -1"' .'"V Itmptbat j!ot. abor tb at nr bfL. Hat If jou cbooa to go home with rat I data tar rn rsotber id irt rott aoat upfr and a bL Cjrbou tt tbt Brunt to tbia place. Aad toaortow whb a acmtwbat ai atScaat pcoia "jou caa brli aatw caircr. To awful'j obti;et tt jou," tbo Cr8em,rt jura,n UP attcritj. II-ji bow raanj cawri pr wcrW Jo tb YrtrcM coutt upoat Ir co "bjftio-, for raj put. to tbt o d tr.e rosti.ur 1. 3!i J:r!ow t fr rem&laed iaeiora- 11 j rar. M coaii lercd it no pirt ol bcrduljr to eou3tfDrci dppancj like tbl. hht lockrd tbt aUtiia. aad hmj Iba kcj oa i't booked nt:l c'oto witbia th Istlirr! catcracBt utiit wbfro will cu d not Lurl it awaj nor trm di'urb it, brfor abe ati I, rpieilj: "Ti.1 wJ, pl'atc. Tbt lao tcra wi.l libt you ulTI:iatIy if you aro a litt! Cirfu'; o:berwio you will your trait carat ia tbra wat a m?aao wired to V'4 I'joo atatioo a acmo to dttaia a baok robber who waaaai J to bo oa tbo traia. I wat all aloor, Lut I could bare locked btm iato tba ticket cfUco perfectly welb Vo Wcttcra cirls ro prepared for aty eInerJ;Dcy" (with to ma pride). 'But I wat aorry for you, jjU looked as youi aid innocent; aod I determined to cire ecu oao rcoro cbar.ee' "Kr a new career, interruptc 1 tbt ttraarr, with a gut of lau ;btcr. Tba key to tbt puzz'e! I eo it all now. Doo't ycukoow, I wat I elnnin lo tbiak you rauit bs a lunatic. And bow diareeal!y near I csmi to Ixiag locked up, after a'.l! And tbo btnk fellow, whotrcr be i a:cmt to biro got off acot frre. Ileally, now, if crcr a rcaa ba I a grnui to gutr Ji ia anel, yu arooaetbo aided, aa Enicolcl tbo way ioto a pretty littla i;tin roo-n, all ow with re J carpet and curtiint, where a lira of lot turned oa tho opoa ti: 1 tba wty rttbrr ttt?p ail narrow I brarth aad a coiy iu:al wit aprcal oa down tbt l.i'X Voti are perhap una- I the tabic. ilb i't !u!if. -' t "olt hour of If, cborltUy, at 4t f w t. i witf'kaly : : . .ii . th ilr-t'.lx; "''' r brft, I't ,-j icn J i t I,,--,! ta tbattl of "' . at ,, ;-" l be. Aed " - t, t)ini. YIff . -" " r . ' 1 1 t r tr IVtly- 4 rtp r n I -4 .rii J., " ' "niE. !! mr- M i"!:iff l t t. k'm I t-i i, b r-l I. t . I I - f r h'd ? f f. s f - .1 It I SS 1 .fit . Is I tbt . "i ;'. ware tbil a telegram decribit your perioral a-petranc htt jut com 3 ia Irora tbe WUiK-.I'cak o'!icrr A telc-raml Hy jore tho whol? I tir I .ft, thea T lit p'ke tptlcklj; there waa genu ite li:iit asd ill aatitfactiao ci prcted ia erery feature of hit face. Yea, repoade-l tbt t!eraph op erator, lbt wJ.ol thias- I out. Your ay elure i q-ute correct.' 'Ij I U:j yur ardoot but thit t a taailer of aotse imprtaace to ma doe a know il led let youratUP I may dpto 1 oa you? with Ira pliitff emphttti. Y, youray dpend oa n." Tbaak. tw.VljP declwed tb tranter, w.ih fetter. You ae it ntket tt x -ij uripletft to bare tbote lhitt tl-I ltiL I b 'ull imtoe. A bikf fl rtri euel. rinlco wat wjtderia hi ber alrn;e couiptaioo i!d a;ak ac'oory of lb ihia'a." Wat ht uitrr? deal to all a'tim! i i hi lli u;!i'. lb atrano ciinpaaioa. f ii lb n'in'imr, wa cretly roarre!- Iii ; at tbt an 1 li-btaca with wb cb tbit eitr.Mr lisary gill ttepjJ out tbr ub lb ottwJftlta. A yrrfett Amiijo,' be i 1 tv him- a tr:ty o too. Why talkiogf I like tbt roice; it a a regular con t m r t lua k?ep d"''!! ab Ism re d br If a!t k It aft rat tt rr.r,- oteired tbe younj t, alter aeotWr inlctvat of ailenc. t i .-i f t I dint wMch tbecruacblag f their feel Sir Kraet Tiatatlot atept ia tbt aparo cbamU-r thtt nibt, wat ctlle I by atir li-l.t, aod break 'at:d at G oV.ocU tbt neit morning with tbo teleriph oper ator aad her mother, ami afterwirl tc eomaaitd bfr to tbo Hi Tiio k&.tion, j'luo-ia through white mattca of mow drill and a! id lap-, acboobboy fatbion, acroaa the cirror-like aurfact of frozsa brook a. Jlr. I'ettyclorj wa thcro with htt fac j tied up ia a apottod sV.k p cket baadkerrbitf. Thero wero n!ao crcral telerami awaitiai- tbe b.nl of t'tt op erator. On wi from tin cbiif of police at White IVak, alalia rather late, perhaps thtt tbt btak delate itr had at the elcroith hour aad oa thi eery step, to to apeak, of tbt tmia, sur rendered himself to tbt local autboritit. There wit another from CoL C'jp'ey of the 400th Carlry, Inquiring if anything hid bee a htarl at Ih; Tiai sUtioa of Iho miaiag Kiliu baronet who wit orerlut at thi bar race. Ody tbiak' atil 31it Iltrltw.with a littlo ahir.T. . I h 1 1 locked you up ia the ticket oftco all ni ;bt. what w u!d Col. Copl?y bare said!" That, uoJer tbt circutntaac, you had doae no moro than your c matry eiptcte-1 of you retttrne! Sir Jroet. iUt, laay, all thi thing wat awfully flacky of ycu. Jlua IJarlow. Itlon't know of an Kaglidi fcirl tbtt would bare hvl tbe courage t gotbrcu;h with It." Kiaict amile l ft litlK Here ia your train, Fir Krnett aht ai I. flat I htwea't thanked you half A Iralrt Ltk Bsa;. Aa tbe fall apriig time cornea o-, the number of abort clnnta by prairie bird, aya a writer ia the American 3Iagazine, la greatly !ncreacd, ,wbili their pro longation and railatioaa are without number, and aooa it lecoms eri dent to tbe most camil obteitvr that the lore firet are kiadling aid that each mu-. ticiao it atriria? to tha utmost of hi powera toaurjas all rirali anl win the lady lark of hit choice. Oa oao oc caaioo at I lay ia biding near a fcoci', three lark? came .akimming verth. plain. Tbey a'ightcd witbia a few yards of me, aad two of them bunt in to aon:, aomctim:s aiogiag toethir and aoroetimct alternately, lut tht third wat ailcnb When at la.t they ll.w up I noticed that th; silent oae and one of tbe aiacra kept together. I had been witncs to a rcuicd tournameDt and tho rictor had waa hit IriJs. If K nfT K rl? T? T T T Mongolian Betrothal and Matri monial Ceremonies. Tho Celestial Wooer Buys His Wife from Her Father. Two Lrgrad rfih Tkilr I.llr. To whom lb-; wt.r .i r it djurtbe little legend thit lion"t to it will proro iitereati ig. L :ig years ago, bc foro any o.' ut wcie living, a hj u ly star glowed Lrijbtly ia tho 'j. II. -r lac? w s shiaiag with a at ring-, tirilliaat bci uly, lut in ber breast lu r benrt was cp'.d aad desolate, with it co iftaat sigh ing for Ioto and the com pan io &!iip of to:uo warm heart. In the g.c it dark forests tht duiky roJ men's childrcu were at ploy crcry evening, and watch ing their happy moods th? s ar would aigh mere dccj!y and become pjinscd of a greater yearning for lor, so oao ni;ht sbo dropped from the sky and rcited upi a tree to bo more near tho littlo children. They did not notice her, however, Lut con tinued rowiog oa tho ntcr, littlo guns Itg tho. misery of thy loaely watcher. "I will go right to tlu-ra tht itar aaid, f itcouily, aai so sbo fell to tho bat. A ho did so tbe boat shot out into thj ttrram aod tho star fell with a "crash ujoa the wav.s broken into a th mand piecoi. Every wave caught upoo its crest a scintillatiag beam aad each be cams a water lily. At last the star had aH.-ctioa. for who does not love thit perfect fl werl Atlaati Journal. . i" ' i I 'I'll I..-- t - t I. ' f i , f i: . 1 : 1 I r.-ti - ' id ,'" a-v-iiJ . eaoajb. II stood holding both her ni'.r... and tbe rertittent bowing haoda, bit freh Kjglith face all e3cr- ; .1 ft ,va tit. f ti- w.rI w a I llit Iroke tne apeti, net. ?s s-.i.,r w. 4C,. "tb. I i bey put a Crrt deal of reipon.l It it quite unnecestary to aay any There i tbe telegraph. I am waaic l at my pott of duty now. cd by, i?ir Kroett. I with you very p'eataat journey' Sir Kraett Tiaallen weal oa hi way iatoth) Mu, glittering oil of taat perlett wiater inorniar, with the piao treeelo-'klig like DruilacUI ia ermiae robe, aad tht plaiaa e'd theet-d ia leval pearl, aai Kmifo Ihrlow never taw biai more. N" ho dil not ccrai back to wot aai wed h:r, as the hero of at orthodox love tale ahoull bavj dose. Ha could not, Uit; already eaaged to atother yjoaj woman ia Htjlai I. Hit be bI a aujerb hmp?r of game to Mra. Hstlow. ia cre of th ta!graph operator at lli: In tlation; ad at diay aa Ka :lih dianer taWe afterward ht toll the tcry of hit midalgbt a dvea- tar ia th wild t The prcttiett girl you vr tw. by Jovef he reiterat d. ia that earnest way of hi th P!kiet! Joaa of Arc wit eotbiag to her. I dreamed of for wk eiterwaro, who tb wcr'.JL" A goI df l of it it forre-1 tipoa lHn, at I a pood ileal tbey aume ttrraKtvca, n 1 Kan Ire Iltflow, ccm- f Id:y. -I am wi'.ltj'to admit that t-v. w , t I h t4 takea a heavy repoaibi'.ity oa 'j l t'rl I rj.:f t.ai;b I adtrstaad," a-J led r. t h,r Vi. r..r.r. that if I lake vcu hone I - - !' : In, i htl-L'. - 1 f nut, have 1 jc-if r ra.i Tv... i t - 1 f 'c ' : t.;. -wJ i: Iksow what all tbit meaaa,- y ; tUlfl -KVi, cttloa it entirely u.Vtcaa,- , " V f 1 1 ,?lf ' 1 ! "i, te!y. -Va know t .. J 4 :1r per'eetlr wed wbat I miaa. I have V u r "", civet yja a cbasce for ffeedora; for d lUJbj it b r it bt i. ,tiJ better, farae aai character. it r t t? 9 t 1 it tit Jv t. it thit tbit cbaace doe not paaa usiinpfeved. "Sltir Buttered tb atraager to biea:f; vtry mad! Eatirely a hope leta I abould aav. I wonder if tHr raa! y wat a telegram, or If that it I y lt4e. ' t COTi- ".4 MScf an,:, U.tr-a k i rife. i: a f-s itfia.al ettr . l a taw, taj'l rtrat bera , . t.tl ' I "! t - 'H , i ' afrail .;t .t'"'f'o2oy,.t-ifc ur ,3s-hre bre- a . Uttth r. ;4r'?;-ri had w U to'X Kal ... mm Vr-w 'Vs."! "i-, t.w w.t.bt rAcre!y rart of her Iraia ditorderl woaJer if I'd better keep oa with her, body kaowwbither, or cu. aad rua for It, :ow aterm aad allf "Yea have b.ly alwcoed-1 wirh your eaploycrt" raoeey, aaid Eaiee, with tb friiag ateraaett of Mta'iatd jittiee; ia oi hr words, yoa ar a baak d-falcatoc.' ,Oh, cms, bow; woa't yea fire fellow achate! uttered Kr crapa la. -Aa the school books eay Stria, t ttl har rT.ab"dya Boaey bnt ray cw a, aad bob too much of that. I deVt kaow aaythlag about your baaka Br their dafakater. Tve Ub oaly two weeks ia ycareooatry aad I thiak its lb saowiast clitat ClC 3fy saa is lttt Ttasalloa, aai X wat tt haw Ua anetat tbe atatiea by Cot Cply of tht 4ta CvaJry." r-iaiee llarlew gav a little ahriak el -tax at. ftr Eraeat TUaallooI her wiagitg -taatera aad thaie gr?at gray . i t V. nr-ltr lilt! yet oi ncn, i . speeches about tornitg over a ow iC-4 that aht mad t me. Ye I did; aad pra not asha-aed to owa it. evr be fore L Jy Tiasslloa her. h Kate I Aad th EtjU'h Uade lau;hU goX ta.a - a homerodly, and obaervea ton ;i near Sr Ersett tlk. the Ameticat cit.m rau.t be fult fltdet heroiara Sae wa; I caa reach for that, aai J Sir EraesU lllap ' IUxm. A Tflttwattalra ! la ta Teat. In C'j.orado and some other western states there is an sniinal called the mouotaia lion. Notwithstanding thit nam, ho it really tlo ft u ;ir, tome timet cl!e t p imi or paaihcr. Thcrj i no moro crafty or aava;e beast ia tho Uuitcd States, aad althjuh ht rarely ait iocs m:o, except wuen wounuea or very hungry, be destroys mtny sheep and other domestic aoimalt. He prowls alout humaa dwellings, and climbi to he roofs of cabins aad small homes ia hit efforts to get at tbt fool inside, of which the smell attracts him. Two prospectors ia Colorado killed adeerontday, aod carris t tht care as i iato their teat, where they hang it oa tht ridge pole. They thought tht vea-i-oo wou'd be safe th?re. as tbey teared no enemies larger thaa flies " aad birds. Oj goiag to work, tbe men drew down tht lent curtain, aad titi them cloic. AlMut two hours later a mouotaia lioo came along, and. amclli-g venison, prcc.clcl to ex miio the tent. It dil not take Ida long to discover that no body was at home aad to crawl iota the teat. He bit a sample cut of the deer, aad fiadiag it good. dsciJel to take the whole pl-cr It did not come . down eai!y, ao M-. Lion sprang up aad grabbed it. Hit whol a wcljbt thut ddel to thtt of the deer meat was too much for the ri Jg po!e. and it broke ia two. Tht tent collapsed entirely. aad the Hot wa ludsd in ciava. Of course h; thought brrat.lf caught in a trap, acd begaa layiag about him ia every dinrtioa with both tcclh aad nai!a Ti.it aalmated actioa aooa re duced tb tent to tatter, end the lian crawled cut ef th wrrck acd ran away takiag the veniioi aIoa. That after BOa two of thi aari-tt met you ca-i imaia atood lookiag at the raia.d teat, aad woa4eritg if there hal beea aa earthquake. Their veaitoa wa goae, their outGt acatfere! ovr tbe ;rouai, and th:ir teat ia ribbons. Wh o ;bej killed another dar thry I uag itia a cav. aad cl-xel -up tht cava mouth with rockV Iltrper'a Yoaag Peop!. The iaitancs of marriago ia China where the brido bringa her huibaod i dot, are cot ao frequent as formerly Almost always the wooer in reality buy his wife from her fathar. Ia adJilioa to tbia tho parent of the girl receive from those of her itfiinced moro or lea valuable presents of rice, wino or silk. Children are often betrothed at a very early age. Sometimes fiiends azrec even before tho birth ot children that In case thry aro of different sexes that on reaching tho proper age they shall be mirrieL Such agreements are relig iously regarded. Ia general betrothal negotiations ere conducted by a third person, not be longing to cither of the families con cerned. Tho aamo custom is found rraong the Jews in many G.-rman cities. The mntrimoiil agent takes a ca.d to the family of the intended bride, giv ing tbe namo and ago of tht young man. If willing to consider the implied proposal the father sends back a similar card with the name and ago of the cirl on it. Then the negotiations begin in earnest, and are prolonged over threj day usually; matters are conductod with great ceremony. If tbo afTtir is formal y agreed upon the actual be trothal follows. This is as binding as marriago itself. Tue day before the wedding the mai de i clothes herself as a brido and ex hibits her trosseau before hor female frionds and relatives. Persons in mourn in g aro thut out from this ceremony. When the marriage day arrives tho young man clothe himself a elegantly as hi means will permit. Tho family assemblot with him around tht house hold altar. He kneels down and throwj m m . ' - - mmscii unoa tno earth. Spicos aro burned lefore the ancestral tablets. Tho marriage it formally announced to thoso present. The master of ceremon ies conducts tho father to a special seat of honor and hands a gob let of wino to the bride groom. Tha young mai bows him self four timet before his father, pours out a few drops of wino on the iloor as libatioo. acd driaks tho rcmaiader. Then tho father says. "O?. rriv son Mean whiL- ia o ic room o' the boiie thefathvrf ih-yu gm cdiasnith i fri nd, and it ullxr fhs mo'-br- with the Urade j ne t. TI.c coa j remain a day and a i i ht. Ihirtug the who'c litre c ndU rs k. t bu-oiig it tho bridal cbinib r, aid it it aa ill omen if any cf these arc t x itni, h d. forehadowtng thi ear v d atb f the foil on in V , 5? biide or brilegrocm., .O . tbe day the pair go iato hi mco 4 coutt of h hwue, where they irc rcceiv 1 by the parenia of thti groom. Tlie co'Jpie rect them, thrt-wing themte"vct upoa the ground The yfiin; mia witbdr4W, and the wife make alt ortt of !iUc i reseats to 'her bubaai '-par tut. During the next few d-j tba wife cilli upon all her hu-lands r.lative, aed he pay the aami cmrtcsyto hers. With this the ceremoaics arc at at end. I Timei-Democrat. A riiltgniatie Enlislihiart. In one if thow.tr oa tlu continent of Eurcp in the last century, ia which E igtand aad Span were aUtt I, (t jorgo Haz.ewood, an Eiglih- aolltjr, wit taken pri oner by tha ' Dj'ch, it com pany with twenty-three Spaniards. Princo Maurice, who wat ia command of the Dutch, orlcrc l that rijht of tht prboncrs should bo put to death ia io. t&liation for a liko sonto icj ptsJ upoa eight Dutch soldier not Ion-; befor. It was ord.red that it shcull bt de cided by lot upoa which of the prison ers tho death penalty shoul I fa'.L Wu?n the Eagddirua.a's tura cam-, ho drew a ot which loll him that hit lifj was parod. He said nothing lut atood by to aa tht reat of tho Urea 1 'u ordeal. csently, two or thrco fatal lott hav ing been drawn, a Spaniard atepped out to put hit hand into tho helmet and howed a great roluctanco to do ao II j drew back oacoortwics and aeemed to Lc under a great mental alrain. "Aro you afraid?' atkud aa t flUcr. sail tho 'Spaniard, 'butyl fear wrong to make my owa ban 1 tht instru ment of my own doath. I cin dit will ingly, but I fear the guilt of a suieid-' Ororge Ilazlewood, tho Eigliihmin, hero stopped forward. "Hivo you any money?' ht asked the Spaniard. Yc," said tho latter, ! hive twelvo crown." 'Very good," en id II.zlcwool "if you Mill give it to m I will stand tho chanca ia your, pluca.'' fIIc it a fool or a madmar,' aaid the Hirer in com mand; 'he does not descrvj the lifo ho has so provi Jcntially obtaiao I. Lit him take the chanco in tho othcr'a place." IImzIcwooI rtut bit hand into tho holmct No," r M it Itoll II Dona. Whtirer you bar to aay, ray frj-wd, VTbrtbtr wtuy, " grave, or py Omln as much aa vervow ran. Ami nay la tb irdiVt way: And bfiW ydo writ oa mral afTaJra, Or rrtK-ulr tbiop ta town, Jut a word of kindly ad vkv, my friend . ItoQ It down. Fcr if you yo aplattertng over a ps When a evopl of liiK wouWI do, Ytr t utter U aprid K'roueb, you t That the bread locks plainly thresh. So when you bate a ory to tell, . AifluuUI bk a little rwown, To mkfr quit sure of your wth,my friend lvil it down. Vlrn wrilins an artklo for tbprr. Whether proa or verm iut try Tw t let jtmr trnmt) ut tu fewest wordji. An.1 Jt U be cripand dry; And wIk-h it ia flnUbo, ti you soppo It i ttoti op exactly brown, Ju.t lVk it over one more, and then Ilott it down. 5 Tor tlitra do not bfce to print An or. id Jsaily bwg. And tb general roader dw twt c.ir Kor a I eoupl of yartlf aong. gather your wiu in tb aiiMil i pc. If ycu'd win tte author's crown. And every time that you write, my filud IVjil it down. iSeottUh Frming Wortt UUJtUUUU!i, bring thy wife, and ia all tilings con- and agaia drew himself safe. 'After rtllA I li V . T f wijtt1 tnt npnrl.ntlv " Tho aoa throws himself four times upon tho ground, says that ho will obey and mount a stool at tho door. Friends and acquaintance march by him with lighted lanterns,, a relic of tho timo when all marriigcs were celebrated at niht. . Tbe procession then prooceds to tho houo of thi bri le, whoro tho groom awuts her at tho gate. On her part tho maiJcn riies early on a aa- . a. a ncr weu iing morninir. batucs wnno a band of musician outailo diccurse alleged muic, clothes bcrclf, break fasts on focd sent by iatended parents- in-law. She only takes a few lite,- i. ?. a nowever, a n it conMicrcu a ' gooo- omou for her to cat abstemiously. I3e you had escaped oner' tba rflicr asked bim, "what made you risi your Hfo again?'' 'Ikcauc," said he, "I thouht I had a bargain. You sec I titk my life every day for sixpence, and hero wat a chance to riik it for twclvtrcrowas. I couldn't let it go by, air I Ilemarkable History of a JUeteorite A largo meteor i to has b.-ca recant ly adJed to the collection of tht Draziliaa National Muscuti which it remarkable for it history no lest tbaa for it siz It has been known for over a century, and is 1781 aa attempt was made to re move it from its location at Indcgo creek to Ilihii. It wa, Jiowev.-r, un successful Lut vcar a railroad wat A hot ballThe sun. It may aouad paradoxlca', but fog never would be rout. To make a long ttory abort Sead it to the editor of a newapap:r. The Trench arj. txcelleat judge o( horsc-fljsh Whoi it's cooked! " 'dt'a a perfect angel of a houte, aaid she. "All wing, I auppoee," aaid he. A birbjr' ichjOp-l it talk cl of la B too. Of courts oa'y little thavors will there. s A amall boy, required fo write a sen tence co itaining tho word "hominy, 'produced the following: Homtoy mar blca have you? ' A : 31 1 Uranigao: Don't you thiak Ur. I) novan has n very acntitira moutht Miis' McIJjrrin (b'mhiag riolently): How should I know? - ' Old boy says that when four wosnca arc walking abreast ot the pavementa they will break ranka for nothiog ex ccpt'.a man "iwitJi a paint pot. ; Cio a younc- man marry comfort-"1 ablo on $300 a year?' aaka a corroipoa- denb Yis, ho can; but ho will bt tftced uncomfortablo afterwards. fore he lakes her place ia the acdan 1 corop'etaJ to witbia 'about ev-aty chair it it her duty, in company with I miles of IJjndego, and at thero wat no her mother, to weep copiously. This prospect of a nearer . approach ia the part of tho ceremony it frequently ob- I near future, the G orapbical Society of aerved even in more civiliz.'d lands. I Itio de Jtneiro took the matter of it re- A loon as the women have seated I mcvd In hand, and attempted to rano tbomtclves in tho palaaq. ia a strango J tho necessary fund to accomplish the c;ne takes place. A member of the work. Uiron G nhy. a wca'.thy mem- familv takea a bed coverlet acd' holds ber of tbo SocLtr. fina!ly offered to it up with two corners folded ia esch haad. Another throws into the air throe hard cakes (which tht briJegrocm has sent for the purpose) so that they fall iato tbo coverlet; dur ing tuis ceremony toe briJo murmurs good withes for the futur-. Tha pro- cescion, including both bride and Iridc- groom aad their attendant, then movea cH, eccompanicd by music aad fire works. Iled capped servants carry along the articles of furniture to b taken from her owa box for tht use of the bri Je. It it an unwritten law that every oce, px,r aad rich alike, mutt remaia ataod- iag while a.weddiog pattea, at it. waa re furnish tbt money. Aa ex-aaval officer namel Carvalho, alii had, hal somt ex- perienct ia traatportiag heavy cansoa over mouotaia roals during tht Pra guayac war, took charge of tht removal. The difilcutties w.ro eaormout; the meteorite wci heJ over sevaa tont, aad not even the facilitie of common rotdt were to ba hal for itt transport. Orer eighty temporary briiges hal to Lo conttructed, and oao' m&uatain chain hid to be crossed, invo.viag: a riie cf &K) feet in 250 After over air month of hard work thn meteorite was gotten to the railroad, takea from thrrt to Ilahia, an! thecce by aea to Itio, whir it was -fitaby depoitJ aafeiy ia tht Far lie r Sake. Wif--Jcha, your hair ii com lag ut at a tarrltd rate. HatUsd-! kaow It 1 ray dear. must do semethlrg for it at aacx Wlf I wish yoa wctvd, Jh, for - a my take. You .kaow Jiew pp- wlj la k. I Epoch. remove one a nal as a luaerai went vj. la Coiaa evea a man. aria matt observe this cuttom, aad if ht mett th poor est wedding traia, evea though hs be oa hor ae back, it it his duty to dis mount aad show this honor to tb young I couple. When they arrive at tht houve of th bridegroom tb young man alights aad iavitet tb bri J to follow hi at aad leada her Iato th ianer court of th hous, where the taaqat is laid. Here th raaidea removea her veil; the couple greet each other and wash their haad a. ft'ettla; Cheaper. ' I he oa the north aai aht oa the acuta Alcmianrn. the silvery metal that j iJa of th court. h x&akr four cently the utiversal cuttom ia Italy to N.tional Ma.um.--Seientific Ameri- ued to catt fJDapouad thirty-fire years acV t aow produced at tlKiu; p cit works at E ra, G-tMxaj, tor tw. nty-fivj cent a pound. Coramen clay everywhere co-ttita from two to tea poaadt f it la ew.iy buadred pouad. aad it b likely, wlthia the at xt decade or two, to become more coamoa lhaa ixoa. courtesies to Lim aad h two to her, aad thea they ait down oa oppoaiie aiJea cf tb taUe. Th rata at and a op aai iavite th xsaJdea to dritk with him aai thea sits dowa; thea ah ri, lavits Lisa tt driak with ber aai take br at. Thea thry drink, firtt out ef aeparaU cap, aad aJtcrwari frco th eaaa glaia, can. A Laxnriaat Scotch Grape Viae. Tht largttt specimta of a growing grape viae ia Great Ilritaia it the black Harcburg tiae of Kistelf, ia Prtbirer Scctlaa J. Tbta viae, planted aoras years ago, bat a rcait stem twesty-two iach ia cirrum?ereace, caroplte'y fill- a g't bout 270 feet lon, aad it atdl growing as rapidly aa ever. It yield th present ytr was 2 51 luachst, of which ely , averaiag two p&ue4 each, w.r altwd to rrature. A sub stantial aubtoil f leaf-mold was ud wbta tb viat wa p atted, bst tb only extra ica'erial . tit dl cow re ceive as it oea ioaet js isa. -taea pi-c-t. This Etaiell vie exceeds ia izt tbt famous black Harabtxr tt Husptoa court, the pri-cipal bracehte c4 which art a' out 1IO feet loa. thm ;h iu tiutk U ibirty-ctghl isbit cirt umfrresce. IrVrm, YUU asd tockmxa. . dlaw does tbe new girl atrikoyout asked a huaband. 'She hat n't struck me yet," answer I the wife meekly. "Hut aho has dono almost everything else." ;" ! Dumptiout youth "I tall you what, grand mother. I'll never marry a girl who i not my inferior." Grandmother ( evercly) Addison, do you want to marry an idiot?" ' What do you publish a paper for, I'd like to know?" sarcastically inquired an irato rolitician, tackliag a couotry editor. "For 2 00 a year, ia aivaoc, responded tho editor, "and you owe ma for four years.' Young ladies are now filling "head al . l ni' Each gentleman it atked for a "shape" of his head as given ly a hat co for mat cur in a hat store, and it i j. as ted into at e!cgeot!yboun 1 afrap book. It Is a new way the girls have of getting a bead of the boys. U 31lter ifallam. .f Theodore F. Hallam, the Covingtoa lawyer, who wat Speaker Cariiala toanel in the Ttoeb cootett, is tha or It roan in tht Halted States who ban an t lTicJal, not to aay legal right to tha tit re of Mister. When Proctor Ijtnott wa: elected geveraor of Kentucky! ho wrtd4 to Hallam that he would Ilko vry much to make bim a member of hit military ataff, with the title of ecloseb Hallam wrot back that ho wat obliged to him but Ihousbt thero were too maty col oat U la Kentucky already; however he wculd lik very mach to bo a Koott'i staff, aad if Kcott ceuli appoint him at a pi a la M la ter be would very gladly accept. By return trail be got bit coranii loa a - "3Iiter" on the gveracrf ttafl, a doc- umeet whicS now hangs Io a h.adaomo frsm oa the wall of hit cfSc. It was JIall'tra,' who, meeting Ju Jg Hogg of Wett Virgiah, rcaolrtd to tak bias dowa yg or two. If bad bit cbtaco wLca H'jg atked bim whether b had ever read "Htllam's Cmmiatarle. Oh, yet," aai! lUlUm, l wiofo tbew. "TbsB you'r tb oriiaat II i'farriP isqulre J Hogg, 'Y 44... H.ilam; f4aad may f ak wbetber yoa ' are lb Tigiaal hegr New York Graphic. Tt Fa a ay. Charli (dTeted'y Sy, Toot, Ir lost my girb ..' .."-.;;'-;.,, .'; Tt N?I How did It happa? C-jariie Aw, I wa altogether too fejasy 1tf faer. To Too futayl That do yea raeav '.- ' '-- Charlie -WrU, you ee, ah was trttj to have a ret do-i i I her a pug r-d te d br I rtd that kiai bo eanr tt -ratcbd br toie r-"rc?ly. Beef LWuc tke a fuasy mat, ;ey bw. WaaUa toa Cruk. ; ' !' I