J Pi tf rX' II 12 I IJ if I. I O i o O I O U R C ll I IS" S TU D Y. u!.. IV. SYANCBYVILLK, X. C, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER-10, 1888. if it t . - NO. J:. FT I - I I f !. . ' . ; r i . . f t , . a t - ". - . f . . . I. ai ... t ' "''! , , . - m-ut f" . . . t . . . ' t p t 41 .. , t.f mm f-t-l " " , , , ... - ." tr4'. t r '14! ri: I:, I , s tii tmf t ; -.., w , , t t .! .! . t , - M ! lea . , V I . l .4 ' I. - a t k C "N , n ti i i . i-f I f ' r , .. n aS i r- j. .'". M. , ; l l f 14 i ( t I m ml , tn. A .'J ARROW ESCAPE. I I t t n i' 1 ! . 4 r ' - t i i v A t z ' . t I. ! hal a"ut t t ! t . Vt!a-t4i" i , ' rt i l t-! ;, at 1 i h f . fr a U --kUf I ef it nl a hr I t Bad tf --.!,- tirifpf I , wa - mt Ui!j tMa-a t , I C n i I T a a c itl.e of ' r I t . ' J i vit up, I t ' r t i a a at IN t t m-il ra lh i ; I ray fay i . r ,. -4 as- ''i i ; tea fatfl f -rh f tt . nd i i Z 'f I ilif. ha'o- arrf. at i I a'!f. 1 ia lh t I. a I at taaiy ' ''a' iy t trrv. Aa 1 v.. . : Ms. I c in'el out !. J tsok a Sott t far '1 i i 1 . f r f i I.. I t al-a - 1 : - n eaftl- wt i k if i - 1 1- a I r I aJ r ii t r . i a - r . ! t ir-t w f i.li;.r me,,!,, t it; t 't iwla. 11 r it ' ' I l al tow t wp- a t-11. h it 1-1 I - p-. as I t i f w!c't t pi, j ! I t 1 eofif I 11 . I ' ri I. I j 1 . t I - t. t.j t;, : I " t !5t I !. . h '. I. tr w !.! j ; t i a-triat at the laE r '''. w J - : " t w ii tt th , ' -i t'at of ..tSi-f. j I tl I c t' , ..,t ? I ? t l j, wr tht ' - fl I W J : 1 t. , J ?t mtitt t -ra: pKyiical di. comfort; yet 1 ' tt it ; ceyJ I i: w-idr what the"Vutcome cf .t i'nn.ujt t'lii! I-, or haw I .hould tilti- "- at ti. ' r-t'teTf rap4. . t lK ' :- t U ta t!. ' ' il ':t t whs K I - a-c S I, S w 3 t . ' -1 litt, a ' I lit(ca. - v i:itatt it t'.i- :r w aa ha - t?-" tt r r - '"f ti: wi, ' l onl catt .' I ! -Us -r-i. !t tr-t r f J. -i.. ,t I t aa Ut - a!rvit u t CW tyt- I f - , J 1 - 11; 1 thee-;- tat tvea et t n.t.ta 1-3 p,;:. c-at-isa el t -I ra tt. fattaaM wc;-- ttv litt! 5 traJ lea te death 1 - .1 - lit. i- 11 4:i. . . ta eat. t4tl?tt thaa :i..r eil ata theca, fee .t . -Jeat aatureof M f .tal tUlllav -,rj A jtt l-t dital ft ! tw throat wtrecy iljwty inft:i Iswtrl d but t thtt;lit tLl I dt let I; 1 jraplcia of D3Mt3 i tL ii ffoat, cl at ok c-tr'i ! J tht I hl lttf, I? a 1 h iil u; to'.r." bi: cr n r. ! kat ibtt I cei!4 act rt(U ttl iciat &aJ t cere 1cllfl lo "tk 'try ii th mtt n, ticll ! lLia I Bf !ui t'.f rni, I Lav !rl TLi lhubt (truck C3, t x, that toru. cr evia to tura a j tk 8ji3 thrn, ntjhl Isclt a J ir this consul, l.tiaj 'iL tcktrJ ii(klf I coil J. t r o rr this to or thr hva lrJ jrJ 1 frat f m, sl I hI rvtrett lack r 1. ha tL forccl of taj -Qriit r)iitker4 tbir f e ito tret, ii;4 fo!lAw! by tho lehia-l. till, troecraeat hal rtocitutS! itittf to thote i f.fth't It tL rtar. I A; i th tr, which 11 ta I ffvJ tt .f ihciii- Lrc Into a flh h: herd akr-l ri'.:o a ff m saint I taw ttt enl- eircU el coavrjnj coUa taw tL !" Lara twp9; th crnt Iik csarcb rrIa l-fr a NtnLr gal. tw th at'lix hilr aal ha fwtUeda.l wtuh ,a::-d up Ufore thBvI ctnyf tip for a dootne-l isa. Tha, aland'jt.lg all further m ertjtt at outioe. I rn-atl aad raa for ray life. Tht rroaa I lhJs I tas trembted uadtr tht trtal of th-ir mttitl feet; aad tht ratift? J thuader of their plia- n; L raia!vt nh the low, 6:ful ll!owa which tiled tht air, souaded !ik ih rear of aa alraariag torat lo. t;aa aad saat were too taueh t carry ia a race whre aa m-.ch wi at ttake. I Ji4ppd thera loth at Itr-1 iawar-L 1 he ctaa w at at Uvtl a a r r; a I I w err it. t.kia? the ttuated lha arrsy Tha .vr thebaak, aad low, at Siiag lar I want; acd ot, aoticia, t ray n;uf, a dctachel nat of reek a. pilI up ia a pyramidal Utm, I ta-e-'l harply, gaiael them. ti i, ctim 'afrli? upwarl. avxJ ta a p'ac ef tafcty. j It wa ealy abut three feet acf ' "Uarer to n, j'l-t then, thta all the I r I acre of far falber'afarm at horn: 1'icr-i t!ii mt "cei-a ef vant '. I I t mirkfd th torisg reob of rattle j come ero lig to Ihs l-fiek of the ar I icti aa-l tie sa tho huadredt ia tha rttr rd frward, I n iht froat i aaka, ty tht dn t u.hcl of! iato the eS-y. trippin. a!ilia-. p!ua;iaj. e after aa!hr. till tha ravine ie-mel l iff f.i:d Willi ttena aad th white l-nt like tsi t frm tht i it of a vat cataract. Ail toua I that Iitt e cratipa which h,jf ,.t ta f tar. tika an eahuted mef iit ttcarcl from a hua'r lea. heat .-I and illrne.I the tens p?- ii-mj bust fealtroui with "A rr I i li r It m in!fT h- r, ...... . . I I V I tf W V V.,.-. . . - II.. tKm. r... tK IrrtVert. Ti ihl of in-, ptfh-l ip thfre, tretrt 1 ta teaddeo them. Th? fcrf mut, ijapl!ed ly the weight t f lh tw ayia thoutaed l tia I, were forccl U4 a;int tha r , wh:! th ta the rear gored ii- u y wi:h their here a thiae ia ffat. I".fy where abcut rae wat a tu Ciu'tiua thraj of c'.ahia hras, tott ii; h-It asd wriihia toliet, teen t f'i ; thrci-h coult of duiL , I u fe tcr the time Uiag, aad ia V- i I iea'y. aleve the dull roar of iiffnc llla it Ihroar. I hard tiiM"ar.f 1t''-ii2 Vtic-t dowa the iarrv. The rw Uf wer comiaI atd ia a few nnutM I.i'tle, I.!" t-.tr i" aa I -Kr not la tiht. r!ia at fu'S tpeed. their I?og cattle whip era-kiig Uke pito-lhst aa they eharr! rv lirr. while they whopj - it tj rtmf !y;lot: II.! liT Vtca! varaf "Who- .1! ' Venice pi-a-a-aT Hr- eah: S.-.eh! ilaag r - f ! thre! II-Hjp-Is.a-a-ar At Ihj ion 1 ef the voit aad the rrtvkts; wM, aad at the il.ht of the c-tf-ia- vt; tro, tht ca!t!e oa the eutiklrtt of th crow litj herd larcaoe paKtr ickea. ttt-aei aa 1 tea rope red up tie arravo. cr cliabe-I the thelvieg t0( talk aal dathe I away acrjit the val ley. The frirht oaa coransuaicaie-l itaell to tht rest; aa I ia a few rcmsta aI thia thro-i -its tnb f ttcck ha t raelted away asd wre ccoriiar ef! ia a.' I dire ttoa acre the plaia fjrmiag what ia kawa ta cattle parlaece a a "blatia tttr. "He sige twiig that raie-d, 1 tie-tc-aded item any little astarai citlel aad loked op tay gua, whirh hal brea fairty tratnplI lata the earth aad hvl bth rocka ber-kea ahoet 2. Sty luich si (ax had fu4 still w.rae; aad. rathfr log.cnoua-y, X taeuatai UhU4 Charlio aal role dowa to tht corrals, 'u:tj rtolral to follow hi airier, al though, aa hajut it, it hal a atroDj f?tor cf aa Irit bull. Fil h: "Iho acxt tise jou t;o oat h-Ktia; hr afoot, jouM Utttr hara a ho ua Jer ye. (YoutL Compaa ioa. Th Africa Ilullrr I'laat Aa EilUb gtotiecaao, whlir l tot orat year ia SiUth Afnca, chilticg with a Niw Vork Tclesrara reporter, aM: "Walt till trala get. lively tatweca thia country asl Africa, aad tba Oraaga coaaly dairy ma will Lava lomctLiag hiiJoi olcnarariae to fijht. Thra a letter plaal tree thro that turea out regular premium lu'Ur. It crowa will la th ccuitry amud tho cqjttor; a twi of the tree when ia leaf look a cot uatikea twi? brokea frona th Fcotth pta, oaly iaatral of tha tuach of oi!ci at tht ea l, a I'tnch of loo oarr jw leavea tprio c-ut. "Tha fruit 11 iiko aa oUtj. Tho kcr att ar driel ia tha iua, an-1 thea Uqi1 ia watr, aad on, of th?m the aa tirei tnakr tuttcr aa firm aad tweet aa af"Rf couatyLutteryoueTenawji itt whil thou-h, no: yellow. It doa't hara to bo aa'.te I aa 1 it m'.l keep fcr a year. "it maiu'actura m abi; iadu-try ia Africa. Ia ladia, too, where 4 IT reat trrck of tha p'aat prow, th Luttcr- rakia i hrgdj carnal oi. Sraa of U 1,9 w ,hr0 M Krowa ia plaat.tion, oa the coatt, others grow on tha raoua lata, aad are 5) feet, or marc, ia Lci:ht. "They tay the luttcr it good fr rhtu matiira aad all aortt of contraction of the rau.lc, and they m it for lamp oil and for aoap. The wood it valuable. a f aad. altorethr. the butter tree ia't a bad thtag to hive arouad. i)3e of the tpeciea, tho jjjh, tort of rtltct thiagi; tt a dairy aad diitillery a!l ia oae; butter it male from tha ed aada:ro3- lotiticatii- liiuar fro-n the Cwcr. Whea Afrirt it f drly 0eae I, there'll bo loti rf ipi?er ll.m l l,nii',l Ia fKi linrtirii m r UhUkert Iinomrd. 'Alt hair to le cut piito short it the rdr iued ly the commaader aad alju'aatof the Second Ilt'.tilia of the Kex Voluateert ia vkw of tba approaching eocampma :t at Co!rhat- ter, aad to far 00 K -x maa wlio hat a epirk of military ardor ia hi u it likely to object; but tha despotic de- creo goes 00 to tay that "whero pot- tble the mustache oaly it to bo worn, aad it wc-ul 1 bo ia vaia to at tempt t a cone! fiat thetj wor it havo tjrcal coatt-rnation ia the vo'uatecr raaktlathtt cotnty. The pitlifyio; ripretiion 'whc3 ponitlo it a littlo vague, hmh it the jr d of man ia hit whiikert that thcro are doulitlcit Kex voluatcert who would regard th cut ting o(I of tha ornamental growth at altolutely impoiLdc; but there caa le littlo juration that tho tviag c'aute rceaat tny that tha mtittch?!ett mctn bert of the corpi will In etcutel fcr . . . . . . j appear M- witn a smoota upp-r lip. la th r wor J, tha whiikert of lh l-at-talioa are a'realy at eol ai c-c. It ita uarioc step, in? tint iioleoa was cevt r to near hii fall at w!in he ooe day decreed a wholesale tacrificc of the pigt- i t of hit Cuiraitieri. We pre- uni- that the commiadcr aad adj itint are prepared t put dowa aby attempt at revolt. They may probably c i it oa the ttmpathy aid tuppott of thj whis- kertett member of tha t-atta'ia. Iad ja N wi. A New Yrk Nabob. William Howc'.l of New' Y jik. at 23 hat woa a fortune asd it ore of the ac knowledged wwrt of Wa'l atrret. fr. UaweU wat a oor tut vry amtiti n loy. lie eatered 1'hillipi Ktcter tcad- eray tome yeart a;. t.r tbe tirt trocth he lived ca 1 certt adty, hit f ckh! lei-g oatmeal ana coromesl, wish the ttu-hfit ktad of leefteak cere a week at a rere treat Ihettrortd mcnth he tucteeded ia getting fairly pood tlay board ia return f:r the car ef a hre. At the ead f thi manth he waa atill batter c (I for he ft ua I b-ard aa l Ich iag for d&iag a'l the o-l I choret arcuid the heme aal thus he tupportcd him telf through Kaeter. At "U he earned hi way I y tutoneg a d writia for paper. At for hi tocial ttdinp,tajt the Philadelphia lim, ititoaiy aec aty t tay iht h- i a member cf the Jiau'.l and lionet ci-ty, th? riht ta wear the ba l;e of which i one cf t!)t mott deiirct haors ia coilece. ll.t we:th tclay It eatimated st tl'. Chlaee lllterical Methods, Chisc? Hi t y 1. diti lad iata t wo rart ae aa aaet airrative of evat aa 1 the rthr 'J what tht V. cp:ror hai aaid or d K'ery iap.rtat puUlic matter t recoe.11 ui-lrr the day oa which it fvcrurre-t. The E tiperorht at utaa tht Iiai'a thara o: tha talkiag. aad there ti ro-a for hi cn ta aay a reatdealia otehutdral e-.J tweatj chaptrrt, tome of th ta v.ry !oag. Tae hltty ii CNmuItl by a perraaaeat ewaminlM o lit-r.ry mia, who a-a rlwajt at wirk upea it. lillLDUE-N-S tOLllX. A Olf mf WJlaal. V rtrw4 mrn a little tai A wt, rarhaotinij pt And ! Strang pUarjr tmal to take Ia faarjin; what wn not. Inn;intioo b-ll ita away. W tVmbt that 'ntath the watora Uj H ho tv-writ rity. grao 1 arvl oi l, Abxit wbi'-h i no try tol L t jr viini tok a ratgbty range-. W tm.tt Itt boue won Imp atran; A lem! rar-l,,witb rntnartt Of ttm rvr m-m aa jrC (ilit'n ni with gernaof aoli l foU; W'm tL ttnwU with a 'Mter boH, Wh hoim returning from the war, Tr j-bi anl arm- cf Tlctory bore. Ve ralI, in fact, a citjr tbro, Kuilt iu water, out of air. Tubbing a Iiljr-a I To mx? oar city graml. Wm ljrkn Im1w. 'Twu trngely tvt: Nothing but a bttl ban. I Of fWhr were cur oMi m thre, Swiimning in ami out, betwe-n f Oram long of dark-t grwn, Which mrt-le up th- city fair m IIm am Ectairwt1 falaf. , A Norwich Kali m.ia hit a cat of epicurean lattes. bh? at thii seatoa oi thr year furniihet her kitlens with frogs legt. She goes to the iw.mp aad catches the frogs aod, amputating the hiad lea, brings them homa to her kit ten. ' bhe has dona thii several yea.-. claim of extra intelligence is made for her. Lut the knows a good thing whea tho sees it. Norwic't Dulletls. flabl It.1bra la m p'tal. lo tho Jitpecsary for aiiinaU at the University of L?ipig there might havo beea seea it Nivembcr lait, among 112 ether tick aniaial, a littb rotin. ilia i wa quite tho smallest patient, but in suffering he appeare I to' riso above thcro all. He had twaUowod a pin, poor little thing, during hit hour of liberty from Li csge, aad it happened ia this wise: Matter IJab was fond of a spree, aad it was often difficult to get him to bed, so that hit matter often coaxed him there by the allurement of a dainty, which on thit oc cat ioa ho placed oa pin. Tha result w.is terrible! How ever, the scieatittt were succcttful, aad after a complicated operation the pin wss extracted aod tha bird is as well. as ever. Picayune. Don. Ono dsy torn) potatoes wero wanted fordinmr. Don was dijsia ia the bank with a broktn-han lied hoo which 'he wat allowed to ue. "Doo, called giaadfath'sr, Uo you .know whero my hoe iI "No, graaJpa repliod Doa, running to him, "I don't know whereyour loag stemmed hoe is, lut here it this short stemmed ooe you msy take." Another day he had been rid lag and whea they reached home grandpa com menced uaharnesiag tho horse. Oh," eric". Djn, "let me help you undress him." The first titna Doa saw an ox team it impressed him very strongly. "Mamms," ho taid, afttr watching them a few minute. "I don't think cow-horse are nic", do youf The next tim, ha remarked, very decidedly, ''I ilon't like to sco horses with horns! ' Oae day Tot wss playing with her rocking-horse. She played the hone wat kicking up itt heels, aad I want to tell you ha horse kicked up io high the little girl and the horse and tho doll tumbled right over oa the floor, this is just a ma le-up story, and bamped the lit tt eiri't hesd. Wncn Ler mamma came sha was frightened. Sha taid: v Oh. ray darling! what havj you been doiagi" And ahe said: I have tun bird over aad I broke my do' I;' no, let me tee, the dida't break her doll. Wasa't it a creat wonder the didn't break that dol.t She dida't evei break oae of her rib. But the was frightened awfully. Aad after that tho went to Sunday school aad ahe had a party. Wasa't it good it diJa't make her tick! Hut oae dsy the littla girl hurt her foot on the register. Thea she coulJa't go to Saaday tchooL Hi the wrcta ' poem to her graadmother. Youth's Companion. Haw a Ilfdgehog Kills a Serpent A fereiga paper detrribes the pro ceed n 5 at followt: Tha hedgehog cautiously apprcached the tleepiag reptile aad teix:d the ead cf hit tail be tweea hit teth Thea he rollel him self up into a compact I all aad awaited develepmestv Tha saake, awakened by the paia. turned opoa hit eaenyaad foa;ht with hi fang. The hedgehog, retaining hit ho'd. a'loweJ himvelf to I -1 dragged back asd forth dariag the strug;!. aad, meanwhile, the terpeatTs .jtt had t-ecorre lacerated aad uselett from coettaat aaaa't cpoa' the . spiaes of its caeray. Ia a few miaotes the erpett had become exhausted with hit efforts, aad the hedgehog, ux roll la? him -elf, diatmbowelfd tha serpent aad ate his meat Ia thit caae the hedge hog does cot kill the terpett directly, but obliges hiia to kill himaelf by dsah ig upoa tht sharp tpiaeav, our fathers: false Ideas About the Framers of the Constitution. Tney were a Youthful Set and not Venerable Sagos. The T-th'rs of the Republic" were ! Dot tha sexagenarians ani aeptua?n- .; ariaa of their era. Oa tho contrary, ; tyt L. P. Clark ia America, they were at a rule a remarkably youthful aet of ! rner. It i the "wig, queues aad knec- brecchca" which har CaUed the mhap- rrch.nsioi. Tha pictures in the school hi.tory show white-haired mea who bear everv abearance of LciW "welt up in years, and the child instinctively thinks of them as oil. Almost super human wiidom was required todis charge their alraott impossible task, and it consequently aeemed as though they must hivo posreiscd tho requidto wis dom aai experience of the world. If the qiisstioa were ask:d which of the twj bodi.' the convention of 1737 or the Unite 1 Sates Senate of ahowo 1 tho highest averao of ajc. doubtless nine persons out of every ten wou d answer that tho framers of the Constitution wero much thj older. Forty-one deputies from tho variout ftatii subacrilcd their names to the coi s'itutioa on tha 17th of Sjptember, 1797. Tho lirth days of all but four t -V . aro Known. ui tnese iii there were but fivo who were as old as 60, and ia truth 000 of these rive did not complete his sixtieth year until tho month after tho convention dissolved. The Nestor of the body was Il.Djimin Franklin, who was moro thaa 81'whmit met It2cr Shermaa cams next in seniority, at 6G. Then folio wci .two member, each ia their sixty-fourth year, and tho deputy who was just turninz 60. But onlj onc-aixth of tho wholo number wero entitled to be called old men. Tura now to tha othr iirmi .Ton. atlnn Diytoa of Njw Jer e, lacked lever! inonthi of Min- n when th conv.-ntioa met; William Jackson of Ic :nylvani, was lut 2S; Ch irles Pinckney of South Carolina, only 29; Alexander Hamilton of New Y'ork, was lut a few months past 30; Rufus King of MitiSuchti'ett. 32? n.iivrriiiir Afor. ris of N-w York, Si; and James Jlaii- 9 W ' - - - son cf ireinia, 30 Twelve of tho 37 wero under 40 and 20 less than 45 years old. A full third wero thu within tho class, which, in speakiag of a;o nowa days, wo call youag men. The avcrago ego of the wholo number fell just insido 45 ycnr. i It wc uld be a waste of spaco to argue that thn VfllTI'V mon r. f Ihn rnnnl!fin uiu incir iua snare 01 mo worfc. it is enough to havo cited tho great names just mentioned anl to add that the committee to which tha instrument was referred for final revision consisted of Johnson, aged sixty; Hamilton, thirty; Gouverneur Morriithirty-five; Madison, thirty-six, and Kiig, thirty-two Bin- croft calls Miditon '"the chief author of the Constitution," Hamilton's work in the Federalist ii conceded to have been the most potent agency ia commending the instrument to tho country and se curing its .adoption. M irsha'd, thn oaly thirty-three, furnished tha power ful assistance without which Maditoa ccull net hive secured the narrow ma jority by wbic'j-thcir State was per- suad.-d to accept it. The Constitutional Convention was not tiniqua as a field for youthful achievement Jeff-rsoa was only thirty threa voar old whea he wrote the "D.clatioa of Independence." Hirnil- toa was made Secretary of the Trcaturyi by Washington, and began his career as a financier at tha aje of thirty -two. At the same time Ktag, tioca he repre sented Massachusetts ia the Constitu tional Convention, was elected United States Sjnator at thirty-four. Thirty had been fix?d as the minimum age for Senators, and half of those first electad were between thirty aal thirty-five. A few years later Hscry Clay came to the Senate aad was admitted without thought that he was net eligible tha fact beiaz that he did not reach the a;e of thirty until mare thaa three months later. No limit of a;e for the juliciary was fixed ia the Coattitutioo, but if there b any place ia the government where maturity it demanded, it it on the i beach of th3 1 Supreme Court With- iagton appointed as oae of the early juttice Jama Iredell, who waa lut 39 ycara old; John A lama save a place to Buihrod Waihiagtoa at 3, aad Jeff- eraca earned William Johnson at oaly 32. This wat tint ply tha adipUoa by the Federal go vera meat of the satae principle which tha State ha-1 applied to the choice of ja de. Joha Jay, who waa ' mads first Chief Juitice cf the United State at 43 ha J Iwea appelated Chief Jadict of N .w York whea but 3L l'edell had bea jaleof the Su perior Coart of North Caroltaa whea or ly 27. The truth I that what we have cscae to c ni Jer the especial era ofold rcea wat real y the raoS remarkable period ta our hi.tory for yooa tea. They arjeyrd, a chlace a ceatuy ago each aa it youa men hara cerer had aiaco lha ciTil war broedow, t-mpararily.aoma of tha larrieri aaiaat youth ia public life, but lha controlliag forcet ware wiclJcd by men whoe arrrae'a.; ai a cumber of jeua greitar thai that of their grandfather, who hell away dur iag the II Tolutionary peiioL The youageat mia ia tha United Statea Senate today K'nnt of Wctt Viriaia wai S3 yeart old when he took lil a ct, and noloJy tyouoj had been teea ia tha bo ly for a loig period before his appearaac;. . lie is now 40 and nobody cite it th- l-o ly of 76 members it to young, although, a wa have re;n, one-thirl of the Coaititu lional Con?entioa w.rj under 40. More 'fa" lf of tho latter body, it lias leea ,hoW0' wrre les ,bat 4 7s old; only tr fl over a quarter. weroleathio i yars old whea they entered tuo Chtm- bcr. Th? average aa of tha fenato today is 59 years, again t an avcragj of only 45 years for tho Convention of 1787. ' "S'ow-goiag,') we are woit to call the ways of tho eighteenth cntury; "a fast age it the common -descript 10a 01 our own period. IJjth expressions aro mis leading. Our coajctvt ive ancoitors rushed their boys thrcu ;h college dur ing their teens; two mcmbui of the constitutional convantioa had graduatod at 18, one at 17, anf thrco at li. New York college will not admit a boy.uitil he has complete 1 hi fifteenth year, end the average ao of gradustioa at both Hirvsrd and Yalo it bstween 22 find 23 years. , A Ike of Hair Dye. Mono lake in Nevada constitutes one of the greatest natural deposits of hair dye ia the known world. A white- haired old Bodie man who went down to the lake during thit summer wat so pleased with tho bathing to te had there that he went in for a swim rec-ti- Urly every evening after finUhing his day s work. Ha was clown at tho lake two weeks and when ho cot back his friendt hardly knew him. Hi left Bodie a white-haired old man. and he ca'mi back a golden ilonde and apparently a maa of only mid ilo age. All who bathe ia the waters of that lake become blondes and if tho bathing , persisted in for any length of tirao thev pet to be red headed. A man lait 1 w a spring rented tho t L.-vining lanch on the north side of Uho lako. II a hnf threo strapping daughters. At soon as tho water became warm enough tho girls daily went bathing ia tha lake taking for their mermaid, gambols n dm when tho "men folks wero all out on the ranch at work. . Wh-n they begun taking their dips in the lake' the I cirls wero brown-haired but thev oon 'uau iunnvi wifi blondes. This so delighted them that they began bathing twice a day and between times washed their heads in water from tha lake. Virginia City Enterprise. A (ieneroas Dane. Copenhagen, Denmark, is fottunato enough to possess a worthy citizen, re marks tho Sin Francisco Chronicle, Jacobscn by name, who would aecm to be a sort of Peabody and Macrcaas and Walker rolled into one. Hi is a creat brewer, as hit father was lcfore him, and like his father he delights to devoto Li enormous profits to the gool of hit fellow-ccuntymcn. When the old man died he left his big bre'wery and all it appurtenance at Carlsburg to tho na tion, as well as a considerable sum to be used in keeping it going in case of a revero commercial crii. To his son, the .pretent M. Jacotaen, ho only left some f 250,090 or to, for the fact was the latter had for some years beeu brew ing on his owa account and posseaaed a business well nigh equal to bis ; latlier s ia importance.' As to his wifef the oil man left her aa her portion all the beer which chanced to , be in stock 00 the day of hi death, and thia proved equir aler t to a legacy of f 125,000 . Iegead of Indian IV am pom. j Aa Iadi4n of tha Oaand iga retarva- tionia Njw Yora gave to a legitlativo committeemia the following traditi&a j concerning the wampum: "There ii a , tree set ia the grouid aal it touch the heaven. Uader that tree tit f this wampum. It aits 00 a log. Coal of fire are unquenchable, aad the Six Nations are at thia council fire hall 1 7 thit triue. To-do-de-bo, a member of the B-ear claa, is the great chief here. ' Ha ha a dcreadaat ia our trit tod . ; j hi mm! i Fraak L gai. Oj of tha ! uvi of the vtapun is for a tysnil ia f j the ciectioa 1 cnieera new.mpra bearer keep the triatie r tba aatioa.' J New Jerey Fint Irea. . The first iroa made ia Nw Jercy waa at a p ac jutt toutb cf Trenfc-a I frcmthei:meite or boore thatabotia 1 i ia that section, and the firtt forgeaaatter laupported Ly their tan It f follower, ia wa Governor Ltwit Mocris, who caiae j Esglaad; and Howtli, Jaaaet, Bret to Moarrotith frora Btrbadoes before Harte aad Cable, ia thit coo a try. tint. the year Whea the revo;utioa bcaid'i To'atoi, ia Bus la, wheca Mr. case oa the iroa naea had growa tki-l j Ilawellt pialaa hat loo? tltca el ful caouh to make eaaaoa aad theilt I vUd ta tha presideaey f letter, there forth CoatiaeataK alto big shallow ! are Daudet, Dumas, FruiUrt, Zalayaad pas ia which to evaporate sea water ! Mupsaat, ia Faace; GIle, aad sap?' aah whea tht fereiga article j YaUe aad VaUra, ia fspl9; F.rioa, was cut off. Chicago Us rati. la Italy, aad Bjorasoa, ia Norway; . Tha Two IJteJk Among the Vooety bills they pJdl lo other bairn they ever knew; A little Lad, a little maid, K lit twt ctsmpaoioriahip thej gTew. p lay oil among th ferna and rorka 1 A rhtktUh coendy of life Kept bouw atxl milked the crimson docks And cald each other maa and wife. Tby ent to acbool; they od to go f With arm atut oarh other laid; Tber fUxen heK In rain or arrow. Were ahlterat by a tingle plalJ. And ao and so it came to pa . Tby tored each other ere thee knew; lit hMirt wat lika a blade o craa, And hera was lika tta drvp o dew. Th yeara wwt by ; the changeful year Iin iiht larger life, and toil for life; Tfcejjpsrte! ia the duk with tear- Th, y called each oher man a4-wtifa, They married be another man, V AnJ he, in time, another rnaid; Tb tcry end a it bogaiirj Among the lonely hiii tiiey pJcyel! -WiiHiM C-ii ion. UUMOUOUM ' In the aa iin Tho hark. ; Apreltyhird rub A Turkiih bjtV A btattly jtm A derailed circi traia. Firja la dental c fi c aro ofttums ec, cidacta. When bargo meets Inrgo thea ciincs tho tug of ommerce. Its enough if you have a paisiag ao- quaintanco with a railroid nun.) itn. lower aai i f't ira thf noet at tho mala thay alone cultivato the maws;'. - Tho most confirm ! old salt on the, sa may be too f-esh svhcaj he gots ashor ; . Most soa captains aro called "jolly old aa't. " but tome of them are rather i ." I peppery. w Tho condemned ;"mtir 1'erei voice is trcraulout aod husky, simply because ha cannot clear his ttiro it. I've kissed her in all kind of veraos, I've kUsed her ia proaa till iU atackod At iiigh aa the eavo of my oilloo, ' But never hava kiaaenl bor iruf act. Johnny Dumptey 1j, can you tell, mo whU MDCCCLXXXVI, oa that building meant Mr. Dumpsoy Well, about all I caa make out of it Jobany, ta "Medical College." ' When the firat Napoleon, having abandoned Moscow, arrived at ' tha ferry on tho Itiver Niomen, he asked the ferryman, who did not know him, if many French deserter had crotted over, "No," was the reply, "you aro the first." , "There it no moro flourishing busi ness in the world than mine," sai l Jho life insurance agent to his Intended vic tim. "Yes," taid the victim calmly. "I see you keep fl;utiihing both hands all the time; but my dear young friend, that doesn't convince me." "Why can't they mako thcto dum mies mire. Ii fell kef said a facetious chap halting with a friend ia front of a clothing store aod slapping a figure a vigorous blow on the cheek. Tha "dummy" turned auJdenly, let fly his left,! and knocked the facctlout chap off; hit pint. Tha latter concluded that tha dummy was a little too lifelike. ; A t'hlneao 'Romance. From Chi Nao Fu com:i those storlea which itliittrata Chinea life. Firtt 1 the marriage of the daughter of tho Governor, Chang Yao. Year ago, when his c jr . Honey was an otficial of much leat importance, ha becaraa acquaiated with a irrtoa of the rank of prefect, who had a ton who seamed worthy of beiog engaged to hit daughter. Since then the prefect died, while Chang Yao ad vancel from oae position to another, until by a rare fortuat he has become the Governor of Shantung. The ooe family became poorer aad poorer, while the othsr gaiaed a relith for pomp aod wealth, ee aad honor. The intended oa-ia-law beiog urged by pertoaal frieadt, appeara at last at tbs Governor yam en. B log drafted 3 unseemly castune, he was igaorel by some, but at last got hit letter ia to tho (Jovernor. Tha Gaveraor 9.mrd to forget tha plan of tha past,, but ia dua time cams to tha caaclutba that it wat bstUr to follow cut the eagagemeet than brioz himself Iato dJtreoute. A house was secure J. and la a few days sow a week ago the marriage occurred. All tba inferior official appeared ready with preteats, aad now the yooag man ia higher up la the world. fkich it a romance of Caiaeae life. Saa Fran- r ' m ciaco Cbroaicl. -JLi Tlt i;realt Utlar Navflltts. A to tha qaettiea, Wha it tha greatt Uviag aoveliitl whhit aader dicuti'a anaoag literary people, the Critic of Baatoa meatloat B'ackmore, Wi?kia CUiat. Black, Scepheatoa aad fi?cr - MrIilh at each likely to be R'4t : I I; t d-

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