THE RECLrtD <s Your Paperi-Are *on ils Friend ? VOLUME I. N 0.3. > DEATH LIST x INCREASED TO -TEN FROM EARTHQUAKE Leaders Launch Pro gram for Immediate Building Based on $20,000,000 Loan and $2,000,000 Quake Air Fund Santa Barbara, Cal., June 30.—The city of Santha Barbara, yesterday the victim of one of the most disastrous earthquakes in Pacific coast history, tonight closed the biggest business day in its civic annals with the for mation of a program of a re-con struction that foreshadowed a great rejuvenated community. Facing an estimated loss of between i $20,000,000 and $25,000,000, with pos sibly $2,000,000 of earthquake in surance, the b» business, indus trial and civic leaders launched a pro gram of immediate building based on a $20,000,000 loan and a $2,000,000 earthquake aid fund. On the grimmer side of the picture the death toll mounted to ten when the body of R. M. Litchfield, wealthy Santa Barbara resident, was found under a pile of bricks on State street corner. Earlier Herrado Charis, in jured Mexicon, died at the Cottage hospital. This left the list of injured at two and hopes for the recovery of all were held out by the attend ing surgeons. By nightfall of today the work of temporary re-building was virtually completed in the Santa Barbara Tele phone Company’s plant, and an im ninent resumption of local telephone service was promised. TOBACCO CROP OUTLOOK GOOD I Crops of All Kind Promising and All Farmers Pleased Nearly every farmer we meet has a broad smile. The outlook for a good crop of tobacco, cotton and corn is the most promising of many years past. This is why the good farmer friends are all smiles—and they should be thankful, as well as proud. In talking to one of the largest farmers in this section a few days ago, he stated that he believed that the crop this year, up to the present time, was the most promising he had ' seen in many years. He stated that j he believed that there would be more tobacco made to the acre in this sec- , tion than for many years past. The cotton crop was fine, he said, and if u.ithing unforeseen happened, the yield would *e far greater than any year for fifteen. He stated that the boll weevil was in evidence in > some section but not enough to be alarmed over, as he thought they { would do comparatively little damage. The corn crop, he said, was the best up to date of any time within the ten years. He stated that if the proper seasons come for the next twenty days, all the crops—cotton, tobacco and corn— would make wonderful yields. He said he saw no reason why the farmer should not be cheerful and every one should wear a broad smile. The number of airports and landing , fields for the exclusive use of air planes in the United States now ex ceeds 3,200. For the use of travelers a hat box has been invented that folds flat when empty. Ts jptti' n it* i* ,».» . .(-■ ..■, i 'jr ' tUivjgU *t' git, nifc 'Xaa£-‘‘ / 'jL REPRESENTING FOUR COUNTIES—WAKE, JOHNSTON, NASH and FRANKLIN WITNESS WANTS ' NEEDLEMAN ! . CONVICTED Mre. Sparrow, Main Witness, Preparing. Statement. If Brought lilt Court Evidence Will Con i vict Him, She Says Washington, N C., June 2‘J.—Elbe Griffin, now Mrs. F. W. Sparrow, Jr., is preparing a statement by means of which she hopes to bring about a conviction of Joe Needleman, travel ing salesman, on a charge of assault as originally charged, was the state ment made here this afternoon by H. Dennis Griffin, of Robersonville, wdro last month was sentenced‘by JudgeA A. Sinclair to serve thirty y<* hard labor following convicy Jj having mutilated Needleman, and is now out under $50,000 bond, pend ing an appeal to the Supreme Court I for a new trial. Griffin said further that evidence had been uncovered to the effect that Tom Lilley, also of the Boberson ville section, was the man who had performed the operation upon Needle man on the night that the young salesman was taken out of the W il liamston jail by a mob of two score or more men. Lilley, shortly after Solicitor Don Gilliam began his in vestigation that led to the arrest of members of the mob, shot himself and died a short time ago. Griffin was released from the peni tentiary under bond about three weeks ago and has been in Roberson villc since that time. He c;yne here today to purchase a new automobile license and he talked freely on de velopments that he said had arisen since the conclusion of the William ston trial. “Effie was the most surprised per son in the world when she learned on ; the last day of the trial that the case ! against Needleman had been nol pressed,” he said. ‘‘The grand jury had found a true bill against him and I she had made an affidavit detailing j the attack that the salesman had ( Continued on page 5) DATES RATIFIED FOR OPENING OF MARKETS Tobacco Association Confirms Previous Recommendation J A dispatch from Rocky Mount, June i 29, savs: September 1, the prev i iously recommended by the Ware ‘ housemen’s Association, was confirm- I ed and officially fixed as the opening date for the Eastern Carolina tobacco markets at the annual meeting of the, ! Tobacco Association of the United i States which was concluded at Nor j folk Saturday. The dates designated for the open ing of the auction markets in the various states and sections follow: Georgia, July 28; South Carolina, August 4; Eastern Carolina, Septem ber 1: Middle Belt, September 15; Old Belt, October 1. In addition to fixing the dates for the markets’ opening, the Norfolk meeting of the tobacco association I took up various problems and matters i I concerning the tobacco trade. Sev , eral addresses by prominent speakers, in addition to outings and steamer excursions which m: de up the enter i tainment features for the three days’ l , session, were likewise included on the j program. A. B. Carrington, of Dan ville, was elected president of the to bacco men. ZEBULON, N. C., FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1923 *nrw | | MI | mt* TT .T1 TOT —*—~~ I— THIS MEANS ONE AND ALL— YOU Bv G. W. MITCHELL I DEAR READER: We know that money is scarce, rd ill be until the fall when tobacco and cotton begins to come in. ,\\e know that you want to read our paper each week. Wo know that it will help you in some way. The price of the paper is very small for an eight-page weekly paper and we know that when the year rolls around you will be perfectly satisfied that you have received full value for your money. We want you to get the paper regularly and we want you to read it. We also want you to tell your merchant every time you buy from him—if he has an ad. in the paper, to tell him you saw the ad,; tell him you saw the prices quoted in The Zebulon Record, 'then again, we want you to ask your neighbor if they subscribe to She Zebulon Record. Ihe Record is the people’s paper. We want every one that can to write articles for the paper, send them in am! let us all be friends. 1 his will make us all better for having I.ved in (his world. We are going to make a prop -i,ion to all who have n«>t the c..; h ;.t hand now, to bring us anything that they have for sole —eggs, chickens, meat, corn, (lour—anything that we can live on. We are willing to take this in trade far subscriptions, for job work, or for anything you want print ed. We want you to come to see us. Get acquainted with us. We love company. We have something in Zebulon that was never here before. It is a Linotype Machine. A machine that makes its own type. It is real interesting to see it at work. We will gladly explain the manner in which it works, thereby giving you some knowledge of typesetting by a machine. Then we will show you over 'ho press de partment, explain how we make the print on the white paper. All of this will be interesting to you if you have never seen it done belore. The invitations is extended to all. We want you to come. When your watermelons and other fruits are ripe, you can bring us some, and we will gladly give you credit on the paper for the same. It is fine to have friends that come along now and then and present one with a nice melon, or basket of peaches, but we want to pay for these with a subscription to our paper. We are not begging, but are willing to give value receive. W e arc here to serve the public with a newspaper second to none published in our State. Yours for a Good Paper, THE ZEBULON RECORD. CONTRACTS TO BE LET FOR DUKE BUILDINGS July 14th Ihe Date For Opening Up the Bids A special from Durham says: Con j tracts for the erection of the first unit i of Duke University will be let on the norning of July 14, according to infor" I mation received here. The bids will be received by a Philadelphia firm of I architects employed by Jamesf B. | Dului. Notices received here during the pr st day or two by local contractors ! conveyed the information that the contracts would be let on the date ' named. University officials know no ! thing of the plans regarding the let- ting of the contracts, according to ! ore of them today. The details are I being worked out by the architect I under the direction of Mr. Duke and the university authorities have not li en informed reg; rding them. Eleven new buildings arc* to be er ted under the contract to be av M' Hed next month, according to in fi• i'lii.i> ion received, and all of them are expected to be erected on the Tri | nity campus. Large Delegation To Attend the National Meet With five additional girls signify ing their intention of attending the | national conference of Business and Professional Womens Clubs in Port land. Maine, the week of July 12, the ; North Carolina delegation will num— ; her 25 to 26. An attendance prize for the size of the delegation and the distance that it has come will be of | sered, and the North Carolina feels j that it will now stand in line for this prize. Plan.s for North Carolina's part in the Southern Pageant are going for | ward, and North Carolina’s exhibi , tion. There’s no traffic congestion on the straight and narrow path. II !■ I!!■ I ■HI IT HI I I T- «r I TOBACCO MARKET HERE AND THE ! WAREHOUSEMEN Those Who Will Be at The Head of Each Warehouse Here The Center Brick Warehouse, of | Zebulon, for the sale of leaf tobacco . at auction, will be managed this sea ! son by men of expedience. Mr. R. M. Sanford, who was wth the Co-operative Tobacco Warehouse i last year, has associated himself with ! Mr. J. A. Wells, and these two well ; known tobacco men will be found at | Center Brick to get the best prices for the farmer. Both Mr. Wells and Mr. Sanford have been on this to j bacco market for about fifteen years, and they need no introduction to our farmers. The Wiggs Warehouse this season will be run by experienced tobacco men —Mr. W. L. Wiggs, who was one of the first men to open a warehouse in Zebulon, something like seventeen or eighteen years ago, and Mr. Charlie | Robertson, one of the largest tobacco farmers in this section of the Wake county, will be at the head of this enterprise. Mr.- Wiggs, the pioneer tobacco warehouse man, is known far and wide as a man that will use his efforts to get the farmer the best price for his product. Mr. Charlie Robertson, the junior partner, is a good tobacco farmer and knowing tobacco from the seed to the warehouse, is a man well known to this entire section, and when one puts his tobacco on sale in the Wiggs Warehouse, he may rest assured that Charlie Robertson will do his part to get the best price for his farmer friends. The Wiggs Warehouse is located just across the railread, near the pas senger station. BOLL WEEVIL ACTIVE Mr. Frank Miller and Mr. Harding, the latter a:, expert, visited the farm of Mr. Miller, located near Wilson, a few days ago, and found a great many squares punctured and a number of eggs, and several boll weevils over a limited area. The infestation will probably run ten per cent in the opin ion of Mr. Miller and Mr. Harding. PRICE: One Year, $1.50; Single Copies, se. AGRICULTURAL BOARD! MEET ON JULY BTH Mrs. Vanderbilt One of Two Members Succeeded Commissioner of \griculture W T . A. Graham has called a meeting of the State Board of Agriculture to be held n Raleigh on Wednesday, July 8. It j ms been announced that consideration j f a budget for the new fiscal •ear will be the principal business discussed. Mrs. Edith Vanderbilt, of Biltmore, vho was appointed last year by Gov ernor .Morrison to lill a vacancy on the board, was one of Die two mem- S ;s of the board not reappointed by Governor A. W. McLean. While it is mderstood that Mrs. Vanderbilt would have accepted reappointment, a fight was made on her by both political factions in Buncombe county and the point was raised that she is not a legal resident of the State and there fore not qualified for the position. Mrs. Vanderbilt was succeeded by 1 E. Grover Roberson, while T. J. Finch, of Randolp, succeeded C. C. Wright, long superintendent of schools in Wilkes county, as member of the board from the seventh district. F. P. .atham, of Belhaven, and Dr. Clorenc ?oe, of Raleigh, the other two mem bers whose terms expired, were re appointed by the governor, while the remaining six members of the board hold over. THE FIRST COTTON BLOOM Mr. T. D. Godwin gave us the first cotton bloom of the, season. It was taken from Mr. Godwin’s farm, near Zebulon, on the 23rd of June. He j ays that if he had planted all his cotton early he would habe had plenty of blooms on the above date. He says that cotton as a general thing is the finest seen in many years. The out !ook now is for a record-breaki.ig yield this year in cotton in this sec tion. BROKE HER ARM Mrs. M. B. Chamblee had the mis fortune to break her arm last week. | We hope that, she will soon recover ; from this accident and be herself again. Moving Pictures to Be on Next Fri day and Saturday I Mr. Fleming, the moving picture man, informs The Record that he will start next week the pictures again, | and they will be shown in the City Hall. Next Friday and Saturday is the 1 date for showing. It is not known : how long the show will continue in the City Hall Building, and it is hoped ! that before long the old theatre build ing on Main street will be used for that purpose in the near future. Remember it is next Friday and Sat urday, the 10th and 11th. Saturday’s Heavy Rains Did Very Little~ Damage s Last Saturday evening this vicinity was visited by one of the heaviest i rains of the season. Fortunately there was rio hail to huit the growing ; crops. There, was quite a severe wind and rain storm reported at Smithfield. The damage to the crops in that sec tion did not amount to a great deal. fVie principal damege Vas the un roofing of some houses and blowing down of a few trees. No lives were I report-.* 1 lost in that section. THE RECORD Will iVi ;t Your Community News PROGRAM FOR 4th AT THE CAPITAL I Various Amusements to be Held for-Those Who Attend Airplanes and Auto Races Will Be Fea ture of the Day D üblc parachute drops from aero planes, wing walking, changes from > plane to plane in the air, and a leap f: am ; n automobile speeding at sixty * miles per hour to a plane racing along ' just above it, v. ill be a few of the fea tures which will be present >d at State ‘ Fair Grounds on July Fourth by Mabel Cody’s ‘lying circus and auto mobile racers under the auspices of the National Guard Band. Seats are being constructed for twenty-five hundred persons along the* race track where some of the best dirt track automobile races in the country will perform. Lack of proper > seating arrangements have heretofore > handicapped events at the Fair 1 Grounds, but will not handicap this ! event as seats ill be provided for • all who attend. In addition to the races there will ><■ a style parade for local girl driv ers with valuable prizes awarded the ‘ young ladies vAio show the greatest I skill in handling their cars before the grandstand. Another feature will he the lean from the rear end of an automobile going seventy miles an hour which wiil be made by Bob Dugan, noted ’ dare-devil. Mabel Cody, neice of the famous ‘ Buffalo Bill, who thrilled Raleigh - 5 folks with her dare-devil stunts here ' last fall,' will be thou in person with 5 her flying circus and will t dee pert in “ - person in the aerial performances. . I ; 6,871 PEOPLE IN €O. VACCINATED Seven Hundred and Ninety-eight From Raleigh A total of (>,871 people in Wake j County have already bean vaccb *‘ed r j against typhoid fever thi summer :\ 1 the dispensaries held by ihe County Health Department, This compares favorably with the 5,208 who : vaccinated in 1924, the 3,899 in 192 ). ! and the 2.950 in 1922. Against diph , theria 651 have been vaccinated this year, while 790 were vaccinated in 1924, 522 in 1923, and 540 in 1922. Dr. A. C. Bulla, county health offi cer, attributes the drop in the number taking the diphtheria vaccination to the large number of children of aeh rol" age who were given the Schick test ■ 1 and vaccinated when found positive ; this spring. On the whole, he thinks that the public is becoming more and more educated in the matter of vacci nation. I Os the number vaccinated this year 798 were from Raleigh. While he is finishing the work in the rural of the county, Dr. Bula stated that numbers of people here had not fin ished the vaccinations, and he expects , to be busy with this work for at least another week or so. " * MOUNTAIN IS CRACKING . IN MONTANA FOREST ; A dispatch from Jackson, Wyo., I jays: The North end <>f Chief Moun tain in the Teton National Forest near here is cracking, probably as a result of the earth tre.noA which rocked four Rock;- Mountain states Saturday night and another avalanche, greater than that of last Tuesday, into the Gros Venture River is fear ed, forestry officials reported. ml a leap

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