WRIGLEYS EVERY Probably one reason for the popularity of WRIGLEY’S is that it lasts so long and returns such great dividends for 60 small an outlay. * It keeps teeth clean, breath sweet, appetite keen, digestion good. Fresh and full-flavored —u-mppd Company Quick WHf i Safe t J Relief CORNS In one minute—or less—the pain ends. Dr. Scholl’s Zino-pad is the safe, sure, healing treatment for corns At drug and shoe stores. Dr Scholl's Xino-pads Pu.t one on - the pain is gone Grow Hair on Your BALD HEAD BARE-TO-HAIR A Blessing to Mankind Paul Bonor, Pit -8 cairn Ave., Jean nette, Pa.,had Al opecia, which left him without hair } on any pait of his i head. Used tour bottles ot Bare-to- Hair. Now has a 'V lull growth of hair ' as shown on the photo. Bare-to- Hair will grow hair •n bald heads, Stop Felling Heir. Dandruff, Itch ing, and many forms of Eczema. Correspondence fiven persona attention W. H. FORST, Mfg. BCOTTDALE. PA [ 7*. DON’T ' I ,r m ways of peace and good will. —We tern Chrl*- . Gan Advocate. ZEBULON RECORD, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1923. YOUTHFUL FLANNEL DRESSES; NECKWEAR ADDS DAINTY TOUCH XT’ IOLET, indigo, blue, green, yellow. v orange / and re I—not only are tliese the colors of the rainbow but the mode lias made so bold as to appropriate these gay hues for Its own especial use. Not one at a time does fashion help itself to the bright tones, but in pretty confusion are they applied in striped horderings on tbe very finest of sports flannels. Sometimes on the frocks ‘made of these attractive multi-colored woolens, the stripes travel up and down, other times around and around. It is plain to he seen from this picture that, be they vertically or horizontally In clined, stripes are very decorative in dress designing. Many blended colors appear in tbe striped panel effect which is at back and front of the dress shown to the yi'S - - IN MULTICOLORED STRIPES right in the picture. The solid porth-n is in mahogany two-tone flannel, the material selected for the other dress is a rose, blue and green three-tone worsted flannel with skirt portion of a striped bordering, the same also form ing eutTs, licit, tie and collar. Tiie manner in which many colors are being used together is really quite unique. Solid colored crepe de chine frocks carry decorrtive borders “made to order.” That is, these borders are formed for each frock as desired by sewing multi-colored strqis of silk to gether. Especially is the black or navy frock enlivened with a bordering on its sleeves and across the skirt formed of Inch-wide strips of crepe using, perhaps, blue, scarlet, purple, gray and yellow, thus acquiring a five inch-wide trimming as colorful us one would wish. That striking colors are the order of the day is evidenced in the popular ly of the bright red and wine shades DAINTY NECKWEAR for frock and wrap as well, also for millinery to match. One of the most talked-of colors for the flannel frock is hols de rose, also salmon and peach tones and raspberry similes are coni ng in with the newest fashions. A simple flannel Jumper frock in hois de rose is of appealing charm, es pecially L enhanced with tea-colored lace cuffs and collar. Gilded lea’ her trimmings are favored for the simple flannel frock, or the leather may tie in gay colors, such as for instance a red leather belt, collar* and cuffs on a navy woolen dress, i r in applique decoration featuiing leal It er in multi-shades. Just because strictly tailored one piece and two-piece frocks are the all of the mode d<> not for a moment liitik that women of fashion are go ng to look mannishly attired to I lie mint of »osing feminine charm. No indeed, not while the neckwear de partments are so temptingly display ing such a superabundance of lovely frilly accessories. It is really quite astonishing what wonders a lacy Jabot or collar and cuff set can accomplish byway of transforming the looks of a frock. This season more than ever exquisite accessories are a part of the dress program. There are several outstanding Ideas to tie considered in respect to fashion able neckwear, chief among which is the matter of the higher neckline. This trend is aptly illustrated in the model to the right of this picture. Priscilla may have taken pride in just such a prim collar as this one which is of net and lace, hut the modern maiden adds a coquettish how of black moire rib- | lion —thus is present-day pertness com ] hined with I’uritan demureness. Not less important ttian collars are j cuffs. In fact stylists are placing em phasis on elaborate cuff and sleeve treatments. In the smartest cloth and velveteen dresses sleeves have width concentrated below the elbow, this often being a matter of detachable ; deep puffs with wristbands, the entire j conjured of daintiest net laces and em | broideries. In the language of the ; fashionist these puff-below-the-elhow i effects are referred to as lantern j sleeves. This idea «f removable half i sleeves is proving a blessing to those I who are remodeling last season’s . short-sleeved frocks. For dressier occasions very hnnd ' some satins and silk crepes are being made up into the more elaborate ac j cessory sets. Lantern-sleeve puffs I fashioned of colorful crepes in con- I junction with lace make even thp I simplest frock take on an air of ele- , gance. Now that the vogue is started there is no limit to the possibilities of tiiis delightsome theme of fanciful lace, lingerie or silk collar and cuff I sets. ' Any tailored frock is favored when . it is complemented with a handsome j panel-shaped Jabot such us is shown to the left in the picture. For this effective pamTwith round-collar tins crepe de chine is used in conjunction i witli lace. Very interesting collars and cuffs are being styled of gay leathers, either multicolored or gilded in silver or gold effects. A further touch of novelty Is supplied by clever handiwork done with colorful floss or metal threads. Often several -olors of leather are used togethei. These leather se’s are very effective. | JULIA BOTTOM LEY. 1921, W(*»i*rn NffMupiiper Linoa./ HOW TWO WOMEN AVOIDED OPERATIONS The Following Letter* of Mrs. Thurston and Mrs* Beard Carry an Encouraging Message to Other Sick Women / _ w ; - MRS ETHEL THURSTON 384 N. FINE STREET, LIMA, OHIO Lima, Ohio. —“I want to tell you how your medicine haa helped me. ! For weeks I suffered with awful pains 1 from inflammation and I was in such j misery that I had to bend double to J get relief. I could not be touched or j Jarred, had awful pain all over my abdomen and could not touch mv feet j to the floor. It was impossible for me to straighten up and the pains never ceased. I took treatments for some time and finally was told I would have to have an operation. Ido not believe in operations, and I had read bo much about Lydia E. Pinkham’s 1 Use of Steel Increases In 1880, when I lie steel industry was establishing itself, the per capita use of steel in the United States was 56 pounds, but due to modern industrial development the amount required is now about 755 pounds per person. “She praises it to everybody!” Mrs. Crane had indigestion for ten years; Tanlac broug-ht immediate relief. As a climax to long years of suffer- i Jjj, ■——— ing, *Mrs. Hattie Crane got so bad ' “jV Wfc she couldn't sleep and there were days when she couldn't walk across \ uyV the floor. At times the gas pressure was so great she could scarcely I Jv breathe. She was faint and dizzy. HsSfJkp i ajc"* She writes: “ Tanlac brought im mediate relief and six bottles were I A ijfni inrti enough to rid me of my troubles and bring back the joy of living. My health is better than ever and I am so pleased with Tanlac I praise it to everybody." ‘Authentic statement from our files. You don’t have to take our word for Tanlac. Just try this marvelous tonic yourself and see how quickly it brings results. There is nothing like Tanlac to cleanse and revitalize slug gish blood, restore lost appetites and put the whole body in fighting trim. Resuits come quick. You start feeling better right from the first dose. Before the bottle is gone you will wonder what miracle has happened to you. Tanlac is absolutely pure and harmless. It is a natural tonic, a formula of roots, barks and healing herbs gathered from every part of the globe to bring you health and strength Note: For Constipation, take Tanlac Vege table Pills, Nature’s own harmless laxative. TANLAC FOR YOUR HEAJLTH She Feels Clubby “Helen might make a good police woman.” “And why?” “She always has a Billy with her.”— Wabash Caveman. Don’t know much about the treaty against gun elevation. But we do need one against nose elevation. [OAYEFJJ » J \ wAspirin SAY “BAYER ASPIRIN” and INSIST 1 Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART J ■ • Accept only ‘‘Bayer” package \ which contains proven directions. f Hsndv “Bayer” boxe* of 12 tablet* § Also bottles ot 24 and 100 —Druggists. Ampirin tli* tr»