oluine VII. lachelors Are Living In Fear Last week’s issue of the Zebulon ecord threw groat consternation in j the ranks of local bachelors. Those anguinely self-satisfied ‘ uirds” have ad things all their own way so long hat the very rustle of a petticoat lakes chills creep over them. And s Shakespeare wrote it “My king <>m for a horse,’’ that these pros ects for car sales may escape to ‘lorida, California or other distant arts to sidestep the charge of the n::i»ms in the leap-year brigade One of these celibates is reported o have remarked: “I don’t see what hat dumgasted newspaper wants to et the girls all het up so for and lake life miserable for me. I never id anything to that editor.” Bless you, brother, we are trying o do something for your own good. Taven’t you read what the Good Book ays about “he that findeth a good vile, etc?” Bachelordom is born of elfishness, and selfishness is a sin. Picture, if you will, the bliss of the. siding presence of a nice helpmate, j T dimples and smiles, wearing a i lo of happiness in her cheery es-j ■ts to make your home more pleas i comfortable and cheery. Her / touch here and there dispels the 'loom, chases away must and dust, vith your clothes always neat and leaned and repaired. God never in :ended that man should live unto him self alone. It was for the same rea son that he added the sunshine to where darkness prevailed, caused co lorful, perfuming flowers to bud and not rank weeds alone. Put golden throated song birds into the scheme :>f man’s habitat and added woman hs something supremely worth man’s attainment. And of such a picture itj naturally follows that cooing', sing-! ir.g, happy little cherubs wil come t" add further happiness and bless 'be mar\ who steps out from the realms of selfishness and seeks to follow the wonderful scheme of crea-; tion. We are with you, girls of Zebu- Inn, until the last defender c f the fort of selfish single-blessednes; runs rp the white flag, surrenders and i promises to love, honor, cherish and obey. We add the last as a penalty to insure their good behavior, just as they would have to give bo id in court. And the editor being so seized of! the authority by the laws of state) rid church offers to unite in wedlock) he first bachelor and bride in our j community as a result of the leap-, year campaign, absolutely gratis, as j •i of of our faith in our stand. I’HE 810 HUNT IS ON Bailey, Apr. 4. 19:t? A'-. Editor Do you suppose that a widew with 1 vonnguns could get one of them < here bachelors you tell about in your mper ? I ain’t much to look at and am sft, | ■ut I ran cook, sew on buttons, mend ■ ox and wash and iron. My first man weren’t much and): eybe I would have better luck this' Ime. LONELY *FATH AND BURIAL OF LOC AL BABY On last Friday the burial of little V. E, Lewis. J’r., took place at 5:00 i. m from the residence of his par- j j nts in Zebu lon. A short service was , onducted by Rev. Then. B. Davis, i nterment was in Zebulon cemetery. < 'he parents have had the deep sym- < .thy of all their friends since the j eginning of the baby’s illness. ( ANOTHER FIRE , On Monday night at about one * dock the garage at the Kannan home J n Arendall Street was found to be urning. It was a total loss as was ' he Ford sedan it contained. Some f arden tool - were also burned. Thoj ’■igin of the fire is unknown. No oth-j r buildings were hurt. FRAZFR EXECUTED U 11 William Frazer, who was am -teijc Rale gh last ye r for the murder j • M Phoobe Stader of Rahway,. ‘ -P" 'ey, was executed for the; "ime on the night of April Ist. at j i : ' New Jersey State prison. When 1 r crested in Raleigh he had been living) * re for some weeks under an 'med name. I\ Raleigh officers made the arrest at i thy postoffiee. I y Zrbulmt Wittttrb This Steel Kngravecl Diploma is lo be Awarded Suwu'ssiul Yard tV (iardou Contestants in Zebulon i bis Ye;:* Salvation Army Fights For Needy i | in a statistical report filed by Cap tain Shackleford of the Salvation Army in Raleigh he states that during the months of January and February i his organization had more than .’>ooo applications for aid. Os these all but 15 were granted. There were 3364 meals supplied, more than 1700 beds were used by transients, and many artices of clothing given them. There |a''e 167 families being helped. The (total relief work for February was j $1068.15. The Salvation Army has helped ■ handle cases for the Associated Char (ities, the Red Cross, the Wake Coun jty Welfare Department and some I ehoolfi and churches. PERJURE CHARGED Lexington.—Cleared of manslaugh i i nn< ct ion with the death of Sheriff James A. Leonard last j district solicitor, and W. F. Brinkley, ! February George A. Younce, former j attorney, today were under SI,OOO ! bond on a perjury indictment which was not expected to be tried for some time. The indictments for perjury grew out of the fact that both Younce and Brinkley gave false testimony con i raing the death of Sheriff Leonard. BANDITS SLAY FAMILY Three bandits slaughtered seven members of the family of a dairyman oi Berino, N. M. in an attempted rob berv on the night of April 1. Officers of Texas and New Mexico and United States border policemen are cooperat ing in an effort to capture the mur derers. who may have fled into Mexi co. An old blind grandmother’s life was spared, and the father of the family escaped death by falling to the fl o; , r when his attackers fired at him The would-be robbers thought money was hidden ir. 'he house. bJt failed to find it. . , town SINKS INTO ( AVERN ) On the Ist of April | Villa Ftefand, ~ little t >wn of/2000 in Italv.j lx ■’•an sinking into aaf unde-ground j c ?rn. The p • n!a<#* v- s warned,) a- all escaped safe*-, as the houses' Lviv Must ctulle? took all be' >n'.rings aj# they left their h mes. The ItaliaJi government is aiding the homeless. Opinion:’ diffe" al to whether the; cavern was formed i y infiltration of) water in the porouA soil or whether; it was made long ag?i by extracting building material Zebulon, Wake County, N. (!., Friday, april 8. 19:12. y TV) Kills Wile Arid Shoots Himself Goldsboro.— Joe Stafford was placed in jaii here suffering from a self-in flicted wound in the head after he had kilied his wfe inear their home in Y> aync county jesterday. Stafford, officers said, admitted ho chased his wife from a sick bed v. hen she threatened to leave him, and that he shot and clubbed her to death about half a mile from the house, from which she bad run barefooted and in a nightgown. After shooting his wife in the shoulder with a shotgun and crush ing her skull .vith the butt. Staf frd >t himself in the temple ' ith a small pistol, and then ran throe milt- through the woods be fl e becoming exhausted from loss' of blood. Picked up by me us of a posse >f about 50 persons who joined the search, he was brought to the jail and his wound treated. Feeling ap peared to be running high and I Sheriff Paul Garrison prepared toj move him to another jail if trouble i should develop. Wake Forest Girl I Wins Music Honor I j l Raleigh.—Miss Margery MasKaugh-j an, of Wake Forest, was adjudged j winner of the State-wide music ap-1 . preciation contest which was held I : here in connection with the observ-r ance of North Carolina Music Achieve-; 1 ment Day. An award of SSO in cash, to go : toward purchasing a musical instru ment for the Wake Forest school was given Miss MacKaughan. Second prize, a $25 scholarship in piano was won by M : ss Louis Lassiter, of Wood land. WEDDING BROKEN OFF < i I Ancient : -iperstjtion caused a tragic (ending to a wedding in a M wedonian 1 1 j village recently. Ti e theory is that ifjl woman can tread on the foot of, | joe: 1 usband-to-be whlb he is stand ee ,t the alt i- during the wedding ■ jeerem ny. he will obey her through out their wedded life, and • ’ ■ versa jT’ 'b partie of the custom and at : ; the church a stamping contest began, j resulting in triumph for the bride The ; I groom (lost hi temper. nd lie fore ; I long the guests came to the defense of i ■ the family honor and a general fight itook place. The bridegroom later re- ! < jpented hut the bri'h would not ree i [him. , Seniors and Faculty Are Entertained ! • *- Small Edith Lee Medlin is the mas cot of the Wakelon Seniors this year; and as a mascot Edith certainly brought at least one piece of good luck. On Wednesday afternoon Mr. and .Mrs. A. V. Medlin, parents of the luck bringcr, invited all the seniors and the faculty of Wakelon to Lake Myra for a weiner roast. Mr. Medlin’s big truck was a fine 11 n f transportation, anil seemed fi"cd to capacity. In addition to weiners, the guests were sc rved cold drinks and “pop ■ sides.” From remarks made by the seniors and friends it is evident that the t nks of the c-las- to their host and I hostess and mascot were thorough-j I sincere. ED ( ROW IN BANKRUPTCY L. P- ( row, former vice-president of the Comemrcial National Bank and also connected with holding com panies now in the hands of trustees, ! Monday filed a valuntary petition of I bankruptcy in Federal court here. His petition listed his liabilities jat $251,094.77 with assets of SIOB,- 1268.07 including three acres on the j Country Club Drive, two automobiles, Ibis watch and wearing apparel. The bankruptcy proceedings were j inaugurated after Mr. Crow recently j endeavored to arrange a settlement! with his creditors of his financial affairs through assignment under an agreed trust with no homestead, ex emption. This move, however, was blocked by two creditors. It was , acceptable to all others BEWARE OF RADIUM Washington.—The death of Eben M, < Byers was used today by Dr. Paul : B. Dunbar, assistant chief of food of warning the public against indis- < and drug administration, as a means i criminate taking of radium prepar ations without proper medical advice. ’ Byers, a wealthy Pittsburgh Iron manufacturer, died in New York after i taking a radioactive water over a period of two years. “We ire afraid something like this would happe Dr. Dunbar said. “In 1928 we ‘ adt a survey of the many r ad’• i oroductK on t! . 1 i irket and b gan issuing warning to the public. made grossly exagger ated curative chums and we proceeded 1 against them. 1 tion containing radium is a pretty 1 “I fel that ta’ in: any prepara- j dangerous thing and should not be i us"d without competent medicial ad- 1 » New tord 8-V Car Wakelon Features In On Display Here Musical Program I j I ’ n ‘ hjursday the new- Fold car was display at the Mize He Motor Co.’s | oil e. It is a very attractive looking I ril • Fife one shown was a standard coupe, 05-horse-power, 8 cylinder and sells for fl'.M). F. o. i{ factory. TRIANGUL\R DEBATE The affirmative side debating for | the adoption of a plan of unemploy i rnent Insurance, debated April the j first in the Bunn high school auditori i Edward Best. Those debating wore: urn against the negative team for Affirmative, Juanita Perry and Deci mo Cay< : Negative, Rachael V.’Velc nn<! Raymond Moore. The negative j side won. The presiding officer for . the occasion was Ennis Murphy, with | the aid of Louise Williams as secre tary. tPo doKoto. ft,f. debaters, the judgt . who were Messrs. Charles P. Green and Guy Moore, and Miss Frances Shearon, and the co iches, | were entertained in the Home Eoono j mics room. ; The negative team of Bunn High I -ehool debated against Eureka High j School and won. Those debating were: I Marguerite Harris and John Mullen I from Bunn. They reported a delight ful trip and a good time. Y. W. A. Holds Monthly Meeting The Y. W. A. society of the Bap tist church held its regular monthly meeting at the home of Miss Aileen ( hamblee on Tuesday, April sth Mrs. Willard Gill and Miss Maude Land were in charge of the follow ing program: •Song, Y. W. A.; Scripture, Mrs. Lawrenc#- Tracy; Prayer, Ms. Avon IPMvette; Mary Slessor, Ruby Dawson; Chinese Love Story, Coressa Eberhart; Miss Fannie Heck, Mrs. J. B. Outlaw; - Anne Judson, Dorothy Jones. ; Each member answered to the roll r call with the name of some book in i the Bible. A short business meeting followed, • the program. i __— DEATH OF CHILD Anne Dora, the little 18 months’ ! old child of Mr. and Mis. Willie 80l- I ton died Monday after a very short ’llness. It was buried Tuesday 1 ternoon. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. Theo. B. Davis. ATTEMPT TO ENTER POSTOFFICE Mrs McGuire found on last Friday that an attempt to force the lock of the postoffice door had been made the night before. The would-be intruder had, in the effort to enter, broken off a long sliver of wood from the part of the door nearest the lock, and the j imprint of something like a screw-j driver was plain. COM MITTEK MEETING !id J A committee from the civic organi zations of the community met at the Woman’s Club on Tuesday af ternoon to perfect plans for the Yard and Garden Contest. Mrs. Jethro Stell was elected secre tary of' the contest, and will record jail entries. It was decided that prizes, he offer-' ed for improvement in two entries; j first and second in each division. The divisions decided upon are I. j Those who do all the work themselves; 2nd. —Those who hire only manual labor and plan the work themselves. It! was not thought necessary to ask for entries from those who employ land scape gardeners. A stereopticon lecture is to be giv en at an early date to give instruction 1 and stimulate interest. Entries can he made up to June Ist , when the hook will be closed. (Ent'y blanks will he found in 'his issue. Be sure to save them, even if you do not decide to enter contc-t at once. And. if you cannot r :| l not enter, nas.- the blank on to someone else. Fid.) \N !MDROVED AGER \TI M Faraone. According to the origina tor it “surpasse all the other varie ties known to horticulture. Its great value it due to the dwarf and com j- et habit and to the very long flower ing. The flowers are of a beautiful bright blue color, which on some days changes slightly into a rosy color.” <>n Tuesday niglo the schools of s Carey, Garner, \V„kelon and Wake s I'"rest sent delegations to meet in ? Hie auditorium of Wake Forest Col i ''go. vheri a musical program was I given. Wakelon features for the eve ning were: Two numbers by the Boys’ Glee Club, - Roll Away, and Old Black Joe; two folk dances by members of '|the Girls’ Glee Club Highland Fling and Tantolei; two soos by Paul Year ■ gill*. Miss Buffaloe played for the | songs and Jocelyn House for the dances. The program concluded v 11 h the representatives of all four schools ; inging together two three part songs D, Western Wind, and Hunting Song. These were directed by Prof 1 Isaac Battin of Meredith College, ■ | with Miss Hedrick as accompanist. It v - said t„ have been •• most excel -1 len entertainment, reflecting much credit upon the performers. $750,000,000 BILL KILLED Washington.—Congress has just killed the LaFallette-Costigan bill to appropriate $700,000,000 of govern ment funds for direct relief to the unemployed. President Hoover was upheld in his opposition to such as j sistance to relieve the present needs of the millions of unemployed. FOSTER ACQUITTED . W. H. Foster, secretary-treasurer ’I of the Republican state executive committee, charged with . soliciting -for political purposes from federal r office holders in government build i ings has been acquitted by a jury as ter two and one-half hours delibera * tion. EASTER EGG HUNT In spite of the had weather 18 hun . ters assembled at the home of Mrs. ' Ormond Massey on Easter Monday at '13:00 p. m. They were members of ’ the primary class of Wakefield Sun day School and Mrs. Massey is their teacher. They hunted Easter eggs which had been hidden in the yard, jnnd had a wonderful time. This treat | is only one evidence of this teacher’s i interest in her class. j " ~~ BIRTHDAY PARTY On Friday of last week Wilbur Debnam celebrated his Bth birthday by inviting a number of his friends i to his home from 4:00 to 0:00 p. m. Games end contests were much en joyed and equal or greater—pleasure ; i was afforded by *he abundant refresh ments of ice cream and cake The (guests went home full of the pnftv iin -very sense of the word. Mrs. Deb nan must understand small boys. i BIG COTTON CROP Raleigh.— Indications are now that there will bo 26,000,000 bales of cot ton in the United States this fall. Tb is will be equal to the present supply and will tend to cause low prices in all parts of the cotton belt. LEWIS OUT FOR PRESIDENT Springfield. 111.—James Hamilton Lewis, P. S. Senator from Illinois was placed in the running as a Dem ocratic candidate for to . ,ay with the receipt of a primary pe tition prepared in bis behalf at the secretary of state's office. COO!.! DG E A POLfMHZ EH “My mistake and here’s $2500 for it” was the substance of an apologv given Lewis B. Tebbets, St. Louis .'insurance man, by former President ! Calvin Coolidge. Tebbets had sued Coolidge for SIOO,OOO claiming that a recent radio address of the former | president had in.jdVed his business. Coolidge had warned the public against the so-called “twMe’” who i offers to save money by nlacing life insurance policies in another compny. SOUTH TO SUPPLY SAILOR “HANKIES” Greenville. S. C. Uncle Sam had tun;: 1 to the -Smith to help supplv V oilot-s with handkerchiefs. The South. ' Handkerchief Mnmi f. -ffuring C< -many here announced r h- . inf'- 'tel to supply the navy with 300,000 handkerchiefs during the next year. This was lid to be the first time a Smith Carolina mill has received th‘ • nnual contract. A group of Edgecombe farmers shipped 151 hogs last week which weighed 28,801 pounds total. Number I.J

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