The Zehulon Record | Published every Friday by THE RECORD P' BUSHING CO, Z«bulon, N. C. THEO. B. DAVIS Editor MBS. THEO. B DAVIS, Social sad Local Editor. FntC'ed n« second clan*! roaii matter June 26, 1925, at the Poatoftce at tenulon, North Carolina, under the Act ot March 3, IH7B. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: One Year sl.6# S < Months • '■ ree Months -60 Our Weekly Pinion Let all bitterness, and wrath and anger, and clamor, and evil-speaking, be put away from you, with all mal ice: And be y« kind one to another, ten dei hearted, forgiving one another, even as God, for Christ's Hake, hath forgiven you. Eph. 4:31-32. Paul’s admonition to the church at Epoesus might well he memorized and practiced by ail of us today. Let none of us dare say that we cannoti forgive; that cuts us oil’ from being! forgiven. The failun of the kidnappers to return the Lindbergh baby after be-j ing puid the sum demanded as ran som emphasizes their cruelty. We won-; edr, if they were arrested, how many ( would sympathize with the criminals) instead of their victims. i o- Harry L. Stevens, national com mander of the American Legion, is getting a taste of the fickleness of public popularity. Stevens is being severely criticised by many because he is not calling for the payment at | this time of the soldiers’ bonus. We are impressed by the fact that go far only 30 farmers have applied for faim loans in Catawba County. > That county raises some cotton and ( tobacco, but much more grain, hay j and fruit. Grain and hay mean dairy | cattle and meat. Catawba folks live at home. —• — In a headline comment concerning; that lien belonging to Mr. George j Taylor—-the one said to have crowed | and to have laid three eggs in one j day— The News and Observer says: “No wonder she Crowed.” ■—o — And now the Farm Board is to be investigated. We hope all this investi-1 gating amounts to something. At least, it furnishes employment. —o — Maximum and Candidate’s score is. Given Below: Character .13 1-3 points; points Platform 33 1-3 points; points Ability 33 1-3 points; points In the first place see that a man scores in character. If he hasn’t character, then nothing else should induce us to support him. But if he has character, next ask whether he has the right ideas about public ser vice- a sound platform. And if he favors a correct platform, has he ability enough to make himself count ir, putting it across? — j Corinth Items A large crowd attended Sunday school Sunday. The adult class took the banner from the Intermediate with an attendance of ‘35 per cent. Misses Gladys Davis, Neva Smith and Lois Eason were the Thursday night guests of near Salem church. A large crowd attended the surprise party given Miss Gladys Davis, by het sister. Miss Esther Davis and Mr. Henry Coxe, Saturday night. Messrs Joe William Bunn and Dur wood Brantley of near Middlesex call ed on Misses Esther and Gladys Davis Sunday afternoon. Mrs. William Wall and children were the week-end guests of Mrs. Wall’s uncle, Mr. Sid Richardson. Miss Minnie Lee Horton of Hales Chapel was the Thursday night guest of Miss Laumet Creech. Mrs. W. L. Liles had a quilting party Friday afternoon. Miss Pattie Carter had a quilting party Tuesday afternoon. Popcorn was served after the quilting. We are very sory to report that Mr. R. L. Wall has not improved very much since last week. Mrs. Pattie Creech is spending a few days of this week in Selma with her daughter. Mrs. D. E. O’Neal. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Denton and Mr. Denton’s father, Mr. “Bunk” Denton motored over to Mr and Mrs. M. G. Crowder’s for the week-end on a “Hoover” cart. Little Mary Crowder is spending the week • 1 *’ l ner aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mr.-. If. S. Denton. ! BUNN NEWS j SENIOR PLAY I 1 On Friday evening, April 22, at |, l{ rht o’clock, the seniors of Bunn high school will present the play Lookin’ Lovely.” This will be: the j •closing event tor the school year, and, I in one of the most interesting plays ever given at Bunn. Winnie Bordine has inherited her father’s debt-ridden farm situated in New England state. She is attempt np to sell the farm, when fate leads \ two promoter to her door. In a most j interesting way they turn the farm j ,nto a “Health and Beauty Institute.” I Plenty of fun is rendered when Bud die and Clytie always manage to get i someom in trouble or get in trouble . themselves. The characters are h*- follows: Persimmon- the faithful old colored servant in the Bordine home, Juanita Perry; Winnie Bordine —Owner of a ]■ tge farm, about, nineteen years old. with a lot of courage—Louise Wil liams; Amarilla, the village post mis tress and broadcaster, Ixiuise Weath ersbv; Buddie and Clytie—-Winnie’s brother and sifter Derward Clu i Pardo and Kathryn Weathers; Jennie j Matthews a friend of Winnie’s, now on the stage- Hattie Murphy; Speed Hawkins the sheriff, whose one de ( sire is to ‘catch” Amarilla —Glynn Dickerson; Esther Hastings, who lives ' next door and has a very disagree; j able manner since she returned from I abroad—Roslyn Hollingsworth; Bill ) Baker—A promoter looking for some j thing to promote—Horace Chnaves;; | Jim Dugan—his pal, who falls in love j with Jennie Matthews—George Pearce; Chollv Longacre— A young; Englishman and dramatic critic—Proe-j j tor Alford; Mae Dubrowski—a thea j trical producer from New York—M. i L. Hagwood. j To cover commencement expenses j fan admission of 15 and 25 cents will he charged. Come one, come all! It. is a play I ! worth seeing! Proceeds wall be used; | for school. STOP! READ! COME!! Howdy, folks! Did you ever go for | an aeroplane ride? Well, if you never have been, youv’e missed half of your j | life. To “come down to brass tacks,”; : would you like to go for a ride in an aeroplane? If so, just crank up “old Lizzie” and drive over to Bnnn high school, April 21st., at eight p. m. and you will see some great, sights in that auditorium. Those seniors who arc J always thinking of somethinw “new”; have worked nut under the supervi-I sion of Miss Sherwin, the most inter-j esting plan for their class Day Ex-j ercises. Have you ever thought of how a person might reach the planet Mars? j That’s the goal of the graduating < class. They are always seeking a route to a place that is ‘‘Excelsier.” Now, we, the seniors, are going to ; look for you on Thursday night, the; • twenty-first, and you will never re-j gret that you came, if we can help | it. More than that, it will not cost) you a penny! Commencement Day Exercises On Friday morning, April 22nd., at 10:30 the annual commencement day exercises will be held in Bunn high school auditorium. Diplomas, certi ficates, and awards will be given. The Honorable Dennis G. Brummitt, at torney-General of North Carolina will deliver the Yerary address. The Glee club will furnish music for the occasion. We extend a cordial invita tion to everyone. Ml SIC CONTEST r phe Franklin County Music Con test between high schools was held in Franklinton, Monday night, April fourth. Misses Roslvn Hollingsworth nd Erlean Mitchell represented Bunn school. Roslvn played "Shower of Stars” bv Paul Wach. and won third place in the contest. GLEE CLUB OUTING On the afternoon of April 3, the members of the Glee Club gathered at the school building. Judging from remarks heard by a passerby they were bound for a weiner roast. About 5:30 o’clock a truck arrived. The stu dents all pile<] in and amid much laughter and fun were safely carried to Flat Rock. Before dark the stu dents entertained themselves by play ing old-fashioned games. Then came the very best part of all—-“the eats”. The weineis were roasted and I will no* vouch for the number of burned fingers there were. The crowd re turned about 9:30 o'clock, each de claring that they had thoroughly en jnved the trip. T*« regular meeting of the P.-T. was held on Wednesday evening of Inst week. Rev. Charles B. Howard was present and spoke to the parent* THI R£TOttJL> Zebuian. Wak* Coußty. N. April 15, 1932 'on ’the three sides of school. “We can’t have a school without three sidea anymore than we can have a pig pen without three sides. These three sides, he said, were the pupils, the teachers, and the parents.” Mr. Howard’s speech was thoroughly en joyed by all present. We regret that Mr. Howard had to leave immediately after his talk because of the illness |of his wife. After the meeting ad journed doughnuts and coffee were served. i MUSIC RECITAL The musk pupils of Bunn high ; ! school will give a music recital in the auditorium on April 19th., at seven i forty-five. MiV- Fuller states that ’ there will be tv > divisions of the mu sic students. The senior pupils who me: Roslyn Hollingsworth, Kathryn Weathers, and Leslie Cooke, will give ♦heir recital first. Then the inter mediate music pupils will give theirs. Everybody is urged to attend this part of the commencement exercises. PILOT NEWS J Miss Norine Pearce spent last week end with Mrs. Emma Davis of Ral eigh. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Jones of Ral eigh spent last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Jones. Miss Annie Denton is spending sev eral weeks with Mrs. Carmichael, of Rocky Mount. Mrs. Carmichael has suffered terribly from an accident she had with her car, on her way to visit her mother, Mrs. John Pippin, j Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Smith | spent a part of their honeymoon with/ Mrs. Smith’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley T. Williams. ! They were married at Westbrook, ! Va. I Mis. Cindy Jeanes and Mr. Andrew j Carlyle have recently married here. | [They are making their home with his i . parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Carlyle, j Mrs. Mary Lee Alford of N. C. C. | W,, spent holidays here with her i parents, M%and Mrs. J. B. Alford, j Mrs. Rachel Bunn, Miss Violet Mae ! Bunn and Mr. Russell Bunn were Monday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. (Claude Wheless of Pine Ridge. Mr. Willie Boyette Hinnant and Miss Ollie Wester of Pine Ridge were I Sunday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. ; Wilev Williams. Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Perry of \ Zehulon spentSundav with her sister, Mrs. Sonnie Alford. LEES CHAPEL NEWS "Miss Oillie Lewis spent Sunday p. m. with Mrs. Gnt Bailey. Mrs. Nancy O’Neal of Antioch, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. O. Kemp, this week. Master Webb Kemp spent Satur day night with his sister, Mrs. Rex Brown, of the Hales section. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Driver spent Sunday near Zebulon with her par ents. We are very sorry to learn her father. Mr. C. G. Lewis has pneu monia. Misses Winnie Faison and Dallis Wilder spent Monday night with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Bunn. Mrs. M. B. Lewis visited Mrs. W. I. Green Sunday p. m. Little Virginia Liggins spent the week-end with her grand-mother, Mrs. Jensy Stallings. Miss Orkie Stallings spent Satur day night with Miss Ola Driver. Little Babe Creech is having some cold days brooding his babv chicks. Mr. R. L. Stallings a: 1 family were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jonah | Stallings Sunday. WHITLEY SERVICE STATION lIT Your car all it needs—Gas, oil, air, YY water. 0 tie-hall' of it is free— T" 1 | You all you can eat —Hot Dogs, M Sandwiches, Cakes, Pies, Fruit, Drinks. “On Million Dollar Avenue” GROW QUALITY TOBACCO Last year proved it’s the only kind that will pay! And years of outstanding crops in this section have proven +hat NACO BRAND PERL T VIAN FOBACCO FORMULAS will produce A wide variety of formulas and an alyses to suit every soil. Come And See Me Before You Buy. D. D. CHAMBLEE —Zebulon, N. C, HUDSONS CROSS ROADS Mr. and Mrs. Alonza Creech spent Sunday with Mr. R. P. Batten and family. Miss Ruth Perry was the week-end guest of Miss Lorie Liles, Messrs. W. I). Moody, Ernest Cooke, Earl Moody, Mesdames Earl Moody and Henry Fowler attended the burial of their sister in law and aunt, Mrs. Irving Wall, of Lumberton, Sunday. Mr. Donald Alford of near Social I’lain church visited his brother, Mr. \finer Alford Sunday. Mr. Lenmon Hocutt and family, of th'- Corinth section were visitors in the home of Mr. W. R. Holder Satur day night. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Richardson, of Wendell, were guests of her sister, Mrs. Annie M. Nowell Sunday. Mcasrs. H. H. Batten and Thurman Driver motored to Beaufort. N. C., Saturday on business. Mrs. E. H. Hinton spent a short while with Mrs. Thurman Driver Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hight were the week-end guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Hight. Misses Effie Mae Moody and Mable Holder spent the week-end with then grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Holder of Wendell. Miss Ora Lee Parrish spent a short while with her uncle, Mr. Herman j Hocutt and family Sunday p. m. Mrs. Madie Hill spent Monday in; Wendell with her aunt, Mrs. o. P. Richardson. ROLESILE — Mrs. C. T. Bowling visited Raleigh, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Pearce and Miss Ellen Royal Jones visited Raleigh Sat urday. Miss Beatrice Daniel, of Manteo, spent the week-end with her sister,! Mrs. W. R. Pearce. The P.-T. A. enjoyed having Prof. M. A Huggins of Meredith College speak to them Monday night We enjoyed having Rev. C. A. Up-j church with us Sunday morning and evening. April 17, at 8 o’clock there will be service at the church by Rev. G. H. Norris. He will preach on the differ ence between thronging and touching Jesus. (Mark 5:24-34). You are cor-j dially invited to hear him. Mr. W. J’. Roger’s friends will bel sorry to hear he is ill. We are glad to learn that Mrs. C.j B. Howard is improving. Mrs. How-1 aid has been confined to her home foifl the past two weeks with pleurisy. I Mrs. Roxie Godwin of Glendale "'al the guest of her daughter, Mrs. .John* uie iiiliiard last week. I We are glad to tell that our Sunl Jay school is growing so we had make a new class. Come on peopleß we still have room for you. ■ Mr. William Hilliard and fa mill spent Sunday with relatives neafl Zebulon. ■ ; . a,: J Mrs W. O. Driver well Zebulon visitors Tuesday afternoo® Mrs. W. Liggi: sn-'i’t : :rurdJ afterno Mrs. Argo son i^ We ar Mad to know little Ina Marge? •• Driv is improv ; lg. from an attack of flu. Remember church servic s Satur day and Sunday at the regular hour. PINE RIDGE The Missionary Society met with Mrs. Minnie Boyette Pearce on Thurs day evening, April the seventh. Miss Dorothy Branch of Henderson was a visitor here Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Otha Mulien of Wen dell visited Mrs. E. T. Griffin Sunday. Misses Margaret Griffin and Er cclle Avent were Raleigh visitors Sat urday. | v, iss Ruby Perry entertained at a party given in honor of her guest, Miss Phyllis Smith or Friday evening; April the eighth. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mitchell and I family of Fuquay Springs w ' :t> visi tors of Mr. and Mi . H. H. Bedding-j field Sunday. Mr. Bruce Perry pent the week end with his parents, Mr and Mrs. J. IF. Perry. | Mr. Ray Vaughan of Rocky Mount visited Miss F’lorine Haymon Sunday night. Mrs. Johnnie Bullock visiting Mr. and Mrs. VV. R. Bullock of near ! Fuquay Springs. Miss Ruby Perry visited Vis*-- Mary j Lee Alford at Pilot last week. Mrs. Missouri Wilson of Newport News, Va., is spending some time here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Smith and family of Pearces spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. W. J. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Walter 1. Smith were Sunday guests of her uncle’s family, Mr. Daniel C. Bunn, near Sel ma. while Mr. Melvin Williams and • M Viola M'assey visited Smitbfield. j i Pleasant Hill News Miss Millard Horton of Raleigh is spending a few days with 'Miss Mu zelle Horton. Mr. and Mrs. R. 11. Hunt of Dur ham were guests at T. Y. Puryear's Sunday. Mrs. 11. E. Whitaker and daughtei Emily Dimmock have returned from an extended trip where she visited her husband and relatives at Tren ton, N. J. Mb es Meta and ElvalPlUlLa^Ji^ta TOO MUCH work, too much mental strain, too much worry .then “NERVES”. How they torture you, tire you, keep you awake nights! “NERVES” make you irritable, restless; give you Headache, Indigestion... .“NERVES" make you look and feel old weaken resistance and pave the way for serious nervous or organic trouble. J M. Foster, a druggist, suffered tortures from Over-wrought Nerves. He had dozens of so called “Nerve Remedies” in his store One by one he tried them without relief until.... But let Mr Foster tell his experience in his own words. 40' “ ft,. " \ medicirie made, and that a better one cannot be £ I made. Dr. Miles’ Nervine was the only rnedi | r u, 1 cine on the shelf or in the prescription case that t A*,; i"*\t put me on my feet.” J. M. Foster, Druggist Marysville, Ohio Rogers Cross Roads Mrs. W. G. Karr.p took supper with Mrs. J. W. Strickland, Sunday night. Miss Ruth Medlin was the week end guest of Miss Maude Johnson. jiiss Vivian Belle seemed to be pleased Sunday because it was hei birthday. Mr-. M. B. Lewis enjoyed Sunday evening at Mrs. W. I. Greens. Mr. Vaden Morris called on Mis* Ruth Strickland Saturday afternoon. Seems that all the girls of our com j munitv love to he together. There I were- about fifteen at Miss Roehelle j Strickland’s Sunday. J Mrs. Columbia Bailey and daughter Annie, of near Zebulon were visiting i Miss Jettie Kemp Friday. Mr. Irving Lewis and Mr. Ted Belle are getting to be real fisher men. They caught four cat (kitten) fish Saturday night. Mrs. J. B. Strickland spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Ben Medlin. Mr. J. C. Dudley and family had a house key hunt when they returned home from Sunday school last Sun day. We’re all sorry that they failed ■to find it. Mrs. Willard Belle of Wendell is with her sister in-law, Mrs. Josh Williams for a few days. Mrs. J. B. Belle was the week-end guest of Mrs. Josh Williams. This her first trip since she was in a dump cart wreck about two months ago. Mr. Webb Kemp spent Saturday night with his sister. Mrs. Rex Brown of Hales’ Chapel section. Mrs. J. C. Dudley and Mrs. Rocher Lewis have been racing for the past week to see which one could quilt the most bed quilts. M: . te:- Carroll Lewis has been look ing on the calendar for bare foot time. He’s some glad its here. A** * £ © bbb LIQ Ull >—T A BI.ETS—S AL V E bH6 Liquid or Tablets used internally and 655 Salve externally, make a com plete and effective treatment for HH| MAN \GLMENT HH • 1 ! r).> r-Li;• < -.ii-'-o jm A- l f ( i.Rures,- Aug. 24 the Z.-Nulol Re - Mi h IjjffiHpkk at Z'-balmi. X. < - Anr i H ||Hr.f N. (’.. Wake lb ■ me. a notary a1 |HHir -UT.t \ HjHtallv appear* d Thoo. !’>. 1 uvit 'i - * * * duly -w- • law. deposes and sir--- Hr t he ■u- owne. publisher, edit***. manager «-f the Zehulon i:— • M and that M. F. Grote is the Hvn bond, mortgagee or nth*-- jHity holder owning - Hthc 2nd. day of April. 1932. I D. D. Chan ! 'j Bommissioi? expire* Apr; 1 ■VERTD'I I N TiM RE* -