Union Hope News SurJay school keeps getting larg er. folks. Let’s all go next Sunday. A few people in our community have already started setting tobacco. Mr. Charlie Weathersby of Rocky M unt visited Mr. Berv Murray Mon day. We are sorry to report that Mr. Melvin Cone happened to the misfor tune of getting his nose broken and his cheek-bone fractured while play ing baseball at Pine Ridge last Satur day afternoon. We hope he will soon be in the game again. Mr. L. L. Massey visited his daugh ter. Mrs. Alonza Deans of Sims, last Sunday. Mr. B. A. Brantley was a business visitor in Nashville last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Brantley of Mid 1 clesex visited their sister, Miss Featisi Brantley Monday, who is seriously! sick. Our choir is practicing for the vo cal Union which is to be held at Union Hope this time. Don’t forget it folks, the same old date, fifth Sunday in May. Mr. P. H. Massey’s Store was visi ted Monday night by thieves who took a good many chickens along with them. Mrs. Ed. Massey of Rocky Cross! was a pleasant visitor in our com-! munity Monday Mrs. Bob Deans of Sims has re turned home after spending the week j with her son, Mr .Robert Deans. M . Carle igh Griffon of Samaria j called to Miss Lillian Brantley Sunday afternoon. i LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SUMMONS North Carolina, Wake County, In the Superior Court. Wake County vs. David F. Fort and wife Mrs. David F. Fort. The defendants above named will take notice that an action as above cnti 'ed has been commenced in the Superior Court of Wake County, North Carolina, for the purpose of foreclosing certain Sheriff’s Certifi cate of Sale for taxes for the year 1929, owned and held by Wake Coun-i ty,aa c ) for other taxes, costs and in- ! terest and penalties due Wake Coun-! ty, which are liens upon that certain tract, lot or parcel of land listed for i the year 1929 and other years shownj in the complaint in said action in! the name of David F. Fort in Bartons < reek Township, Wake County, North Careli;::., described as follows: 82 acres Fort Land, 66 acres Bay Leaf, 67 3-4 acres Belvin Land, 93 acres Justice School land. And the relief demanded consists wholly or partly in excluding all per sons from any actual interest or lien in or to sai l lands. And the parties will further take no tice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Wake County, North Caro lina, at his office in the City of Ral eigh, on the 2nd day of June, 1932. and answer or demur to the com plaint filed in said action or the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This the 14th day of April, 1932. j E. LLOYD TILLEY, Assistant Clerk of the Superior Court | of Wake Countv, North Carolina t After more than three months of suffering from a nervous ail ment, Miss Gllvar used Dr.Miles’ i Nervine which gave her such splendid results that she wrote i Us an enthusiastic letter. If you suffer from “Nerves.” If you lie awake nights, start at sudden noises, tire easily, are cranky, blue and fidgety, your nerves are probably out of order. Quiet and relax them with the same medicine that “did the work" for this Colorado girl. Whether your “Nerves" have troubled you for hours or for years, you’ll find this time tested remedy effective. Stores 25c and fI.OO. Personal Mention Mrs. C. E Flowers is visiting hei sister, Mrs. Adams, in Wilmington. - - r . W. C. Campen is confined tc ‘,hcr b, ,i by illness 7 ; Supt. and Mrs. E .H. Moser enter | tained the school board and Messrs. ;I’ H Massey and W. H. Brookbanks 'j at dinner Wednesday evening j Mi s : Berdon Bell and W. T ; Shaw were visitors to the Record of fice on Tuesday. Mr. Shaw is a candi date whom Berdon recommends. This 1 has weight in Zebulon. Mr. as . Mrs. Tom Broughton and children of Garner spent last Sunday I here with Mrs. Broughton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Robertson. , Mr I. M. Tull was a caller in the (home of the editor on Wednesday. Mr. Tull is manager of the airport |at Chapel Hill. Mis Etta Bridges and Mrs. Thom ias Bridges have been visiting this ! week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. \. S. Bridges. Mrs. R. S. Lamb and Mrs. Minnie L. Wray of Wilson spent Tuesday i here with their sister, Mrs. Oren Mas i sey. In a letter received after most of our paper was made up James Irvin i Pulley wishes us to tell the boys and | girls that he is president of his class | in the Zebulon M. E. Sunday school, ! and wants to see the class grow. He ' urges all not already in S. S. to join j his class and promises that when it : has indeed a large membership he 1 will give them a feast at his home, i with games. Miss Eona Peacock of Raleigh was i the guest of Miss Addie Ellis Win j stead during the Wakelon Commence* j ment exercises. Mr. J. B. Cahoon, Lila and John Ca ihoon and Miss Elaine Strickland spent ! the past week-end in Columbia. Miss Addie Ellis Winstead and Mr. Gene Utley of Raleigh spent last week with friends in Greensboro and Winston-Salem. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Welton and Byrd, formerly residents here, now living in Hobgood, were Zebulon visi tors on Monday. Beth Massey, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Massey was one of • the few children in Wake County ! pronounced by Dr. Bulla to be 100 per cent when examined recently in ! the pre-school clinic. , The Greensboro News states that ! Miss Inez Pitts of Zebulon was one j of those taking part in a recent pa ! gcant on I’he Ltrama of the Dance at N. C. C. W. Mrs. L. M. Gould and sons, John Thomas and Mike, are visiting in, Zebulon, with headquarters at the home of her father, Mr J. M. Whitley. Rev. and Mrs. N. B. Johnson had their son and daughter home from Louisburg College for the week-end. Mrs. F. L. Page and Frederick left on Monday to join Mr. Page at San ford, where they will live. They will be greatly missed here. Mr. and Mrs. Irby Gill have moved into the house on Gannon Avenue which has been occupied by the PagC family. Mr. C. E. Mkielle is home from the hospital for a stay with his family. • a i igr, . v wm+.wtm Announcement Os | John W. H insciaie j A A i'andidhie For Re'Eieftion To THE STATE SENATE I am a candidate for re-nomination to the State Sen- ;! ate. I stand exactly where I stood upon the adjournment of the Legislature last May. ij If elected I shall continue to tight to remove taxes j from real estate and for a return of the state govern ment from the hands of special privilege to the hands of the people. If you approve of my stand in the last Legislature, i will appreciate your vote and support. JOHN ’V. HINSDALE 8 ' JOHN F. BROUGHTON Os St. Marv Township jg * for register deeds, wake COUNTY U Subject to Democratic primarj, June 4. ii * Farmer and business man, trained in school of ex-g rnfrience —life-long Democrat, never candidate for| ■ office before. Believes in high tirade public service^ ■at low cost to taxpayers. Promises maximum ef-IJj Slhciencv at minimum cost. ( | THE RECORD, Zebulon, Wake County, N. C. May 13, 1932 His friends regret that it will be necessary for him to return to the sp.iui. Mr. Thomas Bunn, who has a po sition with the Carolina Power and Light Co., has been transfered from Zebulon to Raleigh, where he is do -1 ing office work. Mr. Paul Cashwell has been trans ferred from Dunn to Zebulon, and I will have the place formerly held by Mr. Bunn. Mi-. Cashwell is a brother to the . Ir. Cashwell who lived in I Zebulon f r some time as an employee of the C. P. and L. This will make i family a v now visiting relatives, but dm dy welcome to the town. His J will arrive soon. Hopkins Chapel I The W. M. U. will meet at the i church a: 2:00 p. m. All members try going one time. Misses Madileen Perry and Kathleen Duke sis sit Saturday night with Mrs. lola Watkins. Mr. Hoyle Bunn and Miss Thelma i Bunn, attended preaching at Rocky l Cross Sunday. Mr. John Walker of near Fuquay I spent the week-end in this communi ty visiting relatives. Misses Dessie Pearl Perry, and Ro salee Bunn visited Mrs. Mary Pearce last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Hermon Rodgers and Mr. Oscar Rogers of Raleigh were visitors in this community Sunday. Mr. Charlie Rogers of Wake For est motored through this community Sunday. Mrs. Jimmie Lee Pearce, Miss Foy i Mae P, nee and Mrs. Margie Denton l were the guests at Mr. Howard Bunn’s 'home Tuesday p. m. Rev. and Mrs. Lucius Evans of ! Wake Forest, Mr. Ed Sexton of Rocky Mount, were greeting friends in this community Tuesday p. m. Come to prayer meeting at the church Saturday at 7:30 p. m. Rev. Luciuc Evans announced that his theme on the third Sunday would be “Can a Mail Live Above Sin?” Service at three p. m. Miss Thelma Rtinn spent last week in Wake Forest in the home of Mrs. Lucius Evans, who was very ill. Mrs. G. W. Ray and son Willie, Mrs. Virginia Combs and children and Mrs. C. B Hodge and children spent Sunday p m. with Mrs. D. H. Perry. We are glad Mr. G. W. Ray’s health has improved so he was able to attend services at the church Sunday. Mr. Ernest Hodge spent Sunday j night in the home of his aunt. Airs. B. B. Richards. Misses Lily Bunn, Rosa Lee were visitors at Mrs. G. W. Ray's Sunday. ANNOUNCEMENT All who will enter flowers or plants in the Flower Show to be held next Tuesday at the Woman’s dub will please get them to the club house by 9:00 o’clock that day, or as soon thereafter as r>o sible, that they may be classified and arranged. The doors I will be opened to visitors all the af ternoon. Mrs. C. H. Chamblee, Chmn. i f RICHARDSON CROSS ROADS _ A large crowd attended the mothers program at the Union Tabernacle Sunday night. Miss Lucille Dean <>f Wendell visit ed her cousin, Miss Irene Richardson during the week-end. Mrs. Harvey Barnes and children of Wendell spent Sunday in the home of her brother, Mr. ('. 11. Carpenter. Miss Mary Hocutt is spending this week with relatives in Clayton. Mir. and Mrs. Thurman Driver an nounce tiie birth of a son, Thurman, Jr., April 28Th.. Mrs. Driver was be fore n:a, Miss Levada Batten. The children of Mrs. Annie M. Nowell, met at her home Sunday and gave her a surprise dinner. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. E.. W. Holder, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Knott, jof Wendell, and Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Green from near Middlesex. Little Dorothy Driver, of near • Zebulon is spending this week with her grandmother, Mrs. J. W. Liles. Miss Gladys and Lois Boykin and j Mable Holder spent Saturday night I with Mrs. Jeff Hight. Air. W. R. Holder is a real Baptist ! now. He went gigging Saturday | night and was baptized when he fell I out of the boat. Mr. anj Airs. Burke Seawell and! Business And Professional D I RECTORY STEADMAN STORES CO. j The place of better quality and cheap er prices 365 days each year. Eat WASEO flour, and smile and smile. CAROLINA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY Investigate Our Combination Rate for Lighting, Heating and Cooking Service. THE M-SYSTEM STORE “Saves for the nation” Our prices lead, others follow, Fresh meats. Fancy and staple groceries I GROCERIES i W. B. Bunn and Co. —Wholesale. J. H. Bunn —Retail. Quality for less. BAKER AND HOCUTT Groceries —Feeds —Dry Goods “Where you buy more for less.” HORSE SHOEING AND REPAIR WORK In front of Center Brick Warehouse G. I). Winstead with M. T. Debnam for a number of S. G. FLOWERS AND CO. Everything to v. ear for men. women and children. A. I). ANTONE Everything to wear from head to foot. The place for making by saving ! _ SATISKY’S Sells it for less. ZEBULON SUPPLY CO. We feed and clothe the family and furnish the home. Funeral Directors. J. A. KEMP & SON Groceries —Dry Goods Funeral Directors THE F. I). FINCH CO. We supply the farmer— Feeds —Fertilizers—Implements We solicit your patronage. | daughter, Geneva of Zebulon ant ! Mrs. Ray Nowell attended the buriai at Northside, Monday. Mr. Alton Alford spent Saturday nig'.t with Bill Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Boykin, of Wil son, visited Air. and Mrs. R. A. Nowell and Air. and Mrs. T. A. Hold er Sunday P. AI. They also attended the mother's pr gram Sunday night. Air. and Airs. H, 11. Batten spent Sunday in the home of Air. J’im M ood, of near Creech’s church. Sheriff and Airs. R. 11. Richardson, of Smithfield spent a short while with A r. and Airs. E. IJ. Hinton Sunday p. m. Mrs. George Vick was called 1° the bed side of her mother, Mrs. Jarrett Broadwell last week, at the home of her son in Richmond. Mrs. Brodawell has been seriously ill for several days NATIONAL MAGIC SKIN HEALER Guaranteed to cure all skin diseas es such as tetter, ring worm, itch, poison oak and exzema Tooth cream that prevents and cures pyorrhea. Also Cleaner for Furniture MRS. EFFIE HEATER, Box 74, Cary, N. C. OR SALE BY ZEBULON DRUG CO. ZEBULON CLEANING WORKS Cleaning, pressing, altering Work Guaranteed. Will call for and deliver. J. L. STELL Dry Cleaning, Cash. Suits 25c Overcoats, 25c; Dresses, 50c up; Cloaks, 50c Phone 26. LITTLE RIVER ICE CO. Quality and Service. Phone 74 DEBNAM HARDWARE COMPANY Everything in hardware. Lowe Brothers paints ard varnishes. Prices to fit the times. J. & M. CHEVROLET CO. Chevrolets new and used cars. Factory Trained Mechanics SHELL GAS Gill and Strickland Cars washed, greased, polished All service guaranteed. SEXTON AND MIZELLE Insurance—All Kinds. THE RECORD AGENCY Insurance—all kinds. Real Estate. Rentals D. D. Chamblee, Manager Record Building ZEBULON DRUG CO. Drugs, Drinks, School Supplies Planting Time—See us for seed Field and Garden CITIZENS DRUG CO. Everything in Drugs, Drinks, Toilet Goods DAWSON SERVICE ST A. HERMAN WHITLEY, Proprietor. That Good Gulf—Gas and Oils What your car needs, we have it Washing—Polishing—Greasing. M. H. ALFORD Heavy and Fancy Groceries Happy Feeds Across R. R. Below Depot. 1 1 FLOWERS Tor Funerals and All Occasions THE WENDELL FLORIST VPS. 11. F. TUN NELL Phone 56 DR. O. 1 P- \ Y ( andidate for Re-Election i M a!:e County Commissioner Subject to June Democratic Primary our vote and support Appreciated i i —— W. TOLMAN SHAW Candidate For HOI SE OF REPRESENTATIVES Advocates a reduction of public ex penditures; further relieving property of ad valorem tax; and getting the necessary money where it is most available. DR,.I. E. COLTRANE DENTIST Robertson Building Office Hrs. 9-12:30, 1:30-5 DR. L. M. MASSEY DENTIST Phone 82.—Office over 7,'ulon : , ruff Store. Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. DIG ( HAS. E. FLOWERS I hysician and Surgeon Ofiice Hrs. 8:30-10 a.m.. 1-3 p., n . 1 Phones: Office No. 76; Res. No. 91 , 1 Back of Citizen’s Drug Store dr. f. c. McDowell I hysician an i Surgeon Office Hours: 9 11 a.m. 3-5 p.m. Office Ihone 58; Res. 94. ikisy n. rill Attorney and ( ounseior at Law Phone 117 Zebulon, N. C. L. L. MASSEY Attorney at Law. Office in Massey Building. S. J. FERE BEE ( ont i actor—Building and Repair. Roof work a specialty. Everything in Insurance BUFFALO’S SODA SHOP ' . r./llet articles. Stationery; >. k V »--Sandwiches —Drinks I Corbett’s BARBEE SHOP ! Haircuts— 25 Cents Shaves- 15c; Shines—sc Main Street Zebulon, N. C. WEATH ERS ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP C. B. Eddins, Manager. Shoes—We supply all their needs. If it’s leather, we repair it. Don’t buy new; let us make it new. 1 FISHING CLUB~ (Taylor’s Mill) Best fishing—2o boats Season tickets—Picnics invited On old 91, 2 miles Middlesex, 5 from Zebulon