Wakefield News Miss Hazel Winstead, who is doing v .pital work in Baltimore, Md., is ending her vacation here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Win- 1 sttad. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Lawrence of freedmore, visited Mrs. R. P, Jones Sunday. Mrs. W. H. Chamblee and son. j jx’.im, and Mrs. C. H. Chamblee, left s tut day to vis'l in th" mountains. Mr. and Mrs. I’. Race and little daughter, Imogene. of Warrenton, ar° 1 visting relatives here this week, and attending the revival. Messrs. W. M. Johnson, and C. H. Chamblee enjoyed a fishing trip to Brunswick County last week. Miss Maggie Holmes of Louisburg, ' R visiting Miss Mary Alice Hood. | Miss Erma Ragan, of Meredith < ol ]ege, spent the week-end with Mrs | V S. Bridges and family. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Jones, and son,; B„libie of Nashville, N. C. visited Mrs. R P. Jones, Monday night. Mr. Henry Lee Bridges is spend ing this week with his brother, Mr. A. S. Bridges and family. and Mrs. Ayscue and children of Buie’s Creek were visitors here Sunday. Miss Cornelia Kimball and her friend, Mr. Johnson, of Raleigh, visit ed her mother, Mrs. Mamie Kimball, Sunday. Rli HARDSONS CROSS ROADS Mr. M. C. Todd, of Wendell made a very interesting talk at the Union Tabernacle Sunday afternoon in the k- nee of the pastor, Rev. W. E. An-j derson, of Durham. Mr. John Mattox,! Jr., dso of Wendell sang a solo, which 1 was enjoyed by all. Mr. and 'Mrs. John Robert Rich ardson were the week-end guests of ! her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Knott of the Central Baptist community. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Hinton visited Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Driver Sun day p. m. Thieves broke into Mr. Harry Hin nant’s chicken house one night last wee', end made their get-away with several hens and fryers. Mrs. Carol Dean and son, Willard, spent Saturday night in the home of Mrs. Annie M. Nowell. Mr. Earl Boswell of Towson, Md., was in our section for a short while Saturday p. m. Mrs. Worth Richardson spent a few'| (days last week with her parents. Mr., land Mrs. Tommie Williams, of near! [Zebulon. Mr. and Mrs. R. A.Now ell, Mr. and Mrs. M’. A. Richardson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Williamson of Wilson County Mr. Rayford Driver and family Visited in the home of Mrs. Mill Liles Sunday. Mr. T. F. Hight and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hight. were the week end guests of relatives in Franklin tin. Relax Tense j ”N E RYES" j -ti. ; | to 4 m | KBi._ Loss of Sleep, Crankiness, Headache, Neuralgia, Indiges tion and Fatigue are common results of over-work and nerve strain. ; Miss Ruth Sheets, a charming Michigan school teacher says: “1 have taken your Nerv ine during my college work and when I get those nerv ous spells after a hard day's teaching. lam sending my mother’s name to you. Will you please send her a trial package?” I !; Relax your tense nerves with the same reliable medicine Miss j Sheets found so effective. i Get it at your drug store. j Large bottle SI.OO Small 25c. - Mtney oaek if you are not DON'T MISS THESE! Miss Nancy Hall, Miss Porto Rico and I Snorting Ram Potato Slips Millions more or less now ready. M. S. CHAMBLEE ] It is reported that a man with a, I wooden leg fell asleep in a park and j < when he awoke found the placards of j I eight candidates nailed to his leg. THE RECORD, Zebulon, Wake County, N. C„ May 27, 1932 —^n —— LgEL I ! ■ ■ Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Liles, of Zebu lon. visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Nowell Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Oris Richardson spent Sunday with Mr. J. K. Alford. Master Wade Ricahrdso .u'nr.. en ‘terta:ned several of his friends Wed-' nesady afternoon in honor of his tenth birthday. 11l ™ i.tSffißW BBS “ * J. H. “Jim” Brown + ! Democratic Candidate For i |] Sheriff, Wake County j i our Vote and Active ! Support Will He Appreciated j i I j J. WILBUR BUNN Attorney, Os Raleigh ANNOUNCES HIS CANDIDACY FOR THE STATE SENATE, 1933 SESSION Subject To June Primary Represented Wake County as Representative in 1913, as Senator in 1917 Your vote and support will be appreciated ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ l FOR ♦ X House of Representatives I ♦ VOTE FOR X % FRED’K C. HANDY ♦ X On Economy-Balanced Budget Platform ♦ ; ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦* rr=J r=u r=Jr=J f 71 ‘ FOR CORONER [i j] Dr. Verne S. Caviness Subject to DomocraticjM Jr Primary [I Your Vote and Support Will Be Appreciated jp J] A Physician for Coroner. LLJ kml rmj HTTJ prd j~=d pirJ rrrJ r = rl F^JUF-* !’ “ " * “ “ FOR HOUSE OF j* I CHARLES B, AYCOCK RE Zf^f s j \\ ake County I Your Vote Will Be Appreciated | j | Announcement Os j John W. Hinsdale | As A Candidate For Re-Election To ; | THE STATE SENATE ;[ I am a candidate for re-nomination to the State Sen ate. j: j :i 1 stand exactly where J stood upon the adjournment : j of the Legislature last May. : | : If elected I shall continue to tight to remove taxes : from real estate and for a return of the state govern : ment from the hands of special privilege to the : hands of the people. : I If you approve of my stand in the last Legislature, (I will appreciate your vote and support. { JOHN W. HINSDALE j » JOHN F. BROUGHTON Os St. Mary Township pr M. FOR REGISTER DEEDS, WAKE COUNTY fg Subject to Democratic primary, June 4. |X| Farmer and business man, trained in school of ex-|^ Bperience —life-long Democrat, never candidate forpjjj office before. Believes in high grade public service at low cost to taxpayers. Promises maximum es-g PLEDGE j Always the Greatest Good to the Greatest Number MRS. E. L. SHEARON Teacher, Home Maker, Farmer's Wife Graduate Meredith, A. B. State M. S. Student ( olunibia University ( andidate for HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES UNION HOPE NEWS ( ing to the burial services of Mr.) Curtis Bryant of Rocky Crons our! Su: ay school was postponed Sunday. , Mr. Bryant was a constant visitor in ) ;Z Nancy Hall, Jewel Yam. Will have them all the season at SI.OO p,. r thousand. JOHN BROUGHTON.' Zebulon, X'. C„ Rt. N'o. 3. ZEBULON CLEANING WORKS Cleaning. pressing, altering Work Guaranteed. VV ill call for and deliver. J. L. STELL Dry Cleaning, Cash. Suits 35c Overcoats, 25c; Dresses, 50c np; Cloaks, 50c Phone 26. LITTLE RIVER ICE CO. Quality and Service. Phone 74 DEBNAM HARDWARE COMPANY Everything in hardware. Lowe Brothers paints ai d varnishes. Prices to fit the times. J. & M. CHEVROLET CO. Chevrolets- new and used cars. Factory Trained Mechanics SHELL GAS Gill and Strickland Cars washed, greased, polished All service guaranteed. SEXTON AND MIZELLE Insurance—AH Kinds. THE RECORD AGENCV Insurance—all kinds. Real Estate. Rentals D. D. Chamblee. Manager Record Building ZEBULON DRUG CO. Drugs, Drinks, School Supplies . Planting Time—See us for seed Field and Garden CITIZENS DRUG CO. Everything in Drugs, Drinks, Toilet Gqod DAWSON SERVICE STA.j HERMAN WHITLEY, Proprietor. 1 hat Good Gulf Gas and Oils What your car needs, we have it Washing—Polishing Greasing. M. H. ALFORD Heavy and Fancy Groceries Happy Feeds Across R. R. Below Depot. FLOWERS For Funerals and Ail Occasions THE WENDELL FLORIST MRS. FL F. II WELL Phone '’•> DR. O. L. RAY ( andidate for Re-Election Hake Uounty Cemmissioner Subject to June Democratic Primary our vote and support Appreciated W. TOLMAN SHAW Candidate For HOI SK OF REPRESENTA TIVES Advocates a reduction of public ex penditures; further eving property of ad valorem tax; and getting the sf »ry money where it is most available. i I)R J. F. COLTRANE DENTIST Robert son Building Office Hrs. 9-12:30, 1 :HO-5 ‘ j DR. ( HAS. E. FLOWERS Phys.cian and Surgeon Office Hrs. 8:30-10 a.m„ 1-3 p.m. j Phones: Office No. 7