Bunn School News Sports The girls of Bunn High School have enjoyed playing baseball this fall Miss Nellie Mi-Girt was our coach and, .she proved to be a very successful one. Our girls showed fine sports manship in all of our games. For the past week, our girls have; shown much interest in basketball. Miss Elizabeth Fuller is our coach and: we are planning to have a good team and do some splendid playing. So ■ get to work girls. We can have a' good team if we wish. SCIENCE NEWS The Biology students have com pleted their insect and leaf collections and some of them are on display in the laboratory. The Indian Relic Col lection, consisting of several toma hawks and many kinds of arrow heads, has also been completed. The students —both high school and ele mentary, cooperated in making this I collection, and Miss Sherwin, th< science teacher, very attractively ar ranged them on display in the labora tory. The students have also co-op erated very well in bringing various things that would add to the labora tory. A very pretty turtle dove was brought last Thursday. It was kep* in a cage for several days, where it attracted much {attention, but this type of environment seemed not ti Mother of 7— StUI Young > .I 4 * ' ' N THE woman who gives her organs the right stimulant need not worry about growing old. Her system doesn’t stagnate; her face ti esn’t age. She has the health and "pep” that come from a lively liver and strong, live bowels. When iu're sluggish and the system needs help, don't take a lot of “t ■ ‘e ll l medicines.” There’s a farm ; doctor’s prescription for just such , and everv druggist keeps this standard pro) (ration. It is made from fresh laxative herbs, active senna, and j .re pepsin. Just ask for Or Caldwell's syrup pepsin. Take a little every day or so. until every organ in your body feels the big imp! veiaent. The next time you I-.,'--- a h-liocs headache, or tori nil bo. nd-i , i’ e this delicious syivp in- ti;--' . ‘ * ! - c \\ ! |3j| "I want my Telephone r «j put back, please \ vl Almost daily people who \ discontinued their telephones during re \ I cent months are ordering their service / ' 1 restored. They found that the small * , 1 cost of the service had been repaid many A times each month in convenience, in 1 time and actually in money saved. U Others missed the close and personal contact with friends made possible by / telephone service. Still others men / tioned the loss of many pleasant, im / promptu social gatherings when their \ friends were unable to reach them by telephone. It is all true —what these subscriber frier.ds of ours say. Telephone service costs so little and its value is so great that it really doesn’t pay to try to do without it. Southern Bell Telephone and Telegrapl jA Co. n r o a » o * a t c r) • I '***,/ made some beneficial posters. A doc* j tor and nurse from the class are agree with the dove, as it soon began to pine away. So Miss Sherwin de cided to kill it and mount it. Os cours* we hated to see it mounted, but then , we did not want it to suffer anymore I It won’t be long before we will see I him again, all stuffed and mounted j perched on a limb as if nothing has j happened. This will make the third j bir ( | that Miss Sherwin has mounted, j this year. Someone brought a weasel last Thursday, which is being mount ! <*d by one of the Biology students. i JUNIOR GRADE j The tenth grade ancient History ( I class has completed a second unit in j this year’s work. This time the class ; took up the study of Greece. Aftei , studying her geographical envioron-! nient and its influence, we took up the civilization. We found that Athen reaehed a very high form of civili zation during the age of Pericles. Wr studied the home life, education, and I ways of amusement. We found that many of the Greek dramas have come down to us, and our teacher borrowed one of these from the library ih Ra leigh to read to our class. We are to see now how Greece was swallowed up by a more powerful country. Seventh Grade For the past day or two we have been studying the most popular birds of North Carolina. We have already usual cathaitic. You’ll be rid of all that poisonous waste, and you haven’t weakened the bowels You'll have a better appetite, and feel better in every way. The constant use of cathartics is often the cause of a sallow complexion and lines in the fare. And so unnecessary! Would you I’F.e to break your of the cathartic nabit? At the time building health and vigor protects you from freauent spells, headach.s, and colds? G ■ big bottle of Dr. Caldwell’s sy; pepsin today. Use often enough avoid those attacks of constipai < When von fee 1 wean and run-dou wr a ci ded tongue or bad treat, warns you the bowels need to ! stimulated. Gi-. it to chilire, instead of stron;, laxativc-s that ?«-■ their strong*.’ .Ji ten't ex.pe™»*vc. THE RECORD, Zebulon, Wake County, N. C. November 18, 1932 : taken up the study of the Red-winged Bluck Bird, Oven Bird, Cat Bird was decorated to represent an Indian tent. The pregram, was as follows: 1. Devotional-—Gerald Edwards. 2. Poem—lndian Children— Doris Williams. 3. Play—Eyes That See—Cast— (White men)—Morris Cane], Jason Ward an< l Bobby Johnson—lndian I Chief (dressed to represent an In- I dian Chief) —Melvin Mullen. 4. Song—lndian Cullaby—Class. 5. Dance of the Indian Maids very typical of the Indian customs I both in dress and actions. This presented by Audrey Hayes, Elly Nevy iand Nellie Grey Beddingfield, and Lei tie Grey Wheeler. First Grade The first grade pupils have learned several good health rules and have Mocking Bird and House Wren. They were all very interesting. We have twetny-five pictures of these birds and are going to paste them in our loose leaf note books. We have the pictures pasted on the bulle tin board in our room of all the birds we will study this year. Third Grade A very interesting and educational program was given in Chapel Friday morning by the third grade. The stage chosen each week to check the clean liness of each child. Particular at tention is given to the teeth, finger nails, and hair. Oyster Supper On Thursday night, November 10 an Oyster Supper was given by the Home Economics girls in the Home Economics room of the school build ing. The dinner was very delicious and | everybody enjoyed it immensely. - General News The Seniors and .Juniors are all ex cited over the fact that their rings have come. Carmen Bunn, a former student >f i our school who is now going to Wake lon High School, was a visitor here last Wednesday. We all took quarterly examinations last week. Os course they were hard to us, but still we hope to get good grade . The following seniors were absent several days last week on account of illness: Willie Kay Bunn, Helen Shearon, Clemmer Grae Floyd, and Aileen Williams. The essay contest came to a close this week. The students were one hundred percent in participation Some real good work was done on these essays. All the more honor to : the winner from Bunn High School, j who is one of our High School S n iors Lucile Shear--n. We are hop ing that she will bring to us the “Loving Cup.” The tenth and eleventh grade Agri -1 culture classes are making a trailer ; to use ■ n field trips. Ik'thanv News There was a large attendance at Sunday School Sunday. Miss Lois Horn is visiting Mrs ; H. E. Davis this week. , Mr. J. H. Watkins and family were! ; visitors in Norfolk. Va. this week | and. ! Mr. Derwood Jones took dinner with Mr. Ralph Moore Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Collie of Beth any Community are going to move to Goldsboro. Their friends . and neigh bors regret this very much. Mr. William Phillips, Josis Up i church and Billie McCullers spen.| j Sunday evening with Mr. Charlie! I Lewis of Zebulon. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Blickard have gone to Ohio for a month. Hopkins Chapel Mr. Paul Horton was a Raleigh l visitor last Friday. Mr. (lark Brannan returned home from Raleigh Sunday where he has been visiting relatives. Mr. Fred Horton was a week-end guest of W. J. Horton, of Raleigh. He reported that Mr. Horton is able ] Jto be back at work but has two stiff | fingers as the result of the colored man’s bite on his hand a few weeks , ago. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Lingerfelt of Raleigh called to see Mrs. B. H. Bran nan Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Doyle, of near Raleigh, called to see Mr. J. H. Burn j Sunday, who continues ill, many of his friends and neighbors who live near here also called. | Mrs. Vera Rhodes of near Wake- I field called to see Mr. J. 11. Bunn Monday. Also Mrs. C. W. Horton and Mrs. Nellie Richards of the Union Chapel community. Mr. R. IX Burn and his brother C. H. Bunn, of Dur ham have gone to Richmond, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Otha Brannan moved 1 to their new home at Hopkins Cross ! Roads last week. | Mr. William Brannan has gone ti | Virginia after a load of apples. ♦ I Rocky Cross News There was no Sunday School here i last Sunday because the people went to the burial at Social Plains. Mr i John Phelps who lived at Zebulon was buried there. Mrs. Strickland who has been at the hospital has returned home. She is getting along nicely. What are you crying hard times for? You are getting on all right; You have three meals each day And a place to sleep at night. You have a cow to give you milk . And sorghum in your keg. And three fine hogs to make your meat j And a dozen hens to lay your eggs j You have some sweet potatoes j And also some pop corn [ So what have you to grumble at jOn this November morn? And though you have no money ! Your health is very good j You have a very good cross cut saw j And an axe to cut your wood. ; You have a brand new Chambray | shirt And a John B. Stetson hat And a brand new suit of overalls Oh! What do you think of that? So let us thank the Blessed Lord For these good things of life And get within us peace and love Instead of sin and strife. We had the first big frost last Sun -1 day morning that we have had this j f a»- Rolesville News Mrs. R. P. Rogers visited Wake I Forest Saturday. Mrs. Cecil Jones was in Raleigh; Saturday on business. Mr. W. R. Pearce spent the week- : end at home. Mr. Charles McConnell of Wake Forest College visited Rev. and Mr H. O. Baker Saturday. Miss Rachel Powell of Durham spent the week end with Mrs. A. L Underwood. Mrs. J. W. Bowling is visiting, hei i daughter, Mrs. !,. O. Clark, at Tar-, boro. We are sorry to say Mrs. W. J j Roger and Mrs. L. B. Young are on the sick list. Mr. Macon Alford wh ha- been ill at Rex Hospital is getting i • i ' on nicely. Miss Essie Bowling spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. J. I. Bow 1 -- ! ing. Mrs. N. B. Daniel, of Zebulon ; grandfat Mr. W. B J Bowling, Sunday. You v o e'd not come to church j Sunday night missed a lot. The pas-j tor, Rev. li. (X Baker, preached a fine j I sermon on “The Model Church,” you. i are e rdioily invited to come to th- i Thanksgiving service November 21 ) at T:'*<> o’clock. Union Heoe N M .v« Our Sundav School met last Sundav! i for the first time in 3 weeks owing ito the Vocal Union and rain. Everv -1 body seemed to be eager to get back. Some of our people wondered last ; Monday Morning if it had snowed when they saw the unusual big frost. Mrs. L. C. Strickland, Mrs. Sarah Strickland and Mrs. Nellie Bunn visit -led Mrs. Penine Green, of near Pilot last Friday. I Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Brantley were j visitors in Louisburg Thursday of las' week. Mrs. Brantley did some shop ping. A good many from our section went to the election and voted. Some were defeated. These cold days remind us fresh meat time is not far off. I am just wondering where I will get the first invitation to a hog killing. Colored Column On Sunday, November 6, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. (arroll. Miss Rochell Hall | and Miss D. L. Lekon were enter tained at dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gresham. The guests thoroughly enjoyed the well prepared oinner and some time in discussing the political outlook afterwards. Will Lindsay, known throughout the country for his unique style of musi-j ,al program will be heard at the Zob ulon-Wakefield school on Thursday, November 17. The Box Party sponsored by teach ers of the first grade of the Zebulon-1 Wakefield school was an enjoyable as -i fair on Tuesday, November 15th.1 The affair was enlivened with Lotto ; games, fortune telling, post office.: and Pinning the donkey’s tail. Armistic Day was celebrated at the local colored school at the regular j devotion hour, with singing of “Star : Spangled Banner,” “America” and j America, the Beautiful,” interspersed | with talks by the Principal and Miss | Stanley. Miss Stanley told the pu-i • piln of the meaning of Armistice. Thej j principal stated in a cursory manner historical facts of the war, America’s j entrance and the aftermath of the war, and pointed out the good workj ' of various agencies that have been initiated to keep peace. All parents who have children that 1 have not been attending school regu larly are urged to no longer cheat their children of the opportunity i f ' becoming good citizens. Your chil dren should be in school every day of | : the year. The accrediment of the Zebulon-! Wakefield school seem), more certain each day. j If anyone approaches you with prop-; er credentials asking your aid do not lefuse, but help in this cause which will mean a great deal to you and to your community. The amount of money collected is steadily growing but the goal is far off. Contributors to date are: ! Miss M. R. Taylor $5.00 Miss E. Everette 2.50 Miss E. Synes 2.50 Mrs. L. B. Foster 2.50 NEW GRIST MILL IN OPERATION j In Massey Brothers Old Shop Building BEST MEAL. BEST SERVICE. j Satisfaction Guaranteed C. A. MORGAN, Miller. Work VuuArv "XTFRVFS" 1 I.A£ks Li Ak 1 * I** ,3 Do they make you Restless. Cranky, " sß| Tired. Sleepless, Dy speptic. Head- Ww'' TI neliy ? Do t’v.-v spoil your mEs • pleasure and interfere with j| your work? £ jappß*, -f .Jt Tens of thousands < JR have found away to t A ' get relief from over- 1. ... : * worked nerves—a w so simple, so pie; ant, * r ' so low in cost, that we mv constantly .■ • -ivletters that say, “If I had only found L.ivi vescciit N v.ne tablets sooner.” Simon Brandt writes: , “I was very nervous from over-work. I couldn’t sleep well appe itc was poor, nod 1 felt weak for a long tone. L ’ Nervine and vow feel fifteen years vounqer and l hours dady. _ J 1 r “ ' , ” " wonderful medicine sooner Co 1 hoc- trice -erw ~ J c ould hear of. without results , until li. - nervine p me rack on my feet." '' u are nervous, try this—put a Dr. Miles’ Efferves ‘ - Nervin* Tabl into a glass of water. V. alcl u: bubble up like sp.vk lin , print; water—drink enjoy the , S '■■■.-■* E“?b or catm and rc : an that ’ 4 S. .v • i } ' . Effervescent >,Vr nr TnVct- a »• i f°rrr. ula f) • overwro ;;;ht rves - * !'• i | ' Wcarh.jna. *of seda and citric *‘“ i hyper-icldity—• ;re , quei,( fa-’i.-i i* nervou^ne-**. 4 -« r~rt' 1 ! -G’ r ascent Mk v - PYiNfF i u r jL „ t 1 j Simon llrandt -i- TA 3 L L.TS Barnett Bros. Circus “Carolina’s Own” Zebulon,Mon., Nov. 21 STREET PARADE AT NOON GLORIOUS BICENTENNIAL SPECTACLE “PATRIOTIC AMERICA” Aerialists Dancing Horses Acrobatics Clowns Galore “ I) E L HIA ” The Only Elephant, Past Or Present, That Walks A Tight Wire Ira Haynes And His Military Band. SPECIAL PRICES FOR THIS DATE ONLY 2o Cents To Everybody M iss M. B. Stanley 2.50 Mr. W. Hunt 2.50 M rs. K. Woodson 2.00 | Miss D. L. Leboo 2.00 : Miss R. Hall 2.00 Miss B. Tilley 2.00 jR. A. Carroll 2.00 Mrs. Leo. Ellis 1.00 | Mr. I. It. Horton 1.00 - Mrs. K. Jefferies 1.00 Mrs. L. B. Hopkins 1.00 Mr. Leo. Ellis 1.00 ’• 1 Rev. T. J. Foster 1.00 1 1 Mr. V’. G. J'ones 1.00 Mr. I). G. Goodwin 1.00 Mr. C. Whitley 1.00 I Mr. B. A. High 1.00 I Mr. Charlie High 1.00 ! Mr. J. W. Jones 1.00 Mr. Eddie Perry .50 | Mr. Joe. Pi eddy .50 1 Mr. Luther Moore .25 Mr. Mike Weaver .25 Mr. Jacob Bunn .25 Mr. J. Parsons .10 Total $41.35 I Mrs. Hannah Hopkins McClean en | tertained Miss R. Hall and D. L. Le boo at dinner on Sunday afternoon November 13. The guests have noth ing but praise for the deliciously tasty menu.