Personal Mention i• • 1 | Pie*** in personal and | Mx-ial item*. Call either 27 or | *5, if ioa wish to telephone. |* * 1 Nr. and Mrs. S. A. Let were called I.umberton la-t Frida; by the eeaib ,/ Mrs. Lae’s aunt. Mra. F. E. Bunn ha- b* en sick at hei * i.~ie since WgVdf n S h<>«.’ <• .. ;. i * :iffering considerably fi on neuritis K i-< Linda Newton of the Apex *.< v >.« I facutly is spending mm* time !» t with her -irter. M’s. F. E. Bunn. Mr. John Medlin, M; and Mrs. A. V. Medlin the editor of the Record M s. W. P. Lewi-, Misses Margaret l*v>is and Oleta Chamblee and Robert • id Hoiton attended Campbell Col li g* C’ommenceireut last week. Mrs. Margaret Punford is visiting l r daughter, Mrs. A. R. House. I Miss Olive Lewis, Miss Thais Med li and Russe! Temple have returned to their homes here after a year s >*< rk a' Campbell College. Miss Marie Watsori is home altei attending the Krightdale School where -he took a business course. I Attending the District Meeting ol Home Demonstration Clubs in Ral eigh Wednesday were: From the 7. akefield Club. Me-sdames T. C. Pip p.n C. H. Chamblee, A. S. Bridges V I’. Pace. Willie Bullock, Mahlor Temple, Sarah Eaton, K. P. Leonard and T. B. Davis; from the Union Level Club. Mrs. Howard Massey. Mrs. F. I'. Finch and son, Dave pent tin week-end in I.umberton with "/>•«. Finch'- mother, Mrs. Pattie Har ris, and her brother S. M. Harris. Mrs. Addie Reguia. of Wilson ar i t -() la>t Saturday for a stay with h- ■ -ister. Mrs. Maggie Creech. far] Antone, who ha- been sick toi m .» than a wrfek. ha- developed pneumonia in one side. Last week's R< tary sups er was pre* n;- -ed and *erve<: by Me-dames S. M. wh h. A. V. Medlin, Irby Gill am Avon Privette. i Pleasant Hill News Mr. Bill Triolet <* Elkin, spent F hort while with his sister, Mrs. E. E • T Ml. Fatimlf.y morning. Mi-s Savon Starnes gave a part> ay evening in honor of Miss Myr tle Whitakei of New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Puryear of Un i Chapel, spent Saturday night at T. A'. Puryear's. Mrs. H. H. Hood and little daugh ter. Inez, -pent Sunday with Mrs (’. M. Rhodes near Wakefield. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hunt of Dur ham were visitors at Mrs. E. W Hood’s Sunday. Mrs. Nannie S. Richardson is spend ing some time near Durham with hei daughter. Mrs. Hunt. Mrs. Bryant Ga\ and children re turned home Monday from New Jer -,. They wil -pend the summer here Nr-. H, E. Whitaker, Alary Alice Hood a:d Donnie Gay. also of New jersey a e here for a few day- visiting rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hood spent Sun day with Air. and Airs. AT. D. Hood rear Wende'l. *.V. A. Puryear and daughters. Hor -e. Ur-ule and Carlie Wood ol Neuse. took dinner with Pressie Wood Monday. O W. Thorne and little -on-. Charle.- c'd .Joe. visited h.- i arents neai >7 ulen Sunday. j \ Truth does not consist in minute ac acv "f dr*- :1: ! 1 in < nveving the right impression.—Dean Alford. is not gained by a single 1 und, h BOWELS need watching Let Dr. Caldwell help whenever ytmr child is feverish or upset; or has caught cold. His simple prescription will make that bilious, headachy, cross boy or girl comfortable, happy, well in just a few hours. It sood restores the bowels to healthy regularity. It helps "break-up” a cold by keeping the bowels free from all that sickening mucus waste. You havr a famous doctor's ivan for this laxative. Dr. Caldwell’s record of having attended over 3500 births without loss of one mother or baby is believed unique in American medical history. Get a bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Svrup Pepsin from your drugstore and nave it ready. Then you won’t have to worry when any member erf your family is headachy, bilious. or constipaiea. Syrup Pepsin is good for all ages. It sweetens the Imwels; increases appetite—makes digestion more complete. Dr. H B CaldwclCs SYRIIP PEPSI IM A Doctor* Family Laxmtmt Washington Current Comment 1' < > \ in to -earth tor the m - flagra ' and fatal weakness of thi Republican body, that weakness would I* found ir the party’s ae'e ence t< -upp' -edly greßt mem, rather than tt admittedly great policies. It ha- ex i-ted too long, and to the detriment of the country, opon hero-wor.-hip.The -trength ol the Democratic position today lies in the fact that something is being done. It is fortunate that M> Rresovelt has arisen to it: yet thi Pe on i a'.s particiiatod in the e’ec :i?■««■ u «er, but to inaugurate i (i .ui s< e f r» nie-dial action. The e-ve nt that have taken place since t.b fourth of March prove that in that high am bitirn, the Pte«ident is an able and ef fective participant. P: e- 'dent Roesevelt was born Jan DO, i£K2. He is. therefore, not old o ne.ugh te remember the ancient green back discussion, to say nothing of hav ng 1 ad a hand in it. Profiting by the e vp.eriencie of eithei's. he dos not pro pose U be- set down sri history as i “greenbackgr”. Strictly speaking. v greenback is a United States note backed by a Treasury reserve. Popu larly and loosely regarded, a green back rr.av riot have so firm a foun hation. It is the President's view that the plan* of the government for put ing business on its feet should not rest on a greenback basis. Bond issues arc pwferred, with new te.xe- to take car« < f them. The federal sales tax nas : strong back rtf. On wonders who i going to have the say as to the form which new taxes will take. If Mv Roosevelt cares to assume responsi bility, the matter will be disposed ot I promptly. If the decision is left te j Cone res-, there will be plenty of de bate and deliberation, and specialists i on mony will have something to write j: bout for some time to come. The idea that someone ought to he ifbkfi' out of a Washington job, in I I to give the other fellow a chance I];-., gained considerable headway ot | iatr. Ore ..f its ramifications was a i •, in the independent officer j supply bill to the effect that federal ' workers from -tales having more than their quota, were to he released. Th< -. at< has stricken that provisioi i-i ■ ni the measure, after the Housi ji IR) , a, r roved it. and the House wil’ have to go over the matter again What will happen there is a mattei I of conjecture. Without going into the merits <>f tn» case, laying off govern j ment employees was a popular notior at the start. It did not sit so well when t turned ut that those to be dis | chargee we e sui'e to be "folks back !l . me” t>. the legislators. A man charged at a widely-describ ed criminai trial, with defrauding ; : woman in connection with ransom ! m.T.e v in the Lindbergh kidnapping embtll’shed his testimony with details that sounded like a fairy tale. It is said that a new' trial will be asked tor it it can he proven that the jury heard the radio comments of Air. Will Rogers or what the prisoner said in his own de fense. Probably the jury thought that the nationally-known humorist was I;> little i’-ked over unfair eompetitioi os an entertainer, and let it go at that. Some remark- made by Mr. Hitlei have thrown a scare into our friends acro.-s the Atlantic, and England sees deteriorated in stamina since the days Europe on the verge of war. It is fre quently -tated that the race of men ha< when Romans fought hare-legged in the frozen swamps, or the time when the No. -emen regarded the beginning <• t. -ta voyage of a thousand miles in a -mol! open boat simply a part of a day- wok. if Ah'. Hitler’s words ready mean that he want- more war there must be a good many sturdy men left -omewhere. What Mr. Hitler ac tuady did vsis to indulge in a litle old- AVat i 'm the Rhine talk, of tin ■ ..tootle variety heard in this country on Decoration Day, the Fourth of July Confederate Alemorial Da\ and simi lar occasions. The average American v oid : have thought himself entirely ccr : wtent to deal with the incident himself, without the aid of the Depart ment of State, and would have passed it off w ith the observation that Hitlei had made a good speech. Tht President’s proposal lor the end ing of AVer i- his most important document having a distinctly world wide s-ignificance. It has been looked upon favorably, in principle by many nation- and has received warm com mendation by a few. For some time to come the tendering of good offices in the direction of averting war will continue to be casting pearls before swine, but the discredit for the in complete success such moves will be chargeable with swine, and not to the pearls, or to the person who casts them Geographically, the United States has few foreign contacts, and oceans sepa lete that country from most of those who might become its enemies. Wai seems less of a necessity here than abroad. The countries of Europe have expejfed land margins. Armies ere within easy walking distance of each other. Proximity produces continua 1 fear and toe-treading. Peace sugges tions come naturally from America They are not accepted naturally ir many other quarters. Lart year, despite the depression United States Postal Savings increas ed $300,000,000 over 1931. Airs. Kate Haenel, of Plauen, Ger many. is the merther r>f 23 children, all of wnom are living. A man with 16 given names —Ig- nacio Floreneio Octavio Leopoldo En rique Carlos Pedro Luis Joaquin Ra mon Salvador Manuel Lorenzo Este ban Motes to Jose Boado y Marin and Aliss Rosa Cannavaciolo were married at Havana, Cuba. A truck L’ad <>f capons, turkeys and chickens were sent to the Philadelphia market last week by 42 Yadkin County farmers at a net profit of $897.04 C the growers. THE ZERULON RECORD, Zebulon, N. Maj 26. 1‘133 Review of Pictures At State Theatre An« w tar ol screen live.-, Helen H»\if am: Clark Gable. i.ta> D -01 at th# State. Rah c: aj.a r. today am. [Saturday, in the nu:' die. d tal'.'m. pictui* version ot the undying F. Alai ion romance. "The AVhitc Sister.” The combination is particu laily strong. I't oer th» careful direc tion <1 Victor Fleming they do a hi an tiful ok of one of the most stilling love ,-t( rie- in literary history. The story of the aristocratic Italian girl w i falls in lov* vih a soldier o' the e.\i o' her marriage to a man <> J her father'- choice gi\»- both Mi- Hay- sue Gable every oportunity fen limantic re rtiaya!« e.f the- fir-t crdei AVhethfi' it be in tie lig-hter scenes e>l tnc carnival at the start o*'the' pictui': or at the rin.r at e' moment when the soltiici wb.iin the here ire believed ti be dead returns vt.y much alive, the work of the tve stars is at all time-- touch)’ v and effective. Ore always expect- geme! ae-ting from Lewi- Stone and the-c expecta tior.s art well fulfilled in his role a tb lather who forbids hi- daughter’.- romance. It i- t< lx regretted that hi appearance in th.e picture is so short Lfwiise Clos-ei Halt a- th,e family ser vant offers another of htr flawless character portrayal* kecked with hu mor. Splt r 'did supporting work is done hv May R:»be-or, Edward Arnold am .Alan Edward-'. “The Whitt Sister’’ i a picturt wh ; ch dt-erves to le under scored i£ any moyiegoerV list of worth [while productions. A talkartoon "Sr.oww bite,” and : Sound Ntvvs completes this program. Hollywood ha- c< rtainiy done right Iby Robert E. Sherwood’s “Reunion in A’ienna." which will be the feature pic rtui'e at the State. Raleigh, on .Monday iTuesday and AVednesday. The -creel version of this theatre masterpiece stands a- direct refutation of tradi tional mutilation of stage play win n Iron through the cinematic grist mill- Indeeti. the theatr< offering would -u - j •*ei by comparision. in this write)'.- opinion. With Join Parry move starred and Diana AA'ynyard heading the support ing cast, coupled with Sidney Frank for the money \w mutch these features any \ \§m other car ui that price." ft ■ - "Zloi, J ” '' l i i «i' No Draft Ventilation at . . . that price? No vender , ° nce y OU Stßrt driving a you fee. everyone I know is go- I'j M. vou’reoffon a Chevr ° M has ma(lr ,f ing in for Chevrolets." * , Chevrolet, you re O . , -g, to gei that feeling! Payments are no >y\ >. iff non-stop economy-tour that saves you fc “ rden " h ; en " car co6,s so ,itth> us this one money every thrilling mile. You'll make t j \y fewer visits to filling stations—because Chevrolet uses less gas and oil than any rolet is built right, and stays right! You won't have to think about trading it in, "A new Chevrolet ’ 1 thought not j OT man y tens of thousands of miles. \ you u ere going to wait "Our fleet of Chevrolets not only cut awhile.” . . . Chevrolet stands up SO well you won’t down our investment, but reduced «!/ taj ii u'l rv, -i _ • mileage costs too.” want to! And all the while Chevrolet is r . s saving you money, you're enjoying the v thrill of driving one of the smartest, snap piest, most advanced cars on the road! CHEVROLET MOTOR CO.. DETROIT MICHIGAN “There isn't any A. *445 TO *565 J^^ponthe n ... , l n , nMfc Aasbb usual. The t:. / w I 4 All pne+a 1. o. b. Flint, TL I JL Mich. Special equip- 0-'*™ Starterator will i- J - ™ rr ‘ t * trM - bow de fJL take care of the W/ Li'.-=■ ' Ineied prices and earv r r f T| |g . W I / CMA. C. terms. A : " —l l— )'[ —Mi ’lf l'ill test. ( \/ General Motors Value. 7-- \ — — SAVE WITH A NEW CHEVROLET J. M. Chevrolet Company Zebulon, North Carolina lin'- -ut'urb direction, the filmizut’o <- ■ ''the b'-.pdv.ay hit achii ves tl,< ! • • ptst o' resuit*. Pi t'ciallv it ha- - fluid Iwatilv thi.t i ha ei sr.ggisted in the dialogue. She i- beau tifully photographed and her perfor mance fit- nice! - .' alongside Barry more's own excellent • ortrayal. Naturally. Metro-Goldwyn-Miayer'- gorgeous mounting of the play add lustre and glamour to the film. Parti cularly striking'- are the setting's am costuming. Much credit must go *.• Fianklin for hi- careful translatio of the Sherwood piece and for the deli cate handling of the -ituations ob viously close to censorable frown. It was good to sec a few familial ■V.i'Cs from the theatre presentatior in the picture. There is Henry Travels a- Father Krug, Eduardo Ciannclli a Poffcy ami the two musicians w ith ac cordian and violin,who stirred Elen into a mood of surrender with armor ous melodies. Frank Morgan plays tin pail of Anton w ith fine repression and gifted characterization. Alay Robesm is a perfect choice for the role of the cigar-smoking Frau Luchcr, and Uni Merkel i'Tils hilarity to the film by her amusing portrayal of Ilse. the gif’ with the alarming dreams. Others ii the splendid cast are Bodil Rosing Bela Lobloy, Morris Nussbaum. Nell: Walker and Herbert Evans. 'Hie play remains intact on the scieon, with the exception of a few ad ded touches here and there, notably in tfi opening scenes, which show th glory of the imperial court during the pompous reign of Emperor Franz Jo -es. a prelude, as it were, to the body of Sherwood’s pice. This adds spec tacle and color to the film and prespnt seones not possible to have included in the stage production. Sherwood. \w arc told, worked on these slight alter ation.- himself and tb» perfV- »d:m tation is credited to Ernest Vaida and Glaudine AA'est. 1 ,hi r ID NhA 1 n'iH «>R EX IR ' < (ED FI A E DUNIW W. (IN rs. GET IT A r IHE RE t (»M» OF MCE HONEY IS IHF RE VI DEl.inors •‘l Ai AJER SWEET. IK. s *,\|| S< |> HE ANS FOR "Aik MX* PIGS FROM IP lO tic 1 11“ All. DRESSED DORK. PRICES REASONABLE. ALSO 'OA KEANS FOR SAI. El K. *». CARLA I.E. PI 1.0 I . n\ NEBI LON. ROUTE 2. FOR RALE ONE REFRIGERATOR In fir*t Class (Amldiliun. Call .16-J or See 'lrs. A. J. Hunt. Zebulon. THOI SANDS OF SNORTIN’ RAMS NANO HALL AND MISS PORTO RICO POTATO DRAWERS NOAA READY.—M. S. CH AMBLEE, /.KB ULON. (20 ¥camels SURE^I WL _ W 4 ' r USE > i EXPENSIVE wmL~~ . tobaccos 9r Hflr 4 m m m A , ' ' Hr ’CVMFX’S costlier to PLANTS FOR SALE "OAIA-'O PLANTS Baltimore. Mar gl be. »."■ F< a ity. SWEET POTA TO PLANTS Triumph, Porto Rico Nancy Ha I and Big Stem Jersey— All AO cents p< 1000. CABBAGE PLANTS Crarlestoii, Jersey, Sue i<--ii-n and ('i.penhai i n Market ONION PLANTS White and Yel !< . Pei mu a. All An cents per 1000 PEPPER ILA NTS Hull Nose and Ruby King. $2.00 per 1000. Send re 'nittanc<' fo v prompt .shipment.— DORIS PLANT CO. Valdosta, Ga. I May 19 4t. ) Brt'V. ttsvillc, Tex;:-. : tl « southern nr -t city on th« niainla d*d th‘- Unit ed States. M. J. SEXTON INSURANCE ZEBULON, N. C.