Spring Chape! News Rocky Cross News 'J here was a large crowd at Sunday Sch >ol Sunday. Mr. Cocks preached a short sermon and Mr. L. R. Evans and Mr. K. H. Moser made short talks. Mrs. Losey Baker and children spent Sut lav with ler mother, Mrs. W. A I’ei y. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mitchell are the pr ud parents of a ten pound boy. .Nirs. Alma Pearce has been spending some time with her sister. Mrs. Hattie Mitchel. Mrs. Charlie Karris is very ill. We hope she will soon recover. Most everyone in the community has finished setting t ibaceo for this .e: on. EARPSBORO EVENTS T! e nice showers that have come are making everything look so much bet tor. Crops were beginning to look with ered. I.lit-, of people in j l l r community attended* the services at I.ees Cha pel Suiiflay. Mr. and Mi's. F.rsell Powell of Co rinth spent the weekend with their pa tents, Mr. and Mrs. Callie Powell. Mr. arid Mrs. Lawless I.ewis of neai Knightdale visited M. B. Lewis last week. We were very sorr y to learn of the death of Mrs. Ray Brown and Mrs Dwight Brown’s mother. Mrs. Tillie Mr. and Mrs. Noah Crowder annd Foster Martin visited Mr. and Mrs. W .1. Martin of Pilot this weekend. Ailene and Mary Crowder are spend ing some time with Mr. and Mrs. Ho ve aid Denton. Miss Annie Bailee spent last week with Miss Jettie Kent, of Middlesex Miss Gora Mae Lnvis has returned front Middlesex where she event to hei school. Mr. Glenn Hinton spent the week end with his sister, Mrs. J. 0. Align of Raleigh. ' Rogers Cross Roads Ttio n«o- le o( community at tended the commencement exercise held last week. I l ey seemed to he en joyed by all. Mrs. Rochar Lewis and children let' Sunday for tl sir home in Burlington The farmers of our section are very busy setting end replanting tobace this eveek, after the rain Sunday night We are glad t<- report t at Mr. .1 M. I) Tver is at home again after v i < pc! ; g several months in u Raleigi hosnital. 1 M and Mrs. J W. Strickland. Sr. announce the le 1 '! : a sun. Bobbie born on the Hit fey c i May. fh< Willing Helpers < hub washed for Mrs Stri 'kiand Monday. Mis: Annie Bailee set nart o’ la 1 \vi ek with Mi -i -It-! 1 ie Kemp. A ’■ age croee vu.- ■ ' 1 n c m!’ e '■ ■ i Sun .i’une for The e ical. Mr and Mi Bennett entertained the Seniors of M *i s. i hi.; si.ay b;. taking them : I RaieiThey als. let each member of the class ride in sir! a : rnlane. After th.is they event back t Neils - River and enjoyed a weinei i ast. This was the most enjoyabli event in the school term. amp Introducing Joe Blow .Joe is the average salesman for slip-shod print ing finns. He slides into town, shows you a fancy line ,*f stationery at seemingly low prices, smooth talks you into buying, collects his fat commission and leaves. j ■ 1 Two weeks later a C. 0. D. package arrives. To your surprise, a dollar or more is taken up in led tape charges, plus the CO. D. fee. You are left hold ing the bag with a batch of half-legible stationery. t Play safe. See what you are getting and o. k. your own proof. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Record Publishing ("c . Our -chool closed last Monday There were ab'rut six promoted t‘ go to Middlsex next term. Alvin, ;,g c 9, and Farnie, age *5 -on- of E. D. Brantley were neithei abs 'a! nor tardy during the eoti -1 year. Mi.. W. O. Williams has purchase fl cow. The " heat is b ginning to Open Some of the people will be ready to eat s' me “flour bread’’ next fall. F S. Strickland and two of hi? som with two or thiee other people, event to the Eastern part of the Sate fish-j ; ng la.-t eveek. Mitchell Mill News We surely were glad to see such ■i large crowd out at church last Sun day. Everyone come back next Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Graham May and chil dren. of Zebulon. spent last Sundae with their parents. .Mr. and Mrs. Rob bin Perry. Mrs. Lee .Tomes of Bethany, speii* a part of last eveek with her father l Mr. Burrell Perry, who is real sick. Mr. Jessie Fee Ravbon and family I visited his parents. Mr. and Mrs Bivant Raybon, Saturday afternoon Miss Marv Frances Mitchell enter , tained h«j Sunday School class a I her home Saturday evening. Everyone reported a nice time. Mr. Babe Carter seems to improve some a> he can sit up for short period ' of time now. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mitchell o j IV: kefield, visited Mr. and Mrs. V. R Ravbon Sunday afternoon. We are glad to su v Mrs. Joe Dentor I is improving. Miss Annie Lee Perry spent Satin day night with Misses Sue May am 1 Ruth Ravbon. New Hope News Pre ’ 4 ing Sundae morning 11:00 Sunday S hool at 10:00. Everybody .Ttiiv end bii.ig ur.eone with you Rev. J Ray Dick ms will preach. M R nv l’ri" te f Zebut va a visitor at his sister's, Mrs. Lala Ar nold. Monday nigut. Mr. and Mr . Aar n Arnold an family v ■: e week cud visitors of Mr ■jnd .Mr . Alsie Timherlake of nea W k i vest. ' .. . out Mi s. C. W. M : tchell an < .■'dly. ::o-.i) Mr. Giadv Arnold. o ifoi- ■ Mr. Mit-'hell’s daughter. M •Mavice Tant of Elm City. Sunday. M". J an Edwards <•" Young ii-p v*l- i •••Ait :■ of his daughtei yr• . \v Mod’.' . Saturday. Mr. and Mr . Oti - L. Arnold • ay ■ll ;■ ■: AT: *• i i.-.'.i's graodmot! -*r •; id;' Mit. t Mitchell’s MS Sunday. M' A-l a M ".ell was a caller t -•«••• Mrs. C. W. Mitchell, her sister in-law, Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Ms. Luthur Barham ever at N't ■ Hope Saturday afternoon. THE ZEBULON RECORD, Zebulon, N. C.. May 26, 1933 Mrs. Hazel Barnett doesn't get an; better it set-ms. Miss Beatrice Robbins had aver -•lightful ice cream supper Saturday night. All seemed to enjoy it very much. South Side Tb» farmers were all glad to set the good showers v e hail Sunday. | Loiee and Leona Pearce spent las' Friday with their Aunt, Mrs. Non Cioom. Luthur Lung gave an ice crear sup | cr lust Tuesday night, severa v ere present. V! giniu Pearce spent a short evhil v.ith Loiee and Lora Pearce Saturday night. i Mrs. Claudie Long is confined to lie bed. Gertie Batts spent Saturday nighl end Sundav with Neva Leative ii Middlesex. Mr. and Mrs. Rowe spent Sundae with \lr. and Mrs. W. M. Brantley. Robert Curtis and James Batts too! di ;n or Sunday with Mrs. A. R. Hag •v am I. Pilot News . Mr. Pearlie Wiggs and Miss Biddi 1 Morgan were married Wednesday May 17. Vl.r and Mrs. James Marlow am family of Spring H-fpe, Mr. and Mrs Paul Joyner ami baby of Momever and other friends visited Mr. and Mrs Wiley Williams Sunday afternoon. Mr. H. J. Massey and family o Rocky Mount, spent Sunday with Mr J. H. Massey ami family. Berry Alford and Alton Alford oi j Burlington, visited Lonnie Alford Sun day afternoon. Mr. Byrd Pearce and Miss Ora A1 j ford if Raleigh, visited Mr. and Mrs ; Bud Ruv Sundae afternoon. .Miss Anna Rerl Pearce spent thi "eek-end with Mis- Chine Denton nea’ ! Zebulon. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Alford si er.' • hist v. e "k-end with Mr. and Mrs. Her iert Perrv near Zebulon. Mr. ai d Mrse Thomas Wiggs an • milv of Samaria -pent the eveek-em itl Mr. Pearlie Wiggs and family. M:. C eue Jeans of Raleigh, spen' l- l ida att- riioon with his parents. Mr and Mrs. Bud Jeans. Dui ing the past seven years. Lin , •. <\ o.nty poultry growers have sole 1 7Cii.bi'<'i pounds of surplus poultry for i * ;al : neon]'. 1 to the farmers of slsl, : ('oo. G. T. Watkins of Holly Springs Wake County, reports one of his lies crops of tobacco grown on deep. sandy land folloeving a crop of lespedeza. JDa $. C.oftlan j j At 1)1- B n bee's office. Zebulo: . N I f , ever'/ secniid iuesuay from l 1 I n to il u. m. Next Yi Pit will he I IT ESDAV. JUNE 13. 1933. Odd But True* Jito TO LOOO their uQih»o> *'■*■ - - i Tstw a»,cs. ’h BY HHH nsii \H thi W* <* tvcpTß\rik\ _ L ■Byp ™ w hkhvs m m Chara ers are achieved, not receiv ed. They gn ev out of the substance of a tyiott’s soul. I hov u vt* not put on u • a thief might nut on a stolen coat Th-v mature like fruit from the vita fluids M a tree.—C. H. Fowler. Polite ness is to do oral sav The kindest thine' in th- kinde<* way I Fools can make money: it '. *kes v ise man to' tel! how to sr?:ru it. j English. Professional Lards L. L. MASSEY As ■:> at L av. Office ir Be IRBY D. GILL Attorney, a-. i < uii~e..r at Lav. Phone 11T Zebulon. N. C. Business Directory jL co#»«c u »rrr] i CAROLINA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY Investigate Our Combination Rate for Lighting. Heating and Cooking Service. j S. G. FLOWERS AND CO. Everything to \.em for men. women! and children. C. T. HARPER DRUGS Nest Door To Dr. Flowers’ Office i ZEBULON SUPPLY CO. |We feed and clothe the family and I furnish the home. Funeral Directors. : I J. A. KEMP & SON Groceries—Dry Goods J pc.-»•*»{ Directors i . WEATHERS ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP C. B. F.ddins. Manager. j Shoes—We supply all their needs. If it’s leather, we repair it. 1 Don’t buy new; let us make it new Running short of corn due to th< Prom. " *'ist (miner, a group of John jte'e •' m.ote farmer? cooperated tc uy 2. 1 ■■ ently. Fifteen Fit 1 - County farmers -hip- j ped seven cars of cured sweet no- j tatoes last eveek and the's will sh j vr adJPionb cars. Os the 13,500.000 foreign-born ; er* .ems a the United States ain ■st t,- 5CC.000 are illiterate. DR. CHAS. E. FLOWERS Fir sician and Surge..'r. * Off: e Hr*. S:°„»-10 a.rn.. 1-3 p.m. Off N . 76 Res. No. Back of Citizen's Drug Store DR. J. F. COLTRANE DENTIST Robertson Building Office Hrs. 9-12:30. 1:30-5 CITIZEN’S INSURANCE AGENCY Everything ir Insurance DEWEY W. MASSEY. MANAGER Next Door Page Trust Co. FARMER FRIENDS: Bring me your farm products or t wood in exchange for dry eleaninz and c pressing. 1 will allow you markei c price. .1. L. STEM. DRY CLEANER t Phone 2l>. Zebulon. N- C. i LITTLE RIVER ICE CO. 1 Quality and Service. Phone 74 .1. & M. CHEVROLET CO. ! Chevrolet*- -new and used cars. Factorv Trained Mechanics I' DEBNAM HARDWARE COMPANY Everything in hardware. Lowe Brothers paints ar.d varnishes. Prices to fit the times. THE RECORD AGENCY Insurance all kinds in town or coun try: also loans on Real Estate. D. D. Chamblee. Manager Record Building THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK The First American Life Insurance Company Your Best Friend in Health. Sickness, Repression and Death Mrs. Lela B. Horton. Local Agent FIATENTS "and trade-marks C. A. Snow & Co. Successful Practice since 1375. Over 25,000 patents obtained for inventors in every section of country. \v rite for book let tell in 3 how to optain a patent, with list of clients in your Scute. 710 3th St., Washington, D. C- WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE — WITHOUT CALOMEL And You’ll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin’ to Go If you feel sour and sunk and the world looks punk, don't swalluw a lot of salts, mineral water, oil, laxative candy or chewing gum and expect them to make you suddenly sweet and buoyant and full of sunshine. For they can’t do it. They only move the bowels and a mere movement doesn't ge» it the cause. The reason for your down-and-out ■ seling is your liver. It should pour out two sounds of liquid bile into your bowels daily. If this bile is not flowing freely, your food doesn't digest. It just decays in the bowela Gas bloats up your stomach. You have a thick, bad taste and your breath is foul, tkm often breaks out in blemishes. Your head iches and you feel down and out. Your whole system 13 poisoned. It takes those good, old CARTER 3 LITTLE LIVER PILLS to get these two pounds of bile flowing freely and make you feel -up and up.” They contain wonderful, harmless, gentle vegetable extracts, amazing when it come- to making the bile flow freely. But don't ask for liver pills. Ask for Carter's Little l iver Pills. Look for the name Carter's I.Utle Liver Pills on the red label. Resent a • -institute. 25c at all stores © 1931 C. M i MttiINLSTR UOK'S NO i'll E Having qual fic<; ire administ.l - the under signed at Zebulon. C., on or before the 7th day of April. 1934. or ‘.vs notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to .said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 7th dav of April. 193!. C. Y. WHITLEY. Administrate >f the estate of W. C. Whitley, deceased. (May 12.) DAVE PRIVETTE IS STILL GRIND ING CORN EVERY I>AY IN THii WEEK EXCEPT SUNDAY. TAKE YOLK NEXT LOAD TO HIM AND BTC SATISFIED. SAVE .MONEY—RIDE TRAINS Reduced Fare- for Train Travel One and One-Half Cents Per Mda Via ‘ NORFOLK SOUTHERN it.4II.WAT Between All Stations Except Electric Division Effective March Ist Stopovers allowed in Final Limit Baggage f hecked Halt Fares For Children Under Twelve Years of Age , For Information Consult Any Or Address J. F. DALTON. Traffic Manager, NORFOLK. VIRGINIA FLOWERS • For, Funerals and All Occasions THE WENDELL FLOR® 1 MRS. H. F. TUNNELL Phone 56