TiOin, c. LENOin !TV,'S-TOFIC, SEPTEMEER 21, 1922 Pars Nina Political Advertisements J FOR COUNTY TREASURER U'the request of numerous friends ougbout the entire county, I here announee myself as a candidate the office of County Treasurer, jeet to the action of the Demo- -ned and elected I promise the peo- a of the county efficient service as public servant. V JOHN V. GRAGG. ANNOUNCEMENT - 1, H. E.' Austin, ; do hereby an- Bounce my candidacy for the comi- laiton oi Sheriff oi Caldwell county, tv C, on the Republican ticket I wish to state that I have always been ta favor of economy in State and county government, and submit to abide by whatever salary or compen- sation that the people of Caldwell county nay deem best and more eco nomical in the expenditure of our county funds. I furthermore state that I will per form my duty to the best of my ability in every respect. lp ANNOUNCEMENT To the Voters of Caldwell: . I desire to say that I will again be candidate for the office of Clerk of the Court and will appreciate the ef forts of my friends in my behalf. While I am not a veteran of the World War I think the people of Caldwell county know that I tried to serve in any capacity I could during the war and gave of my. services in ail ways that I could. Respectfully ubmitted. W. C. MOORE, Jr. ANNOUNCEMENT ' I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Treasurer ef Caldwell county, subject to the action of the Republican county con vention. I will -appreciate the sup- port of my friends. 49-tf . C.E. CONLEY. ANNOUNCEMENT , In compliance with the requests of numerous friends throughout the county, I hereby announce myself as , a. candidate for the office of Repre sentative from Caldwell county,' sub ject to the action of the Democratic countyxconventiori. ' FELIX A GRISETTE. .Z FOR SHERIFF " I wish to announce to the voters of Caldwell county that I will enter the Democratic convention for .the nomination for Sheriff. I have al ways been a loyal Democrat and have never asked for any office before now.. I assure you all that I will ap preciate any word you may speak in my behalf and for your support In, the. convention. - . 4-tf , . ' W. L. ERNEST. ANNOUNCEMENT 'Thereby announce myself a candi date for the office ,of Sheriff of Cald well county, Subject to the action of the Democratic convention. I will aOTvreiMftt a anv niinror crivon m. . A I .Yt w smjLij - - .fc - ' - - -V XHASTCT' STEELE. ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Clerk, of the Superior Court of Caldwell County, subject to the action of the Demo cratic convention. I am a world-war veteran, having volunteered and gone thru as a private. Was overseas one year-and in the three major battles with the 80th division. WiHr greatly appreciate the support of the people of the county. 44-tf ARCHIE KENT. FOR SHERIFF To the Voters of Caldwell County: I wish to announce myself a can didate for the office of Sheriff of Caldwell county, subject to the will of the Democratic county conven tion. I will greatly appreciate the support of my friends in my be half, and, if nominated and elected, I shall continue to give every man a square deal at all times, regardless ,of party, poverty or wealth. I will ' deal the cards from the top, win or lose. F. T. SHERRILL. ANNOUNCEMENT I wish to announce that I will be a candidate for Treasurer of Caldwell County subject to the action, of the Democratic convention. If nominated and elected I will give my best ef forts to the duties of the office. I will greatly appreciate the support i the citizens of the county. 48-tf S. L. AUSTIN. FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR I herebv announce myself a can didate for County Surveyor, subject to' the action of the Democratic pri- convention. n NEARLY 2.C0O.CCO ARE EXECUTED IN RUSSIA A Riga dispatch to the London Times says that, according to the of ficial bolshevik figures, Checks exe cuted 1,766,118 persons before being renamed to the supreme political ad ministration at the capital last Feb ruary. The total includes 6,675 pro fessors and teachers, 8,755 doctors, other intellectuals and priests, 54r 565 officers, 200,000 soldiers, 59,000 policemen, 12,969 land owners, 19, 250 workmen and 18,101 peasants. During the civil war the holsheviks have had more "persons killed than were killed during the great war. Peggy Joyce said she was in the west for hard work. Then it is given out .that she kissed Charley Chaplin t .. m.V v at . i l uie omer aay. n sne caiia mat nam work and nossiblr it was -she need not have gone so far, and worked so hard. Bu twe do not regard that as anything to re-Joyce over, she could have found a Chap nearer home. THE BOONE TRAIL HIGHWAY (Salisbury Post) Josephus Daniels, writing his paper from Boone, says that the Boone Trail highway is now complete and that you can ride from Boone to Winston-Salem in five hours in a fliv ver. Dr. Daniels also rode over the road being built into Blowing Rock, there to connect with the highway to Lenoir. When the whole project is put through one can leave Salisbury, go by way of Statesville. "and Wilkes boro and to Boone, then to Blowing Rock, to Lenoir, then to Hickory, there strike the Central highway and run into Salisbury. It will be a cir cuit of great interest and every foot of the highway will be of intense value to the State, and the large ter ritory touched. The day does not seem far off when the beautiful mountain section of our wonderful State will be made accessible. The well built highways in which North Carolina leads will enable all sections of the State to travel to the beautiful mountain lands, and to the rich coastal plains in comfort and with ease. These highways will also furnish delightful automooue tours lor thousands from outside the State, and with the com pletion of the Present ambitions clan the State ought to begin a well de nned advertising campaign to impress this great resort section on the tour ists. There will he no fairer land on earth, not only most 'beautiful, but imade easy to view by reason of the nne highways. If the State will properly advertise what it has to offer by way of sightseeing, vacation pos sibilities, the tourists of other States will pay a larsre share of the treat A.f A Klli14imtf lUna. V J nL I The next legislature ouarht to con sider an appropriation that may be augmented by local contributions from sections that will most profit by such an influx of tourists, and pro vide for the same being intelligently spent in printer's ink. Something like $25,000 a year for fan would go a long ways towards turn ing the tide of tourists into the un surpassed scenic sections of the State. ' cigarettes,- a They are fffoii GOOD! lUr AMERICA ESCAPES THE SUN ECLIPSE IN SEPTEMBER The fact that you do not live on the east coast of Africa, Australia or on islands in the southern Pacific ocean relieves you of the unpleasant ness of a dark day on Sept 21. On that date, according to Prof. Edwin B. Frost, of the University of Chi cago and director of the Yerkes ob servatory, a total solar eclipse will occur over that region. The moon, coming between the earth and the sun, will cast a shadow which will sweep over the southern sea from a point off the eastern coast of Africa near the equator, cross a few scat tered islands and the continent of Australia and, then out to the south ern Pacific ocean, he said. The dura tion of totality ' at different points will' vary from three to six minutes, and Prof. Frost declared this to be an unusually long eclipse. Expeditions from various astro nomical institutions will be estab lished at favorable points to study the eclipse. "The total eclipse of the sun al ways has been one of nature's most thrilling spectacles," said Prof. Frost "It. gives a momentary glimpse of the mysterious veil surrounding the sun, called the corona, which is never visible at any other time. Gieantic rosy eruptions of flowing gas also may be seen along the rim of the eclipsed sun." On Sept 19, 1923. he said, a to tal solar eclipse will touch the coast of the United States at Santa Bar bara and near San Diego, Cal. After the one of 1923 the next total solar eclipse that can be observed under favorable conditions in the United States will be on Aug. 23, 2017. EDUCATION PAYS Does it pay to go to school? We mean from a monetary standponit Most emphatically, it does. If'vou ever hear of a boy or girl who wants to quit school, when it is necessary; if you ever hear of parents who are thinking of putting their children to work when it is,, unnecessary, just bring these figures to their attention; Every day spent in school navs the child $9. Here is the proof, based on the wage scale of 113: Uneducated laborers earn on the average of $500 per year for forty years, a total of $20,000. High school graduates earn on the average $1,000 per year for forty years, a total of $40,000. This education requires 12 years of school of 180 days each, a total of 2,160 days in the school. If 2,160 days at school add $20. 000 to the income for life, then each day at school adds $9.25. The child that stays out of school to earn less than $9 -a day is losing money not making money. mi - . . inese ngures are Dasea on an in vestigation made by Dr. A. Caswell Ellis of the University of and issued in the Bulletin U. S. Bureau of Education. Texas, of the THE NORTH STATE BIRTH RATE LEADS THE NATION The birth rate is declining and the death rate increasing according to statistics made public last Thursday by the census bureau, covering the. first quarter of the yeflf. Thebirth rate in the States from which comparative ngures were avail able showed an average of 23.3 for each thousand of population in the first three months of 1922 against 25.3 in 1921, while the mortality av erage in the registration area in the first quarter of the year was 13.7 against 12.6 in the same period last year. Worth Carolina, with 29.2. report ed the highest birth rate for the three months this year, and the State of Washnigton, with 16.5, the lowest. The District of Columbia had the highest mortality rate, with 17.8, and Wyoming the lowest, with 9.6. THE COURT CALENDAR FOR FEDERAL COURTS Following is the court calendar for Statesville district Federal court: Monday Alexander and Iredell counties. Tues Catawba and Caldwell counties. Wednesday Burke county. For Salisbury district court: Monday Rowan county. Tuesday Davie and Davidson counties. Wednesday Stanly county. The above calendar is the. order in which aii criminal courts will be held in the future. at Statesville and Salis bury. Attention 'is also called to the fact that the Courts will be held sep- arau ly on the third Monday in April and October , at Statesville, and on the fourth Monday in April and Oc tober at Salisbury. HM1 AAllflfw ' nominated and elected I will en- k?W whom 90 were deavor to perform the duties of the office to the very best oi my aDiuiy. Anything my friends will do in -my behalf will be very much appreciated. GEORGE FINLEY MESSICK, 8-2 - Patterson,-N. C. ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself a cau didate for Clerk of the Superior Court of Caldwell county, subject to the action of the Democratic con vention. I shall greatly appreciate the efforts of my friends in my be-half.- R. M. SMITH. . FOR COUNTY TREASURER I hereby announce , Collis F. Crisp, of Lenoir township, for County Treasurer, subject to the aiction of the Democratic county convention. While Mr. Crisp has had the misfor tune to lose one limb, he is a good, clean man, and a staunch Democrat. 7-3 .H. H. CRISP. ANNOUNCEMENT Ix compliance with the request? of some of my friends I hereby an nounce myself as a candidate for the office of Treasurer of Caldwell coun tv. MiihWt tn the action of the Dem ocratic county convention. I will greatly appreciate any support given me. j&especuuiiy, i , . HORACE G, BARLOW, 4-ti King's" Creek, N. C. ONLY SIX PERSONS OUT OF 332 ABOARD SAVED Only six persons, including two passengers, out of a total of 322 on board the Chilean steamship Itata. were saved when the vesesl sank last week off the Chilean coast. The ves sel sailed from Coquimbo with 250 laborers proceeding to Antofaeasta Heavy cross seas damaged the rudder of the vessel, which was overloaded. In this helpless condition and caught in the strong south gale, the steamer was swept time and time again by the enormous waves. She. listed bad ly and sank by the bow. A Chilean warship, which speeded to the res cue, found only, scores of drowned floating on the ocean, and remnants of wreckage. One boat carrying 20 persons capcized and 17 perished. Another boat with many passengers and sailors aboard, and in which Capt. Caldera, who had been griev. ously injured, was placed, also cap sued near the beach. Only two pas sengers and one sailer of this group escaped "It Mutt Have Been Dead at Least 6 Months But Didn't Smell-" "Saw a big rat in our cellar last fall,"- writes Mrs. Jonany, "and bought a 35c cake of RAT-iSNAP, broke it up into small pieces. Last week while moving we came across the dead rat. Must have been, dead six months, didn't smell. RAT-SNAP is wonderful." Three sizes. 35c. 65c. $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by Bal lew'a Cash Pharmacy, Marley't Drug btore, Lenoir Hardware Co., Bern hardtf-Seagle Co. USE OUR WANT AD COLUMNS NOTICE OF NEW REGISTRATION AND CHANGE OF PRECINCTS i" i i r ril i i ru i-i Utti. IU1 I.J 111 TO DABKEI1 it! WANTED It's Grandmother's Recipe to , Jfceep her Locks Dark, Glossy, BeautifoL The old-time mixture of Sare Tea and Sulphur for darkening gray, streaked and faded hair Is grand mother' recipe, and folks are again using It to keep their hair a rood. even color, which la quite sensible, aa we are lfvlng In an agerhen a youth- j ful appearance U ot the greatest ad- vantage. Nowadays, though, we don't have the troublesome task of gathering the age and the muse mixing at home. All drug stores Bell the ready-to-u product, improved by the addition of Other Ingredients, called "Wyeth's Sage and eulphur Compound." It is very popular because nobody can discover it ha been applied. Simply moisten you; comb or a soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair disappears, but what de tights the ladies with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound, is that, be aides beautifully darkening the hair aftei a few applications, U also pro duces that soft lustre and appearance of abundance which is so attractive. This ready-to-use preparation is a de lightful toilet requisite for those who desire a more youthful appearance It Is aot intended for the cure, mitiga tion or prevention of disease. PREPARATIONS FOR A PIG FAIR IN CATAWBA For the first time in the history of the Catawba Fair Association three railroads will make special rates for the event to be held during the first week in October. The Southern will sell tcikets as far west as Marion and south as far as Charlotte and Gastonia, the Carolina & Northwest ern will put on special rates from Edgemont to Gastonia, and the Sea board will put on special rates along its line, from Marion to Lincolnton. The rate will be one far and a half for the round trip, good as early as Oct 2 and valid until Oct 3 at midnight John W. Robinson, president of the association, has been devoting most of the past few months in Cre ating interest in the four counties whieh will exhibit in Hickory. A day will be given to Alexander, Catawba, Burke and Caldwell and the fair will be a four-county attraction. We are always in the market for s Dried Apples, Peach Seed, Abruzzi Rye in fact, almost anything; the farmer has to market. ' Get in touch with us. Highest market prices paid . at all times. Write for prices. Hickory Seed Company Hickory, N. C. IF YOU WISH RESULTS USE THfc WANT AD COLJMNS 4 ft f 1AM H t t AM f t f OPEN NOSTRILS! END :: A COLD OR CATARRH j ; f"How To Get Relief When Head f and Nose are Stuffed Up. fkviYit flttrl Tonr oM 5n bead or catarrh disappears. Tour clogged nos trils will open, the air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more snuffling, hawking, mucous discharge, dryness or headache; no struggling for breath at atght . f! a am ill Wf.la tit V.v'i Cream Balm from your druggist and apply a j little oi tnis iragrant antisepuo cream in your nostrils. It penetrates through every air passage of the head, soothing and healing the swollen or inflamed mucous .membrane) giving you instant relief. Head colds and catarrh yield like magic Don't stay stuffed-up sad .miserable.. Belief is sura. Th Standard PerfectComfortontheLongestTour The 1923 Buick Six Touring Sedan- 1935 For touring to the "BigGm" this fall, driving oa ths boulevard, or slipping along a country toed la the baxy swnshins of Indian Summer, this smart new Buick six cyUnder touring sedan offers a degree of comfort that cannot be surpassed. Long and low in appearance, it affords perfect riding ease and comfort for nve passengers. Its well-knit chassis, new cantilever springs and strong frame take op the Jars and jolts of the country road. Broad plate glass windows give a wide vision to all occupants, while protecting them from chilling winda Added warmth is provided by a hatr. The interior of the Fisher built body is finished in handsome plush with Individual seats in front Driving convenience is assured by a longer steering column at a lower angle, complete instrument panel and longer gear shift lever. The Buick Uoe for 1923 com prim fourteen mooch: Four a Pan. Roadster, $865; 5 Pan. Tounnt. $885; 3 Pata. Coupe, $1175; 5 Put. Sedan. $1395; S Pa. Touriac Sedan, $1325. Sixer 2 Pata. Roadster, $1175; S Pats. Touring, $1195; S Pace. Touring Sedan. $1935; S Pat. Sedan. $1485; 4 Pass. Coupe. $1895; 7 Paw. Tourior, $1435: 7 Paa. Sedan, $2195; Sport Roadster, $1625: Sport Touring, $1675. Prices f. o. b. Buick factories. Ask about the O. la. A. C Purchase Plan, which provides far Deferrad Payments. - D-15--Ni CALDWELL MOTOR COMPANY LENOIR, N. C J When Better Automobiles Are Built Baick WillBuild Them North Carolina, Caldwell County. County Board of Elections. Sept. 4th, 1922. At a meeting of the County Board of Elections, held this September 4th, 1922, it was " Ordered that a new reristration be had in all of the precinct9 of Cald well county. North Carolina, for the general election to be held on Tues day next after the first Monday in November, 1922, it being the 7th day of November, 1922. It is further ordered that Game well precinct be, and it is, abolished and all the voters in Lenoir township residing north of the State highway from Public Square in the town of Lenoir to the Burke county line shall register and vote in North Lenoir precinct, the polling place of which is in the town of Lenoir; and those voters living in Lenoir township whose residences are south of the said State highway shall register and vote in South Lenoir precinct, the polling place of which is also in said town of Lenoir. It is further ordered that Richlands precinct be, and it is, abolished, and all voters residing in the territory embraced therein shall hereafter reg ister and vote in Patterson precinct, the polling place of which is at Pat terson, N. C. v It is further ordered that Buffalo Cove precinct be, and it is, abolished, and all those voters residing within the territory hereof shall hereafter register and vote -in Yadkin Valley precinct, the polling place of which is at Piney Grove school house. By order of the County Board of Elections. J. LEE COTTRELL, Chmn. . WM. F, SCHOLL, Sec. AN ERROR OF Omission To forget to inquire what oil your garage or filling station carries. AN ERROR OF Commission To accept an unknown brand when your dealer has or can easily get f MODI MllWlflflif 1L f l l I i l'4ar U JM.yjeMl MIL 2 FOR MOTOR LUBRICATION jo It's just as easy to say 'Tolarine" as "a quart of oil" and very much safer STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NEW JERSEY) tvt-.! v: 1!

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