DR. JOHN A. WINSTEAD CHIROPRACTOR N. C. Office at J. D. Winstead'a residence Fhone47. Hours: 9 to 12," M .1:00 to 6 P. M . Examination and Diagnosis Free 8. F. Attin 1 , 1. Davenport a AUSTIN & DAYENPORT i LAWYERS, i tromptaUenUon given to all matters FY A. HAMPTON Attorney-At-taw .'" . Office Masonic Temple Building next to Post Office. Rocky Mount. N. C Bulluck, Phillips & Co., Day Phono 312; Night 236, 124 Tarboro and Washington Sts Rocky Mount, N. C. Bernard A. Brooks Nashvllla tiaaton W. Tar lor Whitaken BROOKS & TAYLOR Lawyers Practice in All State and Federal Courts. Money Loaned on Real Estate Security. Dr. 0. F. Smithson, DENTIST. Office, Planters Bank Building:. Rocky Mount, N. C. TaeSasM OlsBlaO. --..--" " j- ' Every time the republicans make a bluff at prosecuting the trusts, the trusts raise the prices on their ! wares and thereby make the public pay the cost of the suits. The pub i lie does not understand why the trusts put the prices up just as soon as they are asked to answer charges and those who do not stop , to think say it does not pay to Interfere with them for this reason. In the first place a reason for this action should be sought the trusts are only play ed with by the Republicans and are not really and truly prosecuted. The trusts furnish the money to run the Republican party and that party will never hurt them. The only way to check the trusts Is to place the law-breakers in stripes and make them serve time for their of fences. - Theo the public will see the result and not until then can they get any relief. As long as they can advance the price on their com modities and make the public pay the fines they will care nothing for fines and will continue their plunder of the people. There vis another reason why they can raise the ' price on their goods at will when they are called to account for the robbery and that is the have driven out all the small competition and they can control the price but once that the trusts and the public fully under stand that the trusts are to be con trolled then small manufacturers will criff r the fiVId and a real 10m , i i i . il t'ioi a. il ". i i i A ..t li . i ;i! -.- .-I k ... n ji;: J. P. BUNN. Kooky Mount. F. S.SPRUILL, Rocky Mount. BUNN & SPRUILL Attorneys and Counsellorsat-Law. Till be In NasbTllle eTerr Cnt Mondavi DR. F. G. CHAMBLEE DENTIST. Spring Hope, N. C. O'flce In Spring Hope Banking Co. Building W. A. Finch. Wilson. LCOH T. ViCOHiM NasbTllle. FINCH & VAUGIIAN. Attorneys And Counsellors-at-Law Prompt attention given to all u;;iUcrs entrusted to our care. Ofbve in New La Hmlilint' adjoining the lands of J. W. Finch, M.N. Bissette and others, and be in the , Warren store property bnugt by A. T. Strickland from W. M. Warren. Third, A lot of land situated in Ferrells township, Nash Cnutty, adjoining the lands of Sam Murrav on the east, the lands of W, B. Ber goon on the west and north, and the land of J. C. Finch on the south, containing eighty acres, and being the home tract of the said A. T. Strickland. ; , Fourth. A tract of land situated in Ferrells township, ' Nash county, adjoining the lands of W. B. Ber geon on the east, the lands of W. P. Chambles on the west, the lands of Mrs. R. L Whitley on the north, and the lands of A. T. Strickland on the south, - containing fifty- acres. April 1.1012. V ' . J. P. Bunn. Commissioner. licks' Cettaa See. An early big boll, prolific variety. All seeds are from my ' private gin whrre no other cotton is ginned and each year I have personally selected my seed for improvements. Order now or come and get them. 10 bush els or more at 80 cents f . o. b. Respectfully, - R. H. Ricks. Rocky Mount, NC. KXECUTO NOTICE. The undersigned having this day qualified as executor of tho last Will and.. Treatment ot (Joodman D. Bass, deceased, . late of Nash county, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or be fore the 5th day of April, 1913, or this notice will be plead in bar of of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will make Immediate settlement. This April 6th, 1912. Thos. J. Bass, Exr. of Goodman : D Bsa, Dee d. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. The Undersigned having quali fied as administrator of the estate of J; S" Turner, deceased. Late of Nash connty, N. C, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the estate of ; said deceased to present teem to the .undersigned on or before the 4th dayot March, 1913, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. AH persons indebted to said estate will come forward and make immediate set tlement.' . - -. ''..' This 4th day of March. 1912 - - '.; , E. H. Turner, Adm'r. R. A. P. Cooley, Atty. , NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of power o.' f ale ' con tained in a certain Trust Deed exe cuted by J. II. Culpepper to E. B. wantham, trustee, and duly record t din Book 183 page 273 on March 30. 1910. 1 shall offer for sale, on Monday June Xrd. 1912, at the c url house doer in Nashville, Not tli Car olina, to the highest bidder 1r cash the following: A one-third undivided-interest in three tracts or parcels of land situated in -Mannings and Nashville township, Nash County. State of North' Carolina, described as follows: " ' ,S . . (A) First tract containing 173-1 acres conveyed to k N.. Culpepper by J. T. Webb et ux by deed record ed in book 73 pane 52 et m-j., Nah Resristrv to which deed reference to i had for full description.1 (a) Second tract containing 8b acres more or less conveyed to 15. N. Culpepper by J. T. Webb et ux by deed recorded in book 73 page 76 et esq. Nash Ortinty Registry, which deed is referred to for full descrip tion. From the altove lands there hug been sold off to J. B. Jefferys 100 by deed recorded in Book 102 page 91 et esq. Nash Repistry..: - (C) Third tract being a house and lot in the town of Nashville situated on the North side of Washington Street and known as the old home ooc 0 DC FORD MODEL "T" FORE-DOOR CAR ... . f i U 8 li- i wt i- . ..i i , . -. .. Ill 1 1,.:. i . I i- ! ;." i. i , i- ; . ;: j .i.nt . j. i . II i a !.-. u! lli'1 ; i ii . - I : .'i i: m ' I li' ;; t-l t,i. i : o ri k In pursuance of an order in i le i , the decree in a suit now pending- in ! Hope Banking Comoanv. et al.. vs. A. T. Strickland and wife.' the un dersigned commissioner will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, before the court-house door in Nashville, North Carolina, at one o'clock P. M. - on Monday, May 6th 1912. the following property to-wit: f iret. A tract of land situated in Ferralls township. Nash countv. pounded on the north by the lands oi j. a. wnitiey. on the east bv the lands of W. B. Bergeon, on the south by the lands of A. T. Strick land, and on the west the lands of J. P. Chamblee, containing forty-eight acres, more or less, becond. A Jot or parcel of land in Ferralls township, Nash county. n 2 X' " ' ' - .0. ," - Fore-Doors Are Detachable Five Passenger, Four Cylender, 20 Horse-Power. PRICE, $6QO.OCX Includes Extension Top, Automatic Brass Wind Shield, Two Six-Inch Gas Lamps, Generator, Three Oil Lamps, Horn and Tools. F, O. B Detroit PHONE 152. GEORGE T. BURNETTE, rocky mount, n. c. Q ICDO tilitre of Dr. CulpPiwr end thedower nf I. in idovv and said lot being con voyed to H. N. Culpepper by deed reconfiMl in book 67 pajte :!81 et esq. ah Rrgiutry, said deed be ng ex- iitel hy S. , H. Griflin e'. us to 'vjiic' refeiuiire is had for full des t lti n. This last lot is now subject to the dower rights of Mrs. N. T. Sykes. Terms of sale Cash. Hours f krIo twelve o'clock M. June 3, 13:'. Place of sale, Courthouse door in Nashville N. C. E. B. Grantham Trustee. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION iiitt of North Carolina. J- -Department of Stulo.1 . 5 . I.i m.I tu wnom tofse present May imif Grouting: " . : . ' Wleress, It sppoars to ray A itis rwnioo, ny duly autheuticated re oxii o of tbe proveedjogs for the vol untary dissolutioir thereof bv. tbe iiimnlmoua coo sent of all tbe MtocU Imlders, deposited ta my odloe, tbat Tbe Brooks Mercantile Company, a corporation of tbls - State,' whose principal office Ik situated no Wash ington street, in tbe town of Nsh ville.Couotyof Nasb.Statcof N.C.(R. U. Brooks being tbo .ageot thereto and lo charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has com plied with ' tbe requirements of Chapter 21, Revisal of 1905, entitled "Corporations,'.' preliminary to the Issuing ot ibis Certificate of Disso lution: ' " ' . , ' ".' -Now. - Tln-refore, 1, J. f Bryai Grinr.es. Secretary of S'ale of, N-lb Carol iurt. do hereby certify tl)-t the suid coriioratlon - did. mi ibn 15.l day or April 1912, file in my otlleo j duly executed uud attested conso'.t in writing to the dissolution of said CiirVMiri:l.ill. cxceuteil bv . all - tbe (lo tlii'Uli's 1 i-tt.if. liien SHI,: uu- j' ni.,l ii t f to p.-. -iiii-.-sur re',1 if ii.-:- ii filti - ' T ' fit '! : I ': 1- -V " ' in fir I, - ,.Vk,' '.,,, i. li.v", )'.ii 'i sei :. if 'i,.. r .f .i . v-.J m- n.-;. .i'i!..i t i ivi..' iw. ijr . Vj.I Jp i .: V ,.D. I!I2.. :V , j"P.v.s VmMftj.-.'-'-''1;:. V . 1 - S'-M'iurv of S'.ote' NOTICE OF SALE . Under and by virtue ; of an order m;ike in the Superior Court of Nash county. State of North Carolina, at the April term. 1913. entitled O. U. Batchelor, Exr. vs J. D. Overton et al , the undersigned commissioner will, on Thursday the 30 day of May 1912 at 3 oclock P. M., offer for sale at the mill yard of J. D. Overton s at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, . the following de scribed property to wit: One Frifk engine 9x13, one 25 horse boiler, and an No.' O. Lanes saw mill and all pulleys, belting, and fixtures going with the same, it be ing the property purchased by J. D. Overton from 0- D. Batchelor, Exr. This 8th day of May. 1912. . - . Austin & Davenport Attorneys. S. F. Austin, Commissioner. The Graphic1: Should be in every home in .- Masnuounty.. . - , K. J. Bashes.- O. l DW Uli.- n " BARNES 4. DICKINSON. Attorneys and Counscllors-A:-Ln Wilson, N. C. " - l'rnetle In Niwh. tVi'-". State- lB' . F'uleral i-ri-. u ' , 'omiwHi"H himi. : lC T nioxi vix J t t .'T f'l I' M AIN Fountain & Fountnln. , Attorneys-At t.aw,-" . Rocky Mount, N- C. .. ; Offloo 2i-d N"-ir ft 1)i-iii Stiii e'. l'ructice In all tin- couru. T. T. ROSS, Dentist. t s-p4 ssvk ' Offlco In New Finch Bulldinsr Will be In my office every Wednes . dav. Thursdav. Fridav anl Saturday. - ' . -Nashville Office at Residence ' " " Where I can be found y ' 'K Mniniv iMhTiiiflniv. - Pau 1 D. Grady, . . Attrny niX Counsvlor -i, At Law ; . Middlesex, K!nvu r f T . Practice in all courts in Nash. Wilson and Johnston Counties Prompt at tention given to all mattersentrusled - . - to my care . , ; n f) " R D A N T i r V. Dfeoasns t f .T'C nvc',' Er.:;, '.'ri -' . ' '-- . .,v 'V.'V:- . AND : y FITTING . CLASSIC." . : -;-': General JWedicine anJ 5iif;ory. ; : Office. Finch Building. ' s J.P. Battle TtafM, J. I ta ' 1 Battle A Dean Physicians and Surf eons : . -:' f '' rvIDeVflTc. . '.": Offer thotr tirofeaslonal Mrrlca to tbe people ot KsabvUle aad sarroaBdinc .. aouatkes . Prompt attention given all ca'U, day or - . or night - Offloet located In rear ot Ward.OrncCo., PhooM Nefc 70 ft S4 Ban's Seesl Cera tn Sale. . I have for sale a limited number of bushels of the celebrated "Batt's Prolific Seed Corn," at $2.60 per bushel; J Bushel $1.50; Peck $1.00; Gallon 75c. Apply to G.-D. Tayloh, Castalia,N.a " ... - C REAT COUNTY ALES DAY! SECOND SATURDAY IN EACH MONTH, " Beginning June 8th, at Rocky Mount, N. C. THE WAY PROVIDED I ; : The Chamber of Commerce of Rocky Mount, recognizing the need of a general market-clearing house in this section where farmers and others can sell the things they have and don't need and wish to turn into cash, has arranged a great "County Sales Day," which will be held in Rocky Mount on the second Saturday in each month. Maybe one farmer has a horse, or cow, or colt, an old wagon, plow, some corn.'or other products or other thing he doesnt need. Without doubt, there is somebody who does need that very thing, and maybe this second man also has some articles useless to him which some one else needs. If all these people- could bring these things together all would be benefitted. REGULAR DEALERS ARE DEBARRED. - FREE AUCTION SALE? WHAT HAVE YOU? ' - V Rocky Mount will hold a Monthly Sales Day- .The City pays the auctioneer an d the clerk. ' Every person in Nash, Edgecombe and adjoining 'counties is cordially -- invited to come to Rocky Mount on that day and bring any and every thing he may have to sell. Anything from a dozen of eggs to "a traction' engine, if desired, farm products, horses, pigs, chickens, farming utensils, furniture, books, etc; and have them sold at auction free of charge, and if the price doesn't suit you, you-can call it back before it is ''knocked off.", It doesn't cost you a - cent and you get every penny your property brings. . ' , REGULAR DEALERS ARE DEBARRED. A - . Rocky Mount will Povide the Way! First Safes Day June the 8th 1912V ; . .. The Place is Pitts Warehouse, Rocky Mount, N. C. . ' Wliich Mr. Pitt has offered free of charge. 'The Warehouse will be open day and night, and. a competent man will be on hand' to take care of 'your team. Good stalls for your horses - ' and if you want to stay all night, or drive in Friday night before sleeping accommodations will be furnished you. . -r' ' 1 - l;k?:Everything Without Costing You a Cent. V;' , We Just Want You to Come to Rocky Mount. Sales Begin at 11 .O'clock and Continue UntiGoqds are Exhausted. Goods Must be on Floor to bo Tagged by 10 O'clock a. m. Thousands are Coming.' You Come too, and'see how much Cash that Article you Don't Need Will Bring You. .'ON,' EUCINF"! TIANAGER. ' L,;F. TILLCT, 17. S. VILTI!

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