Y.J THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE JOHN B. SHERRILL, Editor and Proprietor. Phone 78. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. On- Year Sn Mailt h.; 2.4U Three Mont lis 4l.-tl One Month .40 PUBLISHER'S ANNOUNCEMENT. A.lvi'it Uin j rates cm lie li.iil at tli' iitti. t'. 'o; tor clianu'i'- niiM lie m h III .1 Vliirk a. m. C.ii.ls m' Thanks Resolutions of hV-ei-t, alxl similar artielrs are eliaiL'eu1 at the rale of ." cents pel line- t'asli in all eases. Ivilere.l as -. n.l el.iss mail matter A.nl 'ii. ItMII. at le .,.s,,lli, e at I '.irii .ii .1. N. I '.. iimler I e a.-! ! M.i re a .!. IS?!!. Out of the city and by mail the fol lowing prices on the Evening Trib line will prevail . 'ne Mont' t Months $l."ill Twelve Months '!l", JOHN M. OGLESBY, City Editor CoNlOKIl. N. C, I I M 1 ; 9' l.teni Viern Hill in, lor i...r.. Mr. ' T:M- V I'-"'1 Vire-IV H.,.,-M'!l ami nill ii.iii i. -nl. i r I l I lit liie . llu-iv k .I'l-ihili II. If he i.m- , larilf la i in t uill tie an en. I There h;l iii'lrl t a I in i' U.I..L- i li lar. an. I Mr. T.i i rich .mil making sa n. ii hiiiir n i ia-r m I he t .in- reiieheiiih!i' ... with the . I . hii.is' he will ha v me! the ii. nun the III UI' en.l.ir : (fo dun ii in .lefeat. EiOHBORHOOB CODDLE CREEK. II..- Y Kiel, I II:. 11 SKYSCRAPERS Cities Under a Single which aa- .U.irvcls. Roof EVIiRYiillV IS PROVIDED i. 1 1 "U r.tl I...III lint) to Sleep All Oilier Nei. --ilir of Life Id bo had hi (tie till..- HiiiMing One of III. in Willi a r.ij.uialiou of 13, 00(1 IVl-, lis. REPORTS WERE NOT EXAGGERATED As Many Local People are Testifying. T ie Knot June instructors made m.i.w laiinsr litem's wlrilp lupre T e.r v. (intertill reineilv has tione i n. U ul ;'oi,1 at this point mid re i'il- "1 cures are neiiis: riculated Imi'ii eir di reel ion. The drug store i- m-'i-e lni than ever wraiiinir up i. .1. a ..I li-ienin... in ihe many tl.i1 i Mii'i reiiuiu .it' ihe ureal uo.kI it 1, in -t ii kln h ... i Al.l l-i- i';l .1 III Waleil. ..1 if 111 Schoolboy Rivalry. I'l .i'j i esi ii. l-'a nner. A -mi uf Mr. .I.ihn II. editor ut I lie I '.in, -"nl i'line-, ara.liiale.l fr..m the -jra.le.l the aire .if 17 .-:ir. lie i-n sell. hi! , hen ne u a an.! m.lile Ihe l.niat k.itii,' i lint havini: heen lar.U, .-r : mil' a .la mailt ha! i un. . At F 1 1 1 ulaiiec Ins .ijii'.':1 an exrepln I iwr, rathe reniarkalile "tie. lint .el tli.uiu'ln it remai oiin-' man !iu learm Son uf "'sih-kinir I-. hieh I he ma j..ril .if have et i.i learn ami the same iinmlier ..t' v as .litl vi.illl SherriH. This wonderful aeiiurenipi we miisi all learn. If wot i aei u i re. 1 if . -tart ! u . M irk iv.uk evcrv .a tins . nnmt'i so as ih..ni:!i you uriv h.i slraiehl .salarv liasis an. I l '. this elt'-.llseipinn' ., !l he a i liable asset. Voiiiil: Siierriil il nno.-everv-.lav Iess..ns t'roui ln .1:1 Vs. W'e want you In :'l in Vim r e'iiiiinissi,ii mil ' :' "'ir ..r.l f.,r the liie 'ival is knitlinj." s . las- nia't's -v h.u.- -M'!i; s at the task ellei I M M., NOTICE. Truants ... .. , illlfl CHI i II I'll tt:at III u sli.a In -e, -sal t ii y t, (let Ki. 1' sl.tpuiK ii'i.i-: t, in nil !'k. I ; lllnenls. '1 Joed I'rrin tl M ru, to I,' wl.'.l a:i i'c, I lent i t!io ;:,tui .pi t-st c.itT In t:.,. A !)' Si lie.' , 1 U if l.,ie in t t'r.'lu tr.elris tin. Is It nei.'s on short until not itri'hs- .1 I that ts a nuui' 1 1 1 st of all, In till' to til" I'e n In.; am! i: '1 .1. II ;.J I . -if he i ' .11 ti. I.a.e I.;- i W tin- 1m. k.-rs hr.e liN Inisii h-' waits, oi vi s o'ie a 1 1. : : If li-s, l!:.. n . Imt a m n.i'e i la-h.-r's t. l.lae.- u Aflei a . uini tin- 11 .1.11 hatll relet.. ' teniierat mi his hair li t. i li It-- has Hnts of h! l.tt'e k. I we.- otllce build- i '. .. Iia ' e com torts ni, r their roots ; , it w.iuKl be 1 1.,- entire town ; 1 1 ually but 1 . , i-r,.id'i,l, evwn I in usieal euter- I I i may bu en- . i nf bomo lofty l it : on Is eat lug I ' Kalng over ' o: iho greut I 1 ' '. ,ln t be annoy- : n. i. in bo heara u: the elty und i -Mertaln them ' it' course, ho U . ' e occasion, but i attended to. I s Into the eleva- Ill Ul build- : 1 - for a theatre. f tailor Ehop. ' : li-- precaution . '' .'ii' lies in one In- Is able to f I'l rs- t-d while li h may rit ..I1 an apparel. c'.-l. It tnkes -i.'ii the tiatiwr- "...or aud re- Mr-. Sarah ( . .lull s.i at .iv hreath: i slMinaell - , ere at t imes -,o had I ' 1 l'i i ft a ; in v toio-rue ins satil : 1 use,i tunes I eniihl haiilh our -ra-es would form I dull, hcavv head felt I a led a!iavs had a . M ,ai-ls : "ie- ami al '.nit like lil -tin-, alter I l.'.i.H .llll.e. I had tasle in m :i.l feel w ere eof i her I imes t hey hat thank mv i'arim' s.i mud vein In ihe ilru t-i!i-:lil a liollle nt II inn t ',c !ir t hot I le I w ent hack i i w ii imii-e lint I h-s. I have and d,.n 'I I hj'ik I will HIS' as I ,e! as veil as I ev lev .in! hie 0 1 le t he iroisl for lach. liver, kid 1 1 is ,,,1,1 t ,.i I. live f.ir li. Marsi , Driii ..hi - -' Miss -ml this ,,r sijhl r it the - nearlv r i'id,lif.'irl says her s'llller is oim In S ..libs -"As on she w -ire last ti :-. l. a t l:ll N. i i r.it.ir -w l-aileo -I :-. l,r, Ml,'! withnut ll.ti-I't'ei i l".' ; i.n a That i a had Id his filer U in liulldinc A tenr ni-on tro re.-l.iuia maybe It's -' kind- to r. , tho recel el and Untitle ; tl.e ai ra ni;.'li II, w I the tiartier . i. attendant bus a " at the proper h" is having a lung dlsUiuce ,, - t u 1 1 oin Chlea- ! !, i.ttlce asslst , ' ,ii - and the oi . nn.'Ctlou to the e i.ii.u. telephone i -, 1 1 1 S3 man, and chair or eifD I . len t, -r ho cur- !, m..r Uia wire. . .ii t n.it tt la not -.mo by haviug dinner lu the up tho ca- i-i ; nr wherever I'l-'iis to tie. for tin- rathskeller i t tde he wiggles I i eutral again I I, n I uptow n of "OLORED POSTCARDS FREE. N"t Cheap Trash, but Ten Beautiful Ones. .ij.,1 I i send free In 1(1(1 reaJers I' i. I rili ine Id beautiful colored ... ir,s. all different, without any - I ike ail. nit I nis offer. in-i:ie ..a t hem whatever. There ! , ii li. -cause 1 wai t people lo k 1 1 at i ei, lhe want hiiiiilsome ,:i in. mat I c! what kind, I hev can I hem trum me ai i: ainifaelurers I" is. I send von this assorluienl in sh..w .n. the hiirh irrade cards I iir. All I ask is thai nu send - a I w o i en I stamp to .-over postaffe ire s r. T. .I,.hiist .ne, Pics, Kept. li.icae-icr. . v. a; l.u hit ,1c, ,1 v ecu ihe r'.'s and tin- .lust r; ther no sum I hat lav the waleriii.i; earl tn i- I. ,11 tn Administrator's and Executor's Sale T -I Hr- ,V W. i' r. Hakes a Fight on Bridge Whist. If Keprtwutat a e lie lli-iici., n! Iberia I'arisli. I, a., .an pass a I . l J 1 , notice nf winch he jave Salnr,la n I lie I, over branch id the I .eirisla t urc, bri.lure whisi will he .ib.ine, m tin State of Louisiana. The lull cili- tm the "absolule sup.iiessl,i!i ,. I lie ;i -ini; of hridLte whist. "I am i nl riHliH-iin: ihis incisure. " .leehired Mr. IK- Kcnin. "t'.ir the lien f rit of the children of tnv State, wh. rarely have an opirl unity lo ku.iw their bridire playine; muthers. Ii is also fur the benelit of husbands wlm hardl have a spi-akin-,' acipiainlance with their bridire-pla.vine; wives." Hens Lay Comet Eggs. Alain I . hue, ot Litehtiel.l. I onn.. read of a hen in New York State that laid an eirit called the comet cirir. be cause it had a tail two inches I.uil'. ami then the wind blew the new-painr toward the chicken house. One of his hens devoured the item and immediately proceeded to fro her New York Slate lien one better by laying an e;.r; with a tail four inches long. The tail is a little thinner than I he outer shell and much plainer to see than the comet. The airs ha" o" photographed and is now on exhibi tion iu a slore window. That No. 11 Road Again. Mr. Editor: In your issue of last Monday we notice an extract entitled "Good Roads in No. 11" signed by Mr. S. J. Boot, stating that the roads were in a 75 per rent, better condition than ever before. Mr.. Bost reconrm mends thai Mr. Lefler he kept in the position of road supervisor. Some of ..the Republicans, I among the number, do not agree wit Mr. Bost. Mr. Lef ler waa appointed Supervisor eonrtary to the signed petition of 46 eitizena of So. 11 township. C. F. DRY. p tlope is tire thatia not impervious to tb p noctures of reality. , ML" n; i i; i;v. KKIU'INU. .: 'H. I. II a , i:. i.ii.i.v. I.. T. r is -.st i, .: Mr Mr. , -if Ma U. II I I ' I. i, mil FOR SOLICITOR. I !;.-n-h aiino-i:,i in, -, ! :' date for S-ill.-lt"! iu i in- ape I h'l ' a! ie primal :e- .,".1 I 'n I I will appici'iate liie -iip--!l ..f viiters nf Caharr'i-. county. 1 1. H. SMITH.. E. (). 0. riiarlntte. V it! ion -f tin FOR SOUCITOR. I hereby announce uivself a eandi datc for Solieiuir in the approiM-hiiii-Democratic primaries and Cnnvent ion If nominated and elected I shall discharge mv dutv to the best of m ability, fairly and impartially. I Weill. I he !' :l- ! I" f. ' i' -ill-POrt of the Democrats of Cabarrus county. F. M. SlIAXXONHOUSF.. Southern's Convenient Summer Sche dule to the 'Land if the Sky." Southern Railway anounces that Spring and Summer changes in Sche dules to Western North. Carolina re sorts will take place Sunday, Jnne 5, with through Sleeping Car service from all points, affording excellent service. It is expected that even greater crowds than ever before will visit these famous mountain resorts dur ing the turner season. ASSESSMENT. The Cabarrus Mutual Fire Insur ance Assessment for May is doe and payable at the Concord National Bank within sixty days from May 1st, 1910. JNO. K. JTATTEKSON,, ft-U. ' "-1 Sec-Trems. Ki.Lph'T W'tll isheit. and ati- , its and c:ind ' party at the tin-' b-r shop tn I e i t iiirant latr i tlee aft.-r un at.-, hour, duriiis w lit it any tlnat turn The :' i . li I ail lness 111.. I. ' They In, i.. , ; . .o:.d w lin i, I Into tlic l.i, Mil,.-, later thr.i ii:h a 1 IOI11 Of tile e!,'i n.arhv sul II 11 1 li.-fnl' ! I..-) tre seer;tl I.n u -bly spent lit d.:i::e made lino el : , , a chest ra One of the 'IKE' lnifs hes'des : h.1; tlOastS nf tile fnllin tenants there n.a roof; a plnsca. feactnK ac.i,li'ni . cleanser, iire-in;,- i Hard and i 1 ro.-u restaiiraut. miIciii stand, tobacco si'- h letter or Ills Htelin li.s rhoej !! tl.t: jonie tlow- women of the -itstde the bar l eil at the res '.ai k to his of f l.s than uti - lias lost little Mr. w Hies tlmllll Scared into Sound Health. P.. I'. KelU-v, Springfield, III M-ar airo 1 beean to be ' ' A w it Ii mi,. ; nst as t'he bus : inn his letters . tii.- i.!. ateil rail - ,i s,eelai entrtince .Hid the will leave I a n ne! f rum the but ev.ii.u -haft Into a slat mil. - t.trt for the tbea- nii;. be comforta- - lu the hutMing. - b a Rood or lln-adwa:- bulKl ;i:; a theatre, also UK luxuries that have under one culture Bcbool. a tailor, dyer and stabllshment, b I s. bowling alleys. shoo shining 'e. jewelry abop. where the balkv t.me piece may In looked after: te'edraph aud cable office, bo, ittis. barber shop, dentist doctor, and for the comfort of the women a huh dr--s.ser's and a millin ery establishment Several buildings which are used largely by lawrs und engineers contain splendidly equipped libra ries, while In others in the financial district, there are branches of banks, or the main establishment, so that customers who have large deposits to make regularly are assured of Increased safety by moving Into these quarters. One of the new buildings not tar from the automobile belt up tn the Forties has added a well adapted garage. This Is a fiature that Is bound to come to many other build ings. And so one comfort Innova tion follows another. It Is not be yond possibility that the time Is not far hence when man may sleep, carry on bis vocation and Uie In the same builldlng. The modern akscrapper Is coming to be a complete community In it self, and a mighty big one when measured by the standard of towns elsewhere, especially In the causa of the new structure that Is to bouse soma iinaea thowsaa workers in Its ft thousand or u offlcas. in v kiduevs ami bladder which crew worse until 1 became alarmed il tnv condil inn. I suffered ai-n with dull heavy headaches ami tne action of my bladder was annoying an. I painful. 1 read of Foley 's KiJ- nci P. lis and alter taking them a few .w-cks ihe headaches left me, the ac tion -if my bladder was again normal and I was free from all distress." Ca barrus I 'rue; Co. dan 1. 1 : r editor is apt In become n licaiisi- t hat 's t he w a . snli-crip linns an- paid. Pair of Shears Free. To e. rv subscriber of The Concord I u i I Tnbiine who pays a full year hi adv. in. c we will give free a pair if mi i n inch Spring Tension Shears. U'e hae ;imi away over 1J00 pairi f thc-e sua re to subscribers of The Tunes, and have m ver had a complaint iliout tin-in. They sell everywhere for ' i mil ."li tn 7"i cents a pair. l-'l-.m i bachelor's pnint nf iew. ,heu a bain isn't crv iic,' there iniisi ie s 'Iiiiiil: the mater with it. Glad to Recommend Them. Mr. !'.. Weakley, Kokomo, IinL, -ins: "After taking Foley's Kdney Pills, Ihe se vere backache left me, my kidnes became stronger, the secre tions natural and my bladder no lon ger pained me. I aiu glad to recom mend l',,le 's Kidney Pills." In a yel low package. Cabarrus Drug Co. The lame hits of pet.ph 'muse. -I lax payer supwirl.s - who are mil in Ihe alins- A'wwb two and a quarter Bailee loas; Baa beam draws from that ady t g sragt spider. - What a Summer Cold May Do. A summer eolj if neglected is just as apt to develop iuto bronchitis or pneumonia as at any other season . Do not neglect it. Take Foley's Honey ami Tar promptly. It loosens the cough, soothes and heals the inflamed sir passages, and expels the cold in the system. Cabarrus Drug Co. Many a newly-married man would lie thankful if his wife would only east her bread upon the waters. What Every body Ought to Know. That Foley Kidney Pills contain just the ingredients necessary to tone, strengthen and regulate the action of the kidneys. Cabarrns Drag- Co. An I for an I is the natural result of a meeting between two egotists. Itching piles provoke profanity, bnt but profanity won't cure them. Doan's Ointment en res itching, bleeding or protuding piles after years of suffer ing. At any drug store. The under dog frequently gets sympathy than is goii tat Hot. slice's, with six large cheap. REAL ESTATE FOR SAEL ! 2 vacant lots on South Union street, convenient to business part oif city, h0i200 feet, for $b(!il each. 1 sir room cottage un South Union street lot K14x lll0 feet at a bargain. 1 very desirable vacant lot 6oxd00 feet near business part of city. 1 vacant lot on West Corbin street, 1(10x2411 feet, cheap at $1,000. 1 six room cottage on West Corbin street beautifully papered with modern conveniences, lot 7."x200 feet. 1 live room cottage on West Corbin street, near p. slumce at a real bar gain. 1 two story sii room dwelling, lot Mlix.'li", t'.-.-l . ueu p..-f office. I vacant lot SllxllJ.", feet adjoining tlu ab,.e I.. I !l very desirable pieces of property mi Spiing lici t, . onvrnient to bu siness part of city. l! very desirable residen.es on flemgia avenue. I nice cottage on corner of N. Spring and Maish rooms and paulry. 1 live room cottage or Fast Depot slrel, newly built, 1 nice vacant lot on Kast Depot street. .'!(! nice cottages ami vacant lots on Franklin si reel, at (libson Mill and Hrow-ii mill. U'e can give ;.ou .sonic real bargain in the cottages und lots. Xi acres suitable for buihiing lots or for farming lands. -'J acres iu No. 11 towns. iij near D. V. K i innuiiigcr 's laud. H acres oue mile easl of cunt house with good dwelling, double barn and oiilbuildigs. lie Harrier Mill property, j miles south of M.niiil Pleasant, consisting of acres of land, Hour mill, corn mill, -aw null, boiler and eugiue, cot ton gin, wagon scales, all in good running cniidil inn by steam or water power. Dwelling stable and outl . ildiugs. A good siand for business; all for $l,b()U; one-half cash, balance iu 1J mouths. I .'10 acres with six room dwelling, nearly new, splemild doub'e barn, und outbuildings, situated il miles soul hwesi of Kannapolis on public road. "iS 1-2 acres of highly improved land, one miles west of Depot on Char lolle road. I'll acres known as the Spring Hill l-'ann, one mile west of depot on Charlotte macadam road. This is one nf the nin-l desirable pieces of real estate iu this section of the coiiuiiy. l-'J acres, four miles east of Concord, good buildings, good orchard, gond pasture, :i(l acres in cultivation, ."id a res in timber, two rich gold veins. lb acres, .'1 miles i ast of Concord, two -lory dwelling ami outbuildings, doll cords of wood, several line gold veins. Price $li''.i(l. A bargain. (luoil six-room residence near North "iiiou street, with city water in house. New metal roof just put on. (I.mhI barn; lot (i7ilb feet. One of .he Ih-sI neighborhood., in the city. Price tJ-'dll. tin Marsh street, oppo site D. ,1. Host inn's residence. I- acres, all in ti e corporute limits of Concord, suitable for almost any time..'. Small stream of water riniiiinv through it About ti acres good un a low. ami 8 to res line I rooking laud. Can be cut up into fine building lot- Will he sold as a whole or cut to suit purchaser. U'e have several other bargains in town and country property which are not mentioned in Ihis list. U'e have impiiiie- .-. . n day for land and own property and ws would be e.i dto list ai g ou have for sale. There is no cost to you un less a sale is made. JNO. K. PATTERSON & COMPANY SEABOARD AIR LINB RAILWAY. Schedule in Effect May 15, 1910. Otiickest line to New York, Washington, Florida Point9, Chnrlotte, Atlanta, nirmlngham, Memphis, New ( i If.'ins nnd Points West. Double Daily Service, w ith High Rack Seat Coaches, man Sleeping ears and Dining Cars. Trains leave Charlotte as follows: Pull- r ASTHOl'N". WKST ROUND. No. 411. . No Nu. I K r'o a. ni. '.nu i mi. i'. p in No. 133. No 4T... . :VJ s. m. t 46 p. BA. Loeal Sleeper Charlotte to Portsmouth on i'SJ. We operate ilunlile ilailv vestibule service, with through Pullman -deeping Cars, ti Jacksonville , Atlanta, Hirnnng hatn, Memphis. Fort Worth, Norfolk, Washington, Halt itnoii , Philadelphia anil New York. For time tallies, hook lets, reservations, or any information, call on Jas. Ker, Jr.. T. P A., Chariot le, or nfldro-s. H. S. LEARD, ). P. A., Raleigh, N. C. ) ) C IF YOU OR YOUR FRIENDS HAVE DESIRABLE : Real Estate to Sell: Remember we reach interested Buyers In ) many part of the country, and would J be glad to have you on our list. :lf Iti Want ti Bay Any M No donbt we have just what you want. g Come and let's talk together about it. g JNO. K. PATTERSON & GO. Up stairs opposite Cabarrus Savings Bank 3 ) ) ) For Any Kind of Job Printing EXCEPT TZZS UTTXUIOR, ZZ2TX) Come to. The Times Printery i