THE CONCORD DRILY TRIBUNE JOHN 8 SFJiBRILL, Lditor and Proprietor Phone 78. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Ou Yt-ar 4.8U Six Month. $2.41' Thrrr M.inths l-2U Otic M.iiilli ! PUBLISHER'S ANNOUNCEMENT A.i fi Ii-iiis. rui.'-t . :m I"- 1 1 rial at llu ulti.f ' "- !''' rli:t"-rf nni-i br in h In . 1. 1. k a in I IP, I, ll Tl.Jlll - Id-. 'hil urn- "I Kt -...-. i , an.l -iiinlai aihili1- en- rli.ii i-.-.l al Hie i.iu' .-I i rent- I, lie I'.t-li in all i-:i-i-. Hui. M .l i- -f. ..ii, ' I i-- mail in ilte Aiml Jii. 1'MH. al I!..' a r I. N I . mi. Li ' '' " M ir. !, :l. lv'i. Out of the city ami by mail the fol lowing prices on the Evening Ttili line will prevail. Uf I in i . . - - ,t M.intlii ... - ' Tul,.., f.mll,.- ! 110 JOHN M. OGLESBY, City Editor Com mil). . (."., Jim- ' "' THE PRESS CONVENTION. ''lie imvliti" ! tin- N 1 1 1 1 I ai 'li'ia 1'ie-. A .i:l I mil .11 I In' T.iri lii.n'rf Hut.'! ai Wn-iii-t ill.- Ii.';t.-!i '.i-l week h.i- I1"' -i l.irifl.v 1 1 1 : 1 I . i in ill.- A 'i i. i'- : I-: i- a- line 1. 1' I In' lll-'-I I !;! -1 1 .1 '"I I'l " liiublf. T i.-.-. ..f iii.-'ii'i'-' .111.1 l!ll' J I . ' .1 I 1 1 1 Hill'' ! 'Ill'' J"l'lliv 1,, I' Aikri-i-i. im -l.-vte-l -,i Nlih-!i I ! tit' a:i. lli'in j it !.. .H IM ' J lli-' :t:i illni'lui' lilrr.nv -1 a'Win'. ami in I !n- Wilmiii-i.'ii ii.'H-'.i'i men. ' an. TIhhiii-..ii ami Ite'l. .m iersini.l!lv ;lt r:iM-t-. an.l ..tkt-. alifi the ftili'i raiiiint'in N--:lnn-' w.i nliiitlt'.l Itial nir.'lit a. 1. 1 I" ill'- i'"- j.ivrii.-nl ..I' Hm . i r. .ui.l Mt. t ' an. "liia! linn. IV ..! r:.m u'V." a- -..m. r.-r -.n-i. .If v hi i'iI in- tv ii. ! linn' i " i ; j i a the .-.III. .1 I, a.l a I lim,' Tlie Tanw iv II L. tt :in i-in 1'iiMnii ua- hi. V N i'.iai :.. .ri nf tin' .hliri. I I- "I I n- Mali- A tu'tv a.l.lnmn i- i-l 1 1 1 f .!' I . a 'In -i xt v lai . i 1 1 h i ii i . r t-rv .me w iii- i fare- l lie Sunt n. tv In e : !ir -. a breeze-t'ltlne. M.inv .. i In- r.i.tin- .i-v titteil ttiih liatli- an.l in. mI. -I'll vr- IlliMlii--. an.l tinTe I- a lrli-i!i,.nr III . icia rnnlii Tin- .lliilli1,; rnn I-'ue atul tat lair i i-v.-rllrtit . 1 1 J Mr. l.tiiri'. tiif .r-.inrl.r. Irit !n.--.loutl nilt' a- tvrll. an.l ali in- f.n.-r kti.rvv- ht.v In l....k al'lel t :n" r. nil!. 'If nl' i In1 l;ii.'-i-. Vni can tin. I n.i innrc le'i.'lit I ill iia.f I .. -ifii. I a v it a t -t'J-tnl. lilt ali1. ry pi'iiu'ramme ua- ail thai . nul.l lit .li'-irt'.l. I 'it'-nlen t AlLui-oii v a t. i nna:i- m .iIi'-'Ihil: In- -i-mL-i-i- aiiii-iiL' liie ami i'-n'riall in tiie : i.tii ut' .in I -n. Ir ii.-aktT-. Itr. Ilrnrv l.tnli- Stnit1! ami . In. lire Hnm-n V. Wni-ti.n .l.-l i-ht fn 1 anil lifl.tnl mi' art-- t" t'le Hut U.iili .li-tlat'.l in. ii kt . I ali:iit. i U'lttT in- in-ire iiiit..r!a:.t Jiattl' vvas rea.l lii-l't.ii' tne iun tail, h.iu ever. than tin' mn' ..n Sa in I a I inn. Ii Ur. V. S. It.uikniT ..I I In- Si .ii t- H...U.I ut' ll.allh. ami a - Mr. .1:,... A. Kankin. ..I' i a lia tin- Mr. Kankm i ttne ut the rapnllv ri-nii: iinnur iiifii ut' the Slate, ami -rival lliimj-- an- in store t'nr liim. The eilitur-. ami 1 lie iiieinlifi'-i ut their families at-eimipatiyiiiir lliem were tratisiurte, at will iliiring their stay tiver the eity ami suburban line ot the Tiilewater Power t'o.. which o rates the line to the beai-li. Oil i-Vi-ilay they were the guests of liiai prineely srentleman, (apt. Jim. V. Harper, on a trip to Snuthport. wliieh was probably the most delightful siu gW event of the meeting. Luncheon w an served ou I lie boat by llie lalies of Wilmington. The trip was made down the river to Sotitliport and re iurn. So many tilings ernwd on the mind when we attempt to write of the con vention that we are. forced to stop for lack i if spare to even mention them all. This writer thanks his brethren for their kindness in electing Jiiin secretary and treasurer for the twenty-third time. There is nothing be appreciate more than the good will and fraternal feeling of bis brother editors, and there is no service for their enjoyment possible which he will not cheerfully render it any cost Six persona were killed, seventeen severely injured, and more than hun dred slightly hurt by a single bolt otf lightning that struck in JungfernbaUis Park, m Berlin Sunday evening. All tb-s victims were poor working people residing in North Berlin who were seeking relief ia the park from the intense heat. THE TAX OF IDLENESS. I'i inri'i ive Farmer. The Uaiibury. N'orth Carolina, Re Hiner. in a recent isue estimates that in i inn county. Stokes, 1'i.tMH) eople are idle live mouths in 'the ear. " l'lic-e people, if put to work al 7j cents a Jav. would during tbeir idle time after the crops are liiiished. earn t-1 .:t "tl.imo. ,.r one-halt ut llie total w,e:llla k! the county." What i- true of Stoke- county i Hue. a- we all know, of nearly ever; .-.It. hi or lobacco county in the South ami llu- aiialluiu' wa-te ol lime am .-in i .'V l.n lilltuic- ill-slpatc- clicrt l:l-Ii-, ill. ill Hoik .lot'- acoyllllls to : .1 v I :i i u i- cl cut tor I be po crl v o i he Soiitn. iilit u compared nilli other -.-. ii. -ii-. I an aii v t-la of men waste !it- u..u;li- ot their 1 1 nit- .tint expect '.. kc. ,. up uilii tin- pliH-t-sioll t.i :. : i In-1 r -'hare -.t tiie -ri'iit'ial pro-ier-ii .' i an am man expect to cam a war'- .tare- l.-r -eeu inoiith-' work? At . I i la man .lot-- n.. earn a year's .tart - in a .war, mu-l In I expect ,. ,i.t u ii hunt son t 1 lie t lnlii;- , n ii i I he man who or k- I it- h"le wai will have ' I mil I in- eolitlitmli I- rcllie.lletl. a i 1 1 1 1 -Milliard "' '-'cuei al iiro-perit i- t r 1 1 j . l I . The too. it ob- i- il . on-i-l - -llnpl. in t he a.lop- ,,i a - -linn ot larinin-,' that ill ii n- eiuilo incut for men and .-.nil- tiie war roiui.l. i n a well ..r-I...-.I lailti tliil't- -nolllil lie -timet hllir i i r ua in t at- ear -oiue- nir. i 1 1 a I v ..iilil t rlbuie tli- ,.,l, ii. nurta-iiir tiie t'a riiicr '- in- ..nie. Tin- an- -linplv ili er-ititil .ill a r.Ualloi ..t i l'oi-. .lue al- e i! loo !.. It e -lock am I to e: urn Iti-lu-t He- tthii-ll a-lil so I Il . farm u-o!il-. i.i ret a war'- jta, w ina-t .1.. a . ai '- -.-rk: an.l : it-t rop s-icm t 1! ;u. or- j.i . .ii i a bit- trk llie ear .-nn.l. i.a.! ,w -ta pool, or -hall e i, Hire - -lelu ot t'a I'lllller Frlell .I'mer m i-i an-.ter tin- tjiiesliitn lor on-. '! ami. a- t.i: a- Ini- war -rocs. -tei it at ..,. The Plowman, No Plodder. a - i lie I Irillin. i ia.. Ht-rahl : "No !..i;it doc- "llie plowman ...iievt .i ; .1 .;otl In- iwar wav. i ini- . oiiieiiipoiar i- nrht. The ).!,..- no in--re: and seldom u e n. an. He i- about tin- pei'lc-l, 'lie-l. i"iii.ere-t rent lelu. Ill in all i.-.i:,..n mot Tliin-r- are eoin- tr HI- W; e,.lllll-r 111 clu-lt'l'-, 1-i. iie- and Ic-I.MiM-. we llilirbl -a ! We kn.ot tin- must In -o. bcraiiau ie new -i.ipt'f- t h ia to lii 1 1 1 the lam a re inrin-r tnii it. Tin- 'Hack Itt the lariii -lteraii ;ia- ru-ii I tic 'Hack i'. -ii: Kiha" war liit,p in lining a r -ei'.tiitl. erybtMly w lm i any- an. I ivi-rvb.Mlv else, is pallilltf in- farmer on In- broad ami amply lot lie. I back ami ei'Vimi". "lio it. Keu tii' on an- It. with a t wetlly-fonr toint I ! " I'. if larnier no lonrt-r Inc- in a wea rier beaten house adorned with a le.ikv ro.if ami a tumble down lion! i n-li. Mis fences tin not .fragile, le-itatc ami jump, in an utiw hitewash--.1 -late, a- oiiec they were wont to 1... Hi- -t.s k i- not lean ami hungry: in.! hi- credit al the bank is nut fraz zled ai bi.tu end- and -a-ririni at the innlille! No. indeed! Tiit-re was a lime when (he fanner i- an humble citizen, w hose principal bu-iiie-- wa- payin-,' llie Ii. Idler ami 1 1 1 1 -r eiieat skates in mm leal olui'es. N.'.t al! that is chamr-ed. The fanner - the in..-! imlt'pemient. ui-to-the- iii none. jot -uioic-wiiere-I li a I -came t ittiiii-h imlh idiial at lar-re arouutl llie 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! He is the cock of the walk; i-l il i- hi- walk, to a lame ami more le exeln-ive extent. in Teovcr. No. -ir! '"The plowman homeward .1 . . ... ii j.o.0- nis weary way no more, lie rein-- it inside the speed limit, of ii-e in an automobile ! GRAND EXCURSION. Spruce Pine and Return, June 21st, over S. A. L. and CUnchfield Route, Benefit Thompson Orphanage Guild. Tiie Ladies of the Thompson Or phanage liiiild will operate an excur- ii tntm ( harlotte to Spruce Pine. N. ('., ami return Tuesday, June 21st picking up passengers at ail stations up to Shelby. This u a grand oppor- iiinly to -ec the most wonderful rsil oi'il const riM-tion in America, and the inosi beautiful scenerv in the world. It is a one tlav's outing at a small tst, ami for the benefit of a most worthy cause. The fare for the round trip is only $"2.."0; children over live and under 12 veers $1.50. Ticket! are now ou sale at Hamilton and Mar tin's Drug Store, Jordan's drugstore and S. A. L. City Office, and at all stations by S. A. L. agents up to Shel by. Reserved seates can be secured without extra charge by getting them now. For further information call on any of the ladies of the Thompson Orphanage Guild, or James Ker. Jr., Manager for the Ladies of the Thomp son Orphanage Guild. Additional Tram from Wilmingtoa to Sanford. The Atlantic Coast Line announees that an additional passenger train will be put on between Wilmington and Sanford on or before July 1. the said train to arrive in Wilmington be tween 9 and 10 o'clock in the morning and will leave between 8 and 7 o'clock in the evning. This train fa long been sought and the chamber of eora meree took the matter us with the railroad antboritiea- several . months go." PICKING THE WEATHER. Simple Signs that Make the Official Forecast Unnecessary. . New York Telegraph. There can be no dtuibt. at lea-; in the minds of tho-e who haw been al pains to acquire the obi neatin i lore ami to watch bv it - aid tne i i.anet-- ot lue weather, that the .wi-c one- l long a-ro hail unfailing baiomelei- n. their lield-. In the and own al the lieu rt lis ami theiebt they ha.l an iiilei'e-i in iial.iie t w, ii -..I ! u - iniirbt tin than lit to m cover. Here are -li;u- ttlll. Il : te been tested : There u ill be line w eat Ini i 1 I i flollil- :i -illl-t I lit lo lie it;'-!, ol the -III! I- lllell -Ulloiu-leo 'it .1 -II . If ol while . loud-. If the .-nn-t'i . I I- li.iv.' . o ,,!, n their red there it 1 1 1 lie !,. ,t , II in. but It' .inly red I here .till be i a:u i.AI lav. A bolder ..I bl. i, k ' I . ,. .1 , tin- -olU:iea- iliij-row- ; e .t..i- o Ka in mat be e e . I e. . . ' -:.i t it ben the sun il-e- j.ale .-: .i ed. but not until the tolhot n--: .l.n - be -lllll'l-e i'l I- be ,...!. J'liel e tt ill be I .1 1 1 1 ' .1 -.It - . i I.I dark .1 1- ralbei at -l i .mi : ',. .1.-1. Will. I III. IV be h. .I.e. I l.n -t -'i-i l! I. -n. I- w il h iar -,., . .1 .-. v . Zflher. Ill -ii mnifi .1 it'.j -,. . i ' - i . -i :.. retells nin.l a-i. ....... i I. . i .t i ri l er -t t ad t i o ii I 1 1 i - i ' ; il A eicar a -..I - in 'i t r i : m - on iiei or in a nt .no n ;..!.'.!- i.i.i . .ii.l it ien lain tails a I it- .1 ' i .i -' ,t . I - bl.otintr ou mat i: ' i '.. a-' l.n I it elil -1. . .11' : 1-. The e. II her Will in.U o . - .,'.:.' .a !.. or ri n r I . n in a r. m .. 1 1 - i . .1 1 1 .ii.- had tte.nnei. r : . . .-I I- 111 the ...i-: - It. III! b. I I .I - .. a 1 1 er n. Wai en i!n- -mis . er -i rbt . and -h.eii.l t . ' i .- tar- mat i-tjn-. i ' I i - - i . '' A 1 1 v .-Ii. n. re -.t I if . . . . .. Iiiarler- ..I ' m- II I ' ' ' n liiarlei'. -'l oc it en 'or ' -I - a " be .--.' 1 1 1 1 e.l il-o:i - - I I. t I. of I ' ' "' ' I " . -e- iale. ami lor I'm r - i .1 - i u. A i.alo nd I ' '' a, - -. -'a el. 1 U.IV it ' ' I be I . .1 d ' '-. ' lilt'. 1 1 I nere i- a . .1 I lb t I io I tt o or I i.ree -ia - :'. t.-t '. ..- - a- 1 i.el I liel tel'. A damp I'm; it nii-l i.p.' ' '' t nut brinr- rain. I'bere I- ulU W.l'.l bel'or, ;i I humler-l'ii in. 11" t here i- li-rbl innr n i! m H I ' ' -III- of all etelillie alt. l a i leal 0 i : be line w eat bet tt el e ie v'HY SALVES TAIL TO CURE ECZEMA Si ieni i-t- arc now iirrreeil ib.ii t . 17I-IIC1 L't-rti s are lndu'cd II. .1 III tne lltel' -I, i 11 of t-1 tlilf I'M I i bit 111 I'l, inner skin. I leliee. a I i :i 1 i i litilitl IS li-i pi i ri-.l . not an -.1 t am -a Ive I bat i log- t be pore- We rei'oinmem! t.. a!! --. ' n i iat i i -i 1 1 - I he -Ian. lard pre-i ripl I til if W'inti r-.-reeii as c i-.l. ! ii litpil.l form known a- 1' I' I1 I'" - ripti..n. A trial In. Hie ol the 1 1 l l. I'lesf ripl ion. at only '-.'" ... ttiil itist.iutlv relieve Ibe ilib. We late Id and reconinicmleil llu- ren edv for vears. ami know of n l.-il'a! ures from its use. We recoiii'iicini it to our pntrons. (iilison lirnr: l.-i '. inconl. N. C. President Taft 's private sc.r.iaiv is to be rewartltnl for his tine lilerarv work by being einineullv lmuml in Morocco. The Conservation of Nature's Re sources. Annliea fts well to our nbvsical stale as to material things. 0. J. liudloiig, Wasliiiorton. R. I. realized his eoiitli- tion, and took warning before it was too late. He says: '1 suffered severe ly from kidney trouble, the disease bn ttip Kereilitflrv in our family. I have taken four bottles of Foley's Kiduey Remedy, and now consider myselt thoroughly cured, mis snouia De a witrnirigt in m) not to neelect takin? Foley 's Kidney Remedy until it is too late.7' Cabarrus Urug Co. Concord. Success is sweet; llie sweeter if long lelaved and attained through niiinil'ol.l st niggles and defeats. Farttfy Tour System. If your blood is out ot order you run a riak of taking a germ disease. Rheuma tism, Grippe, Pneumonia and Typhoid Fever are germ diaeaJes. Klieumacide is an active blood purifier. It cleanses the blood of all impurities. Pure blood prevents germs tfrom taking hold of the vital organs and expels them from the system in liqnid, also tablet form. At druggists, 25c. and 75c, a bottle. - Tablets by mail, 2oo. Bob bit Chemical Co Balto., Md. Mey's Kidney Remedy may be given to ebildrea with admirable re sults. It doea away with bed wetting, mnA im alcn rruTmndftd tar nse after 'measles and scarlet fever. Cabarrus Drug Co. ' C0L01.ED rOSTCARDvS FREE. Nut Cheap Trash, but Ten Beautiful Ones. 1 .ai t in -end free to 100 reader i' I Tnhuiif III beautiful colored p.- nd-. all different, without any i .k. about tins oiler. i .-. r .-ii whatever. There I .i because I want people to it -t ei. th.'v want handsome .i ii. it lei tv hat kind, they can n 1 1 me at i. siiufacturers' I tin I ,,ii Ibis assortment ...v v.... ibe high grade cards I I I a-l, thai you send ... -.... nl -1 amp t.i cover postage. i I .lobii-l.uie, I'res , Uej-t. I .' . t.-r. N. V. 3-7 Cab mis County Democratic Conven tion. i t in - .if the Democratic Ex- . i - mi, litre of Cabarrus Coun- 1.1 be 10th day of April, I it tv i- ordered that the primar-o-l 1 on Saturday, June 25th, l' - ii I o'. btek p. m., iu all towa-e.-cpl N,t jj, and in the re . wards of No. U township at s ... k p. III. t i- I in I her or.leied that the 1 1. in.., i at ie Cou vent ion bo in ir.l mi Saturday, July . I lit, it I o'clock p. m., for the : -e t,t electing delegates to the i il. i nn ,'ressional and State i .no :-, ami for the purpose of .iio,.' i an, Ini. iles for tbe Lag-.- ami ibe various County of INii. I,. M 1 1. LICK, Chairmaa. .ini- l oiinlv Heinocratie Execu- I o-iimillel'. :- u- in the spring is -ii tiiiiu an aieparanee, .an :i ii v visible realitv. HAY$ -HAIR HEALTH NEVER FAILS TO RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL COLOR and BEAUTY. SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE .Cut thin adv. out and mall with yoor nnr-r ;im ildrest, and 10 cant 1 1'Hll 1 ' Y SPKC1ALTIBS CO. in. Nrwark, N.J.,U.aa. OIUSON DRUG STORE. NOTICE. I I', ecipiaintances and , bate an opportunity to prattle Nerve and Spinal , I .vi!l be at the Fisher corner I iii.ui and drove n.lav. Wednesday and Fri i u , , k, Hours 4 to 8 p. in. is: .!' diseases successfully tall Sioncs, Neuralgia. Ner .itinn. Ivln-iiiiiatisui, Fevers, liie I lean. Liver. Kid ia. ii. I, ini'-', Itowels and f. a , oar I 1 1.-.'. i Wo'... .II-.' l-cs. flit. Nr f I be troubles of - ill." .inutility, especially women, t ibe -.pine. No drugs are Hi;. F. .1. BATES, Nerve ami Spinal Spee ...nis !H7-!H!I Weallv BII(., . N. C. rirn i-t-l. Administrator's and Executor's Sale. I'. ,- : .'. r-igned will sell at public n. I ai the Court House door in ..t.i. N. ('.. on the 20th day of .in.-. !''!:, In accounts due on the ..ok- i Mr. W. II. Lilly and Urs. I.illv V Walker. The ii. urn s of the parties who owe he-e ,j. I.t- and Ibe amoiinU will be i n n. -; i ; i. . . i at llit' sale. Ter n ... -ale ca -h. 1'er.aons desir ing to pav before the date of tbe sale nay do so by calling, on U. M.Lore, lil-l iee ol I lie I'ence. P. II. Mc('l ARY, T. II. KKDIUNQ, A 1- ,'rs. of !r. .1. O. Walker. MKS. M E. I.ILLY, l'r. of Dr. W. 11. Lilly. lit l t: i etincry & Crowell, Attys. for A, lu.'s of Dr. Walker. L. T. 1 1 a 1 1 -ell, Atty. for M. E. Lilly, Exei-iitor. This JSil, day of May, 1910. HHcn Unsure dbeir Ulvcs To secure their loved ones if they die, what they intend to provide if they live. Reflect! Have you made suitable provisions for your wife and children t If not applv for Insurance in tne MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSUR ANCE COMPANY. THE POIICY HOLDERS' FRIEND and do it now. 1 JKO. K. PATTERSON ft 00, Afts. ASSESSMENT. The Cabarrus Mutual Fire Insur ance Assessment for May it due ad payable at the Concord National Bank within sixty days froai May 1st, 1910, JNO. K. PATTERSON, 6-19. Sec-Tress. MOTHER CRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDROM. auanalaMMf larjri ITnutaahi. i. t4f Da i accaft aaaial isysasiiiJa A. STt OrwMi V" anaaa n. Aiall Orwavt.ta 11 all aulM rHK. A uma, 1 OiJMTU.U ... j REAL ESTATE FOR 8AEL ! MaBtJasB)n South Unioa street, convenient to busiues part of eity. 60x20 feet, for PW each. 1 six room eottaf e on South Union street lot l-'liviluU feet at a bargain. 1 very deairable racant lot 06x300 feet near bmmen part of city. 1 raeant lot'on West Corbin street, 100x246 feet, cheap at $1,000. 1 six room cotltyeya WestCorbm str.n b. aulitull ., papered with modern convsniencM, lot 75x200 feet. 1 Sve room cottage ua West Corbin street, near p. -unti e ut a real bar gain. 4 1 two story six room Availing, lot 8(i ii', fpei. near post .m.e. 1 vacant lot 80i32a feet adjoining the above lot a very desirable pieces of property ou Spmu.- rii n i. . .uiwnient to bu siness part of city. 2 very desirable residences on U.-ureU aveui.e I aioe caUafa ua corner of N. Spring ami -nect-, with iix large rtiuam sad paatry. 1 tive roou eertae on East Depot strot, ncwi, bud.. In ap 1 nice vacant lot on East Depot street. 30 nice cottages sad vacant lots on Fraakliu -trtet. a: Uibson Mill aud Brown will. Ws can give you some real baiiatus m the cottages end lota. 1 aere suitable for building lot or for fanuui lands. aaree ia No. 11 tawusaif year Ii V. Kriiuiuiurer's land 8 acres one nile east of ciuit house with good dwelling, double barn and oulbNildip. Tie Barrier Mill property, 3 milei south of Mount 1'ledsaui, consisting of acres of laid, floor mill, eorn miU, caw mill, boiler and eugtue, cot tun gin, wagon scales, all in' good run urn condition by steam or water power. Dwelling stable and outt. ilding-. A good stuinl for business; all tor $1,000; one-bslf easb, balance in 12 months. 130 aeres with six room dwelling, nearly new, i plead id tlonb'e barn, and outbuildings, situated 3 miles southwest of kannapoli- on public road. 08 1-2 acres of highly improved laud, one miles we-i of Dupol on Char lotte road. ljl aeres known aa tbe Spring Hill Farm, one mile west of depot on rbirlotte rsseadem road. This ia one of tbe nio-t desnahle pieces of real estate in this section of tbe country. 87 1-2 acres, foar sailee east of Ooneot.l, good buddings, good orchard, good paetiu-e, 30 scree ia eaUhratioo, :0 a ret. in iiiiitic-, iw rich gold veins. 10 aeres, 3 aailee ejst of Conoord, two story dwelling am) outbuildiugs, 1 Vm corde of wood, several fine gold veins. I'rice $-!'' t(). A bargain. Good six-room residence near North "'non street, with city water in bouse. New metal roof just put on. (lood barn ; lot U7xl9."i feet. One of .be best weigbboreoed. in the eity. Price jL'-.MMt. tin Marsh street, oppo site li. 3. Boot tan's residence. 32 acres, aU in tie corporate limits of Concord, suitable for almost any thing. Small ttream of water running through it. About ti acres good meadow, and 8 aeres fine trussing land, Can be cut up into tine building lots. Will be sold is a whole or cut to suit purchaser. We have several other bargains in town and country property which are not mentioned in this list. We have inquiries every day for land and own property and we would be gla dte list any tiling you have for sale. There is no cost to yon mi les a sale is made. JNO. K. PATTERSON & COMPANY SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. SchiiuU In ElUet May 15, 1910. Qauckeat tine to Nrw York, Washington, Florida Points, Ctarlott, Atlanta, Bmntngbam, Memphis, New Ortraai and Points West. Double Daily Service, with High Back Seat Coaches, Pull man Sleeping cars m1 Dining Cant. Trains leave Charlotte as follows: Mo. to... o. M. .. a. tel.. illlU p. Bl Local Sleeper Charlotte to Portsmouth on Ki2. W operate dostble daily veettbale service, with through PtiMfuaa laleepfMCars, to lackaonville, Atlanta, Birming ham, Memphis, Fort Worth, Norfolk, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. Pot time table, booklets, reservations, or any information, call on Jas. Ker, Jr., Ti P. A., Charlotte, or undress, H. S. LEAfiD, 1). P. A., Raleigh, N. C. imnemMiiMmt IF YOU OR YOUR FRIENDS HAVE DESIRABLE Roal Estate to Sell ( Remcmkcr we reach many ports af tha country, and would tat Ktatf to have yeu n our list. . ; flf Ttv Cp. b Ne aiasibt we hw just wht you want. together abont it. rvn i it niirfiirinnAti a. a Vpwtok fpoaite Cabarrna Suviatf s Hank . . .j .i y- Fct Tloy Wni Come fa )T7:3 WBBTSOUNO- Ho. MS. Ma. 47... . viWs m. ta p. BB. Interested Buyers In Bay sy Bal fibb cf Job Printing Times Printery

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