-1L VOL. XX. Price 40 Cento a month. CONCORD, N. C. TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 1910. Single Copy 5 Cento. No! 139 WOOD-WERNE. A Marriage in Richmond Laat Week of Interest to Concord People. The Richmond Virginian, of June 17, contains the following account of the marriage of Miss Liu'ile Werne, granddaughter of Mrs. Bettie M. Jolin 8on, of Concord, to Mr. Robert W. Wood: ah Ka'mts Rnisconal church was tne scene of a beautiful wedding Thurs day evening at 7 o'clock, when Mise Lueile Werne, daughter of Mr. and Roriur K l.wkett. was married to Mr. Robert Warn Wood, son of f. .i f FTpnrv W. Wood. The church was beautifully decorated with palms and ferns wtiicu were uuiineu Mr. Ernest H. Cosby presided at the organ, playing the wedding maron. me ceremuuj was performed by Rev. J. Y. Down ... ...i.r f th church. 1U.U, 1 1 ' v.- fidia Marion B. Monsell was tli bride's maid of honor and only at i.i..,t Sll,a mnm an exauisite lin tCUUMI.b. ' ' ' ' 1 . ...: ouin nur oT"n. ami carried a !..,. kn.init .f nink sweet Deas. The i". 6' """'l"" - i . bride was beautifully gowned in sott white satin, trimmed 'with real lace ,i hiffnn and carried the marriage vow, with streamers of white sweet peas. Her filmy tulle veil was ar 1 ....oi sinmpri of lilies of the ...llav ShA wvtered the church with her stepfather, by whom she fw Tliima Whittet was the 'a hi! jnan. and the ushers in .,aa Mr William T. Johnson o WmA MT&in Whittet. I. L. IV V I". J .. - n.uii .laooha and Richard Davis. f.Von.i Mr. W.wvrl left immediate ly after the ceremony for a Norlhert tour, and will be at home after Julj mrt Park avenue. Au informal reeeption was given in the home of the bride, 300 Fourth avenue. Hisrhland Park, on Tuesday ,u, hen the decorations were most attractive in pink and green The. Di-eseirts. including cut glass, sil voro ohina. were both nu i ri .a v u 7 momnu and 4UlAtlv. Among the out-of-town guests were Mrs. B. M. Johnson, Concord, N. C, grandmother of the bride; Mrs. J. R. Card. Dallas, Tex, and Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Johnson, Ureenvuie, a. PERSONAL MENTION. Some of the People Here and Else where Who Come and Go. Mr. Sidney Lowe is spending the day in Charlotte. i- if li;i; c Aft Plpasant. i unmanly p o - .. . j I :liss aiuijr ucuigj v- ' 1 . . ; , ,it i rronlllR (11 muel uoi"i I - j: i I. .. .i.,r . lha itirv - . , . tt- i sitrcuiiiK pv"" & . -- , , I is Kiteiiuinif iiiti uj 111 J remarkable onenomenas m ...:.,, th fn lnwin? rrom me - . ' 1 UN W1LUDDO v v 0 LETTERS AND CROSS IN SKY. I GEORGE JONES IN SONG. Awe-Inapirin, Phenomena During r The poet.ca Saturday Night'i Bereta Storm. Vhp v honied in the State The Luray, Va, correspondent of geemg to nave had its effect on Monday's Baltimore Evening Sun K. and bringing to light the .1,. tt. 1 1 , u; I t it Arfvinnnlt kI I . . : t AU harHa. oiuaius m " 7 sleeping poi as witness nia: . lifted Den For a short tune Saturday evening, ,d nfaitOitinV a VUlHtUL B.VLU1 M.H . . hours sweot over thia valley, some re- There was man in jail named Jones . . I IT' : -ntna r-ilOt f X .ft llRrilfl. markable phenomena was wuuwdw mswcupaiwu ni iu.v , i i .kA n . i iit no h itiiih in the eastern 8Ky, awnosi i "4bm ever wuxV - o- -- :i. The appearance of a well-dettnea capital "U" was easily Been in the white colors in a black cloud. Immediately to the ngnt oi wis was easily discernible a capital "C,' vhich appeared to ao inwneo. i also was in the midst oi a ciouu the of Mr. Robert Black- And the chain gang is his harbor. Since to the gang he come, His ocupation is driving a icaui, I At this he seems to be a bum, Until he hears the Captain scream. Then he starts out on his way And forgets to fasten bis line Mi- J F fJnodson and son, Neeley, are spending the day in Lnarioue Miss Kate Garrett left yesterday for her home at King's Mountain. Mr. Arnold Dennis returned home Saturday night from Trinity Ool- l..m in iha rivht of the C IWAS tO be I ,i ;( a a am a ft 9 if lie had lost the seen the distinct outlines of a per-1 jime 0f jay feet cross, the perpendicular pan ap- Qr e;ther had lost his mind, parently being 16 or 20 feet in height, , . M while the cross-beam was 8 or 10. The team he drives of course are feet mules ,r. - u p .Viot. I rn n.mti1 Tin the other Rabbit, v evrv ooniou oi wju m " - . actpi-s was perfecUy formed, and all They seem to be perfect fools, r . . J I t... bantam lmlloW xr, W a Caldwell left this morn- i ing for Morganton on a short business trip. Mi- .ml Mm J. M. Odell are visit ing Mrs. S. J. unrnain, in xjcm City. Mrs. H. M. Barrow and Miss Julia Barrow will spend the summer at Tar-boro. Mrs. W. J. Glass left last night for Baltimore to visit her sister, Mrs. A. C. Frey. Vote in Judicial Oonrention. The following counties comprise tuc A iiitriet : Mecklen- IWClitU juuiv . burg, Gaston, Cleveland, Cabarrus and Lincoln. The convention, io nominaic a Democratic candidate for solicitor, will be held at Gastonia, July 7. The following shows the vote to which each county is entitled in the conven tion: v Mecklenburg county tw Ylnafvn I JVim V til Vjaotvu ""J Cleveland County . ort Cabarrus County Lincoln County 20 Total No. Votes in Convention.240 th fonnties have candi dates, two of them two candidates ...k TIibv are aa follows: F. M. Shannonhouse and D. B. Smith, of A CI Mane-nra and Geo, W Wilcnn nf lust on. and ly. V HUH, of Lincoln. Cleveland and Cabarrus have no candidate. IrtM 1 :ir 4i V One Preacher Kills Another in the Pulpit. r.. Ri.hprf Vanovpr and Rev. Isaac Perry, of Rock Creek, Ky., rival Cotton Crou Conditions. The Memphis Commercial Appeal Monday published the following sura-conditions: The past week was favorable to the cotton crop except in une two vaiu lined ami .narr n f Georiria where the rainfall was excessive, washing the .1.1.1. .Ulnvinor .nil i vatioll SO that grass is fearel. North Carolina fields ,. ,iom.,pl hv flnodine. Elsewhere it appears that a week of bright 'wea uill T-Piinir Tlllicll of the loss. The arop has not grown rapidly and is still small . for the season. The II v looks healthy, howevr, ,n,l nuM erow very fast with high tftinneratures day and night. t ,on ou..tw.na where there are AU IMMl.J . . . complaints, correspondents anticipate much better reports next week if the - .ii,.. ;a uirm It. vouhl seem that a week of dry weather would put the prop in excellent shape as to cuunu o-lmnt the South. t Tun the soil is dry. but aa yet little hurt has ben received. Moisture ia needed, however, to stimulate plant Rnii wppvil do not ap pear numerous, although irr Mississ inni and name sections of Louisiana 'rr V. air im morrft AO. fn npral drv warm weather is aa aat nt Texas and Oklahoma while rainawuld be benefloial in these two States. ? Hot Weather thia Week. will make its warmth felt over the greater part of the United States during the present week, ac ...wiina tn ihn nrediction of the , wea ther forecaster. The temperature will ' be above the average ror ne seasou .Via puina States durini; the first half of the .week, followed by lower temperatures arter yveanesoay. iwu ill lie near or above nor ma n in the Eastern and Southern States during the greater part of the w-v mhia in the Rockv Mountain and Plateaa regions and on ttie Pacific Coast t-he temperature will fee near or below normal.. , ' Headache Drives Girl to Suicide. V. Vnrk World. . - Catherine Stalkneeht, nlneteert of No. 379 Grove street, Jersey vny, .rvi.;nwi it. niirht. of a severe ' headache. 'I ean't stand this any longer," ahe told her rather, aonn . ot.ibnht. tnr whom she kent house. vk An tiour 4ater she waa found dead in her room. She had taken cawoue -Tex Rickard anounced Monday the , Johnson-Jeffries tight, wouw iae . : v..i. A hut dechnes - t aay what city. ' The general belier is .that eno mu oe -mirewu.i Langford-Kaufman fight, whkh wa J -' to have been pulled off in Frisco last - Saturday has also been ahifted to Ne rada and will be held July 2d. . . n .M,a nA ovAnlv diRtanced. "r"'v" r "L ... -m -u:.i. The strips oi wnwe, oui oi wuicu the caharacters were composed, ap peared to be 22 or 24 inchea in -width. Local papers a lew oaye ago v""- lished a prediction that yesterday was to witness the end of all earthly things and the 'heaivenry spec-iac marking the closing of an afternoon which had been luU or. inreaieumg i,....io k.nn thimHer and vivid t l,MIU., U, n J HirhUiinffs. reached the enmax oi . ' . . . i i.i fear in those wno naa iookj ui t,lia .lav tvilK AJW. Many read the heavenly spectacle thus: "You see the cross." Two streaks of lightning flashing across the clouds, also made a dis tinct cross, visible just about a sec ond. . Traveled With Dead Child. Philadelphia Record. Sitting beside ner cnua in a iraii for 90 miles, and not knowing .that it ,10,1 until tha train arrived at nuo . . v ii ..'.- Broad Street Station Saturday, Mrs. Grace Maher, of Brooklyn, who was on her way to join ner wisoana in xm tirnore, nearly collapsed when she lifted a handkerohier rrom ine cuim But when Captain will grabit. hollows Jones I Iiss Ozama Murr will IADUWV m. - j ( j " Baptist ministers, fought with knives .. tu -p.i, Ron. for Charlotte to visit afternoon friends. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Porter have re . 1 irwit o friends in Charlotte. Mrs. Sue Wililams and Catherine Wheeler returned today from Con nelly Springs. T Rur1 rk f Tlarlinrton. S. C, ar rived this morning and is the guest of Mrs. H. W. Galoway. Mr, J. P Fisher left this morning r... Wnortamhiirir. S. C. to visit her The Harris Pumiture Co. at Asnevuie "''"""M S Kibler. Mr. W. II. Childs, of Lincolnton, spent last night in the city the guest For breakfast he eats his bread and meat, At dinner his corn bread and peas, At supper he will sit and eat, Till yon think his mind i at ease. The job, to him seems new, But in one hundred and twenty George Jones with the other few Will learn some or the cliam gang s ways. n th nnVnit of the Rock Creek Bap- nat ..1, 1iTv.l1 and Vanover's 'throat was cut from ear to ear, lie dying a few minutoa later. Chnivh troubles are said to have caused the fight. tatament sheriff with view to removing him from office for failure to enforce the State prohibi tion law or any other law and this is the first I have heard of aueh a tli in it T have never heard it 8lMNat- ed even that the Governor of North Carolina had the power to remove sheriffs, ' ' said Governor Kitchin Sat urday in answer to an inquiry as to a publication that has appeared in number of papers or tne state 10 w effect that Governor Kitchin ia pre paring to remove certain sheriffs who are failing to enforce the State prohi bition law. The story goes on to set out that most of the sheriffs to be removed are Republicans in western countue and adds that he Governor had one before him recently and let him go on a promise to do better. All this the liovernor says is newa to him. Charles Parks, a young married man u; hn HiRarmearal from his home last Wednesday, was found dead in the woods near bis home six nuies from Monroe Monday with the back of his head shot off. The body waa in a decaying condition when found, ine coroner's jury is investigating. No olue to the murderer. Miss Lillian Lentz, of Denton, ia visiting Miss Lee Propst. Asheville Gazette-News, 20th. The Harris Furniture company, with W R Harris, roronrietor, and T. B. Harris, secretary and treasurer, suc- , .1 hti. B. U.t Vnfn;. ceeos tne waiiou . mtuaiu u... lure business. W. R. Harris was for- of Mr. Clarence Norman. Mr. Frank Brown left yesterday for Black Mountain, -where Mrs. lure lousiness, t . iv. ... - - - i . , . " . merly secretary of the Bell & Harris Brown has been for some time fiirnitiiip pomnanv. of Concord, and Spencer, and has been in the furniture business for the past 15 years. Mr. Harris, it is understood, -will move his familv to Asheville 111 a tew days ami will "make this city his permanent home. It is the purpose of the new con- A,t. Tpnnptt Lentz will return '.his afternon from Mt. Holly, where he has been visiting relatives. iu,rc V. V Correll. E. H. Brown and E. A. Moss returned this morning from a ten days' visit to New Yoru. Mr. James Northey, commercial ,"- , . . AnmA it i ine purpose uj. 1 Mr James rnonuej, wuimvm. face and d Sfr this to tarry a complete Block of me- t" of tne S(uthern Bell Telephone Mrs. Maher left Jersey Uty ror tnis de furniture and Concord visitor this mom- city about 2:45 p. m., with her five -- ; --- -B. Harris, son children. Shortly after they "tartea - . lendid Alverta, 4 years old, the youngest of ".V" mnn ftnn' M be secretary and the five, told ber mower mat sue xmu . mMfi . ... A v a. Wal- ill. Her mother placed her on a car connected -with the old seat and put a handkerchief over her . wUh Harrig face to keep the nies on. ims Pl 'iture company, that she was sleeping the mother did furniture compan. not attempt to arouse ber nntil they T(M) Much Beeri nrr vp. here wnen sne aiscovereu 1 ... arrived nere, j:., Ovpr indulffenee in beer is responsi- hat sue was co.p. o . - - ..v Kai8er-8 blood sought a pnyaeD . r VR. whiph have twiee incapac- tiia ..hiiH ipai. unaeriaaer umw . . . .. - Bair was notified and took charge of he remains, which were sent to naiii- . more. A telegram was iraraeuiaieiy sent to the distracted momer s nun hand, and she continued her jour ney. No; He ia Bound by No Promise Not to Bun Charlotte Chronicle. The Concord Tribune is glad to note The Chronicle'a recent expression ;kw iii7B Poll "Hia first court." it says, "was held iu Cabarsns, and his ccnilui f on the bem-h won the ad- in, ,1. anrl errKmemcnt of Ml who with him. He has .lnrinor flip last month, ac cording to a statement made Monday at Paris by Dr. Boyden, well known concer authority. i "I am satisfied the Kaiser s kid npvs are in a bad condition as a re- o.,u c Kpoi. ThA irifwlion was man ifested first in an abscess on the right hand and now is showing in an abrasion on the right knee. It is liable to become general unless he roic measures are taken to prevent the spread. Should the infection continue death is sure to result. A ,.., ;th hlnnH in his condition shouldn't drink beer or other alco holic beverages." The Kaiser's condition is very bad. ,m nid 1 II mi more man juamicu cavw.. -- Vila frama onii VA think the Demo- . . ., xv. n Pnat, u.o . 1 Aaverusea wo w wi.vm r.t. in ihia district should nominate . ,, " . . 1 nmim .innfl virr.il iviu. l: it J k.. ka lorav thia remind 8 I - ' iiiiu. vj "-jr i inT ns. The Chronicle has it on pretty good authority that Judge Pell is James Billingsby, J. C. Brooks, Ar- bound bv no promise not to siana i thur uunay, Jiuey il nomination oy vue wunuuvu, uivu, viici - general understanding to that effeet Robert Lee, G. H. Lenby, J. A. Over- to tne contrary. ,i).w"'i " v . t T. 1 : T?-l Cham. Irorcuer, Jessie ropim, 1 v..r, Sam Tucker, Alfred Webber. k. ihf onmmnnieation of WOMEN. Stokea Lodge, No. 32, A. F. & A. M., Mrs. J. L. Bost, Minnie C annon, last night tbe following offiswere Mra. Lucy Helms, Jessie LeaA Rillet eiectea; ua. . , Co.. was a Concord visitor this morn ing. Miss Marv Heilig, of Mt. Pleasant, passed through the city this morning en route to Jefferson, S. C, to visit friends. nr ri.orlpa Thaver. of Mt. Pleas- ....t rvnopt tlirniis'li Concord this rnniA to Salisbury to visit friends. Wliiaheth Ashbv. of North w;ibuKrn ia unptnlinL' the day with Miss Josephine Kerr, at the home of Mr. E. F. Correll. Mr. D. B. McCrary, of Asheboro, is opnHinir ihe dav in the city on Dusi- ness connected with the estate of the late Dr. J. O. Walker. nr. T W P.lHriil and little daugn- ter, Mary Lilly, of Greensboro, were passengers on No. 11 this morning en route to Charlotte to penu with Mrs. W. H. Lilly. xtaro-nrpt Morris, who has been .,;;;. f hp home of Mr. W. W. """6 . u.. I Morris, returned tnis morning i ur. home in Mecklenburg county. M;a XTon Pnnnrm mill leave this af- .111 ...J iu.. " - 1 t,,w.r. tnr Salisbury, where she will I . . - . i ri A t. i t ,i I ioin Mrs. if. r . aunoii o 6" Hendersonville to spend some time. E, E. Hendrix, W. M. H. D. Honeyeutt, 8. W. V. Swindell KluUi. J. W. 1" J. M. Hendrix, Treaaurer. a. utnerry, oeerewry. M. L. Buohanan, Trustee." Vt Mnnd&v heinff SL John 'a Dav the installation of officers will take place, rnte, Annie Sides, Lula Stephens, Miss Ada Stirewalt, Mrs. Annie White. When calling for the above please ay "Advertised." M. L. BUCHANAN, Postmaater. Double Track Not Completed. We published yesterday an article place. - from the Charlotte uoserver swung 1 ia wage aeciueu o umn u v-1 that he double trace oi me duuiub ford Orphan Singing Claaa with ihetn R,iiway i8 about completed between nmetim dnrmff the Summer. " I ciidLn.,. mnA PniMird Thia ia an er . . D u I ..ti&j inuvii j - -. f. ror, 1 No double tracking naa oeen .Ynnnff craduatea advwlng tne I . k RnfTain cotton mill 9 m . IUUUV . n .. suv world to nucn ks wagua bre, and Coddle Creeic, a aisic i enonld be careful to warn it not ,bout fivo miles. Tho work ia om- unnli nn vitll tha MMBBt'a taiL ftB it I ... j fAA1 rVV ts Charlotte would be too bad not to eome back trnm Buffalo mill to two miles .mIm VMM . '.' .. . . I ... . t . .jl. j II we cannot maao your uij chances or a " veniM'i uwu ehine work aa well aa a new onejit j,ne, BaUinger-Pincboi investigating will not cost you a penny. Ring 398 eommittefl during the present session and lets taiK'K over. riiuio, 1 0f congress are remote. Preaident Taft aigned tha statehood Miss Martha Moore, of Charlotte, i bill at 1:40 o'clock Monday afternoon. visiting Mrs. Z. Aloort. , Chadren'a Lawn Party Thursday. t.0i opplr the followine invitations uasfr " - ' . ... asnl All t hv the Children a Mis- sionary Society, ot Jt. James uuiu- eran church: The Children's Missionary tfand Invites you now to be on, hand Next Thursday arternoon ai mui At Mrs. V. L. Norman 'a door. Now when you eome be sure to tiring ntr at ailvftr offerine. If you can 't come, you may just send a !? brf ni for the heathen spend it. continued bad wea- .u : AomAbA heat t(i uostttone LilC I ftl. - I nitviuvuu v. i."" , Accordingly, all who have receivea t-v, invitation will be welcomed at Mrs. Norman's on next Thursday afternoon, June 23. Royal Worcester Corsets The most DOtent .t?JS charm of womanly beauty is a PER FECT FIGURE at tained only through wearing a perfect Corset correctly fit- V t;tf: fa-i, ted. Royal Worcester Corsets enhance and beauti fy every figure, moulding the form until it assumes the graceful lines of the ideal. All this and more is accomplish ed, fully in accord with the laws of Royal Worcester Corsets are the short cut to the fashionable fig ure of the moment. Try a pair today and banish all your Cor set troubles. $1 to $3. mm H.LPAfflS GO. ?TlTo The Farmers ! It isn't Bale to keep money in your hone tli 686 dsySe A Bank Account ia a great safe-guard and nrofirable in more ways than one. rn ..wmnt with' this bank-T-paj your bills wit : t Amtfi:.. .Ymd war. and when the time cornea Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., and .Misa cnecKB. ivu - - - ' -ye OUx depoaitOrt Eleanor Butler Alexander were mar- Lw you need money, remember W6 alwaya give our w"muu" ried t 4 o'clock Monday afternoon in 'fo 5n lnanine funds. Help us and., we wiU alwaya Fifth Avenue fresuytenan ennrcu. w . . . :,! ,... .! "Baa Roosevelt realiaed bit mis take t"' inquires a contemporary. Woii . anvwnv. he baa realiaed the mistakes of ever so many other peo ple. t New York Congress leaders are now predicting tba adjournment oi toe prwwu bb- sion by Bhuraaay, June jtu. I i . - 1 x liln vmi qo our UWl MJ urar V""' ' . ,. - , j( , ,,t ., The Cabarrus Savings Ban!:: 1

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