THE C0CO DUILY TRIBUNE JOHN B. STTBRTtTLL, Editor and Proprietor. Local Telephone, No. 71. Bell Telephone, No. 14. SUBSCRIPTION BATES. One Year 480 Six Months $2.40 Three Months $1-20 One Month 40 PUBLISHER'S ANNOUNCEMENT. Advertising rates can be had at the offi.e. Copy for changes must be in bv 10 o'clock a. m. Cards of Thanks Resolutions of Respect, and similar articles are oharged at the rate of 5 cenU per lim Cash in all cases. Entered as second class mail matter April 26, 1910, at the postofflee at Concord, N. C, under the act of March 3. 1879. Out of the city and by mail the fol lowing prices on the Evening Trib une will prevail : ine Month -25 m Months Twelve Months $3.00 JOHN M. OQLESBY, City Editor. Concord, N. C, June 23. 1910 HARMONY IN THE SANCTUM. The above was the caption of an essay read at the recent meeting of the North Carolina Press Association at Wriirhtsville by Mr. Wade II. Har ris, the able and versatile editor of The Charlotte Chronicle. The paper was a model one. in subject matter and length, and made a deep impres sion on all who heard it. We can till our editorial columns in no better way than by producing this address entire, which we do, as follows: Your executive committee request ed that I should undertake to read a paper at this meeting of the Associa tion, and the subject having been left to me, 1 have decided to talk along the line of good will in the shop. A very much better condition pre vails in Xorth Carolina Journalism to dav than in the recent past. Newer and better ideals are governing the press. The old time editor who ws alwavs looking (for his toes to he trod upon, has given way to the editor who runs a business paper, who is devoting bis talents to tb development of man ufacturies and industries, to the up lifting of his community and State and the entertainment and instruction of his readers. The old time newspaper was a knocker, and it never knocked harder than when its field was invaded by a newcomer. The editor who would go into a town where a paper was al ready "running" would be met with a club in the hands ot Ins esteemed contemporary. He would be denounced as an invader ot estamisned rignis as a disturber of the peace, and paren t lift .14 ill I v. the laziness of the town and once a week it would be up to him to dodtre a shower of mud balls. But, as I have indicated, the times r rhansnn?. The newspaper ousi ness is being raised to its proper level. Th editors who have been preacnin that "competition is the life of trade" are themselves accepting the truth of the doctrine, as they should do. Where one paper can do good, two papers mav do more eood. Instances of the more elevated tone of t he press in this State are not lack iug, and it may not be improper to cite a few. In Durham we have the ideal newspaper situation. The same is trim in Wadesboro. in Monroe, in Asheville, in Hickory, in Charlotte and in Wilminsrton. While in these towns the papers are in a sense competitors, the only strife is to see -who can get out the be ter paper) which can give the most news and which can do tne most goou for the development of its particular community. In that way, ttoe spirit of harmony in the sanctum is culti vated and the newspaper is perform ing its function. The reader of the newspaper of to day does not care for the petty prej udices of its publisher. A bilious edi torial will disgust him. On the other hand, an editorial that 'will lead iiis mind into -pleasant and profitable paths will make him feel that he is getting the worth of his money. Every editor should bave political opinions of his own mod should be free to express them. No editor should be an echo. And by this same token there should be tolerance by one edi tor of the opinion expressed by an other. It is this sort of policy that is leading to harmony in the sanctum. One of the rocks on which the press is sometimes shattered into discord, is the tariff. A Democratic editor will pay ten eets for straw hat and Mien go to his office and write a column ed itorial to prove that if the tariff on straw were removed, he might bave gotten the hat for nothing. . His Re publican contemporary will eome back at dim wkh the argument that if the tariff on straw were killed the Ameri can bound steamships from Europe will be little less than floating straw stacks and that what Samson and the loses did for. the corn fields of the Philistines would not be a eireum stanee to what free, straw would do for the farmers of the United States. I, myself, am a sufferer of . long standing from the tariff iniquity. It was in the campaign of 1884 that Rev. Tom Dixon, conceiving the idea that Srnatr Tape -was. not able to handle the t r'sl re et in to help feint explain it to the .people, In a speech in Charlotte, Mr. Dixon got to an explanation of the tariff on hardware, and felt in his pocket for a knife to hold up as an example and I saved the situation by handing him my tar iff paid knife. ' From that day to this I have never seen that knife, but I have made no howl about it. The harmony plan is the most pro fitable one. The people do not like a quarrelsome paper and 'will take advantage of ithe first opportunity to stop it coming to their homes and forget it. The paper that is bright of speech, cherry of tone and that srives the news as it comes, is the pa per that is going to be in popular de mand. It is up to that standard that the newspapers of the South and of North Carolina are steadily working their way. In this day, no newspaper has any cause to knock another. That is an art of the past. The mission of the newspaper of-the present time is to give its readers all the news it can get, and handling men and events do it honestly and candidly and so far as it may he in its power, intelli gently. And here, under the spell of the sweetest harmony of the universe, that of the ever restless sea. pounding in and seething out. is of all t lie most tit ting place and lime to clasp hends, to let bickerings fly to the winds, and to enter into a compact to work for the Hood of onr readers and for the ad vancement of all material interests of Norl h ( arolina. The Ohio Democratic convention, held yesterday at Dayton, seems to have by an almost overwhelming vote spurned Mr. William Jennings Bry an's advice. The proposition to en dorse a candidate for United Slates senator, which was suggested by Bryan, was defeated, receiving but 2"4 votes out of the 1 .!! votes in the convention. Judge Harmon is a much bigger man in Ohio than Mr. Bryan, and is fast coming to the front as a candidate for President in 1!)1'.. Italian Colony Near Wilmington. (iieenville Reflector. We have seen much of North Caro lina in our day, but not until the trip to Wilmington last week did we know that a few miles out from that city, and across the line in a neighboring county, is a colony of Italians that are making their section blossom like a rose. Their location is called St. Helena, and there are said to be something like 40(1 of them in the col ony. They were brought there from northern ltalv, noted for its good far mers, and are a vastly different people from the Sicilian class of peanut and banana venders who come from the southern part of that country. This colony was planted on unimproved land right in the woods, but they set to work in earnest and their section now looks like a truck garden. Thev are a class of immigrants that Nort Carolina needs and the State should have manv such colonies. Immense Mill Picnic. The iticuic dinner given at Greensboro, by the Messrs. Cone o the thousands of operatives of thou mills diid their visiting relatives and friends will be held this 3-ear on Sat urday, July 2nd, instead of the usual date, July 4th. This is the sixth an nual picnic given by the Messrs. Cone to the employes of their Proximity, Kevolulioi r.nd White Oak cotton mills and it promises to be the biggest, si:ico arrangements have el ready been perfected whereby 15,000 people cau be ied. Besides speeches from th Messrs. tone, otter exercises of the day v.-ill include band concerts by the Union Textile Band, a musical organization of 00 pieces made up of employes of the three big mills, base ball games, vaudeville shows, and other attractions beshle the big din ner. HOME CUBE FOB ECZEMA. Does it not seem strange that so many people suffer year in and year out wkh ecxemaf A 25-oent bottle of a simple wash stops the rich and will surely con vince any patient. This wash is composed of mi d and soothing oil of wintergreen mixed wrth thymol and glycerine, etc., and known as D. D. D. Prescription. We do not know how long the D. D. D. Laboratories will continue the 25 eent offer, s the remedy is regularly sold only in $1.00 bottlej and has nev er before been put on the market on any special offers. If you want relief tonight try a bottle at 25 eenta on our personal rec ommendation. Gibson Drug Store. South Becoming the Most Prosperous. Atlanta Constitution, 21st. - That the South is fast becoming the most prosperous section in the country is the opinion of the fourteen super intendents of the Bradstreet Company who are now holding an important aes sion in Atlanta, the convention com ing to close on Wednesday night. , Inasmuch as they represent all por tions of this section they an in a po sition more than, perhaps, any : one class of men, due to their close touch with trade conditions, . to know ex actly what is going on at all time. Their opinions on sneb subjects are of great importance. ror Eala-rflmajl; safe. , Apply to J. mebania,. Anti-Typhoid Vaccine. Prof. Vincent at Paris last night announced before the Academy of Medicine the discovered of an effect ive anti-typhoid vaccine, which he prepared by steeping typhoid bacilli in a weak solution of watei and sodium cholride (common salt) 'with an ad mixture of either. Prof. Vincent made a nu:uber of ex periments with animals which after being vaccinated wit a good subse quent inoculation with typhoid germs. He also vaccinated thirteen persons, an examination of whose blood after the operation showed th?t it possessed to a high degree properties destruct ive of the typhoid bacillus. Further experiments demonstrated the fact that the typhoid baecilli was placed in conjunction with serum of the blood than from tie poison vaccinated, lost all vitality. CUBE FOB ECZEMA. Discovery That Cores Pimples, Ecze ma and all Skin Troubles. If you are troubled with pimples, blackheads, acne. barber's itch, blotches, freckles or other skin dis ease or blemish, now is the time tc cure il with Hokora. This pure and simple skin food i. heiiiif introduced in Concord bv the (Irbson Drug Store at the low price of '." cents for a liberal sized jar, and in the past few weeks they have sold hundreds of treatments. 1 1 contains 110 grease or acid, is cleanlv to use and is a true food and nourishment for the skin, cleansing it in every pore, making it soft, white ami beautiful. If Hokaia does not do even more than is claimed for it and give per fect satisfaction return the empty jar to the (lilison Drug Store and they will refund your money. If you have anv skin trouble, von cannot spend 2.") cents to better advantage than for a jar of ihis skin food. Larger size o0 cents. Joseph C. Sibley, recently nominat ed lor Congress by the Jiepublicans of the Iweiity-eighlh Pennsylvania distrirt, has tilled a sworn statement of his campaign expenses setting the ligure at $40,000. Mr. Sibley received a lew hundred over 10,000 votes. Don't Get Run Down, Weak and miserable. If you have Kidney or Bladder trouble, dull head pain, dizziness, nervousness, Pains in the back, and leel tired all over, get a package of Mother Gray's Aus tralian Leaf, the pleasant herb cure It never tails. We have many testi uonials from grateful people who have ued this wonderful iv,iuedy. As regulator it has no equal. Ask for Mother Grav's Australian Leaf at druggists or sent by mail for 50 cents, Sampje free. Address, The Mother Gray Co., IWtoy, N. x. Johnnie Isn't n tin bom made of tin mamma'; Mamma Certainly It Is. Johnnie Then bow Is It that a fog horn Isn't made of fog? What Ails You? If yon are af flicted with rtlieumatism or any blood disease, yon should take rheumacide, It sweeps the poisons out of the sys tem and regulates the bowels and the kidneys. Rheumacide removes the cause and stops the pain quickly. Your druggist sells and recommends Hlieu macide. Put up in liquid form, also tab lets. Trial bottle tablets by mail, Zac. Booklet free. Bobbitt Chemical Co., Baltimore, Md. Fair of Shears Free. Tn ever subscriber of The Concord Daily Tribune who pays a full year in rlvnnip we will pive free a rair of our 8-incn Spring rension onears. We have given away over 1200 pairs of these shares to subscribers of The rimea. and have never had a complaint m - ri 1 about them. They sell everywhere for from 50 to it cents a pair. A youngster, on being told that George Washington never told a lie, seriously inquired: "What was tne matter with himt Couldn't he talk?" WORTH WEIGHT IN GOLD Lady Leaned About Cardui, The Woman's Tonic and is wow Enthusiastic in its Praise. Mount Pleasant, Tenn. "Cardui is all you claim for it, and more," write Mrs, ALE, Ran, of thia place. "I was t treat sufferer for 2 yean and was very weak, but I learned about Car did, and decided to try it Now I am la perfect health. 'My daughter, when changing into womanhood, got in very bad health.' I gave her Cardui and now she enjoys good health. -. "Cardui is worth Ks weight In gold. 1 recommend it for young and old." Being composed exclusively of harm less vegetable ingredients, with a mild and gentle medicinal action, Cardui is the best medicine for weak, sick girls and women. ' .' , It has no harsh, powerful, near-pois onous action, like, some of the strong minerals and, drugs, but helps nature to perform a cure in a natural easy way. Try Cardui. K. R WW fc. LltlW IMm Dm. fWta. Soota Mmkw Co.. Challmoon. Ttna.. lor &ui il fiwrnrttwM. M44-pe book. "Horn TrnloMo4 am huncetiai te-ema wuevm. am nawt To Eradicate Hookworm. The divison of hn.ikv.wm eradica tion has givemi out the program for the conference on the hookworm dis ease, to be Leid at Wrightsville, June 23, in connection with' the State Medi cal Society meeting. Dr. Hiram Byrd, assistant health officer of Florida, will discuss the methods used in bis State to eradicate the hookworm, while Dr. Charles Y. Stiles will discuss "The Value and Essentials of a Sanitary Privy." Dr. Wm. Allen, of Charlotte, is to treat "Obligations to Clinical Diag nosis in Hookworm Diseases." Dr. Watson S. Rankin will speak on "The Practical Means of Hook worm Diseases." Dr. John A. Ferrall will discuss "The .Status of the Hookworm Dis ease in North Carolina." It is stated that of the COO College students examined in North Carolina during the past few months, one-third were found to be infected. 'flic total number of hookworm cases reported by 350 physicians is ll.OXi. In ten counties l.o cases have been found. Among the negroes 243 cases have been reported, running the total up to .'1,270. Deafness Cannot be Cored By local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to eure deaf ness, aud that is by constitutional remedies'. Deafness is caused by an iudamed condition o2 the mucous lin ing of the Eustchiaa Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restord to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever: nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by atarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti- ion. "What is the old saying about a fool and his money?" "Ah, yea. A fool and his money are soon discovered." Scared into Sound Health. Mr. B. F. Kelley, Springfield, 111., writes: "A year ago I began to be t roubled with my kidneys and bladder which grew worse until I became alarmed at my condition. I suffered also with dull heavy headaches and the action of my bladder was annoying and painful. I read of Foley's Kid ney Pills and after taking them a few weeks the headaches left me, the ac tion of my bladder was again normal, and I was free from all distress." Ca barrus Drug Co. So-and-so Barker knows his own buStaess. Humpber Tes, but he doesn't mind a little thing like that Puck. What Everybody Ought to Enow. That Foley Kidney Pills contain just the ingredients necessary to tone, strengthen and regulate the action of the kidneys. Cabarrus Drng Co. Foley's Kidney Remedy may be given to children with admirable re sults. It does away with bed wetting, and is also recommended for use after measles and scarlet fever. Cabarrus Drug Co. "I came lu to see If I can get some ore Insurance." "On your home?" "No, on my Job." Houston Post Glad to Becommend Them. Mr. E. Weakley, Kckomo. IncL says: "After taking Foley's Edney Pills, the secvere backache left me, my kidneys became stronger, the secre tions natural and my bladder no lon ger pained me. I am glad to recom mend Foley's Kidney .Fills." In a yel low package. Cabarrus Drug Co. "Opportune" once signified nothing more than "to be at tbe harbor." An opportune ship was a ship whlcb had eome to port What a Summer Gold Kay Do. A summer cold if neglected is just as apt to develop into bronchitis or pneumonia as at any other season . Do not neglect it. Take Foley 'a Honey and Tar promptly. It loosens the couch, soothes and heals the inflamed air passages, and expels the eold in the system. Cabarrus Drug Co. Tbe Infancy of British manufactur ing was nursed by engineers from Hol land, who. superintended the erection of wmd and water mills. " r cut OBsnrAircE. Be it ordained by the Board of Alder- - men of the City of Concord a That all bill posters posting bills for circuses and aho-wa of all Lind shall within three (3) days after the performance advertised, remove said advertisement from all bill boards, posts, or any surface whatsoever where displayed within the corporate, limits of the town of Concord. -, Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined fifty dollars or imprisoned thirty days. -. u . - W. iu UUJSUW, Clerk. June , 1810b , . If. Gladness comes with better under standing of the transient nature of the many physical ills which vanish be fore proper efforts gentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed and assisted by tbe pleasant laxative rem edy Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna. Its beneficial effects are due to the fact that it is the one remedy which promotes Internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs on whlcb it acts. To get its beneficial effects al ways buy tbe genuine manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. Davis White Supr Springs An ideal place to spend the summer. The water unsurpassed. Accommodations for 250 guests. Sewerage, hot and cold oaths. Electric lights. Enlarged dining room. Small tables. Splendid fare and service. Two through trains from Char lotte, daily except Sundays. Phone and telegraph connec tions. Resident physician. First class accommodations at a low price. May, June and Septem ber, $6 to $8 per week. July and August, $8 to $10 per week. Special rates to families. Open May 16 to Oct 1, 1910. Write for booklet to MV1S BlOt, toners I rtipt, iddiEite, N. 1 Cabarrus County Democratic Conven tion. At a meeting of the Democratic Ex ecutive Committee of Cabarrus Coun- tv. held on the 10th dav of April 1010. it was ordered that the primar ies be held on Saturday, June 25(h, l'JIO, at 3 o'clock p. m., m ail town ships, except No. 12, and in the re spective wards of No. 12 township at 8 o'clock o. m. It was further ordeted that the Countv Democratic Convention be held in Concord on Saturday, July 2nd. 1910. at 1 o'clock D. m.. for the purpose of electing delegates to the , r i 3 01.1. judicial, congressional iuu oiie Conventions, and for the purpose of nominating candidates for tbe Leg islatures and the various County of fices. JNO. L. MILLER, Chairman. Cabarrus County Democratic Execu tive Committee. NOTICE. That my friends, ecquaintances and others may hare an opportunity to take Chiropractic Nerve and bpinal treatments, I will be at the Fisher residence, corner Union and Grove streets, Monday, Wednesday and Fri day of each week. Hours 4 to 8 p. m. A partial list of diseases successfully treated is Gall Stones, Neuralgia, Ner- ;our Prostration, Rheumatism, Fevers. Diseases of the Heart, Liver, Kid neys. Stomach, Lung, Bowels and Women's diseases. Ninety per cent, of the troubles of suffering humanity, especially women, originate at the spine. No drugs are used. VH. F. J. HATUS, Chiropractic Nerve and Spinal -Spec ialist, Booms B17-U1H Kealty Bldg, Charlotte, N. C. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILROAD. Charlotte, N. C, May 14, 1910 Chanire of schedule SEABOARD AIR LINE, affective noon, fiundav May 15. Westbound trains leave Char lotte as follows, daily : No. 133, daily, U:5U a. m. No. 47. dailv. 4:45 d. m. Gastbound, daily: :, Ho. 40, daily, uu a. m. No. 44, daily, 5:00 a. m. NVv 132. dailv. 7:00 d. m. Trains arrive in Charlotte as fol- ,ows from the east: . ' , No. 133, 9:50 a. m. . No. 45, 12:01 noon..' ' No. 39. 10:50 d. m. Axive from the west: - No. 46, 10 :30 a. m. No. 132, 7:00 p. m. "- . ' ; . JAMES KER, J&, , ' ,v v ' Traveling Passenger Agent Tat ' Conservation, of ; Vainrt'a ft. ..' ... , aouicaa, Applies as well to our physical state as to material things,- C. J. Budloflg, Washington, R. L realised his condi tion, and took warning Dear it was too late. Ha sayai "I suffered severe lv from kidney trouble, the disease be ing- hereditary ia oar family I have taken four Dotuea oi jweya juoney Remedy, and. now" consider myself thoroughly ure&.-This should be a warning to all not to neglect taking Foley's Kidney itemed y until it is too late." Cabarrus Drug Co. Concord. 8aa Tha Tioaa for Job Jfttatiag. - CHICHESTER SPILtS WPv TUB DIAMOND BBAMU. L41at liktsatiMselstatf i rilM la am Mail Mtt IWaa. iMlad wttfc ItlM Kliih SOU BY DWKiulSTS EVEKYtftEfct Store formerly occupied U by. The Tribune Co. Occupation given at at once. DESIRABLE OFFICES In poatoffice building (now occupied h the Home BdiK-atiiinol Co.) $2.5U to 54 00 month. In Morris Building best location in the city. Steam heat, light and janitor ser vice FREE. One Front Room, MA second floor viw Other nice officea second floor $3.00 and $5.00 Sleeping rooms, bath, heat, light and janitor service FREE. $3.00 to $5.00 Per Month Other desirable offices 'Phone No. 59. T. T. SMITH, JR., Manager. P. H. QilS REAL ESTATE CO. LIFE IXSUIIAV0B FIRE irSUBANOB CAU SALTY XNSUSAKOB LIVE STOCK INSURAXOl call on Mm hu t M k St Cloud Hotel Bldg, Concord, X. 0. Fhene No. 231. Total Assets RepresenteJ.9224,780,000 We call special attention to our Live Stock Insurance for farm, dray and pleasure animals. Also special (Jesses Horses and Cattle. C. A. ISENHODR, See. ft Treas. THOS, W. SUITS, Mgr. fcusmoa. City Prcsstefl deb D. B. FOWLKES, Manager. As the world goes around aud around, Yon hear the iron ring of its aoond, Long Panta made short, square coats made round, Remember that Paul is still in town. After the needle and the machine, Then the clothes are sponged and cleaned, Coats pressed nicely and panta ia a crease, Think of the pressor last but not least. Gratefully. DAN PAUL Jellico Coal, Cut and Split Wood. Lumber and Piaster Give us your orders. We guarantee Quality and Sarvlca IL L CRAVEN & SO THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal aah Industrial College Maintained by the State lor Women of North Carolina. Four regular Courses leading to Degrees. Special Courses for Teachers. Fall aesaioa begins September 14, 1910. Those de siring to enter should apply aa early as posible. For catalogue and other information address " t. JULIUS L FOUST,' President, Mi. ; , - ,.: v.. Oreensbora, K. 0. mien Uncurc ' : v To secure their loved ones if they die ' wnat toey intend to prome ix laey live. Reflect I Have you made suitable provisions for your wife and children If not apply for Insurance u tha- ANCE COMPANY, TBS POLICY " HOLDERS FRIEND-., and do it now. . -.- ' ' . JNO. BV PATTEB80S CO, Agtav -.1 W . . . fa- Bids will be received for the nexT thirty davs Vor the old Lutheran. flnnmn. or ran neeuur lu. ixjuootii. . i ., .v - n High School Building, on Uorbid street. Privilege to reject alt bids. Hand to ' C lit DONALD, '; See. of Board of Trustee or Union ecbooL, , 1-1- aV AT

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