THE COXCORO DAILY TRIBUN JOHN B. SHE&BILIfc Editor and Proprietor. Local Telephone, No. 78. Bell Telephone, No. 14. SUBSCRIPTION BATES. One Year $4.80 Six Months $2.40 Three Months $1.20 One Month -40 PUBLISHER'S ANNOUNCEMENT. Advertising rales can be had at the office. Copy for changes must be in hv 10 o'clock a. m. Cards of Thanks Resolutions of Resiipct. and similar articles are .haute J at the rate of 5 cents per !in Cash in all cases. Entered as second class mail matter April 20, 1910, at the postofflce at Concord, N. C, under the act M.m-li 3. 1879. Out of the city and by mail the fol lowing prices on the Evening Trib une will nrevail: ne Month 35 i Months $1-50 Twelve Months $3-00 JOHN M. OGLESBY. City Editor. Concord, N. C, Junk 24, 1910 A item Ionian who has often been 1, t.i c.iiirt an.l tined for over- l'eilin.!; his automobile, says he has never put up any defense and has al um naid t lie tine, but that where he Im lien linel dozens f others have llv Lmiltv and this is what he objects to. He is no doubt cor reel. Very few men observe the speed limit; in fact they run thirty or t'ortv miles and hour and do not know it However, everv driver exceeding l he limit should be made to pay for it.' It is wrong to mill one man or two or a dozen and let others equally guil ty escape. Greensboro News. Whoever heard before of a police man arrest inn; an imitomobilist for ex .eedins; the limit t What kind of po licemen have you in Greensboro, any wav, Bro. Reece. visited -Charity and One of the brethren who recently visited New York gave a tine de scription of Sunday in that great city in Charity and Children, and an other in the Bibical Recorder. Now we hope the brethren will let the world know what is going on in New York on the Saturday night before. This diiestion was suggested to us oy a third party who has also New York recently Children. It wouldn't do to print, Bro. Johnson not in Charity and Children anyway. The contest for the solictorship be tween Messrs. Shannon-house and Smith, both of Charlotte, has been a very bitter one. Personalities havt been indulged in, and both candidate have made the mistake of conducting a campaign on such a basis. Both an good nwn and vxcecdingly clever gen tlemen, but we belive the kind of campaign thev have conducted will result in the defeat of both of them. Hidden Money Found in Rowan. Salisbury Post. Who buried two tin boxes contain ing coin with Uncle Sam's stomp of approval ou it on the hlium farm near Granite Quarry T Mr. R. C. Elium himself is not worrying over the an- HOW TO CUBE RHEUMATISM. It la An Internal Disease And Quires An Internal Remedy' The cause oif rheumatism and kin dared diseased is an excess of uric acid in the Wood. To cure this terrible di- swer to the question. He is in pos-lease this acid must be expelled and session of $45 in gold, $7 in silver andlthe svstem so remilated that ix mora in . .1. J ii i : iL.i t I v 0 opan,M. ana ro.iugeso coins cd ne acid formed in txce3, 11)11 ii 1 1 r ti r am nr rwia as 1 n cr hA Tiira I T,.a,iflv morning Tkt rnln. Mm quantities. Rheumatism is an internal Khum was hoeing for potatoes around I uiseaae and requires an internal jenv an old stump when Her hoe struck a I My. Ku-bbing with oils and am tin box. Upon opening it she discov-mnU will not cure, affords onlv tem. ered that it contained a quantity oif I .,.. i- ? v,,. Spanish coins, one I , . .. . of the latter over two hundred years I""1 lUB ireawuoui, aim ai old. Her discovery caused Mr. Elium the malady to get a fluier hold to investigate further and he came Ion you. Liniments may ea?e pain upon another box containing 4o mi I but they will no more cure Rbeunia I nam Ihnn nnint mill plLnm.n IHw Hlur TiucJiir niAm n o i.l oltlw,.l. .k.l . - ' A HVdllUT ...... 1'..', I. .1. . I 1 Ul. .... LJ UC , - . . continued to investigate for some timclul rouua woou- he believes all the wealth buried ou I bcience has at last discovered the wealth hiried o'i the place haslperfect and complete cuie. which been removed. I called "RJreumiiiln " TeLaA hundreds of cases, it has affected the most marvelous cures.; we believe it will cure you. Rbeuroacide "gets at the joints from the inside," sweeps the poisons out of the system, tones up the stomach, regulates the liver and kidneys and makes you well all over. Kheumaciile "strikes the root of .he dise.vse and removes its cause. This splendid remedy is sold by drug gists andv dealers generally at 50. and $1 a bottle. In tablet form at 25c and 50c a package. Get a bottle todav. Booklet free if vou write to Bobbitt Chemical Co., Baltimore, Md For sale by Gibson Ding Store, Con cord. N. C Postal Savings Bank Bill Passed. President Taft's postal savings bank bill passed the Senate bv a vote of 44 to "J") at 5 o'clock Wednesday after noon. It was signed by the President Thursday and will go to into effect sixty days later. I nder the terms u the bill just passed, it will remain with the trus- ees of the postal savings bank de positors the Postmaster General, the Attorney General, and the Seeretay nt the Treasury to decide what post llices shall be authorized to receive eposits. It is not expected the sys em will be applied at the start to parts of the country. The main puriKise of the legislation, as Presi- ent Taft has viewed it. is to estab- h banking facilities for the pool people in parts of the country whicl now lack savings depositories. Locusts Grease the Rails. Millions of seven year locusts have invaded the village of Peekville, Pa., nd the valley is rapidly being de- aslated ot vegetation bv the pests. From early morning until sundown the noise made bv the Aim ring ot the ocuis is nll-iernieating, and can be eard .1 mile, sounding like a far-away blowing of a factory whistle. Thev have covered one of the little coal branches of the Ontario & West n Railroad, swarming around the rails, which gather and retain heat tiring the day, 111 There is every evidence now that a long and lierce tight is going to be made in Charlotte over the ::,iliration f Mr. Paul Chatham for a franchise to build an electric railway over cer tain streets of ;he city and t his tx tensi.e suburb in holdings !m Ii lie proposes to wt lop. The Conservation of Nature's Resources. Applies as well to our physical state as to material things. C. J. Budlong, Washington, R. L realized his condi tion, and took warning before it was too late, lie says: "I suffered severe- AM 1, MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS You At e I in teir-e sited An Opportunity of a Lifetime to Get a Beautiful Sewing Machine at Yoi Uwn f rice. We have placed in Our Show Window a $40.00 High Grade Paragon Sewing Machin Just like cut and until June 30th at 4 o'clock, P. we will accept bids of any amount for it It will not cost you one cent to makt a bid and you may get it very cheap. The highest bidder will win it. BALL BEARING. VALUE $40 00. Style 14-A "PARAGON" iqiq model. r 1 This machine is made by TH STANDARD SEWING Ma3 HINE CO. Cleveland. Ohio, nisi era of the World s Best Sewinl Machines. It is Ball Bearing and has ever) modern improvement. It is Beauty. It has the reliable aid tension, automatic tension releasJ capped needle bar, etc., is heavy an strong, thoroughly reliable an guaranteed for 10 years. Remember You Can Bid Until 4 O'clock P. M., June 30th, 1910. Don't fail to come in and bid. A low bid may get it, All you have to do h to drop into the store an enter your name and amount bid it costs you nothing to bid. Be sure to tell your friend or neighbors wV need machines about this Auction Sale. Saturday, Tune o at 4 P. M. the bids will be opened "nd thesui cessful bidder will be announced you may be the lucky one. Thursday, June 30th, We Will Have With Us An Expert From the Factory I who will rondurt thr rlrmnncfr9l!nn nnH PTnlntn trt vaii tri marifa jf t ke rvrk si ill makina U ...... wfrBa v j w m iiivt no wa VTMa i mc iiibv ss s sai aa, v n lo do some tancy teats in stitching which will be of interest to everybody. ion. He sure to come and brine your friend. Don't miss this free exhib ly from kidney trouble, tbe disease be til it is impossible ng hereditary in our family. I have to oerate t he mad. ami tons and tons laiten iour oonies 01 DOieys ftaaney of coal are standing on t lie sidings be- Remedy, and now consider myself cause the Nwomotives can make no I thoroughly cured. Thia should be a headway against the slippery bugs, The Mooresville Enterprise, Mr. Harry P. Deaton's paper, has put on a new dress, and presents a neat and much improved appearance. It is not only a pood looking paper, but it is a good paper, and the people ot Mooresville should be proud of it, as no doubt they are. Of course the Southern Power Com pany understands that we are natur ally expecting cheaper power. Dur ham Herald. But you won't get it. Mr. Donfhton Straight. Wilkesboro Chronicle. Recently unfathered reports have been circulated through the district that Hon. R. L. Doughton bad voted for Blackburn and Cowles for Con gress against the democratie candi dates. People generally knew such re port 'was false, but to leave no room for quibble, Mr. Doughton states that he lias voted for 23 years and has never cast a republican vote. We may add that two years ago tbe Democrats nominated Mr. Doughton for State Senator against his protest and elected him by 500 majority in a close district which had been going republican. Jfhia in itself is sufficient refutation of the false reports, for thia mountain de mocracy always sticks to the reaL pure article, and never offers candidates to the people except those built of the genuine stuff. Mr. Doughton is not making a flgbt for the nomination, ' but we are convinced that the democ racy of the district will . nominate ; bim any way, feeling confident that be can and will win. fit - v - "1 . i ,,-.- . ". " Former Governor Hoke Smith, who ago by Joseph M. Brown, Thursday announced Ins candidacy for tbe gov- ia a candidate cor reelection. ... Automobile tires will advance about 25 per cent, in price after July 1, be Deafness Cannot be Cured By local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deaf ness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lin ing of the Eustchian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect bearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restord to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever warning to all not to negleet taking Foley's Kidney Remedy on til it is too late." Cabarrus Drug Co. Concord. Madge What Is the object of hastna In college Marjorle I guess It's to teach tbe boys brutality for use In tn football games. Puck. Scared Into Sound Health. Mr. B. F. Kelley, Springfield, 111., writes: "A year ago I began to be troubled with my kidneys and bladder which grew worse nntu I became alarmed at my condition. I suffered also with dull heavy headaches and Don't Miss this Great Opportunity Be Sure to Bic rill Out THIs Ulcvnlt ixnd Q.nd It In. Name i Address . . . , , Name of my machine is. How old ia it?. My bid is $ Concord Farnitarej Cq Southern Railway Sdiedule. Following schedule figures publish ed only 48 information and are not guaranteed. In effect May 15, 1910: 4:10 a. m.. No. 8 Daily for Rich mond and all iocal points. Connect ........ the art inn nf mv bladder ivaa annnvinc at llrum.lMM U;nAn c.l . I JC JUltlGl UUD VHQB VUkl J J O ww . .... UOUVI J .Vi 1 ? lUDfcUU-UBiVU! WU of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is and painful. I read of Foley's Kid-1 Raleigh, at Denville for Norfolk. othing but an inflamed condition of lney pillg and after taking them a few 6:46 a. m., No. 44. Daily for Wash the mucous surfaces. I weeks the headaches left me, the ao-, ington and points North. Connects We will give One Hundred Dollars I "on of my bladder was again normal, at Salisbury for Asbeville, Chattanoo- for anv case of Deafness (caused bv I and 1 w 'rom all distress. .atarrb ) that cannot be cured by Hall 'a oarrus i-ug uo. Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. F. J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Ca- fl he It's fnney you should be ao tall. Tour brother, tbe artist. Is short, tent net Be (absently) Ves. usually. Town and Country. Glad to Recommend Them. Mr. E. Weakley, Kbkomo, IflL, ga and Memphis. Pullman and day coaches Atlanta to Washington. Pull man coach between Atlanta and Ral eigh. 6:20 a. m., No. 45 Daily for Char lotte and all local points. 10:10 a. No. 11 Daily for At lanta and local points. 11:05 a. m., No. 36 Daily for Washington and New York. Pullman Abolish Mixed Choirs. Local churches at Wheeling, W. Va.,' says: "After taking Foley's Kdney leepers New Orleans to New York; are abolishing mixed choirs. Within the past (few months a score of churches have readjusted their choirs by having male quartets, because of an "absence of harmony in the dress of women." One pastor, who started the move ment for entirely male choirs, says the trouble is many of the women "dress too gaudily, are too giddy, talkative, Pilla, the secvere backache left me. my . dy ch New Orleans to New York. kidneys became stronger, the secre tions natural and my bladder no lon ger pained me. I am glad to recom mend Foley's Kidney Pills." In a yel low package. Cabarrus Drag Co. A baby la like a crop of wheat It la Drat cradled, then thrashed, and finally tt becomes the flower of the inquisitive, and always criticising the ' famlr New Tork World. wearing apparel of the members of the congregation. What a Summer Cold May Do. A summer cold if neglected ia just Washington and aU ointa north, 12:03 a . m, No. 30. Daily for Washington and Nw York. 3 :40 p. No. 7. Daily for Char lotte and local stations. 3:40 p. m- No. 46. Daily for Greensboro anu local points; 6:43 p. m- No. 12 Daily for Rich mond and all loeal points. Connects at Salisbury for Aabeville, Chattanoo ga and Memphis. Sleeper. Charlotte to Richmond and Salisbury to Nor folk. : .i-: 8:60 p. ol, No. 35 Daily to- Nor- Lodglng boose keepers la Genua? as apt to develop into bronehitia or ' . J w tn e- pneumonia as at any other season . Do VT r.i " j u::k. illifah m Mi Hnl inl iknartma .! St P.b. VaII. TTmi i Vw a w-- bave to give notice to the police name- pneumonia at ana departure of ' any of their gueeta. 0","MTf ISi h Whingtoo to New Or- Stop. ean71T17o 'wS&SSXfttStt hh 1J Atl,;l, fcnm In iZ.T: I A " .1 . . . ia. r. wary, u. r. a, nwunM, .v . w" vvncua yaumii am a(U vw nvm mmniM LrWisnuinMa. atibb sSoirr t muscleaehe, two hours; sore ' ttmt l irottbiy ttada a owter today, pa. twelve hours Dr. Thomas Oil, monareh over pain. stores. . : Elaetrie lht Tharkl VOodt Bam AA vna nak At arug tr iotmaj Borrowed it from Stella U she a souvenir flendt BaDa Dreadful, The mat .dinner aha at tended aha carried away the eoot Bzchanga. . . . ;- C&fcago Mewa. 1 'TrWof 8bMra Ptea. To every subscriber of The Concord Daily' 'Tribune who pays a full year in advance we will give free a pair of enr 8-inch Sarins? Tension Shears. We tave given away over 1200 pairs Foley's Kidney , Eemedy may e given to ehildrea with admirable fe-'of these shares to subscribers of The suits. "-It doea away with bad wetting, I rimes, and have never had a complaint and ia also recommended for aaa after ! about them. They sell everywhere for measiea ami scarlet lever. : ca oarrus . from 50 to 75 cents a pair. Drug Co. s :J' '"!":' I' ? -' I ' rOB 80XJCTTOS. v I hereby announce myself a eaadi data for Solicitor in the appr'oaching DemoeratM primariee and Convention. If nominated and eiaoted I ahail diaebarge my duty to tbe beet of my ability, fairly and knpartUOyH .. . I would be pleased to! have the sup port of the Demoerata of Cabarrus eounty. ":' i "' v - T. 1L SHANNONHOTJSBL Tell Ytmr ! To Pbone 398 and have Griffith repair i : ' Tv cause OI Vila Cuiiinaui amis iiuub 4d i imt wwiug uncuuw ' abv luvtrcj jww jub h iun iuivuwum uwbwhj v wu. .... ii.. I :n . u:n . i i . j i.. . u . . t amau reserve ui sne Aurypeau -iuar-:MTv vui yuj juux iuuuacr new imia ureugmcu iuu ivguisw tu cjuu ux . keta. '.y.' "' fmoretoo. - the kldneya. OAarraDrr; Co. ' - V - rOB SOLXCITOB. . 't J t tereby anaounce myself a eandi- Atmoapharle electricity la balteved te ,ta for SolkUor in the approaeWii Uemoeraue primaries ana vmrawra ' X will sppreciate the support of tht voters at Cabarrus aonnty. ' 'y : D. a SMITH, " t aD. ' " ' aariotta.N.C eneooraga plant Ufa Is the arctic re gions, where there h bat Uttle sun Ugbt " : ' ' y ; J, , Wliat rwybody Ovght to Kawv . ' That Foley Kidney Pills eontaia For ala Small aafe. BtChamJ. Apply to J. ' . 'tt- C3 THE 0L0EI0U8 MOUNTAINS OF Western North Carolina "THE LAND OF THE SET" "THE SAPFHIBS COUNTRY' Where There la Health in Every Breath. The Climate ia Perfect the Tear Round. In Spring and Summer the Region ia Ideal. REACHED BY Southern Railway Solid Through Trains, including Parlor Car, between Ooldsboro . and Asheville via' Raleigh, Greensboro, Salisbury. Other Coo vnient Through Car Arrangementa. Summer Tourist - Tourist Ticket on Sala ' MAT 15TH, 1910. LET YOU IDEAS AND WISHES BE KNOWN. .J. H. WOOD, D. P. A, Asbeville, N. C. y B. 1L DeBUTTS, T. P. A Charlotte, N. C. W. H. PABNELL, T.P. A, Raleigh, N. C aaa I 41 it 1 1: SEABOARD AIR UHB -RAILWAY. -- ' Schedule In Effect Uay15, 1910. 1 v 3 ' ? Qaickeat line td New York," Wasbidgtoo, Florida Pointa, . Charlotte, AtianU.'Birminxham, Mempbia, ' -j a ; New Orleans and Pointa Weat, y- HJv Doable Daily Serrice, with High Back Seat Coaches,' PnO- J :y mafl Meeplng can ano inning Cara.p . ; ; : ..M.t.j.i , .Trains leave Charlotte as follows: - aasnoinra. -:jy i...,. fcU0p.un. TiflOf. as ... . mi w. ....... ....... STO. ltt.....,..,n,.,..,..., aeweeereeea -. - y Local Sleeper Charlotte to Portsmouth on 132. ''' We operate double' daily Tealibnle sjrrrke, with through Pallman aleepine Cars, to Tacksonrille, Atlanta, Binning ' ham, Memphis, Port Worth. Norfolk; .Washington, " Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, r For time tables, booklets, reservations, or any information, .. ... call on Jas. Key, Jr., T. P. A., Charlotte, or address, HJS. LEAED, 0. - " ' . , .1- -' .. aaaaMaoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaA V,

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