i THE COMORO DAILY TRIBUNE JOHN B. 8HEERILL, Editor and Proprietor. Local Telephone, No. 78. Bell Telephone, No. 14. SUBSCRIPTION BATES. One Year 1.80 ; o: r u . f)in Three Months - $1-20 One Month 40 HOW TO CUKE RHEUMATISM. It Is An Internal Disease And Re quires An Internal Remedy. The cause of rheumatism and kin iered diseases is an excess of uric acid in t lie blood. To cure this terrible dis ease this ac-id must be expelled and the system so regulated that no more acid will be formed in ixcessive quantities. Rheumatism is an internal disease and requires an internal rem edy. Rubbing with oils and iini uients will not cure, affords only tem porary relief at b.'st, causes you to PUBLISHER'S ANNOUNCEMENT. Advertising rates can be had at the office. Copy for changes musi be in u.. i n - .... ..1. Cards of Thanks Resolutions oi M tlie ProPer treatment, and al- Respect, and similar articles are charged at the rate of 5 cents pet line -Cash in all cases. Entered as second class mail matter A-;i OR 1Q1A nt tlin nnatnfflcA at Concord,' N. C., under the act of "t rotton wood. tfo-rnh q 1S70 Science lias at last discovered a Out of the city and by mail the fol- perfect and complete cuie. which is lowing prices on the Evening TTib-eall(1(1 "Rheumacide." Tested in j m!."iI1iirmlI: -! hundreds of cases, it ha affected the I )ne Month t , ... ., I 3tx Months $1.50 most marvelous cure.-.; we believe it ( Twelve Months $3.00, w ill cure you. Rheumacide "gets at; from the inside, " sweets lows the maladv to get a rimer hold 'on you. Liniments may ease pain, but they will no more cure Rheuma tism than paint will change the fiber THE CONJURER CONrVSSES. He Is Deliberate In Action Thus Pro duolng Deceptive Effects. That "the hand Is quicker than the eye" is one of those accepted sayings Invented by some one who knew noth ing of conjuring or, as la more likely. by some cunning conjurer who aimed still further to hoodwink a gullible public. The fact Is that the best con jurer seldom makes a rapid motion, for that attracts attention, even though it be not understood. The true artist in this line is deliberate In every movement, and it Is mainly by his actions that he leads his audi ence to look not where they ought, but In an entirely different direction. Mr. David Devant, who for a number of consecutive years has entertained London with his ingenious tricks, has said: "The conjuror must be an ac tor. By the expression of his face, by his gestures, by the tone of his voice. In short, by bis acting, he must produce his effects." I the joints Women as Mayors. America had women as mayors be fore England, Australia or even New Zealand. In the four States where women have full suffrage It Is not ! rare for women to be elected as may- Deafness Cannot be Cured ' By local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of ths ear. There is only one way to ear deaf ness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is earned by an inflamed condition o2 ths mucous lin ing of the Eustchian Tube. When this tube is inflamed yon have a rambling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restord to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever: nine eases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by .atarrh) that cannot be cored by Hall 'a Catarrh Litre. Send for circulars free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. "There are 16.000 empty bouses Id London." "I'm mighty glad we don't live there, then. My wife couldn't get through more than half of them at moving time at least not without a strain that USED UNIVERSALLY' TAtna- w iviT.T!ftRV. Oitv Editor. the poisons on of the system, tone or9 ln imaU cltlea and glve g0od ser- woal(1 , for Der.-Chlcago Eec Concord, IN. i., jlnh. 27. 19'"; up the stomach, regulates the liver vice. A woman was mayor of Gaylor, ord.Herald. and kidneys and makes yon well all over. Rheumat'ids "strikes the rout lie dise.ise and removes its cause." Tlik snlendid reined v is sold bv drug gists and dealers srenerally at "''" and .fl a hot ( I". Tn tablet form al 25c and ."V a package, flet a b itlle today. Booklet free if you write to Robbitt Chemical Co.. Baltimore, Md. Bob Phillips, of the Greensboro News, says: "Whichard can take care j of his hair all right, but if Cowan." doesn't quit putting a 't' in his name aiHl making it Whitchard, we fear President Shipman will have to ap point a peace commission." Oh, we don't know. What's in a name 7 And perhaps, we were justified in putting U I.. hie noma tlpprtime Wp Cllllldll't ..t .n,.n.in u'n .. ton iii liim when 1 For sale hv Oibsoii Drue Store. Con. I day, he was at the convention. l.iclia rl ; eord. N. C we mean. Not Phillips. Wilmington The C-eek tr.: in hoi Kan., for two terms and declined a third election. She prided herself on the fact that more miles of sidewalk Glad to Recommend Them. Mr. E. Weaklev. Knkomo. Ind jwere laid in her administration than savg. "After taking Foley's Kdney Pills, the secvere backache left me, my In that of any previous mayor. Her husband always expressed himself as pleased that she should hold the office, j and even her worst enemies never 1 said that she neglected her children or the duties of her household. The office kept her busy about an hour Dispatch. This is indeed the "most unkindest cut of all," and if Phillips does his duty Cowan will be called on to de fend a libel suit while he is pr wen ting the one brought against Which ard. It looks very much like there wi'.l be a long drawn out fight at (lastonia July 7th over the soliritorship. There are 240 votes in the convent 1011, an the highest candidate has only 73. With such a condition no one can foretell the result, as the lowest man may win. We are not a prophet, nor the son of one, but we venture the pre diction that the nominee will not be gin the spelling of his name with an "S." alhlete of the golden nge new elieeso, dried tig. eii!k and warm ..iter. -it - iiiii.-wr. kidneys became stronger, the secre tions natural and my bladder no lon ger pained me. I am glad to recom mend Foley '8 Kidney Pills." In a yel low package. Cabarrus Drug Co. Japanese Story Tellers. The professional story teller Is a Tambo Say, Mlstab Bones, what am de three most nncertalnest things In de world T Bones Ah dunno, Mlstah Tambo. good deal of an artist In his way. He j what am de three most nncertalnest knows how to select or originate things ln de worldT short, popular tales, and how to re- j Bones A woman an' two other wo- late them In dramatic fashion. The ; men. Chicago News, lowest class of story tellers you will j m find seated on the street-corners with a gner Cold May Do, higher class are formed into guilds, Pair of Shears Free. To every subscriber of The Concord , Daily Tribune who pays a full year i in ni1vnni.f wp will crivp frpA A rftir; .,f ,,r Rnrino- T.Minn Sho. ""! these are hired to go to private V !,, o-iv-pn mmv nvpr 1900 ..! Parties to amuse the guests. . ? . J . ., - , tfmofi thv will ho in Hpmnnrl at turn ot these shares to subscribers or Ihe, ... ; , .ln,i Tflr nromntlv ur lurm uuuttes in line cveuiUK, luus . r i Congress Finished Work and Adjourn- v ed Sine Die. The second session of the Sixty first Congress came to a close at 11 ' o'clock Saturday night, both bodies adjourning at that hour until the lirst Monday in December, in accordance with a resolution adopted earlier in the day. It marked the conclusion of one of the most active Congresses in recent years. Although two months ago it did not appear that the administra tion would have established any con siderable record of legislative enact ment, since then a great change in teh situation on Capitol Hill occurred. ' Congress adjourned with practically all of the big measures advocated by the President enacted into law. President Taft walked out of the capitol at 11 o'clock Saturday night smiling. He had signed practically all mat ters of legislation that had been placed before him. He received congratula tions from his cabinet and ifrom mem bers of both branches of Congress up on the successful passage of most of big pet measures. Mi. Taft shook bands -with all around and continued to smile. Eoosevelt Will He-Enter Politics. Politically Sagamore Hill is going to be the busiest spot in the United v States during the next two months. Conferences have been arranged by Mr. Roosevelt with political leaders from every section of the country, 'mer for him," was the comment of fner for him,"' was the comment of "BooeeveJt's brother-in-law, Rear Ad miral S. Cowles. "Mr. Eoosevelt is not suffering from throat trouble," he added, "and Dr. Alexander Eamlert has not 'been called to Sagamore Hill. Mr. Roosevelt had some trouble with his 'throat in London and was treated 'by 'King George's physician." , . . Steel Trust Wants Cats. - The United States Steel Corpora - ', tion at Gary, . I1L, wants fifty eats 'and will pay 50 cents apiece for them. The demand for cats is due to a pe- en liar incident. For many months the f 'company has been pestered by rodents and every known form of poison and traps has been tried without success. The final blow came 'when eeveial rats got tangled up in one of the great . dynamo which give power to the blast furnace auilL This tied the work . . p for four hours and resulted in the loss of $10,000. Gary was hunted in tain for stray eats, and as a last resort an advertise ment was inserted in a Gary paper. . Foley V Kidney Kerned y may be f'ven to children with admirable re- eu!t9. It does awjfy with bed wetting, it 1 h ' i rommended for use after - '. f ' t T-ver. . Ci.l:rrn Times, and have never bad a complaint about them. They sell everywhere for from oO to 75 cents a pair. "I suppose you and your wle share everything?" "No. Sbe Insists that I have ail the faults "-Petroll Free Press. I Home News Away from Home. Concord people who leave the city, either for a short or long stay whether they go to mountain or sea shore should not fail to order The Daily Tribune sent to them by mail i A summer cold if neglected is just as apt to develop into bronchitis or Somo- 1 pneumonia as at any other season . Do not neglect it. Take Holey 's Jloney It loosens the nlckine nn RBVPi-a! doiinrn. TTni.sa h coi'Su, sooiues ana neais ine innamea can earn his living by his recitals, the air passages, and expels the cold in the teller cannot become a member of the system, t abarrus Drug Co. guild. Translations from English I tales are now extremely popular with I She So many men nowadays marrx the Japanese. ! for money. You would n t marry ni- for money, would you, dearest? He (absently) No. darling. I wouldn't marry you for all the money lu the world. She On, you horrid, horrid wretch! Boston Transcript Kipling His Own Critic T was sitting with Kipling ln his garden at Rottingdean when a street organ struck up 'The Absent Minded Beggar.' Kipling was silent one mo ment, and tnen he said, 'If it was not suicide I would kill the , man who wrote that" This Interesting revela tion was made by the Rev. J. C. Har- at 40 cents a month. It will come regularly, and the addresses will Le! rls, pastor of Kingston Congregational changed as often as desired. It is I Church, ln a lecture on Kipling. It the home news yon will want while away from home. iSETI A model for every figure. Did You Ever Think About This? That two things are necessary in ev ery dependable Plumbing equipment Good Fixtures and Reliable Work manship. We supply both Plumbing Fixtures and our own High-Grade Workmanship. Both guaranteed by us. THE SANITARY PLUMBING 00. Phone 334. 81 8. Union St THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND V. MECHANIC ARTS. V . The State'! college for training in dnstrial workers. Courses in Agri culture, Horticulture, Animal Hus bandry and Dairying; in Civil, Elec trical and Mechanical Engineering; Cotton Milling and Dyeing; in Industrial Chemistry; and in Agri cultural teaching. - " v Entrance examinations at each county teat en the 14th of July. D. H, HILL, President, , Wert Raleigh, N. 0. A Iteppy Wcsisn She laughs and sngs from morn to ' night, ; " - , " ' . ' ' Her style is debonair; CrilTl'h repaired her sewing machine, A..J Ler mind is free from care. ' was hard to believe, he said, that the man who could write "The Reces sional" could descend to the level ot "Pay! Payl Pay!" No man was more keenly alive to his own blunders than Kipling. The French Schoolboy's Hard Day. French children are often on their way to school a little after 7 o'clock ln the morning. If they have conclud ed their lesons by 9 o'clock in the evening it Is only by dint of great ap plication. Young men studying for the higher professions have appointments with their tutors at 6 o'clock ln the morning ln Bummer time; otherwise they cannot accomplish the mountain of work that lies before them. In all branches of art the labor of the tyro Is immense. At the Conservatoire the strenuous life is carried to a point which provokes the astonishment even of laborious German students. Itching piles provoke profanity, but but profanity wont cure them. Doan's Ointment cures itching, bleeding or protuding piles after years of suffer ing. At any drug store. CHICHESTER S PILLS W TIIK 1MAMOND BBANUl t blM-fccWr !MM7hriAA 1111 la U4 m nnalllcVV hoin, MleJ ilk Ulna RIMua. V Tak m W. a.r (Tnn V lltaMfaL Ask f. 'f-lll'in.'M-VrB UIAMMND HKAND FILL, lb. a ywn known u Beit, Saftst. Always kett.l kt SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Special 8tomach for Specifics. Royal households receive all man ner of beautiful and curious gifts, many of which are not accepted. When the Prince and Princess of Wales were about to start on a tour round the world, aU sorts of antidotes for seasickness were received. One drug gist sent hundreds of antl-seaalck powders, one of which was to be tak en every day while at sea. The prince said. "If this fellow expects me to take all these special powders, he should bate sent along a special stomach as welL" wlft-Flylng Pigeons. B. A. Ton, ot Hunt's Mills, He., tells of a pair of pigeons with a record ot flying from Minneapolis to Boston tat fifty hours without .taking a morsel ot food on the trip. For the last thousand miles they flew In the teeth of a fierce snowstorm. . He has an other pair of the same breed as those that flew from the' balloon of Andre, the Swedish north pole explorer, and several- pair that can make nearly a mile a nunnte. : ' A substitute for' Work. "Physical culture, father, Is per fectly lovely I " exclaimed an enthusi asts young miss Just home from col lege. "Look! To develop the arms I grasp tae rod by one end and move It slowly from right to left" ' - "Well, well!? exclaimed her father; "what wont science discover! If that rod had straw at the other end you'd be weeping.'' ' ! The Wise Mosband. Eronson rvw just given $100 tor this diamond ring for my wife. - ' Woodson It's a beauty! . But lent It ratSer er extravagant? r-r. -Trtot a b!L Think what it 1.1 I . t,XVal CITY ORDINANCE. Be it ordained by the Board of Alder men of the City of Concord : That all bill posters posting bills for circuses and shows of all lind shall within three (3) days after the performance advertised, remove said advertisement from all bill boards, posts, or any surface whatsoever where displayed within the corporate limits of the town of Coneord. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor end upon conviction shall be fined fifty dollars or imprisoned thirty days. W. H. GIBSON, Clerk. June 1, 1910. tf Southern Railway Schedule. Following schedule' figures publish ed only as information and are not guaranteed. In effect May 15, 1910: 4:10 a. m., No. 8 Daily for Rich mond and all local points. Connects at Greensboro for Winston-Salem and Raleigh, at DenviUe for Norfolk. 6 :4ti a. iil, No. 44 Daily for Wash ington and points North. - Connects at Salisbury for Aabeville, Chattanoo ga and Memphis. - Pullman land day coaches Atlanta to Washington. - Pull man coach between Atlanta and Bal eigh.: v --- v.-: ' 60 a. m., No, 45-Daily for Char lotte and all local pointe. . 10:10 a. hl, No. 11 Daily for, At lanta and 1oeal points. 11:05 a. m No. ' 36 Daily for Washington and New York. Pullman sleepers New Orleans to New York; day coach New Orleans to New York. Washington and nil pointe north. ! 12:03 a . m, No. S0v Daily for Washington and New York. ' 3:40 p. m, No. 7. Daily for Char lotte and local stations. 3:40 p. m, .No. 46. Daily for Greensboro and loeal point. ! 6:43 p. m. No. 12 Daily for Rich mond and all loeal points. Connects at Saiisbnry for Aabeville, Chattanoo ga and Memphis. Sleeper, Charlotte to Richmond and Salisbury to Nor folk. ; - .' . v . 60 p. nu No. 35 Daily to Nor- tlanta and points South, deepen to New Orleans ' and .L arming?) am and day coaches "Washington to New Or leans. , tv u Vim -. d. r. a:, r - r. r iL r. c.r7, o. r. a, . . , PODTD mUTMETAL Vl 1 XV I JT1 1 1 SHINGLES . WHEN Cortright Metal Shingles were first Introduced (24 years ago) you had some excuse for being sceptical: But now If you are sceptical it can only be because you do not know the facts in the case. They are used today from the Atlantic to the Pacific for all kinds of buildings, under all conditions. They are fireproof, stormproof ; never leak and last as long as the building itself withouf needing repairs. For further detailed information apply to YORKE ta WADS WORTH CO, CONCORD, N. 0. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ! 2 vacant lots on South Union street, convenient to business part of city, 00x200 feet, for $000 each. 1 six room cottage on South Union street lot 134x300 feet at a bargain. 1 very desirable vacant lot 65x300 feet near business part of eity. 1 vacant lot on West Corbin street, 160x246 feet, cheap at $1,000. 1 six room cottage on West Corbin street beautifully papered with modern conveniences, lot 75x200 feet. 1 five room cottage on West Corbin street, near pustofflce at a real bar gain. f 1 two story six room dwelling, lot 80x325 feet, near postofflce. 1 vacant lot 80x325 feet adjoining the above lot. 3 very desirable pieces of property on Spring street, convenient to bu siness part of city. 2 very desirable residences on Georgia avenue. I nice cottage on corner of N. Spring and Marsh streets, with six large rooms and pantry. 1 five room cottage on East Depot strct, newly built, cheap. 1 nice vacant lot on East Depot street. 30 nice cottages and vacant lots on Franklin street, at Gibson Mill and Brown mill. We can give you some real bargains in the cottages and lots. 33 acres suitable for building lota or for farming lands. 29 acres in No. 11 township near D. V. Krimminger's land. 8 acres one mile east of court house with good dwelling, double barn and outbuildigs. T)e Barrier Mill property, 3 miles south of Mount Pleasant, consisting of acres of laud, tlour mill, corn mill, saw mill, boiler and engine, cot ton gin, wagon scales, all in good running condition by steam or water power. Dwelling stable and outliildings. A good stand for business; all for $1,600; one-half cash, balance in 12 mouths. 130 aorea with six room dwelling, nearly new, splendid doub'e bam, and outbuildings, situated 3 miles southwest of Kannapolis on public road. 68 1-2 acres of highly improved land, one miles west of Depot on Char lotte road. 151 acres known as the Spring Hill Farm, one mile west of depot on Charlotte macadam road. This is one of the most desirable pieces of real estate iu this section of the country. 87 1-2 acres, four miles east of Concord, good buildings, good orchard, good pasture, 30 acres in cultivation, 50 aires in timber, two rich gold veins. 10 acres, 3 miles 1 as t of Concord, two story dwelling aud outbuildings, 1500 cords of wood, several fine gold veins. Price $2250. A bargain. Good six-room residence, naar North TTnion street, with eity water in house. New metal roof just put on. Good barn; lot 67x195 feet One of the best neighborhoods in the city. Price $2200. On Marsh street, oppo- Dita W T Ttr.atian'a NaioniA 32 acres, all in the corporate limits of Concord, suitable for almost any thing. Small stream of water running through it. About 6 acres good meadow, and 8 acres fine trucking land. Can be cut np into fine building lots. Will be sold as a whole or cut to suit purchaser. We have several other bargains in town and country property which are not mentioned in this list. We have inquiries every day for land- nnd 1 own property and we would be gla dto list anything you have for sale. There is jio cost to yon un less a sale is made. JNO. K. PATTERSON & COMPANY e '' 1 LjJI THE GLORIOUS MOUNTAINS OF Western North Carolina . "THE LAND OF THE SKY" "THE SAPPHIRE COUNTRY' Where There is Health ln Every Breath. .1 The Climate la Perfect the Year Round. s In Spring and Summer the Region is Ideal. REACHED BY Southern Railway Solid Through Trams, including Parlor Car, between Goldsboro and Asheville via Raleigh, Greensboro, Salisbury. Other Con venient Through Car Arrangements. . . - Summer Tourist Tourist Ticket on Sal - J - MAY 15TH, 1910. . LET YOU. IDEAS AND WISHES BE KNOWN. .J. H. WOOD, D. P. A, Asheville, N. C. - , v . H. H. DeBUTTS, T. P. A, Charlotte, N. C. W. H. PAENELL, T. P. A Bakigb, N. G 4 For Any Kind of Job Printing Gcxzo td 77:s linzc a 4 I kit Pay your subscription a year in advance and get a pair of csr 1'A S-iach Spiles Tension ELcara. t: