a THE COKCORD DAILY TRIBUNE JOHN B. SHERRTTJs Editor and Proprietor. Local Telephone, No. 78. Bell Telephone, No. 14. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One Year $4.80 Six Months $2.40 Three Months $1-20 One Month -40 HUNGRY FACES, IDLE BULLS. PUBLISHER'S ANNOUNCEMENT. Advertising Tales .an be had at the office. Copy for change1? must be in bv 10 o'clock a. m. Cards of Thanks Resolutions of Respect, and similar articles are "barged at the rate of 5 cenU per line Cash in all cases. How Southern Mill Men View the Idea of Voting for a Republican to Represent Them. Lexington Dispatch. Congressman Morehead of the fifth district has been writing letters to citizens of the ninth district, using his frank, it is said, to semi the letters, which is unlawful, to get them to vote for MeXinch, the democrat who : has turned republican and been nom inated fur congress. Two cotton mill ! men got letters from him and their i answers will be read with interest by the laboring men of Lexington and j ollier mill towns, who know what it ; I means to have no work or half work j in these times or lniru prices ana Entered as second class man mauer , .)ni blil.all ,.,,.. April -O, lyio, hi me iusiunnp Concord, N. C, under tbe act of March 3. 1879. Out of the city and by mail the fol lowing prices on the Evening Trib une will prevail: ne Month 25 Six Months - $l-5t) Twelve Month? $3.00 JOHN M. OQLESBY, City Editor. Concord, N. C. Ji nk 2q, 1910 - - According to the Winston-Salem Sentinel, (he Republicans o fthe Fifth District are talking about nominating District Alorney Holton for Congress it' Morehead will not stand for rcnom imttion. The fifth district is normally Democratic by several thousand votes, and we do not believe it will ever go Republican again. We believe, how ever, that Mr. Holton would stand 111. ire chances of election than any other Kepub'ican, except Morehead, not because he is stronger with the people but because he is a politician of the slicker sort. ,1... u,..i:..;ii i ...........;.... i Railway III t I ! 111 nitiii.-wu .,1 11 11 11 1 iii t 11 1 111; Company, a cot tun mill linn, of Liu coluton, writes: Block System on Southern The bulletin just issued by the In terstate Commerce Commission giv ing the mileage of railways in the United States operated by the block system on January 1, 1910, shows that 2,080.1 miles of track of the Southern Railway, ccnstituting 30 per cent of the entire mileage of the system, is now equipped with this safety appli ance. Included in this is the entire main line from Washington to At lanta and on to Birmingham. The line from Bristol to Chattanooga, that from Chattanooga to Atlanta and Ma con, and other important sections. Iu the entire United States there are only seven railway systems with a greater mileage so operated than has the Southern. No other railway in the III H't'S B II ... . . I obber tariff' . l)eia.les anything like so large a mueage wiin uie uiock system. I he system in use on the 1-outhern 1 is what is known as the I 'telegraph block." Suitable sen.a-1 Iphore signals are erected at intervals I A I C o V MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS c You Are Interested'! 11. hi. Juo. M. Deal ing me lolte. f, paign. The announcement has been made that the census bureau at Washing ton will shortly begin to give out the figures, and that the population of the larger cities will be given first. Concord, of course, has its ears to the ground ready for the first announcements. Arizona and New Mexico. Kansas City Star. Arizona and New Mexico, which have just admitted to the Union, will rank among the largest states in size and the smallest in population. Ari zona has 113,000 square miles and New Mexico 123,000. Each is about one-half larger than Kansas and U exceeded in size only by Texas, with 2ti(i,U00 square miles, California with Morehead, Washington. D. C. Sir: I have your favor ask to support McN'iiii-h, of Char-ii- cmiirress in the coining cain Vour letter is couched in cour teous language and deserves a cour teous n ply. Imt 1 must say that I can not see I'm- the "life of nie" why any man of intelligence would support a republican for congress this coming elections of all elections. Willi spindles and looms standing idle and thousands of working men out of employment, and nearly all the manufacturing industries losing mon ey for three years or more under a protective tariff and a republican ad-, ministration, there is nothing to lead; us nearer to but much to drive us far ther from the support of any repub lican to represent this section in con gress. It i my opinion (asking your par don for saying it )that Mr. Webb will he re-elected by a larger majority than ever. ' Mr. S. N. I.attimore, secretary and. treasurer of the Rnlfalo Manufactur ing Company, of Stubbs, Cleveland county, wrote Congressman Morehead as follows: Your circular letter advocating the election of Mr. S. S. McXinch for congress from the !Hli congressional district has been received. 1 have am ple and abundant opportunity to an swer at this juncture. In fact I have nothing else to do. I ought to be busily engaged in my cotton mill and am deeply troubled over my enforced ; idleness not only for myself, but for a large number of men, women and children who like myself are depend-' dent upon the textile industry our support. The cotton mill which I am secretary ami treasurer has been standing idle for six weeks or about live miles along t'10 road to guide the engineuian in the control of his train. The spa -p bcteer these signals is called a block and .two passenger trains are under no circum stances permitted in a single block at the same time.. An Opportunity of a Lifetime to Get a Beautiful Sewing Machine at Your Own Price. We have placed in Our Show Window a -Hi Grade Paragon Sewing Machine Just like cut and until June 30th at 4 o'clock, P. M., we will accept bids of any amount for it. sua HOW TO CURE RHEUMATISM. It Is An Internal Disease And Re quires An Internal Remedy. The cause xf rheumatism and kiu dered diseases is an excess of uric acid ! in the blood. To cure this terrible dis- ! It will not cost you one cent to make a bid and you may get it very cheap. I The highest bidder will win it. HALL BEARING. VALUE $40 00. PARAGON" 1910 This machine is made by THE STANDARD SEWING MAC HINE CO. Cleveland, Ohio, mak ers of the World's Uest Sewing Machines. It is Ball Bearing and has every modern improvemt nt. It is a Beauty. It bus the reliable side tension, automatic tension release, capped needle bar, etc., is heavy and strong, thoroughly reliable aod guaranteed for io years. Style 14-A model. ease this acid must be expelled and the system so regulated that uo more acid will be formed iu excessive ' quantities. Rheumatism is an internal disease and requires an intt rnal rem edy. Rubbing with oils and Hui- nienU will not cure, affords only tern-, Don't fail to come in and bid. A low bid may get it, All you have to do is to drop into the store and porary relief at best, ca.is.-s you to enter your name and amount bid it costs you nothing to bid. Be sure to tell your friend or neighbors who delay the proper treatment, and al- nee machines about this Auction Sale. Saturday, June 30 at 4 P. M. the bids will be opened ind thesuc lows the malady to get a ilu.er hold ceRsful bidder wil1 06 announced you may be the lucky one. on you. Liniments may ease pa.n,1 Thursday, June 30th, We Will Have With Us An Expert From the Factory tney will no more cure Rheuuia- who will conduct the demonstration and exolain to vou the merits of these wonderful machines. He will Remember You Can Bid Until 4 O'clock P. M., June 30th. 1910. but tney will no more cure Rheuma tism than paint will change the liber also do some fancy feats in stitching which will be of interest to everybody. tion. He sure to come and bring your tnend. Don't miss this free exhibi- l'.miOO miri Montana villi UliOfH) una a Rm.h P Ilium w Aim miliw 1ino- 'P have about the same length as Kansas. Arizonia is 335 miles wide, while Xew Mexico is 350. According to the census of 1900 there were only two states of smaller population than Arizona and four states below New Mexico had 195.000 inhabitants, De'aware 184,000, Idaho 101,000, Arizona, Wyoming 9,OO0, Nevada 42,000. Arizona had a smal ler population in 1900 than Kansas City Mo., while New Mexico had few er'than Greater Kansas (.'it v. of rotton wood Science has at last discovered a perfect and complete cuie. which is called "Rheumacide." Tested in hundreds of cases, it has alTected the most marvelous cures; wc believe it i will cure you. Rheumacide "gets at the joints from the iiiside, " sweeps the poisons out of the system, tones, up the stomach, regulates the liver and kidneys and makes you well all for over. Kheumacide "strikes the root fr f ije disease and removes its cause." This splendid remedy is sold by drug gists and dealers generally at 50c a bottle. In tablet form at market. Since 1907 J 25c and 50c a package. Oct a bottle Miipiei-etieiiieAi uiui-1 todav. Hooklet Tree ir vou write to Bobbitt Chemical Co., Baltimore, Md. Ha fsnra f a Hi A Fill Out This Blajvk ivnd Send It In. rtnn'f Mice ihie (Irani Onnnriiiniftr v , uv vi yub y uif v vuiui t Name Address . Name of my machine is. How old ia it? My bid is with a large accumulation of stocks yarn on hand for which I am unable ian $1 living faced uess, the tinaiicial and physical suf-j fiiriiiir line Kann Huron ! I have always heard from republi-' For sale b Oibson Dni Store- Con can orators that the democrats Tverejoora N. C responsible for the hard times of j iS'Xi and applying this same reason Miss Helen Keller, the blind girl, uoncoret x qrarcare y: o how can your party escape the charge whose intellectual achievements have of responsibility for the evil hours made her name familiar through the that now apparently overwhelm us f Knglish speaking world, received many "All nf which being applied," congratulations and good wishes yes-' means to convey the accurate in forma- , terday on her thirtieth birthday, tiun thai I am for the Honorable E. Y. Though unable to sieak. to see or If thev W'bb for congress and shall do all I hear, Miss Keller eompleled a four To prove its great value as a hair beautifier we want to give you, together with our book about the hair, a regular 25c. bottle of have continued to grow in the last ('a" 111 every honorable way to decade at the same rate they showed 'rease his accustomed majority." from 1890 to 1900 neither of them is ' " as large today as that part of Kansas 1 Deafness Cannot be Cured City which lies in Missouri, through By local applications, as they cannot each of them will be entitled to two reach the diseased portion of the ear. I nited States senators. , there is only one way to cure deaf- years course at Hadclilf college and is remarkable well versed in all the high branches of learning. Glad to Recommend Them. Mr. E. Weakley, Kokomo, Ind., "After taking Folev's Kdnev However, this sort of discrepencv oess, and that is by constitutional ; fills, the secvere backache left me. mv has become familiar through the case remedies. Deafness is caused by an , kidneys became stronger, the secre of Nevada, which casts less than halt" inflamed condition o2 the mucous lin-. tions natural and my bladder no Jon as many votes as Kansa, City. ing of the Eustchian Tube. When this ' ger pained me. I am glad to recom There is always danger of sparsely tube is inflamed you have rambling mend Foley's Kidney Pills." In a yel- popuiatea states tatting into the con- souna or imperiect bearing, and when low package. Cabarrus Drug Co. j trol of privilege-seeking corporations. it is entirely closed, Deafness is the j Here's hoping that Arizona and New result, and unless the inflammation A woman usually loves her so-called Mexico, when admitted, may avoid this can be taken ont and this tube restord j rivals about as much as a barber loves j i anger; ana tney may preserve sell-t io "s normal contmion, neanng wilISaitey razors, government and that they may live De destroyed forever: nine eases ont oi ten are earned by Catarrh, which TTi 17 IH1 COMBINATION air mm long and prosper I The True Function of a Public School. Winston Sentinel. It has always seemed to us that the function of a public school is to afford thorough instruction along elementary lines for those who do not intend to go to college and thorough preparation for a college - course for those who do. We be lieve there Iras sometimes been a ; tendency to try to crowd too many '('different studies into public school ;f courses at tihe expense of thorough x ness in the fundamental branches Sr that every publie school, of course, -is expected to teach. There seems Mo be at 'present an encouraging ten dency in this State to make a charge along this line and to pay more at f tention to fundermentals and to teach ' thoroughly what is taught rather than ; to try to teach as many subjects as possible, some of which properly only i- in a college course. Ths Harness Has Not Yet Been ICads. Charlotte Chronicle. . Concord is looking forward to tak- i ing s street ear ride id celebration of I the Fourth of July, The track is there from the depot to the factory, but the harness has not yet been sd- ; justed to the ears. : t Colonel Roosevelt, soeordin? to re port, will meet President Taft and Governor Hughes in conference this week. : - . ; is nothing; but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by Atarrh ) that cannot be cured by Hall 's Catarrh Cure. Send for circular free. F. J. CHENEY A CO, Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75e. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. Western Kansas Needs Men. There is an unusually large demand for harvest hands in the Western half of Kansas this year because of heavy ,.:u i i .. .renin uj. wiieuv in many sections. Farmers are paying $2.50 to 3.50 a day wr men, ami tH.DO to So.UO lor men with teams. The banner wheat coun ty in Kansas this' year is Rush, where million Dusoeis are expected. The Conservation of Nature's . onroei. ' , . Applies as well to our nhnieal stats as to material things. C. J. Bodlong, Washington, B. L realised his condi tion, and took warning before it was too late. He says: "I suffered severe ly from kidney trouble, the disease be ing Hereditary In oar family. I have taken four bottles of Foley's Kidney Remedy, and now consider myself thoroughly cured. This should be warning to all not to neglect taking VaImI. rtJiiM nM.ii. ...-I t late." Cabarrus Drug Co. Concord. -. Large buildings are not erected on narrow foundations. , Stops earache in two minutes, toothache or pain or burn or scald in five minutes; hoarseness, one hour; muscleache, two hours; sore throat, twelve hours Dr. Thomas' Electru Oil, monarch over pain. At druf stores. IU I 8 I S ' ij NOTICE. That my friends, ecquaintances and others may have an opportunity to take Chiropractic Nerve and Spinal treatments, I will be at the Fisher residence, corner Union and Grove streets, Monday, .Wednesday and Fri- aay or each week. Hours 4 to 8 p. m. A partial list of diseases successfully treated is liall stones, Neuralgia, Ner zour Prostration, Rheumatism, Fevers, Diseases of the Heart, Liver, Kid neys, Stomach, Long, Bowels and Women 's diseases. Ninety per cent, of the troubles of suffering humanity, especially women, originate at the spine. No drags are used. DR. F. J. BATES, . Chiropractic Nerve end Spinal Spec ialist, Rooms 917-019 Realty Bldg Charlotte, N. C ' , , Southern's Convenient Bummer Sche dule to the 'Land tf the Sky." . Southern Railway snonnees that Spring sod Summer ehantres in Sche dules to Western North Carolina re sorts will take place Sunday, June 6, with through Sleeping Car service from all points, affording excellent sernee. - It is expected that even rreafer crowds than ever before will visit these famous mountain resorts dur ing the turner Simply fill out the cou pon and mail it to-day (enclose ten cents to show good faith), and this bottle will be de livered to you free. Answer the questions on the coupon and a Wosdbiry Cesisasy Specialist will write you a letter telling you what to do if you want abun- If yoa don't wt WmJkmn't Fmc mi tU laktl. Si on Nearly forty years' experience and reputation stand back of every bottle. It is totally different from anything you. have ever tried. Its principal nature is to , beautify the hair and promote its healthy growth. It prevents "the hair from falling put, stops itching of the- scalp, and ! removes dandruff. The trial will convince you. . . Users oi WscJbnry' s Preparations are privileged to . write to the . specialists, at 47 W. 34tk -. SL, N.Y. for information .about the care of - their hair and for advice) regarding tne treat- ment of the complexion. ; " 1 JO i 1 ' , j GIBSON DXUa STOSE. iCammmai S Hi m ' " Si f it si rnmrt mtr J .' .- S B . w. - " - W 3)T . 1 V r- V V - .- ' . dant, glossy, beautiful hair. Woodbury's. Combination Hair Tonic is not a new preparation. N e i t her is it an experiment. It has been used by the Specialists at the famous Wood bar y's Institute for over a third of a century. Distribnton for Concord. ,-1 .... i . tduvt Snsuner Oojd Hay Do. -A summer sold if neglected is Just ss apt to -develop into bronchitis or pneumonia as at any other season . Do not neglect it Take Foley Honey and Tar promptly It loosens the cough, soothes and heals the inflamed sir passages, and expels the sold in the system. Cabarrus Dreg Co. k ,;, i. Set The Times for Jet rrlaSax. L. N.Burleyon, D. '; '-y .Concord, ir. a -.y;' A; Office and residence in. Morris Build ing, .rooms 12 sad 18. . :-, ( , , ;. .f1TiOB No. 530. . . . ROLL PAP EH for f.dding machines always on hand at The Tribune office. - ' .'" For Sale Cheap! Two storyt 6-room dwelling with pantry and bath room,' on North Un ion strec, lot 67x160. . V r . ; -: ' I TSO. S. PATTERSON ft CCPAJT. V

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