xi c::::::j m rasa 40121 B. H Cditar and fropriatet; Local Tsltphoae, Ko7t , EeH Tslepaoae, lift. Ii. " STOSCSIPTIOir KATES. On Tear.. rM-BO 8U Months ; ' $2.40 ThrseifiontJtt .-IL20 One Monti. .40 PUEUSJna'l-ANlTOUK CEMENT Advertiaini rales on be bad at the office. 1 Copy for change most be in by 10 'clock IE Caida.of . Thanks Resolutions of ReMMeL.. and . similar article are hafged..at the rata of 5 cent per in Cain in all eases. Entered a aeeond class mail matter April. 26, 1910, at the postoffiee at Concord. ,N. : C, under the act oi March 3. 1870. Ont f .the city and by mall the fol lowing price na the Evening Trib uns will prevail i . )ne Mtfntk,w .25 flts Months.,.. $1-50 TwelF2ioatba $3.00 JOHN ML OGLESBY, City Editor. Concord, N. C, July 5, 1910 Gen. Julian S. Carr has been nom inated for the House by the Demo crats of Durham county and, of course, will be elected. It is well that men of such ability and high charac ter as Gen. Carr can be prevailed upon to go. as lawmakers, for the State needs just such men in its coun cil balla at Raleigh. We learn that Gen. Care's friends will push him for speaker of the House, and if he is a candidate his opponents may be as sured of a "foertan worthy of their steel." Mr. R. Lee Wright, of Salisbury, who has been a candidate for the nom ination for judge in bis district, has withdrawn, leaving the field open to Judge Long. Mr. Wright is a gen tleman and a lawyer oif ability but there was no reason whatever why Judge Long should be retired, and the Democrats of bis district have sus tained this view by instructing for him almost unanimously. The Congressional convention to nominate a Democratic candidate for Congress in this district, will meet in Statesville Friday, July 15, at 11:30 a. in. As the State convention will meet in Charlotte the day before, it is eveident that it is not expected that the latter will be as long drawn out.as it was two years ago. THE CONE PICNIO AT GREENSBORO. Tha. Sixth Annual Gating Given by the Messrs.. Cono to Their Em- ployees at Greensboro Saturday. Sunday morning's Greensboro News gives the following account of the big Cone picnie held in that city last Saturday: la a shady oak grove, far enough removed from the roads to escape the.-clouds of dust that floated with every breeze, and yet bo situated that very breeze which stirred cooled hot and tired faces ,the employes of Prox imity, Revolution and White Oak Cotton mills, and their numerous friends enjoyed their sixth annual outing yesterday at the expense of their employer, Ceasat . Cone. The crowd was hippy one, end while a general enthusiam filled them all, signs of boisterousness were absent. They had gone there for a good dinner, for good, musio and tfor good speaking, and they got al lthey went for.. They felt welcome, and indeed they were for the word "Welcome," printed on United States flags, were strung tip overs the entrance, and over different partf of the grounds. And Mr. Cone tokj. them in his speech that he hoped he ftras facing his friends, their friends, and their; friends V friends. People from many parts of the State were-there. , ' The arrangements for the outing were? most excellently carried out, and to f, J. Phoenix, who had matters in charge, goes the credit for this.; He Was instructed by Mr. Cone to make the picnic as good and better, if post sibloi than all previous. ones. Nothing thatfcould be done was left undone. An artesian well had been sunk in the upp'-r part of the grove, and from this cold water was pumped all over the ' "rounds. A large tent, for the mothers and their .babies whs might ibeccme tired during, the day, had been rak d in a quiet place nnJ in the tent swinging cribs were placed, and for he special benefit of the children ice ir. er! ,wL sm r id muz ana coniecuonery were led there. To serve the dinner Phoenix bad provided 150 wait .11 of whom were dressed in . The decorations were profuse. 1 fairs beina strunz over the " and the many stands enwrap- i red, wmie and blue bunt in?, ' ' 1 was given a small United 4 ', , and everyone received 1-1. 1,000 pounds of Frankfurter Mav age, 15,000 sandwiches of chicken and bam 20,000 eg?, 20,000 tweet and soar pickles, a solid ear load of water- melona weighing on an average of 40 pounds each, ,100 bushels of peaches, 2,000 cantaloupes, 2,000 pineapples which "were alieed and boned in su gar Friday, a solid ear load of ba nanas, 5,000 bags of hot roasted pea nuts, 12,000 lemons squeezed into lemonade (and it was pure lemonade too) and 450 gallons of ice cream. This was all the cream that could be found in the cities of Charlotte, Sal isbury and Greensboro. An express car was required to haul it in. The expense of the feast was $4,000. A serious accident occurred at the works of the North Carolina Electric Power Company, two miles below Marshall Friday morning when two men, a negro and a white man, were killed by a premature blast The ne gro was entirely covered with rock and dirt being killed outright, "vhile the white man lived for a short time. Deputy Sheriff Frank M. Jordan, serving for the past twelve or thirteen months as a deputy under Sheriff T. F. Hunter, was Saturday summarily dismissed by the high sheriff of Bun combe county. The dismissal of Mr. Jordan, who, together with Sheriff Hunter, Deputy Sheriff E. M. Mitch ell and Deputy Sheriff C. F. Wil liams, were candidates before the Democartic primary last Saturday for the sheriffalty nomination, came as surprise and explanations were sought. There is more catarrh in this sec tion of the country than all other dis eases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incur able. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and pre scribed local remedies, and by con stantly (failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional treatment. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the on ly constitutional cure on the market. It istaken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts direc- ly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hun dred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testi monials. Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Take Hall Family Pills for consti pation. If a woman wants a welcome when she gets borne she should leave her husband with the baby when she goes. Atchison Globe. ITCH RELIEVED AT, ONCE. That terrible itch disappears with the FIRST DROPS of a simple com pound of oil ot wintergreen, thymol and glycerine mixed in D. D. D. Pre scription. This soothing, healing lo tion used externa' ly kills the eczema germ instantly. Heretofore the D. D. D. remedy has been sold only in $1.00 bottles; but as a special offer, any sufferer in this town who has never tried D. D. D. can now try this remedy in a special bottle at 25c. We KNOW this. Gib- son Drug Store. A man in hiding longs for a change of scenery. Hay Fever and Asthma Bring discomfort and misery to many people but Foley's Honey and Tar gives ease and comfort to the suffering ones. It relieves the conges tion in the head and throat and is soothing and healing. None geniue but Foley's Honey and Tar in the yellow package. Cabarrus Drug Co. He I have been told that I was handsome. She When was that? He Today. She No; 1 tnean when were yon handsome? Comic Cuts. Foley's .Kidney Remedy will cure any case of kidney and bladder trou ble not beyond the reach of medicine No medicine can do more. Cabarrus Drug Co. FARMER'S WIFE IIAD:EEAR TO DO Mrs. Shepherd Was in Bad Shape , When She Could Not Stand on ,; ;JierFeet Durham, N. C "I am a former's wife." writes Mrs. 1. M. Shenherd. of this city, "and have a heap to do.", "Four months ago I could not stand on my test, to do anything much, but at this time I do the most of my work. I took Cardui and it did me more good man au ine aociors. , . "You 'don't know half how I thank you for ,the Cardui Home Treatment,; 1 wish that all women who suffer from womanly trouble would treat themselves as 1 have." 2 Ladies can easily treat themselves at Dome, with Cardui, the woman's tonic. It is easy to take, and so gentle in Its action, that it cannot do anything but good. Being composed exclusively of vege table ingredients, Cardui cannot lay up trouble in your system, as mineral drugs often do. Its ingredients having no harsh, medicinal effects, and being non poisonous and perfectly harmless, Cardui 13 absolutely safe for young and old. A?' your druggist. He will tell you to iry Car Jui. NO. TOWNSHIP. ? The young folks all enjoyed the nice ice cream i upper at Jacob Hart sell's on Saturday night of last week. Jacob Ilartseli has a badly cut horse, on account of a nail being driv en through a plank and not clinched in the stable. , Mr. T. D. Dry and wife have moved on E. T. Bost's place in No. 9. Our (farmers are all through har vesting and most of them have hauled in the wheat and oats. Mr. James Rinehardt has made him a new improved cultivator that will run without man or horse, if a wo man does the plowing with a mule. Mr. J. D. Baugh is not improving very fast. Miss Emma Plott is on the sick list. The Buffalo ball team will play a game of ball with tbe Bear Creek team Saturday in Stanly county. Miss Nannie Teeter spent last Sun day with Miss Soplironin Rinehardt. Miss Lottie Rinehardt spent last Sunday with Miss Addie Tally, in No. nine. Quite a number of our young folks are expecting to attend the big picnic at Bear Creek. Willis Hartsell and Pierson Rine hardt spent last Friday in Concord. We are having some very hot wea ther this week on the cotton and corn. GENT. EASTFIELD. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wallace left for Hiddenite Tuesday. Mrs. Wallace will be gone for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Dixon and family, spent Tuesday at Mrs. Bob Wallace's. Miss Anna Brumley, of Poplar Tent, spent Sunday alfgternoon with Miss Pattye Wallace. Mr. O. T. Brumley was a visitor at Eastfield Sunday. Mr. Brevard Wallace spent Mon day in Salisbury buying bis new thresher. He brought it home with him and will begin threshing on Thursday. Mr. R. S. Templcton, of Moores- ville, is spending a few days with Mr. J. R. Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Price Caldwell spent Sunday afternoon in Eastfield. Miss Pattye Wallace spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. Joe Haines. Miss Carrie McCelvey, of Mt. Car- mel, S. C, is expected to visit in East field next week. Mrs. Luther Wallace's little daush- ter, Pauline, is very ill at this writing. Miss Mary Davis is spendinsr some time with Mrs. J. L. Wallace. Mr. Walter Ritchie, of Concord, spent last night at Col. Bob Wal lace's putting up a new engine for him. RUBER. WESTERN STANLY. Master Rob Biggers, of Concord, is spending a few weeks at his uncle's, Mr. F. P. Furr. Connie Teeter spent Saturday nisrbt at Locust. Miss Lottie Love spent Sunday with Miss Ella Barbee. Mr. J. T. Jenkins attended preach ing at Antioeh church in Union Sat urday and Sunday. Mrs. J. T. Kennedy and little boys. Zeb andBryan, spent Saturday at her mother's, near Big Lick. On last Saturday evening the Lo cust second nine and Rocky River baseball team played a game on the latter 's grounds, which resulted in a score of 13 and 15 in favor of Rocky River. This was the first match game tne Kocfcy wiver boys had played and they were greatly elated over their victory. Batteries : Locust Tucker and Little; Rocky River, Tough and Love. NUNTIUS. 4 FAITH. Mr, A. G Melchor & Son., have fin ished James Jones' ' welL ' It is 40 feet deep with 8 to 10 gallons of wa ter per minute. They have moved to Richard Barker's and commenced pne for him. " 1 - Mr. M. A. Stirewalt. of China Grove is visiting his brother and two sons in Faith this week. . ;,. A big crowd has already been made op to go to Asheville on the excur sion on July 6th, 1910.- . W. o.' Earnhardt is in ' Faith threshing wheat with his big traction engine and outfit,,' - VENUS.,, ' i - 1 "' ; ;' Advertised List at the Concord Fost ? office, July 4th,v 1910. J , ' O. ' ' MEN.-. ' " Tenton Fntrell.'T. Q. Gray. James Hopkins, Chos. A. JerrelJ, George Lit tie L'lint Miller, Mason C. Misen heimer, J. C. Moore. Oestreicher & Co., G. M. Robinson, Dr. J. B. Smith, m. jj. vynitiey, j. u. walker, . ,; V fV - WOMEN. s- a'.1.' 5-4 . Mrs. M. E. Davis. Lucv Davis. Mrn. Annie Eudev. fSoecial dplivorv ,Mra Eliza teurty, Mrs., P. J. Howie, Loula Fisher, Miss Allis Howie, Mrs. Dora juutiin, jjxiB. luiub mums, niuue trai ler, Uattio Starnes. Mrs. M. Me A. Voy, Mrs. Lula Winecoff,'Mrs. Sallie Youngs . - i r . . . . -When calling for the above please . M. L. BUCHANAN, Postmaster. The Important Problem- confronting anyone, la need of a lax tive Is not a question of a single ac tion only, but of permanently bene ficial effects, which will follow proper efforts to live In a healthful way, with the assistance of Syrup ot Figs and Elixir , ot Senna, whenever It Is re quired, as It cleanses the system gently yet promptly, without irritation and will therefore always. have the preference of all who wish the best ot family laxatives. .. r ' The combination, has, the approval of physicians because it la known to be truly beneficial, and because It has given satisfaction to the millions of well-infonned families, who have naed it for many years past; To get its beneficial .effects, always buy the genuine manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. New Irish Potatoes now on hand. Nicest kind of Tomatoes and every thing accord ingly. Phone us your orders and be pleased, or come and see our stock. HAHN-HOMEYCUTT CO., Phone 263. Concord, N. ,C. Did You Ever Think About This? That two things are necessary in ev ery dependable Plumbing equipment Good Fixtures and Reliable Work manship. We supply both Plumbing Fixtures and our own High-Grade Workmanship. Both guaranteed by ns. THE SANITARY PLUMBING 00. Phone 334. 81 S. Union St. Southern Railway Stele. Following schedule figures publish ed only as information and are not guaranteed. ... In effect May 15, 1910: 4:10 a. m., No. 8 Daily for Rich mond and all local points. Connects at Greensboro for Wins tm-Salem and Kaleigh, at Denville for Norfolk. 6 :46 a. m., No. 44. Daily for Wash ington and points ' North. Connects at Salisbury for Asheville, Chattanoo ga and Memphis. Pullman And day coaches Atlanta to Washington. Pull man coach between Atlanta and Ral eigh. 6:20 a. m., No. 45 Daily for Char lotte and all local points. 10:10 a. m., No. 11 Daily for At lanta arid local points. 11:05 a. m, No. 30 Daily for Washington -and New York. Pullman sleepers New Orleans to New York; day coach New Orleans to New York. Washington and all joints north. 12 :Ud a . m., No. . 30. Daily for Washington and New York. 3:40 p. m., No. 7. Daily for Char lotte and local stations. 3:40 p. m., No. 46. Daily for Greensboro inu local points. , 6:43 p. m., No. 12 Daily for Rich mond and all local points.' Connects at Salisbury for Asheville, Gbattanoo- ga and, Memphis. .Sleeper, Charlotte to Richmond and Salisbury to Nor folk. 8:50 p.' m., No. 35 Daily 'to Nor- lanta and points South. Sleepers to New Orleans and Birmingham and day eoaches Washington to New Or leans. . 1 ' R. L. Vernon, D. P. A., Charlotte, IT. O H. P. Cary, O., P. A-, Washington, D.O An ideal place to soend thd summer. , The water unsurpassed. Accommodations for 2Z0 ruesta. Sewerasre. hot and coldHbaths. Ulectxic lights. Enlarged throng room. Small tables.. Splendid lare and service. ... Two throusrh.trains from Char Iotte, daily except Sundays. i'hone and telcrntph .connec tions. Resident phycician. first clas3 ficcommodt;cr.3 tt a ' low rice. Llsv, Jur.3 cni iScptem cr, $3 to ii per wcclc July and R.vjzt, , J ta r"r wcc;c ' ' i-ijcc!-lra-it'f":::ci-. , 'Open J yl'JtoOct , 1C10. -a t.r I kl, t o r F Has since 1S&4 pten "TborouSh Inamiction under positively Chrtatiaa InAuencea at the lowest poenibl coat." RESULT: It is to-day with its faculty of 33, a boarding patronage of 528, ha student body of 400, and iU plant worth 1140,000 -TOE LEADING TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS IN VIRGINIA $1M pays all charges for tbe year, including table board , room, lights, steam . beat, laundry, medical attention, physical culture, and tuition in all subjects except musks and elocution. For catalogue and application blank adores -, BLACXSTONS FEMALE INSTITUTE, Blackstone, Va. JAS. CANNON, Jr, M. A. ) . , , -THOS. R. REEVES, B. Associate Principals ; REAL ESTATE FORI SALE'!'; 1 "' 2 vacant lots on South Union street, convenient to business part of city, v ' 60x200 feet, for $600 each. ' '"-' 1 six room cottage on South Union street lot ,134x300 feet at a bargain, 1 very desirable vacant lot 65x300 feet near business part of city, , . 1 vacant lot on West Corbin street, 160x246 feet, cheap at $1,000. 1 six room cottage on West Corbin street beautifully papered with - modern conveniences, lot 75x200 feet. , 1 five room cottage on West Corbin street, near pvstofflce at a real bar i gain. r r, . - s 1 two story six room dwelling, lot 80x325 feet, near postoffiee. lvaeant lot 80x325 feet adjoining the. above lot. ' 3 very desirable pieces of property on Spring street, convenient to ta'-A . siness part of city. , , " - -. 2 very desirable residences on Georgia avenue. I nice cottage on eorner of N. Spring and Marsh streets, with six large; rooms . and pantry. msbisbsbI .l five room cottage on East Depot stret, newly built, cheap. . 1 nice vacant lot on East Depot street. 30 nice cottages and vacant lots on Franklin street, at Gibson Mill ., and Brown mill.. We can give yon some real .bargains in the cottages, i and lots. . 33 acres suitable for building lots or for farming lands. , b 29 acres in No. 11 township near D. V. Kiimminger's land. . 8 acres one mile east of court house with good dwelling, double bam -and outbuildigs. Ti e Barrier Mill property, 3 miles south of Mount Pleasant, consisting of ., acres of land, flour mill, corn mill, saw mill, boiler and engine, cot ton gin, wagon scales, all in good running condition - by steam or water - power. Dwelling stable and outUildiDgs. A good stand for business; all v for $1,600; one-half cash, balance in 12 months. . 130 acres with six room dwelling, nearly now, splendid doub'e bamj and outbuildings, situated 3 miles southwest of Kannapolis on public road. ' 68 1-2 acres of highly improved land, one miles west of Depot on Char lotte road. -. 151 acres known as the Spring Hill Farm, one mile west of depot on . Charlotte. macadam road. This is one of the most desirable pieces of real -estate in this section of the country. 87 1-2 acres, four miles east of Concord, good buildings, good orchard, good pasture, 30 acres in cultivation, 50 aires' in timber, two rich gold veins. . " 10 acres, 3 miles ast of Concord, two story dwelling aud outbuildings, 1500 cords of wood, several fine gold veins. Price $2250. .'A bargain.i(; Good six-room residence near North rnion street with eity water .in s bouse.- New metal roof just put on. Good, barn; lot 67x195 feet, Onenf the best neighborhood. in the city. Price, $2200t On Marsh street, oppo site D. J. Bostian's residence, 32 acres, all in the corporate limits of Concord, suitable for almost any. thing. Small stream of "water running through it. About , 6 aores ' good : : meadow, and. 8 acres fine trucking land. an be cut up into fine buildings ;i lots. Will be sold as a whole or cut to suit purchaser. We. have several other bargains in town and country proper ty which are not mentioned in this list. - , t ' We, have inquiries every day for land and own property - and wa would be gla dto list anything yon have for sale, There is no cost to yon nn ' less a sale is made. JNO. ;K. PATTERSON & COIJPAHX SEABOARD AIR LIHE RAILWAY: Schedule in Effect May 15, 1910.1 c ( ; Quickest 'ne to New1 York, Washington, Florida Points, t Charlotte, Atlanta, Birmingham. Memphis, New Orleans and Points West. Double Daily Service, with High Backu Seat Coaches, Pull- - uiau vuctJiug voii) Trains leave Charlotte as follows:" '' B&AflTBOUsTSU - 3 II.M w... i., 6KM p.pn. Hft 18S.. , 7:00 p. m : "' Local Sleeper Charlotte to Portsmouth on 132. ; j J Weioperate double -daily vestibule service,, with through , ; ii Pullman sleeping Cars, to Jacksonville Atlanta, Binning- . S i s-ii ham, Memphis; Fort Worth, Norfolk, -Washington ' ; Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York.r 'Fortime tables,- booklets, reservations, or any informatiou : ili! call on Jas.' Ker Jr., T. P. A., Charlotte, or address-, - r I"; ; ;' H.S.XEAED,:Dip.A., Kaleigh, N. a fwaiiMMaMiaMsMMa If HcicUtOvBDY,; ' Flu A 1 '" ii4h-: For Any-: Kind" A I:- HI, ii 1 V J ouu viuiug vaiBi ' WS8IBODHS. So. 188... .a '. 9a.n. No.4T,.,... 4:tf p.sa.i of Job' Printir- X til- ft n.r-'- :zj Ccii mice Fr: :3ty " i i ense amount of food l:$ TLs TLscs for r.I i was elaborate and con