fx 'rrf-- Itor aad Ptepdetar. Local Teltpho&e, He. TL iua Ttipho&, ! "One Year Hftr .. . 2.0 . nrr M-S On Month , - " Advertising rates can be bed at the -fp-Oopy-for -change must be In by 10 o'clock a. m. . - Cards of Thanks . Resolutions of , tssnsot, wit are ekamjsdiat U rets of 6 eent per tat ii fish la all eases. ' ( Jtattvediaa second class sail matter ,iiril 28, at tk postoffiea at ' Coaeerd, .N. C, under th act oi ,i(areB, 1V9. QaLst the UT aad by mail thi iW lreing prices -o lbs Eraiag Trfb jm wtlhpwail: . oa.Matk (. -25 .OiaoUit .:TelvJsoaiht 3.00 jOjQf M. ..OflUBSBY Qlty Editor. Cokcoed, N. C, Jult 8, igio The deadlock in- thi Fifth congress ional district is probably the most .atuhborn that -baa ever occurred in : the i State, with the exception, of crane, of the memorable State con rentiom two years ago, and the conven tion of the twelfth Judicial district at Gastonia bids fair to keep it company. . If - It were to do over again, and Bellinger had to be appointed to something, Mr. Taft would probably oomiaeta him for buttonhole inspector : at Timbuoto. Airship lines, however, will not se riously affect the passenger business of the regular trains, yet awhile. -What Roosevelt is not going to do furnishes-almost as fine a field for peculation as what he is going to do. In Hew -York a marriage license eosta $1.00 and a dog license $2. Well, . the man secures possession of the dog for a year at least. Bttuil to Grow Cotton. The Braiilian Minister of Agricul ture has made arrangements to send to the United States a well known specialist' in cotton growing to visit the Southern States to study Ameri can methods of ootton growing and obtain a n amber of American experts to go to Braail to further the inter ests of ootton cultivation in that coun try according to a report of Vioe Consul General J. J. Siechta, of Bio Janeiro. ThOiMinister of Agriculture wants these American -experts to travel throughout the cotton-growing sec tions of Brazil and act. as inspectors and especially as instructors. "In view of the fact that Brazil is probably the only country other than the United States -which possesses lands eapable of cotton production on a "realty large scale Ham step, is of con siderable significance," says the Con sul. ' - Fifty Thousand Turtles. rftyrthoasand live diamond-back tojtlta Were shipped from JSfew Or leans recently in a tank car to New York. B. W. Wiehens, who operates on f i the .largest; turtle-breeding phnta inrthe vend, on Jefferson Par ish, across the river from Now Or leans, Ailed the tank car with filtered eisseja tratesaaad est in the necessary f oed suppry-o creatures during tbe trip. To fill the large order in so I short a time it was found necessary : to resort to artificial incubation, 200, 6 000 eggs being put into-warm water for the purpose, ; Mosbotf the, Parties are from three tevarjcasnatbs-old, the - age at which they are most desirable. Each year the demand for sea food seems to increase until that business basegrown to enormous proportions. espesiaBy in the civilised coitions of the world. fiDeakerahin. ' Jha ICXsoreeviUs Enterprise wan nounees an this issue that in an inter- view with Mr, Zeb V. Turlington it learns that he wU. be a candidate for the next apeakewlapviheonse of Representatives. Mr. Turlington has distinguished himself in the halls of the General Assembly, and during thatsa J mat us Dewdght. in 1907, be was urged by his friends in the legislature to make the race for the position then, but be would not con sentr.8!iys th Enterprise. Ee has rL-; .cilaJt fredflU comity for tbe past six years, and has a strong fol losing throughout the State, friends who are now urging bun to make the raca. tot r -sell, t';e iJy on k of the court of "J county, died at 11 y morning at the Char- i cf typhoid fever, af- KZl.'i cys. " i a C..r l tst tie i a ( e;:u:ji?:C race i.ext IN AYIATO SCHEDULE Lm WaM Plaea Ctt Per Twee . ty-feer Hserc. . Aa endurance race tMtweaa aero planes, to start at sunrise aad ea4 at sunset. Is the latest proposal to show the development of heavier thaa air fiytog -craft i mtM two and ooe balf, aallM as cbcsuazsMfkte-will be want at Garden dry, N. Y, by Oaga BL Tarbell and suits We steads, fences and automobile parking spaces erected. - Count Fwdlaand 4 Leaser. who recently flew from France to Engtaad, put was enable to retnra within -the twenty-four .hoars stipulated for -the Matin's fABOO prise, and tbe Hon. a & Bolls, who la a Wright machine was the first man to make a doable cross ing of the English chaanel In an alr shlp of any kind, probably will be among the starters In the proposed race.- Charles E. Hamilton, Captain Thomas 8. Baldwin, XL 2. Seymour, CUffcrd B. Harmon, Harry & Harkneas and oth ers -whose machines are being con structed or assembled at Garden City have Intimated their desire to compete In this race. The endurance contests will be con ducted very much aa are the twenty four boor automobile races. Judges, stationed all the way around the two and a half mile course, can see that corners are not cut, and tbe winner will be the flier who completes .tbe greatest number of laps. Aeronauts will be permitted to make any repairs they choose and to come down for re pairs, supplies or rest aa often as they desire. FIRE AT FALSTAFF HOME SITE London Roll of 8hekoopooroan Char acter Destroyed. Few of those who visited the scene of a Ore In Viae street, London bridge, recently knew that tbe building occu pied the site of the town bouse of Sir John Fastolf, tbe original of Shake speare's Falataff, who In his day was a continual butt for the ests of the town and borough of South-war k. Though be bad fought at Aglncourt when Jack Cade Invaded the borough, he displayed great cowardice. When Cade was yet some way off Fastolf bad armed and fortified hla bouse and garrisoned It with veterans of tbe French wars. On the arrival of Cade, however, be withdrew his garrison and fled to the Tower, leaving his neighbors to the mercy of the rebels. Fastolf s matrimonial adventures seem also to have been another source of unpopularity, for, having married a widow named Bcrope, he seized her property and kept his stepson out of his Inheritance during his own lifetime. SUES FOR DIVORCE IN RHYME 8pokano Man 8aya Wifo "Tolls Mot, Neither Does She Spin." Whether G. H. Forth, plaintiff in the suit, or his counsel, J; C. Kleber, is re sponsible for establishing a precedent in the Spokane (Wash.) county supe rior court by telling bis domestic trou bles in rhyme is not known, but In the following lines -incorporated In the Complaint are the several charges pre ferred against Delia Forth In enaction for divorce: The defendant toll not, neither doea the . :. apln. B tier Monro hours ether hearts doth ahe win llgsJmt the wlah and without a husband's consent. Kolther tune nor affection on htm has aha apent s -a- TH1. patleaca-.no. loeger-eoctt conduct loan endure, And a wronged spouse now a "divorce would procure. j The Forths were married In Spokane In November.. 1904,. and have a War- year-old child. FISH MAY EAT SKEETERS. larvard Professor Has oheme to Aid New England. Dr.' Samuel Garman of Harvard and rther scientists - have put forth itbe proposition of exterminating the moe sjulto pest in New England by the In troduction and acclimating of goldfish and the species of cyprJnodonts into lakes -and ponds when the mosquito abounds. .The goldfish, of which there are already many In tbe Charles river. e ' great lovers of mosquitoes and their larvae. About 200,000 deaths are caused an nually by the bites of mosquitoes : In fected with germs. Dr. Garman Ibe tleves that In addition to the Fundnlus magalls, Zygonectes nottll and rtbe Zygonectes oUvaceos, the more prollflc species, the Heterandrur f ormosa and the Gambusia bolbrokili can be brought and bred In tbe northern countries and do away with the mosquito pesta, ; r- Y0TOM0SgKS':r,C0O0Y. Convicted Bankor'a Son Leave Yate For Wyoming. Brwln B. Morse, the second on of Charier Wr Morse, -the federal prisoner at Atlanta, whose wlf4 1s making fight to obtain bis pardon by the pres ident waa graduated from Tale this year In a class of which one member was the son of President Taft Toung Morse Is a fine, large, manly fellow with hla father's alert mind and New Cngland temperament and the body of a trained athlete. Foltawlng grad tLZi'.rn he left New YorSr for Wyoming, whe e t is to begin 1 "e as a cowboy on a ra.. a thirty miles sauare. Toung tlorse had the choice cf com mencing life in New York, getti ? Into some offlco and working lis v,-yiup te ladder. With his father's racy friends be could have found re; j ad vancement had he ctcc:n to tc; me a "COUYERr TOLL IDEA " ANSERS GOTHAM .DINERS. operate Charge-For KXfo, Fork Bread fteeerted. ' and Might as well try effectively to toD the curfew tn New Tort aa to collect the "eoevort toB-thrs the eompo alta optnloa not only of hotel custom ers, but. of hotel men themselves, re garding J. B. Regan's plan, qnotrd Lr Claps trhca from' Paria, to make- per- sons dig deeper thaa ever before) tato their pocketr when eating la hla aoteL The "cowTort" toll Is a gentle cnetom ra vogue on the continent of Karope whereby nothing la "thrown In" at service m restaurants. '. Toa are charg ed in separate Items for the as of knife, fork, spoons, tablecloth and even your napkin. For sugar It coats so much, for cream so much mora, for a drop of ketchup or a dash of vinegar, for pepper and salt you pay so much mora, and there's even aa individual tax for the bread yon eat with your povp. ' Without by so much as a nickel 're ducing the prices for food as they now stand on the bill of fare, Began says he lriQ Institute this toll on his return to America. Ton will have to pay 25 cents for the privilege o? sitting tat a table and having the usual accessories spread on tbe doth. As a prominent guest at New York hotels and restaurants and, as1 she says, "a regular gourmet thing' Mlas Marie Dressier uttered a loud cry when she beard of Began'a plan. - "Giro me the smelling salts and a highball,1', ahe gasped, "and weOvyou needn't mind the smelling salts. ' Isn't life enough of a gamble without turn ing our restaurants Into Jack ipots where It costs you a quarter to look In? And you poor boys get tbe worst of It "We girls can keep our bonnets pinned on, but there's a little highway man at tbe door of every restaurant looking for yours, and then If a aicon ple of dollars to make the bead waiter see an empty table, and If s a dollar at least at the finish If yon, are going to win a little, coy smile from Fran- cols, and well, I can see the finish all right They'll be charging a dollar for a flowef vase on your table and a dollar apiece for every flower they put In it and It will be a dime to have a foot stool, and gilt chairs will be extra.' and champagne with two pieces of Ice In the pall will be $0 and with five pieces of loo $10.10. and the first thing lyou know If you go Into a hotel for a Swiss cheese sandwich and a glass, of beer you'll have a, $1,000 bill hollering for help!" HIGH PRIEST TO LIVE AGAIN. J Beheaded by Mistake, Tibetan, lei Of-. . fioiaHy Reincarnated. r, ! v A cturloua example of the Tibetan and Chinese Idea of Justice and the be lief In restoration of life through! re incarnation came to light recently jn tbe case of a -.Tibetan Hotookatoo, -a high priest of Buddhism, who lost! his head when he Incurred the displeasure of : the since' deposed dalal lama,' the reUgtou head of the Buddhists, who fled from Lassa,' the capital of Tibet The beheaded high priest was setn- carnated and bis titles aad wealth re stored. "This was ordered in an Imperial edict ' v .:.;',''; ,., The edict sets forth that the Hotoo- katoothat la, one of the saints of the highest classwas decapitated three years ago. The throne finds now that . it : was deceived by the dalal uv who secured the execution)-en the ground that the high priest had at tempted the former's life by sorcery; a profession In which these saints tare reputed to be especially gifted. " ' ' The nrocesivof reineaniatlon will be similar to that sot :-a dalal lama. In fants : of ra' oartatn -Wood displaying signs tbatttieyaoBSBsc the same seal as that oCAhe fleeeased will be assem bled and t their -aassest written upon labs of weoavaad aealed. ' These will be plaAdln a 4arge 'rn of predoos metal? frenuwhlch'ttietugh lama will drew by. phance one otthe names. The tdentlty of the reincarnated will', be greeted by the populace with shouts of.Joy. - . - - The-edlct fortheri provides that the aaint Dhood of the Hotookatoo shall be,' restored and'that his treasure con- flseated by the dalal lama shall be re turnee to the Infant? Hotookatoo. : There is more 'Catarrh in this sec tion of the country than all other dis eases put together, and until the last few years was' supposed to be incur able. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and pre scribed local remedies, and by con- stamiy calling to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be constitutional treatment Hall's Ca tarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney ft Jo, Toledo, Ohio, is the on ly constitutional cure on the market, It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops, to a teaspoonfuL lit acts direo ly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system.' They offer one hun dred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars, and testi monials. .Address: ' F. 3, CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75o. Take Hall Family Pills for consti pation. ', ! ' v ;'' ';f -' -L: - " '; '.'"::', :'.v Itchin piles provoke profanity, but 'jut prof rJty won't cure them. Dora's t cures r -!.:-, I - c -rct.Jlj 1 1!-j tl.:f jiii'S cf tv--kS- .At any drrj E'.ira. FOREST HONORED BY FRANCE iawaoter of CxaloesVo' Motor fVofito . Only fey Olsainotson. Bernard Forest, eeventylae years old, who Urea at Boreanos, has just been recognised by France aa the real Inventor of the explosive motor and has had the cross of the Legloe of Honor conferred vjfca him. The ex pJoeire motor at first, nearly gfty yoara ago, 'was regarded aa a mere toj and capital for davolopmofit could not be secured. One after another his pat ents expired, and when the automobile mdnetry began to avail Itself of them M. Forest did ot profit uv the least - - Femeee Cataipa Stiff AHve. -The farBWue-speclmea of tbe Cataipa tagnoaloMerla the hlstorte gardens of Gray's tan, London, le again In leaf. It -was falsely reported -dead aome years aga The patrUrchv said to have been- planted by tbe great Lord Bacon, has not bloomed: proroseiy eince 1900. A slip aerared In 1820 by a Untted States official In London la now one of the finest catalpaa tn the neighborhood of Washington. - Teacher's 'Cranrlnstioii. The next regular examination of ap plicants for teachers' certificates will be held on the second Thursday and Friday of this month, the 14th and 15th. The examinations for entrance to the A. & M. College will be held at the same time. - The examination will be held at the court house and will begin at 9 o'clock on Thursdsy, the 14th. CHA8. E. BOQEB, Supt Hay- Fever and Asthma : Bring-discomfort and misery to many people but Foley's Honey and Tar gives ease and comfort to the suffering ones. It relieves the conges tion in the head and throat and is soothing and healing. None genius but Foley's Honey and Tar in the yellow package. Cabarrus Drug Co. Four' essentials of clubdom -are -the billiard tall, the highball, the black ball i and the 'loser who-- won't bawL Kansas City Times. Foley's Kidney Remedy will cure any case of kidney and bladder trou ble not beyond the reach of mediant No medicine can do more. Cabarrus Drug Co. NOTICE.. . That my friends, eoquaintances' and others may; have : an opportunity to take Chiropractic Nerve i and -Spinal treatments, I will be at . the 'Fieher residence, corner Union and ' Grove streets) Monday," Wednesday and Fri day of each week. Hours 4 to 8 p.' m. A partial list of diseases swsoesafully treated is Gall Stones, Neuralgia, Ner- 70ur f rootration, Rheumatism, FeverB, Diseases of the t Heart, Liver, Kid neys, Stomach,. Lung, . Bowels1-and Women a diseases. Ninety per nt.. the troubles-of suffering; humanity, especially women, originate -at the -spine.- No drug are used. DE. F, J. BATES,- Chiropractio Nerve and Spinal 8pec- iilio Hhnma 017.010 Vu hi UAr Charlotte, K. C 1 .No Burleysofl, M.!De Concord, IT. TJ. " Office and residenoe in Morris Build ing, rooms 12 and 18. "Phone Wo. '830, aa V. 'Bl T 0WLKE3, Majuger. , As' the world goes around and around, toa near the iron rone oi its aoand. Long Pants made short, square coals "madeTonnd, -Rementber that Paul is stilt in town;. After the needle and the machine. Then the felothes are sponged , am) cleaned. Coats pressed, nicely .and pants in a crease, - Think 6f . the greaser last but n least' . - -' 'Gratefully,; .DAN A PAUL. , Forwent!1 Store formerly occupied i3by 'TheTriJune Co; ; Occupation given at at once; . ; m ' t l DESIRABLE OFFICES '; In postoffice building (now1 occnpicxl' by tbe .-i 'WW . - . T - , V -II om e " 'Educational Co.) $2.50 to 400 : montn. v best lc city. 1 .-ligbte j vica Fa - r)", ZZ2 i. 1, li5 acres land lying on Cabarrus and Stanly comity liuo on V.g road leading from Concord to Mioeaheimer ISprinfs; S miles from QlaLtonf and dwelling, double barn and out bouses; 75,000 feet forest pine, 21 J fet oak, 150,000 feet old field pine, 2,000 cross- ties, 1500 cords woods; lies well with clay subsoil." . - IS acres land fronting on macadam road, 2 miles south of Kannapolia, with two story; 8 room dwelling, splendid barn, one other two story build- -iag, one tenement dwelling and outhouse, good orchard and splendid well of water. -This is one 'of. the finest pieces of property between Concord and' Kannapolia. -. . ".; . , , Two four room cottages on L George street, aear Lock Cotton Mill, ' lota 60x158 feet Your ehoies for $3.50. - V Ons new 5-room cottage b Dublin, lot 62x150 - feet, good 'well - water; ' $315 on easy terms. ..... ; - ' -13914 acres on public road adjoining lands of Bob Wallace and J. & Harris; t owtsory dwelling, new barn, double crib, good well water, good pasture; 15 acres meadow and some fine timber. - - -. Y 3 vacant lots on South Union street convenient to boainess part of city, -60x200 feet for 500 each. - v 1 aix room cottage on Booth Uaioa street lot 134x300 feet at a bargain. -' v . 1 very desirable vacant lot 65x300 feet near business part of city.' -. 1 vacant lot on West Coxbin street, 160x246 feet cheap at 11,000.'."- 1 aix room cottage on West Corbia street beautifully papered with modern conveniences, lot 75x200 feet. . v , . , 1 Ave room cottage on' West Corbin street, aear pvstoBLee at a real bar- " gain.. , , , ; A . - . 1 two story six room dwelling; lot 80x325 feet near postoffioe,'. t- " 3 very desirable pieces of property on Spring street, convenient to b r sineas part of eity. - '''.v- :- ; .. . ; : - . -',;r': O 2 very ' desirable residences on Georgia avenue. ; ' ; ' I ados -cottage on corner of N. Spring and Harsh streets, with six large :- rooms 'and pantry. "' i .'j.'-" V 1 ! vacant lot on East Depot street : i '- " " -80 nice cottages and vacant lots en Franklin street, at Gibson ICQ and Brown milL We can give you some real. bargains in the cottages sad lots. :'-'--:-r;.-K.'.,.'.7; s Y; ' 83 seres' suitable for building lota or for farming lands. - " 29 acres in No. 11 township near D. V. Krimminger's land. " - 8 acres one mile east of nut boase with, good dwelling double ban snd outbuildigs. 1 ,- "-..r-i.:v --v ' ' """-' - J..- w inwr jiuu pivpeiij, 0 auuos svuiu ui. juuuu( jrieaaAnb, noirHing - a :n - :it :n t,.:i ....... . Of uj. UN, whit uuu, cvni . 1 11 f ton gin, wagon acales, all in good running condition by steam or- water power. 'Dwelling stable and outUildings. A good stand for business; all for $1,600; one-half cash, balance in 12 months. ' 130 acres with six room dwelling, nearly new, splendid doub's barn, and outbuildings, situated 3 milos southwest of Kannapolia on-public road. 68 1-2 acres of highly improved land. One miles west of Deoot on Char lotte road. ; ' r,Ki:::i.::-",u'x:: ', '' ''fe:' 151 acres known as the Spring Hill Farm, ona ailaiwest of depot on Charlotte macadam road. This ia one of the most desirable pieces of real . estate-iii this eeiio of tba tamofyr?-,-;, . 87 1-2 acres, four miles east of Concord, -'good buildings good orehard, , good pasture; 30 acres in cultivation; 60 aexes in timber, two rich gold veins. 139 aeres, 3 miles east of Concord, two atory dwelling nd outbuildings, 1500 cords of wood; several fine -gold veins. 'Price $2250. A bargain. Good six-room- residence: near North 7nion street with city water in bouse. New metal roof just put on. Good barn; lot 67x195' feet -One of -the best neighborhood in the city. Price $2200. . On -Marsh" street, oppo site D. J. Boetian's residence, -v . - . , ' 32 acres, all in the corporate limits of Concord, suitable for almost any thing. Small stream of water running through it - About 6 acres good meadow, and 8 aeres fine trucking-lend. Can be cut up into fine building rots. Will be sold as a whole or eut tosuit purchaser. - .We have several other bargains in town and country property' which are not mentioned in this list., , -J--".t . . We have inquiries everyday for land, and own -property"0 and we would be gla dto list anything you thae for sale' -There is no coat to yon un less a saie is maoe. ?, jiio. k. PAnERSoii & rco:jPAHY 1 THE ' GL02IG'7S HDTKTACTS -1 - " -, , OF - - J . . - 1 il . " . ,' ... :: ., . - .." ; "THE LAKD OrTlTS'STS"" , "''' "THE 8APPHZBE COUNTEY' " 'Where There Is Health in Every Breath. " " The Climate is Perfect tbe Tear Round. - "In Spring and Summer the Region ia Ideal' - ' ' , - ' BEACHED BY -, -', ; 1 South e r 1' Solid Through Trains, including T iand Ashevllla sia Raleigh, Greensboro, Salisbury. Other wCen-x 1 venient Through Car Arrangements. " 1 . Suauner Tourist Tourist Tickets on Salt v ' - 1IATU5TH. 1910. - LET . YOU IDEAS AND X ,A,HL WOOD, D. P. A., AsheviUe, : ,W H ' m '"e "" e 'nk:---.-Vi'. Charlotte. New Orleans 3 DonbleDaay Service, with Trains leare Charlotte as follows t r aASTBoumv o. ........................... (.-oop-nn. i So. lai... l...v.,. txta e. m Local Sleeper Charlotteto Portsrnotith on 132. '. , , 1 1 T7eopcrate double daily . Testibile service, with through J ; Pu!;anf!:r:-Car3,toTetL:5nvi".e,'Atianta,Eirmirjg- J - v kao, 11 zz-; L.3, Fort V orth, Norfol Jt, ' Wa hir prton, I- ! rcrt!.-.e taL!;, iocl.lcts,TcneTvalions, or'abv infomatica, J w ' W .WW--. w . rk ..a . . . : call ca J3.!i:cr, Jr., T. sniu, saw xuui, ouuer ana ' onxuio, cot- - i i 1 . 1 ri Rai l way f Parlor Car y. bet ween t GoWsboro : WISHES1 BE KNOWN.'-' - N. C. ' - - PARNELL, T. Pt AfRalelgbyNC 1 a e v -l In FffeM few 1R Vtn Atiftnta.-BirmlnoTinrri. Mfmnhis ' . ' and Points West. fiigb Back Seat Coaches, Pull- f jnancAieepiDgcaraaiiuiJiniQgvars.. , . 9 Wasnoims. iireisUiw.M.;..'.;r..M, w.m. Ko-iT...:.........,.... tittswss. P. A., Charlotte, oradJrcca, D.LA:DIUP.AMI,0 ' VI. 0. a T.

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