y. - - j p-'Y Tp' T ions b. sirr.T.,nj Editor aai Proprietor. . Local Telephone, No, 78. . ' , Sell Telephone, Ha. 14, ' fiTTESCRIPTIOJI BATES. One Yew t4.8f Kii Month : ; $2- Ttmta Month. , .$L2( On. Month I ! .41 VTOLISHEB'S AKKOUNCEMENT. ' Advertising rates tan be had at the office. Copy Cor ehangss must Be v- in i.irviV m .:- ' ' Cards of Thanks Resolution of fiespect, and similar articles are eharged at the rate of 5 cenU per in Cash iif all eases. . Entered as second class mail matter April 28, 1910, at the postomce ai lUUUVIW, "f jtfarch 3. 1879. ;- . Out of the city and ly mail the f ol lowing prices on the Evening Trib hi will nrcrafl; r.A. iu tinnflT ins met uj 1. V.mH ' 25 fctx Months"" Twelve Months 3-00 JOHN M. OGLESBT. Pity Editor. Concord, N. C, July i8, 1910 4 'God willing. I'll be back in Wash ington next session, and it will be for the Republican majority to determine who shall be speaker." So spoke "Uncle Joe" Cannon the other day. Speaker Cannon has not the least in tention of retiring from the speaker ship, and the public is only fooling itself to think otherwise. Cannon has served the corporate interests of the country long and faithfully and if the next House should be Republican, "Uncle Joe" will no doubt be re warded with another term as speaker. The nomination of Mr. R. L: Dough- ton for Congress has met vith general and hearty endorsement, not only throughout the district, but all over the State. All eyes are turned on the eighth district, and everybody feels that Mr. Doughton will redeem it. Pastor, Costless, Preaches Sermon. By vote of his congregation the Rev. H. C. Merserve, pastor of the First Congregational Church of Dan bury, Conn., has established a new fashion in vestments. He is preaching in his shirt sleeves. "My brethren," he said, Sunday morning, "it is hot." The congrega tion looked eloquent, but preserved silence. "Are there any here," continued Mr. Merserve, "who would see grave indecorum in the removal of the cler gyman's coat during the service?" There was no answer. "As many as are willing that 1 should preach to them in something approximating comfort raise their hands," said the pastor. Hands were raised all over the au ditorium. The women Beemed to lead the movement. Mr. Merserve if young, popular and trim in figure. The pastor counted the raised hands. "In. conformity with your iwisher I will praise God in my shirt sleeves," he said, removing his frock coat and armearine in a soft white shirt. Mr. Merserve says he will continue to preach costless sermons while the hot weather lasts. The Fanners' Demonstration Work. ' Statesville Landmark. ' - - With reference to the proposed dis continuance of" the farmers' co-operative demonstration work in Iredell, it is of interest to note that Mr. J. M. Hendrix, county demonstration agent for Davie county, publishes a table in the Mocksville Herald showing the progress made in the counties where demonstration "' methods have " been used. He calls particular attention to the progress in Rowan and Iredell as follows: t ' Let's notice especially our two ad joining counties, Rowan on the south and Iredell on the west. Yon will see that Rowan stands' at the head on the list of corn. She worked, under the demonstration plan, 144 acres of corn and made an average of 48 JL bushels per acre. On a comparative number of acres, worked the old way, we find the average to be 13.8 bushels per - TtT. T a 1.1. : 1 . acre, we una in ireaeu me numoer ox ftcrSs cultivated f on ; the improved plari to be (corn) 283 acres and the yield 45.5 bushels, While on the same number of comparative acres the av erage was 16.4 bushels.'' : This 45.5 bushels was made at a eost of about 24 cents per bushel, and the 16.4 at a cost of 47 cents per bushel. ' ', ' . Is Life Wortn lMngi' Mrs. Mollis' McEaney, Prentiss, Miss., writes that she had a severs c oe of kidney and hladder trouble, a-1 that four bottles of Foley's Kid r remedy cured her sound and well 1 i dices her letteo, by saying "J 1 : .'y recomnsnd Foley's Kidney to r ; t'.r rcr of kidney disease. It ; 1 7 Ufa." Cabarrus Drug Co. 1 :r r-'teor was observed at Wednesday night, , c . , k. It dashed across . 1 v.-lscn near the hori- ; ' 1 '-'.mis. At the 1 10 THE TOTEPJ OP CABALLU3 C0UXTT.v - As chairman of the Democratic party I feel it my duty to call your attention to a few faeta, There has never been a time within ray knowledge when the entire party of the county was as solid as at this time. We hare no family quarrels in our own party and the only desire oa the part of any voter, is to elect the Democratic ticket at the coming elec tion. The ticket which our convention put ont on July 2, meets with uni versal approval. There will be less scratching this year than was ever known, because all interests are rep resented on the ticket ' TheXnterest of the farmer is well represented, so is the interest of the manufacturer and the operatives. No interest has been neglected and if yon will examine the ticket you will find that every section of the county has been given its due representation. Another peculiarity about the ticket is, that about one-talf of the men nominated were not even applicants for office, thereby showing to yon the nominations sought the men, and sot the men the nominations. As an evi dence of the interest which the Demo crats are taking in the coming elec tion, it is only necessary to call your attention to the (fact that in No. 2 township, in the election of 1908, Bry an only received 78 votes, while the other day at the primaries, there were 50 present. It does not make any dif ference who the republicans nominate at their convention, every one knows that they cannot nominate any better ticket than the one nominated by our convention. With the universal good feeling which prevails in our ranks, I 1o not hesitate to go on record and predict that the returns at the elec tion will show a substantial Demo cratic majority. JNO. L. MILLER, , Chmn. Dem. Ex. Com. In the Cotton Belt. Charlotte Chronicle. In its weekly rehw of the weath er and the crops, The New Orleans Picayune says ihnt the constant rams in the central and western portion of the belt, except towards the last two days of the week, when better condi tions prevailed. In the western sec tion of the bait, particularly in Tex as and Oklahoma there bus been ics moisture than the crop needs, al though showers have fa' 13 cvtr lie greater part ol Texas, greatly reliev ing the situation. Texas, however. appears to need a general and soak ing rain to nut the farmers above II10 chance of worry for the future of their cior-s. A.s a result of the con stant rains in the central and eastern sections of the bolt the crr.ps in most districts is badly in the grass and are developing more weed than fruit. Farmers have been unable to do much if any field work and a spell of dry, fair weather is sadly needed. Geor gia and Alabama seem to be the worst off in this respect. In Mississippi and Louisiana the rains bave given the boll weevils a new lease on life and much complaint is now heard on this score. While the damage done is not generally beheved to be beyond re pair it is undeniable that the tone is more pessimistic than it iwas. and there is little hope now entertained of the bumper crop that was regarded as possible a few weeks ago. crrr ordinance. Be it ordained by he Board of Alder- men of the City of Concord; ; That all bill posters oostinsr bills for circuses - and shows of ; all idnd shaH within three (3) days after the performance advertised, remove said advertisement from all bill boards, posts, " or any surface whatsoever where displayed within the corporate limits of the town of Concord. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance -shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined fifty dollars or imprisoned thirty dsys. ' v" :- ' - W. H. GIBSON, Clerk. June 11910. , tf That my friends, ecquaintances and others may have an opportunity to take Chiropractic Nerve and Spinal treatments, I will be at the Fisher residence, corner Union and . Grove streets, Monday, Wednesday and Fri day of each week. Hours 4 to 8 p. m. A partial list of diseases successfully treated is Gall stones, Neuralgia, Ner- our r rostranon, itnenmatism, jpevers, Diseases of the Heart, ' Liver;; Kid neys, Stomach,- Lung, Bowels and Women's diseases. ' i'-'i- Ninety per cent.' of the troubles of suffering humanity, especially women, originate at the spine. No drugs are used. - DR. F. J. BATES, Chiropractic Nerve and Spinal Spec ialist, Rooms 917-919 Realty Eldg., Charlotte, n. C If m Y" t sj vnii . .. -.. c:!l ci jf iv -- T ) - Pi . 1 j 1 . 4 u i.i-' i.i . eu cio A r 1 : :.,c -.ri, it. c Total i- 3! T,Te f'l r Liv; 1 1 L.: : ..Ion ta our 5 Lr I ', dray Til ' J ) t 'It' 3 n - a 1 C. ' n t ,- r ' rroa & Hxesv21!e Enterprise. Mrs. F. S. Starrette ai.d son, Frank, have gone to Concord, where they will probably remain until Christmas, making their home with Captain and Mrs. 3. M. Alexander. Miss Joanita Starrette, who is one of the clerical force at Rankin's, will remain here making here home with her sister, Mrs. D. F. Moor. v Mrs. C, P. Walter, aged about 60 years, died at her homo in Rowan county, just over the Cabarrus line, Wednesday morning of blood poison, the trouble having developed about two weeks ago, affecting her legs and feet The funeral was held Fri day at Luther Chapel, near China Grove. She is survived by a hus band and two brothers. That Joe Daniels, has accepted the invitation to deliver an address here on the occasion of the pienie, it will give the people of this section " an opportunity to see . and acquaint themselves - with one of the biggest and best newspaper men . of the State and one of the keenest politi cians the State hss ever produced. The Misses Moose entertained a number bf friends most delightfully Tuesday night at their home in the southern part of the city compli mentary to their guests, Misses Lura and Katie Cook, ox Concord. Dur ing the evening flinch, muggins and trail was played, after which ice cream and cake was served. . The evening iwas ' one of great pleasure 0 the young people. " : : The most severe storm -that has isited this section this year, occur red last Friday lafternoon, Strong rinds accompanied a J. tremendous ainfalL In some directions corn blew down, but as a general thing no serious damage was reported. During the early hours of the even ing the lights were out and people had to resort to the use of candles, rub up their old lamps or go to bed in the dark, the power having gone off about four o'clock in the after noon. There is more catarrh in this sec tion of the country than all other dis eases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incur able. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and pre scribed local remedies, and by con stantly (failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional treatment. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the on ly constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonfuL It acts direc lv on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hun dred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testi monials, s Address: - F. J, CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Take Hall Family Pills for consti pation. - . -7 : 1 . " " ' r. " ElderleyPersovere, my boy, perse vere! There's only one way to accom plish your purpose,' and that Is , to "stick to It" Xoungsley But suppose your purpose Is to remove a sheet of fly paper that you've sat down upon accidentally ? Catholic " Standard and Times. Most Be Above Suspicion. ' Kidney and bladder ailments are so serious in - their consequences, ami if unchecked bo often fatal that any remedy offered for their cure must be above suspicion. Foley's Kidne? Pills eontain no harmful drugs, an 3 have sncessfully stood a - long and thorough test. Cabarrus Drug Co. " Mrs. ' Bacon What's your husband laughing at? - " Mrs. Egbert-At your baby.. He says Ifs funny looking." , , , "Funny looking? why, the little fel low's icot more natr on his head than your husband has got on his!" Yon- aers Statesman.. ' - ' , ,r, Toley'a Kidney Mis Have Cured :: ; .rHe." - V The above is a quotation from a letter written by H. M, Walkef. fhwuvilleT Ind. "I contracted a severe ease of kidney trouble. My back -gave ont and pained me. I seemed to have lost all strength and ambition was bother ed with dizzy tspells, my head would swim and specks float before my eyes. I took Foley's Kidney Pills regularly like a new man. Cabarrus Drug Co. Mooney Faith. Ol cud die Ustenln' to Tom Callahan play th polpes. . Dono hue Fer meself, Oi'd prefer a paceful Ind Judge. - . ''' Stops earache - in - two minutes, toothache or pain or burn or scald in five minutes; hoarseness, one hour; muscleache, two hours; sore throat; twelve hours Dr. Thomas'. Electric Oil, monarch over pain. At drnj stores. r, ;, y i' w , , . ;y .' The length of days Is said to be the cause of .birds migrating, the short winter days not giving them sufflcleEt time for feeding. -Foley's Kidney Bemedy will cure any case of kidney and bladder trou ble not beyond the reach of me&icin No medicine can do more. Cabarrus Drug Co. - - E:y ievcr 8-i ..'.21 Brins iiiicomfjit 'and Eusery to many people but Foley's Iloncy r- 1 Tar f'vei t a and corafart to t!.3 svL.iig oun. It relieves the cor:-'-f -i ii t' e 1 - P" 1 t" mrt 1 is Importance of High Grade . Sanitary Plumbing. Good Plumbing it one of the most important features about a house. Ton cannot have to many safe-guards for the health of your family and your self. Therefore the slight cost of the BEST Plumbing will in reality he health assurance as well as a saving in repair bills.- , , ; , . SANTTAEY PLUMBING CO, . , Phona 831 . " :. New Irish Potatoes now . on hand. , , Nicest kind of Tomatoes and every thing accord- . " Phone 03 your orders '-. and be pleased, or come and see our stocky r - ' ' " HAHM-HONEYCUTT CO , Phone 263.' Concord," N. C. J THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGBIOULTUBE AND MECHANIO ARTS. The State's college for training in dustrial workers. . Courses in Agri culture, ' Horticulture, Animal - Hus bandry and Dairying; in Civil, Elec trical and Mechanical Engineering; in Cotton Milling and Dyeing; in Industrial Chemistry; and in Agri cultural teaching. r, -... Entrance examinations at - each county seat on the 14th of July. D. H. BILL, President, West Ealeigh, N. C. City Pressing Out D. B. rOWLKES, Manager. As the world goes around and around, Yon hear the iron ring of its sound, Long Pants made short, square coats made round, Remember that Paul is still in town. After the needle and the machine, Then the clothes are sponged and cleaned, Coats pressed nicely and pants in a crease,, -Think of the presser last but n least " Gratefully, DAN A PAUL. mien Unsure Shefr Elves To secure their loved ones if they die, what they intend to provide if they live. Reflect I Have you made suitable provisions for your wife and children f If hot apply for Insurance in the MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSUR ANCE COMPANY, THE POLICY HOLDERS' FRIEND-- and do it now. , - " JNO. K. PATTERSON h COn Agte. I. N. Burleyson; M.D. Concord, N. C. o . Office and residence in Morris Build ing, rooms 12 and 18. Phone No. S30. " - For Rent ! Store formerly occupied by TThe Tribune Co. Occupation given at r at once. - . DESIRABLE OFFICES In postomce building -; ; (now : occupied by the " - Home . ; Educational Co.) $2.50 to $4 00 month. Morris Building best location In the -city. Steam heat,- - light and janitor ser - vice" FREE. - - v.-.- , ' Offices, second floor i 53.00 and ?5.00 Sleeping rooms, bath, ; heat light and janitor ?. -service FREE. . $3.C3 to $5.CD Per Eferih , Other desirable offices 'Phone No. E9. . -T. T. S1IITII, JR., Manager. p n 1 n ru7 n 1 ,nt nr. an.i. 1 f"r Um.utinr f - ' ...mo. 4 .H'lin.l ll 1" ll ac-i . i BIT..!!.. V " e-'iff. r v..- f V t. I r t. A 1 vpys on hand at. liie REAL ESTATE 143 acres land lying on Cabarrus and Stauly concty line on lij road leading from Concord to Misenheimcr Spring; 6 mArn from Gladstone and dwelling, double barn and out houses; 75,0uO feet f .rest pine, 25,0000 feet oak, 150,000 fet old field pine, 2,000 cross tie, 1500 eo.-J - woods ; lies well with clay subsoil. ' - . . V. 18 ere B fronting on mafadam road, 1 miles aonth of Kannapolig, with two story, 8 room dwelling, splendid barn, '.one other two ctory build ing, one tenement dwelling and outboase, good orcbard and splendid well of water, This is one of the finest pieces of property-between Concord and Kannspolis. : : . , t . , - - - v. " Two four room cottages on St George street, near Lock Jetton Mills! lots 60x158 feet. Your ehoiee for $3.50. . v .- - - - . - - ; ! . '.0ae ae 3-room cottage ia Dablin, lot 62x150 feeL good well water: $315 on easy terms. , - , . , ' -. - '139Vx acres on public road adjoining.lands of Bob Wallace and J. S. Harris; t owtsory dwelling, new barn, double crib, god well water, good pasture 15 acres meadow and some fine timber. . - " f. wmitmnr .. .. il tt ; 80x200 feet, for 8600 each. - ' T " : 1 aix room eottage on South Union street lot 134x300 feet t a bargain. : , 1 very desirable vacant jot 65x300 feet near business part of city. " : -. ' 1 vacant lot on West Corbin street, 160x240 feet, cheap at $1,000. V 1 six room eottage on West Corbin street beaulifally' papered with modern conveniences, lot 75x200 feet." . ' . . . i . ? . v 1 five room eottage on West Corbin street, near Datofflce at'a real baW ii 'A 1 two ty six room dwelling, lot 80x325 teet, near postoffiee. H 3 very desirable pieces of property on Spring street, con ?enient to b jiiness part of city. H ,:i 2 very desirable residences on Georgia avenuei ' y ;'. - I nice eottage on corner of N. Spring and Marsh street, with six large ruumi inn mnrrr - 1 ni vacant lot on East Depot . " w" uu Tocuu tuui Ann Kmvn mill Wa asm j i " vu vwu aerea am tan a Trr hmiins .. 2B in Na It tumi'.iV .... V-." 8 one Mito east of court uu uuvuuuuiga. ; -? - v.., .r r-.. to 7'--' .- .. " Te Barrier Mill property, 3 miles south of Monut Pleasant, consisting of k acres of land, flour mill, com mill, saw mill, boiler and engine, cot ton gin, wagon scales, all in good running condition! by steam or water power. Dwelling stable and outliildings. A good stand for business: all for $1,600; one-half cash, balance in 12 months. . V 139 acres with six room dwelling, nearly now, splendid doub'e barn, and outbuildings, situated 3 milos southwest of Eannapolis on public road. 68 1-2 lotte road. A - : 151 acres known as the Spring Hill Farm, ona mile west of xlepot on"5 Charlotte macadam road. This is one of 'the most desirable pieces of real estate in this section of the country, . , , j r 87 1-2 acres, four miles east of Concord, good "buildings, good orchard, good pasture,. 30 acres, in cultivation, 50 airea in timber, twj rich gold reins. 139 acres, 3 miles east of Concord, two story dwelling and outbuildings, 1500 cords of wood, several fine geld veins. Price $2250. A bargain. . Good six-room residence, near North .Tnion street, with city-water in, house. New metal roof just put on. Good iarn; lot 67x195 feet. ,One of the best nejhborhood in the city. Price $2200.; On Marsh street, opoo site D. J. Bostian's residence. , , j 32 acres, all in tie corporate limits of Concord, suitable for almost any thing. "Small stream of water -running through it... About 6 acres good; "meadow, and 8 acres fine tracking land. Can be cut up into fine building lots. Will be sold s a whole or cut to suit purchaser. - v :. :,:, v . - We have several other bargains in town and. oountrv rroDprtv.'uflh are noi mentioned in t&is list. . . - v - . - Wahave inquiries every day for land and iown property aud we would be gla dto list anything you hate for sale. There ts no eost to you un less a sale is made. ( ---5 n, JMO. K. PATTERSON & GOOPAIIY ! ; SEABOARD AIR '. "r . Schedule In Effect May 15, 1910, J Quickest "line to New York, ' New Orleans Double Daily Service, with. High.Bclr Seat Qoaches, Pall- ' -,v ," man Sleeping cars and Dining Cars: t ; " , - Trains leave Charlotte as follows: f : . ' - c ABTBoClTD, - 5 BTO.44 SAOppn,- j. hin v. .,.,..,...,. .,...... vows, m.s r vaias...... ' i - ; Local Sleeper Charlotte I We operate double daily rvestibule service, with through 1 x uiuutui &iccpm vara, iu Jacksonville, Atlanta, uirnurjg- -j ' . ' Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. , - t I For time tables, booklets, reservations, or any information. ' ; call on Jas. Ker, Jr., T. P. J, H. S; LEARDi). P. A., Raleigh, N. 0. r : j i CLCHICT73 II0UNTAIN3 or - ' V7c:tcfa Ilcrth CcLrdihd J' ' . "m la:t) cr tzz shy" ! Where Ttere is IT;. I "i ia I.cry Ireath. T t . Tte CHx-ia i3 r:-r: t t-8 Year Hound. Ia C;:Lr2 t-1 Curixcr tie Region Is UeaL Solid Tlr T. ' i, heL-IIng al A' h, C:cr' vclLi t TLi - Ji Cr Zri- Y A .I;-' ' ' : LLI YOTJ TL21Z WICIIS3 BS KNOWN. .'1 j. ii. ;z:t.v.a.,i '-vrn.a -'ii '. ii r.-wi.-:..", t. v. a, o riotfe, it. c 0 if -. - ... . . , sj.- street; va xrauKiio sufeei,j ai liioso" Hull . ' i i ' ,s . i . mMuo ikiu oargftios id . lue couages . a. f..:. I.. . n IT f , j 4. - house '-with" good dwelling,1 ddnble barn : LINE RAILWAY; i 5 Washington,' Florida Points.-1 and Points West. . , - WESTBOUND. Wo. 1S3...V,..'..,.V. 9-JiO n. m, to Portsmouth on 132. A., Charlotte, or address, . ; . ... - . I i . i w Tarlor Car, bctweon ColJ-Ioro :,l)oro, Salisbury. Other Con- Ax "3 ca L-.3 i::3. - FOR ' .ii it arel as 1 : 1 1 I a r - : t