l .. j L...LY Ti..w..i Zlat and Prsndstor. Local Telephony No. TL ' " BtU Talephoas, lie. II. BUZSCZIPTIOH BATES. Ons Tur . K8C Bix Month $2.40 rhree Months l-20 One Month - ruzLZsaza'8 AiorouirczauarT. Advertising can be had at the eflke. - Copy tor ehargM moat to in by 10 'clock a. V Carda of Thanks Resolution of fiespect, and similar articles art sharged at the rate of 5 eenU per In Cash In all eases. Entered as second elsss mail matter April 26, 1910, at the postofflee at Concord, N. C, under tha act of Kareh 3.1879. Out of ths dty and by man the fol , lowing prices on ths Evening Trlb una irDl prevail: " )n MontV -25 HI Months L50 Twelve Months. .$3.00 JOHH M. OOLESBT. City Editor. Concord, N. CJult 20, 1910 One thing was evident at the Dem ocratic convention day of long winded nominating speeches is ended. Under no circumstances should tihese speeches exceed ten minutes, and sec onding speeches five minutes. "What is the use of them, anyway t The fitness of every candidate has been published in every paper in the State, long before the convention meets, and everybody who attends a convention is thoroughly acquainted with them. The nomination of candidates at any convention should be confined to a simple mention of their names. v The movement to put county officers on salary instead of allowing them fees for their services is growing. The matter is being agitated in Row an, and the Salisbury Post says the Rowan delegation in the Legislature is being formed to make the change in that county. In Iredell the move ment has taken definite shape, and a county mass convention has been call ed by those who favor it. A Farmer who Knows How to Charge. One farmer, at least, is playing with the automobilists along the national auto highway between Atlanta and New York as is shown by the experi ence of Mr. J. E. Kennedy, of Win ston-Salem, who made a strip to Spen cer last Sunday in a machine, says the Spencer correspondent to the Charlotte Chronicle, Approaching a swollen stream in Davidson county, near Spencer, he wee told, by a far mer stanching near the stream ithiat it iwtas perfectly, passable and all right to ford the waters with bis auto. Reaching a point where the water over-aon sue bearings, the machine was put out of oonumssion in deep water. The satoiBt was - forced to employ the farmer ; to bicb ia big pair of mules to the auto and pull it ashore, for which the farmer made a substantial charge. Before leaving the scene Mr. Kennerly learned that the same farmer is ''good t such tricks," and that he makes it a prac tice to tell sutoiatB that the stream is passable, doing so in order to get to pull them out of the creek.' It is said that 'he Tdinaaaly charges $10 for the job sad. that hemakes it con venient to be near the place with a team so as to get the extra fee. Be ing located on the national 'highway along which numerous machines pass almost daily it is said that he makes big profit . , of the new ' industry brought about by the prevalence of automobiles. - Illegal to loam Friend a Bottle of " WJuakay. : . A new rule in the operation of the state prohibition 4anr has - just been laid down by Judge Cook at Raleigh da verdict of guilty oi retailing on the admission set op as defense by Bansom Baker, of Wake Forest, that be loaned friend a bottle of whisky. The judge holds that the act of loaning tne- twnisxey really oonsafcutes a sale. Prof. N. Y, Gully, dean of law at Wake Forest- college, was defending the negro when the rule was made; It is probable that the case will go to the Supreme court to test this issue. , ' " Republican - leaders are " already working on a plan to prevent increas ed representation of the South in the bouse under the new census and it is predicted that the membership of the bouse will not be more than 410 under the new Apportionment, it being 391 now. It is figured the population of the Coulh will be 29 millions, t in wlich case at the ratio of 220.000 Che Couth mill Lave two more representa tives ia the house than at present. "Tien to llfok," The Hen e :.- C.;IJ Lcr.fr "tb at Kr.-Buxton k '"i't f t it, "e. liter Jua Tell had 1 1 I ' 'f ia Us Li. ; cJ;.' it s .' n- l '", fa te sure, but it was i' - ' 1 f it was on Buxton 1 I "i to-day for IfELDm ET0WLI3QE. Concord People Should Lsara to De tect the Approach f KUnsy Die- Ths trmnlnmi of kidney trouble are so unmistakable that they leave no mtniwl for doubL Sick kidneva ex- ercts a thick, cloudy, offensive urine, rail of sediment, irregular 01 paasagt or attended by a sensation of scalding. Ths back aches constantly, headaehef nd disxy spells may occur and ths vie tim is often weighed down by a feelinj of languor and fatigue. Neglect tbew warnings and tnere is danger 01 crop r. RHirht'a Disease or diabetes. Any i of these svawtoms is warnim? enough to begin treating the kidneys Delay alien proves iaiau Ton can use no better remdy than Doan's Kidney Pills. Here's Concord proof: Mrs. L. M. Moser, 240 N. Spring street, Concord, N. C, says: "I used Doan's Kidney Pills with such good results that I am. glad to recommend them. I had symptoms of kidney trouble for a long time and when Doan's Kidney Pills were brought to my attention, l procured a supply at ftihnnn Dim? Store. Thev soon reliev ed me and thus encouraged, I contin ued their use until I was cured. I advise similarly afflifflcted to give Doan 's Kidney Pills a trial. " For sale by all dealers, .trice ou cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan s and take no other. Hot Fight in Sixth. The Democratic convention of the sixth congressional district will con vene next Thursday at Wrightsville Beach and every indication points to its being one of the most stubbornly ontested fight3 in Eastern Carolina for many years, and will equal the contest in the fifth district. In the district are seven counties and five have candidates: H. L. Godwin of Harnett; Herbert McClamniy of New Hanover; Oscar Clark of Bladen; H. L. Cook of Cumberland and A. J. Me Kinnon of Robeson. In Addition to those there are several dark horses. Iron and jjold when melted together mays be mixed in various proportions and hardened or crystallized. Alloys containing 10 per cent of gold are harder than pure iron, but as the pro portion of gold increases above that amount the alloy becomes softer. Sil ver and iron do not form alloys. "Foley's Kidney Pilfc Have Cured Me.,: The above is a quotation from a letter written by H. M. Walker, ETausville, Ind. "I contracted a severe ease of kidney trouble. My back gave ont and pained me. I seemed to have lost all strength and ambition; was bother ed with dizzy spells, my head vould swim and specks float before my eyes. I took Foley '8 Kidney Pills regularly like a new man. Cabarrus Drug Co. Preliminary Bout. Maude When does your breach of promise suit come up in court? Clara To-to-tomorrow m-morniug. Maude There, dear, don't cry. I'm sorry to see you so overcome. Clara Oh, Fm not overcome; I'm merely practicing for the Jury. Chicago News. Is Life Worth Living'" Mrs. Mollie McRaney, Prentiss, Miss., writes that she had a severe case of kidney and bladder trouble, and that four bottles of Foley's Kid ney Itemedy cured her sound and well. She closes her lettes. by sayin' "I heartily recommend Foley's Kidney to any sufferer of kidney disease. It save my life." - Cabarrus Drug Co. Has it ever occurred to the busy aousewiie mat tne dust pas and brush hOUld have a rood waahlnr in tint water and ' soapsuds now and then! naturally tne dust brush, is a great germ catcher, end after being washed it should be hung in the tun to dry SL . a m uwrongmy. - Must Be Above Suspicion. Kidney and bladder ailments are ) serious . in their consequences, and if unchecked so often fatal that any remedy offered for their cure must be above suspicion. Foley's Kidney Pills contain no harmful drugs, an 3 have sucessfully stood a long and thorough test. Cabarrus Drug Co. . TJkerdek What - makes you think that be is a man of metal? ' -Gobang-Well, be has a steely eye and a wiry beard. . Hay Fever and Asthma : , Bring discomfort and misery to many people but Foley's Honey and Tar gives ease and comfort to the suffering ones. It relieves the conges tion in the head and throat and if soothing and healing. Nona geniuc but Foley's Honey and Tar in th yellow packaged t Cabarrus Drug Co. When an oyster la a fortnight old, it ia not much larger than the1 head of a pin. At the end of four years' growth it is lit for the table. , T Vv-i Experience rroves. ' Time tells -which is best and most reliable. For 7 3 years rc: -y Bavin' rin 1. iUrt has been cLivir j, sway pu.a and brining health as a rerac j f r fpr ains, burns, bruises, rheu mab"n, 'm . It cres colds, cramn, bowt'lci :. ,t. Eut be ssue to take tuis Une"."i4lieii tvmt Jy promptly. Larje boU t..s ii coe?o li. rfiJcuuta. CALTL2 CF IHL E. XL EAVAGH Mrs. Blchard Uenry EaTaga, widow et the celebrated author aad soldier and Bertetf well knowa as a lecturer and crlrle, who recently died In bar borne at New York, was tbt danckter of . a court cbamberlalu la Potsdasa, Oermany, and an Intimate of many of the present royal beads of Europe. Ebe was Josephine Schuble, daughter f Charles Schuble, one of the "kitch en cabinet" .of the father of the pres ent emperor of Germany. When the present emperor was bora Mrs. Bar age, then Miss Sellable, was a mature young woman, and she delighted in carrying the young prince around In her arms. . At the time of ber death Mrs. Savage was sixty-seven years old. For tbe last thirty years she bad been identified with movements for woman's rights. Fire years ago she added lecturing to ber other occupa tions, having already gained note as a writer. 8he belonged to the Eclec tic Sorosls, Entertainment and -other women's clubs. Mrs. Savage had had a remarkably Interesting career. At the age of six teen she was married In Germany to Gustave Schuble, a cousin, and several years before the civil war the young couple came to America to look after cotton plantations In which "they were Jointly Interested. The husband died shortly afterward in this country, and the young widow became a great fa vorite In Washington society." In 1S73 Mrs. Schuble married Rich ard Henry Savage, a young army of ficer, who, after bis retirement with the rank of major, entered upon a bril liant literary career. He volunteered at the outbreak of the Spanish-American war and received a commission as colonel. He died Oct 11, 1903.: Mrs. Bavage then continued her husband's work In the literary field. In her life In the capital and the large cities of the United States and Europe Mrs. Savage met many of the distinguished persons of her time. All the presidents since Lincoln, Prince Bismarck, Count Tolstoy, Victor Hugo and others more or less distinguished were her friends. GIRL STUDIES FOOD OF POOR. Attend 8ehool of Technology te Ac quire Knowledge. ' Although Miss Helen Fales, the one girl graduate of the Massachusetts In stitute of Technology to receive a de gree this year, will not confirm the rumor, there Is a strong probability that she will devote ber time now to a study of conditions obtaining In the food supplies of the poorer classes of large cities, such as Boston, New York and Chicago. Miss Fales, the one girl to get her degree out of 273 men classmates, has strong philanthropic leanings. " v Miss Fales entered the Massachu setts Institute of Technology after hav ing graduated from Vassar college to take up tbe study of the chemistry of foods particularly and to obtain a de gree of bachelor of science incidentally. Miss Fales lives In South Framing bam, Mass., and. belongs to the most exclusive circles, but will forego a so cial career and will devote her time and efforts to bettering the condition of the poorer classes who are not able to get the training to fight for themselves..;- :.- :"V.. .'r?W; MONUMENT TO ADAM AND EYE Washington Apple Growers Propose to '-fc . Honor Memory. . ... a. F. CrowelL formerly deputy state horticultural : commissioner v of I Spo kane and Stevens counties, v Wash., has submitted a proposal to the ..national apple shew to erect a mammoth mon ument to Adam and Eve In one of the apple belts In the northwest The board of trustees of tbe organisation, of which Howard Elliott, head of the Northern Pacific Railroad company, is president, is discussing plans to offer a substantial prize for the most appro- prlate design, submitted in competi tion, to be awarded by popular vote at the third annual show in Spokane the weekofNo14 . IT Takes the good things 1 of life to: make us wear that cheerful smile, and we certainly have the , good things for Fancy Imported and Domestic Fruits. ; Our: Ilome-r 2cv.do Ca.ndy and Chocolsxtes arc doUcIoua. -Give us your trade and, we will convince you.. CONCORD CANDY KITCHEN Prion 392, ....;...... ,. . ., . , .(, HOST DEdHATLE BTCHE ECC1L ZZZ7 LCCATICII ET CITY TC3 LAEIT3V- EAEEiaA2ZZ?,7. C3 TTTT",T:27 TATJLCZ. ; ::hosa 10, T. T. CxZh, Jr, i:r;:r Imparlance of Ui;;h Grado Sanitary - Plumbing. Good Plumbing is one ef the most important feature about a bouse. Too cannot bars to many aafe-guards for ths health of your family and your self. Therefore tbe alight cost of ths BEST Plumbing win la reality be health assurance as well as a saving in repair bills. . 1 8A5TTABT FLU1EBETQ CO, Phono 834. , ra:a.SE3i3! New Irish Potatoes now on hand. Nicest kind of Tomatoes . and every thins; accord ' ing'x. ' . 'v Phone ns your orders - v and be pleased, or come and see oar stock. - HAHM-HOflEYCUTT CO., Phone 263. Concord, N. C. I . N. Burleysoii, M. D. :- Concord, K; 0. , r Office and residence in Morris Build ing, rooms 12 and 18. : Thane XTo. 330. Store formerly occupied by The Tribune, Co. Occupation Riven at at once. . DESIRABLE OFFICES In postoffice bailding : (now occupied by the -Home Educational Co.) $2.50 to $400 month. Morris Building best location- in the r cito . Steam - heat; light and janitor ser vice. FREE. - Offices, second floor $3.00 and 5.00 ' Sleeping rooms, bath, v heatl light and janitor service FREE. . $3.00 to $5.C3 -Per Month r? Other desirable offices ? v 'Phone No. 69.' T. T. SMITH,' JR., Manager; P. M. L:c:13 KE.l ESTATE CO. LIFE INSURANCE FI&E ITSUEANOB CAUSALTT XNST7BAKCE LITE STOCK INSURANCE caQ on St Cloud Hotel Eldg, Concord, N. 0. ; Phoas No. 231. Total Assets Eepresentd224,730,000 We call special attention to - our Live Stock Insurance for farm, dray and pleasure animals. , Also special classes Horses and Cattle. - ' C. A. ISENIBOTJB, See, ft Treas. TEOS. W. SSnrO. ligr. Infuranoa. FOB SALE iwo electric motors, one and iwo horse power. Apply to J. B. SHESBTLL. you. , ' IO C. Union St. iliiiii iiUii.iiJ" i v.r . I i i 145 acres Ual fg on Cafcimu sdJ Stacly eoanty lice on t! road -Isadiny from Coarord to MisenheinicT Spricpt; 6 miles from Gla-Ltoci and duelling, double barn and ont kousei; 75,0u0 fiet fomt pins, 2J,OuOO ft oak, 150,000 feet old field pine, 2,000 cross ties, 1500 sards woods; lies well with day subsoil. ' 18 acres land frontisg on macadam road, 1 miles south of Kinnapulia, with two story, 8 room dwelling, splendid barn, one otlier two ctorj build ing, one tenement dwelling and outhouse, good orchard and splendid well of water. This is one of tbe finest pieces of prwpertjr between Concord and Kannepolisv ' - ; ': ' Two four room cottages on St. Oeorge street, nrir Lock Cotton lLUa. lots t30xl58 feet. Your ehoice for $W0. . - . , One new 3-room cottage la Dublin, lot 62x150 feet, good well wtter; $315 on easy terms. N . , " 139 acres on public road adjoining lands of Bob Wallace and J. S. Harris; t owtsorv dwelling, new barn, doable crib, vood well witrf. ad pasture; 15 acres meadow and some fins timber.- - 2 vacant lots on South Union street, convenient to business part of eitr, 60x200 feet, for $000 each. - , - : - . .-.V 1 six room eottage on South Union street lot 134x300 feet at a bargain. 1 very desirable vacant lot 65x300 feet near business ,ai t of eitr. 1 vacant lot on West Corbin street, 160x240 feet, cheap at 81,000. ; 1 six room eottage on West Corbin street beautifully papered with .modem conveniences, lot 75x200 feet. ' , , ,.. 1 five room eottage on West Corbin street, near postoffice at a real bar-' i a x m a i it a vw ew j sta iwui a n wiii i isv 3 VAPT sAfilPrnKtsi TtlsutAsi a nwmai4v - " w"w Jvvvs aa vrv aiassa part of eity.'; .-;''. 2 very desirable residences db - wm vviuiga uu ourner et. cpnng ana uuvn srrecra, wua six large , rooms and pantry. ....' . . -r,-- -. . - 1 nice vacant loton East Depot street ; " : - v 30 nice cottages and vacant lots on Franklin street, at Gibsor Mill and Brown mill We can give you some real bargains in ths cottages and lots. , - - - . ; :, , 33 acres suitable for building lots or for fanning lands. 29 aerea in No. 11 township near D. V. Eximminger'a land.. acres one mile east of court house vith good dwelling; double bam jand outbuildigs. - ' ; ' TV A PdM-io. U;i1 nwr.A- 0 A Vf 1 t.K of v seres of land, flour mill, com mill, saw mill, boiler and engine, eefc ton gin, wagon scales, all in good running condition by steam or - water power. Dwelling stable and outUildings, A good stand for business f aU for 81,600 f one-half cash, balance in 12 months. - . - ; : . 130 acres with six room dwelling, nearly new, splendid doub'e barn, and outbuildings, situated 3 milos southwest of Kannapolis on pnblie road. - 58 1-2 acre of hisrhlv imnroved land, ons miUi vent nt Tiiunnt an f-hir. lotto road. - i xoa seres xnown as me spring a,ui i arrn, ons miie west or depot on Charlotte macadam road. -This is ons of the most: desirable nieeeaof real 87 1-2 acres, four miles east of Concord, good buiklings, good orchard, good pasture, 30 acres in cultivation, 50 aores in timber, twu rich gold veins, 139 acres, 3 miles east of Concord, two story dwelling and outbuildings, 1500 cords of wood, several fine geld veins. Price $2250. A bargain. . Good six-room residence. near North Jnion street, with city water In house.. New metal roof just put on. Good barn; lot 67x195 feet ' One of the best neighborhood in the city. Price $2200. On Marsh street, opoo site D. J. Bostian's residence. - v k - , 32 acres, all in the corporate limits of Concord, suitable for almost any thing. Small stream of water running through it. About 6 acres good meadow, and 8 acres fine trucking land. Can be cut up into fine building lots. Will be sold as a whole or cut to suit purchaser. , We have several other bargains in town and country pronerty w;uub are not mentioned in this list - We have inqniries every day for land and own property aud we would be gla dto list anything you have for sale. There is no cost to you un , less a sale is made. , v -t - ' JMU. K. MTlJlKbUIi a UUUMUI SEABOARD AIR Schedule In Effect May 15, 1910. ,( wwnuuMia in kiivvt limy i i9iv u ; .Quickest: line to New York, Washington, Florida Poiots,. : cnanotte, Atlanta, f Double Daily Service, with v. - Trains leave Charlotte as follows t BABTBOUim. ' Ko.0..,.....................v. :Na. m ............ 5.-00 p pa 4 btcui.. 'f :; I'M p. m Local Sleeper Charlotte 1 We operate double daily w Ptillmnti a1prnncr foro trt nam, Mempnis, Fort Worth, Norfolk, Washineton,v niuiuuuir, ruuttuciuiuu tuiu ixcw x urm. m S T A Xt-1- 'l i ror ume tauies, Doosjers, rcscrvauons, pr any iniormauon, u call on Jas. Ker, JrM T. P. H. S. LEAED, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ::;;.:;Hi:-THB . " ' - Tc:tcrn Vziili Crcliza - - , - "ni3 la:) c? tzt zz?" -i- ' t,, r ' " Where There la C'.iia T;:ry I.eati. " The Cr- la rcrrrt tie Year Hound. ' . la Zzilzz arl T zzzt tie Econ la lis&L , - REACHED BY ' r I . :, ij Lu l m m w 1 . 1 1 I L 1 1 . C': .;.';. Solid Throrc-h Trs-ni, incl.-Jlnj Parlor Car, between CvMlorO' and AshevL.a via 'z Cre;r..boro, CiLJuury. Clicr Con venient Throri Car Arrir"rr.ent3. 1 . w r i i j . . . . l.J. , - LET YCU IDEA3 AI) Vi:HE3 EE K1T0WN. -.J. IL TrCTD, D. T. A., I ' IT. C. ii. ii Dv-ur.', a; c: ;T':t, it. a , Ii PJL . . . LX T. P. A. r , ... c. . & Dnorer .a- . m j . . - iva wvsww Aire, uv&ar iMumiL'a.v -v nn Rnnn srfwAf aAnae.UMt U Iwm j vu wfatg SiMjvaP Vv1 TIUBUt MJ- fw -.i-,.- v..- Oeorcia ayenne. ' ' ' ,.' -'.," '' . -LfflE RAILmi liirmmgnam, Memphis, ; st High Back Seat Coaches, Pull- i WS8IBOCX1V Ko. 188...... MWa. aw J - No. 47 fcp. a.' to Portsmouth on 132. vestibule service, with through Taf1rsnnvil1 Atlanta Ttirmintr-n AT- ... A., Charlotte, or address, J). P.:A.r Raleigh, ; saa i A V I t v' 't l.;r j 13 eu'r'y f 1 :v i 1 ILs fcILLel ;s cf i:..3 1 .. :zt. . L

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