r - - . ... T . ( iXmty great, mW- ci r-rx a - W...LI li -.. rkrhi. of iuMioa. of th tugboat mor- .portioned, . :-3.I. ality, of everything which inered to T itfl uwlTrrorifltotl beat wlfar of tb eomamnuy ParhaDa do eharactensn ol capi. OdU tu more marked than hi n- j.vc. ;noiv. 3Ta amassed It Local TaUrhoae, K.7t. a Tlcphoa 'J. 1. l tnmrfTnil T TT.fr ftaa Moata ... " t,rrTJSTn'S AHKOUKCOiaKT. : Ad-ertiaiai 'nlM . exxiee. wyj o- - "a a . t,l.uW n : J.Thak. B-solution., oc ' .. .;tv,;1u- article are iai Rurrinlrwient of PttbiM In atraetion J, T. Joyner, Director oX PuUi School Work W. N. . nalxer rwl rUf Clerk J. A. BarvKk. or the Stat Departmeet of Education, arer engaged joat no vita tn appomoa- T . . .. - .v;, nflmnt of tha Stat .Urn echoel fund larg lonune, ana h fo . neit .cbool it earn into hi. hand. xeepf oy so- tU A. he Stata board solutely bones method. of edaeation t ofBcjaU faih appor- Hi work of eturrtT wm aimow uo-1 tiomnent , to Jt over. . . . Wan. h a nra athame for cheek ing th "rae uicik" which nuke lb futar ol tU eoootrr em, o bUf k. ni.ltt irtaeh wul M po hforth M(Ut iy JL lABiJr.rie. pro?io for U . noourffnat. of, Urg laaultM aa uacuwvussww of mngl ul. . - Tho, Metcior over yr oi tg vill h roqniroi to i xtr oaili- 'JTl UiI employe will h obUgod to mr- Ill worm, vi wMinj - iMonmvma , vu 1 Umited, thoo b ovr prdd tt. .r lt jjomou of thos mum ttreaorraor hildra -wiU r tt:. k-tlon, r wM-mrd,lcboola. .Th Iw;lBut d to four . (1nUL Ills wuv w - a k . T L 1 w w - V - . . i I to eaeo eouniT. no cnw wo .i -n.. k; (n WiRk th ndoreoi young twTCu j k-a from th SUte f und aior than . u't , VI ij-Lu m,a wer eable4 to through ool- "SJElf 0,-- -litr rSiSS&jTS i lege by him.., Th xtent of Hi enn- aommunity in whdh th -eoool fc lt, wiUbo altowod io dwpo .of ties in smaller way can oniy oe -1 rmu ma -qu. . QMT b.kkea, ad in tni revealed in eternity. ' .n. nnt reeeivin Stt After four ooor year, this rt fnr riimenUry echool. the oounty a I J I I t v I Stcref:rnisrly t:cur-J by TI.5 .Trisur.s to. Occrr -Hon given at afcncc. DESIRABLE OFFICES ; In potof5ce balldicg : inow occnpied by the lome Educational .: Co.) $2.50 to $4 00. .month., ; . -' '$lzrth t'Mlmi best location in the -city. Etcam heat, ; light md j anitor ser- r - vice FREE. . Offices, second floor . II L tnaVndellM maU matter After four aoor year. tni. reai f(ff urj. hoola, th oounty AwriL ISIO, at the potoffloa at MQ1 lay down th burden of a lire board ha to provide an amount eqnal 'fSaL N. C, ander th at oi which t,l8Md all who eame in eontaet tothStatallown. r v hi. money how, bkkea, nd in this binka Kenator uaanaioinie. father would aotTftrict i. family in fear that in property would oi- rid iato amau porno na. 11' 77 . t 'l OTO ' "W.T''..il W afl th fol ' toia price on th Branint Trib ni ! SH WU i""' mt with K, "Soothed and ustained Dy an nf altering trust," he aproaahed Ibis erave "lik one who wrap the Oraad Exonrsioa to rortamouth- Norfolk. VU 6ahoard . Air Lisa, Month. . TwoIt Montha .$L60 .jomm. Hay TiTtr and Asthma his grave "lik one who wrap, the Bring l,f0;Tj; August' Sad, .1910 PuHmaa Haep- draoerv of hi. oooch about him and W JJSTZr , v V a II V PlTH.eUfl - KUU . VUaUW. . arw aww a v- - ufferin onea, It rdieves th ong. Th Se&hoard.Air Una u gou to . ! .L. J .-J S. I Ha. MMm ' MBHTWOO 'MP . I . 1MB IB W wv.. 77 . ,v ..i oj : au, ju i ... a., va rfiff. i it! i.ai m . Nna iratniii I'lirtrmnnrtatn ranrTfTir niTiinr ' OQLESBT, vkj x-iFampoiet on a.aw I rLrn.Zt.j i Fr?TC. 1 fT. Zlii-aMMioiof th "u:, "T"?.f.-A:cL. : n. r"r.7 r, ahonid take d- HTTAAknnnn. Thaftasa OV J DO. A. I J"- v I . .1 ira..iIAMnFtLai Concord, N. C July aa, 1910 JOHIC MILTON 0DELL. 3;00 and 55.00 . ' Sleepinat ro)ms,;bath, heat, light and janitor Grade ; Sanitary Plumbing. Good Plumbing i. 02 of th most important features about a bouse, "foa eannot hav to many wfe-gaards for th health of your family and your-. self. Therefor the'alight eost of th- BEST riumhing will , in reality b ; health assurane as well a saving in repair bills.'.- .'. ' ; ' ' : 8AKITAET PLxnsBuia co, r . Phona 831 mm mm New Irish jPptatoea now :-v on hand.-V''.i r;:( ''v-.: Nicest kind of Tomatoes ; and eTery thing accord. , Phone ns your ' orders - and be pleased, or cptne M and see our stock, i'r-"""t j-tl. t Cant. J. M. Odell in me w.u r -Concord, loses one of her moot distin Ferrell, M. D., assistant secretary I . - . t--. t.t and tha aooonMK)dAiona ar th Try North Carolina board of baakh, f or Parmar, Uad Tiay "d "H? - strain the eradttion ol fcoofcworm oisease, . . I berth rate $260 eaoh tway, two can I KlrkrtM r Anni ,Wa the title of a booklet just 1fuea "J 1 Saliabary Post. ; ooenov berth ajwm rat,. Bowrva, 1HB iwi.a. vnv.. 1-1 'VT.-.l. r...Ni. hA.V rvr Din LD. I . , . 1 t - 11. - -. ... 1 1 1 . . . - . . , ' ine norm vmvuub -I An erronecu. report mav nas w-uu tiona snonld no maa eanj.By;WMs service FiUltl $3.CD to t3.CD Per Mcstb ; Other dearable. offices 'Phona No. 59. v- T. T. S1IITH: JR.. Manager. I LZ3 im tSTlli tO. HAIItMlOHEYCUTT CO., Concord. N.C. Phone 263. thai has fosnd t;0M should b made eariT by;wTtuigl Ci-nia . Normal ' Wftil n alTTalTr . a I n a 1 a. I - a IB.- H K AB. al aValSLal mal w.'- , it is to oe given i jmneral eirculation in tmsoouniy nas to Jame4Urr, T, r. idoh, - . - 1 iwihJ anna, ana Onei .. tV, t.r. Ttm jMwklet I v . . . . . i 1 : j -tf iMMnm .111 iiuuv.vw aAfTijin 1 1 1 luc ni.vi j ina mnr It is to be civen eirculation in every d and honored sons, and one o ft- 9tte The fcooklet h- of ftougMdg f bush-1 C. contribution to the moral, reiig- the history and the geographical ,g , farmer, generally lot. 1 and material wo fare of the distribution of the hookworm an- l h(,re umkratood tbat the larwprohibi-Lnd 8 Peraona fwm-west of; Char. f nHtf CTnfll CfWwP no 6ni.i.-. . . The farmeni ffenerauy m. mil ma Ara.in.lia.inio. vaanowvi o distribution of the hookworm and, a nnKd tht th Uirrohibi-Lnd for ;!! f.;i mr,sntation of the nature . -1 j i--;a0t I , i?!" n-n m Tli la North Carolina. Four regular . UEU1U1.U - . rui r n m an.ni. mluiii muu im I. v.. 'i.iiv.. i jauu ic.um u m.w . . . As a soldier of war and as a and its stacks on the human system. of peace in th four score yea Ui The treatment for eradication andtne iia Ufa he fought the good fight, and ganitary precautions for prevention rnn UK whose ioiia , and material nmmnnitv is incalculable. LUE INSURANCE rntE xrsuBANcs ; ' OAUSALTT INSUEAKCB LIVE STOCK INSURANCE call on ... .1 - I a.i wnnn in a rm Mfh rna 111111 at rn a hibmxkr rii; biimi k 1. v v u am w veai It is profusely illustrated no doubt heard when he met his Maa- v last nkht the welcome plaudit: Wja u gnicid.? nr 11 3 . I T rt D. nMcianl it thn Chi- wen uuuc j ira vj. iv"ui co.". He was a man of his own making,! cag0( Indianapolis and Louisville rail- . . .l l nunLuin Uta Mnrifin milted W8S ahot and -well ne wrougau x.- --T wantlv killed achieved greater success in vu -r" j, 0,clock Wednesday morning nnfacturing, and as .i, , , hre understood tbat tn iaimproiuoj-igDd apeciai tam iron we,-; ow- -. lUTi.. . .. - . i , ' a teTthtnanufacturd aUof dder.Lw eTcharlott. 80 n- ThU of. North - SflnftMlMfl' ft M W. whi,h i. a mistake. Cider eaa.be train arrive Portsmonifc JLO Mr to. Oonrsea .leading to Dgwf.,, Spooal .-BUiIaT.lli; . - -i j .uitiuuA :. onwmnni4i. -mtnrnkur I Cnni-sea lor 'leaenem xau aeaaiVB miai auu wu.iu m -- i iui t - - s i ; , . . , - Knw VI 1 . 1 J.L ' fill. ! - - nr. Ro.hArt h Johnson, tne veteran vender of the drink, is disposing of big quantities every, day. Not only the apple, but th 1 poach yield in this county ia tha largest All trees are weight- xj Jo.. aiH, manv of the fanners V " " v m , fondim? their Ihoes with both fruits. VWIUWV wa - August, 4th. .Thia!train will make a begin BeptattDei ; 14. , xnoa- oe fast run in both dkctiona.? Tho.rat airing to ento shild apply eax y from ObarloMe: lor-tnorona inp-ias pH. -----onlv and aotwdingly -lawt ratos J mf orraaUon addjwsji -y.a.r: - t TT.mlo .Ndaj-kton to uamMW. vnea- o-o.- . ... ter 4o Monro, H-mlefcto Cary, - nTLVnt CAROLINA Mnst Sa Above SurDldon. Kidney and bladder ailments are so ces,i aunt that any stood in the highest rank among his nortn 0f Chicago. remedy offered for their cur must business compeers. hilwi nMwKiw'.Kn. Mtal. barmfnl drnBSi an3 As great, however, as was his succoss - ;i ' Md m j ..na nrota in 1 - . . , . . r 1 " r. in this line oi ewwvwi, a who went downstairs to inveetigaw. tnorougb uu vawuxiw ujs of cotton manufacturing, and asja fc burglar entered bismmmer. serious in their .eonsequeneas,! prudent and sagacious financier h home in wnmetka, a suburb 15 miles tf unchecked so often fatal that : .v.. ii.;riiaaf. rank amons his -. nf rihiftasro. Iremedv offered for their ear s St Cloud Hotel Bldgn Coneord, K. 0, .v:;..,.r:5 Phone Ko2St - Total Asseta EepresentoU224,780,000 s "W -call special attention w our - Iiv; Stock . Inwaranc for farm, dray and pleasure animaia.- '... .. Also ' special uasses Cattle. , i,---, ;' , 0. A. ISENHOUK, sec xreaa. TH0S. Wi KSITTH. Mgr. Insiiranea, further Sffieil COLLEflS CP AGRICULTURE AND est Agent 4rgm-a. TrfvssaMJna-ai Mak your preaervwiioBa w. 1 r7,"i- . in. tna aaraeha in- two itafc1bMrj ..aULBsJaVtaf ; -Vr ,.d,.,lr. in u ' i wno went aawuswurs iu uirwug.. its moral aua reugivuo nemoere omis imuj ui ..j . i . - . . .! . l . rj . . a afnlra wa. declared Monday on 7 n: iTZs hoTwlsL 4hrGnd .T3aiW .of Ca. ad. dor. Strong in his religious iaua, snoi j first , floor and . tho Central ; of Yermont. It there followed "as e mq iying the foot of went into effect at onoe. dat" that uncompromising moral oon-l n . hHet throueh his ' TT ... fc 1wo? "i" Li !n: Tonma 12 and 18. . viotion that . made him a tower of Th"e murderer or murderers es- Blanffmanugljitawttth..M TTW 830. ofitoivanth in tma eitv. nio nmumv. ubi, o a- . ... To secure their loved ones if they di, r what they totond to provwr n wj live. Reflect 1 Hav you mad snitabla K provisions for your wife and enudrani . Kona. ..- ' ' ' 1 ;- .... a-. If not apply for Insuranc inui J. M. Gudger, Jr, th DemoeraUf 1; N. BUr.GVSOal, '-M. D. MUTUAL BENEFIT JjIFB 55 'noniineaforX'greal ftTwnth 'Vl V ' , ANCE C0MPAOTVnTHE P0LIC1 IDistriet, taa,snt to Joha O. Grant, J Coaoord; JT. 0. HOLDERS . FRIENT and do it Hend-wonville, a. letter in which Offlc and reeidanoeiu Morns Bmld- floW . . . - ,, . JN0. Z: PATTERSON; J0; Ats. . WWW. . ,1 1 "... mmw1!" " ' '. m a-aw-aw av mm wm am wa av amr . amv .. " aaamm.' - w . ,. - - . . " --!",..-a-1- a-.- COT F ( i , , t '.,-.11.. . sn i r-nn n-n rn 1-300 O P V J -UK Li k-- u k-. w s. U:,wJt-;Kfe-K?' a." .i - -x- j fc. ,UUnihahfhr -flfbkhom:Saidrdayt-July Announces mviTipuiruiio . .. . - . - . .t... rt nrifrn their entire stock of noods. ;Evsry item in qmenhre lillZV Will If IMtVVV vavv-.,.w; r ....w.-w. - . v, . . f retail stock as enumerated below, ;um. object lorwe. This, is No Fake; . af,'P'.. If : -: :v ,y .v,"' 1 ,v" ' "ammlv ' 1 't',"T,'i''it fa . Whan ure advertise a cut 1 cbsn stock, mostly this season' Zcllsr Bros Kir Keea a have a first-class. Bros., Edwin Clapp, On counter of Men's Suits in broken lots and off styles, price, from $L50 a. o Rn .n tli aba will sell at-3.00 One eonnter of Youths ' .Singk and Double-Breast Suits, prices from $5 to $10, will sell t 12.50 TX CZZ RiaULAR STOCK ALL . . .. . .... ... 4 ...'..... ; . ; ... 7. .' " " rri m.11 gall mjt : ': 'S3.75 a II 4 KO Snifa will hell At i.25 ' All $10.00 Suit, will sell at ail tlO n RiiHa twill Sell at iL 0.75 AU 1:1350 Suits wffl sell at $7.25 . an ri Rmim will selLat it3.E9 AU 3.C3 Tuita sell at . $11-75 All -:.C3 Calls af-.J $113 '1 C2.3 "-d $25.00 ui'ta will sM . n : Eds Rniclier- becker Suits. AH $10 Suit, sell at J5c AH 9T. 00 Rnita sell at -$L15 All $250 Suit, eell at 1 $U5 An $3.00 Smta sell at $wa All A3 M Suka sell at . $Z.S5 All $4.00 Suit. seU at $2.75 All $450 Suits sell at All ti.OO Snka sell at --$3.53 All $6.00 Suit. seU at $1C0 AU $650 SuiU seU at $4.50 AU $750 Suit, sell at . T.a Lisa's andBoyA' 51.7, r'l 1 "l, $i.c3 r.-rt. : i.:.3 r. .is ; ) iv:.ts Hi 1 Lm a, - ...-.I rij : $i.: . . '1.73 Lw Air-vjW Clann'. 8.00 all . leath ert ' 1-50 All $4.00 Shoes and Oxfords,. z.va All 41 &Jiaa. anl Oxfords. lt2X3 Att 3.00 Shoe and Oxfords..t 2 23 Al $250 Shoes, and Uxiords i-J All 2 nnf5ho and Orfordstl.CD All $1.75 Shoes and jOxfords... J1.C5 ai i sn Khoes and uirords4i.iJ All S15 Shoes and Oxford tSo i ii a, ok Ol Ll -"la3. Ail f iiuvn auu . 1' . . rwt 2 a.. All n DO Rhnaa nd Oxfords C2.fi AU $250ho. and'Gfords.i.$1.75 AU $2.0tt Shoes M uxroros... j AU $L75'Shos and Oxfords ii.v j Afl $150 hbsand Oxford. 1.15 AU $155 Shoes -and Uxlords ,v-s All $L00 Slioca and Oifords..,7'J AU 75c Shoes and -Oxfords....CCc r a:i :;:') WA.tiaAirtinlv ihree' . Panama : Hats lefh int nf imr entire .enrinr ifiur chas. ! ; These x $5j00l and l t -.03 Hats, and wiU seU at Wliav 4i,botitxthre-nd-one-L.. dozen Men's Fine Ctraw liatij t $Lt50 Hat sell at 70c 75c Hats sell at i----50e 50c Hat. sell rX I c . ,rv- ' ' . f w- -v . Cliirto. nr liSBeltslpg2 All 25c" Belts lW AH 5()oTBelt-..i-i.i.-----S5o; AU 75e Bolts 5o : All $1.00 Shirts - -650 All 15o Neck Tie8....-.:'..-..-JOe; AU 25o Neck Tie. All 50 Neck Ties 35c or 3 for.41.C3 I'.js . season's t lr' 1 1 tasn. aeily 1." T i i-r 1 . a "' U ; tt t - All 50tf Shirts A'l 3&o Chirt. A'.l C1.C3 Kelts ... 4 l,vJ IB a. .a-aaa. ak-aa ' f f 3 r '.irta A'J-C'So Work Lirt. .;25c ...45c ..... ,."5o ..a-.?1.15 A ' ' 3 ...... . i Hosiery aii 10c Sox ce All 15c Sox. 2 pair for.L.- : l"o All 2.kj Sox l'e All 50c Sox r --3 V vi .. Wi v - - All 50o Overall. !"! All 75c Overnlls r J All $l.C3 Overdla !cnV 13c Collars . ' !r-.'

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