TODAY'S NETS TODAY. o a m -fv af -fiiix m 4 my i ; as3l.ta o 1 t-i i j i ii i 1 1 i I ii i i i i k i ni r press - " - VOLUME XXII. CONCORD. N C . MONDAY. DECEMBER 18, 1922. NO. 201. NOVEMfiER EXPORTS j COMMCfCe ' Department of q. . - . oprwi oyw M ler LfBH Month Totalled 182.000 U' Jd Jv UUU, lilfTn KeCOrd lor I ear. TTaT A I to TDCITDD IvJTAL IS (iKhAlhK THAN I AST NflVIPMHPR 1 ' lVOl nUTDinDbn In Comparison With Now j Der, 1913, the increase Was More Than $138,000,000 the Report Shows. (Br he Aaaoelalen' Praar.) Washington. Ier. IK American ex ports In Novondier reached the highest point Of the year, aei mdlng hi official overseas linU' statistics nude public today lij- the I ii'partiui nt of Commerce, showing total exports of $:KiK,t)nn.MM). The Nnvcmlier total Is $12,000,110:) greater than the Value of Octolier ex porta, ami $00,1100,000 cr at. i tlllin the. value of commodities shipped abroad in Novemlter last year. In rnWlpaflinh willi Novemler. 101 ;. the iuerense was more than i:ts.oKi,(MHV A brief statement li.v Uie department deelared the Xoretnlier returns showed Hint Amerlran nRilculturc tind Industry t-fnefally lienefltted from the. iticrensinK export business. Detailed analysis of the trade, however, has not lieen made public. BANDITS SECl'RKD ABOl'T $200,000 In DKNVKK RAID Itob Messenger In Front of Fetleral Mint and Fscape in Automobile. (By the AeMnHaiea 1'reaa.l Denver, Colo.. Dee. 18. Three ban dita ttxlny ahot and probably family wounded ("hnrlea I.lnton. a Federal Reseil.e Bunk (.unrd, and eamped with about $2(H.(HI0 in cYirreney of $0 deuominallons, which was lietv loadel onto a Federal Reserve truck in front of the Denver mint. The money was heiil); transferred , from the mint, to the local reserve ' Iwink. The rohlrs seized the money and sprang into ,m ainVimoiiile. 'As their enr sped awnyjlie amed covennnent f.anrds inside le mint bnihlint; tired from the windotu nt the roblteis. The entire Denver. lsdW force niilcklv was While the robber? was goltig on. ne cording to witnesses, a second itutotho, Idle bilided with muskinl men. nrnicd with shot gnus and rifles, stoml 20 faet from the bnndlt enr. apiiarently reSady to give aid ft needed. Sheriffs in nearby eountiles were quickly notified liy the imllcc in Bu ef fort to apprehend the robust. ijiines 10 utve money in t ntirrn muni-1 Ing Fund The Ladies' Aid Society of Ihe First BaptisM'hurch has turned over to the building committee the sum of 8(1Q0 on the new church, anil they exiHs-t to turn over an additional amount shortly, which will make about fl.lKK) on the new church for the yeur. All objects fostered by the Church will re celre about $4,800 from the Society for the year. Christmas Play. "Up the Chimney," is the title of the piny to be given by the children of the Second Presbyterian Church on Christmas morning at (1:30 o'clock. A large junior choir will ping' carols, and there will be special nnhiliers between the acts. The usual tree and "treat" will lie given nt this time. Blanche Fnnk Miller, who has been elected a justice of the peace In Tacoma, ojijewts to liclng called "judge." IT COSTS TO JOIN OUK NOW AND H taBaaaf aaal bH bbbbI aaalal I aaaal BaHaBBBal g NEXT CHRISTMAS COME IN WE WILL TELL YOU HOW TO DO IT 1923 i CLUB OPENS MONDAY DECEMBER 18th, 1922. WALLACE BHD M it UHTH , T i IUm Prrtn- Mar- Mu- DM It Hapa-ar a. Art-... Sa i mmiiH Lm naxaW. Dae. IV -Wallace Held. : motion pktura Ur. is ua l be rrcfe of rath, a ad for several dan aa at I mm ei parted tu Ufa. aroortflOf to Mr. Wallace lUid (Dorothy Daren- port 111 u lra.e tay In llta Lua abp - k - r.m miner pim Hi a nmi . wco.1 sanatoria m ast night, 'the Non-U agriculture tluancln aa-aa- u of ,m? Phydclan. accordln to urn. " Examiner, corroborated Jars. I When the Senate met It had pending j Raid's statements saying jhrfor It the motion to distance the I " Mr. Reld ha been near death fnrjnne Mil with the other. which wan the past Ave i s x days. His temp, i a- made Saturday hy Chairman NnrMs. , lure has repea.edlv reached lift, .ml 'of the agriculture committee. While hl P"lse Hlf heart action N i wpiMirtet of the N'orrls motion were irregular nn,l weak. He has fainted tatleropttng to get the floor Senator Ion on average if three times dan. anil ..ihora me hi. 1 1 cute he - ml nn; either from a roa dition of ciHiipU t exh.UEtlon or from The physician d -scrlbiiiK the ill ness, according to ilr. Examiner said: "His present Illness hint ho OUUtteo tiim with over m l litem in ulcobol or I narcotics, elMiough such indulfrer.i-es have undeuotet y undermined his ys- U'lil III ue'umo )-"ti- i'. 'M3-s. Reid in deser.blng his coiidi ti.ia just before thr br;ikdovn said he wept and nld: " 'How did '1 happen to let myself co? Why rouMnl 1 stop lng ago? I thought I was strong. I thought I , knew ihvm It so well; I can't nude, stand it:1 " ludignunt denials of thespullishel repurts of "orgies" in the Held home. were made hy .Mrs. Atiee. uareupori. ninther-ln-luw of the actor, to whom he would make the reisirt on the noin those reports had la-en credited. ilnntion at the Urst legislative session "I know there are dope' parties in 'of the Senate and call it up at the first HolIywiMsI evervone knows that." she 'opportunity. Senators I'lFollette. of said." "And I suppose Wall? has at-1 Wisconsin und Norris of Nebraska, tended some of them: I don't know. 'republican, have indicated thut they 1 do knnw that I have talked with him I after be -returned from parties at the homes of some of the people in Holly wood, and I have seen him sadly shake his luad und $ny: 'Mother. I don't like it. Thnt Isn't the way to have plea sure. It's all o false, so nrticticiaV. " Prohibition Pnoms Trade in Pocket Flasks. (By the AMoelnd'd Press.) New York. Dec. IS. If -the Chrust nuis rum fleet reported to lie hound for New York from the Bahamas suc ceeds in runnioji the blockade of the dry navy, it should find New Yorkers amply supplied with receptacles for toting the forbidden liquor. Several manufacturers today declar ed thai the demand for- Husks had tr-hled since the advent of prohibi tion. Shop Windows with their Christ mas decorations feature clandestine wet" dBs Stores ure selling thousands of flasks large ones for roomy coat nockets and small ones gracefully curved for the hip; exjienslve contain ers of silver and gold and cheaper ones covered with imitation leather. Flasks are not the only drinking ap paratus on display. Shown in abund ance are hollow canes., decanters. .classes, never blown for milk, and elab- orim- oii'mhu '-". Tchttefcerin Makes a Proposal. Lausanne, Dec. 18. By the Associat ed Press I .-r-Forejgn Minister Tchit cberln, of Russia, proposed today to the Near East conference a commis sion studying statue of the Turkish straits, a plan providing for Inter nationa) board of control' on which would be represented, Germany, I'liited States. France. BngHfnd, Duly ami eleven states Itordering on the Black Sea. Killed When Auto Overturns. (By the Aainoluted Preaa.1, N. C, Dec. 18. L. A. Pot ter, 8t, local insurance man. was killed Inst night when the automobile in which he was riding overturned 'at Rock Ridge bridge, one mile from Haefdrd. His neck was broken. No one was with him nt the time of the. necltlent. He leaves a widow and two small children. NOTHING HAVE l at A MNM M uu. ww ran raw Bill Will WMrtmiui kt ale Kb Um Nerrk ArriruHurr Ft ia rM.i W' Dr. 1- I'naaaentt of fto admlnlatratiuo ralpfanc hill won tha Arm rU-torr In the Jockeying In the Satiate loihTX over the amr of iw otipcueni 1.1 ill place IIe 1411 wnu Idin&deil. of i.iiImihiiii. m democrat!. -i i i mi lei of the ship iiieHsnre. cUlined reioenllion In mi ordauci- a tuie lion given hist week, and launched in U n 1" I' ill liehalf of the '-ill Bl'TI.KK Ji-rrs APPROVAL BV M.N M I t OMMITTKF rtianiinous Approval of Ills Nomina tion As Member of Supreme Court (liven by Senate Committee I Br ta AawM-iatra rtr.i Washington. Dec. 1. The nomina tion of Fierce Butler, of Muinesnln. to I an associate justice of the Supreme t'otu-t, was ordinsl reuortiil to tic Senate by a nnnniuious vote of the Senate Judiciary Committee. The. committee acted after receiving a reMrt from a siileniinuiitte-' which inquired into the nominations and ree onuBMlM fin ei utile action. Chairman Nelson announced that will tight confirmation. WOMAN F01ND DKAD IN CAR; DRY AGENT IS BEING HELD la inn. He Was Attempting to Cross Creek and Weill Over Embankment. Greensboro. Dec. 17. (!. F. Albert i, prohibition enforcement officer, I re ported to the police here late tonight thnt while attempting to cross Buffalo creek, 10 miles from Greensboro In his automobile in which was Mrs. Kdnn Glenn, wife of Stanley Glenn, of this place."He missed the bridge, went over a 15 foot embankment into the water ; Hint he. scrambled from under the au tomobile and thnt he fears Mrs. Glenn is under the machine dead. City and county officers went to the scene ami found the machine partially submerged In water, mid found Hrs. Glenn dead in the car. Albert! was phuvtl under arrest and locked tip THE COTTON MARKET Market Was Active and Rather Exeit ed at the Opening Today. (Br the Aaaoclated Preaa.) New York, Dec. 18. The cotton market was active and rather excited at the opening today. Relatively firm Liverpool cables and private reports of rapidly improving general trade conditions In England evidently stlm nutted the buying movement which started nl the publication of the gov ernment crop estimate last week and Ihe .polling was turn nt mi advance ot li2 to -IS points. Cotton futures opened fivni: Decent her 2S.75; January 26.70; March 26,00! May 20.08; July 25.05, KELLER'S ACTION WILL BE INVESTIGATED AT ONCE Committee Appointed to Determine What Action, If Any, Will Be Taken by the House. By the Aaaeelaled Praa.t Washington. Dec. 18. The House Judiciary Committee appointed a sub committee today to investigate what action, If any, should be taken in con nection with the refusal of Represen tative Keller, republican, of Minneso ta, to testify liefore the committee as to the information on which he based his Impeachment charges against At torney General Dougherty. IjCDCR KBFIjSES TO DISMISS CHARGES AGAINST MRS. In Connection With the Killing of "Honest" John E. Bninen. rBy the ml-,1 Preaa. I Mt. Holly. N. J., Dec. 18. Justice Kalisch today refused the motion of Mrs. DorrU Brunen's attorney to dis miss the charges against her In con nection with the killing bf "Honest" John K. Bninen, carnival owner. Justice Kalisch declared that although "it may he thnt the testimony in this case be very meager as far as Mrs. Brunen's connection may be concern ed" the question' must be. settled by the jury. No Fireworks Allowed In City. Chief Talbirt this morning decia, i that the police were going to enforce the law In regard to shooting fire crackers in the city during tne Christmas iperlod. There is a city law aeainst the cracker, Chief Talbirt (Stated, and it Is the duty of the no ice department to see that it Is en I forced. His officers have 'been In j structed to enforce the law, the cnlof added. DON'T FAIL TO SEE bloria Swanson -IN- "Her Gilded Cage" I STAR THEATRE TODAY AND TOMORROW ' - - - - - - - mmmmmmmm&&mm BIG CHARLOTTE FIRE STARTS FROi FURNACE LThe Six-Story st BuildinK on Try on t Was De- stroyed Early nday With a Los of ,000. - KEITH VAUDEVILLE MOLSE IS RUINVD Eire Was Barging Eiercely When Digtovered. Fire Started in Fmnacc Room of Trust Boflfinx. Chnrli.lle, Dee. J7 The 'nisi hiiilding on Bamli Ti The six-story Trust building on Bamli Tryon street iiHilalniug the KefcAli vaudeville thea ter and a l..rvc niun) i of offices was destroyed and twv other striH-tures seriously damaged hi' tire early today with a total loss eJtl .....tnl.. Villi Hinted nt appi,,- i The nsif was ing ttirec-stort' 1 off an adjoin ing oci-npieil by BriK-kman's retnll mail order liook a number of of all the contents stationery store, flees and practical! of dm stun lure wetr a tnial !"s I n to fire and watera The Piedmont luiilcliiu- on tin. smttk-i'lc of the Trust I building was wntnloiikeil frum roof to cellar. It watBheadquni-tcrs for the Piedmont Fire jBsurance company and the Morris Pitt 1'iink. and ion- tuiniil numbers of '(Slier offices. The fire was hellwi tl to have, orlg- intril in the furnal'e renin of the Trust building nnA mad gained great headway before It was discovered. Save for one or twMinlnor injuries t lircjnen. there werwii" casualties in the fire which nttrat' persons. One? of heaviest down pours of rain Cha: tte hus had -this out the time tht yenr licgan to foil fire was under co Had It not linen the heavy rain of the last week buildings soaked a Inch left nearby the aid given by water thnt fell the torrents of this morning. Fire lief Wallace said the blaze might astrnus as the Bern. e proved as dis I one at New ) Tons of water ere thrown iuto the smoking ruins oughout the day t was I, lucked to and South Tryon si traffic until the. hit ternopn em parts of the front wall Ike Trust bnlld- Ing fell jnto the - The scene Of the Fourth fire was lietween Third and streets, on the west side of South Tryon. within a block of where the famous Mecklenburg Declaration of I independence is said to linve been signed. Jn addition to the losses to business men and others whqse offices and equipment were destroyed, the lodge room of the Dramatic Order Knights of K hoi assan. which were in the Piedmont building, were water soaked. The Trust building, which also was knowiLs as the Academy of Music, had nothing left tonight but tottering Walls, the front part of which had partly alien out. it was erected IS yenrs ago and was a brick structure. With in recent months il had been purchase I by C. W. Johnston at a pi ice sjid to be ,$25:t,(IOO. Total loss in the building occupied ijy Brockman's store and ottices was plac ed at more than $lii(l,O0O. while thous ands of dollars of damage was done by water in the Piedmont building. Other nearby structures escaped with a few panes of broken glass or scorched awnings, from the Haines, which were discovered about 4 :.'!! a. in. The losses generally were said lo be well covered by insurance although there were numerous individuals who had no such protection against lire. Muyor Walker announced today thnt he would turn the city auditorium over to those whose offices were destroyed and would erect temporary 'partitions in the main hall of the buildings. A cbeck-up of injuries tonight sbow- ed thnt Captain Al Moody of the lire department suffered painful cuts from falling glass and -that R. W. Stokes was knocked down, apparently by con flict with an electric wire, but not seriously hurt. Klectric light and power was turned off in downtown Charlotte for several hours during the fire. Survey of Prohibition Enforcement Conditions in West. B? tha Aaaurlate Preaa., IV, , si, i, ,,.!,, n Tine IS Pluoa hnvp been completed by the prohibition mi- reau for a survey of enforcement con- dltlons in the far western states sim ilar to that just completed by Com missioner Hayues in the south. Mr. Haynes accompanied by several of his Bureau chiefs will leave here on Jan uary 18. Community Christmas Tree. A community Christmas tree will be erected oh the lawn of the Y again this year. The tree will lie erected In time for the exercises, which will be held on Saturday evening at 7 o'clock. Voi the past several yenrs the community tree has been erected on the lawn of the Y and 1 the programs ""W '" The public is Invited to attend exercises this yenr. the The Lithuania is Reported Aground. elated Press).-TI,c Danish s,emhlp' I ithunnin which left New York De- ,Zn'telXrtJrta Copenhagen, Dec. 18 (By the. Asso- . i .o,i nirround on Bernhold IslaW in the Hal S,"a Bf'rn"oW ""T 1,1 ,De J 1 Mr. W. H. Fowler, of Knnnanolia. TV,. S4i lust week killed an eleven mot uog tUHt weighed tOO pounds. last week killed nn eleven months old arcctAL s mi i MRMfr (an -en . Frail aaa VafHaMr Graw tag la He uhm at Wait ( ( Ik. A Ralebra. Der. IH. Upt'ial roavara in fruit aaxl iranal.le marlng thr North i an.lliia Mate C.sVt. January S to 1. will ' n.i.i.,. i,. v aad tlaaely feature of Interest to aalre lanuerm.- aei-ordlnc to an annuaiM eBt tiaJar by Profeaaor J. V. Plllf bury. head of (be department of nor W culture. As mtllneL ttte Work will be otrereil in the form of three two-boar demon stration Nrture during the forenoon, and hr demonstralhio and practice In graiung unit un-klng Inter Boiling Hall, of Waynemille. will lie in charge of the w,.rk with friiit duriug Ibe first w-. it was slated The grading and packing of vegetables lo be given the -nsind eek of the short term, will U- under the direction of (ion el I Sbuniuker. of the Imn-iiu of nutrketi. , "The demonstration- lectures of the first week will cover such timely sub jects as improvement of farmsteads: choosing rarities for the orchard ; or chard planting: establishing the or chnnl: peach problems; priiuiug appbs and peafhf-.,grnpes and small fruits: pei-in and flg culture, and furm wissllnt management.'' it -was stated. "The second week will lie devoted cbieflv to vegetables and will Include me following topics; truck crops far North Carolina ; production problems with the Irish potato, sweet potato, letturee, tomato and onion crops; ills eases of vegetables. Irrigation, ami marketing. A packing and judging contest, open to nil who attend will he held nt the conclusion of the course." MORE TEACHERS NEEDED IN NORTH CAROLINA Mid-Year Resignations and Other Causes Have Resulted in Shortage, illy ihe Aaaoclated Pre.) Rhb'igh. Dec. 18A.Mid-year resigna tions and other causes have resulted In n serious shortage of teachers In ted hundreds ofIN'"',h .t"roU"4.: 'Hlti!ig in a de- luauu mi- weu-quauneu instructors for the niiening of the new school venr in January, according to an an nouncement made today by officials of the placement bureau of the Education Association. "There is an unusually heavy de mand for teachers at this season (if the year." reads the statement. "Some of these vacancies are occurring in the s sruooi s.isiems oi tue state. mm innr are inaiiv openings in tne rural sections ot different counties. "The fact that many of the moun tain schools, whifli opened early in the fall or late Summer, are complet ing their work at Christmas time will llflllM'Vt; the.. sltuaiiyiL hut evenl with these niTdRIoth. .there- strfrtTi'elieJdTnrv. oldest Islv 10 nnTbie to wTk'1 vacancies which cannot be filled with the registrations with the bureau nt present. nen i uniineo teachers can secure places through the placement bureau. Teachers holding lower grade certifi cates can find places also, if they have had successful teaching experience. Prospective teachers who do not hold certificates should take up with the certification bureau of the state De partment of education the matter of what certificates they vwill be entitled to before they liegin looking for work. "Superintendents mid school commit tees are not willing to employ teachers who have not hud the training and this is one of the causes of the short age." the statement concludes. COMES BACK FROM THE GRAVE'S SHADOW TO TESTIFY Dan O'Rourke Tells His Storv in the Trial of the Men at Herrin, III. Marlon. 111., Dec. IS (By the Asso ciated Press). Shot .down and left to die on a lonely roadside, Dun O'Rourke returned today to tell his story at the trial of five men charged with murder in connection with the Herrin riot. That O'Rourke, who still bears the scars left by his injuries, had come back from the very shadow of the groro to testify for the prosecution was announced by the, counsel of the state at the opening of court this morning. VALUE OF THE GERMAN MARK IS INCREASING Mark Fell From 8,300 to 5,600 to the Dollar in the Course of the l.asi Five Days. Berlin, Dec. IS (By the Associated Press). In the inldsl of their Christ mas shopping German consumers of all classes were jubilant today at the unprecedented drop in the dollar rep resented by mark exchange, falling from s.rtOO to 5.1)00 to the dollar In the course of 5 du.vs. This rise In the mark has already produced a drop of from 10 to 25 per cent,, in wholesale m"eJ prices. The retailers ure re- luctant to make reductions because they are stocked up with goods bought when the market was much lower. INFLUENZA CASES ARE REPORTED AT TRINITY School Will Close Today Instead of Wednesday Thirty-Six Cases Re ported. (Br "" Aaaoclated Preaa.) Durham, Dee. 18 It was announced today thut Trinity College would be closed this afternoon for the Christmas holidays, two days earlier than usual, 'because of a number of onses of In- uueiizu among tne sum cuts. a totni of M caHP), nBa been reported on the camDUS lOUay. Dead Body of Robed Makme Found. (By tha Aaaoclntrd Preaa.t Statesvllle. N. C. Dte. 18. J. Robert Mnlone 30, disappeared from his home n Shllob township December I), and ""thing had been heard of him until his bodv was found in a branch near hl hne late yesterday afternoon, with a gnsh'in his throat. Malone was In- sane, and application had been made to have him admitted to the state ho- pltal. He leaves a wife and three children. of orpoatT. NmEM rO CHRIBTMAS CHARITIES Party Smdj Caaaa Dtatarerid ka Orr Forty nnwrtuultles" bare round in ( oa-ord. and the ajople of the . .ii are aafcwl lo adopt Hmsb (or Chriataas. The "I ipfmrt unit lea" rep reaetii uay famllim and pemwji In the ctty. aial the following list bsa i -t solan it led by meinberv of the i-nai-mlllen lnveatigating the- silnatbai In the city ; ". I -.M mum No. 1 Two children I who wmild nipreeiate tor anil cuafec-l inniiiries Boy iipcl lo and girl U rear. Iipjrtnnlty No 1' Father III Hree luoiiths. .No siipKirt Mother and lai by of two years, girl 7 years. .Need' fuel, i ...i ,!,! uins things for chll- ilrcii. Taken. liMMirtunity No. :i Mother has tu 1 I -e, m lamer in jiui. imiiv L' lenrs. lioy i and girls o mid 12 yearn. Fuel. tiMsl and iuas limits Dpisirtimity No. -J Mother and fath er, Iml.y 4 years. Little crippbsl girl H yenrs. girl It. FoimI. fuel mid Xuiasl hlngs. I l piMirtunity No. ,"i Coloretl woman has tula-rciilosis. ill for a vear. Fuel and fissl. Onportunlty No. S Mother and fath er. Boy 1J years and grandmother who has tuberculosis. Fuel and food and Xmas things for Uiy. Opiwrtiinlty No. 7 Young girl 17 years old has talierculnais, in tied three months. Flowers and fruit. Taken. Opportunity No. x An ex-soldier has tuliercnlnsis. confined; to lied. Fruit mid flowers. Opportunity No. 0 Grandmother (1(1 years old. has cancer, cares for two grandchildren. I girl 12 years. I things. Buby H years, little Fuel, foisl and Xmas Opportunity No. 10 Father sick. Mother works In mill. Boy 7, girls 8, VI and 18 years. Food und Xmas things. Opportunity No. 11. Father and mother, girl 11 yenrs. bovs 1,1. I) and 1 years. Fuel, food and Xmas things. I Opportunity No. 12 Widowed moth er. 2 children in orphanage. 1 bov 4 years old with his mother. Food fuel and Xmas things. Opportunity No. 1.1 Old lady 70 yenrs old. Fuel, food and confection eries. Opportunity No. 14 An old lady with orphaned grand-daughter 13 years old. Xmas things. Opportunity No. 15 Mother and Father, baby 2 months old, hoy years, girls (!, 7. 8, 10 and 12 years old. food and Xmas things. Opportunity No. 1(5. Mother and father baby 18 months, girls 10 and 5 yenrs, ' grandmother K0 years. Food und Ninas things. . I llinort unit v No 17 Vat i nt nil times. Mother works. Bovs l(t, 18, (! and 1 years. Girl 0 yenrs. Food, fuel and Xmas thing! Opportunity No. 18. Widowed moth- er works In mill. Girls 10 and 4 years. Boy IS years. Food, fuel trad Xuius i things. Opportunity No. 10. Old lady 80 j years old. alone in the world. Food' and confectioneries. I Opportunity No. 20 Fnther sick, mother works in mill bov 4 veal's old. food, fuel and Xmns things. Opportunity No. 21 Widow, no sup-1 port. Boy 14 .veal's old. girls 10 and! 12 years. Food, fuel and Xmas things. ! Opportunity No. 22. Father and mother, (iirls 12 years. Boys 2, 5, 7 and 10 years old. Food and Xmas j things. Taken. j opportunity No. 2X Little bov nine, years old. Xmas things. Taken. Opportunity No. 24. Widowed moth er, boys 13, 10 and ti. (Iirls 15, 7 years and 10 months. Food and Xmas things. Opportunity No. 25. Widowed mother, has tuberculosis, daughter It! yearn, hoy !. Fuel, food and Xmas things. y Opportunity No. 2I. Widowed moth- er, daughter 14 years. Boys 111 and 11 years. Food and Xmas things. Taken. Opportunity No. 27. Father sickl mother works. Boy 5 years, girl 4 years and bnby 2 years. Food and Xmas things. Opportunity No. 28. Two crippled boys in Orthopaedic Hospital. 8 and 4 yenrs. Toys and confestioiieries. Opportunity No. 20. Little crippled girl (i years old. Toys and confection eries. Opportunity No. 110. Crippled boy It years oid. Toys and confestioiier ies. Opportunity Nil. 31. Crippled boy 6 years old. A Christmas remembrance. Opportunity -No. 32 Widowed moth er, boys li and 15 years. Girls 10 and 12. Food, fuel and Xmas things. Tak en. Opportunity No. 33 Mother and father mutes. Boy 7 and girls 2 and 5 years Food and Xmns things. Opportunity No. 34. Little boy 10 yenrs. Xmas things. , Opportunity No. 35. Little girl 8 years. Xmns things. Opportunity No. 30 Little boy 7 yenrs. Xmas things. Taken. Opportunity No. 37. Little girl 8 years old. Xmas things. Opportunity No 38 Young colored woman who has tuberculosis. Food 'the county Jail, und all children need or Xmas things. lug clothing will be cared for also. Opportunity No. 38. Young colored ' woman, has tulierculosls, in lied five months. Fruit or Xinus remembrance. Opportunity No. 3D Father oh ..i ........ n..n..... ,, . ..... n ',,' x"mV8 things. OMinrtnnllv Vn jnIiWW HI for Ave months, wife nnd sou, son only suport. Fuel, food und Xmas gift for the boy. Opportunity No. 41 Father and mother and I six 'WWr very needy Girls IS, 0 and 13 years. Boys 10 and 8 years, baby 1 on.h old. Food and Xmas things for children. Any case which appeals to you may! lie taken by you. Call Mra. G, B. Lew- is or Miss Stockton's office for address of yeur 'Opportunity." Whenever pon slble It is desired that person taking an opportunity aeuver. u, ' out wnere UKE SUPFRinn nqw larart mftfllf LIVES ;Ulln10 Sailors Who Are Tryuif to Bring Bark to Safety Boats on the Lake Take Great Risk With lives. FORTY PERSONS SO FAR HAVE PERISHED And Before Last Ship is Car ried to Port or Given Up For Lost, the Total Will Be Larger. Chicago. Dec. IK (By the Associated Press i . Rattling foot by fisit through towering sens and freezing spruy. tne men who go down to the seas in Khi lighting a buttle across Ihe ley waves of ljike Huperbir to k s-p nav igation open far beyond its usual time and bring down ' the' lake the last car goes of the year. Already the tight has claimed its toll of lives and lafnre the last ship has lieeu accounted for or lieen given up for lost that toll may be greater. Nearly a dozen died a few days ago when a Canadian steamer was dashed, to pieces within a stone's throw of safety at the mouth of the Portage Ijike SMp Canal. Saturday night 27 more were added to the proliable death roll when surviv ors of the tug Itelinnce. .wrecked Wed nesday on 1,1 Kurd Island, reached, Snult Ste Marie after almost indescribable hardships. Snult Ste Marie ('Out.. Dec. is Twenty-two of the 27 pei-sons who have been missing since the tug Re liance struck on the rocks off Lizard Island last Wednesday have been saved, according to report from the tug Grey, which reached the wreck today. INADEQUATE DISTRIBUTION FACILITIES FOR FARMERS Is the Cause of Their Troubles. Says Former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. ur. i (Br the Aaaoclated Preas. I Washington, Dec. IS Distribution facilities and not inadequate credits have caused the present troubles of the farmer's, R. C. Lefflngwell, former assistant secretary of the Treasury, declined today at the Semite Banking "lfMWlWr4wrf proposals. Insisting that "there Is no such thing as stability prices," he con tended that the farmer s troubles were httfely traceable to purchases made hy them of turns, equipment and otner supplies at Inflated prices, " tfrpnan inuuren oruugiu oam iv iNonn iaxoiina. I the Aaawclated Preaa-i Rnlelgh, N. O. Dec. IS. Homes are being sought for live children, who were brought from Virginia, when an orphanage there was abolished owing to alleged irregularities, by the. North Carolina Bureau of Child Welfare. The children now are being held In the detention home of Hie bureau and originally came, from thisWnte. The orphanage; which was abolished in .Virginia, formerly was located In this stnte, but was moved when an in vestigation was started by North Car olida officials, according to Miss Kmeth Tuttle, of the. bureau. Two of the children arc. boys and three girls. Soviets Order Consuls to Leave, Vladivostok, Dec. 18 I By the Asso- cited Press). The soviet government of Vladivostok which recently took over the administration of the. city and surrounding territory, known as the Prlmoria, today ordered the consuls of France and ten other countries to close their consulates and leave tfie Prlmoria within a week. Houston F. Fible and Company Fails. (Br tha aaeaelated Preaa.) New York, Dec. IS. Announcement was made today by the, New Y'ork Stock Exchange of the failure of Houston F. Fible and Company, of Kansas City. The firm which was admitted to the exchange in 1900 con sists of W.' R. Houston and W. M. Fible. A proposal is made that YVellesley College shall follow the example of Bryn Mawr and open Its doors for summer courses to women in industry. this is impossible the committees in charge will deliver. Also, when a per son wants o take a part of an oppor tunity and does not feel they can fur nish fuel, thnt will be looked after by the committees. Bags of confectioneries will be fur nished to 80 men on the chain gang, 00 persons nt the county home, and 14 in ; 1

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