! The Concord Daily Tribune ! t TODAY'S NETS ASSOCIATED PRESS i DISPATCHES . V 1UUAT. oooooo VOLUME XXII. CONCORD. N. C. SATURDAY. JANUARY f,. 1023. NO. 281. ) Three Burned In Raleigh Mrs. Isaac Simpkins, Her; Four Yeaer Old Child, and a Nnrrn Nltrxu 1 .rmi Thpir - " - -- - , Lives in Blase. FAMILY TRAPPED IN THE (iARACiE And Efforts of Firemen and Others to Make Rescue Failed. Fireman Suffered Two Injuries. fBy Ihr ...rlnl. ,1 Pr..i RaMlrtl. N Jnn t! Tlinv iht si iih ww liiinnil ii. ilmih, .'inutii'T Imriiiil si'rlmil . llrraian unil :i 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' i.r iiiit'iiiinlilli'M injumi. i iIhsi in-. -1 ...... .i ii in n tin1 ivhirll il"Xtrnyl n hi'rt' liMuiy. TIN kihk:' 'iia 'l hy Isiuii' Slmiikiiifl nnil w.r Kiirnyi' JMTll I -I.H.'ll.ll nil Must Mni'KIIIl hll'll'l 'I'ht' iliinl nil': Mrs. Isii.'h sinipl. in."', lii-r I'iiui'-.v I'lii'-nlil sun. unit n ni'itrn mil si-. Issin- Sinipkins v:i Unlli IiiiiiiimI vvlli'll hi- :i ! t -l ti l ' I in ri' i'iiti'i llir ImililiiiK In ii'siih. his will- nfii-r hiivltiK ilriipiMil from n siioiid Minn winihiw with his iliiui;liliT. I'liri'iill Bii k. ii hrcmiin, frtirliinil his nrni In twn plNii's whrn n Ninlili'ii linisi ui' lln mi's frniu n wimlnw iimim'iI liim in Inst- his luiliinii' mi ii linliii'i mill lull. Siinpkins unit his fmnily lixiil in :in 11 ki rt UK-ill over Ihr uiihiki'. mnl wi'ii' irnpiHil liy Ihr Ilri1 whlih wiih si Itrl oil hy mi I'xpliisluli, ixi'iiiilInK In lllp tin ilrpiiilnii'iil. Tin' thiini's spri'inl rapidly. KnshliiK In :i wimlnw. sinip kins iirgixl his wil'i'. IioIiIIuk hr sum II sun in her nuns, in Jump. She rofns- cil. Tim man i-nillfhl hi Uitnghlerl,, mnl jmnpi'il. IIi iiishi'il hark into the ImililitiK in nn nttcmpl in rfM'.ut his wifi', hut wns ilriviti Imck hy l hi1 llmni's. lip wns nn Iwully liuiniil 1ms pilal nlliiials slati'il. thai Im imt ix pi'i'tiil In livn. Simpkins, liis rlnlhi'S Imi'iiin. was Hlllllililli; Is'llltllh lilt' wimlnw whrrr his will' hml upH'miil whrn Ihr Her man nrrlveil. ".lump, mother Jitmp." in' inllisl. Thr only miswre was a sriram. Ill' ploinlril Willi Ihr crowd In snvr his wile mnl rhiltl. HiH k was Httrinpl jiiK In era ill thr wimlnw when Ihr ilamrs rauaed hlio In lull. Firnmi'ii worn nut ahlr In mat Ii tin room in which Ihr IhmImi wnr .'.ninil illftir 7 n'cliirV-. uruiTy' liieiH' tmiies af ire Ihr tiro slarlrd. Dliity Mourn mnl W. ii. Herwre. who nlsu hml rooms nn thr sriiinil tlime uf tlir htlililiiiK rsraiiiil hy sliil int; ilowu a ahetl in the renr. Bi'lwwn Till anil HHI ailliiiunliilrs wiyr in the pi rage. Thr loss on thr htltldlng ami ntlto innhilrs was rstiinntnl at $(iO.(HMI. the hulltUng lieiiiK ralnwl at $20,1X1)1, all pnetlnlly eoveretl hy insurance, With Our Advertisers. Compare the goods and prices at ihr Browns-f'nnnon I'ompany wllh olhei coniKinies Is'fore laying, rnuipany ad visrs ill a new ad. today. The Concord Fiirnllure I'o. nuw sella thr Bnrk's tJnseleetrlr ruin hi mil ion range. 'New ad. gives lull pu el indues. It. I.. I'mlierger has a slightly used Witter furnnre Ine sale, says new ad. today. Make it a sperinl point In see the value Fisher's is niTering in fins, denps and dresses. Highest ipiality and extreme values in three-piece living room suites at II. B. Wilkinson's. The Christmas savings Cluh of the Citizens Bank and Trust Co. offers a splendid way to save money. See two mis. of this hank in today's paper. Forsyth County Caltagv For Stone- wall scitooi. Winston-Salem, Jan. 5. The Lions club here is sponsor of the movement to erect a Forsyth county cottage lor wayward hoys al the Stonewall Trnining school near Concord, inner civic organlzntins, will be asked to co-operate in raising the necessary funds to provide the proposed build ing. The county and perhaps the city wl I likely be asked to make initia tions to the cause. President .1. e Cook, of I lie board of trustees of the Stonewall school, was here Ibis week by Invitation and ponferred ith members of the Linns club regarding the cottage proposition. Man Burned to Death Was W. R. Lee, of Roper. Elizabeth City, Jan. 5. The man burner! to death in a fire that de stroyed a lodging house here yester day was identified at the coroner's in quest today as W. R. Lee. of Roper. A telegram from the mayor of Ropar said the family was unab'.e to have the body brought home for burial. The condition of Mr. John s. Hill, who Is ill at his home on F'nst Depof. street, remains unchanged, he being still in u serious condition. BASKETBALL Greensboro Highs vs. Concord Highs Y. M.C.A. 8 P.M. Admission 25c to Death Garage Fire two riulh in senate v.unstki ku a k!w '"'' Were Intradural hy Senator J. u d.,-. .... l.. i. i.:...:.. ... ipokiii, ui i it i i.niin if i iit ii n.r tmrUM huti Hal gh. X. C . .Inn . Tn.. Idlls .11 rwled against the K Kln Klaii in hmlnral In Senator J U itugjeit. ui I , I dtst ii I . nm ale being fun- stdered bv the nan. line ol thi-sie measure irnnhl make ii a Mini) fin iiny person in niHmir off hi premises disguised mi :is Ik destrm idotiliM. while Mil scrolld. siliittD.iinry In lh' flrsf. would require Ihe rei-ordlns Willi ilii' secretary "I stale ntinualh I hi' roster of everj seeriM society ii I III' stale. 'I'lii' it , measure, according in tin' Si'iiiiii.t. would render tin. Ku! Klux Klttil innnnu us nr i i 1 1 1 ii. mill :.isu i- n lined ut nnv i.nruilitiiiiiiii the member ul wlm-h cover then i.h i 'pi, highwaymen. yc;ginon. iiiurdcre . i ml other I. St'llllti. ui; 1 1 ii.r ti il ri'imiii.'i Is i Kaggetl Kill aff'-i 'II III Mint usually t'u innsk Slllll. inn this hill these. I. nl will ii im.'I'TII ll.'illnw'- i i'!i lefifat inns ami !!l '.Iriilllllh crimp n "Thei tense i l I lllllifl. tasipir hall plans. m inilliiii inoir llian noli' hallnwe en any way." Ii n mil even it there is mil hint virions in Ihr celehealiiiii. these IhillKS shniilil lie mailt' in liive a. fue Ihe pilllllr jpilKl." Iii speaking ul' ills iinti-mnskftig liill. lln Senator slnteil ii was his puepose ; tn iiiake a ilisunisril man in ii-pnMicI place a IcgilimtHc laeuri fur any clli- Zrn. "When I imvl n maskeil man nuw." i he sn til. "I tin nut knuw whether lie is i looking ine mi' or iiincholy else, hul should I his law In- emicleil I would have a riuhl In slop h. any inenns a man wlm is in llir ail of mniniittiiiB felony." Thr measure, if passed, wnuld nut prevenl Klansiuen. or ineinlH'es nf any other iirKiiuixariun. niiiskinK in l heir halls, hul I lio lueinher inuld nul go tn mid feu in his hetlil-covering without snhjoctiiiK himself in ilntiger nf a prn lllty nf servitude fue a period emigiiiK from a iiiinimiiiu uf one year In live years uor inuhl milndy nl' thr masipier ade go lu Ihe hall with lire mask on without inviting Iruuhlc with thr law. MITIIKUi not. AT STAVS MASTER'S STORK Krikresentalhe Sanders Cannot Itntlge 111 lino I ruin t oll! SUire F.lltruuee. i ;Ji Ian . fi. Itrjirt'seiUauve y sauners, oi jnnntnon enmity. walked down Kayetteville sleeet las' night and saw a dog lying under piece of crepe on the Bobbin mi l Kerrall siore, which is r used i n nc count of the death of Joseph Ferrall Wednesday. Thr .lohnston man wns moved to it compassion as the dog lay shivering on the tile entrance to the stoi-e inm which Mr. Fereall had come and gone ' many years. Mr. S-ander called in i every known dog tongue, then re citvd Senator Vest's tribute to the faithful hrttte. It. got on Uic Rind man's heart. He reported it to ,ne poUce. Bui all the folks in tawn Coil ii j not lead lhat dog from under ihr crepn hung up in honor of his master, and Iheiv Piilo renialneil till inslit. Business Failures in the I nilcd Slates During 1922 Set New High Record. New York. Jan. 4. Biudnes failures in the I'nited Slates established a nc.w high record in 1022, Peadsteert's re purteil today. Last year's failures totalled 22.4KI, Ihe report showed. IIP ner cent more than 1!-'l and 10.4 per cent more than 1920. As compared with the boom year of 1!M'.l. Ihe 1H22 failures were four times as great. I I.isl year's liabilities, however, to talling jptUti.'.i.Vi.t'ia:',, wcee 14 pee cent, less than in 1!K!1, hut ."il pee cejit. greater than those nf 1020, more than live times 1010's liahilttien and si peril cent, in excess of 11114. Assets of l'.rJ2 failures were $3(14. 002,43s. which totalled 50.8 per eejil. of the liabilities. The number in busi ness in the country was 2.074,017, a gain of 1.2 per t'nt over 1021. The middle Atlantic stales, the re port said, leil in the total uf failures damngr.il while the Southern stair led in thr number of casualties. Holes Out in One For Seventeenth Time of Career. London, Jan. 5. Alexander Herd, open champion in 1902 and still a ('(doubtable player, holed mil in one yesterday fur the 17th lime' in his golfing career, thereby setting a mark which experts assert has never lieen even approached by another golfer. i James Braid, with e'even ones to his credit, is believed to be the runner-up. Harry Vardon, winner of six worlds' championships. only once lulled his tee shot. The letters. Russian alphabet contains Florida Village is Again Quiet After Race Clashes (7 the Amorlittril I'resa. Rosewood, Fla., .Ian, (1. Rosewood ami the surrounding territory was quiet today following the racial clash of Thursday night in which two white men and four negroes met death as a result of a search for negroes wanted in connection with an attack on a young white woman. Posses had lieen searching through out the dav and nliiht for Jess Ilunt er, an csciiimmI negro convict believed to have attacked the young woman,, -MRS. LILLIAN KNOX (JIVES $.",,000 BON!) A&z on Amount of the Habeas Corpus Proceedings in the Case. I Ur iIm a mi . .1 Pti m.t San Augustine. Texas. Jan. II Permanent i KVjUUU. . -no :.i ihr meeting of ili cm ml jnr in Match w:i Hrt'tl ii,n Ihi i, .lining fot Mr Lillinu Kimx. year old widow ul Hit :iin rNiux. millionaire lumber num. w 1. ..in lir hi rhiirgnl witli aln; ing lue rixlug 1 f I'm IxHul hhK 1 In' habeas enrpu proceedings l-r.r Judge II V. stark in the Pirsi In n ii i 1'imrl here PROHIBITION REPORT HcrriiaVr Was Krrnrtl I'nhibillon uMn. r- in Breaker for North faro- I inn. Kit! 1 1 res Show. (Rjr Ihr ANaorliitrd lrm. Salishuey, .Ian. (1. iNii'iuher wns a reeoii I hronker lor the proliihiliou agents of ihe slate,, neiiirding in a n I nut issued IihIiiv liy I ' l ' .1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iiii In eiclur II. A Kuhlosx. Thr eepuii shows a ! ol il I uf I ."ill illi.il dislilleeie.. and l.'iT.ID'J g.illoiiM nl' intnxiinling liipiurs. Iiielniling spiiilv. mall Illinois and wilier, wrer naliln il h dry fiileral ngriiis in llir -tat.- llir last montli nl Ihe year IIC-. This i" a much luegrr total I Hutu raptured dining un pee ions month uf lln- year. Sixteen aiitumiihih". wnr -rinl and riiiilisent rd. lliejr value hring plarnl al s."i.!is."i. line hiiiiiterd ami righty lliirr peosr iiiMons were risnniiueiuli'il, and M ar rests. madr. Thr total npprniseil value of pruK'ety seized ami destroy rd amounted to S"'J,IIS4.i". .No nf. liters wcee injured in the pcrformuniv of their duties. fill M0RKII01SF. I'AKISII HKAKINiiS (ONTINI F.D Itr. Charles Duval and Itr. John A lingford Most Important Witnesses Called So Far. 1 1 1 Ihr Aniiorlnloa Prrnn.) I Bnsteop. I.n.. Jan. II. Dr. ('has. W. Duval and Dr. John A. Langfued. path ologists, in a eepnei slthmittetl al lo i day's session uf the heal ing nf masked 'hand ilrpriihilioiis in Moeehoiise par ish, vvhlrli liovernor Parker attriliiites j In the Ku Klux Klmi, experssrd llir oplnhm that Ihe ImmMos of Walt Han iels and I'leichre Itirhards were siili ijeeleil lu some "specially const ructcd Idevice drsigneil fue inflicting punish ment." The eepoel was haseil on an iMItopsy ! performed on the imitilat.il hollies of the two men, The hnilies were round 'in Lake I.n Kivmvhe after a mysterious dynamite explosion on Ihe night of Dr Iceiubt?!' '.'1, to'lft, BHttlfifa ftr ney H were l;iiliiiipieil hy n maskiil hand. ' Tile report ill Ihe rase of Daniels stated the hody showed lhat certain purls had heen rut away. XPI'KAI. TO SKI.F-RF.SI'F.CT OF DRI NKS IN DKS MOINF.S Police Will tiive Them Photos Taken While They Are "Lit." Des Moines, la., Jan. 0. Chief of Police John H. Huinmoml has assetn-i hied his lirst collection nf "See your self when you're drunk" photographs, he announced today, ami will begin distribution of the souvenirs to men nrrested foe intoxication us soon us Ihe city legal drpurlment givrs its approval of the chief's novel plan for reduriiig prohibition law violations. The number uf pictures or mimes uf Whose photographed were kept secret by Ihr chief. Want Railroad to Coal Fields. i Wiiiston-Snlein. X. ('.. Jan. liitsi ness men nf North Wilkesboro and this 'city today were looking forward to future developments which are expert jed to take place at the regular annual meeting of the Chamber of Commerce hereon February 15, in regard ti Ihe proposed railroad across the Blue Ridge into the conl producing ureas. Al a meeting held here this week. this project was brought before Inisi. I ness men of this city and n delegn I tioit from North Wilkeshorn ut which I ninny speakers stressed the inipoet 1 mice of such a line. i'he railroad would extend into southwest Virginia, and a resolution wns adopted which placed the Cham ber of Commerce in favor of the pro posal. Plans tire now being developed which tire expected to be presented ut the annual session and at thai time some dellntte action is expii ieit. Condition of .1. Bryan ((rimes Better. (Br thr Aftaorluteil I'nss.i Raleigh. X. C, Jan. 0. The condi tion of J. Bryan Orlmes, Secretary of State, who has lieen suffering from pneumonia for the past several days, was somewhat improved this morn ing, according to reports from his home. Will Meet Monday. Washington. Jan. ti. The first for mal meeting of the British debt com mission with the American funding commission will he held Monday, It was announced today by Secretary I Mellon. had disbanded today nuil no further trouble wns expected. The negro population of Rosewood who (led yesterday when their section of the town was virtually destroyed bv (Ire. still were In hiding in the woods or had left this section of the country. Arrangements were lielng jnnrte Sumher near here for the funerals - 'C. D. Wilkerson and Harry Andrews the two white men slain In the clash willi the negroes. -, HOOM R OFFERED VMM HI .. H.l 1 Ky I Li" AMiD.te4 I'M"" i Waohlngtoa. -lata. It li sal Iiiii Harding tori -1 Her nia rr nf 'oflMBen-e Homer t I phv-e a StvrWniv ut ih- lnrer lor (Third Alum II Knll n-IU ra rate Mnti Ii I. bia after n ismfer-Mm- It nu ii.-1.1. ;i. . Mr Hon wt Mould ' .1.1 in M .i.-. ,' fi lion -! t 1 EOR NEW HOTEL HERE Local Cluh Will Conduct a Campaign for New Hotel. New Officers Assume Duties. movement fue UlP rer. linn I hi" I ill till' . ill lit it a modern hut "i d . I lie ihstu Ii: toe Ihr year l!f.:: inn of new ulti : nod 11 program '. .1. Lis' ( rowi'll. features of thr till' t'ol I V cuing. Minuted at thr iftieers, pcrfnrm Impressivo ami ilhcers wlio w ill on thr coming iill'iingiil liv train No Jr., rapla'in. were Ihr Kiwanis meeting at M. C. A on Friday n Ituxfon Kols'rtsoii installation uf new i lug this duty in an lining manner. The guide the nrgn tiisutt i year are: l'ersidem Sprnrre: vice peiriil lie. Tracy 'III. .Iiicoli II. Moose : district rill: dlrislors, Irustrr. John B. Slier (ins Kennett. Charles Cannon. Knil Shephrnl. Albert 11. Pal mer, R. Morrison King, Caleb W. Swink and Lis- Crowell. Jr. Tracy Spencer was ushered to the President's chair and presented with the President's button hy the immedi ate past president, Albert Palmer. In in inaugural remarks. President Spen cer reviewed briefly some of Ihe ni himu'nts of Ihe Kiwanis Club since its institution here, railing attention of the tncinbrrs tn some farts with Which they were nut familial' in rnn llPctinu with Ihe Iiiii ine liiU'enilosis inspection mid Ihe Dim I and milk in spection in this city' nhich wns inaug urated hv the Kiwnjiis Cluh. "Kiwanis is responsible for thr alii lighter of lweny-odd tuhoecului rows in Cabarrus Ojninty." said Tracy I "ten of which were giwng milk for consumption within the city. This UilU Wit hill ilsrlt ' ''lis IIIII null genius, but it was being mixed with hundreds of gallons of other milk and delivered throughout one city, '''lie milk feom one of these cows wns serv ed tn ns the night we discussed tuber culosis n ail ira I inn and voled to usk for Ihe appropriation. If we have Saved one child from the ravages of tuberculosis our organization lias lieen worth while, if we never accomplish anything else. "Von possibly nee not aware of the fact also that Kiwanis is responsible for the condemmition and destruction of over four Ions of inedible meal that otherwise would have hern served 011 our tables. "The school bonds were, in my opin ion, defeated until Kiwnnls mid Uotar.i put a shoulder to thr wheel and right here I want to express appreciation for Willi I Ihe l!..lary Club has ac complished, ami I ha ilk them fur the assistance Ihey hnve given ns. and as sure them that we stand ever ready lu help them in any worthy en use, 1 wish every Rotariaii could he made an honorary Klwnuian. and I recommend that these Clubs have more joint meet ings in the future." Concluding his remarks, President Siencer said there were several mat ters which had been star led by (ho Ki wanis Club in IliL'J which should he completed this year, and be made sev eral reeoniinemlat ions us lo the run ning of the Club. The matter of a new and modern ho tel for Concord was brought before the attention of the Club by Albert Palmer in a resolution which was unanimously adopted. The resolution recites the fuel that the hotel facili ties of this city arc unsatisfactory and inndixpmtc ; thai Concord is losing trade because of Ihe lurk of hotel fa cilities; that Ihe impression inude up on visitors hy our present lintel is n bad advertisement for the city: and that our city is being advertised from Maine to Florida by tourists ns the city without a hotel, and asks that the President appoint a committee of three Kiwanlnns likco-operate with a simi lar committee from the Rotary Club and one from the Merchants Associa tion in formulating plans for the erec tion of a modern hotel during the year 1023. ' Albert Palmer was named chairman of the hotel committee, with Caleb . Swink and W. A. Foil, as the other two Hirudin's. The entertainment feature of the meeting was the singing hy a quartet from Ihe Music Lovers Club of this I city, composed of Misses Kliznlieth I Woodhouse, Mary and Adeline Morri son, and .Mrs. dales Pickard, the nc- conipaniiiient iK'ing rendered by Mrs. .1. F. Reed. The music wns heartily en-: joyed by everyone present, arid 11 vote of thanks was tendered the Indies 10m posing the 0.1111 rtet. Much amusement was ereuted iinr-; lug the rending of a .number of ques tions which mid heen given to vari-, ons members of the Club by Lee Crow- ell. KRch person holding a slip was! told to read what was on the slip, and Blve his answer or opinion on the sub ject. Some of the replies were highly 1 entertaining. The attendance prise for the last meetljut was drawn by Caleb W. Sw ink. nf team No. 11, Julius Shatters, ' captain. Iplan would make LIQUOR BUYER UUILAY Bill Designated to reach Pur chaser of Liquor Presented in Congress. Hy th- aarlalr4 Pnml WaMiiuKlon. Jan ti A hill illni- nl in beli I r'tik up ImoHrgaing I it making the hurcr uf outlaw lupin e.pmll guilt! with the seller. wa lntroliiiel lodav hv Kejitwenlat i v e t'haw. ileiuiNtai. ut fienrgin. nbo re- etilll rlinrgisl in Ihe House I ha I plil I). official du nut nil piaithe iitii.t they pi in ih it! rex .id to proliiMti.Mi FIFTY BULLION DOIJ.AR ROAD BONDS tPPROVF.D I Jittglex (ominiltre Will Make Surh R( loimiM'iul.iliiin la Soulh Carolina 1 eglslRlire. Coiiiniiiia. S r. J ut I. Aiini'i iv i eg 11 proposal for iHUld is-111', tin pointed at tin nay i-onlercjii i ."itl-itiillioii -dollar n an Ijinglcy couillllltii. ap rei cut si n.- widi high here. inI.i r.ite. in recommend a pi ox rum culling fur Ih biiihliltg nf a slate s-t., ( prima unit highway-, nhich would connect 1 n .v 1 1 1 1 1 1 f sen 1 . Tlir commit its endorsed u resolu I tin 0 to pri.i ide for a sinking tnu-l J P. n iiir ihr bund anil toi lln- main Imam 1 1 rut s a which IIIII pr Tcjliclc lax on vehicle 1 tin highwavs on a thro I lax mi gusolinr, all of shuulil r rein. go to 1 1 1 1 peogruiii, a increase in ihe tumor r license foes, ami probably 11 11 lulu ii a I ing oil iisnl in limine as. Ii was estimated that the cents gasoline lax and the high n.se fee would being in a total then re Ii annua I proposed venue of $::.ono.iioii. Thr Srulr of lirl'lisrs would hr tipproxiiniiliiy the same as the pecs nil North Carolina scale according In information given the committee. Ite'omiuelidal lolls of the I.nnglrv rominiltrr will hr submit I rd to llir good l oads rollfret nrr, w hirh h:i 1 11 called for next Thursday, for approval, and if I hr commit tee report is adopte I. the plan will hr sr.t before Ihr general assembl v. 1 Syrians Are Told lo ((nit Marietta. .Marietta, (ia.. Jan. '. Circulars Were ilislrilintiil here lodny calling for a mass meeting Sunday afternoon lo 111:1 ke sonic uclinii relative lo llir bombing uf thr home uf a Syrian rrsi dent brer several niglils ago. followed hy nolices warning all Syrians In leave the oily. Leading Syrians sialnl later Ihey wnuld sell their properly anil leave llir community. Civic leaders have denounced Ihe bombing and warning, and it is be lieved some action will he taken at the dnh-lmnssmyjMliig ega.rU'ug threats against 1 in Syrians, The Marietta woman's club pussed resolutions yesterday deploring the ml mid asking that naturalized. Inw-ahiil ing foreigners in thr community be ac e.irded all the rights and privilcg. s of Ameriran citizens. Instruct Rnwtiii Farmers 1111 Fighting Boll Weevil. Salisbury, Jan. 4. Information about tlie boll weevil and instructions on how lo tight the M'S were given Rowan farmers at a meeting ut tlir courthouse today. Despite the very in clement weather 1 To fanners were present. This was our of a series of meetings bring held over the stair by representatives of thr slate agri 1 1-11 It il I'll I extension service, It was I presided over liy County Farm Dem imslralor Veager and was addressed by several representatives of (lie ng- , riciiltiirnl departiiieul of Hie state gov ernment. New Charters (muled. Illy (lie ANMoeltlted I'l-rss. Raleigh, X. C. .Ian. 0. The Secre tary of State has granted the follow ing charters : The Salisbury Ice Cream Company. Salisbury: to manufacture and sell ire cream: rapital stork. $,"i(.(HKI : paid in So.lKMl: incorporators. W. 10. Selby. Slatesvllle: 1.. M . sipr, .lor Sipe, Sal isbury. i A. T. Strickhiiiil Company, Ferrells I Township, general mercantile hiisincss, I capital stork $20,000: paid in $11,500: I llicofioiatoi s f. tl. Moses. Tarboro: (i. R. Strickland and A. 'I'. Strickland. .Middlesex. Weather Outlook For Next Week. (By Ifar-ANHoelalrd I'rran.) Washington. .Inn. 1;. The weather outlook for the week beginning Mon day : South Atlantic Stales: Considerable cloudiness, occasional rains, normal temperatures. TO OWNERS OF MATURING WAR SAVINGS STAMPS All War Savings Stamps1 due January 1 . 102,'), both registered stamps and those not registered, will be accepted for deposit by this'bank as cash. A New Interest Period Beginning in our Savings Depart- ) ment All deposits made on Savings Accounts on or before January 10th bear interest from January 1st at four per cent, compounded quarterly. To those having funds for de posit this offers an excellent opportunity to secure the maximum interest return. CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY CONCORD. N. C. I CHAS. B. WAGONER, President. BUI GOVERNOR iUUtLItii ... Joint Session of (ieneral As- sembly Will Be Held to Hear Message From the State Executive. NO SESSIONS TO BE HELD MONDAY Both Houses Adjourned Un til 8 p. m. Mondav After Holding Very Short Ses sessions This Morning. Raleigh, .lun 1; (iovcriinr Cameron Morrison loduy e inviied lo deliver thr hirllllilll message lo Ihr North Car nlilin lleneral Assembly in session here on nrxt Tuesday al tiuuii before a Joint -ession nf llie House and Seuati in a jiiiui ii-vututinii uiiatiiuioiisi adopted In Imih buiises. 'I hr n -ol 111 ion was hrniiiflil out m llir 1 1 atsr h,i ItrpreseniHIiv r it A. Honghlon. of Allegheny inuiity. and iqMin iis passagr was snd In tin- Scn uie. which ImnI nun nhnuiisl i-un, ur red in its adupliun. Tlir Iluiis,, nn . in session Ir.ss ttiuii .'til minutes Twn hills were intro duced. Iloth referred to local prob lems. Itepreseutalive .1. II. Dillard. of Cherokee county, asked permission lo rc-dosigiinte the committee to which bis hill of yesterday asking for a re M'iil uf the P.Hip walerpower act. was sent. With tlie consent of the House, the hill was referred to the Judiciary Committee No. I. The Senate session was even short er. Xo bills w ere Introduced. Hot It branches adjourned until s p. m. Mmi dtiy night. THE COTTON MARKF.T There Was 11 Continual inn of the Buy ing Mnieuieiil ai lite Opening To- I (lav. I B llir Amaoclalrd Prr. New Vork. Jnn. ti. There was a 1 mil ilium Inn nl yeslenlay's Inlying nioveuienl in tlie cull no initrkel nl the opening today. First prices were sleiidy at tin advance of 1 to 11 points in consequence , with March selling nl 2i.7tl ttiul .May ul I'T.IMi. As on prev ious bulges, there seemed to he con siderable cotton foe sale around thr 2 1 rem level, leading tu reactions m lo oi' 1." points, but buying wns en couraged by bullish week-end reviews of tlie trade sit 11:1 lion, more available Manchester advices, and bullish over night reports from I lie Southern spot markers. This gave tlie market a steady uuilrrtone. although llir week end realizing wns "promoted by contin- tied nervousness lions abroad. Cotton futures nary 211.05: Man July 20.70: Oetoli iver political cottdi- opeiied steady h 20.70; May er 24.S0. .I.tii- SAYS WIFE TRADED BABY TO MOTHER FOR BEDSTEAD Husband Offers Tale as Pari (if De fense lo Her Cliarges. York, Pa., .Ian. 5. Before a I oral Alderman, Clarence Isiihn, of Fmigs- ville, slated lhat bis wife traded their ten inolitlis-uld baby to her mot Iter for la bedstead and other articles of fur I nit 11 '. II was pari of his defense 'agninsl a charge of non-mainteiitincc 'and inlolerahle treatment. He also fttceil a charge of .assault ami hul j tery. as did his mother, nil growing out I of Hie differences lietween the pair, lie 'was held for Court on Hie iion-mnin-1 tenance charge, thr other cases being j held under advisement. i Al TOPSY SHOWS LIONESS IS HYDROPHOBIA VICTIM France Yields F'irst Known Case of Rabies in Wild Animal. Paris, .Itin. o. An autopsy on the body of a lioness, which died of a mysterious disease soon after its ar rival from Tbyssinia. has disclosed that death wns due to hyilrophibia. Tlir case has st i 1111I medical circles, inasmuch as it lias been generally ac cepted Hint wild animals are immune from rabies. Efforts nrr being made to determine whether Ihe lieasl was bitten bv n mad dog or whether it ate the' flesh of a rabid animal, topsy was pert'oemed at the Institute. I'he no - Pasteur HIS MESSAGE TUESDAY uUR FOREIGN POLICY SUBJECT OF ATTACK Frank Lowden Says United States Has 11 Europe Drift Toward War Without Doing Any thin";. FRENCH INVASION MEANS SURE WAR Germans Will Fight if Ruhr District is Invaded, and the United States Cannot Evade the Conflict. ISj Ihr tuorMlnl Ir Chicago. Jan. Ii. Tile French invns 11 nf ihr Ruhr district in (Jennaoy uiild hr a signal for war which the I1il.1l .stall's could not evade, Frank 1 1 I.0W1I111. former (ioveruor of II- In, 1 said in nn .0 Idle.- In re last night j sllollld I the till I "The said, I siianit' I F,uroM' 'the Pulled use her moral I'titened Invasi States. . HI Id, Influence 10 halt in. I' nited Slat's.' Mr. Lowden al idly by and watched in pur of its policy of isolation, all steadily drifting Inward con- Hi, 1 Now war is imminent. If the I the French Hike over 1 dust rial cities, il is a 1 ira 11 t risips a re mi t hi I of war thev wnuld lie thr Herman in ertaitity. Amer Rhiue. In case bet ween the lid- laming armies of France and (ier Initiny. mid would he forced into war. "We have been idle too long. 1 lie I lieve our inltiu'nce is still great enoiigh to Imiiress tipon France her error if our statesmen try." Mr. Lnwden recently returned from I Kuiepo. where he studied political, eco 'tioniiral and social ouestions. Wants Ameriran Soldiers Home. Washington. Jan (i. Occlaring that "trouble may break nut at any time" involving tin- American forces on the I liliiur. Senator liml. ilcniocrul. Mts- SOU! at 1 i. luduv asked Hie Senate to nct tier on Ids resolution for the re turn of the American troops tn the I'niteiJ Sltitrs. 'I'iie Missouri Senator's attempt to j get action nn his propositi started all ot tire gcnrent neouic on toeeign .eei.i llons and the reptirntioiis rrisis during whicli Senator Hraudegee, republican, nf Conuectlcut, said he had read that Frame intended to occupy Coblent, now Anierican headquarters, and CntiiiHiitti Lodge nf the fmeiga-rola- tious committee replied that he 1111 dorstood that the French plans regard ing the Ruhr area did not affect the Cuhlenlz area. REV. EDOAR TI 'FTS DEAD Noted Presbyterian Preacher and Edu cator Victim of Pneumonia. Illy the AKMoi'lnted Iresn.) Johnson City. Tenn., Jan. 6. A special to the Staff from Banner's Elk, North Carolina, tells of the dentil there this morning at 10 o'elocit of Rev. Edgar Tufts, a Presbyterian minister there for 15 years. Pneumonia was the cause of his death. Hr was President of Lees Mr Raes Institute, and Hie Plumtree School for hoys. He had charge of the Crrandfather'ti Orphanage where 7Ii children arc being educated and given I every opportunity. Recently hr cui sleuc'ed one of the most modern hospitals to be found in the State of. North Carolina. In addition to this j work he supervised live Sunday schools. The funeral will probably be I in charge of Rev. Jamison McMillan, I of Johnson City, and is scheduled for 'Sunday. , BOY OF EIGHT A FINANCIER AND HIS FATHER KNOWS IT Promised Nickie a Day for Keeping Toy lioelis II in Trunk. P.loonishurg. Pa., Jnn. 5. Jack, eight-year-old son of Charles Ilouse niek. shows signs of liectmilng n linnii cier. Hr wns given a toy for Christ mas and his father, expecting it would be broken within n day or two. told the hoy he would give him a nickel for every day lie kepi it. The young ster locked ihe toy in 11 trunk in the. attic, and every day is demanding a nickel. The parent tried lo settle with tlie Imv for $5 Yesterday, but Jack told his I father that would mean only KMt days and he did nul intend to let him off I that easily. A. F. GOODMAN, Cashier.

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