"mm u i vp I The Concord Daily Tribune I s i TODAY'S NETS TODAY. VOLUME XXII. CONCORD N C , WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1923. no mt i French Ultimatum is Ignored by Coal Men . - - German Mag nates Failed to HICKORY CAPITALIST Appear Before the Central ' GETS WATER RIGHTS ( onunission, a They Had Been Ordered to Do. NEXT MOVE IS UP TO FRANCE rreneh Had w arned .Mae:- itates That Coal Deliveries Had to Be Made, or Heavy - Penalties Would Follow. DllMMhtMf, Jnn. 17 i By tin- Assn. oialill Press). Kepi . nciiI , r . (if ihi' Genua n magna tin nihil hi n ii . ' this iMWRtitR aware the emu mi commis- sion. minting word they, had dei idiil tti iiIm-v the instniriioiis tif I ho Berlin government Instead of I he I 'n-tu li m-- dors ns til iuul deliveries. Hills plne-l1" ing 1 hi next nunc squarely up In the ! I n'lii-li iMiupying aiiilmi Hies. The ultiiuatinii, delivered to the in dustrial loaders yesterday, directing! thorn lii resume iiitil deliveries under henry f tt-itii It lc-s fur failure, expires nl i . in. Nil action will ln taken by I In- French. It is slnliil. milil tht' iml -I hours from the delivery of t ho ul timatum yesterday afternoon bag dap- SClf, ( la-.li"- in Dortmund. Dortmund. Jan. 17 i Hj Hie Assoc! aled I'rossi. I I'lnonatrarions hy mil"-1 hrnodiQtt ovi'.r the nulelde of In r inusin. lotialists In Ibe stni'ts of linrtiiiund ' Miss Martha llarpi r, nf t'harlotte, is hite, last evening runned eltiRhea with hellevnl to have aetnatetl the rash net. I'lunihnnlHtlc labor elotnenfM, hut in- A shot from her father's pbtol enter lervention hy the Kieiu h fnreos was inii the lemple aildi ancini; all the way nut miiMnitated. I r.-in h Will Operate Mines. Kssen. Jan 17 I Hy the Assoeialnl I'less). The Franeh occup idenal 'au thorities annuuiu'ed this afternoon that they will hegiu operating the ujinen of j the Iltthr distrk-t toiunrrow. requiai- tion'ng Oerman labor if necesftry. The Hnhr coal and industrial niftjf Tiates who refused to eo-operate with K.yieli will bo prosecuted before a court martial. Orrupai.ioa of Ruhr C'oiuph'letl. DusseWorf. 5:0 p. m., Jan. 17. (Uy the Associr.ted Press)'- I, wis ii(tldl.illy nnnoiincad by Genera, no Ooutte thld afternoon that the milt-iai-y operations of the Ruhr occupa tion are now completed. 1 . , T. r , , -ir:WW'JW 'iiwitii-WaaM,, ,tr- totter, -mi -ai liuv 1if:rt ine niiues uirouSnoui ine msmci io- morrow rooming jilaclng mil.tnry Ki'iu-ds at the mouths of every pit. Hie Kuhr magnates were Informed IM i afternoon that the1.!- properly will U: conflscated and v. ill be work- ed under French managemnit for the lieneflt ;vf the republican account. DEBT COMMISSION MI ST IIII'L' ILILII.'VIW j ,-. , , , . . . . m 1 ( 1 , 1 . ISmtTlt aIILT. 1 A,,roa, iiiv um- AoclateiI Pre..., Washington. Jan. 17. The Ameri- can debt, comniission hiis frankly told the Kritish mission, itccordiug to in J'ormntion today ut the Treasury, that it could not assent to any plan of apt rlemetit of tireat Ttritain's war debt which could not 1m expected, to re ceive the approval of Congress nt this session. In view of the determination of President Harding not to call an ex tra session of the new Congress the whole question of a settlement of the British debt would have to be held in abeyance until next year if Congress fulled to ratify any arrefgettenl might lie so changed ns to require the nego tiation of a new settlement. The America n. commissioners also were reported to feel that a failure to obtain ratification would hold up the refunding negotiations with the other debtor nations. It has beou their hnie to make the settlement with Ureal Hritain 11 guide for the refund ing of all of the other war debts. While both the British und Atuert enns still were hopeful today Unit an agreement in principle would nunc out of the present negotiations, they plainly were not as optimistic 011 this IMiinf as they hail lieen. AGREEMENT IN COTTON DIFFERENTIAL IS REACHED Cotton Can Be Shipped From South at the Same Rate as From Eastern Ports. (Br the Aaaaclatca Prena.t Atlantic City, X. J., Jan. 17. An agreement on cotton differential whs reached hero today by American ship- ping men who have lieen conferring liere for three dnvs under the aasolces of the I'nlted Stutes Shipping Board. I'nder the agreement the shipping freight rates on cotton will he increus- ed from 17 cents to 20 cents. This a. tl., m i .. 1. ...... -MmJiL iiiiikcs 11 iHiswuic no .niuueiii Binpix-m to shin cotton direct to Liverpool and other Eiiroiienn cities nt the same rate session tlie freshman duss is otllcjally as would tic charged if the cotton were recognised on the campus, their ini'si shlpped from Now York Cltv. ' dent acting us the class' representative The new arrangements, shipping of- on the Bluilent council, and tlie mem Jlclals snid, will cut down cotton ship- hersV.f the diss liuvlng the right to ments from New York und .will in - crease from Southern cities,, princl imlly New Orleans and Galveston. Meeting in Raleigh I Br tha Aaaii'lalri I Raleigh, N, C, Jan. 17. A confer once Of negro supervisors ami tench- era of home economics IrrNorth Caro- Una to meet In Raleigh February 1-3 has been called by Miss Kn tacrine Mo rn 11, acting head of tne home econom ies department, it was announced to night. The work for the year will be out- In. e.l st the meeting. Joseph R. Elliott to Ereit i . a w-m a r u a. " maro-aiecinc I'tanis on the Catawba. (By Ihr l.-oclnl.d !'.- i Hickory. Jim. 17.' Acquisition nf I A . . ' i I I . iH i t lli'Mw I , III. flltuulin utrcr from u Mm irii, im tli rsi-fnril Shoals down In tin I 'm-luil inc ihr. old Thornton Sliml. n iiu R III Kill tlnJll.V ll.V Joseph It. I : Iin-mI lupltalists. .Mr. Elliott said work Of const run long hydro elulrie plant would if gin within a few mrki The property which .Mr. Klliolt nV Miiinil rfl nliimsi sifKi.non. ii w.is stated nnid them were reports which ho wimhl lail discuss Hull A. M. K I -1 lor. of .Mnrganlnn. would in; aasociatcd with Mr. Elliott in tlx- devehipaient. 'I'lio alorMiwi-r rlghlsaro uiidorsliMid Xtl'll'l ;i,i III IW'i miles along lilt' r , ' mis-' EULA Reai i ; n takes III I; OWN MM', AT MONRO!-: Shoo Is Herself Ihniitgh I ho Temple With Father's Revolver Wllhout Prr vlous Warning. Monroe, Jan. Hi. Miss KuIh Mfllor lii'uilltjmi. fUtraotlve 17-yo ir nlil- hijji si ImioI stiiiloiil. timk her lifo hor ilii muriiluii hi tin- hniiit' nl hor fiithor. ir. It. ('. Roiicrfi-Mrq, a pfOinlmM ilon- lisl. rcspuinli'iu'.v. i-aiisi'd hy onnslaiil through the hrjid. stmfTeil nut Ibe life of the popular young girl almost in stantly. Miss lyadfearn hnd aaaiated her sis ters in liifih'ng up the puny to the lii- tie cart which they drive to and from school every day. but. at the ln-t mill ute decided to stay al home. " As the other children were preparing to leave she bid them good-bye ami entered the house. That was the. last time she was neon alive. A pistol shot was heord by one of tho sisters. She rap into Hie rear part of the house, where her futhivf, unoimseious of the terrible trngi'dy. was getting ready to come down town. "I'ppn." she said, "suinelinily's tslinol- in ot having hmm tln report or iiu f , . , . , , ' j,lHifive ,Jiat m lt.ar,i siir, however. (, ,. Keidfiarn. more to ipilel her . rhm, anything else .explored the bouse. ; wl,n enUlred ,., f Miss 4,;ulll Mlller ho WB stmiMei , So(. her ,,.1..., nnmrriite fn the siile of her l.c-.l. Mi-s ltedleiirn was in such good lietilth and line spirits that friends I nl' llin fniiiiiv nrn 111 .1 Ins-: In .ii-enllnl - ' "" .... i over iw suicitU' f hvv cnusin, nn ifK- '''''"" wlii-U hec, the sulijec, !"f "iW comment in the KodlYarn Ihonie. . T, ,(,as4,, la v(,rv nromincntlv onHaected. being the graunddangbter of Mrs. Annie Heath, widow of the late, B. J. ol' Charlotte, Heath. HOUSE REBVULICANS BOOST MONHEM. FOR CABINET Urge Him as Secretary of Interior, Succeeding Fall. Washington, I). ('., Jan 16. Presi dent Harding is being deluged with recommendations hy House Republicans urging the selecttipn of Representative Frank W. Mondell, -.Republican floor leader, as the successor of Albert H. Fall, secretary of the Interior, whdse reslgnution takes' effect March 4. The Now York delegation will meet tomorrow to indorse Mondell, the Ne braska delegation called upon the President today with a recommendation for him, and the presentation of solid delegation indorsement appears In be. mi almost daily onurreiiee. House members acknowledge Hint heretofore the President has given no int'nuitimi as to his choice., tin attl tnde that is beguming to discourage the Mondell unpporters. The belief continues that the Presi dent Is contemplating moving Post master 'General Work to the Interior Department, making a place in the Cabinet for Senator New, of Indian,!, ns Postmaster General. Davidson Freshmen Elect Officers for the Year. Davidson College, Jan. fTl. At a meeting of the freshmen class here tonight the following utlicers were. elected for the year : iffitm Concord, president ; Chirlotte, vice president: Houston, Monroe, election , as presi- denl came after 11 strongly contested "tea with Regan, the other nominees Raker, McMillan and Laiftl being nl Imltlii toil -"' Form this time on in the collegiate , vote in an rue. sruueni uouy eiect ous I Says Prohibition is Tottering to a Fall Washington, Jan. 10 "Every day !n every way"' prospects for modification of the dry laws are tieconilng "better and better," W. H. Stayton, founder and executive bead of the association neninst the nrohlldtion amendment, de clared In a statement 'ssued tonight im 1 the eve of the birthday of "so-called prohibition in this country." "After thru" years of unsteady reign, old King Prohibition Is fast tottering to a fall," be sad, and "there are most en- iiiiirnflng evidences id a change in OR. PEACOCK FOUND N ST. PETERSBURG: Arrived There Tuesday Nijrht and Is Not Trying to Hide, According to Reports Fron; That City. 17 IUr Mrlnl4 Pr.i tt. IVtorslniiK. Kbi.. Jan. 17. Dr. J. W. I'ui-I:. wliu i.-ri:A":l friHii Hi North I'arnlltiH nnyhiin fur tho Imuiiio. vrriviHl In St. I'otor-liiirn hisi niulil. ' . ! ilo iiiiiii' f - ( loin -Aaior. whore h hhoiiI ywtiTilii.i . Hi- Inl rm-iitly ni jmli'il miiio ufior mi IlivonflCiltaM in Aiiiiilln. iii l thi n gayo u;i a Jnli in a Ii.ihIh , i .'iinp whoro ho hail hlHfl nnrk-i-is slnri- Auicust rum. !r. I'oni'iK'k (umpul from 'tho axy luin A it (UM 2iuh urn) i iino in i hi atal!'. Ho win I. oil h.-inl, ho -iaiil. am' RxhiMInt hainls ciiroroil with iiiIIihli phll'OS HP Willi ho OXIKH'lK tl toll i- Klnriila anil Ihon rhirnso a phlli" In uhiih In lio: Ilo Im ma kins no offort to hhU", nail ma.'. MH-nlo Ih'i'o, ho sahl. Ilo tterlaml lu'iiiuhl it" liok in North Cariiliiia ami thru urn lie takoti in rns tody. Hr. 1'oiiriN'k was i iminilMiil to tho Ninth Cnrnlina ndyluin iiftor kill inL ii poliroinaii at his homo in Thorn asvilli'. Wiirrauts Knr IVarorh. Knh'JKh, N. .. .Ian. 17. Warrants hm lii'oii issmxl horr rhahrsinx lr. I. W. Peacock, localiil at St. Peters burg. Fin., with having escaped from j tne stare. prison, wiiicti is mane an 01 fense under the laws of Ibis stale, ac cording to Attorney General .1. S. Manning. GRAY DIRECTED TO CONTINUE TESTIMONY Attorneys Did Not Waul Him to Tes tily in the Hearing at Bastrop, La. IUr the A1.Mm-1a.Tefl Prsa. Bastrop, Iau. Jan. 17 Judge Fred M. Odotn tod l.v overruled objection of counsel for E. N. Gray, wllni-ss in the open hearing Investigation into' the kid liapplQg and siaying of Watt Daniels and Thomas Richards, hooded band vic- t'tus, and directed that Gray should continue his testimony liegun yester day. Judge (Worn repeated his rul ing of yesterday, however, that Gray would nut be required to answer pies lions tint might involve statements of n possible, itterlintnatlng nature. STEAIJS DEALER'S BILLS. . I THEN REALIZES SIN THEM Yonkers Man Arcnseil of New Novel Form of Crime. j Yonkcrs. N Y., Jan. 10. Perhaps 1 Anthony Manuel has bit Upon an un trodden way of petty crime At any rate, the following was his custom. It was charge! by Max Klein. 11 produce vendor, upon whose complaint Manuel was arraigned in city court today. Klein, calling at an early hour, slip- I ped hills for gmids beneath the di)i,s..11dvanei: sheets nf tlie supremo couf'.s of customers. Manuel, dogging hisjivb.cn now await book publication steps, retrieved them. L iter. Klein I proposed bv Senator L. R. Vascr, ami -;:iid Manuel presented the lulls and got I lie money. Manuel was remanded to ja'l pend ing further Investigation. Removal and White Goods Sale at r Parits-Belk Company. The big Removal and White Goods j Sale al the Parks-Belk Company will begin Thursday mornnlg, January 1H at 0 o'clock, and continue for 12 1 the after action on the Bagpett anti days. The company Is preparing to mask.ng bill. move some of the stock Into its new 1 The outstanding feature of the ses addltlon as soon ns same is completed. ! sion was the nnuo.mcem.ent that the and the blu sale is being offered as a I house com'mittee on water commerce means of reducing the stock before the transfer is made. Ii four pages of ads In this paper today yon will Hud enumerated seme slder the aminlstratlon ship 1'ne bill, of the tine bargains Hie company is to it has beau announced in the ad offer during the sale! Every article ministration circles that the delog.i of clothing and every pair of shoes in ; tlons from many eastern points la the store will be reduced in price, and terestcd in the sh'pping bill wi". leave many other commodities also will foci for Raleigh late todiji and tonight to the price cut. bo heartl at the meeting. It will be to your advantage to read . the ads. carefully ami be on himd 1 state Library UonmiiaVtfnn Has Import when the store opens on Thursday ; ant Books For Reference, morning. Make a list of the goods I nieigh, N. ('., Jan. Hi. The state wanted and call at the store and get ! Horary commission today announced them before they are picked over. j( nHd number of books on -ersonnl . nil( national economy available to Twcnly-llve thousand dollars is me value, set upon the hands of Miss Mil licent woodward, the champion type writer of Europe. She can wrire nt the rate of 230 words rt minute. Even when blindfolded she can take down 1(1!) words from dictation without a single slip. Afl the time she is at he.r machine she tnlksMnerrily upon every Subject imaginable. Noted Speaker Coming Here For Sunday School workers of Concord ' Towiishlu will lulve the nnnortimitv of ' ' 1" IR S! hearing three nihil Sunday School ex ports at tlie Concord Sunday School Institute in St. James Lutheran Church, February 7. 8 and 0. 1028, The leaders in charge of the move ment feel that tho,v,havo been very fortunate in having secured these speakers for the program : Mr. U. T. Albertson, Indianapolis, Indiana, who is General Secretary of Indiana Sunday School Council of Religious Education, am) u wel known lecturer. ,Mr. D. W. Sims, who Is widely and favorably known us General Superln tendent of the North Carolina Sunday School Association, will deliver a sc - lies of lectures at the Institute. Ha v- Ing attended a previous institute in Concord nlmnt 11 year ago. Mr. Sims nwils'iio intrialuellon to the Sunday Si bool workers in and around Con INK OF THE STATE LEGISLATURE TODAY Iirgest Number of Bills Yet Introduced to the Senate Made Appearance During the Morning Session. LOCAL BILLS ONLV SENT TO HOI SE Several of the Bills Presented to Senate Were of Unusual Interest Solons May Hear Crissinger. Rtli lull. Jan. 17 illy (ho .Woeinuil l'li'.-si. Hill- uhiih wnuh uuthori.o sill-)."' a I openillaM iai iimiiirin nf stall' N'nl and i liiu lliil.ic Inst i I ii t Ion-, ili' 'iiu .1 soo la I iiiiian' in onnldo iinin llos to i-stnhlUli and inaintniu orphan iiKi's. and that would p'Tinit tho adinis sirn of ; '-mi- iiiiitv I Jul ii .10 yp.ii-s nhl In Caswi ll Tmlwm; Si-hiKil fur Ho' fii'lilc inh.ihil. iiiliiKlinod in tho Senate today among the largest Imtch I sonni'S nr t hristmas nevemges bail of measures yet olTereil in a single sen- much to do with the order, sion. "egotiat ions llaltid. In the House, touay was devoleil I Washington, Jan. 17. The British to inl induction of Iii I Is of haul im land American debt comissi ms mive Hrtance only, am) the cominittec 1 reached a point In their negot ations reports already schtjilnled. where it virtually is iigroml no further I). It. Crissinger. tin- ("resident's ap i prosress can be made until the Brlti.-b Kiintee to be Governor of the Federal commissionei s have relurneii to Lon Reserve Board, will ili' inviteil to ad j don and conferred with their govern dress the General Assembly iii Joint nient. session here nt any lime that may suit his convenience, according to a . resolution introduced in the Senate by O. E. Mendenhall. 11 Guilford, and Kissed under susp, r' the rules. . ' Two bills introdiieiMl tmhiv by Senn-' tor W. I.. Long, of Halifax county, for; statewide eftecb vfmld amend the 1 present law relating to the trial of , an issue of fact by legalising the trial i of a c'.vil issue itnmnliately followin the joining of the issue instead of waitiug SO days Ouwafter. and would limit the resale of .real estate under foreclosnte or judicial order to a sin gle lime untler a railed bid. Senator W. A. Graham, of Lincoln, introduced in the .Bf-nate the liil al ready licforo the Hon Noilh Carnlinn lo iii movement of the fltuton commission one was nijiircii 111 rue 1111111111 which organized at New Oilcans, for opera-1 gave the tire department a desperate tlon throuirhonr thI cotton bolt iii'lmttle. 1 tunrketlng nnifl m rrwTtgtir -rm tne non nan am tiimiewai m uviu.nmu and wlH,,ii when six states shall have en-lot! in a negro pressing club, and the ternl the movement. ( The hill which proposes surgical operations in certain cases on inmates of state institutions introduced by Si tor J. R. Raggett, would leave derision ill such cases to the Snperln tendetit, tlur trustees ami the pbysi- clans of I I lie nisi 11111 1011 i i 'in t-i nen. Authority for the .punish nient of 1 imeiiii.ment of the law governing the. sale of properly nnder mortgage or deed of trust proposed by Senator "A. F. Sams, are Incorporated in the bills offered in the senate today. Some informal discussions anion,-, members prior to the opening of the meeting was held on the Milliken Kcret order bit, and some mcmoers wanted to hold the measure up until I would ,m?et In a joint session with the 1 writer commerce c.iuralHttee of tin j Senate on 'Thursday afternoon to con- j vomers of North Carolina. Those bo Urts and household accounting and eco- iw.ml.e uii.l aalwnftn' fr. .lit the Am. erlean Library Association reading!'" due to a broken car wheel list Canada recently made its firt ship ment of chilled me it to Europe by way of the Panamai Canal. S. S. Institute ' ol d. Miss -Daisy Mngce is a specialist In the work with children in the Sunday School. Her addresses at the Institute will denl In a practical way with the religious education of children and young people. By spaCWl training and - '- .,Ha. .,(..., I ... I., Ml.. I . g is wefl quaH.Vf7or he wMk she of the twimnks in that town,' 'having .fef.Sh.TZthl is to do. been established nbontth.ee years ndtag n n, ,h ' lt v um Mr Cllne who is secretary of Attaches of the Natural Museum This is one of a series of similar H? iid M ills of It lacksbu r a confessetl themselves at a loss to cata lnstllutes be'.ng held under the aus- "f. SJSzL i "Iff f' logue the queer seafarer. Captain pices of different county Sunday School Associations, and the North Carolina Sunday School Association. 'llie North Carolina Saaday School As- social ion Is a ro-onerntlve effort of 1 Sunday School workers from differ- out denominations lo extend ami im- I prove Sunday Schoel work in this Sao All Plans and methods sag- goated are those that are common to all workers of all denominations. , ' v- ALCOHOL DEALINGS HILL BE CURTAILED Officers Will Take Action in Effort to Combat the Illicit Liquor Traffic, Under the Present Plans. Wa-t.ihKloii. Jail 17 illy the Amv rtntnl fm I lirasiir cHrtalliwM nf diMliuH in iloiialiinil ami Industrial Uh "ll'il hits lai n dn Idoil llalll to fill oral prohililtinn aiitlmritlni as Iho next slop in tlii-lr i ainpjii.M: ii, imnlail tho illh il II., in.r nafl.i I Hnh'ra burp hnti I iwuiil fur rei mat ion of muni of 'ikalois' jH iniliK. , anions iln-so lioiai; that I mm nod in niii' nl iho lariroMl aim hnl tir'uluijiit; plan, in tho ntunlry. Tho iIwIhIihi In wilhdrtiw Ih-onso nf this 1 .l.i in and In ii'fuso to roissno doi'lis for uhii h upplii al ions won' lienitiiiU. was rilli-hoil al a nuifi'i-Ptiii" if tnnhilui inn oufiiroMUCM olliiials iit li'tulnl hy Aitinx l'imiinlfiHlii:Hr Joihh, I Ai-tlne I i iis-i in- Vi lli. wh y fn Now York, and hmtls of tho prim ipal hu . roans ;it houiliUiirtPrs hoti". Ii is uu dorMliHMl that n'Mirts suhiuilloil hy Mr. , Vrllnwloy of his InvOHtltZlltion into tho UrThhN SMALL HOI SEW saying nl the time, "We must have DESTROYED BY BI.AZE .,, mistaken and the able doctors . . .... , mr 7 . . , . , must lave been right " "' W,n,ds J"rl Industrial, .., w,mt to Im the sentl- HMto ta Wf'ville During the ',,, ,,. , ,n(,7ommun,tyr , the r,re' iiuestlon which is constantlv coming B '' " Prew.i i,, ov,r the vviies. Statesville, Jan. 17 Fifteen small Here if is in a nutshell: houses were destroyed hero early to-! "(), uws may he all right, 1ml our uay uy lire w.iw n. iiiniieu n mgn winds, threatened for a time to spread to laluable mnuutactnrlng estahl.sh- meiits ami the Southern Hallway sta tion. The structures consumed, however, were small ones on the west side of South Center Street, and the total loss was estimated at not more than $80.- '. to anlbori,e 000 to ifio.ooo. ol which about one oei'Mte in the third was covered by insurance. No buildings burned included n negro houses, tour white residences, ami three small business structures. PRESIDENT CANCELLED ALL HIS ENGAGEMENTS ... . . . Rpnviin in Red as Dav of Rest Was Deemed Advisable by His Physicians. (Br Ihr taaurlnted Presa.l Washington, Jan. 17 President Harding cancelled all of bis engage ments today in order to remain in bed on account of an attack of grippe It was said at tlie White House that the day of rest, was decided on merely as a precautionary measure, and the President's condition showed no serious Weh ipmetits. Secretary Christian after a visit to the President's room said bis chief "felt a very little worse" than he did yesterday, when he attended the cab- Inet meeting, but he spent the remain der of tne day lying down. He has been suffering from a heavy cold for several days. TRAINS DELATED Bl WKtith IN IK(.irIA Twenty-Five Freight Curs Piled Up on Main Line of Southern Railway System. (Hy 1 lie Aaaoclnlnl l"rM. Lynchburg, Vn Jan. 17. Six pas senger trains, hound in both direct inns between Washington and Atlanta were considerably delayed by a wreck of -' freight cars which blocked both Hacks of the Southern Railway near Syca more early today. The trains finally wim ilolmiMH nVOi tin, V.ii'fnR- .V Western Railway. Tin wreck occur- I-,,, 1 uln.i-lU' 11 11 . ' 1 11 1 i. I n i I, h 1 nnd il was hoped to 'have Ibe tracks cleared late this afternoon. The accident was said Will Speak Before Forestry Meeting. Ashevllle, N. C, Jan. 1(1. E. H. Frotblllghom, director of tlie Southern Appalachian Forest Experiment Sta tion, will deliver 1111 address at .the Southern Forestry Conference in Mont mmi iiu iiimnii'v onjinjtl (J T Backus', district forest Inspector, also i- nia nii viu ,,it..i,,i Um nipotlnir. of this city, will attend the meeting, The congress was organized in Asheville In 1010. A number of men prominent In forestry work will be present nt the Montgomery meeting. R. E. ( line Bank President. Mr. Ralph H. Cllne. a former Con cordlau, was elected president of the Citizens Bank of Rlackslimg. Souih Carolina at n recant meeting of the stockholders of tliHt institution. n'l... .'i. n.tnlr Ic ll,., ,,. iiiiii. 11- ' 1. "1 ",' ". ,,. u."ii,ot "J " ,,","Xni.,,V 01s sine c ns oegiiimn. Bates College, for the first time. in no inM of intereolli g ate debuting, has voted to allow women students to participate. 1 .mho. nenricue nown i nri aw.- relury of the Norwegian legation in the City of Mexico. . ihi rr.uoti. iM inrT -.11 J. K. Vnla Give thmrryi. i.rlhrrrd in Ilantr T.wu Ubrr 6tt J. Ii. Nnrtm In t'tiarlntl laWr-Trr. TImmbi Itte. Jan. Hi It wan aU hy mm nal . ii. bm at im time of Ibr killlac of t hief J. K. Tailor by llr J. IV. I'.ni.- k. on April hi. 1031, that the an or the Lllllne Itw-ir was ouh the . -r ..I- ., wnrk of a M -nl il.tispltai v. a m ' 1 1 -l.i i I pl-jn uai tin' 10 t of a i iMisidernhle ii ii in wr of ov-n who "had Ii Iii" for 'fa vim on aermml nl his st-tlyti in apiireandiag tlie laii hnjri'rs and otlot viulatara ol ll' Uins of Hie Ft Mr .-in. I null. .n Mr U I.. K"h'i. eiiiernl BianaBer of iho 'rimuuisv illi' I to it i -I nrpha nap: Mated at the itravo nf tin- ileeeawil in liisimi s,,,.,i durlllK Iho funeral sor vin thai the tuiiriler iviim n "iiiui MHlhd uiurdiT." it is known now (hat Iho net i ill Ion here iii la'half nf I ir I'e.uiH-k have never for one mnun'iit i-oasnl. hut n ili rui, iiiiuuiIi:ii has lapen wagoil for him from Iho day the erime was niiiiiniltod only al i-ertain larimls tin- flaiil has Ui'ii Inemtiiied. Then" are iarlios hi 're who ilo mil hesitate tu any that I bey have Iki-ii dnlntt Ihi'ir la-st frnni the time he was oirtntnit ml to the erlminal Inmno de partment ai Iho a'nlliiitlary In nut liiiu llla-ratnl. They are willitiK to sny they have written lellers nf ris (iminendntinn in Klorida Insist inc that 1 ir. I'niiiM'k Is as "mine as any man." ami they say the yfeel that they were only dniiiK their duty. The i rnwil that erinl the loudest, "Insane. Insane." iluriiiu the trial, are the haul priH'laiiuers of tin doctor's 1 sanity now. Those who did not la'- of the Missouri-Arkansas Kailrond lleve the doctor insane during the which precipitated the dcinonstrntion. trial accepted in goial faith the testi-1 The laxly of E. C. Qregor, allOKiil mony 01 the alienists and submitted striking shop worker, was found hang uutetly to the judge's sentiniii' to the ing from a railway trestle yesterday. ii riininal insane department at Raleigh cmirts in too many instances an llllf (me says lf the stale does not do tho clean thing in the Peacock matter and bring the criminal back behind the In rs. ti-o strength of the state an thorl les will bo dlstonnted for years to come." Friends of Peacock say : "The au thorities of the. n'nltentiarv don't want him. for they say ho is as sane as anybody." They further say "Snp post, just suppose, the state brings b!m back, he will not stay there next time, for the simple , e.ison he's- not insane ami they don't want him con- (jje,.e- Chief George B. Wlmlierly says:: "Thoimisville is now a good town." A minister says: "The hi 1 of Tav- lor has iK'cii sprinkled on the linle'ls 1 the doorposts nl lhomasville. and while these marks remain the destroy- inR 'i"U-r'' "ill pass over and do no .hurt to its inhnbitantts." It is stated that in a letter Dr. Pea- cock wrote to il friend at High Point last spring, during his confinement In the Raleigh prison, he said: "1 bone to get out of this hell hole some time this year." In another letter since he obtained his liberty, written to some people here, lie spoke of how he walk- ed ten miles the tirst sight of his liberal ion. hoboed a freight tr and next day walked U7 miles at rapid pace, fn another letter still spoke of inn king a pleasant visit a tall season, but it seems that most of bis energies have been given to his lease in court in Florida, wbere he was adjudged to lie sane and free from the judgments of tho North Carolina I court. j .Mrs. J. W. Pei k. wife of lr. Pen- 'cock, is living at their home here, nnd lias not joined her husband. Mrs. , Peacock has live children, three of tlie younger ones being with her here, a ! fourth, a daughter, employed in , Greensboro,, and the fifth, a (laughter. in training to he a nurse at Walts hospital, Durham, Mrs. Peacock con ducts a boarding house here and was seen In Thomasville today. St. Petersburg, ITa.. Jan. ' 10. Po lice said tonight that an all-day search I "" '" ' " 1 en cock, who escaped last year troni cue criminally insane department of the North Carolina pen- itentinry and who was reported coui- ing here to practice medicine, had been without avail. Liner's Captain Tells of Deep Sea An- imal Never Before Rcuorled vl v.!. T' , ZZr l, Kill. I'l. I j'l .1 1(1 -I HI II Hobertfl nrouffbt the today with the story um D"llM, of a new deep i o..ii: . sea animal whose like 110 mariner hn s evf reporhil before. the beast. ( aptaln ptaln Roberts averred. bad ears and nose like a pig; was fully nine feet in girth at the thick est disoo.nahle section and was about 12 feet long ahoie ihe water line with an oiiknown nnmhev of feet sub merged Chief Officer Williams, Sih one! (Kin or ilieeliiiirod, and Fourth Of ffcet Sales also saw the monster Cap tain Roberts mi, and they are going lo write tlie American Museum of Natural b story u letter describing it in detail. They searched countless Rolsjits explained his Inability to pro ,lde more accurate description as ()ue thp fa( t thgt (he m0llBtOT )m sighting the Baltic, displayed eiery evidence of fear, and rushed away, swimming aiicrnniety on rue sint. oe ntui helow it. Black and duu brown were its colors, he said. Tlie prwent Navada legislature has four women numbers. -..:L iinMin.w.., nuuuiMLu HUHMAL ATMOSPHERE After Two Days of Intense Excitemnet Arkansas Town is Quiet Many Are Driv en From the Town. ONE MAN WAS LYNCHED BY MOB Another Alleged Striker Was Wounded, and, Man Who Furnished Bond for Many Was Given a Whipping. (Br the A aata Pra Harrison. Ark., Jnn. 17 Harrison, tiatay assumed its normal aimosphern after two days of inlensi' excitement, the result of "anuefl action" by -it i -ens gathered here from a radius of l.lii miles in which one man was lym h i.d and another woundeil during 11 "roundup" of alleged strikers and more than IKI persons were forn-d to leave the community by a "iiunniittee of l.tSKI." Further trouble was not ex pct'ted lo follow the "ciejinnp" of er sons believed to be guilty of. or to have had I, mm bilge of the bridge Inn ing- and oilier dcrpredations along the line t, rigor is siaiu to have resisted the committee of 1,00(1," an investiga ting body of citizens when they sought nn Monday night to question him regarding the Identity of persons suspected of carrying on a campaign of sabotage. Oregor is said to have ! opened lire when called on to stirreu i der. Later he was captured by a mob and hanged. A brakeman named Green, an em ploye of the Missouri & North Arkan sas, was shot in the arm. His injury is not serious. Geo W. O'Neal, local hotel owner, and mpitallst. who is said to have fur isl e l bond for many strikers charg od with sabotage was ta)-eu from his shome attd whipped. Ms'bi Marshal It sp, wl o was aci usse ! l5y t! e com- ml teeNof belug a sirlk" aiimhb.er, was flogged and ordered to leave town. E. D. Stephens, a former engineer, wanted 'by the tiimmlttee was not found. ' . . ., - v ' .I0BS SE( I 'RED FOR 5fi7 PERSONS IN WEEK , . .. ,,. i Weekly Report 8:ibmittH hy tile State1 Denurttnent of Labor and I ntiting. (By I he Aaauclaleil frraa.i Raleigh, N. ('.. Jan. 17 Five hnn- tired and sixty-seven persons were pureed in positions in North Carolina during the wii'k ending January IS, according to the weekly report of ,M. L. Shlpmnn, commissioner of labor and printing, made public tonight. The , Wilmington bureau led all others in the state, securing employment for ll'ii applicants, The report follows: i ' Male Female Total Registrations 010 160 781 Requests for help ..."(HI 108 g Placed 40- 103 507 Skilled 04 (Unskilled 280 Clerical and I profession 1 2."i S Domestic 80 Industrial 7 Total ."ili7 Ashevllle ."7 R4 ftt Charlotte 88 tl 07 I Greensboro n4 8 42 I New Bern 02 U "l I Raleigh 27 10 48 Wilmington .. 88 SI 07 I Winston-Salem 100 20 120 ! Total .. 402 10." 567 THE COTTON MARKET Scine Further Scattering Liquidation in Market at the Opening. I Hy the Aaaneliitrd I'n-aa. New York, Jan. 17. There was some further scattering liquidation in the cotton market nt the opening today ' owing to continued nervousness of the European situation, weakness in the foreign exchange rates, and tne easier Bhowln f HT'nints -IrTb I me ''lKut l",tnts Iower with 'March contracts selling off to 27:20 hiiu axa.i 1 -1 1 r.... i, T . 41 hut brokers with Liverpool and domestic connections v. ,.,,. ,,, "l e ",', f ' , V. vC 1 t III' iuiini5 i iii me r iaa 'on ' pi tho early trading. Cotton futures opened steady Jan uary 27.00; March 27.22; May 27.43; July 27.1.": October 23.00. B lieved to lie the yon.-est grand m it her in New Rnvland. Mrs. Robert .!. RaWdtits, ..f Pittsfl. hi. Mass., is a grandmother at the age "f 38. Piedmont Today and Tomorrow WILLIAM FARNUM IN1 'WITHOUT COMPROMISE" A red-liloodcd story of the front ier, where and died faster. men lived fast Also a Rolin Comedy 4 f