! The Concord Daily Tribune ! ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES VOLUME XXII CONCORD. N. C , TEUSDAV. JANUARY 30. 192V no sdt, TODAY'S O NEWS O TODAY. in AllejfhanHMan to, Leave den- I . ... erai Assembly Alter SServ- ing State in That Body for - - v Many Years. NEW OFFICE IS . . PflVSiniTPirn IinVrtR CUISllf&Krill llUNUtt H Qnpni.lc A n Wallc nf i i' v ' v u.' . . 1 '. TV f I , V Statesville, as Commission cr of Re Carolina. vf U. -Man. fvf Vni-lh VI UI III II IHIV ilM llUllll nmini.Tr..! nrnim UUUblf UN ntmi M-.ir. I : in tins in mi iiiini ni t snpMi- a.fiun. Illiiiil riipiin-invtiis nf tin- pin ItaMgh. .Inn. .Hi i By tin- Asn intiil (vaatnn nmv iliaiuiml muantof ininw-i rreaat. U. A. IHiiichtnii. rt-iirrsrata-. fn Im-iut premrv iintiiiiitnrs tiir thi-ir livtj fiimi Allo-.'hnii.v (Vmntjr in the work. CenpTnl AHjtenilily, tnnay rosi-iiii'il I -t is nu wtiiuler Unit the Inn! of fi'iin llii- llmiyi' prior tn l.-ikins tin-1 ";iltli i insiusnry fur niiKlfrn m-bfiaJ oiith fur tin' onVr nf State ('innniia-1 icnhers In nlllisliiii'l. the icrinil." hi shiner uf RrvoiiiH' lo nnli-h lie wns :i-' siilil, i . iuti-d yrsteriliiy. The Kennte last Anuiher ulili inl. who i-eipn-Hliil Mini iiiln in exiH-ntivc an-wlou rntlHeil Ihe'ln-r uiuui- i i ilisrloscil. ilei liiie l (iuieriH'i's iippuinliiunt u$ lr. l-mieii- enrlii-i-n mm- rul-lnil of min-li plins-'"it- I lire' liy the nltilmli- of t-uiiiiuimily i i - Hefni-e I he si ssinn niM'neil lliis iiiiiru-1 lxi-nv iimnril them in Hie repiesen III live, tur iii;ih enrs Itmjui-ily leailer, mnl nine lieiileiunil (rovi'i-nor, uns siirriMiink'il hy hosls of li'ieiuls nml iiilniireis who express, -,l refjrvl nt his lenriliK Hi" llnuse. Inn whu iuiiurntiiliileil him no his new np puintmeiit. Speaker iHiWKon 1ms yel in an-linilUI-e the sin-iinsm- In Mr. IKillfchtoil i! ehnirninn of the Ileum- Hintn.ee euni initlee. la-fore whieh the general rev enue ni t is In i nine lliis week. ' Mr. I lull Klit in was appuinleil to the levenne tiftiee lifter A. I). Walts sutl (ilenly resiinsl late yestenlay. fnllow- inu the issiiame ul a peine v:i r rn nt ehai -(tiiiir anliiiK nml neetluiK m itn- inuriil rnilililit. Ilitl'iKlnrtioii nf nine new hills, ref- eii'iue ul a Heuil nl lielilinns must nt wliiih Imre upon the prnimseil leuis- lntinn tn linrinunie stnte ami mitiumil I laws en irulilli!tion. nml the passu i;e' ni a lew Im-nl ineiisnreN nci-iipipil the Heiiifle's time tuilay. line hill whieh I eiinio lu lis llilril reailini: Inrtiiy, t tin I nniemlin-; the "law i-plnting In nlinmuy wilhnnl ilivoree.'" in ssi-i 1 niter vigor mis . oiiKln light Upon It lei I hy Senator Chillies 1'. Harris, nf Wake Comity. J The law as iinieinloil provides (hall Hie liiislmnil may set up en Hti cliarse . . i , , 1 1 .... .. .... .. .if........ ...I...,. Ik.. .i-:r. mi,- a..: ... in, -in nun i.mi In whom appiieal inn is uiudft Senntur llnrris voiced objection In the leglsln linli asserting that It left tin-pnwer of ileeision us to the woman's chastity in tin- hands of one man. lie offered an amendment providing for Jury trial of Hie issue on appeal, hut this wns voted down nml the original hill passed. The hill originated in the Ilmise, uud now hns pnsfteir both hndies nf the (Jen eral AsBemhly. The Bum-oniue County sihimI luws dime up in the llnuse with a Senate amendment, nml the aruendment wnsj eom-urred in ufter short debate, and a; call fur division on (he ayes and nays.' ! me Mini i, mi inn orders1 to tile lists olHceis with proper up fur imssage, hut to provide secret nf members a ml authorities came was sent hack to 1 resentntive Wade, of New Hanover, whn said ills district was Hooded with letters ami telegrams f rouii Ira tend ties, and secret orders which requested to be hca rd nn Hie maflsitre. ALEXANDER S. HAKES IS HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER Succeeds R. A. Do;ighton, Who Re-1 signed Fnim Commission home Time Ago. (By the Aaaoelnteil I'rraa.) Raleigh, Jan. Sb. Governor Camer on Morrison today appointed Alexan der S. Hanes, of Winston-Salem, mem-1 be fur the seventh district on tne State Highway Commission succeeding Jt. A. Doughton, of Allegheny County, resigned. Mr. Doughton resigned from I he commission when be entered the Ccncral Assembly and his reappoint-1 ment was expected tn have been made! after the adjonrnmeilt of that body. His appointment yesleVday to be Com niissioner of Revenue succeeding Col. A. D. Walts left the office of highway commissioner vacant. Bob Williams in Stale Pirson. (By the Aaaoclated I'reaa.l Knleigh. Jan. 30. Bob Willinms, no gyo. sentenced to He electrocuted March T for the murder of Special Officer Jlradley Ortbb, at Fair Bluff, N. C, ar rived at the state plrstiu tiskiy from AVhitoville. He was placed In n death ceil, Troops guarded the negro dur ing his trial and up to the. time he wns placed on the train Inst night en route to Raleigh. the Jmllcinry committee .. i " proposed state medhnl school, the ma bearinKS on the action, Action ul Hep-1 i,.,,..i mimees nf the The Directors and Officers , Of the Citizens Dank and Trust Company Most Cordially Invite You and Your Friends To the Formal Opening of Their New Bank Building . ' Wednesday Evening Seven-thirty j u ts niifjw no not ml r i:ih c Are IM IJm U Ttarir wl Get I ..il. tn-i I . , Murine IS. , Ma..-ths. "J I .... Raleigh, X: C. Jan. m M.a'.ern I "I n:.. a a whole, have kw 1 11 1 .ithmi iiihI muu-a-tunit I tuin uu "l,, r "f v. ta lirufeasiim. 111 1 hi- iM!iiiiii of iMihu- hi imihurHie in itaieisii. : l" !Mir J,u'' aiu J uli' 11. Withhi. sunnirv if the - North CaroUaa Rdinviion Aaeiatkav !"linun' uf nninaruax and raHed dut- ' les ! 'The ft vein ire teuclier in-ts in h,-r 'lass root" Hy th morning. Hete. . . llnlll mi,,,,(1 ,lf 'nfi'-i iiiHtn with stiulli-s nnd pupil".. ,'",n. her entire iiftd nnuns nml an' , nf ln-r I'vi-iiings nil i-niiKiuintl in ritnl InaE ami tnullnir ik-i-i-. nc planning '"1 "I,h.I ii-ihIii-is are MijiM-l to i-n- jut ii iIiht miMitliM' ramflnn irn li 'The i-ai-hir in :i siniill lou-n." she ilsseilnl. "inlisl nul iliime ur play ennlK. If she ilues. lint town will talk. "If -lie is .Miiuif! nml pretty, she must net have ilates' with yoium men. If she ilni-s. Hie luw'n tail s. "So there you are. "If Hie hnrtl-workiiiK, pomly paiil tincher wants tn keep her job, she must work must uf the time, ami mi line her pleasure ami rerieatiun within Hie iiarruw limits nf an unjust pulilii ntliniile." Men insl riii tui s. il was aurei-il, are mil "heinineii in" us lunch lis their " sister" winkers. MADAM MATZENAIER IS GIVEN DIVORCE (rand Opera Singer Free nf Matri monial Bonds After a Lengthy Fighl. I By llu- A.kKlalilt ln-MM. i San Finneiseo. Cal.. Jan. 30. Mnd II in M nven ret Miit.ennner. grniid npera singer, whom -her hiisbnnd enllod nu oreilid, was fre tndiiy nf I lie Imnil nf iiiatriinnney she nnitiiii leil with l'luyil lilolzhiK'h, whn denerihwl himself as "wlhl nillstiinl." Ulntzhueli hel'nre he met Hie singer, nml after lie m)niiit eil from her. was a chauffeur. lie Wnlllil is. I Maihiin .Matzeunuer was awarded mi interlocutory decree nf divorce ffota Olotzlwch yestenlay in superior court here en a cross eoinplnint she til ed some time ago after (Ilutzhnch hail snught marital freedom on the grnnnds Unit she practiced cruelty mi liiin. She in turn alleged cruelty and .asserted that Glo!-shn-h had maintained rela- I tlonshljl with mint her woman whom I she minted. I Among Olotxbuch's sneel lien Hons of icrueltv were nlleinitioiiM that his wife desired him to have breakfast in bed and to hook up her gowns. Chapel Hill Not Popular as College Site. Uy tbe ANMoeliited trenH I Stntesville, X. t'., .Ian. 30. Chapel Hill is nut fMvm-eil us Hie site fur Hie rniversily of North ( arnlimi being opposed to it. according to Donnan Thompson, a member uf Hie hoard. The objection to Chapel Hill with reference lo the new project, he as serted, is that the population is Insuf ficient1 and that If lacks facilities ami oilier necessities needed hy a large hospital and medical Institution. There is no intention, he continued, of re moving the school for the lirst and sec ond .vein men. "Not being in the center of the in dustrial region and being off tbe main railway line, patients will not ho at tracteti there in numbers. tic stated. "In addition tn bed cast's, as ninny am bulatory cases as can lie ubtained are desirable, cases demanding regular ob servation, but not coliflnonicnt. in cit ies there will be no difficulty in find ing them, it is feared by the medical 'men that none of our North Carolina cities is really large enough to supply the sort nf clinic that should be main tninetl in a university hospital." Lincoln ( n to Make ReTunil. i By (he Anaoclaled i're.i Washington. Jan. 30. The amount agreed upon by (lie Department of Justice and the receiver for the Lin coln Motor Cur. Co. in settlement of the government claim for alleged ov erpayment on war contracts is $1, OOOJJOO, according to Win. 1. Ititer. as sistant Attorney (Jeneral, who said to day, however, that this figure is sttli Ject to the approval of Judge Tattle, of the Federal DiBtrlct Court ot 'Chi cago. to Ten O'clock ;r;r TO THE COLORS 4k icr.ra. Jan iBjr lb Am filiated PmaM The lire.-', aila 4) birr kl Ifc-rar. Hi much tbr M i ha nntiltal Greek of the 1 1mm of licrt la bkl Hh-iu- M mivrm in for a mil In 4- lta mbin. lie iM iIhtp v.imiM la- Ifci r. rti. ( li.Jl-. jKltalti-fcifilifaMiliil!1 ujrwoi. mo win i . a-r mm ram ; uilu. 11 nil it!" Hevl iiIiit John Ifctin - lihisl.l in lioinu hpld in thi- polir sin SIMIAY SCHOni. rS'HTITl'TE i""11 " ruailM f lnviii IN CONCORf), POWt'tKY 7 a;""" 'n"' lrl ,rn Hhul lliro, - , l .il.:!. the l.inii. Record Breaking ITowcI Is Fvpcrlf.l to Attend Sc-slo. of Liftllute lo Ke Held in Si. James hlirrlt. En nftV-em uf lalmrrns IVmnly Siiikhiy 51 hi -nl AwK-intiuu " inif llu inforiaallon Unit all imlb-athms miu in a riiunl breaking allemiMin-e at llu- Cum-ard Kunda) Si bmil Inslllnle at Si. J h in k l.atherau lhun-h in I'mi itinl. un Kehriiary 7. !. The prugiain fur Hie iimiilule bus Itrea mi armillENl thai there will l.e .-.dresses and liim lisslnns nf interest tn workers in ail departments nf tin Sunday rVbooL The work of the Ad ministrative, lining P'Mples' and Ad ult Divisions will he ciivei-i-il h Hie ries nf adilressi-s delivered by llr. K. T. Alliertsnn. uf imliaiiaiiolis. Ind., and Mr. I. W. Sims. Heiierul Super inieinleiii ofithe N'uilh I'arulina Sun day Schunl AssiM-lalioit. A series of add roses nf spcrinl in lerest lu wnrKi's 111 II,,- I'vimIm' II, ,11. Itejrlliners, I'riiuary ainl .liiniur le lartmeuts nf the Sinnhiy Sclnf will ! delivered hy Miss Haisy Magis-, Children's Division liiiM'ilntenih'nl in' the North Cariiliita Siiiidny Schunl As siM-latiun. Kur a uuuiher of years Mis.-. Magee lias Is-en making a spei-ialty of the work in the Children's Division of the Sunday" Kchuul. She has organiz ed and supervised child, en's work in Im-al Sunday S-hool: served for some time as elementary superintendent for her denominntlon in Mississippi, and for about seven years was the snc i essl'ul leader of the t'hihiren'si Divis ion work for the Ueorgia Sunday School AssiM-intlon. Miss Mag-e cunies to North Carollnn fresh from a year of special work and study in Boston Cnlversity. At the. first session of the Institute there will he a roll cull of Sunday Schools when each person present from a given Sunday Schunl Will lie asked tn stand, and a record made ni the representatives present. It is ex pected thn I those in charge of lite armngemcnts. that many of the Sun day Schools of I he enmity will he rep resented al the opening sossioii of the institute. T!p" "! ?'; p AMj) OlfGO WILL BALANCE Enstrad of Estimated Deficit of $fi!8, 000,000 Has About Been Wiped Out. Washington. Jan. 2!i. Representa tives of the government's "business or ganisation," nsscmlrted for considera tion of budget problems, were, told in a message from President Harding, thai for the. first time since Hie liscal year 11)1(1 the mil inn's income and outgo probably would balance nl the end of the current iiscnl year on June !M. The President's message, delivered by Vice President Coolidge, announced that instead of a deficit of $008,000,000, estimated at the, beginning of the lis cal year, the economy drive had ill days ago forced a reduction to $!-.-000,000. Mr. Harding urged a continuation of the efforts at curtailment expendi tures and eliminating waste, declaring that by such continued attention would the balanced budget be realized on June 30. Supplementing the Presi dent's plea. Brigadier General Lord, director of the budget, called on all government workers to subordinate lo cal, departmental or good ol the whole people, admonishing the officials thai "V. S." means the Cnilod Slates and not "us." General Lord reported that the final estimate of expenditure for the cur rent fiscal year, surveyed January 15, was $3.57-t,ri!i4,1 while the forecast of receipts un the sime day was $.'!. 481,004,l)ni). This leaves, he pointed otlt. a deficit of slightly more than $02,000,000 and he expressed the be lief that within live months of the llscnl year ahead in which to cut away less Hum one-fifth of the amount elimi naeil in the. excess expend i In res in the first seven months of the 12 months period, the deficit could he eliminated. He declared, however, in this connec tion, that "the tireless, unremitting ef forts of the President to accomplish the result must have the support of ev ery public servant." Genera! Lords speech carried evi dence, in support of statements in the President's message Hint results were not only now becoming apparent. He reviewed the work of the various agen cies subordinate, to the budget bureau. showing how thousands of dollars were cut from estimates here nnd there and millions in some Instances were lopped off of the original figures by those in tent on mnklng ttie, nation pay ns It goes. The adminlstrntion's economy pro gram alone has not been entirely re SDonslhle for the showing which now Wems to warrant definite statements of a hnlauccd budget this year, lite- eencrol said. He pointed to Increas ing Collections of revenue tinder the drive for back tuxes by Commissioner Rlnir. and greater customs receipts from duties levied in the new .tariff net' more highly- specialized ii indlin of nil the government's revenue serv ices, he ndded, have also brought in funds. Attorney General Files Peitlon. Philadelphia, Jan. 30. Attorney General Dauchertv tiled In tlie Federal District Court today a petition raising wear nnd other goods nre to be otter Ihe questlton whether Ihe proposed , oil nt reduced prices during the sale, sale, of the stock of the Lehigh Si The company has a page ad. today Wllkosboro Coal Company lo the Jnek-. setting forth some of Ihe price spv son K. Reynolds syndicate of New eials, and It will he to yonr advantage York, was made In good faith, to read the ad. eurefully. Father John ffeW in Murder Mystery (r Ik. i' rM.i s.... Marina 11 -latrish hmiao uf ' 1 -l i. 1 hi., . h. will Uipr41rli- F.rle. I'm.. Jaa. owakl. a Servant In i SI la-dmer P..,si win L..i :iinl killed 1 in. ImiliUiif in f 1. 1 11 villi Mm I imei rather MumMnyLi riMui) shorily nfi Tlw im.IIii- say Ihfjf 1 LEAGUE OFXVriONS HEARS OIL DISPUTE Dispute Between Turkey and Presents Resolutions Direct Great Britain is Carried to ine President Harding to Iveajrue. I llT the AaaaInlril l'r. .) l'mis. Jan. 10. T)i, dispute iH-twccn Great Britain and Turkey over the Irak frontier Involviiia ihe nil prnduc ing In Id uf Mosul brought before the i-nuneil uf Linu'i. of Nations In ilny hy Hie Karl of I'.alfuur. Tin Council lisik nn m-liun in Hie mailer as ii ii awaiting an iiidicilimi from Ihv Turks as tn whcli r it will accept the Lcavne's Jurisdiction. Mnsnl. said Lord Italfour, was a ipiestiun for the league In consider, because Irak was mandated territory. Ureal P.ritain acting In that territory in iiciniif ul the League uf Nations. GOOD Ml SICAL PROIiRAM AT HANK OPENING Ijijoir's Orchestra, of Charlotte, Will Furnish Music at Opening of Cili zens Rank and Trast Coniiany's New Building Wednesday Evening. The musical program to be render ed ul the formal oieuing of the new Imnking home of the Citizens Bank I and Trust Company from seven-thirty to. ten o'clock tonion-ow evening prom ises to he one of thy must interesting features of Hie occasion. Lajoie's Or chestra of Charlotte, lias been engag ed for the event, and this fail alone promises a rare musii-n I treat for Ihe evening. Mr. Lnjnio is Ihe Ic.icher of Violin lit Queen's Cullege and is a musician nf unusual talent ami attainments, and his orchestra is cenipostHl of skill ed musicians and solo artists. The peo ple of Concord arc indeed fortunate in having the upiairtuniiy uf hearing this ue orcheHhif "'tiurier the leader ship nf Mr. Lajoie. The program will consist of bright. Xipulnr and classical music, with sev eral instrumental and vocal solus. The full orchestral program will he published in tomorrow's Tribune. The public is most cordially invited by the Directors and nlHcers of the haul: to the founal opening of their hand some and elegant new hanking home. STORK OFTEN FASTER THAN A PULLMAN CAR Many Conductors Have Assisted in Ishjefing An lnt'.i-t Into the World. Chicago, Jan. 29. -Great as is the speed of the Pullman car, that of ihe stork is oft:n faster, and often tne benevolent bird c itches the train. Many conductors and porters have ai--isted in ushering infants into th" world with literally, a flying start in life's handicap, acc rd.pg to the cud man News. The stork, although an intelligent carrier, 'sometimes falls to ascertain whether a physician is on the tram he Is pursuing. In such instances it is up to the conductors, porters and pos sibly experienced men and women passengers to assist in the glorious advent. ThS news says: "On one occasinn William Venn, general f ireman of the Pullman yards at Kansas Cily. bat (hen conductor uf the car -Biscay,' aided and abetted the stork. The mother prompt ly select -d the name nf Venn Biscay 3m th for son." Porter Lnu Thomas, now ead, was known as "Doctor" on the Erie run freni Buffalo to Cili'-iniiati because, ti? had assisted in th ee births on his car. Porter Stephen L. Hopkins of the (Minneapolis district had 'one of these experiences. The next morning Hop k ns wrapped the mother and child in blankets nnd presented them to the awaiting husband and father. "He gave me 50 cents. "That night he returned the two blankets with $10." Three Indicted in Liquor Fraud Case. Cincinnati, Ohio. Jan. 20. Three of ficials of the Independent Drug Com pany, of Clnnatl, were indicted louay under the federal prohibition law Those indicted arc Otto Katz. presi dent; George H. Lander, vice presi dent, nnd Sidney H. Miller, secretary. One thousand oftenses involving one million dollnrs worth of whisky, nc- cording to United States District At- tornev Tlinmns H. Morrow, nre alleged in the Indictment, which charges the three men w;lth having eonsipred to divert the wlitsky. without poprer per mits, into channels for use ns a bev erage. Whtte Sale at Enrd's. Etlrd's White Sale will liogin on Thursday and coiillnun through Satur day. For the three days the company Is offering unany fine hnrguius. Blenching, shirt madras, nainsook, orgundie, baptlsle, Cannon doth, voile, Is'd spreads, ginghams, under- Dambinski nml trhlli- al tlrl b im uiwlili- In alti 11 i-li-nr rtCiai nf tin- iliiM-iln-:. In- iifnrw.iril- inlil Hhiii tin- art 1 hal bfii kllliil lii ai ili'iii Ai-i-wling in the liinwkkeew-r pl-e, ami her :isNlaiit. n-inruiaa In II--hniis,- nhnrtly nfier mldnijctat. fuuiMll I he front d,Hir wide ojien. They en- j lered the darkened hallway and K&w "e iniiii in n iii.-iu inuiiiip inwai'i. ilietu man He nearest nsnn. sin was taken Intu wfriiiiftl 'Iliiralar" uud ian tn ILej lite shooiltr' Iffti Imme.lintch. she -aid. Hirii-j Hid him in IknI. .hi.ts were Kr-il. BORAH RENEWS FIGHT FOR MEET ( all Economic Conference. my the Aaaolateil leaa.i Washington. Jan. 3il. Senator Rn rilh, n-iM-wtil in Ihe Senate today hi iiroiMisal for an international m-niium , ii- , unfeniii' 1 1 1 -. I by Pi tt-idem j lliinling The confer, in ,- pinpo j ri'aily lias hi-on i lie cent ate slmrai. and is ep,r : iinotlier. was siibmitieil , I he lilnhii Si-nulol as a 1 1, which . I -f one Sc. ed til dewlul this lime I". II s .p., rale resn own i-i-iUe1 im iside fur cunsiil I lit inn. which a I hi ' mediately was laid eralii'ii ii'iler legisliilion is i In order to lay. however, pending farm nil of I he wa . ilils prevent any undue de- lu, Healed ' Mr 1 Surah that when the pinner time ennie lie probably would mov lo add the res olution as an amendment to some hill already under discussion. EXEMPT DONATIONS TO THE WILSON KI ND Foundation Has Reeii Incorporated, and New Ruling Is Made For Hie Donations. (By l lie Asaoelnled I'rraa. I Washington. Jan. 30. Cominission er Blair, of the Internal Revenue Ku reau. has ruled that contributions lo Ihe Wooilrow Wilson foundation made sulisispicnt in December L'li. lbU2 n il legally exempt from application of the Income tax laws. The ruling repre sents a reversal from the Bureau's previous stand because of the incor poration Deiemiior Jljtli of Ihe fouu dation. The previous ruling of Ihe Bureau, holding Hini contributions were IMI tax exennit was the basis for criticism on the'lioor of Congress where it was charged the decision had been influ enced by politics. It was claimed that the Vtoodrow Wilson Foundation was of ihe same character and purpose as the Roose velt and MeKtnley Memorial move-' incuts, but the Bureau decided thai until the foundation was incorporated for a designed charitabje or educa tional purpose it could not legally no allowed to receive ronlrihntloiis on which the doners did mil pay taxes. LEW DOCKSTADER IS IN SERIOI S CONDITION Veteran Minstrel Slipped on Ice and is YirtiiuJJy Paralyzed. H Ihe AtaM-lated ITrsa. ( New Brunswick. X. J Jan. 30 Lcw Doskstnde.r. veteran minstrel, to day is dying in a local hotel virtually paralyzed. Mr. Diickstnrler, who is 02 years old and weighs 2llll pounds, slipped nn the ice and' fell last night while returniiv; to Irs hotel after performance nl a lo cal theatre. He made his way to the hotel and went lo bed. Physicians said his spine was in jured, and his condition is serious. Recapture nf Ittirke Prisoners peel (I. Morctui. Jan. 29. After just Ex- is huurs liberty, J. D. Browman, who with three other prisoners, escaped Burke county jail last Saturdi night, was recaptured yesterday by Chief Julian Walton, of the Morgantcin police force, at the home of an aunt. Mrs. Causby, near Burkemont, about ten miles from Mnrganton. Jaiov Bright off: red a reward of s2a each for the escaped prisoners. Tonight it is said that the other three will proba bly be taken before morning. Bow man, who is escaping prosecution tor forgery and other sifnilar counts on the plea of insanity, claims that he has no recollection of the escape from jail Saturday night. New Mill For Rockingham. (lly the Aaaoelnteil I'rena.) Rockingham. Jan. 30. I he Leak Manufacturing company, of this city, capitalized at $1,000,000, of which .f211.iKH) is paid in, has been granted a charier by the secretary uf state. The company will manufacture yarns, cloths and fabrics. James A. Leak. Wadesboro: W. P. Pnrson, son, Wadeehord, and T. C. Leap, Rock Ingham, are among the principal stockholders. Fire at Livingston Colleje. (He the Aaaoeln(ei lreaa.l Salisbury, Jan. 30. Fire shortly af ire I o'clock this afternoon practically destroyed tlie Industrial building, one of Ihe largest of the group of brick buildings of Livingston College, the noted negro institution of this city. It Is estimated it will take $40,000 to re place the structure. The amount of insurance was not learned. Map Garden Calls on otic , Hj the Aaaoelated Preaa.l Boston, Jan. 80. Mary Garden cal led on Finnic Coue here today seeking the aid of the exponent of auto-suggestion "to Improve her health, her dls fii.s'tinii and her voice." KM WAY l.lF IS THr -Y t., lir' Before Unr AirpluMn Will Hate Detailr Lkr U Faltow. Xr Turk. Jan X T,- nam mat ! the lime may imie when thTe wli j lines in :he kky. km uone ;he bn n j , ill almuc nhiih aeroiihiui will run I a muiailhly ami safely an tialnn do on land. i--nis a flljrtit of fanry ; ret le- 'h- ba lmn ierfeiid wh.ch limy n--inll.' ibis "dream In the ;n-ir fill tin I Tt.e iuM-niiii.i is-llpM-s anything ihlih-rlo , mi, eh isl, and i H iian jpniativei.i lni4e II I in the form of Ian eh-clm mMe. the work of a Erenrh enjrineit, ami it piiraary nle jeil is In help pi Iota lu oVfn-ome their musl j-tdly eneini, fog. i-hnals, and I darkneaj The cable, which i laid along Ihe ji-iilth. sends up into ihe air a contlu I nuns eb-i-trie i itrrciil. This comes in leunlait with panels ,,f insulate! cni H'r wire UtiiUlltill in Ihe ueropbllle I nnd the iaiies. in turn, are i ,,nii,-ele I I In .i lelephune rc-eiver. Tiic niiviealiir lean Urns "listen In." and Hie vurirtii1 uf siiiinds enables him In keep exactlx alaive Hie cable, any deviation in Ids emirs,- la-ing iidiciitiil by a change in suiiml Al I In- same lime. Ihe cable enables Ihe pilot t,, know the exact height ill which he is iravelini:. This means Hull a machine itiu Hy oxer tiny kind nf ciuiilrx. i lie nai-;i'lo, knowinu' hi.- Hisiliiai and knowing lluil lie can nn! no iili -nl ii II v run inio a lull. Hi- -uiiiius in his n' -eivcl warning Inn if I he i, ppinaehcs i Ins,. ,,, ihe en hie. Tin :ip,aiaiUs is siiH'rinr lu oiili- liarl ,li I eel :ou-illi!illU wireless. Ik1- cause ciiniaei In i - ,, it Hint iiuviKiilur ami the cable is pnuiically cunt innnns. There are icrtainly breaks in Ihe sunn, Is. ns otherwise Hie iiiitiun uf the iierupla lie's engitii- would he inter fered with: but Ihesc breaks arc so shnrt thai Ihe human cur cauiiol de tect them. Lxperiini ills have been successful ly cnrrieil out with this cable, and to add lu its effectiveness il is hor.il that another device will la' pin into use. This new development is u machine a virtual mechanical "brain which will lie installed on the nene plane, nnd will automatically hold the plane undeviatingly above the cable without the pilot having anything to sine regulate the running of his motor and look tn the altitude. It science accomplishes this marvel, il is considered a practical certainty Hull these fixed airways will be nihil across Ihe sky, and ii is easy to pic ture how ihe Irntlie will be regulated. But these arc mil all the wonders which will help tu revolutionize avia tion. There is another promising in vention the stabilizer an instrument which enables aeroplanes lo maintain their balance in high winds. Thus, when n ;;nsi of wind forces one wing lift In the air. the stabilizer automat ically brings the other wing level. Finally, a further piece of scientific n-ixnnlrv which is believed may also be practicable is a system of air sig nals whereby each express or cargo machine ininiit. by taking advantage of the electric current from the cable, signal its progress from moment to moment as it speeds along above the cahle-v.uy. These signals would be scut lo a central air-traffic controller, who. sittine. in his office, would be able to give directions lo any and every pi lot. In tlie near future, therefore, il may he possible that pilots, kept oil their course by the electric cables, controll ed by signals, and the level ot Itieir machines maintained by Ihe stabilizer, may he aide to drive their aerial craft along under any conditions In abi-o-Illte security. The air lines should he run with the same safely as our great railways. THE COTTON MARKET Initial Tone Fairly Steady and There Was Some Liquidation. (By (lie AaaoeJafed Preaa.l New lurk. Jan. .'id--The failure of Liverpnul to hold an early advance and nervousness over Knrope politi cal conditions were regarded responsi ble for an upening decline of 10 to 27 points in colt on market here today. Initial tone was fairly steady and was considerable liquidation also scattered Southern selling but offerings nppeur cd readily absorbed around 27.80 for may and 27.ol for July. Cotton futures opened fairly steady. March 27 :7."i : May 27 :'J2 ; July JCiw; ( let. 2-"i :tK) : 1 )ec. 24 :70. Just a Little Jog. New York, Jan. 2S. - Another unci dote, was added tn Ihe "Me and Al" si ries last niirlit by Charles M Schwab, the steel man. He was speaking be fnre Haley Fiske. prosidenl of the Methoropiltnn Life Insurance Com pany: 2Ml of his district managers and Herbert Hoover, secretary of com merce. Governor Alfred K. Sinilli also was I here. "Al and I used lo work at No. 25 Broadway, where all Ihe. great men work," said the narrator. "ne day not Gov., down too many years ago 1 said. how would you like to to my house and have a walk little drink'.'' I "Why walk Charley V he said., "U't's run.' " Schwabs' home w as live miles away I up in the section bordering River-, side Drive, known to the wealthy In habitants thereof us "Charley Schwab's back yard." Defunct Bank Building Sold at Thffimasvilie. Thomasville, Jan. 29 The building and grounds on Salem street of the now defunct bank or anomasviue , m-oxitnatolv ir,o new members have was sod today at 12 o'clock by Ke- j im, au-((ffj ,,, the roll of the Colemnn ceivet; T. J. Finch for 16,280, iM. B. i vtt of -the American Iegion, as Hile heing the highest bidder. The tnp result of a campaign just couplet tale of today will bo left open for the 0(l, ,i w. Council, chairman, hns iin- ufciiai terms lor a nigner Did wnicn is expected to be offered, as it is though by recognized authority the property is worth $26,000 at least. Thm Is the 'bank of which J. L. Arm field was president and Zed Wrifllth cashier, before it went lo the wall. DEM REPORTS THAT uLnmAPt5 WERE SHOT French Foreijfn Office Says There Has Been No Riot at Boppard, as Reported in Newspaper. SITUATION MUCH BETTER, IT IS SAID The Foreign Office Complains of Exaggerated Reports Which it Claims Have Been Sent Out. Pari ... Jan. .'Ml i By the. AsMX-lAtcd Press I. The French foreiim office de-i-'anil today there was no truth In the report i printed this morning by a Paris newspaper l thai twenty Cer inans had liceu killed in a clash with Freneh irneps at linppartl as reported, near Klngen. There IihiI iMen nn such trouble at Boppard as repuric.il. ii was said. Tlie biirgumasler was t resHd for resisting orders ,,f French mililaiv authorities hut there was no riiil ing. The foreign nffii-e in complaining Unit n ureal deal of incorrect news, still was in cirinlnlicll ri-gurding events in the Ruhr, said reports of the strike were grcitly exaggerated, and thai Ihe situation had improved. MORE All) SOl'GHT FOR disabled ex.service jtev Representative cf Former Service Men's Organisations Appear Befor Ccnunittee. Hi. i (he Aaaoelaled I'reaa.l Washington, Jan. 30. Representa tives cf former service men's organiza tion appeared today before the House Interstate Commerce Commission to urge changes in the Sweet bill amend ing Ihe war risk insnrr.nce act, so as to permit greater latitude in imyment of compensation to hospital patients. Witnesses today centered their argu ment nn the provision limiting the lime. in which cases of tuberculosis and neurosis shall be considered as originating in Ihe time of service urg ing t be extended from two years- as now written, to three years for iiicer culosis, ' and five years fur neurotic patl nts. Dr. Wm. Leroy Dunn, or Asheville N. (.'., who UilUiiQed. before the com mittee ns a tuberculosis expert, &xve it as his opinion that the disi 3sc after nfc-ctinn due to military service, might lie quiescent for as long as eight years but de dared the thro:' jear poriod won d take in the great ina j irity of veterans. Watrcn B. Miller, national vice com mander of the American Legion urged that some provision be made for the veterans who. while otherw'se normal, bail lost the hearing in both ears. He said there wore between 50 nnd 60 ;f these who do not draw disability benefits. CAROLIN A CHK KENS WIN H5CH HONORS Forty Entered by Carolina Ciirl W;ui Prizes in New York City. -By Hie AaaliL-luli'ri I'reaa.- Wadesboro, N. C. Jan. 30. Silver Wyandotte cockerels, owned by Miss Viola Kiker, of Polkton, in this coun ty, competing in n doss of twenty-two birds, won lirst and fifth places al the Madison Square Garden Poultry Show, in New York, according to despatches received here tonight from A. (!. Oliv er, poultry club ngenl of the Agricul tural Extension Service. "The poultry dub members of North Carolina so far are the only farm boys and girls thai have-had nerve enough to show their birds," he said. "The fact that a pretty Ninth Carolina girl turned the trick al the National Pool trv show last week caused great sur prise among the professional poultry- men exhibiting "Not only did Miss Kiker win first and II 11 li with her cockerels, but she also exhibited two bullets that came close up but did not come within (he lirst five ribbons. One of these pul lets would have won sixth place had an award been made. Tills is the, first time ill the history f Hie shew Hint a farm raised chick en nwneil In- n farm raised girl, has gum Into the best shown in the coun try amid Ihe holiest competition nno won first place. 11 means a tremen dous amount of advertising for the poultry work being done by the North Carolina Slate College and the le pnrtinenl of Agriculture. At the Theatres. "Burning Sands" with Milton Sills and Wanda Hawley in the leading roles is again being shown at the Star today. Tlie Piedmont today is again show ing Neal Hart In "Butterfly Range," and also a Sunshine comedy, "The flud also a Sunshine coniery, "The Ranch Romeo." "Human Hearts" with House Peters nnd a splendid supporting cast, is tlie feature at the Pastime today. Many New Legion Members,- (Be tke Aaaoclatea rreaa.) Rooky Mount, N. C, Jun. 80. Ap- nonnced The basketball team of the local Y will on Thursday night piny the var sity quintet from Davidson College. This promises to be nn .extra good gam.