-Wt'i The Concord ATTY TP.RTTNPi i TFD VOLUME XXII. CONCORD, N. C. THURSDAV FBRUARY 8, 1023. NO. JOB. SHP UK K1ISURE TAKEN UP li SENATE Senator Harris Moved That Further Consideration of of Measure Be Postponed Until Next Tuesday. OPPOSITION HAS DEVELOPED TO BILL Some Senators Want to Dis pose of It Now, One Way or Other Substitute for Bill Offered. Raleigh. Feb. - Unable to mlly jlment strength to curry the motion to postione action ,w Governor c.:am i .n Morrison's ship line bill to next Tuesday night while one of them ml dressed the 8'iiate friends of the mea sure arrived at an udjn.stmciu w th ttie opposition and tlr substitute otll amended to Increase, the approprhi- I iion for the investigation of th piac- i tic-ability of the proposed h p line from $5,00fl to $20,000 was nassea by unanimous v te and sent to the House of Representative byyipecial messen- Revers.'nK their atand of yesterday ! when they took the position that this j bill had i. en under tymtemplation for ' a sufficient length of time, iuu mat! the findings of the special committee I investigating the state s finances would not be pertinent to the issue, propon enta of the Governor's bill today start ed a movement to secure the 'postpone ment to 'next week hlWl w'th iwteT mined and successful oppos. ion. Senator Armflcld of Cabarrus. too:t the Moor in opposition to the Brown substitute bill which became the or-il-r of the hour, upon failure of the taotion to postpone, and he was in the iplddle of a long speech n support or the theory of the constutlonalily of ihe Governor's measure When he was interrupted with the whispered 'nfor I station that an "adjustment" had been I reaclud. Announcing the report, Sonn ,'tor Amino d yielded the floor to the jaitthoi- of the substitute bill who offered the amendment inert .ising the eporctpriation. 'Senator Charles IT. Harris, of Wake, Wider of the governor's forces in be ,lialf of the original bill, stated that trivornnr Morrison and inner raropnn- bMMMiP'Hi wit- .it. y;bf& romise in goon spirit, Tennzing that the ''substitute bill appeared to represent the sense of Semite," The witter commerce commission which the bill would create. Senator Harris ad ded would "we apprehend, return n favorable report on the proposition tit the session of the general assembly when the "overnor shall see fit to call us together," and he expressed Ihe opinion Hiat (hen the legislature would proceed to execute the plan for the Two amendments were offered le fore the vole wits taken on the substi tute bill in addition tn that raising the appropriation, but both were with drawn without a vote. Senator K. L. Haymoro, of Surry, sought to amend by Instructing the proposed water com merce commission to Investigate the sale of the Cupe' Fear & iatlklu Viil ley Railroad, and "conditions tinder which it was sold." He withdrew this on assurance- of members of the Sen ate that they would aid him in intro ducing a separute bill to provide for this inquiry, he announced. The other amendment offered but not voted upon came from Senator Hodges, of Avery, and would require the appointment of, three members of the opitositlon to the proposition on the water commission. Raleigh, N. C, Feb. 8. When the Governor's bill proposing the estnb- iisnment ot a state owneu snip . m- came up on the steclnl order In the Senate Sem.r Chas C Harrb jj 3ZL rZ ' w i" . ."' hi . .h h. sence of several Senators on the work of the sub committee of the appropria tion' committee... Reverting to the contention of pro potientH nf the Mil i "PleidH V TTff tWTT should 1 disposed of by vote, Sena tor Sams, of Forsyth, mipiiorter of the Brown substitute for the bill whleh would establish the water com merce canmisBion and require it to re port Its findings, as to the practica bility of the ship line plan to u fu ture session of the General Assembly Instead of the Governor, and the council of state, opposed the motion, anil his position was supported by the ' author Of the substitute. Senator Moss, who announced that he was otmosed to the original bill. asserled that he fftvorod a "fair trial" and was willing for the matter to be postponed. Senator Mark Squires followed with an expression of opinion that the vote should he tak- it,.. Mil oiii.t, -h.a si, ,...1 in the wav of other legislation" should n ,w,ui of senator IV. C Heath, ..C Ilnlin I'.unli' ft ntaiilhof (if tin special committee Investigating thej MtntP-ii unsocial conditio!, asked for 1 the postiMiuement In order that the mill intake tu u liel I or informed one In respect to finances. St. Mlhlel In Charleston. tlr ihe AMMtae i-r,..i , Kliuibeth City. N. C. Feb. 8. The Charleston, S. C. Feb. S. The j public hearing on the quest Inu of re transport Ht. Mlhlel bringing 281 men (vision of the harbor lines of the Paa ot the 8tb Infantry home from the.cfuotank river at Elisabeth City has Rhine, irrrlrad off HnUlvsn's Islapdi been-set for February 21, here nt llltin ocick-k rnis inoromg. lllnton Completes Trip. Win Janeiro. Feb. 8. (Hv the'Assocl ated Press) Lieut Walter Hlnton, the American aviator, arrived here to- day. completing his seapuiuc flight New lork to mo oe Janeiro. MR. D. W. 9DM General Superintendent North 'rnli un Snminv Sohonl Association, Raleigh. N. P. Proved to the Court That She Could and Has Been Spanking Him for Num ber of Years- (By the Aaanelatr I'rraa Detroit. Feb. s. Joseph Lenkynskl, aged SI, will liehnve for the next year if spankings ami the continual pres ence in his home of it probation otticer have the pruier effect. -Mrs. cJuidys Loszynski. his wife. proved to Judge Cotter yesterday that she was capable of spanking him had lieen doing it for a long ft mo anil was instructed by the court to administer the punishment whenever she believ ed It necessary. She then was made a sjieiial probation officer for one year to see that husband came home at a reasonable hour, avoided bad company and conducted himself as a dutiful husband should. "He'll get a spanking tonight If you say so; I'll spank him every day," Mrs. emynskl. Hushed with her new au thority, told the judge. The court made no plea for mercy. IMPORTANT PACT HAS BEEN SIGNED United States and Costa Rica Sign Protocal of Great Im portance to Each. ? the AMelatrd Pnm.) M'rtshington, Felt. B. A protcicol has been signed by the United States am Costa Rica, elimlnatlBK difficulties dating back many years, and affecting tho ioMsililo future development . of the Nictiragunn inter-oceanie canal route. The protoccd provides that in the event" of a decision by the 1'nited States to build a canal along the N'ic araguan route, Costa Rica will be consulted directly by the I'uited States with relation to the interests of Costa Hicn holds under the terms of the NicantgnaiitCostu Rica Ismndary arbi tration award made by President Cleveland. The protocal specifically mentions Costa Rica's Interests in the San Juan river section df the canal route, and In Salinas Bay, as a pos sible canal terminal. ( OLKWAJTS LAWYEBS F1LK LIBEL AGAINST HIS BOA'T , , Minle That Captain Has Fair , , 'n.Ma " Jb L-nTgins to ap har that ArturColeman. captain and erstwhile owner of the rum snip, Message of Peace, which figured in the rum-running escapade off the coast of this state a year ago nnd- tvas re sponsible for Captain Coleman's six month jail sentence here, can't get ihe dusj of North Carolina off his feet. i ne captain is ,u new aura again In trouble. This time the Britisher is here in response to a paper Issued by the clerk of Craven county superior court which informed him unpleasantly enough that- his good ship was in ufo- cess of libel as the resit' t of the action oft Brnest M. Green, local law yer. who with tlje Bellamy Brut, of Wilmington, had charge of his various cases in federal court. Mr. Green said Captain Coleman hud not settled his account with him in full, and rthtis for the latter has been forced to g ve bond for the boat. .These gentlemen, said the cap ". referring to Messrs. Green and Bellamy, "seem to have me where I t" without having some sort of WP served on me. I hope some Iday to get these matters straightened out. When 1 do I'm going to Bet sail fr the Bahamas and sttiy away from 'North Carolina forever I-Vom ills t toil! It was clear he meant what ho said. Hearing at Elizabeth City. The condition of Sirs. J. N. Bates, who underwent a serious operation at the Concord Hospital Monday, ts re- ported today ns very satisfactory. The operation was very sueoeastol, aud Mrs. Btes has shown clalljr Improve- meiu since .uuuuay. (HIE FUNDING PLAN Plan Agreed Upon by United States and Great Britain Will Be Offered to. Other . Debtor Nations. CONGRESS TOLD OF THE PLANS Funding Committee Wants Power Now to Settle With Other Nations With Presi dent's Approval. (Or Ike Auixyntril Faa.i Washington, Feb. '8. The American diMit commission does not desire to make more, favorable terms with lite other debtor nations than are em iHslled In the settlement agreement reached with Ihe British government, the House ways and inenns commit tee was told today by Representative I Rurton, reptihllran, of Ohio, a mcmlter of the commission. "Thnt would not lie fair to Croat Britain." said Mr. Rurton. That Is the country that has come forward and helped us with a settlement. It has as it were, put nsnttr behind the . I . S ui-iiioi nation-. Mr. Rurton appeared iHffnre the com raittec in behalf of bis amendment to the existing debt funding law which not only would authorize consum mation of the agreement with Great Britain, would enable the commission to make settlements with thfr other nations of similar terms, and subject only to the approval of the President. There was objection by committee members to the expression "similar In terms." the argument Is-lng advanced that this left the door wide Open. The debt commissioner argued that if Congress Insisted that the commis sion report back to it for approval of any future agreements, it would lie unable to make any such agreements Before next Docemlier. as It is not known that the new Congress will Is? called in extra session. NEW BERN VISITED BV ANOTHER FIRE Rowland Lumber Company's Ptant Ls Partially Burned, Willi $40,000 Loss. cut ine ABsociiiiM rrnui.i iin- ,-ati tou.sed damage estlmattsl at $40.IMMl to the machine shop of the Rowland Lumber Company, completely destroying the- roof cf the building, and wrecking much mnchinery. officials of the ecmi linny announced that new machinery would be ordered at once;. The Rowland Lumber Company on the day of New Bern's disastrous tire hist December sustained a loss of f3u6,06t. Mrs. Hall, Arcompanieci by Her Con fidante, Ones Ahmad. - New York. FeJ. 7. While scores of reporters sought ber on nuother liner. Mrs. Frances Noel Stevent Hall. widow of the Rev. Edward Wheeler Hall, of New Brunswick, N. J., who was murdered lust Septemltor with Mrs. Kleanor R. Mills, a choir singer, sailed for Ituly today on the steamship America. Mrs. Hall was accompanied by Miss Sally Peters, who acted as her con fidante and adviser during the long period and fruitless Investigattion of the double slaying. It had been announced that Mrs. Hall would sail today, on the Mauritania. Fine Beginning For The S. S. Institute in City The onenlnc session of the Concord nihilities on the mature man. Jesus Sunday School Institute, lieing held In St. James Lutheran Church here, was held yesterday afternoon, with good attendance. The Church was comfortably filled again last night with Sunday School workers from 27 Sun- day Schools in attendance. Among; those present were 12 pastors, 11 Sun-; day School superintendents and about ' 100 Sunday School teachers. The ad dresses, both in the afternoon and evening, were of a high order anil were greatly appreciated by those present. Mr. V. C. Nihlock presided at the first session of the Institute, which WIIS officially opened with devotional exercises led by Rev. M. L. Kestor. At the evening session Mr. J.. J. Barn hardt presided and devotional exer cises were conducted by Rev. J. Frank Armstrong. Tho Mcvotlonal exerelses at the af ternoon session were followed by an Lnddress by Miss Daisy Alngee on lue Most Important Tinlnlnir." Period for ( hrlstlan She began her discourse by refer-em-e to the fly, which she stated. Is born ripe with greenness. There are no baby files, stated the speaker, "there is no development in the truest sense. It only grows bigger. "A pup bus a short period of green ness. It takes it a few months to lie come rliH-. If not trained in the green perlod'H can never lie trained.- 'Too can't tench ait old dog new tricks.' "A colt has a few years of green ness, hut the greenest thing In the world Is a human baby. It takes a human being twenty-four years to milium imiiik itioihj-iwi mm w .i Ti, iw,i,i h. tho irilnl.ur yean, the child la born with creat possibilities, these with a longer per- tod tor training places greater respou - IN Mtort talk lit t , North CaroM elaibtn. mt lug of uirturr iwti.im hU ii i lie IVelftsn Coo,, b lr. Jlerl.i-rg'r. fss mtnl Ho- of Ihe R y The. pro Ike Mask- tr Ciub at t gram was "tut h'.tir chairman Mr Sims. f the. North QuHn Mindof- too? AjMooialion. oiitlinnl briefly Sumla HVhonl -d for greater in ihe State. Only about u m four in the h Sunday Sc hool Alate are atiiliat wnrlt, ie declarsd. ITcring statistic cUrallon. The etit'. Mr. Suus to supplement ills 1 antoiiation he Maw Mid. ha durlntJtic mt several years, more than djti ible.l in Sunday Scbotd wojf in the Mr. Alls-rlson, nnif the inc men-si in SlHtC. most nromi nelit Sunday iseiioiB- vrkera in In liana, bis native Spate, told of the work in the Sunday Schools In that slate, paying special attention to the efforts of Sunday liool workers in ludhinnpolis. , Dr. KeilerslMrars pictures were seen with great interest. They showed very clearly, lite work lie lias been do ing as medical missltmai v in the Itel gian Congo, anil also gave, the club members an idea ar to what still re mains to Is- done there by the mis sionaries. Secretary Rerburirnnid a letter from the Charlotte otfin fifing that Dave Clark, of that club, would Ik- offered as a candidate tar? Governor of the asth District, when -the district meet ing is held in Chariest ' n next month The local club probalv will support' Davci's nomination aid election at the convention. THE COTTOA MARKET Oiiened Sieacly at a. Derllne of From 7 lo m I'oaits, .titiieii ny Liver pool Cables. .' (Br tkc AMweimrd Pms. W Voi-lr leeh S Ttie eotloti ninr- ket opened steady at a decline of 7 tn ill points, owing f lower i.ivorpisii cables aaid contintiecf nervousness over -foreign politics. '(Tie decline carried May contracts off to i!X.S1 and Octols-r 2.1.08. New tit-leans iHiturhl, here'. however, while Inter news from the Near Fast was comdaereil a little more reassuring, if any thins:, and the market stiffened tin after alie- call with Mav advancing to withlrila point of yester day's closing, and Ik-tober 10 or 12 points from the lowst Cotton futures oneieil steady. March 27:!7: Mny 2S:22-JJuly 27:55; Oct. 23:10; Dee. --:f(i Forsyth is After a New Court House, Erect cNv Blrflfling on Present Site, AVlnstxiit-Snlein, Feb. 7. Rills ask ing for permission to build a new cour,t house on the site of the present one. or at some other place: also for authority to change the location of the county home and oilier county institu tions, and foctbe power to appoint 'a purchasing agent for the county : also for authority to name the auditor, are now In tho hands of Forsyth's represen tatives In the legislature, Chairman -O R. Eaton, of the county commissioners, announced today. Oppose Retail Commission. iHv ke Anwclated Prcnu.i New Bern, N. C. Keb. 8. A resolu tion protesting the appointment of two additional members to the board of county commissioners and the cren tlon of a road commission of three members, at a .salary of $ii,500 each per year, has been sent by the county board to Craven's legislators in the general assembly. The resolution re quests that legislation, now pending in committees, which would authorize the new members and create the road commission, be reported unfavorably. Christ trained for thirty years i "The first twelve years of the twen- ty-fotir are thought hy many to be the t most important years of all life from i Christian training. It has been said that a child learns more the first 12 months of its life I ban it does any 12 years of its life. The child ripens in spots, so to speak. "From nine to twelve years there lire many outstanding characteristics. These are the habit-forming years. Many habits for life are formed at this time. These 'years are often call ed the golden mefnory period, because the memory Is more retentive. This gives the teacher opportunity to store the mind with the Bible ami other great literature. Ideals are formed from the books they read, people with whom they associate and pictures they see, as well ns from other sources. At this time children should have group pictures to. feed the eye upon, master vuh-h to read, ami noble cotntinnions , wlHl wuom to ss(N.iMte. It is . dur ing Ibis period that the first great de cision iwrlod comes. There are three great decision is'aks In life when jso ple more c.isll.v accept Christ. These ore at twelve, fourteen and from eigh teen to twenty years. Almost all children, if properly trained, will ac cept Jesus by the time they reach the twelfth year. "Stopping the Sunday School Leaks" was the subject Interestingly bandied bv Mr. D. W. Sims He Illustrated his leetnre by blackboard drawings, taking n boy for his misled and pointing out the many church activities expected ..i..t. anyone, auuierniinK, piujei, i isn i ln""'L;, . JT'lJ,"?: th- mttBTnnnn' nnal i1 " tM arternoon ' (Continued on Page Three). nrjjHiMt i'khkm a K.ajisjTtnr D W b) D. V - ... and F T krrr mm- Interest of tin is fcsMiy School Am" -b srrajsjjsi n; se'CTtt ed W. London Feels Relieved, and That Fighting Will Occur is Believed to Be Extreme ly Unlikely. THIS COUNTRY ENTERS PROTEST To the Ruling of the Turks That All Allied Warships Must Quit the Harbor at Smyrna At Once. Loudon. Feb. S ( Ry the Asses luted Press i. The situation at Smyrna was considerably eased today, according to British oflleial quartet, where it was thought It was extremely unlikely nny llghtiug would nrenr. It is believed Ihe "ultimatum' is sued by Ihe Turkish chief of staff who ls on a tour of Inspection in Anatolia. will lie withdrawn as soon as the An gora authorities understand that the allies are firm in resisting the demands that the allied warships unit Snivrna harbor. Pleasure was expressed in British official circles that the American rep resentative at Smyrna joined in the protest to the Angora government. Extends Time Limit. Contantlnople, Feb. 8. The govern ment of Smyra is reimrted to have In formed the French consul here that he has extended by 24 hours the time within which the allied warships must leave Smyrna harbor. The governor is said to have, dec-bled upon postpone ment In order that be may receive In structions from the government at An gora. A Constantinople dispatch hist night said the Turks had reduced the time limit of allied ships to leave, .Smyrna bather from midnight to sunset yes terday. WANT AMERICANISM TAUGHT IN SCHOOLS Such a Course Provided in Bill Before the Legislature. (B7 the Associated Pre. Raleigh, N. C, Feb. 8. Sponsored by the American Legion and passed by the Selutte, Senator W. II, Wood son's measure providing for the teach: ing pf AiuorieenisHi in all public scjlools of North Carolina, now is lie ing considered by the House. Respect for law and order, charac ter and ideals of the founders of the nation, duties of citizenship, respect for the national anthem ailxl the flag, a standard of good government, the state constitution and the Ontte-J States constitution are among the sub jects given to compose the course. Tho measure follows in full: "The general assembly of North Carolina do enact : "Section 1. That there shall be taught in the public schools of North Carolina a course of instruction which shall be known as Americanism. 'Section 2. That there shall be in cluded in the term herein called Am ericanism ihe following genera! items of instruction : "(a) Respect for law and order. "(b) Character and ideals of the founders of our country. "() Duties of good citizenship. "(d) Respect for the national an them and the flag. "(e) A standard of good govern ment. , "(f) Constitution of North Carolina. "(g) Constitution of the United States. "Section 3. That said course of in struction shall be taught not less than thirty hours during each and every school year and shall not Is' optional in the grade or grades in which said course is taught. ".Section 4. That the state board of education shall, as soon as convenient, adopt some suitable and proper text book which shall conform as near as possible and practicable to the carry ing out of the general items of in struction as herein contained in sec tion two of this act and the state sup erintendent shall prepare or have pre pared such outline courses of study and shall distribute the same among the teachers of tne state which will give them proper direction in carry ing out the provisions of this net. "Section 5. That the stnte board of education shall, before the lKglnning of the next school year, adopt such suitable rules and regulations as may be necessary as to the time, manner, grade, or grades in which the said course of Americanism shall be taught. "Section tl. That this act shall bo In force and effect from nnd after its ratification." Government Loses $7,4,000 in Deal Detroit, Feb. 5. Tbe, Cnlted States government's claim of approximately $f),IHKM00 against the Lincoln Motor Company wns settled In full today for Jl.rioO.tMKl when Ihe Detroit. I'rtist Company, receiver for the concern drew a cheek' for this amount. The. sum ituld wns tuken from the 8.fl0, IXM) paid for the company by Henry Ford at a receiver's sale last year. Creditors of the Lincoln company will receive approximately 47 cents on the, dollar. Judge Knapp Unchanged. My ib AsmcUMmI him Washington, Feb. 8. Judge Martin A rn.nn it tUa rVittnf ' .if A, it. :.,',, , ,!,' ..i, i n,i,i,ni -LI - ,, f , , loeal I hosnltal as l " v"f . result of a major operation last Sat- unlay. Attending physicians were doubtful of his recovery. Mis Is M Kurt tats Children's Division Snerlntendent of .North Carolina Sunday School As sociation. Ralolfrh. N. C. WILL OPPOSE NEW AS Rep. Wood Says Senator New Was Defeated by Reelec tion and Should "Take His Medicine." CBr Hi r AmwruM F react Washington, Feb. 8. Representa tive Will It. Wood, of Indiana, chair man of Ihe RepUblli-an Congresiomil Committee, announced today he would oppose the appointment of Senator Harry S. New. of that State, to Pres ident Harding's cabinet, 'Isvause Mr. New had lieen retired by his constit uents, and should "take his medicine." It has been indicated that the retir ing Indiana Senator would he made Postmaster General when Postmaster General Work Is transferred within the uext few weeks to the Secretary ship of the Interior. Mr. Wood, who publicly supported Mr. New in his un successful fight lor t -01101111 mi l ton last year, said today he would go to the White House in a day or two nnd en tcr his protest with President Hard ing. TO OPEN GRAVE UP JAJrlEiCl JU-TNEO To See if Some Russian Crown Jewels Were Bur ied With His Body. tbe AnKovlntecl r . .Washington. Feb. S. Authorization to open the grave of .lames Jones. American seathan. hurled in a Brooklyn cemetery whose casket is repotted ti contain some of the crown jewels of Department to the quartermaster gen- Department to the quartermasters gen eral at New York. Major General Hart, quartermaster general, replied to an inquiry received from the quartermaster in charge at New York, stating that the department favored the opening of the grave to dc tertnine definitely whether the jewels had iK'Cti buried there. Acting on (Jen. Hart's recommendation, Major Hen Davis, adjutant general of the army. telegraphed instructions to the New York headquarters. Cripp'is Made to Walk By Auto.Sug- gesrion tixponetit. Chicago, Feb. ".The ha! t and the lame and the blind besieging Entile Cone, French exponent of auto-sug gestion, for treatment of their ills overflowed the stage at his third tec ture today and were imly quieted af tcr the smiling little pharmacist trom Nancy had hailed all cures whi e po lice were called to o ear "the stage. A hundred cripples in wheel ctiatr: on crutches or in the arms of friends had gathered on the stage when ine demonstration began. A crippled woman was g von th "ca passe, ca passe, cm passe" treat ment. In a few minutes she walked off the stage leaving her crutches be hind. Then th Frenchman turned to n paralytic man and repeated the staccato "ca passe" formula. The "cure" again: but this time two crip ples were benefited instead ot one. Another man, seated next ta the patient being treated, got up" and walked too. While the sick and the lame ere fighting for treatment inside the nail another detail of police were oallad to keep order outside, where scores Unalble to get In knelt In the wet pavement, waiting fnr the "miracle man" lo appear. The widely hrn)ded success ot yes terday's six "cures" and newspaper Interviews with two of those benefit ed, say ng they were S0I1 cured to day, brought out au audience lhat 1 threatened to tie up I raffle on Mich igan boulevard, long before the hour scheduled for M, Coue'i appt'.M'Onoe M. Con? completed a busy di.y by n visit to he stockyards. Would Enlarge City of Asheville, Asheville, N. C., Feb. 8. A move ment Ih under way here to have Bun combe county legislature in the gener crul assembly to Introduce measures giving the Asheville city commission ers authority to cull an election for the i ci i pose of giving the citizens an op portunity to decide on a program to a annex suburban territory. BUtmore village and South BUtmore are among the suburbs in the territory which would be annexed. TH STATE LEGISLATURE TODAY Governor Morrison's Ship Bill Comes Up on Special Order in Senate. Both Houses Very Busy. VETERANS' BODIES NOT BE DISSECTED Under Law Paased by Sen ate Bills Affecting Salary and Jurisdiction of Court Clerks Presented. c Hi the sjmtakia rim.l Raleigh. Feb. 8 Two bills intro- iuced in the Senate today pnqtose the inendment of the law relating to fees f clerks of the court, by increasing he amount of the fees: and to regu- ate the jurisdiction of the Clerk of he Court. The latter measure, offered by Sens or Varser, of Rolieson County, would niK)wer the clerk of the court to fix the commissioner's fee in all civil no- ions und spin ial proceedings institut ed in the Suix'rior Court in which u omniissioner is appointed under a ndgment by the Clerk, and would au thorize the emergency judges to act in learing and approving orders, judg ments and decrees of the Clerks of the Siqierior Court in cases where review y a Judge of the Superior Court ls required. The Senate today Missed the bill which would forbid the use of the indies of veterans of the World War for dissection by uiivlicu) schools. IOK KKMP ACtlCITTFJ Or A Ml'KIIKK t HAKl.r. Robeson Man Tried for Killing Daniel McNeil in That County 44 enrs Ago. Lunibertou. Fell. 7. Joe-. R. Kemp, barged with the murder of Daniel K. McNeil, August 15. 1S7S, was found not guilty late today by a jury after S minutes' deliberation. Evidence ieudored to show thnt Kemp killojd McNeil with a ZJ-callhre pistol as Mc Neill was advancing on Kemp with a four-pound hntchett. used for cutting hoop poles. Kemp, taking the. stand Ing his own behalf tatjuy, made an excellent wit ness, ajinweruig questions wttn case, and Without hesitation. ' The main witness for the state was Mnlcomh Mc Neil, brother of the dead man, but his age would not allow his memory to stand the gruelling cross-examination. However, his testimony was oor- roborated by other state witnesses to whom he told the same story of the killing a few days afterward. The testimony of Andrew McNnir. a negro, now dead, which he gave at the i-or- oner's Inquest was offered and weighed heavily for the defense. Judge W. A. Devin. presiding, charged the jury for nearly an hour giving on analysis of the evidence and making clear the lnw relative to manslaughter, with which tbe defendant was charged. Af ter the verdict was rendered Judge Do.vin adjourned court for this term. Ihe acquitted man during an inter view nfter the verdict stated that he left good people In Robeson county 40 years ago and found that the same kind still lived here. He will return to his home In St. Augustine this week to resume his trade ns carpen ter; Thorntotii Koontz, Atlanta Youth, Held For Murder. Atlanta. Ga.. Feb. 7. Thornton Koontz, son of a wealthy Atlanta cit izen, was Indicted for murder late today in connection with the deaths of W. S. Gorman and Thomas Hun ter on January 26. An automobile driven by Koontz struck the two men while they were at work repairing a street cir track, both dying shortly afterwards. There, are five counts In each of the two Indictments returned against Koontis, who early t anight had not lieen taken into custody. Since ' the accident, suits totalling .ffW.OOO have been tiled against Koontz nnd his father, E. C. Koontz, by the widows of the two men. Basketball Game Postponed. (Br the Associated Frtn.i Chapel Hill, N. C, Feb. 8. The Cn iverslty of North Carollnn-Cniversity of Florida basketball game scheduled for tonight has been postponed till to morrow night, it was announced tt day. ol j Asheville Legion Basketball Team. (Dt ci. SMMtatad l're. Asheville, N. C, Feb. 8. Organiza tion of n basketball team is underway in the Klllin Rockwell post of the Am erican Legion l)ere. When the team has sienl several days at praotlrfl games will be arranged with other leg- ioti loams in Ihe state, it was stated. BASKET B A L L Concord High School "Red Devils" VS. Davidson High "Wild Kittens" Y. M. C. A. O'CYOCK TONIGHT ADMISSION 88 CENTS