PAGE TWO PENNY COLUMN STREET. THE MOST VALUA BLE LOTS NOW AVAILABLE IN CONCORD. FREE PRIZES AND MUSIC. IT’S GOING TO BE THE BIGGEST AUCTION SALE EVER CONDUCTED IN CONCORD. DIX IE REAL ESTATE CO . DIXIE BLDG. . Jl-lt-c. Strawberries Today—Let s Rave a Shoe* cake. Dove-Boat Co. ,11-It-p. For Fresh and C«ir*d Meats. Fresh Fish and dressed chickens, phone 510. Chas. C. Grteher.'Phone 510. 11-2 t-p. For Sale—Good Mule, Eight Tears Old. Weighs 1200 Pounds. J. W. Tarlton, telephone 506 L. H-3t-p. City Taxes Dae. Alter Kw Slat all property on which taxes are unpaid will be advertised and sold. Chns. N. Field, City Tax Collector. lj-2t-e. | Lawonwwing Season Is Rare—Have r your mower resharpened by machinery. and made to cut like Bew. W. W. 1 Crooks, lit Caldwell St. 10-2 t-p. Fresh Fh|b—Large Bkivamt dust in from Norfolk. Came in nud get them or eaH 54 for quick delivery. Central Case. Cline & Mabery old stand. 10-3 t-p. Special—2o Crates Fancy Ripe Toma toes cheap. Phone 503, Ed. M. Cook J Company. O-St-p. Fee Bent—Four Rooms. For Further In- j formation see Georgie Dost, 9(5 McGill j St. 8-3 t-p. j Children Play Tents $2.48. Concord Ar-j inii & Navy Store. 8-st-p. i Saturday* Bargain Day. Miss Bracken's : Bonnet Sn§p." Four and five dollar I hats $2.95. ' 8-4 t-p. | Single Comb Black Minorca Pure Bred heavy layers. SI.OO pec setting 13 eggs. Phone 31R. Ip-lt-p. j V. S. Tenuis Shoes 98c up. Concord 1 Army & Navy Store. 8-3 t-p. •Afar Wood Phone 3041 W. Blqrks or ! Split. ,Tas. Eudy Wood Yard. 7-12 t-p. For Sale- Bey City Incubator and brooder, 18S Fink St. 7-(st-p. THE CP THE CE/sTRaI HOTEL. HAS FOUND 6V DOU&UNC, THE I length of the wash Room Holler TovsgL HE can <set I ASON-IWS SERVICE OUT Os EACH TowCL INSTEAD cm ONE /MONTH - j "' l "" 111 IU ’" ’ " " =- ' ~^= EFIRD’S THE STORE OF SATISFACTION Our Big Easter Sale will soon draw i\ | to a close. Be sure uvi M ‘ i you are not the one to aMI/ I s out Coring this great opportunity sale %}\ New stocks have been j added and more new «pmn m ilwhs bet the mis i Fresh Fish, Roe and Burk Shad, Sperk hsd-vtnm.t, mackerel steak and eroak era. ■ Clias. C".' Graeber. Phone 310. 11-2 t-p. IB* Today—Plain and Layer Oaken— all flavors. Absolutely f|>esh and just like home made. Dove-Bost Co. 11-lt-p. For Sale or Trade—Studebaker Special Six, in first class condition. N. A. t Archibald.' IftSt-p. sj-.i.... t r... a For Choice Cute ol Veal, Fresh Uver and brains, and nice fat dressed chick ens, Phone 310. Chas. G. Graeber. 11-2 t-p. Phaue AMR Day or Night Fur a Steger Sewing machine to be put in your home without any obligation to buy. Repair! work on all makes of machines. < 10- When You Need Meat Phene MA We try to please you. Cl" as. C. Graeber. 11- Plenty of Fresh Ripe Twautks. Dove- Bost Co. 11-lt-p. City Taxes Due. After May Ud all property on which taxes are unpaid will be advertised and sold. Chas. N. Field, City Tux Collector. 11-2 t-e. For Sale—A Splendid 12-Roum Board** house with modern improvements, fill ed with roomers and boarders, ou Main ( street iu Kannapolis, 2 garages, stable, lot 85x190 feet, a real bargaiu ou easy terms. Jno. K. Patterson, Agent. Con i cord, N. C. Phone 196. SMJt-c. j 16 Foot Cheek Lines 83.73. Concord Ar my & Navy Store. 8-st-p. > Easter and Early Summer Opening. Mass j Bracken’s Bonnet Shop, Saturday, j April 12th. S-It-p. !U. S. Cable Traces. Concord Army £ ' Navy Stare. 8-3 t-p. j Chadren’s Bathing Suits 50c. Concord j Army & Navy Store. 8-31-p. jU. S. Army Shoes $2.65. Concord Army j & Navy Store. 8-3 t-p. For Sale—Used Cars in First Class Con dition : I Ford roadster, 1 Ford coupe. 1 Ford tonring, 1 Essex sedan. Con cord Motor. Co. 4-7 t-p. r ” *— n — ' . 'I. ■» . f. ■,■■■■ .■ ■.. ■■ -■■ ■ =■ | -! -IN AND ABOUT THE iaTY I Primary Parent-Teacher Ahoditfan On Tuesday afternoon, tbc children Os the first grades entertained the m—fif with a number of delightful little songs. All of them were so sweet it was hard . say which were best, hut “Playing Bcd dter” was given with true martial spir it and “A Surprise” and “Betti and Billy” were particularly full of melody. Miss Mary King’s grade then gave a cunning little play based on Mothec Goose. The children did their parts well,, especially so as most of them have been i in school only since the last of January, which lardlj seems long enough for them to get used to the routine Os school. After the entertainment the regular business of the day was taken up, with : the report of the treasurer engaging at tent ion first. With a milk hill of $57.34 duey we learned that we had only about 1 $321 on baud. Funds are badly needed. ' if F e are to keep the milk up through April, and it looks as if we must put on a publicity campaign to let people know about it. Last year with the befit «/ our Washington Party and contributions from friends in the city we met our bills with greatest ease, but this year We’re had uphill work to meet our obligations. We hope some generous friends.' who are interested in oar work ter the under nourish edcbildren. will help us on our milk fund. I Mays ami means for making money wore discussed and it was decided to j ask all our members to make some dona tion which will be gladly received, whether small or large. Miss Kluttx was introduced anti sho ; came ns president of the newly organiz ed Cabarrus County Parent-Teacher Council, to ask ns to reconsider and join theip in their work—tlie’ir first aim and object being to organize a Parent-Teach er association at every school in the county. Mrs. U. Al. King was chosen to repre sent us at Friday's meeting and out* chapter finally voted to join the County Council. (Itu- president read a most interesting and practical article entitled "Know Your Own School'' from the State Bul letin. after which the mothers of the sn*t grade children were counted. Miss King s room won the picture with ten mothers present and this closed our in teresting session. X. Forest Mill to Have Caique Driiato. Sunday nigtit uext. April 13th at For est BUI Methodist Church there will be staged a Dramatic Debate ou law en forcement. Mr. John W. Langley, of Chicago. 111., will dehate the affirmative side and Mr. Paul P. Keeler, of Ohio, will uphold the negutive. The service will be held uuder the auspices of the Anti-Sak>on League of America and should attract arecord crowd. Have Copy far Change of Ad. in Office by 16 a. m. Our ndvertisers will kindly remember that all copy for change of ad*, must Ue in the o®ee by 111 o'clock a. m. for i Hie United States Circuit Court of Apia tit’s lias deluded that women are ■ .coincident to serve on apy g ll tlJ l a gH‘l ll qr trial jury in the country. f-'~— ,, j.jU Huai g ou_i “The OM Ena Pep Plus Hudson Smoothness’' The new Essex has all the stamipa for which its forerunner was famous. And its 6-cylinder motor built by Hudson, gives smoothness of performance heretofore executive to tb? Super-Six. Its economy includes no* pnly exceptional gas, oil and tire mileage, but a policy of minimum mainte nance cost witfi parts prices that wBl astonish you. ESSEX COACH *975 § ■ ■ ■ i, y< ' '-'Wk ■ I THE CONCORD DAILY tribute SPECIAL SEBYinB AT ST. JAMES REFORMED CHURCH | To Be HeW Afternoou at Slice ial servkw «Sfbi held at St. . James Reformed CbJrch in Mount Pioas- I ant, next Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. Rev. C. W, Farlirk is pastor of this church. Tbe,'following win be the priftaa : . r Anthem : Make o Joyful Noise —Simp- er. Invocation. Hymn 60$: “J Love Thy Kingdom r Lord.” Scripture Lesson. Primer. Anfliem: “Hear My Cry. O Father”— i Sater. .. . Annouacemewta. v-i- . Address—Rev. N. ft. Richardson. Hyatn: “The Chareh's One Founda tion." ,- Address—Rev. C. L. T. Fisher. Address —Rev. M. A, Chsboruo. Trio: "Hear Our Prayer." Henuou—Rev. C. tV. Wariick. Prayer. Hymn 196: “All Bail the Power of Jesus’ Name.” Benediction. J Closing of Winecoff School. | Tiie graduating exercises of Winecoff High School will taka place April 21, i 1924. at 8 o'clock.. The following will be the program. " (fiieuing Song—School. Prayer. pp3r : (’lass Song—Seniorfiuiass. 1 “resident's Addres^— Elbert Fisher. ITnphecy—Maude 'fisher. Class History—Wehd' tl Ezzellc. 1 -ust Will and TesGhnont—Louise Rob bins. Class Poem— ltuth Williams. Valedictoria >—Ednu lliillips. Address—The Rev. L. A. Thomas. Presentation of Certificates. Presentation of Medals. 1 Presentiftiou of Diplomats. Farewell Song—Senior Qass. Revivalist InvadM Bootlegging Frit-' inrnity- Raleigh, April 19.-jtThe Hnm-Uameey revival campaign has invaded the fra ternity of the bootfefjgers. Two colTVerts of recent meetings gone into court BIG EASTER SALE I NEW SPRING FOOTWEAR I At Trices Unbelievably Low PARKER’S SHOE STORE f Between Parks-Belk and McLellan 5 ands 10c Stßre i 1 . "I ■ H .« *• M-gtfjty t* their own htek oI to. the Volstead la* and. U the sins of thetr companions. Lignell Hood appeared ip court today as a state’s witness against two of his former “tmddtes” In bootlegging, after pleading fpihjr himself Jo three liquor charges. As * result of hfe testimony one co3e fendngt got g. two-year sentence whHe the other'skipped a SSOO bond. A" ‘Mat days ago Matter eanrert of the meetings gave offlcers a tip that resulted in the cap’are of 85 quarts of booxe. One convert announced during the re vival meeting that he proposed to “turn up”’ #wry fellow of his ae (lualntatf* Who ' ted been selling whis key unless he quit the business. “I know you fellows.'’ he called out, “and unless you let liquor alone and lead a cl**» life I am going to turn yog I up.” At the Theatres. Thomas Meighan. in ‘Woman Proof,” and tha feature picture, “Sunshine Har bor,” are on the program today at the Star Theatre. The Piedmont Theatre iq showing Shirley Mason today in the leading role, of the feature picture. “Lore Letters.”! “Sporting Yoqth” with Reginald Den ny in the leading role, is being shown at the Pastime Theurte today. Rev. J. E. Lnderwodd Dies in Raleigh. Raleigh News and Observer. Rev. J. R. ITnderwood. who has been au invalid in this city for several years, died Tuesday. His body wiH he takeu to Goldsboro where the funeral will bo conducted at .four o’clock Thursday afternoon. The deceased was a native of Stanly County aud for many years a member of the North Carolina Confer- - cnee. Mias Eleanor J. Finley, for many years the only woman telegraph opera-' tor on the Pennsylvania Railroad ays-' tew west of Pitbshurgh. has been placed' on the company’s roll of honor in recognition of her -10 years of faithful sci vice. FLAVOR? tpS-31 "Gheca-chttk-CfeeckaibaCTp!" I Service to Our Customers is What We Demand If We Please You Tell Others. If We Don’t Tell Us. Service Is Our Middle Name EVERY DAY IS BARGAIN DAY We are offering some Bar- : 1 gains in our Piece Goods Department I $3.50 value Canton Crepe in full line of M gtQ 8 colors. Extra heavy. Before Easter Sale **•' $3.50 Value Crepe flack Satin, all the best 0O QO colors. Before Easter Sale Price f**®* tl.oo value 36-inch Black Taffeta Q* Q O xtra Heavy, special ▼ * twG $2.00 Value Black Duchess Satin Before b»q 8 Easter Sale Price _■ V » *39 * 152.5 Q value 40-inch Radium, fi aq 8 Easter Sale Price _ ©lm9o Big Range of Colors in Changeable Taffe- tl QO . o ta lor Evening Dresses © * •srO $2.00 value Heavy Cdepe de Chine, Before 0 f BA Easter Sale Price w * *M» $2.50 value 40-inch Crepe de Chine, Full 01 QO § range of colors. Price $1.50 value Tub Silk for Dresses and 01 OK • Shirts. Sale Price A _ »iteO $3.50 value 40 Cliec-o-Laiae Sport Silk, 0O Qg Crepe for Dresses. Before Easter Sale __ 40-iach Extra Heavy CAnlou Crepe.iaali_ol An 8 i range of colors. Sale Price EXTRA SPECIALS IN SILKS 36-inch Black Taffeta, $1.50 value qq Before Easter sale Price (6 yds to customer) ’V©C 36-inch Black Messaline, good heavy quality QO Sale Price (6 yards to a customer) i^OC $1.50 value 36-inch Navy Messaline. Before QQ Easter Sale Price (6 yards to customer) * 50c Value Neverfade Suiting. Guaranteed qq fast color to sun and Washing. Sal? Priic? 60c value Year Rouud Suiting. If color fades we will refund your money. Special Before A fit* Easter Sale Price _l Plain Colors in Organdy and Voile. to 0^ SI.OO Value Silk Poplin in Full line of 7Qg* colors. Before Easter Sate Price * $3.00 value Printed Crepe in Big Range 01 QQ of patterns. Before Easter Sale Price fi One Counter Filled with Side Striped and Check Tissue and Dotted Voile. AU One price AQ Before Easter Sale ’ 85c Value 36-inch Dress Linen, all colors QQ^ Easter Sale Price V*fC One counter filled with colored Indian Head, Colored Voiles and Crepe Suiting. Before ng Easter Sale Price J_ BEFORE EASTER SALE OF FINE WHITE GOODS. || $6.50 value 42-inch Chito9sa Nainsook, 10 Qd QQ yard bolts. Before Easter Sale Price $4.00 44-Inch Nainsook $5.00 value, 12 AO yards. Before Easter Sale Price VW«“0 $5.00 value Comfort Cloth, Nainsook. 0O qq ! Special Easter Sale Price - ww*yo Special Nainsook, 1* yard bits 0O QQ Easter Sale Price ... ... ©**•«*© 36-inch White Indian Head, Short Lengths Qf*. Easter Sale price ....... 50c Value White and Colored Fine Lingerie Mercer ized Check Nainsook. Special Before qq , Easter Sate Price «5«fC Few Saler»One Ford Roadster in. Good Condition Parks-Belk Co. li»—6oS Tor Less” Service Qoncord, :s-t; N.C. Ln*nmwniWMiimiliHWii»liniiiii| mu mi, n,,ii, ■ Friday, April 11, 1024.

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