PAGE SIX ■M.iu H' I 'V ' * WHERE NATIONAL REPUBLICAN CONVENTION WILL BE HELD - Building Occupies a Whole Block and f!o» $6,500,000 Cleveland, * April 0. (By the Asso ciated Press) —The municipal audi torium in which the Republican nation al convention will be held here in June has n remarkable faculty of imparting a sense of dignity to the gatherings as sembled in rt. according to City Mana ger William R. Hopkius. Athletic events, Mr. Hopkins said, which else where would have led to confusion, dis order and possibly rioting, have been witnessed in the auditorium with note worthy decorum and restraint. "I saw two basket-ball games played successively in the hall," said Mr. Hop kins, “one in the afternoon and one in j the evening- The first was between two unbenten high school, keen rivals, and I was impressed by the good feeling and sportsmanship shown by the rooters for the contending teams. The second was between the local professional team and visiting champions. The referee, al though n Cleveland man. repeatedly made decisions adverse to the home players, and 1 suppose many of the local fans inwardly thought them ex treme. Yet their only manifestation of displeasure was a subdued grumble, just once. “I am tola that similar restraint marker! spectators at an amateur boxing bout in the hail when a burly visitor was pummelipg and punishing a local boxer. Everyone in The crowd was for the under slog, according to tiie account I received, but these were no hisses and none of the open remonstrance which might have been thought inevitable. My informant asserted that in some halls tie situation would have kindled a dis turbance." The andiorimn, occupying a city block and built at a cost of bout 80.500.- (KIO. was designed in Italian Renaissance style. The exterior is faeed with variegated Indiana limestone, the pink granite base is from New Hampshire, ami the entire interior marble treat ment is from Vermont. An elephant works from the age of twelve to the age of eighty. It can haul fifteen tons, lift half a tou. and carry three tons on its back. Electric lights suspended over the water in fish hatcheries have been found of aid in feeding the fish. t _ Spotless, Sanitary Bath rooms and Kitchens 1 wished for an easy way to keep these rooms sweet arid immaculate, without constant scrubbing. Red Seal Lye does the trick. It cuts grease, removes stains, and clears clogged traps instantly. Use Red Seal Lye daily. It’s the greatest 1...—. til. I. hi. * • >y HelaughedatMoggsßran! Now . read this letter of tbanlra from Mr. Kane. It speaks for itself. •*» v w .-- Remember, it is because Kellogg's •. t ~ Bran is ALL bran that it was so effective in his case—just as it has been in thousands of others. Only J... ALL bran can produce 100 per cent .a st,patlon > < ? Imagine a young man weighing liS man. JWIF £"• pounds in the course of a few months D A a a parked in bed, a weakling weighing; 94. fcr A Ik I ig pounds. An elderly lady whom I kftew*' |\l jg ainca I was a kid paid me what she thought * M. &. •*?*» last visit. Upon being told of my >, Coolt#n fig pfight she immediately mentioned your ggj product for such an aihnent. Maybe adma kIASV of na didn't look upon har views very wZTL lightly , . . it was to laughl . f* « l i My daar friend, lam still laughing . . *' ' Si * not at your product, but because I am S'UOCG cr.l/ •bla to. 1 am tailing you and the world at .'#? il fi*** l . ,?* tK «B°gS» Knunblad Branl" |t 'Hi ■ TTH ■ HQ hgUuir^Coaiattpsjwnu ivdrst * | iii s*. { .v' • <• i ' attssur- _ 1 owsyou my baartfslt'gratitude. -- j . t- ,i 1 can jmd whmever opportunity days of progress, for John Mass. Eat Bran, cooked krum bled, regularly to permanently. Two tableapoonfuls daily— in chronic every It guaranteed to bring results, or your grocer , your money. wiU like the aidm W Al maw isi A . -fJfG OmMPMmmOM mOXtOt ■ 9 -y ..., j.;.,. . ", .''/A-.: THE ROAD BOLDING AND MAINTENANCE DEMONSTRATION To Be HtW at Raleigh Daring the Week of Jane 3rd. Raleigh, April B.—Representatives, prominent in the engineering and road buildiilg field of two continents will be in attendance at the Road Building and Maintenance Demonstration which will be held in North Carolina, during the week of June 3rd, under the auspices of the American Road Builders’ Associa tion and in connection with the State highway commission, according to H. K. Witherspoon, publicity engineer of the North Carolina State highway commis tion. A number of the delegates will •be from Canada, approximately 50 will come from Central and South America and their stay in North Carolina will-be part of a trip throughout this country on which they are studying road con struction. maintenance an financing. The delegates from the foreign countries will assemble in Washington. D. C., on June Ist and will arrive in Raleigh on! June 4th. where thew ill inspect the garage of the State highway commission, which is said to be one of the largest and most modern of its kind in the country. The workings of the headquar ters of the highway commission will bo explained and shown in detail. The party will then go to the Fair Grounds at Greensboro where they will inspect the the central demonstration which will be in full swing. Heretofore it has been customary to exhibit ma chinery of this kind in a building with the machinery “dressed up in its best clothes" but at this exhibit it will be seen in actual operation—a feature which up to the present time has not been attempted it, wais claimed. “Al raady manufacturers of various kinds of road-biulding equipment have expressed their intention of exhibiting their pro ducts at the Central Demonstration and visitors may rest assured that they will see the most modern machinery and equipment, not painted up and surround ed by a brass chain, declared Mr. With erspoon. but in actual operation, per forming the duty for which it was de signed. Each of these exhibits will be in charge of an experienced operator who will answer all questions regarding thp work. While the Central Demonstration is in progress the -Soqth American and other visiting engineers will be'carried out on an actual construction work job, that is in progress around Greensboro. Thete trips will include practically eve' jf * - O WK> • HOUSEHOLD HINTS Things Our Readers Want to Know Things that- are ordinarily very hard to clean"—pots, pans, stoves, toilets, steps, etc. —quickly become spotless when Red Seal Lye is used as the cleanser. # * * Red Seal Lye eats up grease greedily, changing it into soap and, with the water, washes away dirt of all kinds. (Do not use it, how ever, on aluminum.) Crevices and corners where roaches, bed-bugs and vermin abound should be spraygd a solution of Red Seal Lye. * ■* * ‘-t Red Seal Lye is also fine for making hard or soft snap at home > quickly and cheaply. Red Seal Lye is recommended for this use. cry road construction, it is said, and the projects visited will be equipped with modern machinery. These , trips i will not be limited to the offieial delegates, it was said, but transportation will be furnished all those connected with high-! way work. The time will be taken np mostly by | visiting the projects rather than by the presentation and study of papers, it was pointed out, but papers of sufficient length will be briefly delivered at the demonstrations to fully explain each de tail and feature of the work. There will be no charge for witnessing any of, the various features of the Road Show nor will there be any charge made for I space at the Fair Grounds to manufac turers desiring to exhibit their machin ery. This phase of the show is under the direction of C. M. I’pham. business director, Raleigh. On Friday afternoon, June 0. the of ficial visitors will be escorted to Wins ton-Salem whore there will be a general entertainment. A feature of this en | tertainment will be the singing of a body of one thousand negroes. On Sat urday morning the tentative program calls for the visitors to he shown through one of the large tobacco factories. The remainder of the day will be given to the inspection of bituminous road construc tion as well as the building of earth roads and in the late afternoon the dele gates will arrived at High Point where further entertainment is planned. This day will also mark the completion of the Central IDemo lustration. The party will leave High Point early Sunday and inspect the ronds enroute to the large reinforced bridge that is be ing constructed over the Yadkin river near Salisbury. The party will arrive in Charlotte late in the afternoon. On Monday morning the party will start for Asheville and on Tuesday will in spect mountain road construction near the latter city. The party will dis band in the afternoon and thp Pan- American highway: commission will take the train for the West. "Every one connected with the Road Show is making efforts to see that the visitors receive a real Southern welcome and representatives of the State high way commission will be on hand at all times to provide for the convenience of the visitors." declared Mr. Witherspoon. “Application has been made for reduced ratfs on railroads and visitors should request a railroad certificate in order to take advantage of the reduced rates.” New Camp For Tourists at Wilmington. Wilmington. N. C,, April 10.—" Work on the new camp site for tourists has •been begun about a quarter of a mile from Wrightsville. The city and coun ty arc co-operating in the construction of the camp and the work is being done under the supervision of the Pity engi neer. It is planned to have one of the most modern camp site in the country. There will be running water, swerage, gas. and electricily and a parking space for 150 cars within a month's time. Later it is planned to increase the space for 1,000 cars. A separate park for children will be laid out adjacent to the grounds. rsK THE PRXNT COLUMN*—fP PAYS | HEAD STUFFED FROM * I CATARRH OR A COLD | $ Says Cream Applied in Nostrils t + Opens Air Passages Right Up. f !■»♦♦♦ Instant relief —no waiting. Your clogged nostrils open right up) the air passages of vour head clear .and you ; can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffling, blowing, headache, dryness. No struggling for breath at night; jpour cold or ratarrh disappears. Get a small bottle of Ely’* Cream JSalm from your druggist now. Apply a little of-this fragrant, antiseptic, heal ing cream in your nostrils. It penetrates through every air passage of the head, soothes the inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief comes instantly. It’s just fine. Don’t stay atuflsid-up with a cold or nasty catarrh. TRS.goNQWPt daily Tpipinra I WILSON RESPECTED BUT J, 1 HR WALKED ALONE ' He Gave His Lava to Few. But Had a • j Passion tot Mass of Mankind. In Woodrow Wilson’s nature there (was n marked degree at cordiality, of affectionate friendship, and a quick re i. spouse to every generous impulse. And , yet (says Josephus Daniels, in his "Life of Wobdrow Wilson.” published by The John C. A\ iiiston Co.) It must be con fessed that there was a section of his 1 composite being which he kept under ■ lock and key. and into which sanctum jno one outside of bis family was ever I allowed to enter. It was this reserve, according to the men on the faculty who knew him well, that pttxxled many people. Professor Hunt and Professor Christian Gauss both remarked upon the oddity of seeing him no often walking through the campus under the elms alone. "People would frequently stop and talk with him." said Professor Gauss, “but in variably he would walk on alone, they turning off another way or staying be hind.” Fraudulent Paintings Exposed By Use of UMra-Yiolet Rays. <Hy the Aawelateil Press.) Berkeley. Cal., April 10.—Fraudulent representations of paintings by the masters can be detected by turning ultra-violet light rays on the art objects, according to members of the faculty of the art department in the University of California. Experiments along this line are being made at. the university. “Under ultra-violet rays the brush strokes show plainly.” said a profes sor. "and if photographs arc made while the lights arc turned on the canvasses, the kinds of color used also arc shoown. and when these are compared with the kinds known to have been used by the artist, supposed to have painted the pic ture. and fraud can be detected. The Gormans have used the same system in criminology for a number of years, and this is simply applying the process to painting. It is inevitable that it will come into general use." Everybody Loves the ‘Kiddies” See Our Silver Baby Window Everything J|£r the Children W. C. Correll Jewelry Co. “THE OLD RELIABLE” Mad Dog Ordinance • Owing-to, ti e large number of mat) doffh running -at large- and to protect the school children and citizens from rabiei. and ,to save the people from spending large sums of tp'qney and suffering the pain of taking the Pasteur treatment, he it therefore resolved by the Board of Al dermen of the City of Concord: Section 1. That from thp publication of this Ordinance and uotfl 1024, it shall lie unlawful for any ddg to run at large within the corporate limits of the City of Concord, or with in one mile of said City limits, unless such dog shall wear a tag issued under authority of law showing that such dog has been vaccinated for rabies. Sec. 2. Any owner or any person hav ing under his coßtrol any dog, which shall permit such dog to run at large in violation of the provision! of this or dinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction ahall be fined Twen ty-Five Dollars or imprisoned fifteen days, and any dog so found running at large not wearing the necessary tag showing that it has been properly vacci nated. will be killed by any policeman of the City. This April 3, 1924. Dr. T. N. Sitencer or any other veter inary surgeon or medical doctor can ad minister the rabies vaccine, and when your dog is vaccinated the doctor will furnish the owner with n card properly filled out and signed and will also furnish the tag to be placed oq the collar of the dog. CEO. H. RICHMOND, Clerk 4-St-c. — ' 4 SULPHUR SOOTHES UOLY.ITCHINOSKIN The First Application Makes Skin Cool and Comfortable If you are suffering from eczema or some other torturing, cm harassing skin trouble you may quickly be rid of it by | using Mcntho-Sulphur, declares a noted I skin specialist ; This sulphur preparation, because of | Hs germ destroying properties, seldom i fails to quickly subdue itching, even of L fiery eczema. The first application L Rash*andV kin Comfortabl *' | y harmless. You can obtain a small W * J" from any good druggist jr-' c -.'r)T' - I ~ j ' - . - * • 1 .J | MOIVfN POP Fido’ll Get Ratanned for This BY TAYLOR * r /tODAS’S MOM’S AN 1 I VE 80U6HT HER BUS SfWNISH LAP HOUND FER A PRESENT - ft 8 PUT IT MSI TTH 1 COAL BIN 4 NHEN SHE COMES OOWNI .'LL GET A SURPRISE -flffi E-E-E-OH. OPP- E-E-E!! Nothing Loos. A girl In our class says that If she gets zero in a recitation it means nothing to her. MAYBE IT ISN’T! Some flavor! The new Checker* berry flavor, the trlple-atrenuth flavor that’s prveeeif Into Fleer'* nharhsrherry Chewing Gum. Fine North Carolina Shad Bucks 35c per pound Roes 45c per pound J. F. Dayvault & Bro. Phones 85 and 524 .: ,3 I BANKRUPT SALE I 1 _ SPECIAL// .. , _ I Men’s Pants Men s Dress Shirts I $1.75 to $5.48 | 89c to $3.48 I h. t. Mcßride I Owners V WHAT WERE C VOU DOING IN TH6J ' \( -OfTN 1 .. QUICK* POP - GET A \ M IIP (club and ’kill that )f r '. bw jit J VLO * @ I “SEND IT TO BOB” IfJtf DRY fifi cleaning in W,LL 1 \ L - PHONE 787 Friday, April 11, 1924 I'LL I/WESTIOATE- f Ifjffe |kHe DON'T USUALLY §) CONE Tt> THE BASEMENT J |L_ FOR NOTHING! arpt/-

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