Friday, April 11, 1924 i i M TWS BQ&XJIMB B&UUE I J| ■ I si* outward evidence of internal gat; I 1 isfaction, with the food. And here we it cater to smilers, for all our regular pu lillk in trons are pleased with our cooking, our food and our service, and the smile gen erally * >roadcns w ben they see the check, l' for our charges are as satisfactory as the CAROLINA CAFE Why Do People Buy Star Automo- I biles? Not Because They Shine! | But because they take the hills on high. And use very lit- | tie gasoline. Aslt the. u»ah that owns one. CalL around 1 and let one of my salesmen pfove their merits. They are | the best by test. We have the Durant, Flint and Star | Cars m stock. Buy now. J. C. BLUME’S GARAGE auJ don't forgot littto llrrllicr or Sister, for it is for lirr best iutorert that they be allowed all of the fresh air possible. Make it easier for i 1 you and them also by buying a new Baby Carriage, one that will roll ] ; easily, and last for years. Our stock at this time is most complete aud !|i it will be little trouble for you to make a selection. 1 1 H. B. Wilkinson Concord Phone 164 MooresviUe Kannapolis Phone 2 ![ I H. p. WILKINSON UND. C., Phone 9. JOQOOOOPOOPOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ALWAYS NEW STYLES In Footwear and Always Moderate Prices Patent, Satin, Suedes, in the Favored Shades. Cut-out effects, Fancy Straps, and wanted heels. , You Can Buy Your Footvoear Here at a Great Saving S. S. BROWN SHOE STORE PHONE 116 QUALITY FIRST - nr-,- -■ ----- ** ' “QUALITY STORE” Fresh Country Sausage Friday » and Saturday Orchard Produce Company : Phone 130., Successor to L. E. Borer | DELCO LIGHT j S Light |y#tem»-and Machines X fi Pwenty-five different sizes of light plants. fl No. 866, the popular size delivered installed and house 6 ft wired for .ten lights for Five per cent discount for ea*>U on installed Contracts. g 9 Three dollars extra for each Kght over the ten lights 0 R. H. OWEN, Agent i A Phone 669 Concord, N. C. 8 I broadcasting l Jk. NEWS J[ (By the Associated Praia.) (By Courtesy Radio Digest) (CENTRAL TIME) For Friday, April 11th. For Saturday. April 12 WSB, AtlanuH*2B) Smusic; 10:45 revue. WGR, Buffalo (319) 5 recital; 6:30 news. WMAG, Chicago Daily News (447.5) 8 orchestra: 9 theater revue. WON, Chicago Tribune (370). 7 ad dress, muiscal; 9 artist, orchestra. KYW, Chicago (560) 6:45 bedtime; 7 concert; 8 musical; 9:05 talk; 10 late show. WHK, Cleveland (283) 8 music. WBAV, Columbus (390) 11 a. in. music, news. WFAA, Dallas News' (476) 8:30-9 piano; 11 orchestra. WWJ, Detroit News (517) Silent Eve uing. WON, Detroit (317) 5 concert. WOC, Davenport (484) 6:30 bedtime; 9 orchestra. WBAJ\ Fort Worth Star Telegram (4T6) 7 Suuduy School Lesson. KFI, Los Angeles (4(H)) 8:45, instru mental; 10 vocal; instrumental; 11 con cert ; 12-2 a. m. instrumental, orchestra. WHAS, Louisville Journal (400) 7 :80 concert, reading. WGI, Medford Hillside (360 ) 5:30 co«lc practice; 6:30 talk; 7 program. WMG, Memphis Commercial Appeal (5(10) 8:30 grand opera. Ti End “l#me Duck” Coagrewaß. Literary Digest. Ope of the few constructive measures passed by either the Senate or the House during the present session, in the opin ion of the Chicago Journal of Com merce, is the Norris resolution ending “lame duck” Congresses, recently passed by the Senate. 63 to 7. Under this proposed amendment to the Constitution, the newly elected President would be in augurated aud the Senate would convene iu January. The short session would be done away with. The outgoing President would mark time no longer. As the Chicago paper puts it. "The gov ernment would be ruled by a President and a Congress who have received a fresh mandate at the polls.” Thus, re marks the Norfolk Virginia-Pilot (Ind. Dem.), “there is set on foot a move ment for the correction of one of the conspicuous defects in our preseat from of government.” The Norris resolu tion now goes to the House of Repre sentatives, and if that body passes it the proposed amendment will be sub mitted States for ratification. “Th<‘ possibility of Congress being controlled by members repudiated at the polls months before was not dreamed of by the farmers of the Constitution,”- de clares the Democratic Loijisville Courier- Journal. Yet each year, avers the Nor folk paper. we see the assembling. a “lame dttck'“*%Bgsps.v end Agjr Nh legislation known ns the short sedSipn,” in which tiiere are “innumerable oppor tunities for frustrating the wiil of the people.’ 1 iuler the proposed plan, notes the independent Washington Star, “a Congress elected in November would assemble in January, avoiding the lapse of thirteen months, as is now the case, before functioning. Moreover, in case Church vs. • • Easter Dinner “O, Mother can’t go—she has dinner to get!” Is this the Easter morning sentiment in your household? Or do you gut your dinner in the oven, adjust the heat control, don your becoming new hat and fare forth with the family? Time and Temperature Cooking Frees You From the Kitchen Letting the dinner cook while you’re out of the kouse altogether is a pop ular phase of tlie new Time and Temperature Cooking. Place in the ov en meat, vegetables and a baked dessert. Set the oven heat control at a certain temperature and your oven stays’ at ' that heat —just right for cooking the foods proper ly. Tne oven never gets too hot, never cools off— the heat is maintained. We have many styles in Qven Heat Control Ranges at GAS RANGE , HEADQUARTERS Come in and See Them , Fqr Easier breakfast—creamed eggs on HOT TOAgT ‘ Cwcord & Kannapolis Ga 3 Co. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE CKAC, Montreal (425) bedtime; 6:30 orchestra; 7:30 entertainment; 9:30 dance. ) WEAF, Neew York (492) 6 pianist; 6:30 contralto, reading, violinist, 8 or- WDAP, Chicago (360) 7 artists en semble; 10 solo: orchestra, concert. WJZ. (455) 6 bedtime ; 6 :30 pianist; 7:45 talk. WGR, Newark. (405) “5:15 music; 0:15 talk; 7 talk: 8 orchestra; 8:15 concert, 8:1 Cconcert; 9:30 orchestra. KDO, Oakland (312) 10 musical. WAAW, Omaha (360) 8 markets. WOAW, Omaha (526) 6:30 orches tra; 9 Saxophone orchestra. WDAR. Philadelphia (395) 0 :30 talk. WFI, Philadelphia (395) 7 talk : 5:30 orchestra: 6 dance; 7-9 talk 9:10 dance. WIP, Philadelphia (509) 5:05 orches tra: 7 talk: 7:15 concert; 9:15 dance. KDKA. Pittsburg (326) 5:15 concert; 6:30 stories; 6:45 talk: 7:16 feature; 7:30 band. WCAE. Pittsburg (462) 5:30 concert; 0 :30 bedtime; 6:45 songs ; 7.30 musical. KGW, Portland (492) 12 dance. WGY, Schenectady (380) 8:30 dance. SHPO. San Francisco (423) 10 dance. WBZ, Springfield (337) 6 dinner: 0:30 bedtime; 6140 concert. HSD, St. Louis Post-Dispateh (542) 1 8:30 orchestra. X WDAF, Kansas City Star (411) 3:30 dance; 6 address: Children's Story; en semble; 11:45 Night-Hawks. the choice of President is thrown into the House of Representatives, the Chief Executive would be elected by a Con gress fresh from the people.” SCHEDULE OF INDUSTRIAL CLUB WORK. Concord Y Concord. Mo.uday—Wildfires meet at No. 2 School. Leader, Harry Lee Johnston. Tuesday: Orangoutangs, White Eagles and Red Birds meet at Hnytsell Mill School. . Leaders, Prof. Osborne (hoys) ; Misses Mary Dayyault, Virginia Batte, and Eva Linker (girl 'leaders). Wednesday—Bluebirds of the Brown Mill School meet *at the Y. M. C. A. ’for physical exercise. Leaders, Mrs. Cul cleasure and Harry Lee Johnston. Thursday—Eagles and Bluebirds meet at tne Brown Mill School. Leaders, I’rof. Ed. Joyner (boys); Mrs. Culcleasure (girls). Friday: Black Hawks meet lit the col ored high school. Leader, Harry Lee . Johnston. White Eagles meet at the Y. M. C. A. for physical exercise. Leaders—Prof. Osborne aud Mr. BlilnUs. Saturday: Orangoutangs (Gym) 2 to 3p. m. Wildfires (Gym) 3 4 p. in. Eu-j gles (.Gym) 4to 5 p. m. Leader, Harry L. Johnston. '■». I »-:**«**{. Osbonrt*, Prof. •Id'yuer *ud Mr*. Culcleasure uujpn credit 1 and praise for the splendid they are giving the Y. M. C. Ai in the club work at the several schools in the in dustrial sections of the city. They have worked untiringly in all phases of the club work and a great part of the suc cess jf the work has been realized by their efforts. TIM*! AND TEMPER AT IRE RECIPE For Roast Virginia Ham WUh Currant Sauce Set beat control at 475 degrees heating ovne for 20 minutes. Wipe bam with damp doth, place in un covered roaster and sear for 20 minutes. Reduce temperature by setting Jieat control at 275 degrees and cover roastrr closely. Glazed sweet potatoes; scalloped I carrots or other vegetables may be placed in the oven in closely cover ed dishes at this time. Heat con tjrol dneuld trvrrtahi at 275 de gress for 3 hours. -The food 1 re quires no watching—no attention. Prepare your salad and dessert be fore going out. nr perhaps you bak ed a cuke (or dessert the du.v- be fore. At the end of 3 hours, remove ham «ud skiu it. Pour over a rich sauce made of one glass of current jelly melted down with some of the ham gravy. , ». f : ' " REALLY DONE. Rev. J. G. Rowan, Pastor First Presby terian Gburch. Concord Y Concord. The Secretary of our local Y. M. C. A. evidently has “the faith that re moves mountains,’’ for ke has been re moving what has hitherto been consid ered, if not actually called, mountains of difficulty—impossible tasks. “Water and oil will not mix," but water and oU can be mixed, if you will only keep stir ring them as our Secretary stirs them. We now have seven (7) industrial clubs in connection with the local Y. M. C. A. work, with in Average attendance of fifteen hundred (1500) a month, “The Christian Citizenship Four-fold Pro gram" being put on with marked suc cess in each club. What is the explana tion? Plainly Blanks! If anyone were a doubting Thomas a few montts ago, let him inspect what has really been done and be convinced. What will the community do to “carry on?” Again, the Bible Story Telling Con ’test” was pul across in a great way. This contest caused more of the Bible tp be heard, read and memorised than all other agencies in the city combined in three times the time. Men, women and children are talking interestingly con cerning the contest for next year. Again, the volley ball Business Mens’ Clubs though our secretary aud his as sistants have proved to many an un dreamed of success. Dozens of men— business men—may be seen at the Y ev ery afternoon and every evening keaping themselves “physically It.” In fact the local Y. M. C. A. has become the real hub of the community. Bald Eagle in Greenville Greenville, N. C., April 10. —An American Bald Eagle was brought to this city and displayed in front of the newspaper office here. It measured six feet and nine inches from tip to tip of its outspread wings and weighten ten and a half pound*,. Au automobile party brought the bird to town and said that they caught it after a difficult struggle when the bird attempted to cross the road in front of tld' car and was blimled by the lights. ~"Joc Stanton. John Bunn Briley, June Edwards, and Char lie Bell, who comimsed the party, said that they caught the bird near Grimes land. Don’t Brag. If a man doesn’t bra* of bravery, he can often summon enough of it to carry him through an emergency. Dispensed by irearl Drug ' Company HEARD THE LATEST? It Is Fleer's Checker berry Chewing Gum. Yee, the kind with the new, refreshing flavor that'e preseed In. Say: "Check-eheck-Cheekerberry!" Guaranteed H Reasonable Prices I All Kinds of Generator 1; PAINT Any color you wish you will find here. The place to buy Satisfac tory Paints is at this store. We can sell you large or smafi’quan tities. Paints we carry are of the better kind only. You may have to pay a trifle more than some where else but you get full value for ,your money here. , ■ Ritchie Caldweil Company, k. I CjoHt ; no* 1 of the Food 1 Value -of Yotir Wakings - Plain flour has a large amount of food value but it must be combined with good baking powder in order to retain tms value. Most self rising flours are not successful because they do .not rose the bakings to the proper lightness. This means a cer tain loss of nutrition herause they are heavy and hard to digest Every time you eat food that does not properly digest you do not get the full nutritional value —you are over-taxing \ your stomach. Nourishing and perfect bakings are what good health demands. The one sure way is—use pure flour and good baking powder. K you want to find what thou sands of housewives have j learned—make some biscuits 5 with self-rising flour —then make some with good plain flour and Calumet Baking Pow der-notice the greatdifference. One trial will satisfy you. Your health demands that you make the experiment. Those who know —millions of I housewives, domestic science teachers,bighotels,restaurants, bakeries and railroads will not w§& use anything but Calumet, the ‘ Economy Baking Play safe—use Calumet and plain flour. It is the most eco nomical and satisfactory, where light, wholesome and pure foods are desired. PACKED IN TIN —KEEPS STRENGTH IN *• ■ i —.— . » .UfMfc- , , — L ... - \ for Economicat Transportation | Better give us your order for that ; | Chevrolet before prices advance. Ten ! I different manufacturers have al- 1 | ready advanced prices. 1 Motor & Tire Service Co. j 1 Phone 298 19-25 E. Corbin St. I GROCERIES I e Our Grocery Department is equipped to give prompt A X and efficient service— x ' Sugar is lower at present ® 100 Pound Bags I $2.50 j 8 Smaller quantities lAja 8 Phpne Your Orders For Happy Feeds, Laying Mash, Etc. § |. > J Richmond - Flowe Co. J PAGE SEVEN