TKursHay, MarcHll, 1525 ~ V' , s Crossword Venus Ig BlLggß^v WM P I i 4 j* '#~JBr * JH i/’ y. :: t'jS. y&rsz&msw JWfi r if AH| §1 X * •'' ■ « m r|l ■ ir a m : f jLi MSBK f S J 4 jhhk mw I ®B | ganUMMi /11UE crowwort bathing ault win _£ baa popular novelty at the ]• beadies this summer, predicts wn— Angela Klemmer of the Rad,: White and Blue Swimming Troup* of the Panama Canal Zone. Miss Klammer's figure is almost identical with that of the famous “Venus ds MU*." She is shown in a crossword bathhu suit which she designed-. , Mrs. Beulah V. Tyson Marries J. 1* A Hancock, of Charlotte. trA-woddihg of much interest to Coh oon! iieoT»fe 'took~{ilarc In South;Carolina WNTnowdny when Mrs. Beulnh' V’’.' Tyson Was married to Joe Lee Hancock, of Charlotte. The couple returned to Con cord immediately after the wedding. Mrs. Tyson was the widow of the late Dr. George F. Tyson and has, for the past two years, been secretary of the Retail Merchants Association hero. Mr. Hancock is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Hancock, of Cliailotte, and is in the wholesale grocery business with his father. Mi. and Mrs. Hancock will be at home with the latter’s mother for the pres ent. BRONCHITIS 1 f Apply Vicks at bedtime* rubbing it well in. Than spread .on thickly and cover with hot flannel. Arrange bed-clothes so ». vapors will be inhaled. VM;«* W IffßWwJim v—i Wa» ■> " ' U1 p A| |M\|XSSSSSSfvei>>uM Hold By I f BELL-HARRIS $ FUN- J ERAL PARLOR Day Phone *4O Night* Phones 360-IB9L ilUmmi PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Brower have re turned from a visit to their sons, Alfred M. Brower and E. N. Brower, at Raleigh and Rocky Mount respectively. • • Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Sherrill and lit tle daughter, Ellen, are visiting Mrs. Sherrill’s father, J. Lee Carpenter, at greenville, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Kluttz spent Wed nesday afternoon in Salisbury with rel ative* ... . • • • A. O. Cline, of Statesville, spent 'Wed nesday in the ?ity on business. •• • j Misses Maude Blown, Annie Ridep hour, Annie Grace Sappenfield,' Mrs. P. Raiford and TV EL Ridenhour are in Charlotte today aiding ,in the Efird Dol lar Day Sale/ « ; Mrs. IV. W.' Morris and Mts. )D. F. Ritchie are spending the day' in Rock Hill, S. 0., with Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Grier. ' • • • Mrs. Joe Glass, Misses Maude Fisher and Minnie Li taker, Ltfther McEachern, Joe Lee and Ben Beaver are assisting the Charlotte sales force In Parks-Belk Co. with Dollar Day Sale. • • • R. K. Black and N. T. Deaton, Jr., ■have’ returned from a week's business trip to New York. * * * Mrs. W. H. Gifcsb'n And Mrs. Gales Pickard are spending tilt day in Char lotte. , * * * Mrs. Robert Stone and son, Robert. Jr., returned to their home in Columbia, S. C., this morning, after visiting relatives in the city for several weeks. • * • The friends in the city of Rev. A. L. Coburn, of Salisbury, will regret to hear that Mr. Coburn suffered two strokes of paralysis last, Saturday, and little hope for Ms recovery is entertained. To Have c Book 'Party. The teachers of Central Graded School will hold a book party Friday night to which the public is invited to come. The party is held for the purpose of col lecting books for the library which has far too few volumnes, according to the faculty of that school. All persons interested in the welfare of the school are asked to come and to bring with them books suitable to idace in the libary. Any who cannot attend are asked to send books. The party is to be at 7:30 at Central Scnool. Re freshments will be served. War Mothers to Have Sale Day. Tlie War Mothers are planning to have • a sale day on April 11th at which lime they will put on sale a number of ar ticles of food which will be useful oil Easter. The War Mothers will have Easter eggs, cakes, candies nnd other things. The public is asked to keep this in mind. Art-Literature Department to Meet. The Art-Literature department of the Woman's Club will hold its regular meet , ing at tlie home of Mrs. S. A. Wolff on Tribune street tonight at 8 o'clock. Miss Murial Rulwinklc is a joint hostess with Mrs. Wolff. To Present Womanless Wedding. The “Womanless Wedding” will be presented next week by the Lelia Tuttle circle of Central Church. This prom ises to be an interesting event as many of the city's prominent business men will take part. Missionary Guild to Meet. The Missionary Guild of Trinity Re formed Church will bftet tonight at 8 o’clock with Miss Katie Fisher on East Corbin street. All members are urged to be present, ns the officers for the coming year are to be elected. Fannie E. 8. 8. Heeh Circle to Meet. The Fannie E. S. S. Heck Circle of the First Baptist Church will meet Friday afternoon at 3 o’clock with Mrs. J. F. Seljacifcr on Nprtli Church street. Daughters of Confederacy to Meet. The Daughters of the Confederacy will meet Friday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock at the home Qf Mrs. George Richmond, with Mesdames Richmond, W. S. Bing ham and Miss Rose Harris as hostesses. y V \ Mr. Feeder: , Let us supply you with the very best in feeds. Dairy Feed, Sweet Feed, Scratch Feed, Laying and Growing Mash; in fact anything in the feed line. I Cabarrus Cash Gro cery Co. ' Phone 571 W. I EAGLE AEROPLANE j All Metal, a Sturdy, Speedy Clines Pltarmacyi Phone 388 Program tot the GaorgeviUe Community Club Meeting. The Geofgevfße Community Club will meet- March l*th, ,at 7:3G o'clock. The public is invited. The program follows: Song: Let There Be Light!by school. Devotional by Chaplain—Mrs/; A. I. Shinn. , ' f Pageant: “Youth Dares.”- Reading: “Manhood”—James Mauney. Song: Lead On O, King Eternal py . the school. [ “Taking the Census” by Annie Shinn i and Earl Whitley. “On Time”—A Farce. ’ ' Reading: The Hole In His Fockets-r --• Jackson Furr. , • ‘ • Song: America, the Beautiful, by the - school. ; t Reading: Platonic —Albert -Mauney. " ’Vait a Minute" —Luther Voncannon ' and Robert Mabrey. 8ong: Star Spangled Banner, by the school. PROGRAM COMMITTEE. MiUa-MaxweU. A marriage of interest, which -was sol emnized Monday night at 7:30 o’clock at ' the McGill Street Baptist parsonage by 1 the pastor, Dr. J. R. Pentuff, was that of Miss Lena Maxwell and Carl Mills. Miss Myrtle Love and William Cordell, close friends of the bride and groom, [ were the only attendants. The ring cer emony of the Baptist Church waß used. Mrs. Mills is the attractive daughter of C. M. Maxwell, of Salisbury, l and for . several years held a position with the Parks-Beik Company. Mr. Mills is en j gaged in textile work in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Mills will make their home with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Mills on North Church street. i Mrs. Mund pntwtains. Mrs. Frabk Mund was the charming htostesS to the Wednesday afternoon i Bridge Club at her home on outb Union - street Wednesday afternoon. The home was prettily decorated with spring flow ers. An elaborate salad and ice course , was served. The club members present ■ were: Mesdamvs Gilbert Hendrix, Clyde i Pri.pst, R. C. Litaker, George Fisher, F,. B. Grady, Clyde Pounds, and Jim Yates. Those present who are not club members . were: Mesdames. A. B. Pounds, Archie ' founds, Frank Pounds, Arthur Blackwel- E der, Oscar Blnckwelder. and Miss Katk ’ leen Sappenfield. Little Miriam C. Garrison Dead. • Miss Mariam •> do a •medium p|> • When our values do not put Is j our sales on the increase—we’ll " i i When our clothes are not in demand 365 days in the ear ’ ,j I —we’ll close qqick. o We’d rather be good candlestick makers than just nhedium g g clothiers and this month for Spring our new stock and our a 8 tremendous values show our feeling better than we can \ 6 put it; on piper; ■' * - ‘ j | New Spring Suits $30.00 to $40.00 g New Spring Hats ~55.00 to-$7.00 • • . 5 New Spring Oxfords $5.00 to SIO.OO New Spring Shirts $2.00 to $5.00 Just Received a New Shipment of Bow Ties I Browns-Cannon Co. ! Where You Get Your Money’s Worth • Ik| OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOdOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOt' I What Shall I Have For Dinner? , | ■ f i At this season of the*year*this question is a perplexing one for every housewife. £> Try some of our Home Made Sauer Kraut and the ques- fl tion is solved. We have t\yfc> barrels of the .finest quality lj and and, Will hiave no more this season. Yous money back- ® if it as good as you ever tasted. 1 1 C. H. BARRIER & CO. § 210-213 W. Depot Street. I GREASING WASHING j|j FOR TEN YEARS • | DEPENDABLE § DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS . FIRESTONE TIRES AND TUBES Corl Motor Co. . PHONE 630 j!| STORAGE __ REPAIRING S| New Spring Pumps-Lots of Them They are here—the new strip Pump, pleasing combinations in one -6 strap pumps and the popular sailor tie in all patent, all tan and tan and ! j j patent combination. These can be worn with or without buckle. S These are all new for spring wear and very moderately priced. ; Watch our windows for the new things. | IVEY’S “THEY WEAR LONGER” rrv 1 f. 11 ■■■■ 11 -rr -1 ,■ Nice Fresh Shad Dressed Chickens Real Sheep Veal J. F. Dayvault & Rro. Phones Si and IU » . _ j The Penny Ads. Got Results-Try Them. PAGE FIVE '■■■ ■ ' . j m »30000000000000000000000000 C IFOR— BASEBALL TENNIS and GOLF SUPPUES 1 See — J Musette,inc jj PHONE 579 We Carry a Com-1 plete Line of the 1 BEST i