PAGE SIX I As Am, ODlee gg CONCORD FURNITI RE CO. THE RELIABLE FURNITURE STORE YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD AT OUR STORE / v J Get It At i Ritchie Hardware Co YOUR HARDWARE STORE PHONE 117 ANNOUNCEMENT! I Effective January 1, 1925, all insurance business formerly handled ! ij' the Southern Loan and Trust Company was transferred to the Fetzer I | & Yorke Insurance Agency. I Offices in Cabarrus Savings Bank Building, Mezzanine Floor. Phone Ml fetzer & Yorke Insurance Agency I | P. B. FETZER A. JONES YORKE ' “ 000000 «»^^ | Gentlemen: — For Dependability 5 For Safety \ i R For Economy J g For Durability !j 5 Use Our Coal, Gasoline, Kerosene, Motor Oil and Greases ■r the stock on the installment plan, ■ hiue been notified during the past two days that the second! payment on (he Ff et'sk will be due April Ist. The firs: H Payment was made January \st, and the M |lm calls for payment of the entire r* amount in five equal installments. | A1 Johnson, golf professional at the | local country club, will go to Pin-'bnent I next week to take part in the North H and South championship which is staged pi each year at Pinehurst. Johnson has iP b-'en playing the best golf of his career I recently and his friends here exffcct him s, to give a fine account of himself at Pine hurst. Walter Hagen and other na tional stars will enter the tournament. Teapot Dome Case Ends. Cheyenne, Wyo., March 26.—‘Hie | Teapot Dome trial which consumed 14 | days, ended here today in United States | district court and Federal Judge T. «j Blake Kennedy wi'l await the filing of | briefs both by the government ana the * defease before he decides whether Harry F. -Sinclair shall retain the Teapot Dome Be United States shall regain oroing nasal oil "Veserve. k?*M^r^ l 26?—FwfblSdits i today held up the manager Irl employes of a Brooklyn he Prudential Life Insurance nd escaped with $8,200. A thf office*' t^One SI,BOO for by mTOM i Traffic regulations for the air are be ing discussed. Now all we need is hot air regulations. Another sure sign of spring is when you- wonder if you hear a saw mill or | a mosquito, , We still maintain almost any man .! can make a success if be has enough chances to practice on. j Recent discoveries indicate the In dians built up a great civilization before ■ i realizing it wasn’t much use. A foreigner admits he paid SSOO to ,be smuggled into America. We admit |he got a good bargain. In the future we will be careful about | | what we want. We are so likely to j .get it. , | j But perhaps the best sign of spring lis a coal dealer frowning. | Xlen drown their sorrow. A woman ! shoots him. | Sometimes you see a thin man who is thick headed. All this water in flooded rivers comes . from the spring. m Never let a seed store cheat you. Ifj you are buying wheat, there are 556.000 seeds in a bushel. Why don’t some of theje chronic up lifters get job.- as elevator boys and be quiet for a while? Modern girls may not get red when they kiss, but the men do. A woman tells us her husband won’t buy a washing machine because he thinks he married one. Oysters are famed for their silence. And you.seldom see one in the soup. If, as fashion says, shoe tops are low er, then bottoms aw higher. Our income tax argument is, we cer tainly are glad they don’t tax us on what we think we are worth. You can’t tell if money makes fools or if fools make money. Actors do as well ns they do in the movies because they can’t hear the mu sic. One of these thrifty men tells us steady men are kept that way by hank balances. Wouldn’t it be nice of bad weather didn't work on Sunday? Time for the neighbor to bring home your coal scuttle And borrow: yo’ur lawn mower. (Copyright, 1925, NEA Service, Inc.) -Si I Modernizing “Pa.” Up to this time Pa has been absolute ly against the modern styles—bobbed hair, short dresses, etc. After a heated discussion last night Xla ended the ar gument by appearing in an outfit she were during her honejtuioon, and saying to I’a: “I just put this on to please you, dear; let’s go out to the theater.” liiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii H New Photo Stu- s H dio Opening g ZjT We will make some attract- sg SSS ive priceh Saturday, March 28, ggg in order to advertise we will SS ■g— give one 8x10” picture (finish- Z 5 SS ed in colors) with every order SS for portraits on Saturday, ■ March 28th only. SE 55 J. A. SIMPSON, Photographer E= Studio Over l*Orter Drug Store mllllllllllimuilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllm TAX NOTICE. The time is drawing near for the an nual advertisement and sale of property for unpaid taxes. Please pay now and avoid extra expense and trouble. R. V. CALDWELL, JR., 23-6 t-c. Sheriff. FRESH FISH Nice Lot of Fish For Friday and Sat urday Red Fin Croakers and Shad Cabarrus Cash Gro cery Co. Phone 871 W, SPECIAL See our Special Window. Ev ery article a bargain. Diamonds, Watches and Silverware. We do not Meet Prices We Make Them. Watch the Window. We will put in new articles every day. W, C. Carrel 1 Jewelry Payment, Only One Made 8* Far, Given ITimSbi* Detroit, March 27.—Mrs. Alice Gray Kales gave her check for $2,<127.3011 to I the Internal Revenue Bureau office here yesterday, In payment of her supplement ary Income tax on the sale of minority - shares of Ford Motor Company stock t in 1910, it became known today. The payment was made by Hal. H. Smith, i her attorney, under protest, r j Senator .lames OouxenS nml others who, I with Mrs. Kales, recently were assessed i an additional total of approximately $17,-. i 000,000 on the 1010 sale, have filed 1 bonds in lieu of payment. Mrs. Kates . alone paying the tax. Tile bohds are ‘ now’ on file are in the neighborhood of i $25,000,000. j Gladys—He’s so romantic. Whenever | Ihe speaks to me he always says: “Fair I , Lady.” j Edward—Oh. that’s a force of habit, i jHe used to be a street car conductor. < IS GREEN NO MORE | “M.v experience with your medicine < has been wonderful. My stomach and | liver trouble of five years standing took , | a new iurn. two years ago when I took ( on an olive green complexion. I spent ] | $1,200 with doctors and specialists on- < ly to prove that I was still as green as i ever. A friend advised me to take ] Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy, and I am i green no more. My stomach and liver 1 trouble has ail disappeared.” lit is a j simple, harmless preparation that re moves the catarrral mucus from the in- ■ testinal tract and allays the inflamma- | -Ron which causes practically ail atom- i aeh. liver and intestinal ailments, includ- j ing appendicitis. One dose will convince J or money refunded. Gibson Drug Store 4 and druggists everywhere. 1 1 - K. OF P. NOTICE Regular meeting Concord Lodge No. i 51 K. of P Friday evening nt 7:30 j o’clock. This will be a district meet- i ing and many visiting brothers and dis- i triot deprtty will be with his. All ] I’ythians afe invited to be present and ! help entertain our visitors. E. E. PEBLE, C. C. ] We have the follow- i ing used cars for sale ■ or exchange:’ * One Ford Sedan. One Ford Roadster. One Buick six Road-; ster One Buick four Tour ing , STANDARK BUICK COMPANY Opposite City Fire Dept J. V. DAVIS DENTIST , Office Removed to Fourth Floor Cabarrus Savings Bank Building Phone 433 Hours: 8 to S Add the Comforts of PLUMBING to Your Home ! 11 Modern Plumbing will do as much or more than any other one j thing toward making your home ! a comfortable and convenient ; place in which to live. It costs J you nothing to get our cost es- < timate. ] Concord Plumbing Company North Kerr Street j Phone 576 Your Money Goes Further On ( RACINE TIRES >i < - ‘ ’ ■ , i \ < Jarratt’s Service East Corbin St" 1 Phone 808 ; Green Front < KT'A Tomorrow is only Saturday * JL jEjjHOU a big MP clothes showing Day at Hoover’s ~ Come as early as you can but re- H■mr 111 ember that we '.pen until mßf . 'We want to show you the new m things with the distinct under- 1 standing that you are here as our guest and npt our customer —un- ; til you say so; Schloss Spring Suits I r ——- $25:00 to $47.50 « u °r. S , S I° P - oat k~ -r--• 525.00 to $30.00 Schoble Spring Hats * $5.00 to $7 00 '! Spring Union Suits , SI.OO t 0 $$ qo HOOVER’S, Incs. “THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE” OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQQGOqPq^qqqqq poQQOQOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooQocxxaoQQQoofflgooooopoooo 5 NO BHORT MEASURE HKyB | r> 11 ‘‘ an s ec that you gpt full measure 1/ | If™ iUBFPf llLgpt wllon J* flows into from \. I : j I lid Adnll ip |«1 «** our visible pumps. The con-1 '**'*' j ade .f 1 ** 8 II HOWARD’S FILLING STATION M\W; l\W iWmi Jf “Service With a Smile" OOOOOOOOpOOOOOOOgOOOOOOOOOCWOOOOOOOOOOOioorwvx^^^^^ooQ; °MWOCOOOOOOOQOCOOOOOQOOOOiwCMMMfmww^^ I COAL PRICES REDUCED j Best Virginia Lump, per ton •• $7.50 I Best Jellico Block, per ton $8 50 ' Pocahontas Furnace EGG and Lump, per ton”I”~~~ $9 00 Coal is cheaper now than it will be in July. Order in < ton J.ots and SAVE. • ] A. B. POUNDS j PHONE | 11 1 1111 111 ititt- Irr rn~n i~" 77- , i i MAKE YOUR BUSINESS GROW by dealing with a bank which is always on the lookout to be helpful to its customers. It is such a service that we endeavor to render to our depositors and the volume of dei>osits ’proven that wc are successful to a great degree. i LET TTS SERVE YOU _ CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK Capital and Surplus $450,000.00.' | Springtime Colds Are Dadgerous! uterSW&ii I COAL mm 1 of best quality at Lowest Price 1 and avoid exposure to cold. PBa ' '!' CRAVEN’S Best Lime. Cemeftt, Plaster j 53 1 j ! j an i mm | FANCY DRY GOODS WOMEN’S WEAR Sooooooooooooooooc»ooooooc>coooooooooooooooooopoooooo>j ■ 1 .. "'""V CONCORD COTTON MARKET FRIDAY, MARCH 27, MM cotton .25 Cotton Reed .52 1-2 CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET ~~ (Corrected weekly by Clide 4k Moose) Figures named represent prices paid for produce on the market: §5 Friday, March 27, 1926. tt- ' '■/ -v 't- v*w< * . Sweet potatoes * 1.60 Turkeys : .25 to .30 Onions , sl-28 Peas .... $3.00 Bwttfer .80 Country Ham .27 Country Shoulder .10 Country Side I M Young Chickens .25 jjzrzzz" —, m i •>.''■ 1 .1 ipl .. n REMEMBER PENNY ADS AR3 CASH ' ft; fi'h J ’ , , ’>’