Friday, April 17,13# MOVIES ARE CLASSED with GRAND OPERA t»l<l Eaffland where the Prince passes / by opera for musical retries. / ' < 'C'' VTWz?m i \ i«iH«i«WK Give Democracy Credit ’ Airt fiSSy blame R On democracy,- Or they did at first. Now the critic* •laoet all agree that, democracy •hould be praifeed instead of blamed. The arta with which the ..masses are familiar hare been raised to a high lerei, because they were the only arts that it was profitable to keep •lire. The energies of genius and tal ent had to be thrown into them, or be wasted. The populace ha<i always Supported opera, and that is the only reason why it, Ari Well as (he ftmWoa, continuss to attrjftt a public. Jazz, vaudeville, rotrt wa human enter " tainments such as are comprised in what one critic has named “The Live * if Arts," were always the particular *•' possession ot the multitudes. , f ; Beet Artists In Movies , The wide, (support given to, a form * • entertalniSdht, and. the fmproVe !•, Merit in it tbit is impbsha by their lyuprbviftg tarftfe add knowledge, by :• taiebes dt Independent democrats, or V republicans, is illustrated best' in the United States by the motion, pictures.. - • They have in themselves Sri answer r . to the question, why even the most £ cultivated citixens put the cinema V these nights on the plane with opera, i„ the dance, the drama, or books, as t subject tp choice lor an evening’s iin £ provement or diversion. The best * creative imagination of the times is turned towards them, add writers and' *’ actors who were once easily to be found elsewhere can frequently be en joyed only on the silver' screen, Thp masses ere drawing authors and pro duce’•a.down to their especial inter '. as(», and the creative genius of the authors andjartists is lilting the taste ol the masses to its own better level. One consequence' is a raising of the ; motion picture to tire .height of a fine art. Another is the matter-oMactness with which discriminating persons 1 who once seoritarf tlip. movies and eT- ! . erything about theta now don their party clothes and trot along to the silent show. '. j-v. tj. Though it is not really a silent , - Amazing Transformation Is | Seen in the South Today. .Eyctj where frOfti North Carolina to Florida and from Ix)uiniana to the niorth 'cßn houndary oFvsTenooewo the-South is undergoing •an amazing transformation, according to Edward D. Duff eld, presi dent of the I’rudeutial insurance COm psigr of America, who has just returned frpm„s t trip . through seven states, betow the Mason-i>i.t(.n lino. The entire re he bold, is losing familiar chdrae-1 tdrietics and assigning instead something of the air. ami, spirit long iJehfiiied with Southern Oatifornia audits people. .11- the South; suffers from the loss of enormous numbers qf -negro laborers who have migrated northward, the effects do npt show, so far r.« Mr. Duffeid could «§e. On the contrary the couritrjj; is advancing with rapid, assured strides, building roads, enhancing its natural tractions and carrying out well-founded aims for the development cf every rc urCe tthd advantage. i -.“From what I wao ab’e to observe,” he said, “the most reirtarkalile thing tB that the old South—frequently referred 1» up here as the Good, Old. Slccpj South—bus developed a most surprising habit of boosting. I saw down there n, man . from California who whs as as tonished as I. "(California,' this man said to the. ‘is a Way behind the times, compared to this country’s ability to . rouse the enthusiasm of its. people.’ . “And the results are becoming every where aparrent. Ail the pimple down there have suddenly got the idea that the South is undeveloped territory (which to u certain extent undoubtedly is true! and have undertaken to overcome that condition. Chambers of Commerce, and cither civic bodies are directing move ments, flic result,* of which are showing id a new concept of civic duty and the relation of the eittsSen to the community. “Take N'ortli Carolina and Charlotte-, for example. The people of the state huve recognized the advantages, of good read systems- They «ro shouldering, at material increase Os taxes without Ooßi-% plainC-becausc they realise that they have to spend money to develop, their state, and they are' .prepared to pay the price. As for Charlotte I know of no commun-. ity jn the 804th, that shows a more , steady, solid ItOwfh. “There is n, new -Ford plant there turning out aOB-trakl a du.v, and I Was told, that it confines distribution exclu sively to the Carolinas. That in itself is evidence of a new.- prosperity, and a -jiefcVipirit in that region.”^ Jacksonville, Mobile, New'Orleans, At*. 1:11 y i'-rijS 1 . The Irish Question. Two .Irishmen were engaged in a dis pute hr a (•eniffery One (My. said cue. “I don’t like this cemetery at nil, ot all.”\ ~ ' “ “Writ ’• «rfd the other, ’T think it is ” •••N'.(}’ < "salf Utti6b,w one, “I don’t like it-all.'at all, and* I’ll never be buried *,**,,,. »u^«k*sW • v : :4 •, .frr: ‘ ® C. & BEftNARD SHAW show. TWi upstart eighth, art has enfStad the fttftri traditionally fine oir6B in its dorvfce. A n»ht at the sSdvics is frequently a feast of mu aft, ddSctnS, may, tfhd paint frig; With sculpture and architecture represented tty tfie, cOnatruction and adornment ot the theatre. *But that is ty the €Ek The motifiti picture has been ad mitted Into good because it has grown up and shbwn that It coujd behave decorously lad according {6 the iidst artistic traditions. Such pfobf fm* been plenttfni dfiriui the last twelve or fifteen montha, and those who are most informed, predict that it will be as bounteous in the ftt ture. Producers, who .thought solemn ly aooiit-the picthrftq Because the pub lic viewed them lightly, now contem plate them joyously, because the pub lic W taking ttaeiii *efi<Wsly. sh their enthusiasm they are making and plan ning pictures that- falfllf the cohdi tions of jjure art. Such pictures are written ghd photographed wjth an eye single 16 motion picture teehnlqfnc, and are designed to express and to ■win emotion in-a way to delfgbt ifflf beholders. FroducerS m|y not be making them because Si an Urge in tSemdolves tor artistic expression, but because 'ln * ■;, lanta, McrtiphiN, NashviHe arc all alert to capitalise opi,\tunity, Mr. Duffield added.. The Southi imna part, he said, seems now to regain ffie federal reserve system with any degree of disfavor. Hank balances are Increasing, and con ditions, in actuality, warrant the tiiie w 0 r ri descriptive, “f’urtdrfmentxllj sound.” 1 ' ’■■■■’ ■■■ ■ Johnson City, Tenn., however, partic u'.arlyJmprcssed Mr, Duffie(d, ~“1 had never .bieen in Tennessee be fore. arid when J got- f 6 Johnson City, in the astern port of the state, I found there the most peefrisive community spirit I believe I have ever encountered anywhere. But there was very little boasting. “There they do riot tell of the tre mendous prospective increase of popula tion, or the inerea'se already . reniiacd. though that has been considerable. But they do impress one vioMf. strongly with the fact that they ore living, in Amer ican style in an American community— a community which, is proud of its rec opi of having given more men to the. T nlon army in the Civil War than any tflrtfilar Community in the North, and that when the World Wnr came more trifri enlisted, before conscrififten was put into effect, than there were voters in (he eOiVnty.” \ . In the mountain regaien about John son City, u hcre North Carolina. , Vir ginia, Kentucky and Tennessee. inniC to gether, Mr. Duffield detwied some senti ment in favor of the creation of a forty jaintfr state fbr the uriSon, the' State of Appalachia. “This,” he explained, “would take in the region which once romprisrd the first slate cf Franklin, a forgofteri, eotn'mOn wealth which had for its capital Jones boro, where Andrew Jackson presided ny a judge before the Battle of New (trlearia.’’ t , .: i 3|r t .,.fiW|!l| J;lsitSJ tW .HCrmitige. Jacksort’s OrM .home near and found . -it alore interesting hietoticatly than Mount Vernoh. .'“Ypu see -there," he said, “not oily, tire hottie of a gifeitt tnan. tint ff veritable <•o'nttnuance ofthe times in. which •he livrid. It is exactly the same house in which he lived,'.in exactly tfie nairiV state in which fie left It. even to the, old dressing goWn thrown ever the back of a chair in the foOm in which he died: Outside is the old coach in which, he drove from Washington in thirty days, nnd the old log hut in which he lived before the Hermitage was built.” cemetery, and if riiy tife Is spared, anre I’ll be burled in it.” »’ T The State Board of 1-lquuliKation is eomposed at the Commissioner of Rieve- Bltet .eitainnnti, the of the tkirpoVation COVninissroti. and the At torney Genernl sis tfie State. Thin board henm appeals from tax .valuations and h subject to the call of the Commissdbn er of Bov sane. *- -1 „m t-iia £ lv ' /v : o'" * ’S: v / : *ri* .. v -r Wi’ :• w^ v -M * • ' • jPfL p-i ' | ctlAßtfiS CHAPLIN this way they; get. better stories from scenario wrUetß and bigger receipts from the theatres. The Important thitg is that .they are making them, as is more obvious with each major film that is released. Approval of the critics, and t,hd scholarly,, and the so cially proitrineat, Iviwg and is a logical result: No oiie need any longer hesi tate t 6 confess * idling for the movies. Such a predilection proves tgste in stead of, as formerly,' : lts absence. The sophisticated nop take their movies 1 where they find them without feeling at all defiant. The multitude eon tiaues to go to' them. ><.s formerly, without feefirfg apologetic or, supertor. now and then they will register a lrid|mem by shunning a title that fails (6 come up to the standards to w-hith the^'&re'becoming accu'fitbiued. 1 i iRp - m Wm m' S - m W mm nhepely lags are^ famed JSoßywood jaU for racing her roadster, "fi to iharry Kenneth Fitspatrkdb msSuS linc6ln’ s coach TO BE PRESERVED Is One In Which He Went (6 Battle field at Gettysburg. Baltimore, April. I(s,— The raihxjrtd coach in which,: Lincoln rode to Gcltys day on a siding in the ynrds of the Western Maryland railway, The historic Bat dilapidated ear was discovered 'by. a Pennsylvania committee ttet ' t.?"' . - • * THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE Pp pKi: r, i [1 ■ dßKifi SB ,T| ADOLP>)f JfUKOR V Evolhtton, of tiro \govfeo from a‘ mechuttical nofotty into an afy has been best ifidlUated dur ing the last twelve pb fifteen ‘ months by the crystaljtiing of a 'i coaviction.among those in the bus'l-' ifess that their medium of .expression ia dignified and important enough to absorb of .Writers aßd art iits working dirCfctlv for expression through it -Prodttfeers began to ac la;owled|e * mat thp yrude odapta tfon of works designSd to be read, of enacted. On the dpecking stage, Wfts Illogical and trf>tris< d to the best development of tiiflr art. It dldf, th The committee will nek to save the coach tak*m to. Otftdsbiit* nfid kept ns an historic memorial. The car is a wboden ‘ ombinatlon pas aafeiatea used by DincOht drid tncmbel-S of the presi dential party it, was cohaidered one of the 'road'at fineetipiece- of equipment. The •'Jitney, ’’ fim cam/ into ffeuwil Use rii 101.1, when vuricue dries established auto busses giving a , ride for five cents. ‘ y/xB \ . \vit m 4 V' 4 € 3 " y ) '^PifcJl- Av-Vv U ■- ( WILL HATS ' deny them the right to cAll mp-' tfon pictqce creation ah art.* Wore over,, it (Vfjrkffned' thu' “box offleir"ap pear’ of their products. So they be gan. toltry out production*-that, t&id beeft : designed primarily and sively’-fbr photographic expression and in pbcdrcijcc jfe> tnoyori picture reqdire-' ments. Their .experiment proved vfery successful As a. consequence about hat's of/the. 'fifms made this year will' SPECIAL 'wr wi Fbr Saturday* arid • Jf : Jp (\\ f'%. SI.OO te $2.00 4 ' j// [, 'Off'on All of Our Broken 1 H Sizes in Men’s aild Lad- r / 4 - >s*2. . ies’ Slippers. 1. I v / We have all of the latest V| 7 ' shades and styles-AA-E , ' Iji RUTH-KESLER SHOE —~"li* r > Judgment of.the Courts . The Pathfinder. ; The first finder of gold in ft# , wns Oeorge WasliltfgtOn ffihnfck. The' \Vashmgton state supreme cadet &* B S( y i deemed.- Tins (tWn ; ■ * # wwL; '»£. Atoka who <-l*imed « B haro of Car s mac** estate oh the tlwrt iv was jMs d,Vaster by a fbHne? H /! Pedbral Judge Horton of Boston Ims < rifled that though an American Woman ■ M«P ttlr "atloiuility of her foreign hns i brfnd, she reverts to her American <iti zenship in event of « divorce* Mrs ii ;-'|V Vat \ , /\ ■’/ * M ■ m * . N ’ ( > Be from what “a#*' called “original” .scenarios—thatiis, those, written just for riioving picture production. Outstanding TKiea of films th.nt ws,re best lilted and.mpst in 1924, Sjr producers, reVfew&g, awti l by the atre owner* who jchefejteil'-tfp through their box office’re'caipts, reveal a con i Tirielug number Vofj; these originals. Most persona, will rfcthember “The fcramattc-Ijife of, Abraham Lincoln,” '‘A Wqjjjan _ja| • “The Iron “The “The' Thief of‘..Bagdad,* “America," .“Girl, Sby" apit.. the,. P*lpjer Photo plax ;Corpbratk>u v s ‘Storm.’’. They were gli written direct ly for the screen, designed to meet its ffeoullßr requirpmentß Urfd to take ad vantage of its, special aptitudes for teaching* > e emctioita of watchers. Box office iuccess apd their intrinsic M«ry : : Fitiroy.' wlm‘ Ws refused it pass port because her divorced husband was a Brit fell subject instituted : the action. rffetfeh of cfVhtraet to .complete W War-’ time, v«M*el8 v for the merchant marjne re suited in Shipbuilding Core • poritipn. of T which Charles W. Morse is i)nßskleiit, < Vjngj»'fderidnw J itftgc wad diii Howsi'd Hiss, for iMijxKfor alienating.: berafeetoß*. A: jury awarded him one' cent drimitgc- PAGE FIVE ■ i merit dictated thely inclustonla tie Hit of the year’s best films. ~ Support Film “Originate’’ I The expressed opinion fit those 4a whose hands the active direction of the nrption picture business lies Is, naturally, in accord with such ! discov eries as that Just described. The be lief of others, outside the business, of such an exalted person even a* George Bernard ShaW, makes the ■same trend articulate on purely sensi ble grounds. Mr. Shaw recently said that'“movie playa should be invented expressly for the screen by original imaginative visualizes.” Adolph'Zti kor, who established an annual award of SIO,OOO for the author of the year’s best film story, did so a» mi additlonii inducement for authors “to, write for the screen and to stimulate them te a study and recognition pf tte motion picture’s technique.” kb predicted that just as there are Eugene O’Neills and Bernard Shaws of the stage there will be an equally notablA company of men and women whose stories will “reach you through thfc shadows of the screen.” Jesse L. Lasky reports thfit “We are training young writers in oar studio to the end that they; shall knbW thfe requirements of tb* fecredn and write their .action accordingly.” Harry Raps, a, production manager whose name is widely kiipwn in the mfition picture business, not long ago gave his opinion that material would soon be obtained exclusively from “a trained corps of men and women writ ing directly for the B“vin." • An Individual Art Others have expressed themselves as to this primary development of an art. But what is most convincing is the production of current films from “originals”; the Individual treatment, in practice, of an individual medium of expression. ~sf fT: •< ’ There are, of course,'* otter evi dences of artistic?) adVance. In in creasing, ,demrhe there appear a d(- reetnlss' and economy hi “fretting over” a story, a development for which much credit is to be given to Charles Chaplin. There is an evolu tion of photographic devices for ex plaining unseen action and for shift ing scenes without the interposition' of Written titles—the development, in btter words, of a real “film lan guage.” These advances, too, are es sential in making defensible thi cinema's claim to be an authentic eighth among the fine arts. !' They help explain the hesitation, over whether to go to the opera or 1 ■ to a palatial motion picture theatre that is experienced by many a modern S grand dame and her wealthy spouse in the face of an evening that is to be L devoted to recreation! Osh a win convicted of murdering his Wife claim her eatateV Coma. Mease Judg!; I*lpllms|at Clwelaud siiy B not. He ifig t*»: a by/: ISuktiec ’ New York WhW, m*rtes the y lower efrurt Hurt a .buyer-taaSt*^ , ' " ' ■' " J.. ’

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