PAGE TWO PENNY COLUMN TttrPKTY /wijj PISI* POT-Vs) c.S£abruß CASH GROCERY CO. «**“<% * N«£v. SprfA, U«* *** vml Phone 510 and 525. Ch*s. C. Graeber. 28-2 t-p. Noifao-I Repair Alt Makes of 'Soitoi machines, Victrolas, anything hut a broken heart. The Handy Map, 10 S. Valley St., Concord, N. C. 23-st-p. New Arrival Porcelain, White-House and Imperial flour. Lippard & Barrier. 3frW CtfeMa*. Chickens. Nice Fat Hens and fryers. Phone 365, Ed 31. Cook Co. 23-2 t-p. White French Felts, $2.95 . Black Vel vet rib ostrich pompoms. Miss Brach en. 25-3 t-p. Foe Rent—Five-Room Bungalow, With bath, |IB.OO per month. Phone 852. 25-ts-c. Desirable Furnished Rooms For Rent; also four-room unfurnjahed apartment. New house with modern conveniences. Phone 501. , 10-ts-p. Plant Now —For Farm Plant Soja Beans, millet, Sudan grass and buckwheat. For garden, plant beans, squash, cu t-timber, tpmgto, cabbage, etc. Buy your seed in hulk and save money. ■Chas. C. Adams Seed Co., China Grove, N. C. 19-6 t-c. a———■■rnmawaa—aam—————mm— ■ ■ zemmmEmtemaaßEuiF m il.-vj „j. - . * When the River; Cut Dcmso H »—-f —h '«»* gi,: ’ filh , - .A . "i W* .y 1 . '-* -*• w -■ r ffce ItoqUoketa River went on a rampage after unusually / heavy rains amt want roaring through the town of Caacade, in Dubuque county, la. I The home of A1 Murray, shown above, was taken bodily from is founda tions and, shortly after this picture was taken, was hurled against an » wrecked- Stop Those Drugs They never Vffect the Liver When yott take cathartics you Re lieve that they directly affect the liver. They do not. Countless recent tests have, proved that. That’s why all those treatments bring you disappointment. But modern science has found away to really stimulate the liver. That is ox-gall, a liver secretion. Physicians the world over now employ it to do what you’ve tried to do. Many of our ailments are due to torpid livers. We hqve tried to cor rect them, hut we failed. As a re sult, we hqve suffered—rmost of us— from troubles of this sort: Indigestion Heart and Constipation Kidney Troubles Impure Blood Bad Complexions j High Blood Pressure Lack of Youth , Now we ask you to join the mill ions who have found a new relief. Ox-gall, a gland secretion, really stim ulates the liver. Then it acts. Then it floods the intestines with bile. The “Pfywl b Specially Recommended CHARLOTTE POLICE OFFICER TESTIFIES “If You Want To See a Man Who Has Really Been Benefitted B y Karnak, I Look at Me,” Says Edgar Owens. Still they come, remarkable state ments, one after another,, epcli and every one proving the claims made for Kar nak. Just the other day, for instance. Ed gar E. Owens, well known officer on the Charlotte police force, declared that when he thinks of the condition he was in and how fine he feels now he just enn't stop talking about Karnak. “Yds, sir, if you want to see a man who has really been benefitted by Kar nuk just take a look at me,” says Mr. Owens, who resides at 616 W. Fourth Ht. “Why. when I think of the condi tion J was jn and how fine I feel now I jupt can’t stop talking about tbiis new medicine. It certainly does the work. ~ "T!‘f tw mrs JJud the worst kind of indigestion. Why, gas would form on my stomach and prea* around', my heart until f became so »-eak I could ' hardly stay on my feat. When these nr tacks would cotpe oq me they would be j no severe thlt at Mutes I simply had to ‘•My stomact w|#.’in .such a bad condi tion that at tops evijn plain prinking wa- “ d . ’ Shares Noreott MIU Stock 1 ; 15 shares White-Parks Mill Stpck. Southern Loan A Trust Co. 26-2 t-p. Freak Lot Okra. Fancy Celery and All kinds fresh vegetables. Lippard & Bar rier. - . 26-It-p. For Kent—Six Room Bungalow on Ann street. Modern conveniences. Phone 792 L. 2«-2t-p. For Rent —A New Five-Rpom Bungalow. Apply Concord Steam Bakery. 25-6t>p. Tomatoes. Tomatoes. Big Lot Fancy To matoes. Phone 565, Ed M. Cook Co. 25-2 t-p. For Rent—Two Rooms for Light House keeping Phone 372. 25-2 e-p. For Rent —House on Meadow Street. C. Q, Linker, Central Barber Shop. 24-3 t-p. Young Couple Wants Three Rooms for light housekeeping. Answer “X” Care Tribune. ts. For Sale—Six-Room Bungalow, Modern conveniences. Kerr street. W. li. Williams. 24-3 t-p. Visiting Cards Handsomely Printed, 50 for SI.OO or 100 for $1.50. Times- Tribune Office. * ts. Everything in the Glass Line—Highly polished plats glass for windshields, sedan and coupes, cut and flitted while you wait. Any size and shape in the tpirror line. We also do reshivering. Phone 312-W. Walter Bros, corner South Valley and Borland „Street. 22 6t-p. toxins which are now being formed and absorbed are quelled. Good doctors everywhere now pre scribe ox-gall, mostly in liquid form. But it comes also in tablets called Dioxol, which druggists now supply. Each tablet contains 10 drops of puri fied ox-gall. We ask you to learn how much Dioxol can do. Learn it at our ex pense. It will change all your con ceptions of treating liver troubles. It may bring to you new health, new vim, new hope. Gip this coupon, for your own sake—now. j Whitman Pharaacal Co. UJ 598 Madison Ave., I I*GC 0= Now York, N. T. _ . * I want to try Dioxol. *DM i ~ • ~ By Pearl Drug Comp*Py” ♦ ! it out, but started right in on the medi jcine, and the results I got was the sur i prise of my life. IT tell you. I used the Kama* and Karnak pills both with 'wonderful results. ‘Why, this medicine has fixed me up in short order sd I can this Karnak has everything • V?, ii■' v l .* IN AND ABOUT THE CITY ! p . ■ ■ . E. .1 II wm4 THREE FORDS MEET AND MAKE YARD RACE TRACK T» Avoid Accident the Drivers at Two Cara Cut Across Yard of R. R. Black. Three Fords met at the intersection of Franklin Avepue and North Spring Street Thursday night and only some fancy and apparently impossible driving on part of the drivers of two of the cars pre vented a serious accident. An it was, uo. one was seriously hurt and the only damage resulting was to the yard and hedge of R. K. Black. One Ford was going north bn North Spring Street, another was going south on the same street and the other was going wept on Franklin Avenue. The latter was struck by the northbound Ford, the blow being enough to throw tlie car from its source. At the time the two ears met the third Ford ap peared and its driver made a dash for safety, his only avenue of escape being the narrow space between a mail box and telephone pole at the street inter section. The space is barely wide enough for a Ford to pass, but in some manner he “made the grade" and started down the Black vard. At exfctiy the same time the driver of the Ford from Franklin Avenue sought to get freedom from the melee and he too started for the Black yard. He too drove between the mail box and a tele phone pole choosing the opposite of the box from that used by the other driver. His margin of space between box and pole was no greater than that of the other driver but he too got through in some maqner. The two Fords struck the Black yard about the same time and down the yard toward the home of H. IV. Caldwell they raced. The driver to the left finally stopped after he had traversed about hnlf of the yard, but the one to the right failed to slacken the speed of his car.' keeping along the hedge which extends down the yard boundary, and finally crashing through the hedge which sepa rates the Caldwell and Black properties.' He stopped his ear after reaching the Caldwell yard. Persons who saw the mixup sent for a physician but when he arrived he found little to do. In some manner the three cars had avoided a serious collision and the only person injured was a child who received a slight cut on its nose. One car had a damaged fender and the other two were no worse for the accident. The Ford going north did not stop af ter the collision but apparently it was not damaged. Two minutes after the mixup occurred at least a hundred persons had gathered on the scene but although they were ready to render aid their services were not needed. ■ [thickwelder Meeting at Kannapolis. The Blaekwelder meeting at Kannapo lis is , ; n great progress and will continue for the next ten days. I have just clos ed a meeting in Concord with a large number of professions, ami many of the people who were converted hav.e given their names for membersip of the church-; os in Concord. McGill Street Baptist, 1 Presbyterian Church at Brown MiH. Wes leyan Methodist Church. Cedar'’ Street, and their are others to be oaptised and will join the church later. Everybody is welcome to all of our meetings. Mr. Blackwelder has done a great work throughout our state and we appreciate all that he has done for us and we hojie that you all will attend his meeting regularly. B. W. B. I The wild dog. sleeping in the open, had first to beat down the thick grasses i to make his bed. He did this by turn-! ipg round again and again, his weight pressing down a nest for himself as he! (}oee today through instinct, inherited' through the ages. Evening Wrap > From Paris’ . v *-• a < - M j|l *! WWsL pytMaWSP™ mrneEm mm > v THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE LIGHTNING AND HAIL PLAY HAVOC YESTERDAY > Hart sell Mill Foreai to Suspend Opera tions —Hail Does Damage at Dave Earnhardt's Home. , In the violent storjns which swept over I the county yeoterday afternoon, consid erable damage das done by lightning and ■ luill, the principal sufferers from the storm being the H§xtsell Mill, the Ca barrus Mill and m farmers in No. 4f] township. t At the Hartsell Mill, where lightning; struck for the secoqff time in sixty days, considerable damage was done to the electrical machinery, forcing the mill to cloae foe- the remainder of the day. No I one was injured by the bolt, however. It was stated thin morning that the mlil would probably commence operation* again this afternoon. Lightning struck the pipe line which runs from the Cabarrus Mill to Buffalo Creek and furnishes water for the boil ers of the mills. After striking, the bolt ran up to tbe pill where it ground ed. putting the pump out of commission. In No. 4 township, hail accompanied by a wind of almost cyclonic proportions, damaged crops and uprooted trpes gen erally. The center of the storm seemed to have been at the borne of Dave Earn hardt. It was hip opinion that he had lost over half his Ofop from the storm. The wind, he said, Mew the cotton prac tically prone and then the haij clipped it off. The hail stones were the size of a partridge egg in this section. Another bolt of lightning struck on Corbin street directly across from the home of J. G. MeEachern. A peach tree in the yard *as hit and was lit-Jj erall.v torn up by the roots from the' fores of the blow. REPORTED EX-SOLDIER KILLED PASSENGER €oi. John M. Yooag Hears Rumor of' Homicide on Southern Train During the Night. ...a- ■ I Col. John Ystng. night for the Southern“Jtallvmy in Cbadord. was 1 •old during that soldier from Sparfanbiug kfTletl a Char lptte man on a SWuthern train during the night, and turning his pistol on an qther passenger, whunderi hint. '{ According to the report of the tragedy Which Col. Young-received, the soldier ijoarded a night train at Spartanburg. Walked through the* aisle of a day coach and shot through the head a passenger, Who was sleeping an one of the seats.! Turning from the fitalty wounded min' the former soldier turned his gun on an-l other man, woundjgg him. Passengers ■ on the traiu disarmed the man and found that hit- gun contained but two bidleta, . .Col. Young was tol^, 1 The. slayer was *l#ced under arr<*>L according to the rgport, and later it de veloped that lie had been suffering from shell shock. The names of the slayer, his victim ami the wounded man were not reported tj Col. Young. At The Theatres. | William Desmond in “The Meddler." and Larry Semon in a comedy “The Clodhopper” 5* re tffWg shown today and 'I tomorrow as the Pastime. | Charles Ray in “Dynamite Smith." supported by Wallace Beery, Jacqueline laqcnn and Hess if- Love, and Charles Chase in comedy. "All Wet" are being shown today nnd tomorrow at the Con cord Theatre. . "The Night Club," starring Raymond Griffith. Vera Reynolds, Wallace Beery I and Louise Fazenda is at the Star to day. I Vaccination Schedule Announced For Summer. ! Announcement was made this morning by the county health department of the schedule for the vaccination of typhoid nnd diphtheria during the summer. Tbe first date for this vaccination is set at July 13th and this will continue on un til August Btb. The county has been comparatively free of typhoid this summer and Dr. 8. E. Buchanan, the county health officer, is auxious talit it continue with as few • cases as possible. Hence he is urging tfie vaccination. Albemarle Road Likely Soon as Result of Decision. Salisbury Poot|“ The derision of the Supreme Court up holding the right of the county to lend money to the State highway commission will probably mean the letting of the pon t fact for the Wlbemarle-Salisbury high way withiu Ihepaear future. As fgr as i could be learned here this afternoon, {he Albemarle Salisbury highway is t((e qnly project iu Rowan county involved ip the deejstou rendered today. Qppaaltiqn af” Stone Mouq-jj Ceutralja. lydsh.. June 25.—The Sous of Veterans, meeting here ip the anuual , encampment for Washington aud Alaska «f the Grand Army of the Republic, to <{ay announced a stand against circula tion of half dollars to aid in creation- of 1 a memorial on Stone Mountain, Georgia, tp the Confederate force*. / A resolution was adopted deflaring ' that the enuse supported by the Confed- 1 crate soldiers “had for its result the mur- 1 tjer of teas of thousands of loyal men. ' the widowhood of their wiyes and the prpbaning of thejr children, the ilisabMpg ; ' qf tfns of thousands of other loyal men gnd the assassination of America's great est man. Abraham Lincoln.” The English Foiilhafl Association has 1 jotetl in favor of amending the rules nl tpwiug a player tp remain onside when two defenders are between him and the ! qpposing goal, instead as three, as uow. During a period of twenty-fire years i Sir Thomas Lipton has bsilt four “Hb»iu- - *°ck»” in an attempt to lift tbe American pup. The first, three were each beaten thrice, and “Shamrock IV.” ha* been ieatmi once. And Sir Thomas is stilt loping! /. The South Rostcu Yaehfciuk one of % most prominent yacl.ting mganiza tipus of New England, IwdiF* Vitfi pride l Jo| weather.' UPm * •a———A. ,• \;\ ,'\^:^_^lL____—J-_L. , Did You Say Silk Frocks? , Here They Are—At a Winning Price Have you had a new Silk Dress on your mind? \jfA Perhaps |h« only drawback Has been the price 1 UjjL You didn't know that you cpuld find a dress with L ffl B Ufjlji ere are; \y« want you to look them oyer. nvl WSm ' those little touches which T Y make Frocks just frtm different //»U If jT j Lace trimmed, or with plaits,! /Kwl H R 4 | 2 Bashes, etc. In the popular border Wp\jt llf Jyi prints ‘and in solid pastel colors. j Ste fa New aii m ■— mu n ,j I \’’Wtf^W!SM»iUUlii*SUiii| l ;Ki'iij!» l» I»LL "-LLLIJi" .1 BJJJ"I.'I_ ■■ IliJJßßgwgwMm MfWi i III! *g—miegggagg.'gi '*a*a.±'Vs*mv* i■»■»■>■ ."■ ,i|.;. AMERICA’S BEST REFRIGERATORS Good Refrigerators Mean Health Leonard Refrigerators stand for highest efficiency in retaining the purity of foods and preserving their freshness. By actual test it has been found its cpoling system of re frigeration maintains a lower temperature than any other and the system of circulation heeps the air always dry and sweet. The improved drainage system will not clog and the remarkably small quantity of ice consumed makes the prices lower than they* first seem. Come! See these wonderful refrigerators. Bell - Harris Furniture Co* ♦ ; | , 'Jf _ . Scotch Lassie Wants Permission to Ke miiijn l (sited States Permanently. •Washington. June 25.—8 y direction of Seiwtor SimropoK. frank A. Hamp ton. tils setfretary, conferred with Secre tary of State Kellogg. seeking to find #H>me way to permit Mias Margaret Tay ><>r- Riep* of James U. . Donald, of Moorcsville, to remain in the United States. Miss Taylor has been visiting her mule for the past year and a half, and since she came to America her home in Scotland h«m been broken up. The case of Mias Taylor is a rather noted ooe here. It lu ;- la.-cn considered i|y a full meeting of the senate com mittee on immigration in aij_ effort to »ja've- the difficulty. ' Miss Taylor eatnes Within no preference class. Several sen ators have taken much interest in trying' ft> solve her problem no that she may not have to return to Scotland and wait Qerhai* for years an an ordinary inftni fra|it to come to the United States for Hprmauept residence. . 'phe tjecretary of state w»id that he Would authorise, so far as he could, the. imatfictrd by fll statute, which gives * preference to certain classes, such as |W and da lighters, wives and hus [.Uanda, and fatkep a*d mothers of jcitiMMt States- In as ■ o .nai'iie.. "..I'i'ir •!i» 1 a! -5m tens and thousands of applications that it is thought will not be reached at all during the next fitted year.' Senator Simninna hopes thnt through the jwreounl ’ interview of Secretary Kellogg. Miss Taylor may be permanent ly admitted within the next fiscal year. The drastic immigration law works against friend as well as foe. * —'%?.■: , Onpe to Every Man. I was astonished to find myse’f cool. I motioqed my wife to u Si air. "Sit down,” I said evenly. “I hitve some thing to tell' you.” She eat there. ht;r hands folded in her lgp, looking up at me wonder. I reflected that she must sus pect something. I had been cwtieeji, un easy. for two or three days. " ;;V "I have g confession to make." I pent on- "I never thought I should have so tell you this. We’ve been married twelve ; years and nothing like this h(is ever • marred our happiness. It has happened to other people, hut not |o us. ’ She began to \vegp softly. I fe'.t like a dog. If I could have undone. . . . . I bat that was impossible. I had a hand on her trembling shoulder. * “I am soyry, dear. But oiie day Iflst i week a woman caipe into my ofjee. • ,* She shook my hand. “Op on '’ she choked. ' “I don’t know what it was abifut hat-” i I .continued with au effort, “f sue.p’t t try to excuse myself. . . . but tiefore I i knew whitt I was doing.. .. a V > : "Stop!” s"he cried despairingly. • “No; there is nothing gained by U•' ■ ■;•■*;•••■-(?»-•■ •*•>: --T-—•• .. . i ll' ‘'f'i l .i ' ngT""h' -vv _■ mmf • I had signed for a set of bonks; a hund red and ninety dollars.” '( —a —, ; The ancient Babylonians counted in terms of sixties. As the earliest astrol ogers weCe accustomed to this reckoning, the 00 figures was natlrally adapted in the euilifst methods of timekeeping. The “minute” stood for something vVry small or minute. When the minute was split Up it wns the -second split, hence our ‘•seconds.” . - -•Tie watej ia Frenchman's Bay. on Desert Island, off the ebaat of Maine, at midday of the day when one of the ma rine anneud worm breeds, becomes blood red due to the untold numbers of red eggs east into the bottom waters by the worm. The citiaeus «f Washington, Q. C,’ cannot vote because they are not citi xpns eff any state and tlie District erf Co lumbia is governed directly by the fed eral government, there being no elective offices. . „ TEETHING TIME - ; JL and hot weather am hard on, the little ones. At first aigp of trouble or W*-

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