■day, August 14, 1925 ■ j Some Thing# jjyfc “Won’t Wash” There are many fine fabrics which (/"XL*!®; V will not stand the ordeal of the wash- 1 / I • y /I tub. Some of the most desirable goods ( Jffh | A cannot be made shrink-proof nor can / /IfjJfm IV /ry\ some of the most attractive colors be '/I \fixed in the fabric so as to combat the ( These fabrics should be sent to us for 1 li Bobs Dry Cleaning Co. NGEB AGAIN TO HEAP PE FEDERATION LABOR ( • ■- 1 T, Sergeant At Arms, Chap- ! Re-Elected.—Vice Preddeiila ■ n. , t . lOii-Salem, Aug. 12—Election ts for the ensuing year, i of Salisbury us the place of next year, and adoption of )er of resolutions in which ihjfi' is partieulnVly interested. ! tftc closing missions today of rth Carolina Federation of vhich has been in session here past three days, tens of the Federation were [ratified at the work done by Beers during the past year and fd them. C. V. Bar ger, of OUR WAY ' BY WILLIAMS »- ■' . 11 * DonT~~'\ /fi-kjflw' ookcP\ —L OOONJtST GtO »M MO V DOLAJJH'a. IKI Amo. GO ORtNVdM )FF MUEW BouLOOGGiM’ PRrzE. money Boors off ouTOHiftEM \ DRE. BATtM I COMTtStS \ CuRIHVffIErLL VNKEN You LAKES. IN ‘ curlm‘v\ vaihr -them \ paw off a go-to bed yh' parks, =>pesv\ul\>/ I good -somoavl Few o' wore uj -them tmev got -Tmatoe J\ PANTS o' / GETS -es hotels A alugatohs ■ \ ENCOURAGEMENT* COMMITTEE I ' s lll#3§ SEES CuRVW OFF FOR TfeX AOSfius ■ V P?OOEO AT CVAICA&O. S-ts ■ • 'Ct«rt~«y «■* acavitx, iwcCL toiVrN POP ~ BY TAYLOR fcoOD MORNING vou SEE (( FINE IDEA-LD UkETO WALK * HR. TYTE • YOU'RE ) f I've BEEN WALKING ) l WITH VOL) FOR THE EXERCISE )\ MAKES ME ■ OUT EARLY J (•,T 0 WORK LATELY J [ BUT LM IN A HORRY SO I'LL < ( MIGHTY f 4 ' ■T: . X - r , ' jjj B ” TBATX FONNVI \ f IVE SOT A TYr A-T OSED TO SAVE SEVEN CENTS )fr \ , ) GODSON Profit From Inland Waterway. Washington, Aug. 13.— (A*) —Opera- tions of the Miesisssippi Warrior Transportation service for the five in'ont’iis ending May 31. 1923, netted the government's inland waterways corporation a profit of $180,!)67. as against a net loss of $23(11)30 for the same five months period in 1924. Mrs. Jay Blay and her three chil dren have renched Sioux City in a tramp from New York to California where the husband and fat'.ier has gone in search of work. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE ■■ ; DINNER STORIES j Any One of Whom. “You know Pester —the-chap who' was always telling the bright things t bis son did? Well, he was found shot j dead toflay—no clues.” “Good I.ord! I though he didn't have an enemy in the world!” “Maybe not—but he had lots of ( friends.” Not Dishonored. “So Casey pleaded not guilty to a charge of fightin’?” “He did not!” retored Mrs. Caspy proudly. “He pleaded not present.” Literal. Deacon White had been pacing the station platform for twenty minutes. Rather hot under the collar, he went back to the ticket window. “1 thought you said the noon local was on time today,” he roared at the station master’s youthful assistant. "Wal. she were,” replied the hit ter. “Went through here rig'.it on the dot, ’bout three minutes afore you come in an’ ast me.” The Thirst for Information. “This,” introduced the host at the summer boarding house, "is Captain - .Codd, who has just returned from a , visit to the Newfoundland Banks.” “As, yes,” said the young bond salesman, “and—er—how did you find the money situation up tSiere, Cap tain?” A Matter of Finance. “Why did Blithers quit writing poetry?” “He fell in love.” _ “But how strange that he should give up poetry writing of that!’’ “But how necessary that lie should take up bricklaying instead of poetry writing because of that 1” DARWINIAN DEVOTEE ACTS LIKE MONKEY AFTER ARREST Takes Four Husky Cops to Drag “Black Darrow” From Soap Box Rostrum T'ptcwn. Philadelphia Record. 12th. Expounding the theory of evolution last evening proved the undoing of John Nixon, colored. 20 years old, of No. 914 North Percy street. He was standing on the proverbial soap box in front of his home and was “laying down the theory" to a large group of awed listeners when Patrol man McCauley, of the Eight’s and Jefferson streets station happened by. Patrolman MeCauley decided that Nixon was disturbing the peace and started to arrest him. This proved quite a task and four more patrolmen were called into nctiton before the ex pounder was subdued and placed un der control. After being placed in a cell at tile statiten house. Nixon proceeded to give further evidence in sup;>ort of the evolution theory. Stripping him self to tbe waist, he began to climb the whflls of the cell and to “tell the world” he was a monkey.. The po lice summoned a physician who sent Nixon to the Philadelphia General Hospital for observation. A king crab caught off the coast of Japan measured 19 feet from tip to tip of its great claws. Our New Mechanically Refrig erated Autopolar Foun tain keeps ice cream in the most perfect condition.” With this new automatic refrigerating device, it is possible to hold tbe temperature to the zero mark if desired, ahd this insures all ice cream and drinks in the best of condition. Pearl Drug Co. On the Square Phone 22 oaooooooooooooooooooqooa I Let Your Next Battery j j Be An EXIDE !| Use Only the ! Best ' Stewart's Washington letter. BY' CHARLES P. STEWABT NEA Service Writer ,p , W7A SHIN GTON—The Demo crats' fight on the Republi cans’ tax reduction program next .winter won't be against re duction. but against the kind of reduction Secretary of the Treasury Mellon's kind—that It’s considered- certain the Republicans will advocate. It wouldn't do to oppose reduc tion. That’s bound to be popular with everybody. The party that fought it would be doing the worst thing imaginable for Itself. On the other hand, the Demo- ! crats figure it will be extremely • popular to oppose reduction of a sort that will benefit mainly very rich men and big corporations. 7* • » » \ rjIHAT Secretary Mellon wants Jt,' reduction to begin at the top ii.Xhis time there isn't any question He's outspoken about it. willing to let the small fry have a little of the gravy but ('AROHNA'TSc'’ f ’ S J ; Fifty-Eight tor Ctnt of'OUr People I >•‘ 7’ Live bn Farifes.' ’ ■ ' Obipel Hill. Aug. 12.—There are ’ ati present only two states in the Vmoo That have more farms under cultivation than North Carolina and, i only rtwo states have a larger farm pdputotion, according to an article in the Nfeivs I.etter, published weekly by. the 'ilbiver-ity of North Carolina. ’“ifi' spite of our great rapid urban growth in North Carolina.’! continues the article, "we arc still predoSni naiikly a rural ktate. We hear so much about the unprecedented growth of our towns and cities that we'are likely, to get the impression that the State has passed over into the urban gretup. “In only four slates of the I'nion is the farm population ratio higher th.au in North Carolina. We are 71 Iter cent rural, and f»8 per cent of our people actually live on farms. While half the states are losing fartps, and tlje .United StStes i» suffering a net bias of farm people. North Carolina is Increasing her farms 'and furirfj population at a rate that testifies!- that agriculture in our state is gen-! erally prosperous, and is a satisfying | method of making a living.” Discussing home ownership the ar ticle states that less than half of the people of North Carolina live in homes of their own. “Forty-three and one-half per cent of all farms in North Carolina are operated by ten ants, and 52.(1 per cent of homes, town anil country, are occupied by renters. Iti—farm tenancy ratios North Caro lina ranks fortieth among the states, while in the per cent of all homes ! occi*ied by owners, farm and others, 1 ?7 pates 'liiake a better showikg. ExcM't for our excessive farm tenant ratio North Carolina would rank 1 fairly well among the states in home ownership. "Between 1910 and 1920 there was an increase in the per cent of farms i i operated by tenants, but a general trend towards home ownership on the J ' part of non-farming elases. Although our farm tenants increased by more than'ten thousand, the per cent of all homes rented, farm and urban, de creased from 53 per cent to 52.6 per cent; the per cent of all homes owned free of encumbrance increased from 38.(i lo 39.3 per cent. The per cent of all owned homes owned free of en cumbrance increased from 82.2 to 82.!) per cent, in which respect North Carolina ranks best among the states of the Union. However, less than half of the people of flic state live in homes of their own. and 27 states make a better showing than North . Carolina,” , Lake Superior, the largest expanse of fresh water in the world, has an area of 31.800 square miles. : EVERETT true by condo 5 V t 11 11 ' r , “\ . cvts'Rer t, .. to mo i? r. ow is Soand-scj's SII3TH‘DAY’/ANCs THfcSoYS 41l CHvPPIMG Into ©uy HIMI a L2D• HerA-Dis.o cans. I <2AN tv(2 COUNT ON You Fo(R. A Pie.<2.e. oc= -'--Sri ~ SOUP- HeaPro cakws: « no, But a | ■ ■ WHY/ He/3 A YounS <2ocrp- Hei> I HAS He mak&s BecsM CRI?PL- cans, to p ah A'e-'-e l bodied ham il ' HOW 4BOUT A 30Ne-HeAl>C2"E> CSo,N»£ TH CHAP THAT up ho wants the ms? helping to go t* jH the eur-taxpayers. He was euchercct out of having | his way last year but it appears | to be generally agreed among the | Republican managers that he's to I have his turn at the next session jj of Congress—provided, of course, ;l they're able to give it to him. * • • ... j r"S no cinch that they ’will ; able tp@. T*ey probiWy, -cal l magage Jj, in, the j the TO tax * reduction will be talked about ehdlessly a at the next session of Con gress. but it's quite among' the possibilities that there’ll be no i actual reduction —that the* puzzle will be ldft fpr tbe *ef*H*ieth Con- " greaa to find the answer to. = ■; ■ =' ■iIAVfCNPOB'R RECEIVES >\f S ■-'< ANOTHER I.AR*HS «»FT k 5 t 1 ■ , J . -- ■■ <■ SuHf of 325 0001 Contributed U) the t College By Benjamin N. Duke, of r ■ New York. « Lenoir, Aug. 13. —This Week from President C. 1,, flonmday comes tlic d announcement that Davenport Col lege is the recipient of another ji munificent gift of $20,000. This sec- i ond addition td the endowment of I the college come* through the bene- j licence of lU'njamiu X- Duke, of i New York. Thus the endowment with 1 the s2s.f)dt) added last month by ! Mr. Duke increases tin 1 endowment , to S2H(UH)O, iind this will greatly J facilitate the good work being done j by this institution now entering the i seventh decade of service in the edu- ] rational field. > Honest Man (in street car) : “Has ! any one dropped a roll of hills with a rubber band around t hem?” 1 Chorus of voices: "Yes, I have.” ! Honest urn u: "Weil, here's the rub- - iter band.” i j r* j I- Thomas Gray and Sir AValtey £ tScott declined an offer of the English j | Poet Laureateship. Words also re- I . fused the post, but afterwards was j induced to 'change his mind. You can enjoy this JEWELRY V i i 1 The better sort of Jewelry, 1 which we offer for your choice 1 here, is the kind of jewelry you I can enjoy. It has the quality appeal you will like. ; STARNES-MILLER PARKER CO. You pay no more for a Hood—So why buy a lighter I weight tire? Very few tires have as many ply of cord as ; the Hood. Let us show you. ••• • * • : 11 Ritchie Hardware Cc YOUR HARDWARE STORE | DELCO LIGHT : I I Light Plants and Batteries : : ,' ’i | I . and SKallow WeHPumps for Direct or Alter- j j JiJn{iUf>7 current and Washi ng l '-sf Ac h ines for direct or altOfe * ! .oatiftg current. • R.H.OWEI% Agent | PhOT«^MSI Concord, N. C. g THF.NEWFAIJ. STETSON ! VANITY AND NO SAME HATS |j We are showing a full line in all the New Colors and j| latest shapes for Fall. j| Come in and look them over, you will be pleased with |j the Smart Styles and New Colors. ji The leading colors are Willow, Pearl, Cinder and Zinc. [RICHMOND -FLOWE CO. dine and Oils, Alemite { rank Case Service, Car I l Polishing. Tires, Tubes,. . Quick Tire Changing I l Water-WatefrFor ¥ckar| Battery .FILLING STATION Phone 700 1 PAGE SEVEN