PAGE EIGHT Minister Doesn’t Think Cole Will Receive “Vote of Thanks” WiruLor, Sopt. o.—ln his sermon ffinday in the Baptist church. Bev. tSarles C. Smith, the pastor, criticiz ed severely Secretary of State W. X. J?Wr<*tt fcr his statement that “North Carolina will offer Manufacturer W. Jfc. Cole a ‘vote of thanks* when the facts in the killing of William W. Or moTul are made known.'* ; “This tragedy,” said Mr. Smith, re ferring to the killing of Ormond, “is the most shocking that has occurred in North Carolina, as far as my recol lection goes, during the eighteen years that I have been in the State. On the face of things not only does it appear to be murder but most brutal assassi nation. When the ‘facts of thy kill ing* are made known Mr. Cole may not appear so brutal and so primitive as he is now regarded by those not in possession of the “facts of the killing.’ “I suppose that there are not many but who would like for a man who stood so high as did Mr. Cole to ap pear in some better light than now seems i>oss : ble. However, I can not conceive of any conditions or circum stances that would justify a seemingly high toned man to shoot from behind, and without warning, an unsuspecting youth. Certainly i am unable to con ceive of a man, holding the high posi tion of Secretary of State of Noiih Carolina, going so far as not only him self to condone this erme, but to say that when the facts of the killing arc kbown North Carolina will give the murdrrer a vote, of thanks! To justi oooooooooocooooooocxxx>ooooooooooocxxxxxxxxxxx>oooo i THE UNIVERSAL CAR 8 '| i The last time you had you car repaired, you left the ga- 8 X rage feeling that you were treated well or that all was not O ji| done for you that could have been. X V Whatever your experience might have been, there was 2 i[i exemplified a desire to be of service to you or a lack of it. O 1 1 1 Wherever there is a true desire of service, it is so evident 8 !| that you can not help but go away satisfied. x ![ In our service department, we have a rule that every X ji customer must be satisfied-—his work must be done right. 2 X We cheerfully guarantee all of our work. We have in- O ji[ stilled in our organization the strong desire to be of real X 'j> service to our Patrons, for that is a greater safeguard 8 X than a guarantee, o We Will Be Glad to Give You This Service. X REID MOTOR CO. ;|j CONCORD, N. C. | |WE KNOW WE KNOW FORDS 1 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 SOOOOOOCXXXXXJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOI ji It’s Time to Think of Fall Cleaning : jjj To fully appreciate our Cleaning and Correct press- 'I 1 iji ing is to give others the once over. !jj ]i| A phone call will bring our truck. jfi Telephone 420 | M. R. POUNDS Dry Cleaning Department X 4000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC ii THE SMARTEST I FALL APPAREL Fashion Points Approvingly | at These Dresses ]s | | A VARIETY THAT ASSURES 8 j j INDIVIDUALITY OF CHOICE O \ taking care to details that be- ]jj ! speak the better garment. Each Sc ; style is a charming example 8 i of a mode high in favor. Fab- X ! rics are excellent, emphasizing g $6.75 to $24.50 1 IT PAYS TO TRADE AT 8 FISHERY j CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET (Corrected Weekly by Cline & Moose) Figures named represent prices jf aid for produce on the market: Eggs .40 ■Corn 51.35 Sweet Potatoes 1.75 .'JSnifcsys - .25 to .30 Oniona $1.50 Pets $3.00 Country Ham .30 f.v crime is bad enough when attempt ed by thugs, highwaymen and booV! loggers, but when our Secretary of 1 State does so then those of us who are striving to create and strengthen senti ment for Inw-abidingness almost feel like saying. ‘What's the use?' “From intimate association with all classes of people in every section of the State. I can say that I am sure I that Mr. Everett does not represent any appreciable sentiment among North Carolinians, lit fact, whatever additional light on the motive of the crime that will later be given to the public 1 think that the Secretary of I State will find it a very difficult task to induce North Carolina to give this ‘vote of thanks.' The imputation that the State would do so should be deep ly resented by every citizen within its borders^ "I am ashamed that so high an of ficial of our State government felt ' himself called upon to make such a misleading statement. If he feels like ' seeking to induce North Carolina to extern! this vote to Mr. Cole let him step down and out of his high office ] and tnake his campaign as a private > citizen. It may be that all North , Carolinians do not feel as ashamed of - remark of the Secretary of State i as I do, but T believe that all who , read his statement do so feel. It would be a fine thing if he would re- . tract the statement and apologize. In . fact I hope That Mr. Everett was misquoted." i Country Shoulder .20 Country Sides .20 Young Chickens .25 Hens .lg Irish Potatoes $1.50 CONCORD COTTON MARKET WEDNESDAY, SEPT. *, 1925 Cotton 22 1-2 Cotton Seed .45 USB PENNY COLUMN—IT PAYS Concord Daily Tribune TIME OP CLOSING MAILS The time of the closing of mails at the Concord postoffice is as follows: Northbound '136—11:00 P. M. 36—10:00 A. M. 34 4:10 P. M. 38— 8:30 P. M. 30—11:00 P. M. Southbound 30— 0 :30 A. M. i 45 3 :30 P. M. 135 8:00 P. M. 29—11.00 P, M. LOCAL MENTION Cotton on tho local market today is quoted at 22 1-2 cents per pound. Police officers report that defend ants tried in poliee court here Mon day afternoon paid fines and costs totalling $147.30. Quite a number of defendants were tried, a $oO fine being the heaviest paid. No session of recorder’s court will be 'held this afternoon, police officers stated this morning. “Business with us has been quiet since a session of the court was held Monday,'* an of ficer stated, “and no cases are docket ed for trial during the afternoon.” Boys who wish to take part in the Inter-City Bicycle race which is to be held next Tuesday are asked to enter their names at once to members of the physical department of the Y. M. <\ A. The race is to be from Salisbury to Concord. Philadelphia finally broke its los ing streak in the American League, defeating Washington Tuesday. In the National League a one-hit game by I>azzy Vance was the outstanding feature of play for the day. Pittsburgh losing while New York was splitting two games with Breton. The management of the Concord Theatre announces the purchase of a new “Suulite** screen at the cost of SBIO, a late invention which elimi nates all eye strain and gives unusual ly clear profile, it is said. Leading theatres in the country are using this type, it is declared. dinners in the county who operate on Southern Power Co. power are asking that farmers having cotton which they want ginned remember that it is not possible to operate on Wednesdays and Thursdays for the present, owing to the shortage of wa ter. j Free garbage service for East Cor bin street was inaugurated this af ternoon. with similar service on other streets of the city to follow later. The schedule for the entire city will be adopted after tests have been made on several streets to determine the time required to serve each street. .Tubn It. Cox, of No. 2 township, who supervised the laying off of the high school campus, is engaged now in rebuilding the athletic grounds at the school. The baseball diamond will be made of regulation size and ■ the entire field enclosed with a ey- , clone fence, according to reports. There is little chance now for Char lotte to win the pennant in the South Atlantic League. The Hornets lost to Columbia Tuesday while Spartan burg was winning from Greenville, and the South Carolina team now has a two and a half game lead. The season ends this week. It is reported here that the condi tion of L. (). Winocoff. of Kannapo lis, who was hurt in an auto accident here Monday, continues to show im provement. Mr. Wineooff was hurt when his car plunged down a 25-foot fill near the Southern passenger sta tion here. Miss Sarah Louis Cline will leave today for Queens College to spend the remainder of the week attending the college opening and visiting friends. Miss Cline is planning to go to Char lotte one day each week the follow ing college term to continue her i;rt course. She will take post-graduate work, specializing in portrait painting. Concord had another rain Tuesday afternoon, the fall being heavier than the one on Monday. The rain was accompanied by some lightning, which seemed to clear the atmosphere. Dur ing the early night temperatures dropped many degrees and almost per fect sleeping weather was given the city as a result of the change. Rain fell in the city of Concord Tuesday afternoon amounting to .4 of an inch, it was reported this morn ing. It was purely a local shower, however, and did not effect the water supply in Cold Water Creek, the flow remaining practically the same as it wps Tuesday morning when the water restrictions were lifted. M. B. Sherrin, Van Walter. E. E. Barrier and Jeter McDonald have re turned from Fayetteville, where they attended the American Legion con vention. At an afternoon session of the convention Tuesday HJenry I>. Stevens, Jr., of Warsaw, was elected commander of the North Carolina department, defeating Col. John Hall i Manning and Capt. I. R. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Lafferty and | children have returned to their home i here from their summer home in No. i 10 township. Mr. Lafferty and fam | ily moved to their summer home just , after the closing of the schools it* i May and they returned this week to J their home here so their children I could resume f work in the schools 1 here. According to a deed filed Tuesday the Concord Bonded Warehouse and i Realty Co. has sold to Mrs. J. D. i Kelley property in the county for ; $302. Another deed filed Tuesday [ records the sale of property in Ward ) Two by A. F. Harteell, commissioner, to R. B. Rankin and P. M. Lafferty for $4,750, this property being part of the Dr. D. G. Caldwell estate. ; takes seven thousand five hun ► dred of the copper and xinc coins •, used by the Chinese in Hong Kong \ to equal fife dollars la value. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE CROSSWORD PUZZLE ft \z Is "l U 15 IS H 6 t? is mp 20 yp— ZS~ ™ 30 35 HT36 ■■ K 4Z ■pTßp- ■p*- 4T 49 51 52 BBSS 54 IBBST pH?B HP" W 62~ 63 ““ |HB6S 66 67 69j~|70 It’s (he little rtiings that count.; You'll find out that the small words in this puzzle are real brain-testers. HORIZONTAL 1 Opposite to wholesalers. 7 Speech. 13 Silk worm. 14 Fowl. 16 Squirrell food. 17 Orange red vegetable. 11) More famous. 21 To hasten. 22 Cavity. 24 Common Hawaiian food. 25 Frosted. 27 Challenges. 29 Whitish gray. 31 Tanner's vessel. 32 Ransoms, 34 Digit of the foot. 35 Deitv. 36 Son. 37 Wing part of a seed. 39 Alleged force producing hypno tism. 40 Rented by contract. 41 Stowed away. 42 Yon and I. 43 To fondle. 45 Evening meal. 40 Melancholy note in scale. 48 Sen eagle. • 50 Sofas. 53 Witticism. 54 Toward sea, 50 More bruised. 57 Obstructs. 58 Mineral spring. 00 Friend. 01 To damage. 02 Comes in. 05 Argument. 07 Sheltered. 68 Wooers. 71 Drone bee. 72 Snake. 73 Order (pi.). Florida Boom Reflected ill Postof fioc Receipts. Washington. Sept. B.—The Florida land boom was. reflected in postal receipts of 50 industrial cities re porting to tile postoffice department today. While the average gain for the half-hundred offices considered was 8.92 per cent, that of Tampa was 51.59. Tampa made the biggest jump, with Madison, Wis., next with a Get Rid of Your Old Cook t Stove or Old Gas Range SIO.OO for your old Coal, Wood, Oil or Gas Stove The $lO to apply on the purchase price of any Gas Range in our big stock. i $5.00 Down-12 Months to Pay Balance : Concord & Kannapolis Gas Co. : vertical 1 Tn come into possession of. 2 Eon. 3 A leash for hawks. 4 To press. 5* Quantity. i 6 Therefore. 7 Preposition of place. 8 Lair of a lion. 9 To let fall. 10 To enroll in the army. 11 To woo. !12 Wandered. !15 Curls. 18 Fish. 20 Feather scarf, 22 Tablet. 23 Tiny golf mound. 20 Visitors. 27 Erases. 28 To have a slight superficial knowledge of. 30 Young rowdy. 32 American beauties (flower). 33 Klack haws. 36 Fluid of a tree. 38 Constellation. 42 Small mammals allied lo the mink. 44 Narrow. 47 Replies. 49 Animal that nests. 51 Peak. 52 Slim slippery fish, 53 Pageantry. 55 To mimic. 57 A gentle blow. 59 Bottom of a pulley block. 01 A disorder. 03 Born. 04 Sol. 05 Opposite of wet. 60 Male cat. 09 Neuter pronoun. 70 Bone. (Copyright, 1925, NEA Service, Inc.) • 31.82 per cent increase. Other Florida cities, it was found in a survey, made substantial gains, some of them outstripping Tampa. Charlotte, the only North Carolina city included, made a gain of 4.13 per oen over the 1924. The gain for 1924 over 1923 was 15.39 per cent. A man in England, twice niarreid, has just celebrated his second sil ver wedding. Let us come and pick it up and take it off your hands at a good allowance. You select the new gas range you want and we’ll deliver and con nect it—all ready to use. A fine, new, shining, clean range for a nice kitchen. This is your chance to start new in the kitchen, with the efficient gas range you’ve long been wanting. Just tell us to come and get it. Select your new range NOW. /WnTOM (13)sia\s V^SAYS Ullnois woman judge held court in her home. That's where they ] u sually lay down the law. Wall Street broker Is broke. Lost j about a million. One who fishes is i liable to lose his bait. Many an apple grower is looking i forward to a pleasant winter be- 1 cause his ciffer is working for him. | They say it took millions of years ] to make us what we are and still wa j don't appreciate it. i The trouble with most Inventions , to end wars is they start wars. The family skeleton looks batter In i a closet than In a bathing suit. 1 (Copyright. 19ZS, NEA Service, Inc.f | ;!; SCHOOL SUPPLIES jlj ! !|i Palmer Tablets iji j |j| Ink Tablets ]!| Pencil Tablets ]i| i i]i Pencils. !j[ Pen Points ]ij Fountain Pens ]i| i (j' Composition books. 'I 1 . !]! Ink. ij! ( Cline’s Pharmacy ]! | Phone 333 j! ! j!j 10 PER CENT, j; DISCOUNT !|j j iJ t On all orders for engraved !I! ] 1 1 1 Christmas Cards placed during 1 1 i ]l l the month of September. We 1 1 ( ( iji represent one of the best en- jI, ] jlj gravers in the country. Come iji ,1, in and make your selection ear- V iji iy while stock is fresii and com- 1 jlj S. W. Preslar ij: ijj JEWELER jjj llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliil D’ORSAYS PERFUMES Chevalier Mucjuet Charmc Toujours Fidele Jasmin. Gibson Drug Store The Rexall Store lIIIIIIIIIIIIIII[IIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII The Early Bird * Vl Finds Earlier Birds ™ _ at Hoover’s TB jnKMWW) So main- men are coming ear /1h • to avo 'd the rush that there has been a rush to see the new UyljJU Fall Suits ever since they ar- In other words the early bird has got to get up before breakfast to have the field to himself. As soon as 8 A. M. these Schloss Fall Suits are displayed to men who were up at T and in dozens of cases we are selling in September new suits to men who usually wait until Thanksgiving. Set your alarm for tomorrow— We’re all set for you today. ilI SCHLOSS NEW FALL SUITS 525.00 to $45.00 If ATift HOOVER’S,Inc. jgg “THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE” k«SSB3 000000000000000000000000400000000000000000000000 I COAL The Right Coal For the Right Purpose A. B. POUNDS jl PHONE 244 OR 279 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ■ ■—- M ... 11. .IJTI Keeping Up With the Neighbors When you feel yourself to be the equal or superior of | another person, you do not follow his mistakes. If your jj neighbors spend all that they earn, don’t try to keep up j with them. Extravagance does not advertise the man j who has money in the bank and property in his name. Thrift and a bank account will some day make you happier than your neighbors. | CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK i * Capital $400,000.00 Resources Over $3,000,000.00 ' "■■II —i mam *i w*** g r reasT-n TOggg'eggp-w iwfimal Make Your Summer Free From Ice Worry Install Kelvinator electric refrigeration in your refrigerator and you can forget all about ice deliv» cry this summer. Kelvinator will keep your refrigerator much colder and your foods much better and longer. When you go visiting it will stay cold while you are gone; Kelvinator requires no time or attention and ie trouble free. It usually costs less to operate Kelvi nator than to buy ice. Phone or call tor detaih. Yorke & Wadsworth Co. Kelvinator :l i Tha Oldaat Domtitlc Electric R.f rig.r.tioa I I i Lll Wednesday, Sept. 9,192 f