PAGE EIGHT IBpjgTrtxi: tt: ij !:. 1 nf.i.t-Li t) trrrrtm.rr;ii.^ Incomplete Bed, Mattress and Springs S Two-inch po«t bed. with large filler*. Fini-bed Walnut. Mahogany. .. to Ivory cr White. All steel bed with double lock*-. very strong and - j 9 rigid, l.arge metal pasters that never fail to work. S J'x *r:t Heavy National Spring, reinforced on sides to prevent sagging. R lacks made on springs. No rails or slat* necessary. S Forty-five pound cotton matt res. made of all now material. Fancy H W tick, in blue or p nk. H 3 H if The above outfit i* guaranteed ami we will replace any piece that H J-* fails to give goes! service. !Xew Goods arriving daily, t'ome in and look them over. No obli- *{ gaticn to buy. ij Concord Furniture Col fs THE RKLIABIsE FURNITURE STORE Vi L s OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXXXXXJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO —:: —Eat —:: — ||| JOHNSON’S PURE PORK j! UVER MUSH ijl |j; IT IS DELIVERED FRESH EVERY DAY TO jij YOUR GROCER ij l Price Only 20 Cents a Pound *.i. v. L-;-t-{-,b.'l-Ei, 1 Lit am n tt-SU? I GAS OIL TIRES and TUBES And the Prices Are Right Standard and Sinclair Gasoline and Motor Oil Goodyear and Lancaster Tires and I Tubes Free Air! Free Water! Free Service! 1 Yorke & Wadoworth Co. j The Old Reliable Hardware Store I Union and Church Streets Phone 30 Phone 3C j xmoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooc Ijj Women’s Cloth Coats Luxurious With the Furs That Embellish Them jij )(T-JyT& These Coats adhere to the simple in |'i !; -tM style, with the most skilful attention giv- Ijl ‘l \ nf en t 0 line - They are of the richer fabrics ]l| reserved for fashioning the finer modes. Hi; Every detail is in perfect harmony, each '!' I garment having that very desirable sea- ]!| LmsßL ture —distinction. At Special Prices lji ¥ $16.95 TO $39.50 jji IT PAYS TO TRADE AT ) FISHER’S n) Concord Daily Tribune I TIME OF CLOSING MAILS 4 j _____ 4 ■ The time of the closing of mails at -f 1 the Concord postoffice is as follows: Northbound 4 ; P. M. ! A. M. i S 3— 4:10 P. M. -I I 3s 8:30 P. M. j 30—11.00 P. M. 4; , Southbound 41 30— 9:30 A. M. ; 45 3:30 P.M. ij! 185— 8:00 P. M. 41 23—11:00 P. M. j LOCAL MENTION j Members of the l<x*al W. C. T. U. I ! are asked to meet at Central Metho 1j dint Church tomorrow afternoon at 3 f o'clock. i Members of the Woman's Auxiliary •f of the First Presbyterian Church are J asked to attend a business meeting j to be held Monday afternoon at 3:30 ? o'clock iu the church parlor. Ij Three persons tr : ed in police court ! Friday paid fines totalling $17.80. |; Two of the defendants were charged | with speeding and the other with be |j ing intoxicated. jj An interesting program has been f! prepared for the Sat unlay night j j movie at the Y. M. C. A. tonight. In I! addition to the regular movie, several j) contents will be held. |i According to a deed tiled here Fri j day A. 1.. Brown and R. AY. Dur \' ham have sold to S. S. McCoy for f; $125 property in ('lineheart. a sub- I'urb of Kannapolis. I! R. 1\ Benson, who has been under* ! going treatment at the Concord Hos [j pttal. returned to his home on Spring {[street Friday afternoon. He made the I { trip home in good shape and oontin- I I ued improvement is rejwrted : n his | j condition today. f It. 1.. Spry, arrested in Winston ri on a liquor charge, was iried here “ j Friday. For having liquor for sale ] he was sentenced to serve (10 days in ) i jail. I'Opias not to issue on good be- M havior. He was given until Monday ! afternoon to raise his fine money, j State College opened its football (‘season Friday with a 20 to 0 victory | over Richmond University. At the i; same time Elon was holding Kiug i College to G points. The State team | showed flashes of real power, although i all of the scoring was done in the 1 1 first and last quarter* 1 Information coming in from ginuers < in the county show that ginning up to date : s far ahead of what it was , last year. According so (J. W. Lpe. , the number of bales ginned prior to ( September IG. 1025 was 1738 while | up to the same date last year (1024). i only 370 bales wert ginned. * Friday was n very busy day at the . local cotton platform. Cotton raisers began bringing in their cotton early i in the morning and they were still at it late in the afternoon and early |in the evening. Quite a bit of ttie j cotton sold here Friday was from I Stanly county, it was reported. | Persons who will have rooms they i can rent during fair week to take I care of out-of-town visitors are ask ed to notify I)r. T. N. Spencer, who will make a record of them so he can j advise the visitors. With no hotel facilities now a number of rooms will be needed and the co-operation of ev | eryoue is asked. ! One .of the heaviest rains in re- I cent months fell in Concord during I the night. The downfall continued I for some time and everything has a | greener look this morning as a re | suit of the rain. Reports reaching I this city today indicate that the rain | was fairly general throughout the I county. I The Wake Forest-Cnrolina and | Davidson-Wofford football games are I (attracting the football fans of the [I State today. The former probably I will go a long way toward deciding I the State championship and for that | j reason is creating the greater iuter- I est. Concord is well represented at [ each game. I Charlotte Observer: Mr. and Mrs. Roes Cannon and family, who had re turned to their hime in York. S. C-, after spending the summer at their home in Blowing Hock, returned to “The Rock” recently to spend some time on account of the heat. Mre. Cannon’s mother, Mre. S. J. Lowe, i and the latter’s little grandson, ; David Lowe, have been spending the j summer with Mr. and Mrs. Can l non and are expected 'to return home | j next week. j s j i Chicago’s Finest t % Her* to Horry a. Fulmer, recently ctooeen aa the finest policemen of all Ike lelgon of cope In Chicago. He 1 . has been in the service U yiMfc THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE -'-'-2-2—2 1-’— ! 1 . LJ ' ~ JT-ftr- DR. M. ttoWUW OSTEOPATHIC Physician Suite 403 Cabarrus Savings Bank Building “Osteopathy treats aay illness for which people consult a doctor.” Phone: Office 914; Res. 557 ; Our New Mechanically Refrig erated Autopolar Foun tain keeps ice cream in the most perfect condition. With this new automatic refrigerating device, it is possible to hold the temperature to the zero mark if desired, ar.d this insures all ice cream and drinks in the best of condition. Pearl Drug Co. On the Square Phone 22 000000000000000000000000 110 PER CENT. 5 DISCOUNT 8 On all orders for engraved X Christmas Cards placed during X the month of September. We V represent one of the best en- X gravers in the country. Come X in and mak • your selection ear- 2 ly while stock is fresh and com- X S. W. Preslar | JEWELER ' | j!| SAN-TOX j!j TOOTH BRUSHES Ijl iji A Guaranteed Tooth [ jij Brush. | ij! See the big tooth brush j ; iji in our window. Cline’s j Pharmacy *j[j ;![ Phone 333 ! ! 000000000000000000000000 ; My Diary j jj \jjoxAivcfct y, ; All (kvpfiubtpbici puiwjft vriuamnoMie JLUAOTt' Ruth-Kesler Shoe Store CONCORD COTTON MARKET SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2«, 1926 Cotton , ,4 .23 Cotton Seed _—63 1-2 CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET (Corrected Weekly by Clin# It Moose) Figures named represent prices paid for produce on the market: Eggs .40 Corn 11-351 Sweet Potatoes 1.75 Turkeys .25 to .30 Onions —.— 11.50 Peas $3.00 Butter - ...... .30 Country Ham .BO Country Shoulder .20 Country Sides 420 Young Chickens .26 Hens A* Irish Potatoes $1 JO Difference. “Do material things attect your hu-band's work?” asked the neigh bor. "Yes,” replied the ininister’s wife. “When we are invited out to dinner his sermon to lilkely to be consider ably shorter.” . BLUEFIELD MOTOR PARTY IN CONCORD (Continued from Page One) tet. Address: "The Old North State"— Dr. Howard E. Rondthaler. Closing Remarks—Toastmaster. Several very entertaining musical numbers were presented by the per sonnel of the Bluefield delegation. In the addresses of the evening, the wonders of West Virginia were pointed out; its great resources in coal, its great undeveloped resources in agriculture and its remarkable cli mate. Speakers showed that 30 years ago. the place where Bluefield now stands consisted of two farms, where today ground sells for SISOO per front, foot. They also pointed out. in regard to the Lakes-to-Florida Highway, j that the worst strip in the entire: length of the road, that immediately' adjoining Bluefield, was now under contract and that the part of the road i in Bland county would soon be open ed for contract, making a modern' thoroughfare throughout the entire' length. > j Many of the visitors who made ad-1 dresses in Salisbury commented on the North Carolina roads, declaring that they wore among the most im pressive features of the trip. Tlip churches and the schools in the state were also complimented. ; The principal address of the eve-' ning was made by Dr. Howard E. | Rondthaler, of Winston, who declar-' isi that North Carolina* success was due to two geographical facts. The first was that in the 503 miles from one end to the other, every climate from the Gulf to Canada was exhib ited in epitome. The other fact was that the invis ible bar of sand on the coast of the state had given North Carolina a dif ferent philosophy and had kept the state free from the domineering in fluence of any large city. The mira cle of the whole thing was. he said, that the "Rip Vau Winkle state” was not only now fifth in agriculture but it now led the South and South west in manufacturing, and had doDe so without destroying the preponder ance of rural population. This was accomplished through the development of hydro-electric power in the state, he declared. Dr. Rondthaler’s address, delivered ; n his picturesque and original style and with his humorous remarks, was the feature of the evening. IT ALWAYS PAYS TO USE THE TRIBUNE PENNY ADS. TRY IT. I Made in Carolinas Exposition, Char- j: lotte, N. C., Sept. 21-Oct 3,1925 SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM j Announces reduced fares for this occasion from the following terri- ij i North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, including Washington, D. y C., Eastern Tennessee, also from Atlanta and all stations in Georgia iji and east thereof, including Augusta. ' jlj I Tickets on sale Sept. 20th to October 3, 1925, inclusive. Final limit ' \ all tickets good to reach original starting point prior to midnight Oc- i j ! , tober 5, 1925. JIJ I The Made in Carolinas Exposition is bigger and better than ever ' 1 before. Wonderful program has been arranged for this show this year. 11! ( For detailed information call on any Southern Railway agent or ad- ]j[ | i. R. H. GRAHAM, lj| i i Division Passenger Agent, j i; j [ Charlotte, N. C. j11 I BE PREPARED FOR THESE COLD SNAPS || Buy a Ton of Our Clean Hand Picked Coal Cline & Mabery Coal Co. PHONE 799 Yes We Have That Famous JELLICO COAL aOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOfaOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoo 1 I FREE VOTING COUPON S; j' in The Tribune and Times “Everybody \Vins” Grand Prise Campaign 1 i | GOOD FOR 100 VOTES U I hereby east 100 FREE VOTES to the credit of— U This coupon, neatly clipped out, name and address of the candidate |j rj filled in, and mailed or delivered to the Election Department of The W fl Tribune and Times, Room 200 Cabarrus Bank Bldg., or P. O. Box ‘j M *3l, will count as 100 FREE VOTES. It does not cost anything to jjj Hj east these coupons for your favorite candidate, and yoa are not re- jj I M itrie ted in any eenae In voting them. Get all you can and send them In (9 —they all count Do not roll or fold. Deliver in flat packages. NOTE '* M —This coupon most be voted on or before SEPTEMBER Mtk. -J. tw KimiiitfiUtt' flrafstifcil ft ti #Hi3'U , il3>l‘Jl '- ir, 'I *, UL Say It is too rough. Why not <orm i .work?Jlt u too, tough/ Somebody m!la * always* getting] | something/ iYour~k>t'could be worseTSuppose! \ bu were a boy back In „ school, j gain wearing new shoes?, I IWomen are so fickle. In Chicago; j I ne wants a divorce after being i led only 45 years. ! ■' „ I jThe hunting season has started. , St’s a wise cow who stays near the i I iTWaiT r—— N I Nothing"* looks better or feels ] f orse than a new fall hat. j [Copyright, 1925, NBA Service, Inc.) ] Nation of Old Maids Feared By This ' Writer- Editor New York Mirror: It is be- i coming more difficult for young men 1 to get. suitable employment nowadays ] • when a great number of girls and i j women get positions which should be | i occupied by men. These positions are j given to girls not because they are i capable, but because they work for lower salaries than the average man. ' The employer then is willing to take n chance with their mistakes because it reduces his weekly payroll. Aside I from the fact that positions are be- j coming more scarce for the young , man, the average girl who has a I position does not want to get mar- j ried while she in able tb earn money ] for herself. If such conditions re-, i main, in a few years we shall be- j como an effeminate nation with ( crabbed, selfish old maids and dis- i contented young men. RALPH H. PETERSON. Watching Him. “So when the 'ship was sinking. , Mrs. Green declared she was going to i stay by her husband's side?’’ "Yes. She thought it' would be just his luck to bo shipwrecked «u some island with a beautiful girl ” A statute of Lafayette in New York bears the inscription. "As soon as 1 beard of America's independence, my heart was enlisted.” CAN YOU READ -i-f W CHINESE? 1 8 /P Os course notl . jrTf S° we ’U g‘ v e you the old g Chinese proverb in Eng- 8 thousand words” We cannot convey in type these new Schloss Fall j models even with Daniel o , Webster at our elbow— So—we 11 cut short on words and ask you to take one long look. The Schloss Fall Suits are Here—s2s to S4O HOOVER’S, he. H “THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE” ‘ j OOOOG9O O°OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO4OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOa Fcoall The Right Coal For the Right Purpose A. B. POUNDS g PHONE 244 OR 279 OOOUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOf i .crt ■i. 11.. ■..) . i.i: . 1.1 iou^ PRODUCING RESULTS By assembling the funds of many individuals and put ting these funds at work earning interest in various ways, it is possible for a bank to help the community and achieve results for its depositors. This process of earning interest starts the coming month. If you have no Special Interest Account, open one now and enjoy the advantages of accumulating mon- CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK Capital $400,000.00 Resources Qver $3,000,000.00 Q MI I ii ll ii QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOQ I X PANCY DRY GOODS WOMEN’S WEAR j T-tt !TTi"l'Tf" ! T I'l 1 19 I'T-TTTTTTt j GOOD FOR 20,000 EXTRA VOTES S FIRST SUBSCRIPTION COUPON Accompanied by the nomination blank, and your first subscription | this coupon will start you in the race for the magnificent Tribune and 9 Times gifts with a grand total of more than 35.000 voteß. This cou- H pon may be used only once and is valid only when accompanied by n jjj subscription remittance. Name of Subscriber jjj Contestant’s Name _ 9 1 Amount Enclosed _ Ml This coupon will count 20,000 free votes when returned to the Cam- f* paign Manager, together with the first subscription you obtain. It » must be accompanied by the cash, and the subscription must be for a ' period of one year or longer. The 20,000 free votes are IN' ADDITION : to the number given on the subscription as per the regular vote schedule. 1 NOMINATION COUPON | Nomination Blank in The Tribune and T : mes “Everybody Wins” |§ Campaign jj I hereby enter and cast 5,000 votes for 9 M ... J,.| Address . i U As a candidate In The Tribune and Timea "Everybody Wina” Prise / |j| Distribution. ( j V |jj NOTE—Only one nomination blank accepted for each candidate nom i.i ,1 ii. I r.i ; mill dill dll ii 'll ItS -l d_l J llilgllj 1~11 11l I i f Ell l 1 i U fl-| Saturday, Sept. 26., 1925

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