PAGE SIX CLEAN UP SALE 1 One-Fourth Off on All Heaters I ■ Buck’s Parlor Furnace, Buck's Circulating Heaters, | If Buck’s Hot Blast Heaters. Also one Radio Heater. We have just a few of these on hand, but rather than {;: | carry them over to another season, we have decided to E 1 close them out at one-fourth off. L I We have a few Wood Heaters going at $1.45, $1.95 | H and $2.45. No charge for installing. I CONCORD FURNITURE CO. | 111 craven & sons! PHONE 74 roAi % limbJ Mortar Colors OSMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCr I \ OPPOSITE NEW HOTEL i BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN ! SORRY Better Equip Your Car With Those Famous All Weather Tread Good year Tires They Make You Safer in Any Kind of Weather —Rain, Snow or Sleet lYorke & Wadsworth Co. THE OLD RELIABLE HARDWARE STORE 1 ■» ——■» 1 I Concord Daily Tribune 1 TIME OF CLOSING MAILS Tee time of the closing of mails si ■» the Concord postoffice is as follows: Northbound 1 136—41:00 P. M. 1 A. M. si 34 4:10 P. M. 3 38— 8:30 P. M. | 30—11:00 P. M. Southbound 39 8 :30 A. M. 4 45 3 :80 P. M. | 135 S :00 P. M. * 29—11:00 P. M. ___ e=== ___ 3 | LOCAL MENTION | 4 Scott Frieze, manager of Gibson ’! Drue Co., is confined to his home 4 cn Spring street on account of an at- L rack of grippe. Mrs. .7. C. Fink, who is seriously ill t at the Concord Hospital, is reported as being slightly better this morning. Her condition remains critical. The weekly meeting of .the Con cord Kiwanis Club was held at the - Y. M. C. A. at 12:30 today. The jj program proved one of the most in* | teresting of recent months. i At the Community Meeting at Har " risburg Thursday night. Miss Lor -1 mine Blanks and Miss Mary Virginia s Query, of this city, pupils of Miss' 1 Dolma Hersperger, recited before the I members of the club present. Tlie | program rendered proved to be a very 5 enjoyable one. | The next meeting of the Stonewall * Circle of King's Daughters will be at ■ the home of Mrs. Guy Beaver on | Georgia Avenue. The visiting coin - - mittee for tliis month is as follows: I Mrs. J, E. Davis. Miss Adeline Morri ll son, Mrs. Toyory, Mrs. Ira Tow and ■ Mrs. ]{. M. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Dayvault will arrive tonight from Glen Flora. Texas, to spend several weeks here visiting relatives. Mr. Dayvault is a i brother of Messrs. A. S., .1. F.. and ■ A. .T. Dayvault. of Concord. They will “j also visit relatives in other parts of a the State before returning home. - Register of Deeds Elliott has-not . issued a marriage license since Janu ary Ist. “It is seldom,” Mr. Elliott j stated, “that an entire week passes in which no licenses are issued. It l seems that all of the Cabarrus people 1 who wanted to get married secured l their licenses during Christmas week.” I Four cases are to be tried in re l eorder's court this afternoon, police of j ficers stated this morning. One de l fendant is charged with an affray. I one with larceny, one with passing a worthless check and one with abnn i domnent. Judge Palmer. Thursday j night appointed recorder, will preside l at today's session of the court. Tiie Kannapolis wrestling team leaves Saturday for Raleigh where it ( will engaged in a meet with the State ! College team. This is the first-time - these two teams have ever met and the odds on this occasion are slightly “ in favor of the collegians. The Kttn , napolis team, however, is strong and ' may win from the Wolfpaok mntmen. r A road scrlper was put in use on J the city streets this morning in an g effort to remove the snow and sleet Jj which made traffic difficultie on the S main thoroughfares. Although it it worked steadily throughout the morn- D ing, only a part of the accumulation * was pushed to the side of the street. 5 The middle of the street was smothed. 6 however. ® The Christmas tree :n the Y. M. m C. A. yard was blown down by the heavy wind which accompanied the first flurry of snow Thursday night. Tie tree, a tall cedar, had been plaeed 8 in the “Y” yard during the early | part of the holidays and was so realis- I tic in its appearance that it was to j be left during the winter. The lights j had already been removed. I It is believed that the snow and I sleet will help the water situation I throughout the county. In some I sections of Cabarrus springs and wells j are still dry as a result of the summer | drought and it is believed they will j be benefitted when the snow and sleet | begin melting. The snow and sleet s are expected to aid the water supply jj throughout the western part of the i! state. ii Naomi Byers, negress, is to be tried | in recorder's effourt today charged i with the larceny of a ring from the - home where she stays. It is reported J here that Sheriff Caldwell wants the i woman when city officers ,have finished f with her, the sheriff having received j a warrant for her arrest from a west s ern North Carolina town, it being S charged that she stole a ring in that I cify. 3 Albemarle Press: Albemarle's fire i loss during the mist year was very low. jj, This is mostly' due to the very effi cient work of Fire Chief Miller and I his corps of workers. Albemarle had | 36 fires during 1825 with a loss of | only $3,441. Fifteen of these fires | were miuor ones and did very little | damage. This is a big decrease over the* previous year and Albemarle should feel very proud of this record. Salisbury Post: Federal Prohibition Officer DeMarcus. who, with other dry sleuths, was making a visit along the banks of the Yadkin River, near Buz zard's Island, in the extreme eastern section of Rowan county, reports see ing a flock of a dozen or more mild geese on the river. These prize fowls of the air were flushed when the dry B officer made a trip through a thicket 'to the river bank and they parked themselves on the water some distance away. During the year ju»t closed the enormous total of 600,000 school children in New York city took part in athletic competitions under the direction of the Public School Athletic League. Among working women teachers are said to be the best savers, ossTiJp-sss; jj “““ ■ THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE ‘I WANT HIM BACK MIGHTY BAD’—WIFE ( Consort Changed Attitude on Hear ing Denial of, Charges. Charlotte. Jail. 7.—“1 want him back mighty bad.” That revelation of sentiment "to ward her supposedly errant husband was made on the witness stand in Mecklenburg County Stinerior Court by Mrs. C. H. Fuller. Her husband was charge! with abandonment and non support. Fuller was 'brought back from Asheville to Charlotte to stand trial on the charge which had been pre sented against Fuller by his wife and ! by hin mother-in-law. | Mrs. Fuller said on the stand late Tuesday that her mother largely had been the inspiration for the charges that she acquiesced in them when i her husband failed to return after ‘ several days of absence. His absence ■ had been explained to her. she said, ns due to bis running away with an other woman. When she found there was apparently no convincing proof of this, her ' attitude changed and • .Solicitor Carpenter saw lie had a witness for the defense rather than . for the State before he asked maily . questions of the young wife. She was , in the courtroom most of the day . Tuesday with her two small children, who kept running around the bur and required Deputy Sheriff Warner • and other court officials to he on the - olert to keep them from disturbing i the court. ' “I am not going to let this case ‘ go to the jury, Mr. Solicitor,” said ■ Judge Harding. “I would not ask Your Honor to do so.” smiled Ml Carpenter. "I . guess his place is back home with his family.” The two children ran around the 1 end of the table where attorneys and ' principals of the court arc accustom ed to sit and climbed upon the lap ' of the young father while the mother 1 was on the witness stand, having be come an eager witness for fendant. Tie.v tousled his hair and went through his vest pockets while ! the mother gave her testimony. C. IV. Bundy was attorney for Fuller. Prisoner Walks Away While Deputy Is Locking His Cell. Asheville, Jan. 7.—Asheville has had some sensational jail deliveries and some less sensational but . never before in the history of the county police, it is believed, has there been such an easy- get away made as that by Fred Winfreld. son of a well known Haywood county business man here today. Brought to the door of the jail, he walked off while the deputy who captured him was un locking the door. No trace of the young man has been found. M mfreld is charged wtli seduction and kidnapping in Haywood county, and was brought here for safe keep ing. It is alleged that he induced Mary Best, of Canton, to accomiiany 1 him to a sninll hunting camp at the foot of M-t. Pisgah recently and had been living with her there. He was apprehended when taking a load of provision to the lodge, which he would have found empty had the cat of the officers not blocked his path as his companion had already beet! placed in custody charged with a statutory offense. C. Vance Henkel, Prominent States ville Resident. Dies. Statesville, Jan. B.—C. Vance Henkel, pioneer developer of Blowing Rock Mountain resort, builder of the new Vance hotel here and one of the leading business men of the com munity, died suddenly early this morniug following a period of ill health. He was 60 years of age. WHAT SKINNY MEN OUGHT TO KNOW j You probably kiuiw that Cod I.iver Oil is the greatest flesh producer irt j the world. ! Because it contains more Vita mines than any food you can get. You'll be glad to know thdt Cod 1 Liver Oil comes in sugar-coated tab i lets now. so if you really want to put . 10 or 20 pounds of real healthy flesh i on your bones and feel well and strong ask the Pearl Drug Co. or any drug gist for a box of McCoy’s Cod Liver Oil Compound Tablets. Only KIDD-FRDCS All Holiday Goods including Pictures, Frames, Mir- j j rors, Games, Toys, Flowers and Pottery—Greatly Reduc- 8 i ed. Don’t forget your New Year’s Greeting Cards—we 8 ! have a great line. , O KIDD-FRIX l Hisic and Stationery Co. Inc' Phone 76 SlS.UnionSt I j Concord, N. C. .. «« CONCORD WOMAN SOUGHT RELIEF IN VAIN Before She Found the Medicine That ' Relieved Her es Indigestion and Kidney Trouble.—Say* HERB JUICE Restored Her Health. “T hardly know how to express the gratitude I have for the relief your HERB JUICE has given me. I nev er knew what it was to enjoy a well day on account of constant pains I suffered as a result of indigestion and kidney trouble. In HERB JUICE 1 found relief, and-in order that other sufferers may know. I gladly give the following statement for publication.” In a recent interview, Mrs. Billie Mauney, 12.1-2 Mill St.. Concord, N. C., tells the HERB JUICE man of the benefits she derived from the use of HERB .TUJfE. “For several years I have suffered dreadfully from constipation, indiges tion and kidney trouble, and my symp toms were the usual ones—headaches, dizziness, backaches and pains in my sides. No appetite and no energy to do my housework. I could hardly stay ii]) during the day and nt night I was bothered so much with nervorts iudi-i gestion and kidney trouble thnt I nev er got a good night’s rest, and sleep. I realized that my system was in a jxdsonous state, and that I needed a thorough cleanser, also something to build me up. A real friend, one in whom I had the utmost confidence ad vised me to try HERB JUICE. I immediately bought n bottle and be gan using it with gratifying results. Now I never have any more trouble with my stomach, eat anything I want and my food is digesting in the proper way as nature intended. I have been relieved also of tile kidney trouble and now my kidneys and also my liver are in excellent working condition. HERB JUICE is a wonderful laxa tive and system regulator through its natural action and constipation trou ble was overeame and my bowels are regular, my appetite has been restor ed and I iiave gained 12 pounds in weight and*have more energy than I have had in yeart*. I can now- go about my housework duties with a smile, feelling fit for the task. I can truthfully say that I feel 100 per cent, improved generally, and I know HERB JUICE is due full credit for the good health I am enjoying today” HERB JUICE is sold In Concord and guaranteed to give satisfaction or r~ ne~ refunded hy Gibson Drug Store. Also F. L. Smith Drug Co., at Kan napolis, N. C. Cotton is cultivated in virtually every province of China, from Man churia in the north to Canton, in the extreme south. In total annual production the country ranks next to the United States and India. - . £OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I Furniture : i Dealers ! YOUR show windows X ] | and displays MAKE peo- j!| ] 1 pie want attractive home X 11 furnishings. And DRY ?! | I CLEANING once or jj| ] | twice a .year will keep '!> 11 HOSPITALITY in tap- !]! ! ! fstries, draperies, portier- X ] ; es, scarfs, lamp shades, ]!| carpets and rugs. Moths X I will not live in fabrics that ! 1 ! are dry cleaned. »Reputa- ]!| ; | tion for unfailing care in 11 | ; handling rugs is a com- lj! I 1 parison you may judge ] 1 ! ] | our workmanship upon. jj| PHONE 787 “MASTER” y i Cleaners and Dyers Office 25-27 W. Depot St TO|l|p - . « What's worse than getting n book for Christmas when you already have | a book. It is a darn sight more blessed to 1 give that* to receive bills. When a congressman does remem- 1 1 ber bis duty to tbe people be can’t ] get the others to listen. It makes a girl mad to find her 1 sealskin coat is made of rabbit skins, j ; But it makes rabbits madder. , j First thing you know this will be ! last winter. The honeymoon is over when he ’ finds it might be beat to lie to ber 1 nbeut a few things. I (Copyright. 11126, NEA Service, Inc.) 1 The first intercollegiate football \ game in tbe South was played in 1 . between teams of the tlnirer- ' sity of North Carolina and Trinity , College of Durham. Tbe contest was j won by the Trinity eleven. Hie celebration of the golden 1 jubilee year of the National ]-Cogue is to terminate with a dinner of tbe magnates in New York 00 February 1 2, , We thank you for your" very liberal patronage for the year 1925, Wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year Clint & Moose CONCORD COTTON MARKET FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1026 Cotton .19 Cotton Seed .52 1-2 »■■■ - - ■ Get Your Hot Rolls Bread, Cakes, Doughnuts and other kinds of Sweet Cookies THE BAKERY 85 S. Union St. 1 Money beck without queotioc JK \ ff HUNTS GUARANTEED —->j£M skin disease remedied /sis fcW (Hunt*. Salve an. 8o«p), fell It f U /Y the treatment of Itch. Ecaatna V //] Rio*worm,Te»te» or other ltcb* ini akin ot Si. sets § jj seenylo have .1 u;.J 2 Alaska. ' ! These small items that keep you on speaking terms with ! ! yourself are here and so are the ulsters and the heavier ; ; artillery awaiting your ordrs to fire up! _ HOOVER’S,Inc. , I “THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE” Country Shoulder .- .20 Country Sides Young Chickens .20 Hens .15 Irish Potatoes 2JOO me Sale—“For Hire" Cards For Jit ney*, at Tribune-Times office, 10 cent* each. 1741. 800000000000000000600000 g TOUR DIAMONDS. * 8 X When did you have them clean-5 Bed and inspected ? The perma-X finent brilliance of diamond jewelryO Xdepeuds much upon the care tbatg Oit receives. Neglected pieces loseH Btheir charm rapidly. Regular pe-0 Xriodical cleaning and inspection as 9 Osure lasting beauty and often saves!} Hth# love of valuable jewels. This# B-a «» established courtesy serviced | $. W. Proslar L , _ _ - -F.g. •« ■ ■ .