MwxUy, J«iu»ry li, IMS l ts. L GILBERT AT Y rAnraws moms Mbsfaic Spindaie MIM Paymaster Re toms to BarUngton, 8. C. Chariot* Observer, 10th Grttdr L. Gilbert, of Ratberford ton, paymaster of the Spinners’ Pro cessing Company, of Spindale, who mysteriously disappeared last Satur day and whose wife died ip Asheville Tuesday from distress caused by the disappearance of bar husband, is ill ~ and in b*4nt the home of hie father, - zzZZZI-' 11 --w' 1 ■ 1 i*-" | CAN YOU TMB?’""' ' '"'l f DIERFLAG 1 JvThe above letters wien properly arranged form the name of a late v X President. Everyone sending in the correct solution will be awarded a 8 5 beautiful lot, sixe 20x100 feet, FREE AND CLEAR FROM ALL B 8 ENCUMBRANCES, located in one of our new subdivisions between Jr X Now York and Atlantic CHy. 9 5 THIS OFFER EXPIRES MARCH 15,1926 5 MAXIM DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 8 XllOWes* doth' Street Dept. 456 New York Cftr 8 BROADWAY CENTRAL HOTEL «87-«77 BROADWAY ! MEW YORK y Accommodations For 1,000 Guests yin the heart of the down-town business section. Connections to parts of the City within a few minutes ] from our door V NEWLY FURNISHED AND RENOVATED i v ' High Class Service at Low Rates I Large Banquet and Convention Halls | WBihß,U'MlhEtmiWri4rifi " .an " 11 vni.ijr ,■ . ■, . ■' HM'iUTri’. "n aatjuiwir wi ni i i ■ | OUT- OUR yAY _ BY WILLIAMS j wA»rr Vb'N ' WWO,N - CHO ■ \NI-N MOTHERS GCT GRAW- ' * - v • BO FOB A BAD twamwSr. SUfimJataJ MOWN TOP BY TAYLOR. wKWAce l 'iae®BsS“Ji 3 : waftaEgaaßA i IwS&wrf * Si To mcausCj—i Mg IN J I I ’.• \ ‘ C. L. Gilbert, at Darlington, 8. C., to wijich place be returned from Wash ington, D. C., Friday. This information was given The Observer test night by the elder Mr. Gilbert over long distance telephone. The elder Gilbert said his son was in t>«d asleep and ill and he would not disturb him to talk, with the newspa per. He said that the younger Gilbert heard in Washington of the death of, his wifbr What was the reason for the younger man's disappearance could not be learned from the father, > he merely saying that, he did not know. The same answer he gave to ' questions as to the yoting man's plans:j » for Che,lmmediate future'. l • A search over several status has . bten made for the young man since i his disappearance and request #»r jn t formation us to bis whereabouts was ‘ broadcast from a Charlotte radio ste t «on: 7 • f, -> ) ■ ! CuMrtl bf Buse Put# O. it. to Be « : »-wal of State Notes. » Baleigh, Jan, V,—Twenty-three millions in- notes were renewed to ■ day hr authorisation of the council I of state which met and unanimously > pa sued the resolution to renew these | obligation* January lfi, K Secretary W. N. Everett, of the I department of state, who has been 1 desperately ill since his last meeting I with the council, sat officially twjny | for the first time since early Decern - I her. The Treasurer Xmcy, who has f been quite sick, w*fl Do tbe session { 'today. X I These notes hate not all (been en- I graved as yet, but are being engraved V, with afl possible rapidity. The gov | ernor and Mr. Lacy expect to go to I New York about tbe 90th of this 9 month to sign them. Bob. Titxsimmons was 35 years old when he won the heavyweight, title from Corbett at Ca/son City, Nevada. “ f } Just Received Two Car Loads of Spaita Feeds—Laying Mash and Da ry Feed, Spartan Feeds sell because I they get results. | Phone us yogr orders. I Cabarrus Cash |[ Grocery Co. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE ====«-—-=—oßfisr ofewarts IS *I£TTEft 3^(sm By CHARLES P. STEWART NEA Service Writer Washington, Jan. 11.—Thirty years ! ago about now Mark Twain, on bis way around the world, gathering ma terial for bis book, “Following the Equator,” landed In Pretoria, capital of the then Boer republic of the Transvaal. South Africa, and while there decided to call on hi« friend. John Hays Hammond, the multi millionaire mining engineer. It happened that Hammond was in. He was indeed—in jail. He and' some dozens of other Uit landers, or forrigners, were locked up, accussed of rebellion against Presi dent Ktuger's government. * * * Coming out, Mark was stopped by a Boer newspaper reporter. “Mr. Clemens,” said this scribe, “how did you find conditions In that jail?” "He'd found them perfectly un printable, they were so awful, but, I “Why do yon ask?” he queried. “Be cause complaints have been made con cerning them,” ftie reporter explained. ' .“You don’t say!” exclaimed Mark. in seeming surprise. “Now, I was 1 greatly impressed with the quiet of that jail. It struck me ns an ideal placet for a rest cure. There one would be quite free from the impor tunities of one’s creditors.” x. • * * J The next day there appeared in that reporter's newspaper, which wasn’t very friendly to the president, Oom Paul, a violent attack on the latter for showing such consideration to a crowd of men who deserved se vere punishment that the distinguished American author, Samuel Clemens, en vied them their prjson Tot. The authorities were ready enough to take the hint. Liberties, of wliieh there had bken none too mnny, were curtailed, and “our menu,” related HnmmOnd, “al ready very restricted, was materially cut down, so tKat, for several days, 1 we were near the starvation measure of calories.” HIGHWAYS OF STATE AHE CLEARED OF SNOW Maintenance Department Puts 300 Squads to Work.—Nine Distrirt* Covered Perfectly. Raleigh, Jan. !).—North Carolina roads were clear of snow over 3,000 miles, Engineer W. E. Hawkins, state highway maintenance engineer, said today, and buk drivers declared that they are making the schedules. The trip from Raleigh to Greens brro has been slow only 10 or 15 minutes. The best roads anywhere to be found wire the state thorough fares. City streets and county roads were not to be mentioued in the same day. The maintenance department set 300 squads to work Friday morning and they have covered the nine dis tricts perfectly.. Only a few sand clay roads were in bad shape. The asphaltic oil pavement and the con crete surface are as good as they were the day before the snow. Many tourists were seen going south today. They declared that the moment they struck North Carolina they fancied heaven. On every state stretch they saw perfect main tenance. Negro Fattier Advises Son Sent to Roads. Raleigh, Jun. 9.—Arthur Pendle ton, negro boy of IX was given the chance to pay $25 and costs for petty larceny today, but the boys father told Judge Barnhill to send I him to the roads, and it was so or-‘» dered. The youth will serve four months. . ATOM COUGHISYOUR DANGER INAL Persistent coughs and colds lead to ! serious trouble. You can stop them now with Creomulsion, an emulsified creosote that ia pleasant to take. Creo- , mulsion is a new medical discovery with two-fold action; it soothes and \ heals the inflamed membranes and in- : Mbits germ growth. Os all known drugs, creosote is rec- > ognized by Mgh medical authorities as ■ one of the greatest healing agencies Lot ■ persistent coughs and colds end other forms of throat troubles. Creomulsion ■ i contains, in addition to creosote, othei healing elements which soothe and had the infected membranes and stop the imitation and inflammation, while the TMflsOHi goes on to the stomach, is ab sorbed into the 14emJ. mtacto the sear . *f the trouble and cheeks the growth Cropmulsien la guaranteed satisfao lory In Uta treatment of persistent mifd# awi| colds, bronchial asthma, tfronemtis and other forms of rospira. lory diseases. and ia excellent for build teg Bp the system after colds or flu. Money refunded if any cough or cold it Wl relieved after taking according to abactions. Ask your druggist Creo. IMttslta Company. Atlanta, Ga. (adv.) ON THE TOP HAIR RESTORER The only -genuine preparation that , gives back the natural color to grey hair (no dye). Absolutely cures dandruff; stops falling Hair and itch ing scalp immediately; grows hair on, , bald heads where the roots not . dead. This treatment of the scalp' is a discovery of Dr. Fftxwater. of ( Hot Springs, Arkansas, and is abso lutely the best known remedy of this kind sold on the market by any in stitution in America. Sold exclu sively at Cline’s Phandscy. Money baric proposition if results are not' obtained. Be -sure to call for On, The Top, * TICKET OFFERED Writer Jo lM**emlMit Say* North CaroMoa Editor “Might Comtfder It." New York, Jaw. 9.—Edward James Woodhouse, in the leading article in this week’s Independent, quotes “an able yomtg Georgian” as expressing the conrietion that Gov. A1 Smith, of New York, and Josephus Daniels, of North Carolina, would make a strong ticket for the Democrats in 1928. In the course of a'Jong article en titled “The South Studies Governor Smith,” Mr. Woodhouse says: "An able young Georgian, who has taught in two Southern universities and who is a close student of South ern history and social conditions, has expressed conviction that* Gov ernor Smith and Josephuß Daniels would make a strong ticket for 1928. Mr. Daniels received some votes for the nomination for resident -In 1924 and wouldl have loomed as a much stronger contender if he had not come from the South and been still living in the South. A Southern man still resident in the South is not apt to he nominated by the Democrats for President under existing circumstanc es. but ak able and influential South ern man as vice presidential candi date would greatly strengthen the ticket. Josephus Daniels represents the Wilston tradition and the Bryan tradition better than any other man in the South. He is able, vigorous, tolerant, nationally and international ly minded. It is regretable that merely living in the South tends to make him unavailable as a presiden tial candidate now, but, since the growth of the fbeiing in favor of nom inating for vice presidtnt a man of presidential calibre makes that a greater honor thaV formerly, Air. Daniels might conWder It." Colds By millions ended Hill's stop millions of colds every winter— and hi 14 hours. They end headache and lever, open the bowels, tone the whole sys tem. Use nothing less reliable. Colds and Grippe call for prompt, efficient help. Be sure you get it. All druggists V Price 30e cascaraJLouinine Got Bed Box uttfottnk oooooooooOboooobooooooooooooctdoooocioooooooooooaoo Skfiecl [ The Afl Steel Body Cars All vibration has been eliminated by an added im- ’ 1 ! provement to the new improved Ford. 1J Ride in one and feel the difference. a •' 9 Buy a FORD and SAVE the difference. 8 Let one of our salesmen show you. I REID MOTOR CO. 1 CONCORD’S FORD DEALER a Corbin and Church Streets Phone 220 j EVERETT TRUE by condo /-* / t f>CCASg TS.tC.tNIS- E|pl=pS^|§il| ■Jk. ON* = A CLAS& Os MU-K. vl {■ - ‘ -WHAT —X WANT * wg-cx- mow-' . |?SETJU=3 <_eT'S &«sna.-- i. _i ' *a"ii 1 • 1 ten ThS<VAIT j *ti tc He SET'S THAT WAV !i. _ l - i DINNER STORIES The Uaaai Result. "What are these terrible yells, of ficer?” demanded an excised pedes train, as unearthly screams issued from an office window. “I investigated and its all right,” assured the eop. “A painless dentist i« trying to operate on himself.” The Retort Vicious. “Yu ajn’ got no sense a-tall.” “Yo‘ got lesa’n dnt. Yo’ ain’ got e* much ex a popular sgng.” No Noose Ea Good News. “Have you anything to say way you should not swing for this j crime?” asked the judge. “Yer Honor, swingin’ mokes me 1 dizzy.” complained the prisoner. “I’d ' prefer to skip the rope.” "Still fat Stock. “Know where T could get some liquor?" asked the stranger of the 1 village hotel proprietor. "Well,” replied the latter, “ye might try Mrs. McGinty down the street here. She’d ought to have j some left.” j * “Some left?” , • I “Yes, they say her husband oms * took two glasses of it before he fell over dead.” Hail the Right Sign Displayed. | A new tailor had come to town and 1 put up his sign, which consisted of ] his name and a picture of a large red qpple. Furiosity was aroused and finally j a man walked into the shop to in- ( quire the meaning of the sign. “Well,” said the tailor in reply to | the inquiry. I’d like to know where I the clothing business would be today ] if it hadn't been for an apple.” Didn’t Believe in Signs. .] “This water is contaminated," was 1 painted in large tetters on a sign 1 above a roadside spring between Mosire -and Hood River, near The 1 Dalles, Oregon. But that did not 1 prevent a thirsty tourist from quaffing , the water. Wheu questioned about ' his act he explained that he thought that the word “contaminated” meaht a kind of mineral spring.” As a result, the state highway 00m mission has disearded the long word ' and repainted the warning sign to read: “This water is rotten.” ooaooooßaoooeopoopoaoßpooßWßßea—obsoo——a | FANCY DRY GOODS WOMEN’S WEA* oooQoooooooOßoooooeoaooeDeffioooooopoeoooooooooooc - ; — #| TEN YEAR LOANS Cabarrus Farm Lands !ji Lowest rates to borrower. ji] No inspection fees. / ;![ No Life Insurance—No Stock. Interest due Novem -1 1 ber Ist. Pre-payment privileges on any interest date. I I THIES-SMITH REALTY COMPANY ! i ’ CHARLOTTE, N. C. ; S Apply to ' X A. F. HARTSELL, LOCAL AGT., CONCORD, N. C. I ooooooooooooooooogooooooooooooooooooooooooocoapb ——* i PURINA FEED < ' Is THE BEST BY TEST J X Chowder for More Eggs 0 Cow Chow for More Milk | Pig Chow for More Pork. II Come in and We Will Sell You the Best J CASH FEED STORE § PHONE 122 SOUTH CHURCH ST. j — l —i i'i 1 'lll 1 in im iiiiiww Wanted: Chickens and More Chickens ?l hast week we asked for 900 fat nepf, W.e received about 33. We s had them tiunyfoi'e; w« could guarantee the price. [ We guarantee you 20c per pound for alkhens weighing 4 pounds eaefa, and over, delivered to qs by Wednesday, January I3th. “ Will pay 30c per pound for all turkeys received up to that time. : Where else can you sell fog as much? And Who will guarantee prices? • Let them come and don’t ask how many we want —we are “Chicken l hearted.” C. H. BARRIER & CO. DELCO LIGHT ] Light Plants and Batteries j Deep and Shallow Well Pumps for Direct or Alter- I nating current.and Washing'Machines for Direct or (Al ternating Current. K. H. OWEN, Agent i —Phone 689 Concord, N. C. J 00 oo oo ooo°ooo oo ooooooooooooooooooooooc>oooooooaQi Alemite Lubricating Service | I We do not use any Lubricants except Alemite Trans- I mission, Differential and Chasis lubricants, 6ne which al | lows the easy shifting of gears even in Zero weather, and |ij greatly reduces friction. 1 Get Alcohol in your radiator before it freezes. •I Gas, Oil, Tires, Tubes, Accessories, Car Washing, ....» • Tire Changing CENTRAL FILLING STATION PHONE 700 / :j ' I 3-Piece (Full Size) Bed, Springs and Mattress, Only $22.50 «| „ The new Simmons Graceline Bed, Link Fabric Springs, •j -15-pound Cotton Mattress in Art Tick— •j A Really Good Bed Outfit at a Very Good Price. 'sl | H. B. WILKINSON I .. ! 1 • Out erf the High Rent District 1 Concord Kanhapplis China Grove , Mooresville J. -FfM PAGE FIVE

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