„ c ‘ ' '■ ■ - Wednesday, Jan. Id, lfijd Tbs PoKtical Bee Tree /Hi JL H _.jri«vOk>. j UW*M*M ” 'V ' s ~ holOinct hep o>mm. *.,««««] “***- ‘ J , i... ■ . . t MOM’N POP ; BY TAYLOR 7YvgfeeEN Deceiveb- lfs me? 6obh,vihen? I gther dan "j MATTER LORETTA? I >fol) HAVE MISREPKESBJeD \ IDOtfT REMEMBER 1 VOUSAIDYOUWBMT n VdHVARC VOOSoJ L V«SRSeU=TOME 1 IP ° T p gM ~.^ R J DOWN AMD MADE A J cool Toward yJ H . ' ir J I f cleamob ia)Yhe , j I |, | . , ....... ijl. : J 1 t -ANDVg&TgROAY If WEU- L MIGHT BE A L J l 6 DOLLARS NIORF.O I Told tod the TfepTW- r I discovered That . If them had to address the Rotar ians. or the 'Society for the Suppres sion of Esthetic Dancing among the Heathens he would do well to get his speech written the same way. There is no Use denying it, we arc becoming more and more standardized, specialized ami syndicated. One nmn does your painting. auother your praying and another yotir fishing: while you, perhaps, do their surveying or hair-cutting. It is logical that writing speeches for others should fol low in line. By specializing eaeh job is done better. But it must be admit ted 1 that as we go along we art losing and more of our independence, physically, morally and mentally. HOW DUMB’S A DUMBBELL? New York Mirror. He's so dtimb he thinks an apricot is something to sleep on. He’s so dumb lie thinks a football gridiron is purchased in a hardware store. lie's so dumb he thinks a bellhop is' a debutant dame. He's dumb he thinks Guinea liens are imported from Italy. He's so dumb he thiuks you go to college for a race track course The late Queen Alexandra, like all 1 members of til English royal family, . was a great lover of dogs and at one . time or another showed Chows, I Skyes, Japanese Spaniels, - Basset hounds. Borzois and Pekingese. The l two last-uumed breeds seem to have 1 been her favorites, as she was many j times photographed with them. EVERETT TRUE BY CONDO E—fforsyoc jj ai'Tif |sM , XfiviEcess / A«YAeeaT| -^ > Mow Do ? I - ? YOU nfevcfi uiTfenigP 'that Coajcs dinner stories Lost Ideals. “Believe me, George, I once had an ideal, to.” “How'did you come to lose it?” “I married her.” ■ Wife—Before you married me you j said I was very dear to ydu. Husband—Yes, you* are now too. You are the biggest expense I have. Doctor—What you need is a change | and rest. i Patient —I can't afford it, my chil- j dreu get all t'.ie change and my wife takes the rest. Teacher—What made you late this' morning. Jimmie? Jimmie—l got a new pair of rub- , ber boots for Christmas and they were tied together so X couldn’t take j long steps. Contributor—l have here an orig inal joke which I Editor—My dear man, you don’t 1 Icok that old. The Bore (at la. m.) —I tteard a J ghost story the ether night—by jove, it did make me start! She—l wish I knew it! Maid (to absent-minded professor) I —Here’s the doctor, sir. 1 Professor—l'm not receiving visi- j tors today. Tell him I'm sick. i “Hazel went to an astrologer to find ) out when was the best time to get married.” “What did he tell her?” “He took one look at her and told her to grab the first chanee.” Young Poet—What do you thihk of my latest brain child? Editor—l'm afraid our magazine will be unable to adopt it! Coal Merchant, to Fireman—Quick, quick: my coal yard is on fire. Fireman—Oh, is it? Well, if the stuff is the same as you sold me the other day there ain’t no hurry.” “Are they unhappily married?” “Oil. I hardly think they’re rich enough for that.” A musician was trying to telephone to a firm of music publishers. Think ing he had been given his number, he said: “I want Beethoven—Op. 243.” •-.“Line's /busy,” said the telephone B*l. First Tramp—Pese people what complain of dere work bein’ too hard make ine tired. Second Tramp—Dey do? First Tramp—Yes; why don’t dey t’row up de job? A little boy was told he must go to the hospital to have his tonsils and adenoids removed. ‘‘Well, mamma/’ said Johnny. “I ain’t afraid of going to tfre hospital. I’ll be brave and do just as they tell me. Put I’m not going to let them palm off a baby on me. like they did to you when you was there.” ‘‘Jedge, yo’ honah," complained an irate colored lady to the court, ‘‘dis yeah no ’count husban’ o’ mine drinks.” “Yassuli. jedge. yo’ honah. Ah does drink some,” admitted the husband. , ‘‘Hut. jedge, dat woman don’t treat me bright. Whyy Ah pawns de kitchen stove V git a li’l money an’ she don’ miss it ftT two weeks.” Judge—You say the officer arrested you while you were quietly minding your own business? t Prisoner—Yes. your honor. Judge—You were quietly attending to your own business, making no noise or disturbance of any kind. Prisoner —none whatever, sir. Judge—lt seems very strange. What is your business. Prisoner—l’m a burglar. . g* 111 * ll ■ 1 «aa *• ■■ ll l | iH'U*i OOOOQOOOOOOOOQOQOOQQOOOOOOQOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ * VANCY DRY GOODS WOMEN'S WEAA - TEN YEAR LOANS \ Cabarrus Farm Lands (Lowest rates,to borrower. No inspection fees. _ l /'//j No Life Insurance—No Stock. Interest due Novem-' U r, ber Ist. Pre-payment privileges on any interest date. ! THIgS-SMITH REALTY COMPANY i, CHARLOTTE, N. C. A. F. HARTSELL, LOCAL AGT.,, CONCORD, N. C. \ J OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOGOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOe OOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO^' I PURINA FEED IS THE BEST BY TEST Chowder for More Eggs ■ Cow Chow for More Milk ~ Pig Chow for More Pork. Come in and We Will Sell You the Best .9 r ' ’ CASH FEED STORE I PHONE 122 SOUTH CHURCH ST. S“ / :j Wanted: Chickens and Turkeys! .1 Weather conditions prevented delivery of |s t| last week. t ’ZB? !| Our guaranteed price of 20c per pound for Hens, and I .3 30c per pound for Turkeys is extended to Wednesday, Jan- I . . 2 uary "20th. C. H. BARRIER & CO. | DELCO UGHT I Light Plants and Batteries I Deep and Shallow Well Purfips for Direct or Alter- 9 'i nating current and Washing Machines for Direct or Al- 5 l 1 ternating Current. R. H. OWEN, Agent I --Phone 669 Concord, N. C. - JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXKaexSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI ; DO YOU KNOW 1 5 There ape nearly one million parts assented in an automobile? Most !| 9of them help to make it’go, but there is just one important part to H | make it STOP when you want to—GOOD BRAKE LINING. If 3 We are specialists and use only the Rest*—RX’SCO BRAKE LINING., 1 Leave your car here tomorrow morning and drive it tomorrow’ I night with good brakes. Our charges are reasonable." | We use a ( ADY BRAKE LINING MACHINE which drills ■I -onnter- sinks the ; rivets, together with a riveting machine which uses -4 solid copper tubulhr rivets that never score your brake drums. AUTO SUPPLY & REPAIR CO. I PHONE 228 i 3-Piece (Full Size) Bed, Springs and 11 Mattress, Only $22.50 ii The new Simmons Graceline Bed, Link Fabric Springs, 9jss jj 43-pound Cotton Mattress in Art Tick — j k j i A Really Good Bed Outfit at a Very Good Price. ft] | H. B. WILKINSON j ' Out of the High Rent District fl ;' c Cdncord Kannapolis China Grove Mooresville 1 PAGE SEVEN