PAGE EIGHT ■K 1 " , FH 1 S IS A STIUDIEBAK E R Y EAR I\ | on u s ed Car Sales 11 ■ I - \|i ll r 1 1 11 rll 2^^H^-^^ vepartsaDdfee || I |\ SerVlCeOTl . \|l I , 1 | »-BSi.—« te price in | 1 ft 1\ ca, U e pttee „( o« oe* \| I I fl 3 Every used .jaa p nce,just \l ft I I 11 1 : II ■ |\ f n used car may dnve it back and l | 1 II 4 S i ss^s i ' 1\ ■ l 11 1 Kl\ Not only to the P e adherence to the \| 1 ■ | l The Studebaker Corporation of America takes pride and pleasure in announcing that the above Pledge is being carried out by Auto Supply & Repair Co. > i; * - East Corbin Street -.'fl -1 -i %mr> * V ■ \u ■ \ s t ».■{ THE Pledge speaks for itself. which in some times and places >' It is a formal declaration of the has fallen into ill repute. . j fair and square attitude of Stude- It is an assertion of confidence ■ baker dealers toward the public. in the reserve mileage built into % ' It is an assurance of honest the sturdy “one-profit” Studebaker dealing in a line of merchandising automobiles. ■cfe.» . .> THE STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA • SOUTH BEND, INDIANA —SPRING— New Felts and Velours in Pastel Shades Specially Priced i at ss * oo fIK Imagine! The pastel v : %-Wk * zy ' shades are the lgst word hHk I "" of Spring’s newest note— A and yet-—Fisher’s offers ——a most bewitching array R i JflX- . of them. AU the new col- Jr/f) )I 1 ors, ail the smart new Gig lo' Crowns —and the latest trims for $5 each. i ' WK. \ Values to $8.95 r UmHmmf sale $5.00 /N Styles That Are Correct pAk^^^Fisher's : riflr fipPßk i*. / THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE ACHING JOINTS, RHEUMATIC PAIN “Heel” Relieves Instantly With applicator attached to cork, just brush “Heet" over the pain area, whether in kneea, feet, legs, hands, shoulders, hade, nock or body. In stantly, you fesl this harmless, glori ous, penetrating heat draw the pain, soreneaa and stiffness right out of tba aching «r swollen joint, muscle or neuritia-riMsn nerve. Besides, “Heet" scatters ths congestion and estab lishes a ears. “Heet” contains trip soothing, pene trating ingredients, too expensive to u “ in liniments or airi» gesics. “Beet is a clean, pleasant liquid; Ap»n*t stain, blister or irri tate thejfjkm only 60 casta' USE PEifM COJAJMS —IT pa« BUILIHNG-LOAN C*»TinCAf*B merit first-rate ranking The Magazine of Wall Street, un der the caption, “Points for Income Builders—What the Investment Worlf Offers and How the Offerings Loin p*re,” gives building and loan certifi cates the first place, saying : • “There are innumerable investment forms for the investor to choose from which differ from one another, only in minor respects. But there arc a cer tain few standard forms whicfa are radically different, and each of which caters to a set investment need. Some of these are reviewed in the follow ing: Building and Loan Certificates. “Building and loan associations, like, savings banks, are semi-philan thropic institutions. Their reason for being is to assist would-be home builders in the attainment of their ambition, and to this end they op erate under what has rightfully been described as ‘the easiest, simple mort gage system ever devised.’ The chief ■ charm of their mortgage plan is, sim- I ply. that it calls for a monthly —and a lot of it—to save his bank and his per sonal fortune. The son-in-law that had made good came to the rescue and saved both. “I knew he had It in him,” said the grateful banker. Horrified by the prevalence nfl de bauchery in Mecca, the holy'city of Arabia, it has been decided to invoke an old penalty imposed by tbe Mo hammedan law which calls for the ' public stoning to death of criminals j convicted of certain crimes. Though carbon dioxide is a waste predict, animals breathing air from which all of this gas has bean re moved will die. “No Trespawrtnir Cant* a dozen, at Timea-Trlbune Office. I -' - - II PI Hpi m I HU Fuwn Gray, djgiucr, who recently won Harry Thaw’s attentions and a SIO,OOO bracelet, went to Chicago to visit Evelyn Nesbit. who is recovering from a dose of poison. She got no farther than fhc office of the West Side hospital. When word came oqt that "Miss Nesbit does not wish to see you,” Fawn said she was terribly hurt by the slight. She had brought a bou quet of roses for Evelyn. : A Experienced generals in the Indian army of 1(100 reckoned one good ele phant equal to a regiment of 500 cav alry, or if properly supported by the matchlockmeu, at double that num ber. ESSENTIALS If a child is denied the essential vitamins, rickets, weak bones, imperfect teeth or other manifestations of faulty nutrition folio#. Scott’s Emulsion of vitamin-activated cod-liver oil is the ideal nourishment for growth of body and Ja bones. Give your boy vjR or girl Scott’s Efnulsion. Iju AT RETAIL DRUGGISTS Pries 601 and $1.20 < ■•Scott & Bowne. Bloomfield, tt. J. 25-32M8 BILIOUSNESS Retired Minister Tells Hpw He Keeps in Good Fora With the Assistance el Black-Dr augkL West Graham, Va.—The Iter. Lewis Brans, a well-known retired minister, now past 80, living here, has a high opinion of Black- Draught, which he Bays hA has taken when needaA for 25 yean. “For years I ha# been suffering with my he says. “Some times the pain would be very in tense and my back would hurt all the time. Black-Draught was the first thing I found that would give me \any relief. “My liver has always been slug gish. Sometimes it gives me a lot of trouble. I have suffered a lot with It —pains in my side and back, and bad headache, caused from ex treme biliousness. “After X found Black-Draught, I would begin to take it as soon as I felt a spell coming on and it re* lieved the cause at once. I can recommend It to anybody suffer ing from liver trouble. A dose or two now and then keeps me in good form.” Made from selected medicinal roots and herbs, and containing no dangerous mineral drugs, Black- Draught is nature’s own remedy lor a tired, lazy liver. NC-U8 CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS T • y Tells How To Get Quick Re- " Uef Iran Head-Colds! It's Splendid! *« i In one minute your clogged nostrils will open, the air passages of your head will clear and you can brmtbs freely. No more hawking, muffling, blowing, .headache, dryaeea. No strug gling for breath at night; ywhr ooFd or catarrh will be gone Get a small bottle of Ely’s Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this Want,, entimpL, healing cream in your woetrllz. It penetrates through every air passage of the head, soothes the inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief AFTER INVENTORY | To Start Another Year } Buy your Ledgers, Cash-books, Journals, and all blank | books. [ . Ao* Files, Steel Cabinet Files, and Index Guides, Ver r bcal Folders, etc. , . gfv: 7J : ' : 7 Letter Paper, Receipts, Drafts, Notes, Order Books, etc., ! _—AT KIDD-FRIX Mask ad Staliaery Co. he* Phone 76 ; 58 S. Union St. Concord, N. C. t V' ■. ' . , : Get It At ! I ■ « ■ I I Ritchie Hardware Co. YOUR HARDWARE STORE t PHONE 117 Better than soothing syrup! ' ‘ 1 Atwater Kent 1 Radio I * I 17Z yi&ZjbC I WE can fin this prescription for you. Bring the chil dren with you when you come for a demonstration. YORKE & WODSWORTH CO. THE OLD RELIABLE HARDWARE ST,ORE % jbf I I THE UNIVERSAL CAR Hie All Steel Body Cars 4 All vibration has been eliminated by an added im provement to the new improved Ford. 9 * Rida in one and feel the difference. Buy a FORD and SAYS the difference. _ Let one of our salesmen show you. REID MOTOR CO. Corbin and cfurch°sSeU FORD DEALER mq TucsHsv Tanuarv j