■BF; -■ * [hursday, Jamiafy 21,1920 The Battle Progresses ~ I l a ~ ,•< I \ Z&P* X AIOTBeWi WAY ~~~~~ BY \VtLLIAMS qHH /well fer Good^N , '/BAM! im jes \ &osw J /'BouT sgusteo 1 specT? / wirfaThis hull -TRIP* MAGtIME- DlDvj ‘ HAvE so / hee-nuH' Kim VA 'MAG.ME "W. NVOORUM J HEE-Ei -jWx OME A THEM OL COMUEMuiKjCEST M VAH! -*-\ Time PRAiRiE. “ \ / V —\ schoomers va poor/Q R If AMa —kCMASIkj AFTER f __i~l The prairie. scooter. 1 \ /- »i I- . - . • • - - . tRWJTJW WBWICSWRj MOM’N POP BY TAYLOR LORETTA. MY A&UTY p. '\{T SINCE X LpFT The OFFICE *) MAS BEEN) RECOGNIZED A.T LAST- \ > THINGS HAMS BEEW GOING ' '—v. T r i’m Gtoifos back to my old J ( to pieces -now cue actr /Ss Utcs’vc Xf v, S JOS WITH THE MAGIC MOD CO. . ' VTo RoU- OP My StE£oeS / ( FouWD OUT AT ) £ v .-1 - ..- - ~-~.y /TT ( AMD POLL THEM OUT / ( Hov OM v^!) C l V oT THSHOLE BfciuUAWT Pj, g —-—*y— iTSSt^ r 1/ -OF tOURSe t’UL HAVE To MAME 'Z so you’re goios To ae PResioecr i p x,l A LOT OF CHANGES IN THE BUSINESS, Nff L A.MD SIT AT A BIG MAHOGANY fESK W / I'M NOT AtAUV SATISFIED VUITH 7 \uO RiDE tD THE OFFICE IN A Gfl I _JL THE VOW THINGS ARE BSIKG FHB| N SvyffLU LIMOUffIWE -(S.EE IT j i ESS | f THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE Sargeat’s Inertia Baffle? Senate Com mittee. ' By CHARLES P. STEWART NBA Service Writer Washington, Jan. 20.—Attorney- General John Garibaldi Sargent is vast of bulk and level full of inertia— “that quality of matter by which it tends, when at rest, to remain at rest, and when in motion, to continue in motion.”' , Bulk is hard to handle anyway. Given plenty, of inertia to go with it) and you've got a combination it’s dif ficult to beat. 1 f Attorney General Sargeflt once gained headway it’s a safe bet he'd 1 be about as easy to stop as a runa way freight caYload of pig iron on a steep down-grade. But at rest, be lieve me, h«;s an awful job to start up. * • • For instance, suppose you want to find out from him something he pre fers to keep to himself. There's where his inertia comes in, working both ways at once. ** -fc - He'll talk ail right. You .can’t stop him. But it’s non-essential stuff— fish stories, jokes, iscellaneous piffle of nil sorts. When you undertake, however, to get him to discuss the subject you’re interested jn, it just can’t be done. He won't start. * * * Sargent's an amiable ginnL I sup pose he hates to come out flat-footed, when he's asked a question, and re fuse to answer. So he puts on a vacant expression and says that’s something an assist ant is attending to, and he knows nothing about it. Probably this wns true some of the time, in the early day of his administration, when he fras new on the job, but it can’t be now, or else he really is dumb. These Vermonters are difficult folk to fathom and maybe the latter guess is qgrreet, but my own impression is - that the attorney general knows a heap more than he lets on. * * * At any rate, the Senate committee on the so-called aluminum “trust” got a taste of the attorney general’s in ertia. AVhat that committee didn't find out from John G. Sargent concern ing the justice department's investi gation of tht l aluminum industry would fill the Congressional Library and quite a lot more. It made him look like a chump— all the things he had to admit he didn’t know—but it was a prime quality of inertia, for all that. DREADFUL PAINS Georgia lady, Who Had Lost Too i V Much Weight, Was Advised ’’•* to Take Cardui and Is * Now Well. Columbus, Ga.—-Mrs. George S. Hunter, of this city, writes: “After I married, thirteen months ago, I suffered with dreadful pains In my sides during ... My sido hurt so bad it nearly killed me. I had to go to bed and stay some times two weeks at a time. I could not work and I just dragged around the house. “I got very thin—l went from 126 pounds down to less than 100. My mother had long been a user ot Cardui and she knew what a good medicine it was for this trouble, sa site told me to get some and take it. I sent to the store after it and be fore I had taken the first bottle . I began to improve. “My side hurt less and I began to improve in health. ... The Cardui acted as a fine tonic and I do not feel like the same person. I am - eo much better. I am well now. I have gained ten pounds and am still gaining. My sides' do not trouble me at aIL “I wish every suffering woman knew about Cardui.” NC-160 GIBSON’S White Pine and Tar Cough Syrup Especially Prepared For Children Gibson Drug Store The Rexall Store Chicken Feed Special This Week on Chicken Feeds Buy your Feed from iik and get votes on the. Culifoi'iiia Trips. Five hundred votes for each doljar's i worth of Chicken Feed purchased. , Out* stick of Scratch' Feed gets 1500 Votes. r - Cabarrus Cash Grocery Co. TODAY’S EVENTS Thursday. January 1. 1*26 | Fqatival of St- Agues, one of the four great virgin martyrs of the Latin . Church. Twenty-five years ago today died Elisha Gray, famous inventor id the ' realm of electricity. V Nathaniel E. Harris, former gover nor of Georgia, celebrates his 80th birthday anniversary today. The Manitoba legislature convenes today with no outstanding measures on the government legislative pro gram. Secretary of Agriculture Jardine and ex-Governor Frank \e use a CAI)lf BRAKE LINING MACHINE which drills and | Counter sinks the rivets, together with a riveting machine which uses ! »> solid copper tubular rivets that never score your brake drums. , ' fir : AUTO SUPPLY & REPAIR CO. PH©NE 228 |] Make your home more inviting—Make your Living Room More ? j Comfortable. Have one of our Cane or Overstuffed Suites sent over p S today. Upholstered with excellent, quality, and beautiful pattern ve- j ' lours. Full spriug construction, spring edge (that which goes to fa T" make a suite comfortable) and loose spriug filled cushions. Come in | and see them today. h. b. wilkinsonl Out of the High Rent District S . I Concord Kannapolis China Grove Mooresville S PAGE SEVEN f.“ characterize her as a “procacious” young person. That will hold her for a while. ' _ — Not cold, but the usual indoae.- winter atmosphere, warn, stagnant■» and humid, in held responsible for®' the malady commonly misnamed, "colds.” Sufferers are advised to » isolate themselves if possible, and al ways to address their remarks to the ears of their listeners, and save their noses and mouths. ■_