* . ; >.. ~ J ■ May, January 22,1026 ; SOCIETY —— ARTLITERATUKE DEPARTMEN OF WOMAN’S CUB MEETS Interesting Tafcs Heard on Tnwel Subjects. — May Sedbre Carolina Phymakcs For ParfonaMKe. The Art-Literature Department of v the AVoman’g Club met Thursday eve ning at the Merchants and Manufac turers Club in 4 meeting which "was postponed from last week. ’ / The hostess, Mrs. Guy Beaver, was unable to be present been use of her mother’s illness. S-k large number of the members attended the meeting. A talk was given by Miss Rebecca Dayvanlt on “A Trip to Europe.”! Mis*. May White gave a reading on the "Washington Catheflral.” A pa per was »ead by Mrs. Gorman on ■"Versailles.” Mrs. Gorman also made a talk on the recent perform ance, of "Why the Chimes Rang.” A discussion of the matter of bringing the Carolina I’laymakers to the city iu the spring was held but aetiop was deferred .■ until a future time. Club members were much in terested in the proposition and it is thought lively that they may come for ■ a performance here. rThe placing of bird houses, jn the trees of the city was also discussed. Furr-Sechlar Wedding .The following announcement has been made: Mr. and Mrs. Janies A. Furr announce the marriage of their J daughter Mary Pearl Hairy Andrew Sechlar January twentieth, nineteen twenty six At home 120 3rd Street, ’ Safety Harbor, Fla. January 20. 1920. —-u * _ To Entertain Social Hour Club. j Mrs. (5 C. Bryant will entertain the Hour Club at her home hi Kannapolis tills ifrs. Youngblood Entertains at Bridge.! Mrs. F. M. Youngblood entertained at four tables of bridge on Wednesday afterhoon at her home on Wbst Cor bin afreet, honoring Mrs. Neal Pharr, who has recently come to Concord to live. The reception halt and dining room were attractively decorated in a va riety «J"‘flovve.r3. , Toll's. Nr K. Reid won top score prize, Miss Annis Smoot second, and Miss Elizabeth Black and Miss Ollie Moore wen consolation prizes. • Mrs. Pharr was presented with n guest of honor prize. Mrs. Youngblood served a palad and ice course with sandwiches and bon Kons. Prof. Doyle’s High School Orchestra. Many nice and complimentary re marks have been heard from many J jSoiijees ofjhe manner in .which. Prof. Dkyle's '"High School orchestra rem f dered its part of theyprogram last Tuesday evening at the First Baptist Church, during the exhibit of the King's Daughters slides. The young N men who rendered violin solos and the pianist were unusually fine, but the orchestra as a whole is n credit to the musieal_ department of the Con cord schools. TJSE PENNY COLUMN—IT PAYS COUGHS Every fewhours swallow slowly a quarter of a teospopnfulofVicks. Also malt 4 little in a spoon or a tin cup and inhale the vapors arising. w Vapoßub Omwt? HMonJmUimAYmab* - • -I Ns l p mmmm L ix ' . f .;-y. „ I" ~ ' ft ■ T* U1 8 Phone MO f • JLpPMWII PERSONALS Mr. gad Mrs. C. R. Davall will leave tonight for Kingston,, N. J., where they will make their* future home. They have be€n living on North Spring street, * * • Mr. abd Mrs, J. A. Jolly had as their recent guests, GradjrvLovelace, of Shelby, and fj. S. Green, of the Philippine Islands, both of whom were nephews of Mr. Jolly. \ • * • E, D. Sherrill and N. T. Deaton have returned from New York, where they have been spending a week on : business. ‘ • • • Wilson Griffin has resigned his po sition at Charles Store and has gone to WilkesboVo to work with his broth er. * ' • • Mrs. L. T. Hartsel, Jr., has gone to Imneaster, S. C., where she is visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones. ,* . * Miss Mattie Lee Cooley has re turned from Raleigh, where she spent several weeks attending the demon stration agents’ school. * • * Tom Coltrane, a student at David son College, is spending several days in the city with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Coltrane. • . • • W. G. Brown, county highway engi neer, has gone to Aberdeen today on business. Study Club Meets Miss King. Miss Mary King was hostess to the Study Club Thursday afternoon at ber borne on Corbin street. An in teresting paper wap read on "Pig eons” by Mrs. Robert Jones. Mrs. Charles B. Wagoner sang several se lections which were greatly enjoyed by the club members. Mr. and Mrs. Jolly Entertain at Din ner. \ Mr. and Sirs. D. A. Jolly, of South Main Street, Kannapolis, had as their dinner guests last Saturday Dr. Charles E. Madrey, of Raleigh; ltev. J. F. Moser, Rev. Mr. Bryant, the new Baptist pastor, and his wife, Mr. and 'Mrs. Walter ,Yost and daughter, Wilene. Mrs. Cannon Entertains at Tea. Mrs. J. A. Cannon was hostess at an informal tea Thursday afternoon at her home on North Union street hon oring Mrs. John M. Oglesby. About thirty-fiyh guests called during the af ternoiyt. Mrs. George L. Patterson and Mrs. It. S. Young met the guests at the door. Mrs. Cannon and Mrs. Oglesby received the guests. Sirs. 8. W. Er vin, Sirs. Ed Moss. Mrs. P. B. Fet-* zer and Mrs. CNL. Smith assisted in entertaining. A salad course was servrtl in the dining room which had, !s Get your friend to buy a Chevrolet. f LET’S GO !. " | WHITE AUTO CO. | . East Corbin Street ? Phpqe 296 2 ing ships were stopped for tribute in days of old.- , Rim-laml dairymen have discover®- 1 ed that music soothes the milch cow in induces her to increase her milk supply. Abd-el-Frim, leader of the “Rif fians,” was once a student at the University of Madrid. , _ uii-tßj ■ I I I I tpimeytQ STORES »*« B®oto Union Street, Concord. N. C. . .‘".JF Buying Better atHome! . Humming along the road back home* there’s undeniable satisfaction in knowing that the mbney paid for the things you in town was well invested. . • The ability of money to buy economically and profitably in this Store has been well’ established. At no other place—in or out’of ! town, over the counter or by mail—can money j be made to go further for the things you neett;■ daily. It has been conclusively proven that the ex- ' tensive coooerative purchasing power Os the ! Nation-wide institution of which this Store! is a unit, is saving the people of this conas r munity a great many dollars annually. | We recommend your at home not because you should take pride in supporting, i horpe industry but rather because you can buy,| better at home. The great, broad service this Store tenders, ' you enables you to buy better at home. Place us to the test in any way you desire. - ! I , , V ,,. - OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOEO6 Our January Ciean-Up Sale b j Going Big j • We still have a nice assortment of Real Quality Shoes and Ix>W * | Shoes at that Wonderful Price of , , | 95 Cents | We have refilled this 05c table and lots of Shoes we intended j i to sell during this Sale at a much larger figure. J i If you have a small foot bring it in, you can’t afford to miss this., 1 * IVEY’S | THEHOME of good shoes j ' * I L_ 1 ■ .!■" " i ■■■ 11 i■ i M«raiii.iwwpdpypyi||jj|j| I ' ' "3 We Made a Promise; Keep It We promised The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company that we would see to it that every car owner who bought a Goodyear Tire from us got the full mileage built into it \ at Jhe factory. ? We repeat that pledge to you. And to give it even more value, we are selling Goodyear ; Tires right now at the lowest prices anyone in town can quote you. Yorke & Wadsworth Co. 'THE OLD RELIABLE HARDWARE STORE *■■ ■ : ! —-- OUR PEKKf IDS. W GET IU odd m ids. Ik get isuil / a ; PAGE FIVE