Rjfcrsday, Jan. 28, 1926 BEAUTIFUL POTTER Y AT SPECIAL PRICES ALL THIS WEEK ONE-FOURTH OFF L. Our entire line of fine Roseville 'Pottery, including all kinds of Vases, Flower Bowls, Wall Baskets,- Hanging i. Baskets, Flower Gates, and many fine gift numbers. I See Window Display Save Money on Your Wedding, or Birthday or Anniver sary Gifts 500 Votes in California Tours Contest Instead of 100 for Every SI.OO Purchase of This Pottery KIDD-FRIX Music and Stationery Co. Inc* rPhone 76 58 S. Union St Concord, N. C. OOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOCXXKKXXXSOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOW 500 VOTES for every dollar f We will give for this week 500 votes for each dollar spent on tires and tubes. fc.. . j We carry a Full Line of Hood and McClaren Cord Tires. Prices and Quality Guaranteed. Our Prices have advanced very little. Ritchie Hardware Co. YOUR HARDWARE STORE OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOtXJOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC THE UNIVERSAL' CAR The AH Steel Body Cars All vibration has been eliminated by an added im provement to the new improved Ford. Ride in one and feel the difference. Buy a FORD and SAVE the difference. Let one Os our salesmen show you. REID MOTOR CO. CONCORD’S FORD DEALER Corbin and Church Streets Phone 220 Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooaoooooooooooooooc Ruth-Kesler Shoe Store NBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC^OOOOOOOOOC L OPPOSITE NEW HOTEL • NEW SKYLINE IS RISING AT DFKE i First Unit of TwoiUy-MUllon Dollar Program WoR Under Way. 1 Durham. Jan. 27.—A nfw sky ; lino is rising above the old athletic field at Duke University, strongly indicating that the first unit of a §20,000,000 building program is well | under way. j Here, a year or more ago, irish men and class teams of old Trinity ; College played aud practiced football, baneball and soccer. Today the foundations of ten mag nificent bui.dings have been com pleted and steel workers are rearing the red beams skyward. In another year new unit of buildings, erected at a cost of more than $4,000,000. will be occupied as the most complete and beautiful group in the South. Hundreds of workingmen, equip ped with modern buildiug machinery, are at work on the new university plant. Giant 1 cranes are being used to handle the huge bars of steel and heavy slabs of stone. Dozens of freight cars move on the spur track leading to the building site each day. No time is being lest in preparing the new buildings for the hundreds qf, students who are expected to nock to Duke next year; and at the same time every effort is being made to make the structure completely equipped, beautiful and serviceable as any that may be found elsewhere. A mile or more southeast, in the center of a 5,000-aere tract, and on a magnificently wooded ridge are scores of small posts, marked with numerals that only surveyors and architects understand. These show the locutions of 40 sandsomc stone buildings that are to become the principal group of buildings in Dukes incomparable plant/ Pines, great oaks and other trees add to tin natural beauty of the new campus and make it a plnee of quietude. It is not definitely known when actual building operations wil begin on the new and bigger unit of univer sity structures, but it is thought not improbable that Activities will get under way during the spring. Five years will he required to complete the new plant. This larger group will eventually become the men's university while the present campus with its new buildings will be turned over to the university’s women's college. David H. Blair Denies Any Intention to Quit. Washington. Jan. 27.—A report has issued from New York that David H. Blair, commissioner of in ternal revenue, would resign Mnrcll 1, and that Collector Lucas, of Ken tucky, would succeed him, was de nied by Mr. Blair. "There is not a word of truth in it. so far as I am concerned,” said Mr- Blair. "I have no thought of quitting.” This story has been floating around Washington for scverl months. The Kentucky end of it has always been part of it. Coupled with it has been the state ment that Mr, Blair wioutt irun