Saturday, January 36,1DM Ms ■* I J l % V\ t U'l\ Here is an unusual evening scarf o! white crepe de chine for cool south •rn evenings. It is trimmed with f *we bands of white inartbop and a beaded design in two tones of green. " forming a pocket at —j-h end. Send in Society Items for Tribune. Friends and patrons of The Daily Tribune are asked to mail or. ’phone in personals and other social ttems. During the afternoon and evening such items tftiould be ’phoned to Mrs. W. M. Sherrill, ’phone 180, and dur ing the morning to The Tribune office, ’phone 78. Week-end Guests in Greenville, S. C. Mrs. W. D. Pemberton and Misses Adele and Mary Phifer Pemberton left this morning for Greenville, S. C., where they will spend the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Carpenter. Heath L. Pemberton, who is at Clem son College, S. 0., for the present, wljl join them in-Greenville to spend Sunday. Mr. Pemberton, with the I>epartment in Washington, has been detailed to Cleuisorv College for several weeks. Music Department to Meet. The Music Department of the Wom an's Club will meet Monday evenipg at 8 o'clotV with Mrs. C. F. Ritchie South Union stWetr. The follow itig program will be given: Schumann, the Man—Miss lua But ler. Schumann, the Composer—Miss Sa rah Nooe. Piano Solo: Traumerfe (Schu mann) —Mrs.. R. A. Brower. Song: (a) The Lotus Flower (Schu mann) (b), The Piper of Love —Mrs. Janie Patterson Wagoner. . Victrola Numbers Mondnacht (Schumann); The Two Grenadiers . (Schumann). w-j Q-j.enilers of diseomkm-RiibbgfAliJl ! Efisebcfh Woodliouse and Miss Ruth ■ Dry and Miss Addie Barrier will be joint hostesses with Mrs. Ritchie. North Carolina Girts Honored. On February 4th, Mrs. L. S. Ov erman. wife of' the Junior Senator from North Carolina, will give a tea at her home in ’The Powhatan." Among Mrs. Overman’s guests will be North Carolina girls who are stu dents in Washington schools. Includ ed in this list are Miss Alice Yorke and Miss Penelope Cannon, of Con cord. * Head colds Melt a little Vicks in a spoon and inhale the medicated vapors. Apply frequently up thenoetrila. Always use freely just - before going to bed VICKS ¥ Vapoßu» , - , (■ * TV Respect / S I w sAw BW°t5«L ■ . j . ' V. ?"* V 4 * i(. 1 . .w-a . ~ i ? .- u *>>{-■ • . y ■ 1 ‘ ; PERSONALS. Miss Dorothy Heberts, of Lcnoir- Rhyne College, i« spending the week end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Roberts. • « • Mrs. C. A. Gulfy, of Cleveland, is spending several days here with her daughter, Mrs. J. F. Dayyault, at her home on South Union street * * • Miss Adelaide Harris leaves Sun day for Lexington, Va., to attend the masked hall to be given at Washing ton and Lee University. She win’ go to Sweet Briar College from there, and later will attend dances at the University of Virginia. ••« - V Mrs. A. R. Howard spent Friday in Charlotte with friends. • • ■ Mrs. F. E. Whittaker, of Davidson, is expected in the city to spend Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. George Rich mond at their home on Georgia Ave nue. • • • Mrs. W. W. Flofve has returned to her home here, after undergoing treat ment in a Charlotte hospital for a week. • * a Miss Annie Snroot is spending the week-end in Greenville, 8. C., wlfh Mrj and Mrs. Watson Smoot. Miss ! Smoot motored to Greenville with Mrs. W. D. Pemberton and Misses Adele and Mary Phifer Pemberton. a a a Mr. and Mrs, Sterling Brown. Mrs. Joe A. Hnrtsell. and T. H. Webb, .Tr., spent Friday afternoon in Charlotte. * a a a Miss Thelma Crouch, student at Lendir-Rhyue College, at Hickory, is spending the week-end here with home folks. » n , ■- a a a Mr. Zack Roberts, of Anderson. S. C. spent Friday here on business. w a a E. M. Terryberry, of Washington. D. C., spent Friday in Concord on bus iness. 1 .• • • Miss ( Elizabeth Long, of High ! Point, %/tpending the week end here i with Miss Helen Seaforti, teacher in the Corbin Street school. a a • Mrs. E. H. Brown, of Dillon, S. ■ C.. is the guest here of Mrs. J. F. Cannon at her home on Norffi Union ' street. i • a a Dr. W. H. Belk, of Monroe, and i Mr. Daugbtridge, of the Lclk store | at Rocky Mount, were business visi tors here -Friday. , a a a J. H. Rusb.v, of Nutley, N. J., was a visitor in the city Friday. a a a Mrs. C. .T. Harris, Mrs. C. W. Byrd, Mrs. E. C. Burnhardt, Jr., ami Miss Adelaide Harris were visitors in Char lotte Friday. O. P. Zum Brunnen. of Salisbury, was a guest of friends-in Concord on Friday. a a a Miss Allie Legg returned to the city Thursday, from New York, where she 1 went to purchase the spring and sum mer millinery for her shop in Robin son’s. a a a Miss Anna Strider is spending the .week-end with her sister in Gold Hill. a a a Miss Jenn Winsow ‘Coltrane re turns Sunday after a ten day visit in New York City. * a a .Walter Furr and Lee Barnhardt are returning home from Chimney ■ Rock forspend the week-end. a a Miss Lottie Barnhardt, of No. 5 township, returned 4o her home last night after spending two weeks with her sister, Mrs. W. -L. Furr. * Drayton White, of Electric Mills, Miss., is visiting at the home of his ' sister, Mrs. Tom Alexander. Mr. White is en route to his home from Washington, D. C., where he spent several days on business. . -Mrs. Hurley Compliments Mrs/ Sin clair. -SaiisbuigS'PoHt. A charming event of Thursday af ternoon was the bridge party which Mrs. J. F. Burley gave at her home on West Bank street to honor Mrs. Robert W. Sinclair, of Detroit, who has been extensively feted during tier visit to Mrs. J. H. Robertson. The lovely Hurley home was abloom with pink carnations and vases of exqui site' yellow snapdragons. Mrs. Hur ley greeted her guests wearing a be coming costume of black velvet trimmed with fur. Mrs. Sinclair was attractive in a gown of seal brown georgette with lace of the same shade and a graceful hat of lac* with a piu| rose. Other delightful guests for tile occasion who bad came from Concord were Mrs. Lester Coltrane, - Mrs. Sam Ervin, Mrs. T. N. Spencer ami Mrs. Richmond Reed. Bridge was played at live tablen and late in the afternoon delicious refrcslt [. ments consisting of turkey, fruit sal 1/ ad, hot rolls and coffee followed by ices and hot pound cuke were en [ .joyed. F Invited to meet Mrs. Sinclair in ad | dltion to the 'Concord guests were Mesi)ames E.* W. Burt, Edwiu C. Gregory, Robert AVillinms, of Ghatta nooga, Harry Kagan. Douglass Col lins, W. C. Maupiu, Jr., Richard Hen derson, C. I. Jonen. John Seaber, W. B. Stracban. John Lawson, Deaderiek Duiigau and Miss Mary Steele Brin son, of New Bern. Call Meeting of Music Department. , There wljl be a callmeeting of the music department of the Woman's Club this afternoon at 0 o'clock at j" (the bogie ,of Mys. H. Cv ? Herring, ou, fltrW.L. All < are urged to be praaeuL .*.•& U ; • )... i.,. > Ait* Window to Be Kntertoined. On Monday evening, Miss Mary King will entcrtuin at bridge, in honor of Miss Mae Wood Winslow, of Hert- Iford, N. C„ the guest here of Mrs. G. B. Lewis. £- / . (STAGS ALL SET SOB PET AND HOBBY SHOW Hundreds of Entries Already Placed With Don Show Arousing Unusual Interest The stage is all set for the annual Pet and Hobby Show at the Y. M. C. A. tonight. The doors will be opened at 7 o’clock and visitors will ,be received from then until 10 o’clock. By neon hundreds of entries had been placed and there was a steady stream of girle and .boys entering the Y, each carrying her or bis pet, * Display coops, secured from the fair grounds, have been placed in the gym and all livestock will be placed in them. Straw and water have been placed in the eoops for the conven ience of the pets. In the lobby of the Y display counters, all covered, are huosing the fancy work, coins, antiques and other bobbies. These goods are arranged so they cannot be tonched by specta tors. Greatest interest, however, among the children, is centered in the doll show which has grown to such pro portions, that it will be staged in the dining room on_the second floor. These was not sufficient room on. the ground floor for the hundreds of dolls entered, so a special room was selected for - Nurses and matrons will be stationed with the. dolls during the show to see that none is damaged. Various prizes have been offered for winners in various classes, the judges to make their decisions during the afternoon so the winners can be designated during the show. White rats* goats, cats, ponies dogs,"chickens and rabbits are among the livestock already placed and many other entires of a dicerent nature \ still were to be placed at 2 o’clock ' this afternoon. Entries will exceed last year’s by several hundred. The doors will open at 7 o’clock tonight and the Y is closed during ! the afternoon while the entries are being properly placed. Man Charged With Forgery BtSund Over to Superior Court. Jesse Banner* young negro man, < charged with forging the name of i Mrs. Jacob Stirewalt to a $lO check ] drawn on the Citizens Bank and ’ Trust Cohipany, was bound over to 1 Superior Court when given a hear- ( ing in recorder’s court Friday. t Banner, it is’ charged, told Boyd Riggers, employe in The bank, that Mrs. Stirewalt had given him the , check in payment for his service. » Mr. Riggers detected something wrong with the signature and know ing also that Mrs. Stirewalt is out of 1 the, city, called an officer, why ay rested Banner just as the latter was J leaving the bank. Judge A. B. Palmer heard the case in court Friday, and ordered J Banner to jail in default of band. Joint. Recital Here Wednesday Eve- 6 ning. ' Tlie joint recital by William Clegg Monroe,, baritone, and 'William . Wright, violinist, is scheduled for . Wednesday evening, February 3rd. at , the High School auditorium at 8:80 o’clock. It will be under the aus- • pices of tlie njusk department of the * Woman’s Club, Airs. Charles Ritchie , president, for the benefit of the Ay- j cock portrait to be presented to the , High _Scbool. 1 These popular young artists who r iiav£ studied in this country and abroad have made quite a reputation for themselves. They have appeared * in many cities and towns recently in J the South, and are in great demand * for both privatte and public concerts. Sewing Party) Mrs. Ernest Robinson was again 8 honored 'Friday afternoon when Mrs. Robert E. Jones entertained at a sewing" party. After an hour spent in 1 humming cup towels, which were pre- 8 sented to tlie honoree by Mrs. Jones, " the guests were invited into the din- e ing room, where a salad course was served. The hostess was assisted in * serving by her sister, Mrs. C. A. 1 Cannon. Yellow flowers, and yellow candles formed the center for the ta- 1 ble. Invited guests were: Mrs. Hobhison. 1 Mrs. I. I. Davis, Mrs. E. Snuvain. 1 Mrs. Grace Brown Sanders, Mrs. G. B. Lewis, and/ guest Miss Mae W’ood 1 Winslow, of Hertford. Mrs. L. T. Hart sell, Jr., Mrs. H. G. Gibson. Mrs. R. E. Ridenhour, Jr. Mrs. Leslie * Correll, Mrs. Stanton Nortlirup, and Mrs. C. A. Cannon, Misses Adele and Mary Phifer Pemberton. . I Birthday Party. 1 Little Miss Lillian Morris enter- 1 tained about 30 of her little friends ! Friday at her home on Pearl street. ! celebrating her sixth birthday anni versary. After a number of games ■ were played in the living room, the little guests were ushered into tlie dining rqom. where reTreshments were served by Mrs. Morris, assisted by Mrs. Curtis Basinger, Mrs. J. .1. Gold -8 ton. Little Lillian received many useful 1 hml beautiful gifts. Each little guest departed wishing'Lillian many happy returns of the day. \ V ONE PRESENT. “A Kiss for Cinderella.” This wonder flint will be shown at the Star TheatTb next Monnday and Tuesday. It is a picture which you will love to cherish in your heart for ever. It is a Paramount, featuring Betty Bronson, Tom Moore and Esth er Ralston. Admission, 10 and 25 cents. y King’s Daughters to Meet. A regular meeting of the King's Daughters will be held Monday evening with Mrs. Guy Beaver, at her Borne on Georgia Avenue. Members of tlie vlsitiug committee ■ are urged to be present; and to pre -1 pare a report to be submitted at the > meeting. Ministers, to Meet Monday, i, ■ iThe regular monthly meeting.qf tlie ' mi*i%f* eld M. C. 4. Monday yvtoting at (I o’clock. '•?. Let’jis have a full attendance. ” ' PRESIDENT/.:’ » | . ’ ( . y 'Queen Mary of England loves to walk, often coining back on toot ffom tours that start iu a motor car. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE LATEST FEATURES OF , OF KANNAPOLIS SOCIETY Social Notes of Interest to Women. BY JAZZY MOORE. Kannapolis, Jan. 30.—The marriage of Miss Bonnie Harding and Mr. Rob ert A. Fletcher was quietly solemniz ed Saturday evening at the home of the bride’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Harding. The ceremony took place in the presence of only members of the immediate families. The bride, who is a very attractive young girl, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Harming, of Southern Vir ginia. and has been making her home here for several mqpths. The ,groom is an enftjrprising' young business man and is a popular member of the Cabarrus orchestra, otic of the lead ing quintets of musicians in en tire south. Mrs. J. W. Moore was hostess yes terday of a delightfully planned chil dren's dinner party which she gave to celebrate the eleventh birthday an niversary of her little daughter, Mil dred. The children were sented for the serving of a delicious menu at a prettily decorated table which had for central ornament a birthday cake holding eleven candles. After dinner interesting games were played. The guests were restricted to a very few close friends. The lives and achievements of Rob ert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson were beautifully eulogized in sketches and in poetry,at a recent meeting of the Girl Reserve Corps of the Ca barrus Y. M. C. A. The impressive program was directed by the histor ian of the Reserves; Mrs. J. G. Fish er. A new orchestra has been organiz ed in Kannapolis by Paul Ownesby. formerly director of music at Stone wall Jackson Training School, and now assistant director of the Kannap olis band. An event on Tuesday was the gala dinner-dance given in honor of the members of the cast of "See You Later,” high school musical comedy. This entertaimiient was given by Jas. Walton and included practically the entire cast of the retired fifty and several out-of-town guests. Miss I .aura Dilling, talented young singer of Gastonia, has been selected by the officials of the Twilight luAglie ns one of the two contraltos to ap pear on the entertainment program at the league’s mid-winter meeting on February 10th. Tlie artist was se lected on popular merits, judgments being based on the requests and verbal commendations. Tlie other contralto has not been selected. Miss Dilling will also appear on several public programs during her visit here. Os more than ordinary interest to Kannapolians the announcement that preparations are going forward for the production of "See You Later" OI musical comedy to be staged in Ratl in. Rehearsals are now being held under tlie direction of Miss Annie Schenck, of the Triangle Producing Bureau. • The players are working faithfully to have the play thoroughly ready for presentation February 4th. “See You Later" was a decided suc cess in its presentation here AVednes day evening and many local people are planning to make a trip to Bndin for the offering there. Mr. A. It. Gillespie, of Detroit, Mich., was u week-end guest of Air. atid Airs. H. B. Whisby. Alessrs. John S. Carpenter. It. Ar Jolley, John Hardister, G. G. Allen, ai/d rs. Jdlin S. Carpenter vq'C among the delegates attending the State Y. AI. C. A. convention in Ral eigh Wednesday and Thursday. Air. .lames Allison has gone to Shawmut, Alabama, to spend the re mainder of the winter. A luncheon today by Airs. Clinton Powell inaugurated a lang series of pre-nuptial events that have been ar ranged in honor of Airs. Eugene Boze man, Jr., of Atlanta, Ga. LARGE DAZZLING ELECTRIC SIGN IN Y. M. C. A. BUILDING Makes a Striking Scene For Kan napolis. BY JAZZY MOORE. Kannapolis. Jan. 30.—A Targe. sHt tering electric sign' reading “Cabar rus Y. AI. C. A.” has been placed on the Kannapolis A’. AI. C. A.." The sign fairly dazzles and makes a striking scene for Alain street. Cabarrus Y leads the State in par amount athletics and by its leaps and bounds methods it has outgrown the present large Y. AI. C. A. building. It is hoped that extensive additions and improvements will be made in the near fture. 500 Extra Votes in California Tout Contest. The merchants, of Concormd who are giving votes in the California Tour Contest will give 500 votes in stead of 100 to all who pay their charge accounts between February Ist and 10th. You are going to pnv your bills anyway—why not pay them before the 10thV The merchants conducting thisnem paign are giving a banquet at the Y. M. C. A. Tuesday evening at 7 o clock sharp, February 2nd, in honor of the contestants. Every contestant invited and urged to be prescut. Not only a good meal, but entertainment that you will enjoy -tfill be given. Ten thousand votes will be given free to every contestant attending this banquet. See list of contestants in full page ad. iu this paper. IU is never too lase to enter tlie contest, which close at 0 p. in., Alay 3rd, 11)2(5. ' It i ? is not i generally ■ j known (tout the grept'Notre llama football coach, was seriously qensidv ered ’o»s the'post at Columbi i.Utrver, city when Percy Ilniighton was cn4 gaged. In tact, it was not until the last ballot that the Colnmhi.t ath letic board of managers decided on the ' former Harvard coach. Notice to Sglfebuiy District. f The pastors, lay leaders, Sunday school superintendents aad Bpworth . presidents of the Salisbury district of the M. E. Church, South, are .called ? to meet in Central Church, Concord, - February -Hth at 10 a. m. Chas. H. 1 f >— 1 ooooooooooooooooooooocooooooooooooooooooooooooooc ‘The Christ-Ruled Church” i !j[ . !jl The Male Quartet Will Sing Sunday 7:00 P. M. ! | First Baptist Church | ■ j A full house heard the sermon last Sundaynight ODw | l ; “The Christ-Ruled Young Woman.” Read the letters in j [ [ today’s paper. 11:00 A. M. “A Noble Aspiration” 5 O r All are welcome—those without a church home are | E j urged to worship with us. See Psalms 4:10. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC \ Oooooctoooooooooooooooooooooooneocvaooopooooociooooc I Hollywood Tours Are Leaving Concord Every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday ' and Friday THE EXTREMELY LOW PRICE OF $47*50 Covering All Expenses Will Be In Effect Only Until February Gth Plan to go NOW'—See Us at Once For Reservations !]! G. E. BARNIIARDT, District Representative - - ]!| MISS ELIZABETH EMBRY, Local Representative jij Office 304 Cabarrus Bank Bldg. Phone 921 ij! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXiOOOOO LOOK FORWARD I TO OUR ' S; Opening Announcement ]!; OF NEW AND MODERN ||! MILLINERY REPARTMENT jjj AND WORK ROOM jj TO BE LOCATED ON READYTO-WEAR FLOOR l|l i||. FASHIONABLE MILLINERY ..'jj REASONABLY PRICED MISS ALLIELEGG PROPRIETOR j i ~~ 1 ~~ i Plain Facts for Every Man ■ , STATISTICS show that nearly O all inherited estates are lost in a few years as the result of » I. Lack of financial experience. 2. Unwise investment or speculation. 3. Extravagance, This cannot happen to your es \' tate if you take advantage of the safeguards we offer as your executor and trustee. 5 ' V I ' us. ; Citizens Bank and Trust Company Ireland, Drs. F. 1 J. Prettyman and ' A. D. Wilcox and otfters will address , the meeting. Free lunch will be [ served %y the ladies of Central Church. All the above are urged to be present, Z. PARIS, P. E. d j ;s X - ft (wmov-mBB 4 mm » institution- 1 II :j JlifenneyVigi lin innllii iii iijjiii »-54 South Union Street. Concord. N. C. , Spring’s Smartest Dresses For the Miss op Small Woman The J-unior Misa—as well a* the woman who wears small AC size F rocks—can welcome the new Spring styles which we are / /vs (I j, pow showing in Dresses! 1; kL |PA Dashingly . mJFfT Stylish! * /i II \fjii §1 V Each Frock breathe! 1 / lilting joy of I hi-If /TjuJlf s P rin g! There’s the I I j i youthful dash both in I J I 11 /f\ f/f(r style c °l° r - Modes W V Ml jin *° r every type ‘ r * ce< f In /J wzig sat is-n-» ft c :r W Georgettes V ! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOeMOtWWO(KK»0^^ I FINAL SHOE SALE 1 r Sixty Minute SALE OF ; i Shoes at lc a I-or sixty minutes between 2 and 3 o’clock Saturday: afternoon. Buy any of our shoes on the tables and re- ; ceive another pair of the same kind 1 „ • j for 1C 1 Ruth-Kestler Shoe Store OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO j jim-M IT ' £ 1 I ' Why Waste Time Shopping j Around? J You can’t get a better tire than a Goodyear at any price, j You can get a Goodyear Tire from us for the same or less I ; money than you will be asked to pay for uncertain qual- I i J dy- These are facts we can prove to your satisfaction I - witfcin five minutes. . I },; Come in and get acquainted with 1 the real tire bargain of I J fk© year—a genuine Goodyear at your own price, and our I j; standard Goodyear Service to back it up. j | Yorke & Wadsworth Co. THE OLD RELIABLE HARDWARE STORE * ....... i.t Fnxffrtftß PAGE FIVE