PAGE EIGHT yM{ «|mg| , ■ in I -rV-f-^ iMWMfc.. 9? Wm &^whrltSP fe i 2 •• pr '■ ■ D Buck’s Improved Oil Range 0 i •jßuilt-in oven, asbestos lined to insure even and quick bak ijpg£ Glass oven-door for convenience. High back and shelf. Porcfclain enameled, sanitary and easily kept. Giant burners, give twice the heat. Short drums, blue flame, cooking utensils on the tire. Cooks quicker and with less fuel than any stove made. No smoke, no ashes to take out. No wood to bring in. Cool and clean for summer. Can be used in any room, or back porch if you like. ; Sold on a positive guarantee to cut your fuel bill fifty per cent. Let us show you the New Buck’s before you buy an oil stove. Concord Furniture Co. THE RELIABLE FURNITURE STORE ;| For the convenience of the people of Con- |j; J cord and Cabarrus County, we have opened ;! | up at Forest Hill a Paint and Paper Store, j jj We solicit a reasonable amount of your pat- jj: j I ronage. Allow us to prove to you that we jj, ; [ are willing to serve by placing an order with ! 1 1 us for any kind of Wall Paper, Paint and Ac- j | jl cessories. jj, Concord Paint and Paper Co. !| Phone 16L jjj j K. L CRAVEN & SONS I PHONE 74 •rOAT as. IVV/rlLl Mortar Colon jj j oooooooooooooooooo DGODOOOOaOOOO OO OO< SOMETHING TO REMEMBER I No Dealer in Concord Sells Coal for Less than I do. Best Furnace Coal SB.OO to $ll.OO. ! Best Grate and Stove Coal SB.OO to $9.00. I! J Best Steam Coal $4.00 to $7.50. j ; Best Gas House Coke —Made in Concordsß.so. Start the New Year Right by Purchasing Your Coal ! j j where you can get QUALITY and SERVICE. A. B. POUNDS OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOgtQOOOQOeOOOOOOey^ITtWftfIOT | Our Big January Clean-Up Sale | Means a Big Saving to You at $1.95 § O We are offering n n unusual assortment of real quality ladies’ fi X Straps and Pumps. These are from our regular stork aud almost to 8 8 the pair the original price was sr..)o. The leaters are Pat, Tan and A 8 popular combinations. - 8 We have 68 pairs of small sizes for Friday’s and Saturday’* j 95c O Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to save. » IVEY’S i| THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 •;, -’"y ■ HOT WATER IN A JI R FY />.-3 || This gas hot water heater Tr is surely a friend in need and a indeed of every cook jfflaj* jf®j and housewife. Apply a 1 Irfl match and in a few minutes H*' |§j flg II »—=—«: steaming hot water will run ■JI from the faucet—enough lot |;£ II jjy Wti the dishes, for a bath, etc. ™L. Ippfl r Let us install one for you. * r> *,io nn Pays f or q^lrfy. Bfw* inn Aninv E. b. GRADY 1 PLUMBING AND HEATING DEALER fe O**®® ■“* Show Room 88 E. Corbin St. Office Phone 334 W •• : «:wk . .. -v, ■*,.. - - Concord Daily Tribune TIME OF CLOSING MAILS The time of the closing of mails at the Concord postoffice is as follows : Northbound 130-4.1:00 P. M, A. M. 34 4110 P. M. 38— 8:30 P. M. 30—11:00 P. M. Southbound 39 9:30 A. M. 43 8:30 P. M. 135 8:00 P. M. 29—11.00 P. M. | LOCAL MENTION [ ' A regular meeting of the Concord Ministerial Assooiaion will be held Monday night at the Y. M, C. A. Rev. M. E. Hansel, pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church, will preach at the Jackson Training School Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The accompanist for William Wright and Mr. Monroe, who will give an entertainment Tuesday here will be Miss Ruth Duncan, of Salem College. Winston-Salem. Marriage license was issued Friday by Register of Deeds Elliott to Dewey A. Shocks, of Kannapolis, and Miss Ruth l’cnninger, of Salisbury Route No. 8. The Concord High School basket ball team ran wild Friday uight in a game with the Davidson team, the final score being Concord 32, David son 2. Jarrntt and Hoover wen high cnorms for Concord. Coach Dpuny and the following men oftho V wrestling team left tl is morning for Chapel Hill for a match 1 with the wrestling team of the Cni- j versity: Deaton, Morgan. Wallace, ( Bruton, Irvin. I.itaker, Cole, Hoover 1 and Easley. The King's Daughters will meet in j regular session Monday evening at ji 7:30 at the home of Mrs. Guy H Beaver, on Georgia Avenue. Mem- j bers of the visiting committee are | nsked to attend prepared to make a j report of their work. Persons desiring to enter pets andj] hobbies in the Pet and Hobby Show|( to be held at tbe Y Saturday night, I ] should file their entries now. I.ive-!( stock entered will be placed in com I sortable exhibit pens and everything j will be done to protect the nets. i City Engineer Smith lias had a i force of men at work this work on * South Church Street, between the j home of C. F. Ritchie and H. A. I Graebcr. Good progress lias been ] made. Mr. Smith reports. This will , be a new , street, ordered recently by 1 the board of aldermen. In one of the hardest fought i basketball game seen in Concird this 1 year, the Lexington high school girls ( defeated the Concord girls’ ream here Friday night. 34 to 30. The score was dose throughout, and the game was featured by spectacular play by members of both teams. j High school teachers of the county ( met in conference here this morning'< with Prof. J. B. Robertson, county j superintendent of schools. Proses- I Bional matters exclusively, were dis- 1 cussed at the meetiug. Colored teach- < ers of the county are meeting here ( this afternoon with Prof. Robertson, j Baxter Caldwell, three-year-old son J of Mr. and Mrs. Olin Caldwell, is ! i undergoing treatment iu a Charlotte! I hospital. The child became critical- j ly ill several days ago and submitted l to an emergency operation. Improve- j ment is reported in his condition to- | day. ( Funeral services for Jacob R. I Barnhnrdt. well known resident of 1 j No. 9 township, were held this after-ji noon. Interment was made in the | ( cemetery at Cold Springs Church, j of which Mr. Barnhurdt was an i active member for many years. Mr. ' Barnhardt died Wednesday of pneu- j monia. | Dr. T- N. Spencer, secretary of i the Cabarrus County Fair Associa- 1 tion, anounces that J. Ivey Clin-, j one of the moßt successful poultry i wen in the county, has been engaged 1 to have charge of the poultry ex- J hibit at the fair this year. Mr. Cline i had charge of the poultry at the fair 1 last year and proved very efficient, j Rain began falling in Concord early j this morning despite the fact tem- < peratures were low enough to change 1 toe dripping rain into icycles. Autos j lined along the streets today were j bordered with small ice pegs and - porches and other wooden structures I were covered with dee as a result of j j the rain freezing. Friends here have been advised ( that Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hatchett, 1 of Atlanta, will be heard over radio jj tomorrow’ night. Mr. and Mrs. H Hatchett are members of the choir : j of an Atlanta church and music by i the choir will be broadcast tomorrow ' night at 8:30, Concord time, from the j station of The Atlanta Journal. Ii One man charged with driving a ■ i car while Intoxicated was fined in re-1 1 corder’s court Friday and another,'! charged with abandonment was order- ji ed to pay hiß wife S2O a month orl j serve a chain gang sentence, being!! unable to give bond as a guarantee 1 that he will pay the money monthly, j be was sent to jail and will go to;i the roads Monday unless he can raise i 1 the money by then. MONET BACK Beginning February Ist we will give tickets with each purchase except I - those at the fountain or cigar counter. 1 These tickets will show the date of'! the purchase and amount If you hold a purchase ticket for the dat' which j still be announced ater (regardless of th« amount of the purchase) we will give your mon.y back when you , return this ticket to us. Watch this J paper for the announcement of :he j ante. CUNEM I’HARMAOT X'boae 833 j THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE CHI&CH NEWS t Trinity Reformed. * | (W. C. Lyerly, I’astor) (Services in the East Corbin Street School) The Sunday school meets at 9:45 o'clock. J. O. Moose is superin tendent. Services at 11 a. m. and ‘tl p. m. The pasror will conduct [ these services and deliver the sermons. This congregation welcomes you. i Kerr Street Baptist. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., J. J. ! McLaurin superintendent. Preaching ■ at 11 a. m. and 7p.m. by the pastor. I Morning subject. “The Meal Barrel and Oil Can.” Evening subject. “The I Influence of the Cross ” Come to, . Sunday school and stay for preaching. , Lets make this the banner year for' Kerr Street. The class that has the 1 largest increase gets the banner. B.! ! Y. P. P. at 6p. m. Prayer service I Wednesday at 7:0. Come and bring : your Bible. Y'ou are made welcome . at this church. St. Andrews Lutheran. Sunday school at 9 :45 a. m. Light Brigade immediately after Sunday st'iiool. Class in catechism at 2p. m. Luther League at 6p. m, Vesp-< ers at 7 o'clock. The public is cor dially invited to all services. St. dames Lutheran. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., F. 11. Adden superintendent. Men’s Bible class in Bell & Harris building mi South I’nion street. Chief service at 11 a. m. Luther League at 6p. m. Vespers iK 7. At this hour the pns- gOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOQOOOOOC Star Theatre | |jj Monday and Tuesday, February 1-2 jij J he Wonder Picture of All Time—A Picture You’ll Love 1 to Cherish in Your Heart Forever !j! “A KISS FOR CINDERELLA” Ci \\ ith Betty Bronson, Tom Moore and Esther Ralston, l' Si A Herbert Brenon Production O Admission 10c-25c. A Picture That Is Really Worth More !j!|: W ednesday—Thursday ]i! X “THAT ROYLE GIRL” j | >! D. W. Griffith’s Production—Big Special OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOO Qonrmm-u-u-Lnnnnnn jtQ7_ [ Midwinter Opera Festival jj 3—PERFORANCES ONLY—3 j Auditorium Theatre, Charlotte j X Tues*y Evening. Feb. 2—Thursday, Matinee and Evening, Feb. 4th j j > Organization of Nearly 100 People, with Internationally Famous Stars ! ! i jj j Breaking Journey Here En Route to Florida jjjj Manhattan Opera Co. of New York i: TI'ESDAY EVENING, FEB. 2—“ MADAM BUTTERFLY” 11 iji Puccini's Immortal Masterpiece with Tamaka Miura, Distinguished ! ! |ij , Japanese Soprano 6 Popular Priced Thursday Matinee, “THE BARBER OF SEVILLE” jlj Rossini’s Uproarious Comic Opera, with Let Mav and Alfred Gon- i X doff ft jlj THURSDAY EVENING. FEB. 4—“ LA TRAVIATA” jij Verdi's Opera, based on "Camille,” with Marina Polazzi and Riccardo 1 i'i Martin, famous American tenor GRAND OPERA ORCHESTRA—3O PIECES ! ! jij Prices—Orchestra: $3.30. $2.75; balcony. $2.20, $1.65 night; Mati- 1 (ji nee. $2.75, $2.20 orchestra: Balcony. $1.65 and sl.lO. Order now, j ! jij Gordon Music Academy. 612 1-2 South Tryon St., Charlotte. Phone ( ,ji 5532. Seat sale at Efird's begins Monday, Feb. 1, at 10 a. m. j | OOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC [ RADIO FANS I y • X ||' V I 1 | Tune in on W. B. T. at Charlotte j iji today at noon, tomorrow and Mon jjj day evening from 8 till 9 o’clock and i jjj: hear the famous RAY-O-VAC TWINS Buy Ray-o-Vac Batteries From : YORKE & WADSWORTH CO. 1 The Old Reliable Hardware Store § A -S _ X | tor will begin a series of talks on j the Ten Commandment*. •‘The Lord Thy Go. ,m. Luther League at 6 p. m. The public is cordially invited to all services. A. R. P. Church. j Sabbath school at 10 a. m., J. E. J McOlintock superintendent. Preach i ing at 11 a. m. and 7p. m. Y. P. C. IT. at C p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Central Methodist. (R. M. Courtney) PaptoO Sunday school at 9:45 a. m.. How ’ nrd L. Collie superintendent. Preach- I ing at 11 a. m. and 7 p.\m. by the ! pastor. At the evening service the | pastor will begin a series of sermons ;on the Modern Family. The subject for tomorrow evening is "Family Se crets." Epworth Methodist. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Wor ship and sermon by Dr Z. Paris at 11 a. m„ followed by the sacrament of the lord's Supper. Benior Epwotrh | Tieague devotional 6p. m. Worship and sermon by the pastor 7 p. m. I Prayer service Wednesday 7:15 p. m. Come and worship with us. •T. M. VARNER, Pastor. First Baptist. (C. Herpian Trubeiood. Pastor) Bible school 9:45 a. in.. H, B. Bol linger superintendent. Regular wor ship at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Morning a subject, “A Noble Aspiration.” Chil- j j 1 dren's sermon, ‘•Camels and People.” It . Evening subject, "The Christ-Ruled j s Church.” See ad. elsewhere in this < paper. Junior. Intermediate and Sep- j ior B. Y. I\ Bniops meet at 6 p. m. J | The public is welcome to all services* j f * t Forest Hill Methodist. Sunday school at 9:45, Stonewall j 1 J. Sherrill superintendent. A. O. J Odell assiotapt superintendent. Morn- 1 ing worship and sermon at 11 o’clock, j Subject, "The Christian’s Test." Eve- J ning worship and sermon at 7 o’clock, j . Sermon by Presiding Elder Z. Paris, j Epworth I.eague devotional at 6 p. 3 [ m. Prnyer meeting Wednesday eve- j ’ i ning at 7:15. You are welcome to j all our services. ' | | THGB. F. HIGGINS, Pastor. J McGill Street Baptist. j (J. R. Penutlf, D. D., Pastor) j . Bible school at 9:30 a. m., L. E. < > Polk superintendent. Young men’s j i Bible class recently organised num- J : bers 33. Others will be most wel- j . come. Pastor teaches a class of men. J Sermon and worship at 11 o'clock J on "Christianity's Supreme Hour, or 1 the Battle of Armagedon.” Also at 7 j p. m. sermon on “Signs of the Near ( Approach of Our Lord's Return to 1 , Earth.” B. Y. P. 11. at C. Hear ] these special sermons. Everybody i i most welcome. Kerr Street Methodist. Sunday school 9:45 a. m„ F. M. | Sloop superintendent. As the pastor 2 Will be absent there will not be any * preaching at 11 a. in. But we will j Imre with us the Y. M. C. A. man, { Mr. H. W, Blanks, who will give us- a a good talk. Preaching at 7p. m. jjj by Rev. A. G. lioftin. from the Con- | cord circuit. All are cordially in- I vited to come to all the services. 1 First Presbyterian. (Jesse C. Rowan, Pastor) 1 Treadling by the pastor at 11 a. m. I and at 5 p. m. Morning subject: g "What is Mammon-worship?” The | sermon in the afternoon will be for fj the children. There will be a meet- B ing of the session after Sunday School p to receive members. To all services |J in this church the public is most cor- jj dially invited. • j: I Stanford university is finandng 9 three new dormitories from athletic Q profits. 1 500 VOTES I For Every hat ;|: 1 Sent Us from Wednesday; |; January 27 to Wednesday February 3rd j Send your hats to us this ! ' week and get these extra ! I votes for your favorite ]\ | contestant. PHONE 787 “MA3THR” J Cleaners and Dyers Office 85-87 W. Depot St l The best sympathy | IT ia only human for a fa- | neral director to fed aym- q pathetic in the presence of C bereaved patrons. But it is S real sympathy when he recog- E njgee an obligation to aee to it I that the highest character of burial equipment ia furniahed at honest price*. Such a policy q haa been responsible for the 8 success of this concern. Typical of the burial equip ment furnished by us la the Clark Grave Vault, recognised as a leader in the vault tntjp try, because it gives positive -■id permanent protection. WILKINSON'S FUN- > ! RRAL HOME > r no Laying Mesh makes hens lay Chantry Bides w r—sold on a guarantee. It’s made Young Chickens JO * rom buttermilk, dried beef Hens I I .18 ? cr V w > m ** l - P ln bead oat megl, Irish Potatoes 2.00 , m “'> shorts, bran, etc. N*ke your hens lay by feeding Corno annnnoßßqßßnßPßßqoßoaDßa ” OT CKne ft Moose ' Can he made as modern ee the today. It in no way ! does It mar engraving symbol | Q^AR^NTg^c S. W. Presltu- 1 OT §p£^p| X traminM stave «Ofc. JEWELER 8 CONCORD COTTON MARKET JANUARY SO, ltM BUT TRIBUNE PRNNi ana i Saturday, January 30,1926